D. M. SINHA, OF THE INDIAN ADMINISTRATIVE 5FRVlCE Director of Census Operatzons Ultar Pradesh o 78

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" ~ DISTRICT DEBRA DUN / ...... _( ~ \ " •• ;.:.a .,

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DISTJlICT DOUNDART ., ••• , •••••••••• 0 _._._._ tAHSIL BOUJCDUY ••• • ••





RIYEI AND STRUM ••• ••• ••• • •• Ndmll of thE Area in Populotion No.of No, of PO$l AND nLECaAPII OFfICE •• P T Tahsil Km 2 Villages Towns RESt HOUSE, flI.IIVfLLER~· BUNGA.LOW, Etc...... Rio( fM)SPITAl. DlsnNIART Po H. ([liTRE ETC. •• + 263'9 79,1 28 38S DUiKEE COLLEGE i ". S. 5CHOOl GJ CJ DEHRA DUN 2,363'4 49B,178 404 B

MANPI; INPORUIfT YH.LAGE HARten • TOTAL 3,088'0 577,306 789 9

78· East 01 Gr ••nwich 15' 30'



Acknowledgements i Introductory Note iii-xv


Town Directory Statement I-StatU3, Growth History and Functional Category of Towns 4-5 Statem~nt II-Physical Aspects and Location of Towns, ]969 6-7 Statement III-Municipal Finance 1968-69 8-9 Statement IV-Civic and other Amenities 1969 10-11 Statement V-Medical, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Facilities in Towns, 1969 12-13 Statement VI-Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking, 1969 14-15 Statement VII-Population by Religion and Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, 197116-17

Village Directory

l-Chakrata Tahsil

(1) Alphabetical List of Villages 22-25 (ii) Village Directory (Amenities and land u~e) 26-57

2-Dehra Duu Tahsil I (i) Alphabetical List of Villages 60-63 (il) Village Directory (Amenities and land use) 64-95

Appendix-Tahsilwise Abstract of Educational, Medical and other Amenities

given III Village Directory 96-97


At the 1971 Census it has been our endeavour to compile both Census and non-Census statistics at the village and block level in a uniform manner. To ensure that these statistics are available to the users as soon as the<;e are sifted and compiled, the District Census Handbook has been divided into three parts. This is the first part of the series, the Village and Town Directory, which mostly comprises non-Census data.

We are deeply indebted to the State Government for their everwiIJing and prompt help to us at all stages. The District Census Handbooks are being published by us on their behalf. I wish to express my gratitude to Sri M. LaL Chief Secretary to U.P. Government, [or all the gUIdance and facilities affor­ ded to us in the conduct of Census in this State. I am also grateful to Sri P. C. Pandey, Secretary, G. A. D. (Now Commissioner, Rohilkhand Division, Bareilly) and his successor, Sri A. P. Dixit, for the facilities given by them in sorting out various administrative matters relating to the publication of these Handbooks. I am extremely thankful to the District Officers for their whole-hearted co-opera­ tion in furnishing the desired information and the Di ,trict Census Officers for their hard work and sustained efforts ill collecting the same.

The programme for the printing of District Census Handbooks has been heavy indeed, more so as three parts are being published, one in Hindi and two in English. The arrangements made by Sri A. Dar, Superintendent, Printing and Stationery, U. P., Allahabad for the printing of these volumes, are thankfully acknowledged. Joint Superintendent, Sri J. S. Gupta, lie New Government Press, Aishbagh, Lucknow has also beell extremely helpful in bringing out the maps.

In the Census Office, everyone has done something for this stupendous task of compilation and collation of statistics, preparation of notes and reading of proofs. I am grateful to Sri K· S. Sinha, Deputy Director, Headquarters, the Tabulation Officer and other staff of the Technical Section, who have shared the burden and helped in bringing out these Handbooks.

I must al~o express my gratitude to Sri AChandrasekhar, Registrar General, India, Sri K· D. Ballal and Dr. B. K. Roy Burman, Deputy Registrars General and Sri K· K· Chakravorty, Central Tabulation Officer for their constant help and guidance despite their own heavy preoccupations.

Lucknow D. M. SINHA Dated: October 3, 1972. Director of Census Operations, Uttar Pradesh.


1. History of District Census Handbook.

It has been customary to bring out vital statistics at most of the Censuses. A list showing the population of villages in each district was published after the 1891 Census. Such information was, however, not brought out in 1901. Village Directories were prepared

for all districts in 1911 t but could be published only for thirteen due to the outbreak of the First World War. At the 1921 Census, these were published for all districts in the form of District Census Statistics. In 1931 villagewise statistics were compiled but could not be published owing to financial stringency, resulting in loss of valuable data. At the 1941 Census, restricted tabulation was undertaken in the wake of the Second World War, but the utility of Census statistics was recognised and these were published. The District Census Handbook in its present form was brought out at the 1951 Census, and wa~ publi­ shed alongwith another volume titled District Population Statistics. In 1961 Census, att­ empts were made to render the Di5trict Census Handbook more informatIve, as in addition

to Census data PCI taining to each village, data about its level of deveIoment and ameni­ ties were also collected At the 197 I Census, efforts have been made to compIle both Census and non-Census statistics at village/town level in a uniform manner wIth an enlarged scope.

As the District Census Handbook makes Census statlstics available for the smaller territorial units, it is constantly referred to for several purposes of administration, demar­ cation of electoral constituencies, planning the development and so on. To ensure that these statistics are available to the users early, the District Census Handbook has been divided for being publIshed separately into three parts:

Part A : Town and Village Directory

Part B : Village and Town-wise Primary Census Abstract

Part C : Analytical Report and Admmistrative Statement-District Census Tables.

2. Scope of District Census Handbook.

Part A of the Handbook comprises the Town and Villagt' Directory. In village Direc- ory, particulars of amenities in regard to Education, Medical, Power supply, drinking water supply, Post and telegraph and Communications have been given Besides, it con­ tains land-use statistics, days of weekly markets and places of religious, historical or archa­ eological interest in each village The Town Directory comprising seven statements throws light on the status of the town, its ofIgtn, growth of population, functional category, location and physical aspects, Municipal finances, Civic and other amenities, Medical and Educational facilities and statistics pertaining to Trade, Commerce, Industry and Banking. Apart from these, it also gives the distribution of population of the town by Religion and Scheduled CastesjScheduled Tribes.

Part B represents data down to village level for rural area and block level for towns. It contains the Primary Census Abstract which incorporates figures of area, number of ~ccupied residential houses and households, total population and its break-up by sex, ( iv )

scheduled caste ,md scheduled tribe, literate population, working population by nine broad industrial categories of cultivators, agricultural labourenl, workers engaged 1n forestr), and livestock etc., in mining and quarrying, in manufacture or repair. in construc­ tion, in trade and commerce, in transport and communications and in other services as well as the non-working population.

Part C deals with the administrative statio tics pertaining to the district in all fields of development. The Census tables pertaining to language, reli~ion, migration and ecol1omic activities are being reproduced in this part. A write up indicating changes in socia-economic and demographic characteristics of thr- district during the la~t decade is also being included in it.

3. Town Directory given in Part A presents data for all the Census towns of the district. There is no uniformly accepted definition of a town. The historical, poli­ tical, cultural and administrative considerations are generally taken as criteria for rural­ urban classification. An urban area, in contradistinction to the rural, compnses a large majority of inhabitants who are engaged in industrial and non-agricultural activities. ln addition to its size, population and occupational characteristics, an urban area pro­ ,-idcs such facilities as transportation, banking, commercial and technical services, com­ munity facl1ities and other civic services. According to the State Government, all Muni­ cipal Corporations, Municipal Boards, Cantonment Boards, NotIf1cd Areas and Town Areas are considered as town, and according to thier average annual lncome from their own resources, these have been classified into dlfferent classes of local uodles. The Cntcria. adopted under the Census Operations 1S slightly different frorn the State Government. In 1971 Census all places satisfying the followwg conditions h,lVe LeCIl treated as Towns :-

1. All Municipal Corporations, Municipal Boards, Cantonments & Notified Areas.

2- All localities though not in ~themselves local bodies but forming part of a city or town agglomeration.

3. Other places satisfying all the three under mentioned conditions;

(i) Population exceeds 5,000.

(ii) At last 75'% of the male workmg population engage; 111 non-agt icultur,d pursuits, and

(Iii) The density of population exceeds 1,000 persons per sq. mIle (386 persons per sq. km.).

The information given in the Town Directory relates to the} ear 1969. The data has been presented in the following saven statements :

(a) Statement I --This statement presents the population of the towns at the end of each decade from 1901 to 1971, the Civic status of the towns and their functional cate­ gories at 1961 and 1971, Censuses. 'The functional categories given in columns 14 and 15 Ipv~ been determined oq. the:: ba.sis of the predominant functional cha.racter of the towl1, ( v )

to derive which} the working population under the broad industrial categories has been regrouped into five broad functional c1assificaJions:-

(i) Primary Activities-Categories I} II} III} & IV (ii) Industry-Categories V (a) V (b) and VI (iii) Trade and Commerce-Category VII (iv) Transport-Category VIII, and (v) Services-Category IX

For each town, the percentage of workers under each of the aforesaid classes to total workers is worked out} and where the workers under one of the classes comprise 400/0 or more of the total workers, the town is taken as mono-functional In other cases} the next predomInant occupation is taken lllto account and if the total of the two comes to 60% or above, the town is designated as bi-functional. If the total docs not yield 600/0' the third predominant occupation is also taken and such a town is treated as multi-functional.

The notations used in column 5 of the statemnt are : C-Municipal Corporation M-Municipal Board NAC-Notified Area Committee TG - Town Area Committee CB -Cantonment Board

(b) Statement II-This statement gives the physical aspects and location of towns. The annual rdtnfall, maximum and minimum temperature, nearest City wIth its distance, name of dIstrict and tahsil headquarters, railway stations and bus routes etc., have been indicated.

(c) Statement III-It reveals the municipal finances for the year 1968-69 The receipts through taxes and others sources alongwith the expenditure on general administra;­ hon, public works and conveniences haye been given therein_

(d) Statement IV- In this statement, the Civic and,other amenities available III the town have been shown such as the system of sewerage, drainage, the number of latrin~~ and method of dIsposal of night soil, the source and capacity of protected water suppl}, fire fighting service and electrification The notations used in the statement arC as below :

Col. 3 PR ...... For Pucca Road KR " Kachcha Road Col 4 PT » Pit Tank OSD " Open surface Co1- 8 B " Basket HC " Hand Cart HL " Head Load MT " Mechanical Transport Gol. 9 TW " Tube Well 9HT " Overhead Tl:l~ ( vi )

(e) Statement V-The medical, educational, recreational and cultural facilities available in the towns have been shown in this statement with the help 'Jf the following notations'

Col. 3 H For Hospital D " Dispensary HC " Health Centre Fe " Family Planning Centre

TBC ..... " T. B Clinic MCW " l\faternity and Child Welfare Centre Col 5 AS " Arts and Science College Col 17 PL " Public Library RR " Reading Room

(f) Statement VI-This statement contains information relating to trade, commerce, industry and banking facilitIes in the towns. The names of important commodities manufac­ tured, imported and exported, the number of Banks and agricultural as well as non-agricultu­ ral credIt societies are given in the statement. The commodities mentioned therelll ai e those having the highest value in currency. In a few cases, if the town is famous for manufac­ turing or exportlllg some particular item, even though the money value is not high, such items have been included.

(g) Statement VII-The census table C-VII glving distribution of population by religion and scheduled castes/ scheduled tribes has been reproduced in this statement. Whde sex-wise following of the more common religions VIZ Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism and Christianity has been given separately, the persons belonging to other religions and pursuations have been shown in columns 15 and 16 under the heading of 'Others'.

(5) Village Directory reveals the general living conditions of peasantry and the over­ all developn:ent that has taken place in the countryside. The amemttes available withlll tach village in the field of education, medical and health, power-supply, drinking water, communications, post and telegraph have been given in columns 4 to 9 of this dlrectory BeSides, the information relating to staple food, dIstance from nearest town, days of market! hal and places of religious, historical or archaeological interest is also given in the state­ rr.ent. If the village is un-inhabited or power is being used for agricultural purpose only, these characteristics have been indicated in the remarks column.

The land use statisttcs are constantly in demand for Agricultural production programme. These statistics have been given in columns 11 to 15 under the headings (i) Forest, (ii) Irri­ gated, (iii) Unirngated, (iv) Cultivable waste and (v) Area not available for cultivation. In column 12, the irrigated area under different sources of irrigation h'ls been separately

~iven ( vii)

The vilLtges have been arranged according to the code numbers allotted to them at 1971 Census. The information has been presented with the help of the following abbreviations: InColu.mn 4 JBS for Junior, Basic School SBS "Senior Basic School HSS "Higher Secondary School C " College o " Others In Column 5 H for Hospital D " Dispensary FC " Family Planning Centre HC "Health Centre MOW "Maternity & Child Welfare Centre o " Others In Column 6 E for Electricity

InColulUn 7 T for Tap HP " Hand pipe W " Well WE " Well with Electricity TK Tank " R River " Fountain F " C for Canal WF 1Waterfall " L Lake " TWE Tube-well with Electricity " 0 Others " InColwnn8 KR for Kachcha Road

PR u Pucca Road T .. Train CR " Canal Road R It River C " Canal ( viii )

hi Column 9 PO for Post office TO ,• Telegraph office Post and Telegraph office PTO " Phone" Telephone

In Column 12 T for Total C " Canal Well W " WE Well with Electricity " TW Tube:well " TWE Tube-well with Electricity " Tank TK " R River " WF Waterfall " Lake L " Fountain F " Others 0 " In Column 18 T for Temple Mosque M " Church C " Gurudwara G " Historical Place HP " RP u Religious Place Archaeological monument A " EA Electricity for Agricultural purpose " An appendix has been included summing up the amenities at district level with tahsil.wise break.up. TIlE DlsTRIOT

A.Town Directory

(a) Statement I

Dehra Dun district has 10 towns, namely Chakrata Cantt, , Dehra Dun Cantt., Dehra Dun M. B., Forest Research Institute and College Area, Cantt., , Raipur, and . In 1961, there were 9 towns in the district and Vikasnagar has now been added to the list. The functional distribution of the towns is as below:-

Table 1

Functional Category Name of Towns

_ ~ .. ______4 ______

(i) Services Chakrata Cantt., Clement Town, Dehra Dun Cantt., Dehra Dun M. B., Forest Research Institute and College Area, Landour Cantt., Mussoorie and Raipllr

(ii) Services-cum~Commercial Rishikesh

(iii) Commercial-cum~ Industry~ Vikasnagar CUm~Services

It would be seen from the above Table that 8 towns viz. Uhakrata Cantt., Clement Town, Dehra Dun Cantt, Dehra Dun M. B, Forest Research Institute and College Area, j Landour Cantt., Mussoorie and Raipur are mono-functional with percentages of service class as 92.1, 90.3, 81.0, 460, 92.7, 499, 51.9 and 82.3 respectively. Rishikesh is a bi-functional town with 37 2% service-class and 24.80/0 commercial workers. Vikasnagar is multi-functional town havmg commercial workers, industrial workers and services class with precentages 36.3, 194 and 19.1 respectively.

(b) Statement U

The physical and locational aspects have been covered in this statement The figures of annual rainfall and the maximum and minimum temperature were not available for each of the towns with the Director of Meteorological Centre, Delhi, so the information given in Col. 4~6 relates to the observatory in Dehra Dun. ( ix )

(c) Stat ent III

The per capita receipt and expenditure by local bodies in the towns is as below:- Table 2

Per Capita ,.------"------1 Receipt (Rs) Expenditure eRs) ,----"-----~ ,------_..A..___ ----- 1 Class of No. of Total Receipt Receipt Total Expendi- Expendi- Expendi- Town Towns Receipt through from ExpemU­ ture on ture on ture on taxes all other ture public public all other sources health & institutions aspects conveni­ ences ------r------1 23 4 5 6 7 8 9

--~------Class I 1 38.63 4.10 34.53 34.37 12.73 3.77 17.87 100,000 & above Dehra DUn M.B.

Class III 1 43.38 6.09 37.29 44.33 13.62 4.92 25_79 20,OQO to 49,999 Dehra Dun Cantt.

Class IV 3 252.77 36.42 216.35 261.76 34.67 }6.02 211.08 10,000 to 19,999 Mussoorie, Rishi- kesh & Clement Town

Class V 2 28.68 14.66 14.02 25.21 8.86 3.62 12.72 5,000 to 9,999 Vikasnagar, Chak- rata Cantt.

Class VI 21,179.36 13.28 1.. 166.28 1,107.57 38.17 0.29 1,069.12 below 5,000 Forest Research Institute and College Area and Landour Cantt. ------..._------.__----- The per capita receipt of Class I, III, IV, V and VI is Rs 38.63, 43.38, 252.77, 28.68 and 1,179 36 respectively. Against this the per capita expenditure is R'l. 34.37. 44.33, 261:76, 25.21 and 1,107.57, respectively. No local body is functioning in Raipur town, therefore, no information about receipt and expenditure is given. ( x )

(d) Statement IV

All the towns have protected watcr supply and road lighting arrangements. Fire fighting service is available in six towns viz. Chakrata Cantt., Dehra Dun M, B., Forest Research Institute and College Area, Mmsoone, Raipur and Rishikesh There is arrangement of mechanical transport for removing night soil in clement town, Dehra Dun Urban Agglo~ _meratlOn, Mussooric, Raipur and Rishikesh but hand devices are used for the purpose in the remaining towns. Table 3

Total No. of beds in Medical Institutions No of beds per 1,000 population ------710 3(261)

The number of beds in the hospitals of the district have increased from 449 III 1960 to 676 in 1969. Four Degree Colleges having Arts, Science & Commerce facuIties as well as one Degree College with Arts and Science faculties are located in Dehra Dun and Mussoorie respectively. There is no Medical College or Engineering College in an}' town but two Polytechnics anc!­

Shorthand and Typewriting institutes exist III Dehra Dun town. There is one Ayurvedic Medical College in Rishike&h. The number of Higher Secondary, Middle and Primary schools (1969) per 1,000 population are in the following table .. -

Table 4

------_------_ ...... ------No. per 1,000 population Name of Towns Higher s('condary Middle schools Primary schools schools

------~--~- Chakrata Cantt. 0.16 0.32 Clement town 008 Dehra Dun Cantt, 0.09 0.06 0.24 Dehra Dun M.B. 0.1)9 0.04 0.43 Forest Research 0.27 Institute and College area Landour Cantt. 042 0.42 Mussoorie 0.61 0.11 1.l6 Raipur 019 Rishikesh 011 017 0.68 Vikasnagar 0.14 0.28 0.56 ------_._------Dehra Dun M.B. & Mussoorie have 9 and 6 Cinema halls, respectivtly while there is only 1 Cinema hall each in Clement town, Rishikesh and Vikasnagar The fac;ilitits of 4 reading rooms in Dehra DUll M. Band 2 each in Mussoorie, Raipur and Rlshikesh are available. One. publIc library eXIsts each in Dehra Dun Cantt., Dehra Dun M B., Chakrata Cantt. f\nd Vikasnagar; while Rishikesh and Mussoone possess tWQ lihr

(e) Statement V

Dehra Dun Urban Agglomeration has 9 Hospitals, 1 S Dispensaries, 1 Family Planning Centre and 1 T. B. Clinic, Mussoorie has 5 Hospitals, 4 Dispensaries, 1 Health Centre and 1 Family Planning Centre. Clement Town and Vikasnagar have 1 Hospital and 2 Dispensaries, respectively There is 1 Hospital and 1 Family Planning Centre in Chakrata Cantt. Raipur has J Hospital, 1 Dispensary and ~ FamLly Planning Centre, whereas, Rishikesh has 3 Hospitals, 2 DIspensaries and 1 T. B. Clinic. (f) Statement VI The articles manufactured in Chakrata Gantt. are woollen wear, Tea and walking sticks whereas soap, lime and wooden goods are manufactured in Clement Town. Thread, bulbs and paper are the main articles manufactured in Dehra Dun Urban Agglomeration. Woollen wear, walking sticks and plaster of Peris are' the main articles of manufacture in LandauI' Ca~tt., Mussoorie and Rishikesh, respectively. Dry Ging_er, tea and rice are manufactured in Vikasnagar. Foodgrains are Imported in Chakrata Gantt. and Clement Town, whereas wheat in Landour -Gantt. and Mussoorie and potato in Rishikesh. Potatoes and Ginger are exported from Chakrata Cantt. and Vikasnagar. SOap, Lime and Wood are exported from Clement Town. Thread and Rice are exported from Dehra Dun Cantt. and Dehra Dun M. B., rsepectively. Wood and walking sticks arc exported from Landour Cantt. & Mussoorie, respectively. Limestone, RaslIl and forest wood are exported from Rishikesh. (g) Statement VIl The population of all the towns is largely shared by Hindus (83.80%) and Muslims (6.24~o) The percentage growth rate of Hindu population of these towns during the last decade is 36.59, which is short of the growth rate of 4-8 33 of Muslim Population. The percentage of scheduled caste persons is higher (9.63%) in comparison to scheduled tribes (0.21 %). Village Directory

(a) According to their area in acres the villages have been stratified in the following table ;- Table 5

Area (in acres) No. of villages Percentage

50 acres or less 46 6.23 51-100 110 14.92 101-200 208 28.18 201-500 237 32.11 501-1000 73 989 1001-2000 34 4.61 2001-5000 24 325 5001 acres and above 6 0.81 ------Total 738 ------~------Total number of villages in the district is 771 but the area of 33 villa~es is ama19a.­ !ll~ted in the area of other viIIa?es. ( xii )

It is evident from the above table that the number of villages having an area of more than 100 acres but not more than 500 acres are highest claiming the percentage of 60.29. Thereafter, the number of villages gocs on decreasing as the size of villages increases. There are 6 villages having an area exceeding 5,000 acres As regards smaller villages, there are only 46 h:Jving an area of less than 50 acres. (b) The distribution of villages having educational institutions is given in the following table: -

Table 6

------~------_------.. - - - Distance from Total Number of villages having the nearest No of .------"------, town (in kms) villages Primary Middle Higher Colleges Others Schools Schools Secondary Schools _- _------0-5 54 25 3 2

6-10 140 67 7 3

11-15 112 39 9

16-25 233 94 11 4

26-50 201 70 11 2

51-100 30 15 2


201 and above ------Total 771 311 43 12 ------There is 1 village only in the distance range of 101 to 200 Kms. which has Primary as well as Junior High School. The villages which lie within the distance range of 26-50 Kms have the least number of institutions. (c) 12 villages in district Dehra Dun have Hospitals If all kinds of medical institutions including Dispensaries, Health Centres etc are taken into account, 61 villages out of 771 have medical instituti'ons.

