national Citizen Tuesday, October 12,1982 — 5

TORY LEADERSHIP N o fla g a to p Eve re s t Clark's future linked MONTREAL (CP)-No flags were planted atop Mount Everest by two to byelection results Canadian-led teams who reached the summit of the (CP) — The federal government is gritting Clark, in contrast to the conspicuously absent Prime world’s highest peak last its teeth — hoping for the best but preparing for theMinister Trudeau, who seems to have written off all week, a spokesman for the worst — in three byelections today in traditionally-three ridings, was out hunting for votes almost to the last expedition said Monday. hostile territory in . minute. But if the unpopular Liberals, trailing by 15 pointsHe spentin Friday campaigning with Jennifer Cossitt in Laurie Skreslet, who the latest Gallup poll, have virtually conceded defeat,Leeds-Grenville and Saturday with Bill Fatsis in Broad­ reached the summit with the outcome has important ramifications for the Prog­ view-Greenwood. two Sherpa guides last ressive Conservatives and New Democrats. The problem in Broadview-Greenwood, left vacant in Tuesday, tore an Air Cana­ the spring with the resignation of Bob Rae to head the da emblem from his jacket Conservative Leader , who faces a lead­ Ontario NDP, is Peter Worthington, a staunch Trudeau- and photographed it when ership test at the party’s annual meeting in January,hater and outspoken 55-year-old editor-in-chief of the he realized the team had no likely needs to win two of the three ridings if long- tabloid Sun. flags to plant on the moun­ dormant critics who have shown signs of resurfacing Worthington initially bowed out of the race after tain to mark their success, lately are to be sent back underground. losing the Conservative nomination in a bitter contest to expedition spokesman That may be tough, however. Fatsis, 33-year-old executive assistant to an Ontario Robin Palin said. Only one of the constituencies, nearby Leeds-cabinet minister. Last Thursday, the Grenville, has traditionally been Conservative. But he quickly jumped back in as an independent, second Canadian team, led As well, independent right-wing candidates threatenforcing Clark to denounce him publicly for indirectly by Patrick Morrow, also ar­ to seriously split the Tory vote there and in Broadview-aiding the NDP’s Lynn McDonald, a 42-year-old rived on top without flags. Greenwood riding in Toronto. sociologist, and Liberal David O’Connor, a 38-year-old Broadview-Greenwood and Timiskaming riding inlawyer. Skreslet said in an inter­ northeastern Ontario have usually gone NDP, althoughIn Leeds-Grenville, another right-wing candidate and view last week that the the a Liberal won in Timiskaming in 1980 by 474 votes. journalist has surged into the spotlight and threatens to marker he left on the sum­ There are 146 Liberals in the 282-seat Commons, 100 pull a significant number of votes away from the 34- mit was an "Air Canada, Tories, 32 New Democrats and one Independent in addi­year-old Cossitt in her bid to succeed husband Tom, who quasi-Canadian flag tion to the three vacancies. symbol." died in March of a heart attack. The Crown corporation was one of the sponsors of the climb. N.B. goes to polls today FREDERICTON (CP) — Voter turnout was reportedtrading promises of everything from universal kinder­ light this morning as polls in the provincial electiongarten to mortgage relief and job creation. The Tories Freedom opened across New Brunswick under clear skies. Tradi­pledged 35,000 new pay cheques by 1986, the Liberals tionally here, voting picks up in the afternoon20,000 after by the end of next year. of press work. Hatfield said his program would cost $70.5 million Progressive Conservatives won three preliminaryover three years. Young said his would cost $80 million. at issue bouts with Liberals in Atlantic Canada in the last 12Both suggested the other could use a good calculator. months but the main event has been the pitched battle Hatfield said Young’s program would cost more than (CP)-Are- leading to today’s election. $200 million. Young said Fisheries Minister Jean Gauvin porter with the Winnipeg It’s been no-quarter for six weeks as ham-fisted Dougpromised $80 million just in his riding, Shippegan-Les- Sun is fighting a court order Colorful Chinese dancers entertain passers-by outsideYoung tried to beat his way through wily Richard Hat­Isles. that she must reveal her Dragon duel Toronto City Hall Sunday as they celebrate the Double field’s classy political parry-and-thrust. Then they got down to personalities. sources for a story on pros­ Ten or 10th day of the 10th month festivities. Hatfield’s Tories held 29 of the 58 legislature seats at Young’s description of Hatfield as a turkey was more titution. dissolution Sept. 2, the Liberals 26. There were three flattering than some of his less explicit characteriza­ Maureen Scurfield wrote vacancies. tions of the bachelor premier. three stories on prostitutionDAMAGE DURING WILDCAT In elections in Nova Scotia last fall, NewfoundlandYoung said he would have to eat turkey sparingly on in Winnipeg which this spring and Prince Edward Island last month, returnThanksgiving Day because he was going to devour appeared in the indepen­ of entrenched Tory governments had been widely anotherex­ today. dent daily tabloid and in one pected. At a bingo hall in Minto, Hatfield noted people would of the stories referred to a Here, for every prediction, there is an equally plausi­be playing for turkeys when he finished speaking. 