The following table presents the number of medical institution per 100 Sq KIDs ~­ Table 7

No. of medical institution of Tahsil Total area (in Sq Km ) allY kind per 100 Sq Km.

.Chakrata 247.9 13

Dehra Dun 22145 r~------~-~------~--~-~----~----~~ ( xiii )

It transpires that tahsil Chakrata and Dehra Dun have 13 and 1 medical institution respectively per 100 Sq. Kms.

(d) 100 villages are electrified in the dIstrict out of 771 villages. Their percentage comes to 12.97.

The largest numer of electrified villages (95) lie in TahSIl Dehra Dun and minimum in Tahsil Chakrata (5). The power supply in villages with reference to their distance from the nearest town is given in the following table :

Table 8

Number of villages with Electric Power Supply ~------~------~ Distance from the Total No. Percentage of total nearest town of villages Total electrified villages to total villages

0-5 54 21 44.44

6-10 140 35 25.00

11.15 112 13 11.61

16-25 233 21 901

26-50 201 7 3.48

51.100 30

101·200, 1

201 & above

~------~~ --_- Total 771 100 12.97


The percentage of electrified villages to the total villages is highest 44.44 for those, situate within a radius of 5 l

As many as 1.300/0 villages of the district are connected by rail, out of the total number of 771 villages 7 00/0 are connected by pucca .road and 12.97% by kachcha and pucca roads The percentage of villages having only kachcha roads is 73.28%. The nature of communications have been shown in the following table, where the villages have beeq ~!a~sified accordin?, to their distance from the nearest towll. ( xiv)

Table 9

------~ ------N umber of villages connected by r------~------~ Distance Total Pucca Kachcha Pucca & Pucca Kachcha Pucca Kachcha Others {rom the No of Road Road Kachcha Road & Road & Road & Road & nearest town villages Road River River Train Train

0-5 54 6 24 15 2 3

6-10 104 14 65 43 2 6

11-15 112 14 72 20 3

] 6-25 233 15 189 14 5 2

26-50 201 6 186 6

51-100 30 28 2

101-200 1

201 & above

Total 771 54 565 100 10 14

It is evident from the above table that the villages nearest to the town have better facilities of communications.

(f) There are in all 64 post office in the rural areas of the district. On an

average, 1 post office caters to the need of about 12 villa~es. The number of Post Offices per 100 Sq Kms. in the various tahsils have been shown in the following table: -

Table 10

Name of Tahsil Total area (in Sq Km_) No of Post Offices per 100 Sq_Km. ------

Chakrata 247.9 11

Dehra Dun 2214.5 2 ------

Tahsils Chakrata and Dehra Dun have 11 and 2 Post offices, respectively per 100 Sq. Kilometres. (g) Rice and wheat are the staple food in the district. The cultivated area is 23.92 percent of the total rural area of the district, of which 31.23 percent is irrigated area.

The following table shows the average cultivated land, average cultivable waste and its percentage to average cultivated area per village. The villages in this table have again been classified according to their distance trom the nearest town.

Table 11

----.__-_---_ ------_-_-----,.------Distance from Number Total Average Total Average Percentage of aver- the nearest of cultivated culti- culti- cultivable age cultivable waste town villages land va ted land vable waste per per village to aver- per viIIage waste village age cultivated land per village

-~----~------.. ----.... ~--.. -----_.------,.,------'" 2 3 4 5 6 7

0-5 54 19,491 361 5,513 102 28.25

6-10 140 30,351 217 5,823 42 19.35

11-15 112 20,61c.2 184 4,965 44 23.91

16-25 233 46,121 198 12,657 54 27.27

26-50 201 24,875 123 13,204 66 53.66

51-100 30 3,955 132 1,271 42 31.82

101-200 123 123 83 83 67.48

201 and above ------Total 771 145,558 189 43,516 56 29.63 _!-'~

The average area of cultivated land per village is highest (361) in the distance

grpup of 0 to 5 Kms. follo\\ cd by 217 in the distance group of 6 to 10 Kms It is lowest (123) in the distance group 26 to 50. The average cultivable waste per village is 102 in the distance group of 0 to 5 Kms. It is 83 per village in the distance group of 101 to 200 Kms Tht" average area of cultivable waste per village is lowest (42) in the distance group 6 to 10 and 51 to 100 Kms. The percentage of average cultivable waste to average cultiva: ted land per village is highest (67.48) in the distance group 101 to 200 Kms., whereas it is only 19.35 in the case of villages in the distance group 6 to 10 Kms. Town & Village Directory


81. Name of Town Loca tlon Name of Tahsil Civic admi· Po pulation of the No. Code No. nistratlOn status in r------1970 1901 1911 1921

2 5 6 7 8

Chakrata Cantt. 15JIJVI Chakrata CB 1,250 1,890 1,459

2 Clement Town Cantt. 15/2jV CB

3 Dehra Dun See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

4 Dehra Dun Can It. See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

5 Forest Research Institute & See Debra Dun City Urban Agglomeration College Area

Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration 30,995 42,568 50,858

(i) Debra Dun 15/2/1--1 Dehra Dun M 30,995 42,568 50,858

(ii) Dehra Dun Cantt. 15/2/1-2 Dehra Dun CB (iii) Forest Research Institute & 15/2/1- 3 Dehra Dun College ~rea

6 Landour Cantt. 15/2/VIII Dehra Dun CB 1,720 1,500 1,405

7 Mussoorie 15/2/IIl Dehra Dun M 4,741 6,552 8,297

8 Raipur 15/2jIV DehraDun

9 Rishlkeah IS{2/II DehraDun M 2,819 3,438

10 Vikasnagaf 15j2/VII DehraDun M Treated as Urban 5



town at the Census of Functional Category ,------~~------'------~ -----, 1931 1941 1951 1961 1971 1961 (Census) 1971 (Census)

9 10 11 12 1.(. 15

1,374 937 1,283 3,194 6,105 Services Services

7,720 7,793 11,898 Services Services

See Debra Dun ,city Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun CIty Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

52,927 80,580 144,216 156,341 203,464 43,2()6 59,535 116,404 126,918 166,073 Services Services 9,721 21,04:; 27,812 2f>,577 33,637 Services Services 2,846 3,754 Services ServIces

1,150 1,206 1,417 1,389 2,351 Services Services

4,966 5,956 7,133 9,849 18,038 Services Services

Services Services 8,344 5,209 , I

3,97~ 5,020 7,495 10,925 17,6~6 Servicel ServiceHImI- j Commercial

In 1971 ConSUl 7,066 Commercial-&IIIII. Jnduatry-cam-.erviCCl 6


Physical Aspects Name of and' --...,Jo-- r----- ~ r------Sl. Name of Town Nearest city No. Temperature (in cf'ntigrade) with Populatiou State Geographical Annual rain r------pA.-----..... of 1 lakh or Head­ Co-ordina,tes fall Maximum Minimum more Quarters Let. Long. (inmm.)

2 8(a) 3(b) 5 6 7 8

Chakrata Cantt. 30'42' 77°52' 2183' 5 41-1 Dehra Dun Lucknow (93) (645)

2 Clement Town Cantt. N.A. N.A. 2183-5 41-1 l'S Dehra Dun Lucknow (9) (547)

Dehra Dun See Debra fiun City Urban Agglomeration

4 Dehra Dun Can tt. See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

5 Forest Research Institute See Dehra Dun 'City 'Urban Agglomeration & College Area

Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration Saharanpur Lucknow (69) (549) (i) Dehra Dun 30°19' 78°02' 2183'5 41'1 1.3 Saharanpur Lucknow (69) (549) (ii) Dehra Dun Cantt. 30°19' 78°02' 2183'5 41'1 1·3 Sabaranpur Lucknow (67) (547) (iii) Forest Research Institute & College 30·19' 78°02' 2183'5 41'1 Sabaranpur Lucknow Area (66) (5~6)

6 Landour Cautt. N.A. N.A. 2183'5 41'1 l'S Debra Dun Lucknow (40) (550)

'1 Mussoorie 30'27' 7s005' 2183'5 41'1 1.3 Dehra Dun Lucknow (38) (548)

8 Raipur 30'18' 78°05' 2183' 5 4Jol DehraDun Lucknow (5) (570)

9 Rishikesh N.A. N.A. 21~S'5 l'S DchraDun Lucknow (oW) (520)

10 Vikasnagar N.A. N.A. 2183-5 DehraDun Lucknow (40) (58'1)

Note :-Tbere are no observatory in tbe towns except Dehra Dun M. B., figures relating to Dehra Dun Nt. B. have been shown for these towns in Col. 4 to 6. 7 n LOCATION OF TOWNS, 1969 koad distance (Km.} from ~.------'_- --, Sub-Divisional ----- District Head­ Head- Quarters! Railway Station BUll Route Navigable River! Sea Port (if Quarters Tahsil Head Canal (If within within 50 Km.) Quarters 10 Km.)

9 10 11 12 13 14

DchraDun, Chakrata Dehra Dun Chakrata (93) (OJ (93) (0)

DchraDun Dehra Durt Dehra Dun DehraDun (9) (9) (9) (9)

Sec Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

Dehra Dun Dehra Dun Dehra Dun DehraDun (0) (0) (0) (0)

DehraDun Dehra Dun DehraDun DehraDun (0) (0) (0) (0)

DehraDun Dehra Dun Dehra DUll DehraDun (2) (2) (2) (2)

Debra Dun Debra Dun DehraDun DehraDun (6) (6) (6) (6)

Dehra Dun Dehra Dun Debra Dun Mussoorie (40) (40) (40) (2)

Dehra Dun DehraDlm Dehra Dun Mussooric (38) I (38) (38) (0)

DehraDun Debra Dun Dehra Dun Debra Dun (5) (5) (5) (5)

DehraDun DehraDun Rishikesh Rishikesh ,-, (46) (46) (0) (0)

Dehra DI1D Dehra Dun Dehra Dun Vlkasnagar , (40) (40) (40) (0) .. 8

STATEMENT MUNICIPA L FINANCE, ,. Receipt -. Revenue derived 81. Name of Town Receipt from municipal Government Loan Advance Other Total No. tbrough taxes, properties & Grant sources Receipt etc. powers apart from taxation

2 S 5 6 7 8 9

Chakrata Cantt. 1,315 107 1,851 3,273

2 Clement Town Cantt. 81 1,850 2,531 4,462

S Dehra Dun See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

4 Dehra Dun Cantt. See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

5 Forest Research Institute & See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration College Area

Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration See Constituent Units. (i) Debra Dun 6,818 3,626 6,122 17,740 29,854 64)60 (ii) Dehra Dun Cantt. 2,048 2,561 9,320 528 135 14,592 (iii) Farest Research Institute & 70,620 70,620 College Area

6 Landour 811 44 280 245 1,380

7 Mussoorie Cantt. 10,874 73,420 3,435 124 11,678 99,531

8 Raipur

9 Rishikesh 6,375 1,326 1,758 2,756 376 3,691 16,282

10 Vilwnagar 1,380 105 447 66 1,998 9

1968-69 Expenditure (Figures in 'DO rUiteS) ---.A- --,.,

General PublIc Safety Public Health and Puhlic work PublIc Others Total Admimstration conveDlenc~s ImtItution Expenditure

10 11 12 13 14 15 16

276 297 1,066 96 666 833 3,234

57 217 1,302 257 2,798 4,631

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun City LJr ban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun CIty Urban AgglolI'eration

See Constituent Units,

5,830 11,138 21,140 4,850 6,268 7,854 57,080

300 267 4,582 6,010 1,65~ 2,098 14,911

10,000 1,900 54,620 66,520

120 38 430 355 17 137 1,097

1,305 984 13,276 4,041 5,916 78,533 104,055

1,297 384 3,002 2,121 1,448 7,612 15,864

418 139 563 219 60 1/399 10 TOWN


CIVIC AND OTHER Number of Latrines 01. Name of Town Road lengtb System of r'-----,A.---~ Method of disposal N.O. (in Km.) Sewerage) of drainage Water Service Others night -soil Borne

2 3 5 6 7 8"

Cbakrata Cantt. PR (30) OSD 537 B/HL KR (0)

2 Clement Town Cantt. PR (24) ST 100 360 B)MT KR (0)

3 Dehra Dun See Dehra Dun C~ty Urban Agglomeration

4 Dehra Dun Cantt. See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

5 Forest Research Institute See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration & College Area

Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration:-

PR (200) S/PT/OSD 4.,351 16,967 B/MT)HL KR (2~ (i) Dehra Dun PR (13) S/PT/OSD 3,594 14,453 MT RR (19) (ii) Dehra Dun Cantt. PR (50) S/PT/OSD 170 2,373 BJMT KR (~) (iii) Forest Research Institute PR (18) S 587 141 B/HL & College Area KR (0)

6 Landour Gantt. PR (3) PT/OSD 70 405 B/HL KR (4)

7 Mussoorie PR (32) S 2,300 3,425 MT KR (72)

8 Raipur PR (6) ST 404- 40 MT KR (0)

9 Risbikesh PR (22~ S/OSD 200 1,8CO MT KR (21

10 Vikasnagar PR (2) ST/OSD 500 KR (8) 11


Protected Water Supply Electrification (number of connections) ,...----_,.._____----. Fire r fighting Source Capacity Servl€e Domestic Industrial Commercial Road lightmg Others. (Points)

9 HI 11 12 13 14 15 16

, F/OHT 25,000 Galls. Yes ...

HP 160 3 15 ' 15

See Debra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See- Dehra Dun City 'Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun mty Urban Agglomeration

R/CITWIOHT 865,1 82 Galls. Yes 22,039 554 5,930 3,647 RIC/TWIOHT 448,182 Galls. Yes 16,589 549 5,898 2,706 R/TW/OHT 140,000 Galls. 5,000 4 20 6~9 R/TW/OHT 277,000 Galls. Yes 450 .1 12 262

F/OHT 33,525 Galls. 175 3 5 117

F/OHT 3,791,375 Galls. Yes 3,180 19 666 1,232

J C/ORT 176,000 Galls. Yes 405 2 14 150

RJOHT 100,000 Galls. Yes 1,182 215 770 353

TW/OHT 100,000 Galls. 354 29 200 1-" .12


Medical FaCIlities Edur.atlOnal SI. Name of Town r--~--~ r------No. Hospitalsl Beds in Recognised DIspensaries/ MedIcal Arts! Shorthand, T. B. Clmlcsj Instltu· SCIence/ Medical Engineering Polytechnics typewrt ting Health Centres! bons noted Commerce Colleges Colleges and other Nursing Homes III Colleges vocational Col. No.3 trlUnIng institute.

2 3 4- 5 6 7 a 9

Chakrata Caqtt. H(l) 18 FC(I)

2 Clement Town Cantt. H(l) 10 o'

S Dehra Dun See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

4 Dehra Dun Cantt. See Dehra Dun CIty Urban Agglomeration

5 Forest Research InStitute See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration & College Area

Debra Dun City Urban H(9) 433 AgglomeratIOn :- D(3) *0(1) 30 ASC(4) 2 Sh. Type (2) TBC(!) FC(2)

(i) Dehra Dun H(7) 4-15 D(2) '" *0(1) SO ASC(4) 2 Sh. Type (2) TBC(l) FC(2) '"

(ii) Debra Dun Cantt. H(I) 10 D(l)

(iii) Forest Research Institute H(l) 8 & College Area

6 Landour Cantt. '" '"

7 Mussooric H(5) lSi ~gil) AS(I) FC(I)

a Raipnr H(l) SO D(l) FC(I)

9 Rishikesh H(3) 48 D(2) TBC(I) "''''

10 Vikasnagar D(2) 4 '" 0(1)

'" '0' denotes the materinty & child welfare centre.

'" '" Ayeovecdic Medical Collage. 13

V CULTURAL FACILITIES IN TOWNS, 1969. (Figures indicat, numb" oj units)

Facihties Recreational and Cultural Facilities ,A. ~~ r------....:..."..._------""'I

, HIgher JunIOr PrImary Others Cmemas AudItorial Publ.c LIbraries Secondary Secondary/ Schools Drama Halls and or Jvbddle rcading rooms Secondary Schools Schools

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

2 PL (I)

See Dehra Dun Clly Urban AgglomeratIOn

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

Se~ Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

19 80 1'1 9 PL(2) RR(4)

15 7 72 15 ... 9 PL(I) RR(4) 3 2 8 2 PL(I)


11 2 21 6 PL(~ RR( ) II (

1 RR(2)

2 3 12 PL(2) RR(S' 2 4 5 PL(I) ST ATE M E ~1' TRADE, COMMERCE, INDUSTRY Names of three most Important Names of three most important commodities imported commodities exporte<.l 81. • ______.A. -. .--.A.-___---->\ No. Name of Town 1st 2nd 3rd lst 2nd Srd

2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Chakrata Cantt. Food Grains Cotton General Mer­ Potato Applc Esculur Root handise Goods

2 Clement Town Cantti Food Grains Grocery Genetal Met­ Soap Lime Wood chandise Goods

3 Dehra Dun See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

4 Dehra Dun Cantt. See Debra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

5 Forest Research Ins titute See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration & Co llege Area

Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration, See Constituent Units (i) Dehra Dun Hardware Cement Cottont Rice Timber Lime

(ii) Dehr~ Dun Cantt. Cotton Silk Worm Kerosene oil Thread Wood Eggs (iii) Forest Research Institute Chemicals Scientific Machines & College Area Equipments .

6 Landour Cantt. Wheat Cloth General Mer Wood Potato Walking chandise Goods Sticks

7 Mussoorie Wheat Clothing Handi Craft Walking Potato Thermometers Goods Sticks

8 Raipur

Rishikesh Potato Food Grains Cloths Lime-Stone Resin Forest Wood

111 Vikasnagar Grocery Cloths Iron Ginger Tea Rice 15.


Names of three most important No. of Agricul­ No. of Non-Agri- Remarks ___------,A.- commodities manufactured______No. of Banks tural Credit cultural Credit SocietIes Societies lst 2nd 3rd

9 10 11 12 IS 14 15

Woollen Wear Tea Walking 2 Sticks

Soap Lime Wooden goods

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See Debra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See Const\~uent Units·

Bulbes Tea Lime 10

Thread Silk ~uttons

Paper Ply Wood

Woollen. Wear Hat Paper Board

Walking Sticks Thermometers Apple Jam 4

Plaster of Paris Iron Nails Soap 5

Dry Ginger Tea Rice 2 ... 16 TOWN STATEMENT


Religion r- _,A. ----- Sl. Name of Town Buddhists Christlans Hmdus Jams N o. ~--. r---.J>---., r--.,.A..-~ r--r"----. M .I. M F M F M F

2 3 ~ 5 6 7 8 9 }O

Chakrata Cantt. 8 4842 671 184 35

2 Clement Town Cantt. 120 56 4,999 2,136

3 Dehra Dun See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

4 Dehra Dun Cantt. See Dehra Dun City U{ban Agglomeration

5 Forest Research Institute See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration & College Area

Debra Dun City Urban 342 538 1,687 1,326 97,248 76203 914 852 Agglomeration

(i) Dehra Dun 308 528 1,177 1,056 78,242 62,758 891 812 , (ii) Dehra Dun Cantt. 34 10 479 248 17,017 11,956 20 II (iii) Forest Research Institute 31 22 1,989 1,489 3 2 & College Area

6 Landour Cantt. 77 76 107 110 960 686 91 4

7 Mussoorie 854 721 542 553 8,850 4,404 7 23

8 Raipur 4 6 72 71 2,570 2,025 7 33

9 Risbikesh 5 g 10 13 9,633 6,885 363 49

10 Vikasna~ar 7 ~ m 102 3,120 2,5~7 f07 8t 17

DIRECTORY VII SCHEDULED CASTES/SCHEDULED TRIBES, 1971 Religion ,A. Religion Scheduled Scheduled Muslims Sikhs Others not stated Castes Tribes r--__"'_____" ~---:. ~ r~ r-_"_____" ~-.." M F M F M F M F M F M F

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

187 36 67 17 221 87 154 47

2,951 1,401 146 89 660 452

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

See Dehra Dun City Urban Agglomeration

5,933 4,410 7,704 6,334 10,563 8,549 162 133

5,505 4,196 5,539 5,061 8,378 6,776 143 120 538 156 2,130 1,238 1,980 1,585 19 13 90 58 35 35 205 188

45 20 93 82 220 177

567 443 666 408 1,374 822 26 12

61 39 178 143 I'"~ 449 349

72 46 336 225 680 536 10 16

390 351 131 133 579 444 .3 2

Village Directory

1-Chakrata Tahsil 22



Sl. Location Location L"lCatioD .i. ... u. Name of Village Code SI. Name oC Village Code SI. Name of Village Code No. No. No. No. No. 2 3 2 S 2 S

1 Alman 340 41 Bbaraya 378 81 Chhumra 6 2 Alsi 213 42 Bhatgarhi 3 82 Chiama 155 3 Amraha 291 43 Bhattar 36 83 Chichrar 323 4- Amrat 101 44 Bhattar 160 84 Chila 349 5 Anu 14 45 Bhistan 370 85 Chilar 47

6 Ara 254- 46 Bhoot 32 86 Chirtar (Chittar) 3~0 7 Ashta 333 47 Bhora 319 87 Chorkunawa 178 8 Asoi 74- 48 Bhugtari 313 B8 Chunau S56 9 Astar 241 49 Bhunar 34- 89 Chunauti 128 10 Atalia 282 50 Bhunau 332 90 Chunhau 374

11 Badhat 361 51 Bhupa 85 91 Dadauli 200 12 Badhoo 326 52 Bihar 377 92 Dadhao 290 13 Badnu 210 53 Bijau 309 93 Daduwa 91 14- Baghna 304- 54 BIJnoo 131 94- Dagura 188 15 Bagi 25 55 Binoo 225 95 Dakerna 240

16 Bagi 376 56 Birmau 227 96 Damtha 197 17 Bagni 68 57 Birnar 18 97 Danda 273 IB Bagoor 33 58 Birontha 130 98 Dassau 86 19 Baitha 308 59 Birpa 122 99 Datnu 211 20 Bajau 185 60 Bisoi 229 100 Dau 281

21 Balnaa 318 61 Bisoi 339 101 Daudha (Davda) 83 22 Bamoo 138 62 Bissau 141 102 Dawala 144 23 Bamrar 195 63 Biyas 297 103 Dawra 325 24 Bana 46 64 Boha 247 104 Dei 43 25 Banpur 1 65 Bary 219 105 Dca 269

26 Bansar 28B 66 Budhala (Budola) 191 106 Derio 142 27 Bansaa 373 67 Blllar 70 107 Dersa 10 28 Bantau 226 68 Buraila 79 108 Desau 270 29 Banyana 104 69 Buraswa 134 109 Dbaira 294 3D Barkoti 126 70 Chadiyara 129 110 Dbanpar (Dbanpur) 369

31 Basaha 208 71 Chandau 260 111 Dhaura 164 32 Basan 300 72 Chanjai (Chajoi) 53 112 Dbiroi 366 33 Bastil 19 73 Chapnu 292 113 Dldhakhen 71 34 Bayala 73 74 Chatra 27 114 Dillau 255 15 Begi 69 75 Chausal 20 115 Dimau 280

!Ii Bhagwat 5 76 Chebhau 250 116 Dimich 52 37 Bhamoari 263 77 Chhajar 40 117 Dindal 363 38 Bbandroli 51 78 Chhatau 179 118 Dirnar 35 39 Bhandrata 301 79 Chhauntar 161 119 Doha 169 40 Bhanjra 266 80 Chhulta! 158 120 DUIlgri 50 23


CHAKRATA TAHSIL Location Location Location SI. Na.mtl of Village Code SI. Name ot Vdlage Code SI. Name of Village Code No. No. No. No. No. No. 2 s 2 3 2 3

121 DUDuwan 96 161 Jasta 145 201 Khokta 189 122 Duwina 338 162 Jhabrar 102 202 Kholra 99 123 Dwaun (Duwaun) 170 163 .Jhitar 2 203 Khunna (Khuna) 341 346 124 Echhla 192 164 Jhusau 171 204- Kiari 125 Eithan 37 155 Jhusoubhakrau 198 205 Kiawa 180

126 Faidij 16 166 Jhutaya 286 206 Kistoor 42 127 Gadaita 209 167 Jogiyo 120 207 Kitroh 89 128 Gadaug 359 168 Jokla 299 208 Kolha 139 129 Gadaul 322 169 Joshi 207 209 Kophti 311 130 Gadsara 166 170 Kachata 335 210 Koruwa 236

131 Gamri 95 171 Kaha 315 211 Kota 93 132 Gang~au 329 172 Kaitri 174 212 Kota 150 133 Gaski 362 173 Kakari 215 213 Kotha 251 134 Gata 156 174 Kalaitha 88 214- Kothl 243 135 Gaurchha (Gaurcha) 61 175 Kalsi 295 215 Koti 25

136 Gauthan 206 176 Kanbhuwa 216 216 Koti 278 137 Gawela 84 177 Kanda 22 217 Koti 54 138 Ghamangaon 3i5 178 Kandar 112 218 Koti 231 139 Ghanata 143 179 Kandldhar (Kanddihar) 121 219 Kotua 140 140 Gharana 264 180 Kandoi 154 220 Kuitha 307

141 Ghinghau (Ghmghoo) 173 181 Kandoi 66 221 Kulaha 9 142 GovtstatetIlwan 296 182 Kandoi 34-2 222 Kuna 186 143 Guthar 162 183 Kandoi 157 223 Kuna 21 144 HaJa 87 184 KanknOl 168 224 Kunalll 103 145 HaJta 244 185 Kawakhera 67 225 Kunna 151

146 Hamrau 204- 186 Kerar 44 226 Kunawa (Kunuwa) 62 147 Hanau1 28 187 Keshau (Keshan) 257 227 Kuraoli 221 148 Hanpur 298 188 Khabau 147 228 Kurar 106 149 Hartar 39 189 Khadl 365 229 Kusio 336 150 Hartar 58 190 Khamrauli (Khamrali) 249 230 Kuwarna 237

151 Hatal 17 191 Khanar 107 231 Kwasa 343 152 Haye 177 192 Khani 303 232 Lachha 336 153 Hoda 239 193 Kharin 357 233 Lailra 274 154 Indroli 111 194- Kharoda 98 234- Lakhamandal 163 155 Jadi 76 195 Kharsi 118 235 Lakhwar 368

156 Jagthan 80 196 Khatasa 220 236 Laksiyar 367 157 Jaindau 327 197 Khati 334- 237 Lalho (Laloo) 203 158 Jakhnog 371 198 Khattar 310 238 Lato (La tau) 328 159 Jamuwa 245 199 Khatuwa 117 239 Lawn 165 240 l60 laran~ ~72 200 Khoi 259 Lohaq !l79 24



Location Location Location SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of VIllage Code No. No. No. No. No. No.

2 3 2 3 2 3

241 Lohari 353 281 Naraya 240 321 Sabiya 217 242 Lohari 78 282 Nehra 317 322 Sainj 256 243 Loharna 352 283 Nichia 285 323 Sainj IS 244 LorH 242 284 Nimga 45 324 SainJ 235 245 Ludhera 348 285 Nmus 30 325 Samsa 233

246 Luban 364 286 Nitbla 228 326 Sairi 293 247 Magroli 238 287 Panjia 289 327 Sakni 214 248 Mabpawta 137 288 Panuwa 201 328 Sakro! 358 24-9 Mahrawna 135 289 Parihar (Pariyar) 279 329 Salga 248 250 Mahsasa 345 290 Pata 271 330 Samalta 199

251 Maindrath 24- 291 Pat a 194 331 Samog 109 252 Mainloth 94 292 Pati 132 332 San tar 59 253 Makhti 182 293 Pat iuri (Paturi) 38 333 Sarari 284- 254 Malaltha 97 294 Patiyana 302 334 Sariyana 350 255 Maleta (Maletha) 212 295 Penwa 49 335 Sarna Rampur 148

256 Malhau 261 296 Phanar 31 336 Sarni 41 257 Mandoll ~68 297 Phatio 193 337 Sarsona 305 258 Mangtar 56 298 Plhani 276 338 Sawal 184 259 ManJhgaon 108 299 Pmgm 360 339 Sawara 372 260 Manjhgaon 92 300 Pingwa 63 340 Sawra 115

261 ,Marlho (Marlao) 190 301 Pokhn lZ4 341 Semaha 312 262 Masak 57 302 Pun aha 123 342 Semog (Samog) 275 :i63 Masrar 202 303 Punaha (Pu ara) 316 343 Shena (Sedla) 4 264 Matar 90 304- Punal 11 344- Shllba 136 265 Mathyo (Matho) 205 305 Pumng 65 345 Slbhau (Slbhoo) 175

266 Matiyana 81 306 Purtar 29 340 Sichar 110 267 Matiyawa 172 307 Raitar 100 347 Sijla 77 268 Maunthl (Maunh) 159 308 Rajanu 60 348 SJla 337 269 Meghatoo ,7 309 Rakhtar 344 349 Sllamoo 149 270 Mendal lOS 310 Ramla 355 350 Smghor ':120

271 Mengar 153 311 Rampur 321 351 Siri 125 272 Mohna 113 312 F.angau 127 352 Sujau 114 273 Mundhan (Mundhau) 324 313 Ram 223 353 Sunoda 82 274 Mundhole 12 314 Raru 13 354 Sunoi 48 275 Mungar 75 315 Ratar 183 355 Supau 258

276 Munshi 351 316 Rawna 133 356 Suryoo 265 277 Myunta (Myunda) 152 317 Raygi 8 357 Tangri 176 ~78 Nada 167 31B Rikhar 230 358 Tarli 252 279 Nagau 181 319 Rul'o 283 359 Thaina 306 28J ~18 320 Naiyi Sahlya 146 ~pO Thlll~ 3M 25


CHAKRATA TAHSIL Location Location Location SI. Name of Village Code 81. Name of Village Code 81. Name of Village Code No. No. No. No. No. No. 2 3 2 3 2 S

361 Thana 232 371 Tivtar 23 FOREST CHARGE 362 Thanta 119 372 Tungra 231 363 Tharta 64 373 Ubhau 347 380 Babar Range FA 364 Thatlo 196 374 Ubhrav 267 381 Df odhar Range F.5 365 Thurau 281 375 Udanwa 7l 382 Kanasar Range F.2

366 Tikau 277 876 Udpalta 222 383 Molta Range F.6 367 Timra 253 377 Uha 116 384 Rikhnar Range F.g 368 Tiona 55 378 Uprauh ~24 385 River Range F.I 369 Tipau 262 379 UtaJl 314 370 Tlprara 187

Marked differences in spelling of villages from 1961 D. C. H. have been given wlthm brackets in column No. ~ of the Alphabelicallist. 26



Amenities available withi n the village Loe.- tion Name of Vihage Total ,------_--'- Code Area No. of the Posl viUage Educational Medical Power Drmking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water catIOns Telegraph

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Banpur 195 JBS (1) W KR Wheal & RIce

2 Jhltar 241 JBS (I) W KR Wheal & RIce

3 BhatgarHi 245 JBS (I) W KR Wheal & Rice 4 Sheria 62 F KR Wheat .& Rice 5 Bhagwat 70 F KR Wheat & Rice

6 Cbhumra 73 JBS (I) F KR Wheat & Rice

7 Meghatoo 89 W KR Wheat & Rice

8 Raygi 174 F KR Wheat & Rice

9 Kulaha 279 JBS (I) F KR Wheat & Rice

10 Dersa 120 F KR Wheat & Rice

11 Punal 145 F KR Wheat & RICe

12 Mundhole 194 JBS (I) F KR PO Wheat & Rice SBS (I) 13 Raru 391 T KR Wheat & Rice

14 Anu 281 JBS (I) F KR,PR Wheat & Rice

15 Sainj 368 JBS (1) W KR Wheal & Rice

16 Faidij 60 F KR Wheat & Rice

17 Hatal 132 JBS (I) F KR,PR Wheat & Rice Birnar 18 358 JBS (I) H(I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice 19 Bastil * JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice Chausal 20 246 T KR Wheat & Rice

Kuna 21 391 T KR Wheat & Rice Kanda 168 '1.2 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rice T:vtar 287 23 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & RIce Maindrath 131 24 F KR Wheat & Rice Bagi 125 25 T KR Wheat & Rice * Area included in Code No. 18. DIRECTORY


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land usc in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days includmg .______,.A...------. town of the any place Loc.· 1 Area and marketfhat, of religious, tion Un­ Cultivable not avaIlable distance if any, historical or Code' Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for (IDKm.) held in the archaeo­ No•• cultivatIOn village logical interCl!

11 12 13 14 15 16 .7 18 1 '

T(16)O(16) 97 56 26 Chakrata (96) T T(51) 0(51) 109 69 12 Chakrata (94) T 2 T(JO)0(10) 114 107 7 Chakrata (85) T 3 T(2jO(2) 46 1>3 Chakrata (83) 4 60 ,9 Chakrata (84) 5

T(8)0(8) 56 8 Chakrata (83) 6 T(6)0(6) 66 16 Chakrata (83) T 7

T (68)G (68) 80 19 7 Ch,tkra ta (82) T 8 T(38)0(38) 125 102 14 Chakrata (87) T 9'

T(2)0(2) 82 33 3 ,Chakrata (87) T 10

T(I)0(1) 110 34 Chakrata (90) T 11

'F(2)0(2) 149 38 5 Chakrata (88) T 12

'1'(68)0(68) 231 72 20 Chakrata (95) T 13.

'f(42) 0(42) 160 64 15 Chakrata (90) T 14

tJ'{35) 0(35) 202 117 14 Chakrata (96) T 15

T(18)0(18) IS 20 7 Chakrata (90) T 16 T(12)0(12) 103 9 8 Chakrata (99) T 17

T(2)0(2) 278 55 23 Chakrata (85) 18 Chakrata (85) 19

194 42 10 Chakrata (86) 20

245 135 11 Chakrata (83) T 21 T(21)0(21) 94 45 8 Chakrata (72) T 22 .. T(59) 0(59) 105 95 28 Chakrata (72) T 2$ T(25)0(25) 19 76 11 Chakra ta (88) T 24 108 13 4 Chakrata (83) T ~5 28



Amenities available within the village' ,A., ______Loca- Total ,.-- tion Name of Village Area CQde of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 , 8 9 10

26 Koti lOB JBS (I) W KR Wheat &: Rice

21 Chatra 173 0 KR Wheat &: Rice

28 Hanaul 30 JBS (1) T KR Wheat &: Rice

29_ Purtar 210 JBS (I) 0 KR Wheat &: Rice

S~ Ninus 24B l' KR Wheat &: Rice

31 Phanar 460 JRS (1) T KR Wheat&: Rice

S2 Bhoot 222 JBS (I) F KR Wheat &: Rice

33 Bagoor 137 JBS (1) T KR Wheat &: Rice

Sf Bhunar 170 JBS (I) T KR Wheat &: Rice

85. Dirnal 283 JBS (I) F KR Who,at &: Rice

36, Bhattar 122 JBS (1) .,. F KR Wheat-&: Rice SBS(l) 37 Eithan 552 JRS (I) T KR PO Wheat &: Rice 38 Patiuri 219 F KR Wheat&: Rice

39 Hartar 01< W KR Wheat &: Rice

40 Chhajar 759 '" j W KR Wheat &: Rice

41 Sami 136 IDS (I) T KR 1Aheat &: Rice

42 Kistoor :t29 JRS (I) ... T KR Wheat &: Rice

43 Dei 27 JDS (I) F KR PO Wheat &: Rice 44 Kerar 28 F KR Wheat &: Rice

45, Nigma 236 T KR Wheat &: Rice

245 46, Bana l' KR Wheat &: JLice 302 47 Chilar IBS (I) T' KR PO Wlleat &: Rice 105 48 SunOl F KR Wheat &: Rice pcnwa 97 49 F KR Wheat &: Rice Dungri 383 50,;~ JRS (1) f ~R Wreat &: }tiC!! .,. Area iqclu~ed In 90de NQ. 1-0, 29



Land use (i. e.) area under different types of land use i~ acres rounded Remarks ,-______to the nearest ,A. unit). ______---, Nearest Day or days including town of the any place Loca· and market/hat, of rehglOus, tion Area distance if any. :historical Dr Code Forest Irrigated Un- . Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No, irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation intert~at

II 12 18 14 15 16 11 18

89 12 7 Chahata (85) T 2q

T(47)0(47) 93 30 3 Chakrata (99) 27

T(2)0(2) 13 3 2 Chakrata (99) T 28 T(31)0(31) 92 83 4 Chakrata (113) T 29 1(5)0(5) 191 41 11 Chakrata (91) T 30'

.. T(3O) 0(30) 167 244 19 Chakrata (50) ,I .... 31 - T(I)O(I) 137 78 6 Chakrata (47) 32

T(6)0(6) 100 29 2 C~akrata (53) 33 T(Il)O(II) 106 41 12 Chilkrata (43) M- .. T(12)0(12) . 200 64 7 Chakrata (47) 35

'f(I)O(I) 94 21 ' 5 Chakrata (43) 36,

T(17JO(li 302 221 12 Chakrata (39) 37 T(3)0(3) 151 60 5 Chakrata (35) 38 Chakrata (45) 39