25-year-old prostitute who Chrysler workers fired ble-sounding one in the opposite direction, reflecting"That’s a what Doug Young calls me — a turkey. Well, was a mother of three chil­ slugging match between the two main contenders andthe winner gets the turkey and, on Tuesday night, you'll dren. WINDSOR. Ont. (CP) — Employees walked off said none of the Windsor fir­to save the company. barroom brawling for individual seats. be the winners and I’ll be the turkey." Eighteen Chrysler Canadathe job to protest against a ings resulted from the walk­ Gatens said the Ajax In some ridings, and Parti Scurfield was sub­Ltd. workers have been Nov. 5 strike deadline thatout itself and all would beworkers "went out through Liberals threw everything at Hatfield’s three govern­ poenaed to testify at a child Acadien candidates hopped in the ring, threateningments to since 1970, from the Bricklin car fiasco to cost fired as a result of destruc­they wanted moved up.grieved. their own frustration,” con­deck both old-liners or, at least, bloody some noses. overruns at the Point Lepreau nuclear plant. custody hearing in familytiveness during wildcat Five people were “Some of them may get trary to earlier reports that The 472,000 eligible voters have a record choice of 186 court which had been laun­strikes last week at Ontario arrested during the Wind­back to work eventually butthey walked out in supportcandidates in 10 hours of polling beginning at 10 a.m. They got got platform help from Senator Louis ched by the Children’s Aid plants in Ajax and Windsor.sor walkout and charged I couldn’t say when andof the Windsor workers. ADT in generally cool, sunny autumn weather.Robichaud, There white-haired but still breathing fire and Society. She refused to Chrysler spokesmanwith assaulting police, in­won’t comment on it,” he Contract negotiations are five more candidates than in 1978, includingsmoke 54 12 years after Hatfield ended his decade as Liber­ answer questions about Walther McCall said 15 Wind­ toxication and disorderlysaid Sunday. "I didn’t seebroke down in Toronto when NDPers, up from 36 last time, a record-low 10 for the al premier. sources. sor workers "have been dis­ conduct. A tractor-trailer any of the things they arethe walkouts began Parti Acadien, six independents and full slates of Liber­Hatfield said the Liberals were not fooling anybody by Provincial Court Judgecharged for incidents relat­ belonging to the companyaccused of but I have beenWednesday and resumedals and Tories. dragging up ghosts. Wesley Swail issued aning to illegal work stop­ had its tires slashed, win­ told certain things did go Friday night after the after- • "That’s where the Tories missed the boat," one ol The Liberals and Young, a former broadcaster, took order to compel Scurfield to pages” that began last dows smashedand strike on.” nooon shift at the van plantYoung’s Liberal aides said. "It’s not really betweenseveral shots at the news media. Young boasted of. and answer the questions. Wednesday and endedslogans painted on it. Tires "People have a right to in Windsor returned toYoung and Hatfield at all. It’s 58 mini-elections." Hatfield ridiculed, editorial support from three weekly Her lawyer is challeng­Friday. were also slashed on police get excited when they givework. It’s both, and more. Young and Hatfield began bynewspapers for Young and his Liberals. ing the order and original John Gatens, a Unitedandmedia vehicles. up $12,000 to helpsave a subpoena issued by SandraAuto Workers official in More than 300 cars were company and end up losing Harper, a justice of theAjax, said the three Ajax damaged in the Ajax em­their homes,” he said, re- peace, on the grounds thatfirings were for leading andployees parking lot. ferringto concessions made under a section of the Cana­inciting a walkout, which Ken Gerard, president ofby the union during pre­ dian Charter of Rights and began and ended Thursday.UAW Local 444 in Windsor, vious contracts inan elTort SEATTLE OR VANCOUVER Freedoms. Scurfield is not a compellable witness. The section in question AT SUPER SAVER RATES refers to freedom of the Seal pelt ban eyed press. STRASBOURG, France (Reuter) — who sell their pelts to make boots, hand­ The case is expected to be The European Common Market’s execu­bags and other products. heard in judge’s chambers tive arm announced moves Monday to Oct. 21. The commission’s action is also in re­ ban trade in the pelts of seal pups fromsponse to Parliament’s demand this year Canada and Norway. for a ban on products of all endangered Environment Commissioner Karl-species. QUITS Heinz Narjes told the European Parlia­ Narjes said some community states ment he wanted a community ban on haveall introduced or are preparing mea­ UNION imports of harp and hooded seal productssures to restrict imports of seal pup pro­ by March 1 next year. ducts, but a community-wide ban would LONDON (CP) — John prevent trade distortions inside the Com­ Medley