20 T('.1~~0(30) 406 270 33 C~akrata (45) 40 "

I T(14)Q(14) 114 34 - 4 Chakra ta (35) T 41

T(38)O(38) 84 89' 18 Chakrata (32) rT 42

113 8 Chakra ta (32)' T 4~ 19 8 Chakrata (32) T 441

T(60)d(60) 88 64 24 'Chiikrata (30) T 4~'

T(26)0(26) 124 80 15 Chakrata (37) 'T 4fi (37') . T(27)0(27) 160 99 16 Chakrata T 47

T(4)0(4) 76 19 6 Chakrata (27) T 48

T(4)O(4) 76 10 7 Chakrata (26) T 49 ' 1;;1 178 Chl'~rata (27) '" 'f(?B)0\2B! ~6 T ~9 30



Amenities available within the village LlICa­ lotal ----, tion Area Code Name of Village or the Post No, village Educational Medical Pow~r Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 S 4 5 6 7 B 9 10

51 Bhandroli 68 jBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 52 nlmich 73 T KR Wheat & Rice 53 ChanJoi 130 0 KR Wheat & Rice M Koti 200 T KR,PR Wheat & Rice Tiona 55 200 jBS (1) T KR,PR Wheat & Rice

56 MangtaJ' 122 T KR,PR Wheat & Rice

57 Masak 485 jBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice

58 Hartar 270 T KR Wheat & Rice Santar 59 * T KR Wheat & Rice 60 Rajanu 229 T KR Wheat & Rice

61 Gaurchha 87 F' KR Wheat &. Rice 62 Kunwa 69 F KR Wheat &. Rice 63 ,Pingwa 281 F KR Wheat & Rice

64 Thartha 289 F KR Wheat & Rice

65 Puning 122 F KR Wheat & Rice

66 Kandoi 324 JBS (1) T KR PO Wheat &. Rice SBg (I) 67 Kawakhera 22'1 nS (I) T KR Wheat fk Rice 68 Bagm 181 F KR Wheat & RIce 69 Begi 52 F KR Wheat & Rice

70 Bular 108 jBS (1) F KR Whea~ ,& Rice

71 Didhakh~ra * F KJ.t Wheat & Rice 72 Udanwa 131 F KR Wheat & RIce 73 Baya1a 477 JBS (I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice

74 Asoi 216 T KR Wheat & Rice Mungar 75 602 ... 0 l).R Pq ""heat & Rice '!' Ar~a fi~re~ II eluded m 9?de f'l9~. 58 ~np 7~ DIRECTORY


Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or da.ys including r .------~------, town of the any place Loca­ and market/hat. of religious, lion Un- Cultivable Area distance if any, ,bistorical or Code Furest Irrigated irrigated Waste not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No. for village logical cultivation interest

\l 12 III 14 15 16 17 18

.. T (2)0(2) 43 19 4 Chakrata (27) T 51 T(7)O(7) 38 24 4 Chakrata (28) T 52 .. T(9)O(9) 30 80 II Chakrata (30) :r 53 3 T(14)0(14) 122 40 21 Chakrata (23) T 54

... T (SS) 0(3S) 55 SS 19 Ghakrata (23) T .55

T(13}O(13} 73 26 10 Chakrata (23) T fi6 T(59}O(59) 209 160 37 Chakrata (24) T 57 T(3)O(3) 136 126 5 Chakrata (27) :r ffl Chakrata (27) 69

T(12)0(12) 133 77 7 Chakrata (29) T 60

T(4)0(4) 64 17 2 Chakrata (33) T 61

32 35 2 Chakrata (33) T 62 T(16)O(16) 124 128 13 'Chakrata (35) T 63 23 T(31)0("I) 116 78 41 Chakrata (35) T 64 T(lG)O(lG) 59 041 6 I Ghakrata (33) T 65

T(15)O(l5) 156 (34 19 Chakrata (95) 'T 66 ,'84 T(B)G(B) 114 21 Chil.krata (35) 'T 67

T(4)0(4) 82 87 8 Chakrata (39) T 68 T(9)0(9) 21 '21 Chakra ta (33) 'T 69 T(7)O(7) 58 "'0 3 Cbaltrata (39) T 70

Chakrata (33) T 71 T(I) 0(1) 62 165 3 Chakrata (25) T 72 'T(52) 0(52) 148 '235 42 Chakrala (31) 'T 73 87 '103 26 Chakrata (27) "r 74 ••• :T(2)0(2) _, 307 '165 28 Chakrata (15), T 7" VILl.AG-E


fAmenlties available within the village I

,,",octt'- 'iOtal ,~r-- ""l tjon Area 'Cod'c Name ot' Village, "Of ,he POlt No.' vJllage Eaucational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Slaple Food (in acres) .upply water cations Telegraph

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

~b ladl' i37 IBS (I) MO\v{I) O,T KR PO Wheat & Rice 77 Sijla 53 W,F KR Wheat & Rice

:]8 Lohari 429 IRS (I) T,W KR Wheat &: Rice

79 BUlaila 267 W,F KR Wheal,& Rice 80 Jagthan 261 . JBS (1) W,F KR \ Wheat & Rice

'm Matiyana 250 T,W KR Wheat &: 'Rice 82 Sunoda 209 T KR Wheat & Rice

iIl3 Dauha 322 'l',W KR Wheat & Rice 84 Gawela 269 T,W KR Wheat & Rice

85 Bhopu ~5 . I, ~ ·0 KR Wheat & Rice

~6 Dass!l;u 568 JES (1) MOW(I) T KR Wheat &: Rice 0(1) 87 Haja, 678 JB~ (I) T KR PO Wheat &: Rice

,88 Kalaitha *- JRS (I) T KR Wheat &: Rice 89 Kitroli 147 0 KR Wheat &: Rice

90 Matio! 48 R KR Wheat&, Rice

91 Daduwa 133 JB~jI) .t, \_ .T KR <- Wheat It Rice ~2 Manjhgaou 117 J_B~ (2) D(IL T .KR PO Wheat &: Rice ,93 Kola 240 D(l) ,F KR . ' Wheat & Rice ~4 Mainlot;h 246 1 • ~. 0 KR Wheat &: Rice 154- 9? Gallll"! ~ ··T _,1 0 KR Wheat & Rice

129 9{i DunuwaSl T KR Wheat It Rice ~ '. 97 MallUtha 453 ].BS (lJ T KR PO Wheat &: Rice \ SBS ?) 98 Kharoda 2,5 JBS"I) KR \ T Wheat & Rice Kholra 41 '_, KR ~~ Jl CW, Wheat&: Rice " IP'? Raitar 25 ~~ ('JII U Wheat & Rice >IC Area figures included in Coac No. 87. 33



Land use (i.e •• area under different types of land llse io acres rounded Remarb to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including Loea· (""".------~.------, town of the any place tio n and market/hat, of religious, Code Un- Cultivable Area di!tancc if any. historical or No. Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste 001 available (in Km.) held in the arl!haeo- for village logical cultivation interest

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(l)O(I) 194 214 28 Chakrata (15) T 76 34 16 3 Chakrata (17) T 77 T(7)0(7) 279 110 33 Chakrata (24) T 78 T(35) 0(35) 82 110 40 Chakrata (27) T 79

T(3)0(3) 139 103 16 Chakrata (30) T 80

T( 3)0(3) 100 144 3 Chakrata (23) T 81 T(9)0(9) 94 84 22 Chakrata (22) T 82 T(14)0(14) 145 150 13 Chakrata (22) T 83 T(ll)O(Il) 105 135 18 Chakrata (19) T 84

T(6)O(6) 44 35 10 Chakrata (21) 65

T(3)0(3) 217 311 37 Chakra ta (18) T 86 T(7)O(7) 341 302 28 Chakrata (15) T 87 Chakrata (15) 88 65 71 11 Chakrata (18) T 89 24 20 4 Ch~luata (13) SO

T(2)0(2) 76 49 6 Chakrata (14) T 91 95 18 4 Chakrata'(29) T 92

T(2)0(2) 114 74- 50 Chakrata (29) T 93 T(3)O(3) 105 93 45 Chakrata (29) T 94- T(8)0(8) 52 63 11 Chakrata (24) T 95

59 60 Chakra ta (24) T(2)0(2) 8 T CD6 8 T(10)O(IO) 235 179 21 Chakrata (24) T 97 T(15)O(15) 126 62 12 Chakrata (23) T 98 29 10 2 Chakrata (19) 99 19 S Chakrata (19) 100 34


Amenitie~ available within the village Loca- lOin Total r -"- Code N"ame of Village Area No. of the Post Stapl" Foo'd village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- '& (i nacres) supply water catIOns Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

lOl Amrar 219 D(I) T KR . Wheat & Rice 102 Jhabrar * D(ll T KR Wheat & Rice 103 Kunain 352 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice

i04 Banyana 270 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

105 Mlndal 299 lBS

106 Kur~r ,,65 W KR Wheat & Rice 107 Khanar * F KR Wheat & Rice 108 Manjhgaon 227 JBS (1) 0 KR Wheat & Rice

109 Samog 275 0 KR Wheat & Rice

110 Sichar 0 KR Wheat & Rice

III Indroli lOB lBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice

112 Kandar 230 T KR Wpeat & Rice

113 Mohna 475 T KR Wheat & Rice

114 Sujau 99 T KR Wheat & Rice

115 Sawra 108 JBS (I) y. T KR Wheat & Rice

116 Ulia, -,.- T KR Wheat & Rice 117 Khatuwa 927 lBS (1) 0 KR Wheat & Rice

118 Kharsi 640 lBS (I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice 119 Thauta ISS T KR Wheat & Rice

120 Jogiyo 44B lBS (ll T KR Wheat & Rice

121 Kandldhar 78 0 KR Wheal & Rice

122 Birpa 83 W KR Wheat & Rice 123 Pun aha 490 0 KR Wheat & Rice 124 Pokhri Of< lBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

125 Sid 230 T KR Wheat & Rice ~------"'Area figures of Village Nos. 102, 107, 110, 115 and 124 are included in Code Nos. 101, 106, 114 and 123 respectivel.y· .!i5 DIRECTORY


Land use (i. c., area under different type& of land u.e in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or daya including ,------....------, town o{tho any place Lo~a. and market/hat, of religious, tion Area • distance if any, historical or Code Forest Irrigated, Un- Cultivable not avaJlable (in Km., held III the areaeo- No. in:igated Waste for village hogieal cultivatiou ilnlcrest

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

T(30) 0)30) 131 49 9 Chakrata (24) T lOr

Chakrata (24) T 102 T(Z5)O(25) 251 64 12 Chakrata (24) T 103 T(9) 0(9) 203 39 19 Chakrata (29) T 104

T(32)O(3Z) 191 65 il Chakrata (3) 'T 105

T(l3)0(13) 242 94 16 Chakrata (8) T 106 Chakrata (3) T 107

T(9)0(9) 176 35 7 Chakrata (14) I T 108

T(29) 0(29) 159 67 20 Chahata (11) T 109 Chakrata (9) T 110

T (3)P(3) 80 19 6 Chakrata (10) T 111 185 28 17 Chakrata (14) T H2 T(B4,O(B4) 259 100 32 Chakra La (8) T 113 T(6)0(6) 68 20 5 Chakrata (7) T 114 T(3)0(3) 80 19 6 Chakrata (11) T 115

Chakrata (7) T 116 T(45)O(45) 440 396 46 Chakrata (26) T 117 T(37)0(37) 352 221 30 Chakrata (23) T 118

, .. , 1(14)0(14) 81 51 9 Chakrata (16) T 119 T(34)0(34) 258 '121 35 Chakrata (14) T 120

T(2)0(2) 49 26 Chakrata (19) T 121

T(3) 0(3) 47 30 3 Chakrata (18) T 122 T(27JO(27) 282 172 9 Chakrata (24) T 123 Chahala (24) T 124 T(7)0(7) 163 48 12 Chakrata (21) T 125 36



Amenities available within the village Loca- Total r- ...... ------, tion Area Code Name of Village oftbe No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- Post Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations & Telegraph

2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

126 Barkoti * 0 KR Wheat & Rice 127 Rangau 175 0 KR Wheat & Rice 128 Chunauti 155 0 KR Wheat & Rice 129 Chadiyara '" 0 KR Wheat & Rice 130 Birontha JBS (1) D(I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice '" SBS (1)

131 Bljnoo 120 HO(I) F KR Wheat & Rice MeW(!) 132 Pati 65 T KR Wheat & Rice 133 Rawna 145 T KR Wheat & Rice 134- Buraswa 470 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 135 Mahawna 127 T KR Wheat & Rice

136 Shirba 246 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 137 Mahpawta 86 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rice 138 Bamoo 71 T KR Wheat & Rice 139 Kolha 74 F KR Wheat & Rice 140 Kotua 128 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rice

141 Bissau 54 T KR Wheat & Rice 142 Derio 144- R KR Wheat & Rice 143 Ghanta 189 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 144- Dawala 211 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 145 Jasta 394- F KR Wheat &Rice

146 Sahiya 84- JBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rice 147 Khabau 181 JBS (1) T KR PO Wheat & Rice 148 Sarna Rampur 135 T KR Wheat & Rice 149 Sllamoo 138 T KR Wheat & Rice 307 150 Kota lBS (I) F KR Wheat & Rice *Area figures ot v!lla~e Nos. 126, P!9 ane:! 130 ar~a included m C;::()~e Nos. !25, 1~3 and 125 respectively. 37



Land use (i. e., area under different types at land use in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including ------__,....__ town of the any place Loca. and market/hat, of religiOUS, tion Area distance if any, historical or Code Forest Irrigated Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) b eld in the ar chaco- 'No. irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation interest

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 IB

Chakrata (20) T 126 T(27)0(27) 83 53 12 Chakrata (24) T 127 T(5)0(5) 112 34 4 Chakrata (2J) T 128

Chakrata (17) T 129

Chakrata (20) T 130

T,(12)O(12) 70 31 7 Chakrata (16) T 131

T(I)O(I) 55 7 2 Chakrata (4) 132

T(20)O(20) 100 17 B Chakrata (6) 133

T(35JO(35) 353 54 28 Chakrata (8) 134

T(IB)O(IB) 85 19 5 Chakrata (10) 135

T(IO)O(IO) 184 34 18 Chakrata (11) 136

T(12)O(12) 46 25 3 Chakrata (13) 137 57 12 2 Chakrata (13) 138

57 14 3 Chakrata (14) 139 T(14)O(14) 73 24 17 Chakrata (16) T 140

40 12 2 Chakrata (18) 141 T(20)O(20) BO 24 20 Chakrata (19) 142 T(17)O(17) 131 29 12 Chakrata (19) 143 T(18)O(18) 122 57 14 Chakrata (23) 144 214 146 T(24) °(24) 10 Chakrata (24) 145

'{(11)0(11) 57 12 4 Chakrata (23) 141) T(LO)O(IO) 134 29 B Chakrata (26) 147 T(17)O(17} 59 45 14 Chakrata (26) 148 T(5)O(5) 81 42 10 Chakrata (20) 149 T(29,O(29) 202 62 It Chakrata (29~ T J50 38



Amenities available within the village Loea- Total .-- __, tion Area Code Name of Village of the Post Staple Food No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 S " 5 6 7 8 9 10 151 Kunna 224 JBS (I) F KR 'v\heat & Rice 152 Myunta 445 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 153 Mengar 60 F KR Wheat & Rice 154 Kandoi 336 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 155 Chiama * T KR Wheat & Rice

ISQ Gata * T KR Wheat & Rice 157 Kandoi 329 T KR PO Wheat & Rice 158 Chhultar 85 F KR Wheat & RILe 159 Maunthi 113 .. , F KR Wheat & Rice 160 Bhattar 183 JBS (1) WF KR Wheat & Rice

161 Chauntar * T KR Wheat & Ril:e 162 Guthar 263 T KR Wheat & Rice 163 Lakhamandal 89 JBS (I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice 164 Dhaura 222 T KR Wheat & Rice 165 Lawri 612 T KR Wheat & Rice

166 Gadsara * T KR Wheat & Rice 167 Nada 159 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 168 Kanknoi 86 T KR Wheat & Rhe 169 Doha 139 0 KR Wheat & Rice 170 Dwaun 16B JBSP) T KR Wh~at &Rice

0 KR 171 Jhusau * Wheat & Rice T KR PO IWheal 172 Maiyawa 114 lBS (I) & Rice 173 Ghinghau 132 T KR Wheat & Rice KR 174 Kaltri 95 ]BS{I) T Wheat & Rice 55 T KR Wheat & Rice 17~ Sibhau "'Area figures of Village Nos. 155, 156, 161; 166 and 171 are incl?~ed in Code Nos. 154~ 154, 160, 165 and 169 lCS~ectIVelr' '.. .., S9



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use 1D acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or day. including ---'------a town of the any place Loca­ and market/hat, of religious, tion Un- Cultivable Area- distance if any, hist orical or Coda Irrigated irrigated waste not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo­ No. Forest for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18

'l' (33) 0 (33) 140 ~8 13 Chakrata (29) 151 T(39) 0(39) 299 80 27 Chakrata (32) T 152 T(4(0(4) 40 8 B Chakrata (35) 153 T(29)0(29) 216 50 41 Cbakrata (24) T 154 Chakrata (24) 155 /

···l <>::hakrata (24) T 156 • f T(13)0(13) 244 54 18 Chakrata (24) T 157 59 23 3 Chakrata (27) 158 T(5) 0(5) 84 15 9 Chakrala (27) T 159 T(21)0(21) 113 39 10 Chakrata (30) T 160

Chakrata (32) 161 T(55) 0(55) 99 83 26 Chakrala (27) 162 T(12)R(12) 43 15 19 Chakrata (32) T 163 T(5)0(5) 142 57 18 Chakrata (32) 164 T (62) 0 (62) , 3S8 ' 108 54 I Chakrata (30) "1' 165

Chakrata (37) 166 T(16)0(16) 108 25 10 Cbakrata (42) ·f 167

T(6)0(6) 48 17 15 Chakra ta (23) 166

T(12)@(12) 79 27 21 Chakrata (14) 169

IT (39)0 (39) 52 39 38" Chakrata (21) 170

Chakrata (14) lY'l T(4)0(4) 77 20 13 Chakrata (14) 172 T(7)0(7) 66 38 21 Chakrata (13) 173 T(I)O(I) 65 27 2 Chakra ta (11) 174 42 11 2 Chakrata (II) 175- 40



Amenities available within the village Loca- tion Total .----- ., Code Name of Village Area No. of the Post village Educational Me dical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in aerea) .upply Water catIons Telegraph

2 II 4 5 6 7 B 9 10

176 Tangri * ]BS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 177 Hayo 231 T KR Wheat & Rice 178 Chorkunawa 171 ]BS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 179 Chhatau 177 0 KR Whea~ & Rice 180 Kiawa 173 WF KR Wheat &' Rice

181 Nagau 144 JBS (1) MCW(I) T KR. PO Wheat & Rice SBS (1) 0(1) 182 Makhti 180 T KR Wheat & Rice l83 Ratar 46 T KR Wheat & Rice 184 Sawai 153 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 185 Bajau 82 0 KR Wheat & Rice

186 Kuna 104 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 187 Tiprara 64 T KR Wheat & Rice 188 Dagura 139 T KR Wheat & Rice 189 Khokta * T KR Wheat & Rite 190 Marlho 100 JBS (I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice

191 Budhola 69 T KR Wheat & Rice 192 Echhla 107 T KR. Wheat & Rice 193 Phatio 102 T KR Wheat & Rice 194 Pata 58 T KR • Wheat & Rice 195 Bamrar 41 ... 0 KR Wheat & Rice

196 Thatio 87 T KR Wheat & Rice 197 Dam,ha 108 T KR. Wheat & Rice 198 Jhusoubhakrau 86 T KR. Wheat & Rice 199 Samalta 351 JES (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 0 KR. Wheat & Rice 200' Dadauli *Area figures of village Nos.* 176, 189 and 200 ale included in Code Nos. 177, 190 and 199 respectively. 41



Land use (i. e., area under diiTerent types of land use in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) , Neare.' Day or days including r- ----.A------. town of the any place Locll' and market/hat, of religious, tlOn Area distance if any. historical or Code Forest Irrigated Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No. irrigated Waste for village logical cultivatio_n interen

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

Chakrata (13) T 176 T(7)0(7) 14-7 67 10 Chakrata (13) T 177 T(6) 0(6) 114 35 16 Chakrata (8) 178 T(S)O(S) lJ5 42 15 Chakrata (7) 119 T(I)O(l) 127 34 11 Chakrata (11) T 180

T(9)0(9) 76 42 17 Chakrata (lJ) 181 T(5)O(5) 134 31 10 Chakrata (13) T 182

36 10 2 Chakrata (14) 183 1ll 23 19 Chakrata (18) T 184 ,_-, 57 19 6 Cbakrata (17) 185

19 T(II)O(ll) 61 13 Chakrata (11) 186 T(I)O(I) 39 23 Chakrata (18) 187 T(39) 0 (39) 62 22 16 Chakrata (18) 188 Chakrata,(19) 189 83 9 T (5) 0(5) I Chakrata (19) 190

48 15 T(3) 0 (3) 3 Chakrata (19) T 191 72 23 12 Chakrata (14) 192 73 26 3 Chakrata (14) 193 32 21 S Chakrata (14) 194 17 20 4 Chakrata (IS) T 19S

55 26 6 Chakrata (15) 196 70 36 2 Chakrata (16) 197 48 29 9 Chakrata (18) 198 173 T(24) 0 (24) 108 46 Chakrata (18) 199 Chakrata (18) 200 42



Amenities available withi n the Village Loca- , ______Jo.. ______.. tion Total Code Name of Village Area No. of the Post village Educational Medical Power Drinkmg Communi· & Staple Food (Ill acres) supply Water cations Telegraph

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

201 Panuwa 277 T KR Wheal & Rice 202 Masrar 160 R KR Wheal & Rice 203 Lalho 189 T hR Wheat & Rice 204 Hamrau 121 T KR Wheat & Rice 20j Mathyo 191 W KR 'Wheal & Rice

206 Gauthan 342 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 207 Joshi * W KR Wheat & Rice 20B Basaha 187 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 209 Gadaita 181 T KR Wheat & Rice 210 Badnn 179 T KR Wheat & Rice

211 Datnu 16? JBS (I) W KR Wheat & Rice 212 Maleta 130 WF KR Wheat & Rice

213 Alsi 193 T KR Wheat & Rice 214 Sakni 242 T KR Wheat & Rice 215 Kakari 153 T KR Wheat & Rice

216 Kanbhuwa 346 JBS (l) T KR 'Wheal & Rice 217 Sahiya * H(I)D(4) T PR PTO, Wheat & Rice 0(1) Phone 218 Naivi 109 T KR Wheat & Rice 219 Bory 82 T KR Wheat & Rice 220 Khatasa 54 T KR Wheat & Rice

221 Kuraoli 77 W KR Wheat & Rice

222 Udpalta 532 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 223 Rlmi 120 T KR Wheat It Rice 224 Uprauli 189 T KR Wheat & Rice 22? Binoo 118 C KR Wheat & Rice :I; Area figures of village Nos. 207 and 217 are mcluded in the area figure of village Nos. 206, 218 and 222 respectively. 43



Land usc (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remake ,.-______to the nearest,A. unit) Nearest Day or days Including town of the any place Loca­ and market/hat, of rehgious, tion Un- Cultivable Area dIstance if auy, historical or Code Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste not available (mKm.) held in the archaeo- No. for village logical cultivation interest o

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 lB

T(5)0(5) 161 103 8 Chakrata (29) 201

T(I)O(I) 94 46 19 Chakra ta (35) 202 80 105 4 Chakrata (35) 203

T(I)O(I) 80 32 8 Chakrata (35) 204

T(4)0(4) 104 72 11 Chakra ta (32) 205

T(9)0(9) 149 162 22 Chakrata (30) 206 ... Chakrata (30) 207 T(I) 0(1) 68 102 16 Chakrata (30) 208

T(5) 0(5) 68 92 16 Chakrata (30) 209

T(3) 0(3) 73 98 5 Ohakrata (28) 210

62 96 4 Ch akra ta (21) 2lJ

T (3) 0(3) 64 49 14 Chakra ta (27) 212

T(2) 0(2) 126 52 13 Chakrata (29) 213

T(I)O(I) 143 77 21 Chakrata (31) 214 106 41 6 Chakrata (31) 215

T(2) 0(2) 166 166 12 Chakrata (29) T 216

Chakrata (24) T 217

T(I)C(I) 49 39 20 Chakra ta (26) 218

45 36 Chakrata (27) T 219 38 14 2 Chakrata (28) T 220

56 18 3 Chakra ta (28) 221 T(18)C(18) 2114: 179 51 Chakrata (29) T 222

T(I)C(I) 65 47 7 Chakra ta (28) 223 138 45 6 Chakrata (26) T 224- 67 45 6 Chakra ta (27) .,. t2~ VILLAGE


Amenities available within the village Loca- toin Total r- ,A Code ~ame of Village Area No. of the Post Staple Food village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph


2 S 4 6 7 II 9 10

226 Bantau 173 0 KR Wheat & Rice 227 Birmau 187 JBS (1) WF KR Wheat & Rice 228 Nithla 74 F KR Whea t & 'Rice 229 Bisoi 183 F KR Wheat & Rice 230 Rikhar 249 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

231 Tungra 202 T KR Wheat & Rice 232 Thana 467 JBS (I) MOW(l) WF KR Wheat & Rice 233 Sai!,sa 130 T KR Wheat & Rice 234 Koti 69 T PR Wheat & Rice 235 Sainj 211 T PR Wheat &Rice

236 Koruwa 398 JBS (I) MeW(l) T PR PO Wheat & Rice 237 Kuwarna 145 W KR Wheat & Rice 238 Magroli 207 JRS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 239 Hoda 88 T KR Wheat & Rice 240 Dakerna' 202 0 KR Wheat & Rice

Aslar 241 457 JBS (1) 0 KR Wheat & Rice 242 Lorli 301 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 243 Kothi 24& T KR Wheat & Rice Hajta 244 421 JBS (I) 0 KR Wheat & Rice 245 Jamuwa 135 T KR Wheat &Rice

Naraya 324 JBS (1) 246 T KR Wheat & Rice Boha 14A 247 T KR Wheat & Rice Salga 153 248 0 KR Wheat & Rice Khamrauli 248 JBS (I) 249 T KR Wheat & Rice Chebhau 250 * T KR Wpcat & ~icj: *j\fca fi/Sure of vllla~e No. 2~O is included in t)le area fi~ure of villa~e No. 21~ DtREcTORY


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land II-,e in acre, rounded Remarks to tbe nearest unit) Neareat Day or days including ------~ town of the any place hOca and market/bat, ofrehglOlfs, tion 1 Area distance if an},. bistdricalor Code' Forest Irrigated Un- Cultivable' not available (In Km.) held In the arcaeo· No,' irrigated Waste for village hogical cultivation ilnterest

11 12 IS 14 IS 16 17 18 ~

T(21) C(21) 62 63 27 Ghakrata (25) T ~26 T(12) 0(12) 81 77 17 Chakrata (8) 227- " T(2) 0(2) 35 32 5 Chakrata (21) t 228- T(2) 0(2) 117 54 10 Chakrata (9) ~29' T(6) 0(6) 139 89 15 Chakrata (8) 230'

T(5) 0(5) 74 114 9 Chakrata (8) T 231 T(II) 0(11) 226 193 37 Chakrata (7) T 232

81 45 4 Chakrata (16) "T 233 T(6) 0(6) 38 19 6 Cbakrata (16) T 234 T(Il)O(lI) 94 85 21 Ghakrata (18) T • 235- •

T\-13) C( I'S) 217 ·140 28 £hakrata (i§) T' 2~6 T(S) a(5) 64 70 6 Cbakrata (5} [ tJr

T(7) C(7) 68 120 I~ Chakrata (2) 238' ... T(4) 0(4) 43 33 8 ) Chakrata (5) I'. 239

T(~6) C(~6) 58 110 18 I

I T(9) (l(9) lOS 328 15 Chakrata (l6Y : ''1',1 241 T(lO) C(lO) 102 169 20 Chakrata (10) T 242 T(2) C(2) 69 161 16 Chakra ta (16) .C ~1' 243 T(6} C(6; 240 166 9 Ch!lkrata (18) l' 244 T(3)' C('31 72 113 17 Chakrata (19) 'T" 245'

f ,-0 T(22) C(22) 164 101 37 Chakrata (14) T t46 108 31 9 Chakrata (15) T Z47 T(5) C(5) 109 28 11 Chakrata (17) T 248 172 62 14 Chakrah (18) T 249 ,.. " "f ~ ·'f 9ha,~rat~,,( IRI" , " 2~ VILLAGE


Amenities available within the village

Loea- 'l'otal ~ tion Area Code Name of Village of the Post Staple Food No. viIlage Educptional Medical Power Drinking Communi- & (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

251 Koth!!. 524 T KR Wheat & ~ice 252 Tarli * T KR Wheat & Rice 253 Timra 134 T KR Wheat & Rice 254 Ara 175 WF KR Wheat & Rice 255 Dillau 155 T KR Wlieat & Rice

256 Sainj 116 JBS (I) T KR Wheal & Rice 257 Keshau 124 T KR Wheat & Rice 258 Supau III T KR Wheat & Rice 259 Khoi 152 0 KR Wheat & Rice 260 Chandau 136 0 KR Wheat & Rice

261 Malhau 83 W KR Wheat & Rice 262 Tipau 154 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 263 Bhamoari 147 T KR Wheat & Rice 264 Charana 214 JBS (I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice 265 Suryoo !I03 T,WF KR Wheat & Rice

266 Bhanjra 249 T KR Wheat & Rice 267 Ubhrav 312 T KR Wheat & Rice 268 Mandoli ISO T KR Wheat & Rice 276 lBS (I) 269 D,o T KR Wheat & Rice 125 270 Desau JBS (1) T KR PO Wheat & Rice

46 271 Pata T Kit Wheat & Rice 144 272 Jarana T KR Wheat & Rice 125 273 Danda T KR Wheat & Rice 326 JBS (I) 274 Lailta MCW(I) T KR Wheat & Rice 215 275 Semog T KR Wheat & Rice * Area fl~ure ofvillilge No. 252 is included in the area fi~ure ofvil1a~e No. 251. 47



Land use (i. e. area under different types of land use in Acres rounded Remark. , to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or day. including , ______J.. town of the any place Loea- and market/hat, of religious, lion Un- Cultivable Area------distance If any. -hist oriel'll or .eolic Forest Irrigated irrigated waste not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No. for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 15 14 15 16 17 18

T(4) C(4) 216 90 14 Chakrata (27) 251 Chakrata (27) 252

T(I)O(I) 88 38 7 Chakrata (35) 253 T(I)Oll) 124 42 8 Chakrata (34) 254 T(2)0(2) 111 32 10 Chakrata (37) T 255

75 36 5 Chakrata (37) T 256 96 23 5 Chakrata (36) 257

T(I) 0(1) B2 18 10 Chakrala (35) T 256 T(3) 0(3) 98 34 17 Cbakrata (35) 259

T(I) 0(1) 61 ~3 11 Chakrata (34) T 260

63 16 4 Chakrata (34) T 261

114 34 6 Ch akrata (32) T 262 T(2)0(2) III 30 4 Chakrata (3S) 263 T(I)O(I) 147 55 11 Chakrata (37) T 264

209 84 10 Chakrata (3.5) 2~

120 98 81 Chakrata (26) T 266 218 67 27 Chakrata (44) 267 99 45 16 Chakrata (41) 268 IS9 110 7 Chakrata (24) 269 102 19 5 Chakrata (23) 270

35 4 7 Vikasnagar (41) 271 103 35 li Vikasnagar (42) 272 93 27 5 :Vikasnagact(2f> 273 183 127 16 Vikasnagar ~39) 2,.. 142 65 8 Vikasnagar .(3~) T !J75 48



AmenJtles available witb,in'thc village . Loca- Total 'r-::...40---,.-----__ __,.,.______.." tljln . Area Cdde '" Name of, Village of the No. '.VIllage Educatiqnal Medical Power Drinking< 'Communi· Post Staple Food '(in acres) sUf>ply water cations & Telegraph

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

276 Pihani 96 T KR Wheat & Rice 277 Tikau 47 T PR Wheat & Rice 278 Koti 188 ]BS (I) D(I) E T PR PTO, Wheat & Rice Phone ~79 Parihar 57 T KR Wh.eat & Rice 280 Dimau 303 T KR Wheat & Rice

281 Dau 196 T PR Wheat & Rice , 282 Atalio 107 JBS (I) T PR Wheat & Rice

I, 283 Rupo 291 T KR I Wheat & Rice 284 Sa rari 117 T KR Wheat & Rice , 285 Nlchia 188 W KR Wheat & Rice

286 Jhutaya 65 W PR Wheat & Rice 287 Thurau 63 W PR Wheat & Rice 288 Bamar 72 T R Wheat & Rice 289 Panjia 317 JBS (1) T 1'R Wheat & Rl:e , 1:[ 290 Dadhao 105 T PR Wheat & Rice

291 Amraha 26 ... " . W PR , Wheat & Rice 292 Chapnu 67 W PR 'Wheat & Rice 293 Salri 30 JBS (I) T PR ''Wheat & Rice 294 Dhaira 256 .. H(I) E -'T PR PO Wheat & Rice , 295 Kalsi 146 ]BS (2) ... C R PTO, Wheat & Rice SBS (2) Phone

296 Govt. Estate Tilwari 226 JBS (1) H(l)HC~l) E T PR Wheat & Rice FC(1 297 Biyas 503 :&ICW(I) E T PR Phone 'Wheat & Rice

298 Haripur 189 :JBS (I) E C,HP PR PTO, Wheat &,Rice Phone 299 Jokla 102 C PR Wheat & Rice I ", !II)() Basan 243 C PB. Wheat & Rico 49



Land use (i.e., area under different types of land usc in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including town of the any place Loca­ and market/hat, of religIOUS, don Un- CultIvable Area distance If any, historical or Code Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste not available (10 Km.) held in the archaeo- No. for village logical cultivation interesl

11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18

58 33 a Vikasnagal" (22) 276

33 5 9 Vikasnagar (36) 277

115 25 48 Vikasnagar (35) T 278

33 9 IS V llcasnagar (38) 279

206 54 43 V Ikasnagar (30) 280

98 52 46 Vlkasnagar (28) 281

66 34 7 Vikasnagar (30) 282 159 116 16 Vlkasnagar (25) 283

93 21 3 V,kasnagar (28) T 284

T(I)O(I) 116 64 7 Vikasnagar (19) 285

55 8 2 Vikasnagar (21) 286

28 33 2 Vikasnagar (21) 287

46 25 Vlkasnagar (22) 288

If7 140 10 Vlkasnagar (24) 289

T (3)0(3) 59 35 8 Vikasnagar (24) >290

19 5 2 Vikasnagar (22) 291

45 17 5 Vikasnagar (21) 292

12 16 2 Vlkasnagar (20) 293

155 68 33 Vikasnagar (13) 294

T(47)C(47) 49 19 31 Vikasnagar (13) T 295

T(44)C(44) 110 10 62 Vikasnagar (II) HP 296

T(161)0(161) 75 22 244 Vikasnagar (Jl) 297

T(47)C(47) 20 17 105 Vlkasnagar (10) 298

T(SI)O(SI) 50 Vlkasnagar (12) 299 91 T(42) 0(42) 45 So ~5 V lltasnasar (J 6) a09 5Q


Amenities available within the village Loea- tion Name of VilJage Total r------,A. Code Area No. of the Post village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acre~) supply water cations Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

SOl Bhandrota 69 T KR Wheat & Rice 302 Patiyana 35 T KR Wheat & Rice

303 Khani 262 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

304 Baghna 131 T KR Wheat & RIce

305 Sanona 95 T KR Wheat & Rice

306 Thaina 377 JBS (1) T KR PO Wheat & Rice SBS (I) 307 KUltha 146 T KR Wheat & Rice 308 Baitha 110 R KR Wheat & Rice

309 Bijou 147 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

310 Khattar 106 T KR Wheat & Rice

311 Kophti 105 JES (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

312 Semaha 56 T KR Wheat & Rice

313 Bhugtari 114 T KR Wheat & Rice

314 Utail 135 T KR Wheat & Rice

315 Kaha 241 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

315 Punaha '" W KR Wheat & Rice 317 Nehra '" T KR Wheat & Rice 318 Balnoo 11 R KR Wheat & Rice

319 Bhora 72 R KR Wheat & Rice

320 Singhor 200 JB8(1) T KR Wheat & Rice

83 F KR 321 Rampur Wheat & Rice 322 Cadau! 45 T KR Wheat & Rice 41 T KR 323 Chichrar Wheat & RIce 148 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 324 Mundhan 170 .. , ". W)leat ~ Ricl' ~25 Dawra ., . Q KR. '" Mel' incluped in the Code No. 3+5 51



Land use (i. e., area under different type~ of land use in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest umt) Nearest Day or days including r- .....__---- ..... town of the any place Loca- Area and market/hat, of religIOUS ~ lion Un- CultIvable not available rustance if any. hisloflcal or Code Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for (ID Km.) held III the archaeo- No. cultivatIOn village logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

31 37 Vikasnagar (21) 301 IS 19 Vikasnagar (2 I) 302 130 125 7 Vikasnagar (23) 303 T(I)O(I) 69 54 7 Vlkasnagar (23) 304-. T(2)O(2) 47 39 7 Vikasnagar (22) 305

_1tc: T(5)0(5) 118 236 18 Vikasnagar (24) 3,06 87 56 3 V lkasnagar (23) T 307 35 72 3 V.kasnagar (1 g) 308 T(2)0(2) 86 49 10 Vlkasnagar (18) 309 T(I)O(I) 62 40 3 Vikasnagar (24) 310

i 81 18 T(llO(I) 5 Vikasnagar (~6) ,~ll T(2)0(2) 37 16 Vikasnagar (24) 312

T(5l0(5) 43 47 19 Vikasnagar (24) 31,3 T(2) 0 (2) 53 78 2 Vikasnagar (30) 314 I . Tea)O(S) 144- 54 40 Vikasnagar (26) 315

Vikasnagar (25) ... 316 / Vikasnagar (27) 317 54 T(8)O(8) 42 7 Vikasnagar (29) T 3~8 37 30 5 Vikasnagar (30) 319 -, 'i ... 158 34- 8 Chakrata (24) 320

T(I)O(I) 57 20 5 Chakrata (24) ,321 34 9 2 Chakrata (24) 322 T(4) 0(4) 25 11 Chakrata (25) T 3,23 T(15)0(15) 89 43 Chakra ta (25) ... 324 "'i: "T(4) 0 (4) 134 26 6 Chakra ta (22) 325 52.