recentlytfuit hisun­ The Common Market's Commission mon Market. ion posrt in disgustwhen a decided to seek the import ban after un­ strike at a local The community is an important mar­ THE WESTIN BAYSHORE hospital successfully appealing to the Norwegianket for seal pup products and Canadian THE WEST1N HOTEL, SEATTLE prevented himfrom having and Canadian governments to prohibitofficials have warned that action to res­ SUPER SUPER a minor operation. Medley, culls of seal pups before the spring killingtrict the trade could damage relations Rate* Based On REGULAR SAVER YOU Rates Based On REGULAR SAVER YOU a branch official of the season begins. Single Occupancy RATES RATES SAVE Single Occupancy RATES RATESSAVE Nationaland Local Govern­ between Canada and the Common IVr Night * (U.S.S) (U.S.S) (U.S.S) Per Night* (CAN.S) (CAN.S) (CAN.S) ment Officers’ Association, Narjes said his plan was based on a Market. was scheduled to have a section of the General Agreement on The Canadian Fisheries Department LIMITED VIEW** $ 90.00 $60.00 $30.00 MAIN STANDARD $ 90.00 $60.00 $30.00 nose operation at North­ Tariffs and Trade, which allows trade says the hooded and harp seal species are CITY VIEW** $100.00 $67.00 $33.00 BUILDING MEDIUM $ 97.00 $64.65 $32.35 ampton General Hospitalrestrictions for moral reasons. Parlia­ not endangered by the cull and it also has DELUXE $105.00 $70.00 $35.00 rejected community criticism that the PANORAMIC VIEW ** $110.00 $74.00 $36.00 However, all but emergen-,ment will have to approve the details ofclubbing method of killing is inhumane. TOWER STANDARD $101.00 $67.30 $33.70 cy surgery was cancelledthe plan before the council of ministers Commission officials said Narjes’ plan ‘Add $10.00 for double occupancy per night. MEDIUM $105.00 $70.00 $35.00 due to a strike by eight studies it. Taxes not included. DELUXE $ 120.00 $80.00 $40.00 members of the National was aimed at commercial hunters and Group Rates negotiable. Union of Public Employees. The plan follows a public outcry at sealshould not affect the livelihood of local * Add $10.00 per night for double occupancy. pups being clubbed to death by hunterssubsistence hunters. “ Rased on the view from your room. Add 8% Room Tax. Group Rates negotiable. Effective Octobcr 17. 1^82. through April 2?, I'M! Effective October 17, W82. through April 21. LOTS OF SPAGHETTI Seattle’s Westin Hotel. Vancouver’s Westin Bayshore. Downtown resort hotels offering the best in entertainment.The finest restaurants, including the world renowned Trader Vic’s. Welfare: fat and unhappy Sumptuous lounges, invigorating indoor pools and health clubs which all add up to the Westin way of life. And they’re only 150 miles apart. For reservations, call your travel MONTREAL (CP) — It’s getting harder and har­ Sitting in a small restaurant near the welfare agent or our toll free number 800-268-8383 (Toronto 368-4684). der to characterize welfare recipients as lazy, drunkoffice where he is a client, Ken’s fingers tremble a or worse. little as he fiddles with his coffee cup. "I got very down, started snapping at the wife and With the economic crisis cutting across all seg­ kids," he says. “I put on weight. Look at me — I’ve T h e West in Ho t e l T h e Westin Ba y sh o r e ments of society, there’s a different class of people onput on 35 pounds in four months. I look like a Hostess Seattle Vancouver welfare these days. Twinkie. People like Ken P., who for 24 of his 49 years was a "I remember I used to wonder why the poor were salesman for a Montreal company, covering a terri­so fat. Well, now I know — you eat a lot of spaghetti." tory in eastern Ontario. Just after he got his second welfare cheque, Ken’s As the company began pulling in its horns, Kenwife got left him. a new territory in eastern Quebec. But his French"She didn’t say anything, not even that she’d come wasn't good and he didn’t have the stamina of some back later. She just packed and kissed us all and got his young competitors, so one day 16 months ago hein a taxi. I don’t know where she got the money for the was given the sack. taxi. We’ve had one letter from Vancouver. I hope He went on unemployment insurance, maintain­she’s happy.” ing a home in a suburban neighborhood for his wife In Quebec welfare payments range from $142 a and two teenage children. month for a single able-bodied person under 30 to $706 With Ken drawing about $200 in UIC benefits a for two adults with two or more children. week and his wife bringing in extra money as aTo add insult to injury in Ken’s case, his payments typist, things were bearable. Then, last May, thewere reduced to $571 a month when his wife left. unemployment benefits ran out. Off that comes $208 for a flat "on the wrong side of In the jargon of the social services trade. Ken the tracks,” $40 for utilities, $40 for transportation became an "exhaustee." Unable to find work duringand $200 for food. the period of his UIC coverage, he was forced into "The rest is for everything you can think of," Ken taking welfare and making another downward says. "It has taken me more than a year to realize The Westin Hotel, Seattle The Westin Bayshore, Vancouver, B.C. adjustment of his lifestyle. how many different ways people spend money."