Amenities available wIthin the village

Loca­ Total tion Area Code Name of Village of the Post No. village Educational MedIcal Power Ormkmg Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

326 Badhoo 94 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 327 Jaindau 166 T KR Wheat & Rice 328 Lato 113 T KR Wheat & Rice 329 Gangrau 217 JRS (I) H(I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice 330 Chirtar 160 T KR Wheat & Rice

331. Kusio 65 ,.. r KR \}'heat & Rice 332 Bhunau 31 r KR Wheat & Rice 333 "Ashta 118 R KR Wheat & Rice 334 Khati 178 lBS (I) G KR Wheat & Rice 335 Kachata 248 F KR Wheat & Rice

336 Lachha 155 JBS (I) I·' KR Wheat & Rice

337 Sila 160 H(I) F KR PO Wheat & RIce & 338 Ouwina 67 SBS (1) 0(1) r KR PO ,Wheat Rice

339 Bi.oi 190 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 340 Alman 131 F KR Wheat & Rice

S41 Khunn T KR Wheat & Rice & 342 Kandoi 62 T KR Wheat Rice 343 Kwasa 83 JBS (1) T KR Wb.eat & Rice KR 344 Rakhtar 51 T Wheat & Rice 345 Mahsasa 96 F KR Wheat & Rice

KR Wh~t & Rice 346 Kiari 101 F KR Wheat & Rice 347 Ubhau 103 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rice 348 Ludhera 87 jBS (1) T KR & 349 Chila 35 T Wheat Rice KR Wheat & RIce 350 Sariyana 79 F * Area includedin the Code No. 340 53


Land usc (i.e., area under different types or land use in acres rounded RemarkB to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days meluding Loea­ __,.A. - town of the any place tion and market/hat, of religious, Code Un- Cultivable Area distance if any, historical or No. Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste not avaIlable (mKm.) held in the archaeo- for village logical cultivation intcrcst

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

T(12)0(12) 63 12 7 Chakrata (21) 326 T(4) 0(4) 119 35 8 Chakrata (22) T 327 86 17 10 Chakrata (21) 328 T(6) 0(6) 151 49 11 Chakrata (23) 329 123 34 3 Chakrata (23) 330

54 10 Chakrata (22) 331 T(2)0(2) 23 5 Chakrata (23) 832 T(6)0(6) 73 36 3 Chakrata (21) 333 T(7)0(7) 128 32 11 Chakrata (22) 334 T(I)O(I) 185 55 7 Chakrata (23) T 335

90 59 6 Chakrata (21) 336 T(8)O(8) 98 34 20 Chakrata (22) 337 46 14 6 Chakrata (26) 338 T(3)O(3) 137 44 6 Chakrata (27) T 339 T(I)O(I) 100 25 5, Chakrata (25) 340

Chakrata (~5) 3:il T (4) 0 (4) 41 10 7 Chakr~ta (24) a4-2 73 7 3 Chakrata (24) 343 41 9 Chakrata (26) 344 T(20)0(20) 52 14- 10 Chakrata (24) 345

T(t7)0(17) 60 20 4 Chakrata (21) l46 T(6) 0(6) 76 19 2 Chakrata (21} a47 T(4) 0 (4) 36 25 22 Chakrata (21) 348 26 8 Chakrata (22) 349 T(15)O(15) 36 18 10 Chakrata (20) 350 54


Amenities available within the village

___,A. Loca- "Iotal r' -..,--~ tIOn Name or Village Area Code ofChe Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking; Communi- r& Staple Food (In acres) supply water cation9 Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10

351 Munshi 190 T KR Wheat & Rice 352 Loh'arna 79 0 KR Wheat & Rice 353 Lohari 68 JBS (I) 0 KR Wheat & Rice 354 Thahn 259 T KR Wheat & Rice 355 Ramla 50 JBS (1) ... F KR Wheat & Rice

356- Chunau 127 F KR Wheat & Rice

351 Kharin 78 F KR Wheat & Rice

358 Sakrol 207 T,F KR Wheat & Rice 359 Gadaug * T KR Wheat & Rice 360 PlIiigri 110 ]BS (I) ... T KR ~heat & Rice

361 Badhat 92· W KR Wheat & Rice 362 Gaski 16B- J~S (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 363 Dindal 82 W KR Wheat & Rice 364 Luhan 301 F KR Wbeat & Rice 365 Khadi 55 F KR Wheat & Rice

, _) "366 Dhiroi 6B T KR ·Wheat & Rice 367 Lakslyar 192 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

368 Lakhwar 529 JBS (1) Fa(l) T KR PO Wheat & Rice ~BS (1) 369 Dhanpar 214 ... F KR . Wheat & Rice '370 Bliistau 98 ... ' , F KR Wheat & Rice

J 371 Jakhnag *' F KR ,Wheat & Rice D~ '372 Sawara lOBI F KR 'Wli'eat & Rice

~, '373 Bansoo m F L KR Wh'eat & Rice , ~ ;:,' t314 Chunhau ill of. ~ T KR Wheat & Rice ;_..:: C!"m Chamangaon HI- ~J T KR ... « ,C\yh'eat & Rice * Area included in the CodeNO:S-59and 370 Respectively 55



Land use (i. e., area under different type~ of land use in acres rounded Remarks to the neares t UOlt) Nearest Day or days includmg ~------, town of the any place Loca­ and market/hat, of rehglOus, tion Area distance If any, historical or Code Forest Irrigated Un­ Cultivable not available (m Km.) held in the archaeo­ No. irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 11 IS

73 105 7 Vikasnagar (26) 351

T(6)0{6) 34 36 3 Vikasnagar (28) 352

32 32 4 Vikasnagar (27) 353

68 161 30 Vikasn agar (27) 354

T (4)0(4) 21 23 2 Vlkasnagar (26) 355

T(9)0(9) 43 67 8 Vikasnagar (25) 356

T(4)O(4) 29 34 11 Vikasnagar (26) 357

T(26)0(26) 79 86 16 Vlkasnagar (27) 358

Vikasnagar (26) 359

35 72 3 Vikasnagar (25) 360

47 41 4 Vikasnagar (23) 361

T(6)0(6) 76 66 20 Vlkasnagar (27) 352

T(2) 0(2) 39 J8 23 Vikasnagar (27) 363

23 T(5)O(5) 90 179 27 VI kasnagar (28) 364

31 20 4 Vi»asnagar (29) T 365

40 21 4 Vikasnagar (30) 366

T(16)0(16) 75 86 15 Vlkasnagar (28) T 367

T(14)O(14) 155 2H 146 Vlkasnagar (30) T 368

T(I)O(!) 112 91 10 Vlkasnagar (29) 369

60 36 2 Vikasnagar (29) 370

Vikasnagar (29) 371

T(3)0(3) 39 57 9 Vikasnagar (28) 372 T(I)O(I) 54 110 6 Vikasnagar (28) 373

T(4) 0 (4) 43 55 9 Vlkasnagar (27) 374 ,., 10 7 Vikasnagar (27) ~7.:j 56



Amenities available within the village Ll)ca­ Total r------.A------, tion Area Code Name of Village of the Post No, village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in actes) ,uppl" wat.et talions Telegraph

Il S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

376 Bagi 96 T KR Wheat & Rice

377 Bihar 118 T KR Wh~at & Rice 378 Bharaya * T KR ""heat & Rice 379 Lohari 62 IBS (1) R KH Wheat & Rice

FOREST CHARGE !lSO F-1 River Range 381 F-2 Kanasar Range 3S2 F-g Rikhnar Range Information nat availab Ie 383 F·4 Bahar Range 384 F-5 Deodhar Range 385 F·6 Molta Range * Area in eluded in the code No 377. 57



Land Ulle (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remak. to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including ,------"'- ---'------town oflhe any place Loca­ and market/hat, of religious, tioo Un- Cultivable Area distance if any, historical or Code Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste not available (10 Km.) held in the archaeo- No· for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

38 54 4 Vikasnagar (26) 376 T(17) 0(17) 54 37 ]0 Vikasnagar (26) 377 Vikasnagar (28) 378 T(4)0(4) J8 13 27 Vikasnagar (27) 379

Information nat avaIlable. I 2-Dehra Dun Tahsil 60



Location Location Location SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code No. No. No. No. No. No. 2 3 2 3 2 3

Aamwala 131 41 Bamangaon 170 81 BrahmawaJa 216 2 Aamwala Karanpur 220 42 Bandawali 201 82 Bulaquiwala 10 3 Aamwal" Majhla 222 43 Bangol 343 83 Central Hope Town 99 4- Aamwala Tarla 221 44 BanJarawala 261 84 Chack Bajnarawala 260 5 Aamwala Uparla 223 45 Banshiwala 103 85 Chak Jlarkot 355

6 Abdullahpur 83 46 Baotha 739 86 Chak Dalanwa1a 247 7 Adholwala 218 47 Barasi Grant 305 87 ChakJo,pwala 375 8 Aduwala 27 48 Barkot Muafl 356 88 Chak NBuvgaon (Chak Naogaon) 95 9 Akbawah BIuIing{AkhawaniBhlhng) 2 13 49 Baronwala 92 89 Chak Saliy~wala 137 10 Ambari I 50 Baronwala 366 90 Chak Shahnagar 353

II Am bart Jungle 5 51 Baruwala Grant 362 91 Chak Tunwala Grant 300 12 Amban Tea Co Jungle 3 52 Barwa 59 92 Chalang 198 13 Amblwala 116 53 Betwali Mandi 19 93 Chama,ari 183 14 Anfield Grant 17 54 Bhagwanpur Jolon 87 94 Chamroh 193 15 Anfield Jungle 4 55 Bhagwantpur 169 95 Chand pur Kalan 78

16 Antarigaon 171 56 BhainswarGaon J 94 96 Chandpur Khurd 77 17 Arcadia Grant 117 57 Bhandar Gaon 180 97 Cbandrabani Grant 276 18 Asarodo (Asu rori) 277 58 Bhandanwala 233 98 Chandrabani Khaisa 274 19 Asthal 232 59 Bhangbna 363 99 Chandrauhi (Chandraui) 155 20 Atakfarm 57 60 Bhaniyawala 370 100 Chauk,a 134

21 Azabpur Kalan (Anbpur) 248 61 Bhanwala 94 101 Chharbi 55 22 Azabpur Khurd 250 62 Bhattonwala 381 102 Chbiddarwala 377 23 Baderna Kelan 314 63 Bhmali (Bhitarh) 165 103 Chironwali 210 24 Banerna Khurd 312 64 Bhogpur 353 104 Choukl 332 25 Badetoa ManJhla 313 65 Bhopal Pani Grant 303 105 Dalsbwa1a (Daiswala) 289

26 Badogal 347 66 BhOluwala Grant 263 106 Dakpatbar 9 27 Badripur 257 67 Bibiwala Se3 107 Danda Dhoran 212 28 Bagd-Adhoran 185 68 Bldhoh 70 108 DmdaJungle 6 29 Baggi 240 69 Bijapur Gopiwala 149 109 Danda Khudanwa1a 214 SO Bagralgaon 176 70 Bijapur Hathi Barkala 148 110 Danda Lakhaund 217

31 Bahadurgarh 12 71 Bllaspur Kandholi 127 111 Danda Nooriwala 215 32 Ba;ragarh 350 72 Bin.spur BI 112 Dani0n-ka-Danda 177 33 Bairagiwala 33 73 Binhar 65 113 Dehr a Khas 249 34 Bajawala 125 74 Biraodi 135 114 Dhaki With Chak 50 35 Bajhet 231 75 Birpur Khurd 379 115 Dhakrani 22

36 Bakhtawarpur Gra nt 88 76 Birsani 75 116 Dhakrani Colony 21 37 Bakrana 69 77 Bishangarh 352 117 Dhalani 66 38 Bak,al wala 367 78 Bishanpur 98 118 Dhanola 200 89 Balawala :102 79 Bishgaon 159 119 Dharkot 327 ~O Baluwalll 5~ 80 J,3r"hmawall\ 295 120 Dqarml\wal" ~~ 61


Location Location Locatton SI. Name' of Village Code SI. Name or Vilhge Code SI. Name of Village Code No. No. No. No. No. No. 2 3 2 3 2

121 Dhartawala Khalsa 62 161 Haldwari 311 201 Kanswali Kothri 71 122 Dhartawala Muafi 124 162 Hansuwala 287 202 Karban Gran t 112 123 Dhaulas 139 163 Harbanswala 268 203 Kargl Grant 262 124 Dhoomnagar 79 164 Harbhajwala 26~ 201 Kan Guard 186 125 Dhorn Khas 209 165 Harchawala 229 205 Kanmpur 80

126 Dhulkot Khalsa 101 166 Hariawala Kalan 138 206 Kat a Pathar 61 127 Dhulkot Muafi 100 167 Hariawala Khurd 110 207 Katkor Kalan 328 128 Dhummipura Gang Bhowa 20 168 Haripur ~56 708 Kn'kor Khurd 329 129 288 169 Hanpur Kalan 392 209 Kavh 267 130 Donkwala 115 170 Harnole 130 210 Kedarwala 54

131 Doomgaon 167 171 Harrawala 295 211 Keshowall 114 132 Dudhai 72 172 Hasanpur 43 212 Khana 14 133 Dudhli 280 173 Hatwalgaon 225 213 Khillfl Kalan (Khen Kalan) 385 134 Dumot (Dumet) 2 174 Horawala 76 214 Khairi Khurd (Khen Khurd) 386 135 Dungalgaon 168 175 Indrapur 258 215 Khalagaon 181

136 Dwara 242 176 Indripur 48 216 Khaldhar 341 137 East Hope Town 110 177 Jagat Khana 213 217 Kharakhet 133 138 Fatehpur 32 178 Jagatpur 86 218 Kharak Muafl 387 139 Fatehpur Tanda 372 179 Jaikar (Jakar) 321 219 Khema Doz 119 140 Gadool 339 180 Jamniwala 160 220 Kheri Goplwala(Kheva Gopiwala) 162

141 Gajiawala 150 181 Jamoliwala 1.57 221 Kberi Mansingh 237 142 Gahgwan 163 182 Jassowala 35 222 Khurawan 199 143 Gamaniwala 380 183 Jatowala 38 223 Khushalpur 52

144 Gandole 331 184 JhaJ I a 104 224 Kiara 190 145 Gangole Pandttwari 151 185 Jiwangarh 8 225 Kl3r Kuli Bhatta 166

I 146 Garhi 146 186 Jiwanwala 371 226 Kidarpur 251 147 Garhi With Chak 382 187 Joglwala Muafl 374- 227 Kirsali 206 148 GhanilOlo (Ghamolon) 51 188 Johan 152 228 KirsalIgaon 179 149 Ghanghora (Ghangora) 141 189 Joll Grant 361 229 Kishanpur 281 150 Ghi Sarpan 286 190 Kalrwan Kar:lnpur 197 230 Kodsi 346

151 Gohari Muafi 390 191 Kalrwan Malkot(Kairwan Malkot)320 231 Kolagarh 143 152 Gopiwala 144 192 Kaknawa With Chak Talal 337 2n Kolagarh Teagarden 145 153 Govindwala 349 193 Kalagaon 235 233 KolhupallJ 109 154 Grant Kunja 26 194 Kalimau 304 23,1 Kotalgaon 178 155 Grant Rainapur 357 195 Kaluwala 365 235 Kothar 325

156 Grant Rani Pokhari 359 196 Kalyanpur 42 236 Koti 67 157 Gujalmi 234 197 Kandhauh 106 237 Koti With Cbak 333 158 Gujrara Karanpur 129 198 Kalldogal 331 238 Kotla 315 159 GUJrara Mansmgh 211 199 Kandoli 219 239 Kotra Kalyanpur 74 156 200 Kanharwala 160 Gumyalgaoll 369 240 ~otra Santor 108 62



SI. Location Location Location 1'0 Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code No. No. No. No. No. 3 2 3 2 3 HI Kudhal 335 281 Mithibehri JIB 321 Prempur Muafi 126 242 Kuiwala 293 282 Mohabbawala 275 322 Punkalgaon 173 243 Kulhal Karanpur 205 283 Mohkampur Kalan 297 323 Purohitwala 142 244 Kulhal Mansmgh 207 284 Mohkampur Khurd 296 324 Pustad 238 245 Kulhal Malak Majri 24 285 Mohamadpur Barkali 278 325 Qutabpur 82

246 KunJa (Kunia) 25 286 Murautha 204 326 Raipur 245 247 Lachhlwala 292 287 Nadh 73 327 Rai th wangaon 319 248 Ladpur 246 288 NagaI Bulandawala 282 328 Raiwala 391 249 Ladwakot 310 289 Nagai Hatnala 203 329 RaJawala 89 250 Lakhanwala Khas 34 290 Ni\~a! Jwalapur 283 330 Rakhwalgaon (RakhwaJ) 344

251 Lakhanwala Nawaitsahib 15 291 Nahin Kalan 317 331 Ramnagar Danda 338 252 Lakshamipur 47 292 Nahin Khurd 316 332 Rampur Bhauwala 93 253 Langha 60 293 Nakruda (Nakra unda) 294 333 Rampur Kalan 46 254 Loharwala 147 294 Nah 188 334 Rampur Klourd 91 255 Lyslerabad 358 295 Nanur Khera 226 335 Ramsawala 84

256 Majhara 184 296 Nathanpur 254 336 Randherwala (Rangherwala) 121 257 Majhaun 132 297 Nathuwawala 301 337 Ram Pokhari 360 258 Majra 26l 298 Naugaon 96 338 Reniwala 236 259 Majri 37 299 Naurduwala 342 339 Rlhhoh 164 260 MaJri Grant 373 300 Nawada 255 340 378

261 MaJT1 Muali 298 301 Niranjanpur 266 341 Rudarpur 61 262 Makkawala 174 302 Palad 308 342 Sabhawala 41 263 Makrcti 182 203 Pahgaon 345 343 Sagnllawala Kalan 364 264 Malhan Grant 111 304 Pandltwarl MUarl 123 344 SagnlJawala Khurd 368 265 Malookawala 120 305 Partitnagar 389 345 Sahabnagar 376

266 Malsl 153 306 Partltpur Kalpnp 'r 31 346 Sahaspur 49 267 Mandi Ganga Bhewa 18 307 Pauhlawala 90 347 Salangaon 172 268 Manduwala 97 308 Paundha 107 348 Saliawala (Sahawala urf 13adsbahbagh) 136 269 M:mgluwala 228 309 Pauwalasora 386 349 Salom"ala 156 270 Manthorowala 259 310 Pbagsl 340 350 Sangaon 324

271 Markham Grant 285 311 Pha]sua 354 272 Mednipur Badripur 36 312 Phandoowala 279 351 Sarangdharwala 351 273 Mehron ka Gaon 312 Pharli 322 352 Sarkhet 195 (Mehro ka Gao,,) 102 353 Saran 330 274 Mehun"aJa Khal,a 7 314 Phulet 192 354 Salona 137 275 Mehunwala Muafi 270 315 Phulsani 128 355 Sateli Gairwal (Sateli Gerwal) 318

276 Mianwala 299 316 Pirthipur 13 356 Saundhaunwali Mansingh 224 277 Mirzapur urf Dhalipur 317 PHih,pur Jungle 11 357 Scrki 240 (Mirzapur Granl wfDhalipur) 23 35B Shahnagar 252 278 M i sras Pattl (M isas Pa tJ) 68 318 Pirwala 40 359 Shahpur Kalvanpur 2B 279 Missarwala Kalan 291 119 Plthuwala 271 360 Shahpur San taro 28P Mis~afwal!l Kpllrd 2~0 320 Pobo Nat)luw~la 113 (Shahpur Santor) 63



Location Location Location SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of Village Code SI. Name of VIllage Code No. No. No. No. No. No. 2 q 2 3 2 :l

361 Shankar pur Hakumatpur 56 376 Sorna 58 391 Tlperpur 39 362 Sherpur 44 377 Sudhonwala 105 392 West Hope Town 16 363 Shewla Kalan 272 378 Sunderwala 230 Forest Charge 364- Shewla Khurd 273 379 TagauJi Garh 393 Asarori F.6 (Tangauli Grah) 309 394 Barkot F.9 8&5 Shishambara 45 380 Talai 307 395 Chauharpur F.l

361j Shyan,pur 284 381 TarIa Nagai 208 295 Jhajhra (Jhaira) FA 367 Sldhonwah Dhoran 202 382 Tauli 63 397 Kansro F.IO 368 SIgh 161 383 Thakurpur 388 398 Lachhilatw:!1a F.8 3b9 SJlJa 189 384 Thanau 336 399 Malhan F.3 370 Simland 326 385 Thanigaon 175 400 Motichoor F.l1

371 Simiari 191 386 Thewa 241 401 Mussoorie F.5 372 Simlas Grant 284 387 Tlbba Nalapani 227 402 Rampur Mandi Khironje F.12 373 Sinaula 154 388 Tilwati 85 403 Thano F.7 374 Sindhwalagaon 323 389 Tlmli 30 40l Tinli F.2 375 Sorasaroh 244 390 Timli Mansingh 196 64 ViLLAGE


Amenities available within the village

Loca- Total r- tion <\rea Code 1" arne of Villag1l of the Post Staple Food No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Ambari 332 C PR PO Wheat & Rice

2 Dumot 1,213 JBS (I) C,W PR Wheat & Rice 3 Ambafl Tea Co-Jungle 427 Uninhabited 4 Anfleld Jungle 692 'c KR Wheat & Rice 5 AmbanJungle 278 Uninhabited

6 Danda Jungle 915 C KR Wheat & Rice 7 Mehunwala Khalsa 399 JBS (I) C KR Wheat & RIce 8 Jiwangarh 1,015 JBS (I) D(l) C,W PR Wheat & Rice E HP 9 Dakpathat. JBS (2) D(I) PR PTO,Phone Wheat & Rice 10 Bulaquiwala 247 C KR Wheat & Rice

W KR Wheat & Rice 11 Pirthipur Jungle 2,457 C KR Wheat & Rice 12 Bahadur Garh 36'; CW KR PO Wheat & Rice 13 Pirthipur 132 ]BS (1) C KR 14 Khaira a85 jBS (1) Wheat & Rice HP,C KR,PR 'RiC! 15 Lakhanwalasahih 256 Wheat & Nawalt

Weat Hope Town 4,971 JBS (7) FC(!) E C,W,HP KR,PR PTO,Phone Wheat & Rice 16 SBS (1) KR,PR Anfie1d Grant 4,172 dBS(~SBS H(I)MOW E C,W,HP PTO,Pbonc Wheat & Rice 17 3) H S (2) (I)HC(I) D(I) 2&7 R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 18 Mandi Ganga Bhcwa 158 C KR,PR Wheat & Rice 19 Betwali Mandi C KR Wheat & Rice 20 Dhummipura Gang 252 Bhowa

JBS (I) D(I) E HP PR PO Wheat & Rice 21 Dhakraru Oalony H(I) E C,W KR,PR PO 22 Dhakrani 3,081 JBS (2) Wheat & Rice JBS (1) E C,TWE KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice 23 Mirzapur uri Dhalipur 544- C,HP KR & 24 Kulhal Matak Majri 363 Wheat Rice JSB (1) HP,W KR Wheat & Rice 25 Kunja 655 65



Land usc (i. c., area under different typea of land u.c In acrC5 rounded Remarks 10 the nearest unit) _ Nearest Day or days including ----.., town of the any place Loca and market/hat, of rel.tglDus, lion Area distance if auy, hislori calor Code Forest Irrigated Un- Cultivable not available (10 Km., held ID the arch aeo- No. irrigated Waste for village logical cultivalion iuterest

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

7 T(164)C(164) 70 4-2 49 Vikasnagar (4)

T(47)C(47) <{-90 153 523 Vikasnagar (6) RP 2 427 Vikasnagar (6) Uninhabited 3 28B 174 225 5 V ikasnagar (7) RP 4 27B Vikasnagar (5) Uninhabited 5

880 29 5 Vikasnagar (6) 6 T(80)C(80) 235 34 50 Vikasnagar (5) 7 T (699) 0(699) 84- 72 160 Vlkasnagar (2) M B Vikasnagar (5) G,T 9 18 T(ISO)0(150) 42 11 26 Vikasnagar (3) 10

2,367 89 Vikasnagar (5) 11 334 T(l) C(I) 27 2 Vlkasnagar (5) 12 T(102)C(102) 10 3 17 V.kasnagar (3) 13 95 T(21) 0(21) 215 16 38 V.kasnagar (5) 14 I T(212) C(212) 17 27 Vikasnagar (8) T 15

I 12 T(3,370)C(3,370) 891 90 608 Vikasnagar (2) T,M,G , 16 T(!,614)C(I',614) 628 713 1,217 Vikasnagar (2) T,M,G ,17 T(3) R(3) 194 13 57 Vikasnagar {5) IB T(39) 0(39) 65 16 38 Vikasnagar (4) T 19 T(90)C(90) 101 7 54 V Ikasnagar (4) T 20

Vikasnagar (8) 21 T(981)C(597)R(384) BB7 105 1,108 Vikasnagar (6) M,T 22 T(41)C(41) 298 24- 181 Vikasnagar (6) M,T 23

T(l) C(l) ll~ 36 213 Vikasnagar (13) 24

~ T(S6)&(36) 252 47 318 Vikasnagar (7) M 25 66 VILLAGE


Amenities available within the village Loca- toin Total r ,A. ----..... Code Name of Village Area No. of the Post Staple Food village Educational Medical Power Drinkmg Communi- & ,(in acres) supply water cations Telegrapb

2 3 4 6 7 B 9 10

26 Grant Kunja 565 W,R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 27 Aduwala 519 ]RS (I) W,R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 28 Shahpur Kalyanpur 1,063 ]BSJI) W,R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 29 Dharmawala 401 ]BS (1) W,HP KR,PR Wheat & Rice 30 Tlmli 303 JBS (1) HP KR,PR Wheat & Rice

31 Partitpur Kala yanpur 389 HP KR,PR Wheat & Rice 32 Fatehpur 1,015 JBS (l) HP KR,PR Wheat & Rice SBS(1) 33 Bairagiwala 228 JBS (I) HP KR,PR Wheat & Rice 34- Lakhanwala Khas 385 HP,R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 35 Jassowala 922 JBS (I) W,HP KR,PR Wheat & Rice

36 Mednipur-Badripu. 666 JBS (I) W,HP KR Wheat & Rice 37 Majri 187 JBS (I) W,HP KR Wheat & Rice

38 Jatowala 34:5 W KR,PR Wheat & Rice 39 Tlperpur 604- JBS.(I) W,R KR Wheat & Rice 40 Pirwala 43 Uninhabited

41 Sabhawala 1,380 JBS (1) W KR Wheal & Rice 4Il K!(lyanpur 328 R KR Wheat & Rice 43 Hasanpur 687 JBS (1) W,R KR Wheat & Rice 44 Sherpur 945 JBS (1) R KR Wheat & Rice 41 Shlshambara 1,232 JDS (1) W,R KR Wheat & Rice

46 Rampur Kalan 1028 JM (1) T,W,R KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice 47 L:ilshamipur 454 JBS (1) T,W KR,PR Wheat & Rice 48 Indripur 150 R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 49 Sahaspllf 1,051 JBS (2) SBS (I) Ha(l) E W,HP KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice HSS (I) .MCW(l) FC(I) sO Dhakj With Chak 141 JBS( I) ft. .~ W KR,PR Wheat & Rice 67



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including --, town of the any place Loca. and market/hat, of religioUl, tion Area distance If any, h,stor,cal or Code Forest Irrigated Un- CultIvable not available (m Km.) held in the archaeo- No. irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation IDtereit

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(6)R(6) 97 255 12 195 Vikasnagar (7) M 26 T(ll)R(Il) 276 17 22 193 V,kasnagar (10) 27 T (203) R (203) 441 55 86 2i'8 Vlkasnagar (8) T 28 4 T(68) R(68) 201 II 117 V,kabnagar (7) M 29 52 212 5 34 Vlkasnagar (16) M,T 30

14 T(29) W(4)R(25) 248 28 70 V Ikasnagar (8) 31 T(507) R(388)C(119) 163 38 307 V,kasnagar (6) T 32 T(176)C(135) R(41) 12 11 29 V,kasnagar (8) M,T 33 T (228)C(98)R(130) 14 6 137 Vlkasnagar (8) M 34 T(238)C(2I6)R(22) 305 27 352 V,kasnagar (9) T 35

T(149)R(I49) 301 54 162 Vikasnagar (9) T 36 T(44)R(44) 104 7 32 Vikasnagar (14) M 37 T(178)R(178) 113 21 33 Vlkasnagar (14) M 38 T(168)R(168) 322 62 52 \r,kasnagar (15) 39 37 5 Vikasnarar (15) Uninhabited 40

T(85)R(85) 704 157 434 Vikasnagar (16) M 41 T(lI)R(ll) 250 52 15 Vikasnagar (16) M 42 325 135 227 Vlkasnagar (17) M 43 T(27)R(27) 478 IS3 307 Vikasnagar (20) 44 T(67)R(67) 418 224 523 Vikasnagar (19) M 45

T(22I)W(97)R(I24) 333 75 399 Vlkasnagar (17) M 46 T(34)R(34) 276 50 94 Vlkasnagar (13) M 47 T(39)R(S9) 52 20 39 V,kasnagar (11) 48 T(135)W(8)R(127) H3 45 428 Vlkasnagar (II) Sunday M,T 19 T(6)R(6) 79 ~~ 21 Vikasnagar (9) ~ ~O 68



Amenities available within the village

Loca. Total r------~------" tion Area Code Name of Village of the No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi. Post Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations & Telegraph

2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

51 Ghamolo 298 HP PR,KR Wheat & Rice 52 Khushalpur 927 JBS (1) BP,W PR,KR Wheat & Rice 53 B3Juwala 616 R,C KR Wheat & Rice 54 Kcdarwala 635 JBS (I) TK KR Wheat & :ij.lce 55 Charbi 3,868 JBS (I) W,TK PR,KR Wheat & Rice

56 Shankarpur Bakumatpur 2,121 IBS (2) E W,TK PR Wheat & Rice 57 Atak Farm 2,367 JBS (2) W,C,TK KR Wheat & Rice 58 Sorna 2,852 IBS (3) R KR PO Wheat & Rice HSS (1) 59 Barwa 716 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice

60 Langha 772 IBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice HSS (1)

61 Rudarpnr 1,321 JBS (2) MCW(I) R KR Wheat & Rice 62 Dhartawala Khalsa 276 Uninhabited 63 Tauli 591 J.BS (I) R KR PO Wheat & Rice 64 Kata Pathar 257 JBS(2) C,R KR Wheat & Rice

65 Binhar 10,625 lBS (1) F KR PO Wheat & Rice

66 Dhalani 1,439 lBS (1) R KR Wheat & Rice 67 Koti 817 JBS (1) C KR Wheat & Rice 68 Misras Patl 5,051 JBS (I) R,T KR Wheat & Rice

69 Bakrana 1,214 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 70 Bidholi 744- JBS (I) F KR Wheat & Rice

71 Kanswali Kothri 2,()O7 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice

72 Dudhal 1,1l5 JBS,(I) F KR Wheat & Rice 73 Nadh 179 JBS (I) R KR Wheat & Rice 74 Kotra Kalyanpur 433 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 7:' llirsilPi 7~0 .,. .,. .a l\~ ',' WHeat & ~ico 69



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remarkl to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or day. including ,------___..,____------town of the any place Loea­ and market/hat, of rehgious, tlOil Un- Cultivable Area- distance If any, hist orical or COlb Forest Irrigated irrigated waate not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo­ No. for village logical cultivatlOD interest

Jl 12 13 14 15 16 17 HI

.. T(24) W(I) R(23) 176 20 78 Vikasnagar (8) M 51

.. T(159)R(159) 344 160 264 Vlkasnagar (8) M 52

20 549 28 19, Vikasnagar (6) 53

81 T(2) R(2) 455 63 34 Vlkasnagar (8) M 54

1,171 T(S61) W(260)R (101) 1,712 269 355 Vikasnagar (17) M 55

201 T(219) TW(168)R(51) 1,175 251 275 Vikasnaga, (18) M 56 689 T(178) C(63) R(115) 1,302 144 54 Vikasnagar (24) 57

1,913 T(188) R(18H) 420 24 307 Vlkasnagar (20) 58

212 418 9 77 Vikasnagar (26) 59

205 T(9) R (9) 425 58 75 Vikasnagar (20) 60

485 T(99) R(99) 464 ISO 123 Vikasnagar (10) 61 2"6 Vikasnagar (8) Uninhabited 62 115 T(29)R(29) 266 78 73 Vlkasnagar (16) 63

T(89) R(89) 30 73 65 Vlkasnagar (IS) T 64 9,258 808 T(139)R(139) 188 222 ~Ikasnagar (20) T 65

755 1~1 T(31) R(31) 494 38 Vikasnagar (30) 66 609 99 () T(25) R(25) 78 Dehra Dun (25) 67 3,876 T(4) R(4) 359 712 100 Dehra Dun (27) 68 1,009 117 24 64 Dehra Dun (21) 69 410 T(5) R(5) 289 14 26 Dehra Dun (23) 70

1,133 437 255 T(28) R(28) 154 Dehra Dun (23) 71 811 T(67) R(67) 174 28 35 Dehra Dun (25) 72 50 84 30 T(9) R(9) 6 Vikasnagar (29) 73 206 T(28) R(28) 162 13 24- Vkiamagar (29) 74 46 T(S4) R(34) lQ3 477 ~ Vikasna~ar (~l)l 7~ 70



Ameniti~8 available within the village Loea- tion Total ,..------oA----______., Code Name of Village Area 1"0. of the Post village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food lin acres) supply Water cations Telegraph

2 S 4 5 6 7 B 9 10

76 Horawala 2,2U JBS (2) T KR Wheat & Rice 77 Chandpur Khurd 173 T KR Wheat & Rice 78 Chandpur Kalan 153 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 79 Dhoomnagar 395 R KR Wheat & Rice 80 Kanmpur 123 JBS (I) R KR Wheat' & Rice

81 Binaspur 24 0 KR PO ..Wheal & RIce 82 Qutabpur 66 0 KR Wheat & Rice 83 Abdullanpur 215 R J{R Wheat & RIce 84 Ramsahwala 29 R KR Wheat & Rice B5 Tilwari 573 jBS (1) R KR ,wheat & Rice

86 Jagatpur 550 R KR Wheat & Rice B7 Bhagwanpur Jolon 235 C KR Wheat & Rice 8B Bakhtawarpur Grant 382 jBS (Il C KR Wheat & Rice 89 Rajawala 504 JBS (Il C,T KR Wheat & Rice 90 Pauhrawala 114- C KR Wheat & Rice

91 Rampur Khurd 83 C KR Wheat & Rice

92 Baronwala 239 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rl

95 Chak Naugaon 75 Uninhabited

96 Naugaon 383 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rice 97 Manduwala 764 JBS (I) W KR PO Wheat & Rice

9B Bishanpur 81 Uninhabited 99 Central Hope Town 3,128 fBS (I) E T,W,TW,O KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice SJ3S (1) Plj.ulkot MuaCI 259 W Wheat & Rice lPP ~R \' , 71



Land use (i. e., area under different types ofland usc in acrcs rounded Rcmak. to the nearest unit) Nearcst Day or days including ofthc ------~ town any place Loca· and market/hat, of religious, tiOl Un- Cultivable Area distance If any, historical or Codo Forest Irrigated irngated Waste not available (In Km.) held in the archaeo- No. Cor village logical cultivation interest

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

1,618 T(388)R(S88) 213 19 36 Vikasnagar (24) T 76 40 T(38)R(SS) 78 15 2 Vikasnagar (U) 77 72 T(24) R(24) 47 6 4 Vikasnagar (24) 73 285 T(2) R(2) 103 5 Vikasnagar (24) 7iJ T(5S) R(S3) 24 45 Vikasnaagr (26) SO

24 Vikasnagar (26) 81

52 10 4 Dehra Dun (26) 82 T(lOS)R(103) 30 10 72 Dehra Dun (26) 85 T(21)R(21) 6 2 Dehra Dun (24) 8f 277 T(64)R(64) ]92 7 33 Dehra Dun (24) 85

235 T (96)R (96) 150 29 40 Dehra Dun (26) 86 T(71)R(71) 105 ]9 40 Dehra Dun (22) 87 T(137)C(137) 105 57 83 Dehra Dun (23) 88 106 T(142)R (48) C(94) 214 23 19 Dehra Dun (26) 89 IS T(ll) C{ll) g 82 DClua Dun (17) 90

T(9)C(9) 18 56 Dehra Dun (23) 91 120 113 6 Dehra Dun (23) 92 T(l53) C(153) 239 89 16 Debra Dun (22) 93 2 T(IO)R(lO) 118 76 30 Dehra Dun (24) 94 71'1 Debra Dun (20) Uninhabited 9S

39 288 49 ., D~hra Dun (16) 96 531 129 96 8 Dehra Dun (18) 97 65 3 13 Dehra Dun (16) Unmhabited 98 T(3l3)C(15)TW(210)R(88) 1,830 358 6'.tl Dehra Dun (IB) T 99 15 22f 8 12 Dehra Dun (16) 100 7~ VD..LAGE


Amenities available within the village

Loca- Tota) r- don Area Code Name of Villagll of the Post Staple Food No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & (In acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

101 Dhulkot Khalsa 79 T,W PR Wheat & Rice

10:.( Mehro Ka Gaon 186 JBS (I) W PR Wheat & Rice 103 Banshiwala 151 W PR Wheat & Rice 104 Jhajra 777 JBS (I) D(I) W PR PO WjIeat & Rice 105 Sudhonwala 487 W PR,KR Wheat & Rice

106 Kandhauli 3,747 JBS (I) W KR Wheat & Rice 107 Poundba 1,303 JBS (I) W KR Wheat & Rice 108 Kolra Santor 482 JBS (1) R KR Wheat & Rice 109 Kolhupani 459 R KR Wheat & Rice

110 East-Home Town 5,410 lBS (3) D(l) R,W KR Wheat & Rice

111 Malhan Grant 429 JBS (I) F KR Wheat & Rice 112 Karbari Grant 959 ]BS (I) W,O KR Wheat & Rice 113 Polio Nathuwala 455 W,R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 114 Keshowala 132 W,R,HP KR,PR Wheat & RIce 115 Donkwala 116 W KR,PR Wheat & Rice

116 Ambiwala 153 JBS (I) W KR,PR PO Wheat &: Rice 117 Arcadia Grant 4,364 JBS (3) B T,R,C KR,PR Wheat & Rice SBS (Il liB Mithibehri 328 lBS(I)SBS(I) E T,W KR,PR Wheat & Rice HSS(I) C KR 119 Khema Doz 50 Wheat & Rice KR 120 Malooka.wala 274 a Wheat & Rice

121 Randhcrwala 366 JBS (I) - E T,C KR PO Wheat & Rice E T PR 122 Shabpur Santalo 229 Wheat & Rice E 123 Panditwari Muafi 392 JBS (1) T,C . PR Whea! & Rice E T PR 124 Dhrtawala Muafi 314 \"', Wheat & Rice R 125 Bajawala 358 KR Wheat & Aicc < t DIRECTORY


Land use (i.e., area under different types of land u~e in acres rounded Remarb to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including Loca- ,- ___,.__ ., town of the any place lion and market/hat, of religious, Code Un- Cultivable Area dIstance if any, historical or No. Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste not available (mKm.) beld 10 the archaeo­ for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 18 14 15 16 11 18

41 35 3 Dehra Dun (16) 101 29 114 42 Dehra Dun (16) 102

~8 73 17 33 Dehra Dun (15) 103 17 327 96 337 Dehra Dun (13) T 104 9 287 62 129 Dehra Dun (12) 105

2,949 613 III 74 Dehra Dun (15) T 106 609 T(75)R(75) 526 32 61 Dehra Dun (13) 107 76 T(128}R(128} 145 133 Dehra Dun (5) 108 175 199 85 Dehra Dun (5) 109 925 T(306)C(53}W(66) (187) 3,205 282 692 Dehra Dun (13) TM,G 110

84 T(42)O(42) 213 63 27 Dehra Dun (22) 111 428 T(215)R(2I t) 199 71 46 Dehra Dun (16) T 112 50 T(191)O(191) 108 6 100 Dehra Dun (12) 113 T(84}R(84) 7 3 38 Dehra DUD (12) 114 T(81)R(81) 4 -8 23 \}eJtra Dun (8) 115

T(75)C(75) 68 10 Dehra Dun (13) 116 1,042 T(800)C(651)R(149) 1,922 100 500 Dehra Dun (8) 117 T(25)C(25} 148 4 151 Dehra Dun (8) 118 T(2)C(2) 44 4 Dehra Dun (5) 119 T(15)C(15) 239 20 Dehra Dun (5) 120

T(34)C(34) 136 196 Dehra Dun (5) 121

10') 124 Dehra Dun (5) 12~

T(60}C(60) 76 246 Dehra Dun (6) 123 T(2)C(2) 120 192 Dehra Dun (3) 121 T{\5)C{\5) so 3 310 Dehra Dun (4) 125 74



Amenities available within the village Loca- Total ,-- --, lion Area Code Name of Village Of the POBt No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10

126 Prempur Muali 92 E T KR Wheat & RIce

127 BJiashpur Kandholi 420 R KR \\ heat & RIce 128 Phulsani 277 JBS (I> R KR Wheat & RIce 129 Gujrara Karanpur 446 R KR Wheat & Rice 130 Harnole 142 R KR Wheat & Rice

131 Aarowala 326 W KR Wheat & Rice 132 Majhaun 675 F KR Wheat & Rice 133 Kharakhet 373 T KR Whe

136 Sahawala 249 R KR Wheat & Rice 137 Chak Sahyawala 17 Unmhabited

138 Hariawala Kalan 277 JBS (2) R KR Wheat & Rice SBS (I) 139 Dhaulas 810 SBS (1) F KR,PR Wheat & Rice 140 Hariawala Khurd 268 JBS (I) R KR,PR Wheat & Rice

141 Ghanghora 115 R PR Wheat & Rice 142 Purohitwala 194 E F PR Wheat & Rice 143 Kolagarh 263 JBS (1) E T,C KR Wheal & Rice 144 Gopiwala 167 Uninhabited 145 KoJagarh Teagarden 436 U ninhabitcd

146 Garhi 725 JBS (1) E T PR PTO Wheat & Rice HSS (2) 147 Loharwala 9 Uninhabited 148 Bijapur Hathi Barkala 135 JBS (1) E T,R KR Wheat & Rice 149 Bijpur Gopiwala 115 E T KR Wheat & Rice ISO GajiawaJa B6 JBS (1) R KR Wheat & Rice 75



Land use (i.e., area under different types of land usc in acres rounded Remarks ______to the nearest-..A. ______umt ) --, Nearest Day or days including town of the any place Loca­ and market/hat, of religious, tion Un- Cultivable Area distance if any, historical or Code Forest Irrigated irrIgated Waste not available (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No. for village logical cultivation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18

T(l) C(l) 53 7 31 Dehra Dun (5) 126

78 T(79) R(79) 122 53 88 Dehra Dun (8) 127 57 T(23) R(23) 172 3 22 Dehra Dun (8) 128

196 T(13) R(13) 165 22 50 Dehra Dun (12) 129

46 T(13) R(13) 29 13 41 Dehra Dun (10) 130

174 12 125 15 Dehra Dun (13) 131 530 T(70) ROO) 39 19 17 Dehra Dun (18) 132

260 T(14) C(14) 80 2 17 Dehra Dun (16) 133

891 T(9) R(9) 142 4 15 Dehra Dun (16) 134

57 54 19 Jl Dehra Dun (12) 135

90 100 6 53 Dehra Dun (12) 136 7 9 Dehra Dun (12) Uninha bited 137

192 78 6 Dehra Dun (13) T 138

454 T(3)R(3) 302 8 43 Dehra Olin (12) 139

173 T(15) R(11) 28 11 41 ,Dehra Dun lID) 140 I

57 T(7) R(7) 22 2 27 Dehra Dun (6) 141

130 T(I) R(1) 4 48 11 Dehra Dun (8) 142 T(52) C(52) 99 112 Dehra Dun (5) 143

167 Dehra Dun (2) Unmhablted 144

T(33) C(33) lI7 286 Dehra Dun (3) Uninhabited 1:1-5

T(115) C(1l5) 118 139 353 Dehra Dun .(6) T 146 T(I) C(l) 2 3 3 J;lehra Dun (3) Uninhabited 147 89 46 Dehra Dun (6) 148 T(J5) 0(15) 69 3 28 Dehra Dun (6) li9 55 Dehra Dun (8) ." 30 !~9 76



Amenities available within tbe village Ll)ca- Total tion Area • ------. Code Name of Village of the Post No, village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 S 5 6 7 B 9 10

151 Gangole Panditwari 219 R KR Wheat & Rice 152 Johari 213 JBS (I) T,R KR Wheat & Rice 153 Malsi 297 JBS (I) T,R KR,PR Phone Wheat & Rice 154. Senaula 40, JBS (1) T.R KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice 155 Chand raulh 196 T,R KR Wheat & Rice

156 Saloniwala 96 T,R KR Wheat & Rice 157 Jamoliwala 56 T,R KR Wheat & Rice 158 Guniyalgaon 167 SBS (1) T,R KR Phone Wheat & Rice

159 Bishgaon 367 R KR Wheat & Rice 160 Jamniwala 86 R KR Wheat & Rice

161 Sigli 133 R KR Wheat & Rice 162 Kheri Gopiwala 33!) R KR Wheat & Rice 163 Galigwad 1,867 ]BS (I) R PR Wheat & Rice 164 Rlkhob 3,538 JBS (1) R PR,KR Wheat & Rice 165 Bhitrali 2,396 JBS (I) R PIl,KR Wheat & Rice

166 Kiark Ullbhatta 3,074 JBS (1) E T,R KR,PR Phone Wheat & Rice 167 Doomgaon 160 T,R PR Wheat & Rice 168 Dungalgaon 71 Uninhabited

169 Bhagwantpur 71 JBS (1) T,R KR Wheat & Rice 170 Bamangaon .77 ... R KR Wheat & Rice

171 Antarigaon 121 F,T,R KR Wheat & Rice 172 Salangaon 102 T,R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 173 PunkaJgaon 312 T,R KR,PR Wheat & Rice 174 Makkawala 56 T KR Wheat & Rice

175 l'bani&aOIl 147 SBS (I) ~ T fR Wheat & Ri~c: 77



Land use (i. e., area under different type~ of land use -in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days includmg ,....------.....___------. town of the any place Loca· and market/hat, of rehglous, tion Area dIstance If any. historIcal or Code Forest Irrigated Un­ CultIvable not avaIlable (m Km.) held In the archaeo- No. irrigated Waste for vIllage logical cultivation interest

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

17 83 53 66 Dehra Dun (9) 151 34 137 5 37 Dehra Dun (7) 152

13~ 11 ~ 4 43 Dehra Dun (12) 153 23i 130 17 23 Dehra Dun (B) 154

4 92 6 94 Dehra Dun (10) 155

46 49 Dehra Dun (10) 156 36 15 5 Dehra Dun (10) J57

13 75 64 10 Debra Dun (10) 158 99 197 11 60 Dehra Dun (11) 159 55 24 7 Dehra Dun (11) 160

54 54 22 3 Dehra Dun (lJ) 161 277 26 16 20 Dehra Dun (13) 162 1,509 171 106 81 Dehra Dun (8) 163 3,186 200 84 68 Mussooria (12) 164 1,354 T(29) R(29) 130 342 41 Mus,ooria (12) 16j

70 226 2,691 87 Mussooria (2) 166 36 37 79 8 Mussoona (8) 167 11 45 15 Dehra Dun (8) Uninhabited 168 45 19 7 Rampur (8) 169 47 6 24 Dehra Dun (13) 170

22 ao 15 4 Mussooria (8) I7l 52 45 5 Rampur (6) 172 131 128 27 26 Rampur (8) 173 26 29 Dehra Dun (12) 174 ~7 '* ~a pehra Dun (l~) 175 78



Amenities available witbin the village

loca- Tutal r ------~------tion Name of V Jllagc Area Code of the Post Nu. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 3 5 6 7 B 9 1(0

176 Bagralgaon 214 T PR Wheat & RIce 17-7 Danjon.Ka.Danda 153 T KR,PR Wheat & R,ce 178 Kotalgaon 77 JBS (I) D(I) E T,R PR Phone Wheat & RIce 179 KIrsahg:wn 37 KR Wheat & RIce 180 Bhandar Gaon 201 T_R KR,PR Wheat & Rice

181 Khalagaon 306 E T,R PR Phone Wheat & RIce 182 Mdkretl 159 Uninhabited 183 Chamasan 10,708 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & RIce IB4 MaJhara 175 F KR,PR Wheal & RIce 185 Bagd Adhoran 251 JBS (I) R KR PO Wheat & RIce

186 Kati Guard 838 F KR Wheat & Rice 187 Sarona 1,425 JBS (I) F Wheat & RIce IBB Nah 1,884 F Wheat & Rice 189 SllIa 3,793 JBS (I) F KR Wheat & RIce 190 Klara 1,437 JBS (I) F Mandaw & Rice

191 Simiari 455 F Wheat & R,ce 192 Phulet 895 F Mand~w & RIce )93 Chamroli 635 F Wheat & Rice 194 Bhainswar Gaon 746 F KR Wheat & RIce 195 Sahkhet 212 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & R,ce

196 Timli Mansingh 666 F KR Wheat & Rice 197 Kairwan Karanpur 405 E F KR Wheat & Rice j98 Chalang 620 T KR Wheat & RIce 199 Khurawan 293 F KR Wheat & Rice T KR,PR Wheat & R,ce 200 Dhanohl Sf4- ", DIRECTORY


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remarks to tbe nearest unit) Nearest Day or day. including .---_ ----__._ town of the any place Loca­ Area and market/bat, of relIglOu!. tion Un- Cultivable not available distance if any, histOrical Or Code Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste for (mKm.) held in the archaeo­ No. cultivation village logical interest

II 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

50 109 6 49 Dehra Dun (10) 176 83 41 29 Dehra Dun (13) 177 34- .. T(I)O(I) 23 19 Debra Dun (13) " 178 26 II Debra Dun (12) 179 103 58 11 29 Dehra Dun (10) 180

123 T(3)R(3) 54 100 26 Dehra Dun (13j 181 41 T(2)R(2) 15 56 45 Dehra Dun (6) Uninbabited 182 9,797 T(36)R(36) 499 239 137 Dehra Dun (14) 183 120 T(II)R(II) 18 20 6 Dehra Dun (10) 184

181 T(IB)O(IB) 15 30 10 Dehra Dun (11) 185

749 T(9)R(9) 55 17 8 Dehra Dun (16) 186

1,019 216 175 15 Dehra Dun (16) 187 1,666 132 18 8 Debra Dun (32) 188 2,865 T(22)R(22) 459 415 32 Dehra Dun (32) 189

1,003 T(65JR{6S) 156 200 13 Del}l~ Dun (24) 190

23~ T(39)R(39) 60 113 11 Dehra Dun (16) 191 461 T(IS)R(15) 68 S36 9 Debra Dun (19) 192 360 T(12)R(12) 117 118 28 Debra Dun (19) 193 512 T(7)R(7) 102 94 31 Debra Dun (16) 194 113 T(10)R!l0) 43 34 12 Dehra Dun (14) 195

87 466 T(8)O(8) 73 32 Debra Dun (13) 196 19 328 T(29)R(29) 18 11 Dehra DlIIl (16) 197 263 245 T(5)C(5) -tV 67 Debra Dun (11) 198 80 7 198 T(I)R(I) 7 Debra Dun (13) 199 41 220 T(14)R(14) tH 25 Debra Dun (11) 200 ft.


Amenities available within the village Loca- tion Name of Village TOlal .. ------"- Code Area No. of the Post vJilage Educational Medical Power Ormking CommuDl- & Staple Food (in acre.~) supply water cations Telegraph

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

201 Banclawali 339 F KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice

202 Sldhonwah Ohoran 47 F KR Wheat ~ tUce 203 N aga I Ha tnala 69 ::illS (I) T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 204 Murautha 209 T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 205 Kulhal Karanpur 101 ..I T KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice

206 Kirsali 185 FC(I) T KR Wheat & Rice MOW(I) 207 Kulha1 Mansingh 105 T KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice 208 Taela Nagai 377 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice 209 Ohorn Khas 483 JBS (1) E T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 21J Chironwali 107 JBS(I) T KR Wheat & Rice

211 Gujrara Mansingh 313 JBS (I) T KR,PR Wheat & Rice HSS (I) 212 Danda Ohoran 114- T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 213 Jagat Khana 84- Uninhabited 214 Oanda Khudanwala 171 JBS (I) T KR,PR Wheat & Rice SBS (I) 215 Oanda Nooriwala 137 R KR,PR Mandaw & TOIl

216 Brahmawala 35 U nlnhabi ted 217 Oanda Lakhaund 439 JBS (I) T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 218 AdllOiwala 712 JBS (1) E T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 219 Kandoli 151 T KR Wheat'& Rice 220 Aamwala Karanpur 24- Uninhabited

221 Aamwala Tarla 884 T KR Wheat & Rice 222 Aamwala Majhla 75 JBS (ll T KR Wheat & Rice 223 Aan.wala Uparla 64- Uninhabited

224 Saudhaunwali Man- 51 T KR Wheat & Rlec singh 225 Hatwalgaon 5 T KR Wheat & Rice 81



Land use (i. e. area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including ,------_,..<..------=------, town of the any place Loca- and market/hat, of religIOUS, lion Un- Cultivable Area- distance If any, hist oneal or Code Forest Irrigated irrigated waste not available (in Km.) held lfl the archaeo- No. for vIllage logIcal cullJvatlon interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 11 18

243 T(10)R(10) 33 16 37 Dehra Dun (11) 201 32 3 12 Dehra Dun (9) 202 8 33 8 20 Debra Dun (9) 203 66 T(22)R(22) 83 2 36 Dehra Dun (Ill 204 75 15 11 Debra Dun (8) 205

21 133 27 4 Debra Dun (8) 206 36 T(3)R(3) 49 17 Dehra Dun (8) 207 28 250 88 11 Dehra Dun (9) 208 31 329 17 106 Debra Dun (6) 209 73 3 31 Dehra Dun (6) 210

40 227 3 43 Dehra Dun (6) 211 95 6 13 Dehra DWl (6) 212

60 20 4 Dehra Dun (II) Uninhabi ted 213 44 72 32 23 Debra Dun (16) 214 8 82 46 Dehra pun (8) 215

25 10 Dehra Dun (6) Uninhabited 216 23 134 Debra Dun (8) 29 253 217 37 296 Dehra Dun (3) 99 300 218 101 2 50 Debra Dun (5) 219 20 S Dehra Dun (8) Uninhabited 220

67 236 42 39 Dehra Dun (5) 221 57 3 15 Dehra Dun (6) 222 50 14 Dehra Dun (8) Uninhabited 223 31 19 Dehra Dun (6) 224 3 2 Dehra Dun (6) 225 82



Amenities available within the village

Loea- Total r------~-----,.A.------_. tion Area Code Name of Village of the No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· Post Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations & Telegraph

2 S 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

226 Nanur Khera 181 IBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 227 Tlbba Nalapani 400 Uninhabited 228 Mangluwala 229 IBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rice 229 Harchawala 67 F KR,PR Wheat & Rice 230 Sunderwala 193 IBS (I) E T KR,PR Wheat & Rice

231 Bajhee 422 F KR Wheat & Rice 232 Asthal 201 IBS (I) F KR Wheat & Rice 233 Bhandari wa la 103 F KR,PR Wheat & Rice 234 Gujarmi 83 T KR Wheat & Rice

235 Kalagaon 142 T KR Wheat & Rice

236 Reniwala 61 F KR Wheat & Rice

237 Kheri Mansingh 378 F KR Wheat & Rice

?3B Pustari 124 C KR Wheat & Rice

239 Baotha 656 F KR Wheat & Rice

240 Serki 220 F KR Wheat & Rice

241 Tbewa 361 ]BS (l( F KR Wheat & Mandwa SBS 1) 242 Dwara 2,730 JBS (3) F KR Wheat & Rice

243 Akhawali Bhiling 862 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice

244 Sorasaroli 1,345 JBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice

245 Raipur 3,442 JBS (4) DCI) E T KR,PR PTO V. heat & Rice aSS(I)

246 Ladpur 366 E W KR,PR Wheat & Rice

247 Cbak Dalanwala SO T KR Wheat & Rice

248 Azabpur Kalan 1,133 IBS (I) E W KR,PR,T Wheat & Rice SBS (I) 249 Dehra Khas 1,939 JBS (I) E T,W PR,T PO Wheat & Rice

250 Azabpur Khurd 463 B W,R KR,PR,T Wheat & Rice 83



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land u~e in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including ------"'- -. town of the any place Loca. and market/hat, of religious, tIon Area distanco if any, hIstorical or Code Forest Irrigated Un- Cultivable not available (in Km.) held In the archaeo. No. irrigated Waste for village logical cui tivation interest

11 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

14 69 7 91 Dehra Dun (6) 226

391 6 3 Dehra Dun (6) Unmhabited 227

116 59 31 23 Dehra Dun (U) 228

48 18 Dehea Dun (6) 229 59 54 12 68 Dehea DUll (6) 290

323 T(21) 0(21) 48 23 7 Dehea Dun (11) 231

71 T(3) 0(3) 96 5 26 Dehra Dun (14) 232

17 34 18 34 De ra Dun (II) 233

8 52 14 9 Dehea DLn (11) 234

69 57 13 3 Dehra Dun (9) 235

20 T(20)R(20) 3 18 Dehra Dun (13) 236

205 T(40)R(40) 21 6 106 Debra Dun (9) 237

T(14)R(14) 7 75 28 Dehra Dun (9) 238

378 121 124 33 • Dehra Dun (13) 239

101 T(28) C(28) 28 39 24 Dehra D~n (14) 240

I 206 T(72) C(72) 52 7 24 Dehra Dun (II) T 241

1,766 628 269 67 Dehra Dun (16) 242

606 T(12) R(12) 138 88 )8 Dehra Dun (16) 243

1,054 T(82) R (82) 137 13 59 Dehra Dun (9) 244

1,162 T(444) 0(444) 386 943 507 Dehra Dun (5) 245

274 62 14 16 Dehra Dun (6) 246

16 14 Dehra Dun (5) 247

T(502) 0(502) 261 19 350 Dehra Dun (3) T 248

T(582) C(582) 54 208 1095 Dehra Dun (ll 249

T (288) R (288) 117 18 39 Dehra Dun (3) T ~~O 84



Amenities available within the village Loca­ tion Total r------__,.A.------.., Code Name of Village Area No. of the Post viUage EducatlOnal Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply Water cations Telegraph

2 !I 5 6 7 8 9 10

251 ~idarpur 330 W KR Wheat & Rice 252 Shahnagar 225 T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 253 [hakshannagar 41 T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 254 Nathanpur 551 JBS (2) E T KR,PR Wheat & Rice 255 Nawada 357 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

256 HaIipur 96 E T KR Wheat & Rice 257 Badripur 442 JBS (2) E T PR Wheat & Rice 258 Indrapur 69 Uninhabited 259 Manthorowa1a 1,198 JBS (I) E W KR,PR,T Wheat & Rice 260 Cback Bajnarawala 6 Uninhabited

261 Banjarawala 482 JBS (I) W KR,PR Wheat & Rice 262 Kargi Grant 256 W KR Wheat & Rice 263 Bhoruwala Grant 852 JBS (I) H(I) E W KR,PR Wheat & Rice SBS (I) 264 Majra 800 JBS (2) E W,TW KR,PR PTO Wheat & Rice 265 Brahmawala 298 JBS (1) W PR,T Wheat & Rice

266 NiranJanpur 669 JES (1) H(I) E W,TW KR,PR Phone Wheat & Rice 267 Kavh 1,701 IBS (3) E W KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice 268 Harbanswala 294 IB:;> (I) E W KR,PR Wheat & Rice 269 Harbhajwala 289 W KR Wheat & Rice 270 Mehunwala Muafi 1,028 IBS (1) E W,R KR PO Wheat & Rice

271 Pithuwala 214 IBS (I) W KR Wheat & Rice '1.7'1 Shewla Kalan 497 E W,TW KR,PR Wheat & Rice 273 Shcwla Khurd 161 E W,TW KR,PR Phone Wheat & Rice 274- ChandrabaDl Khalsa 78 W KR Wheat & Rice

~7~ Mohabbawala 156 .JBS (I) ~ WT#,. KR.PR Wheat & Rice 85



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land we in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest umt) Nearest Day or days including r------.... ------,------., town of the any place Loca. and market/hat, of rehglOu5, tion Area distance If any, historical or Code Forest Irrig3ted Un- Cultivable not ,wadable (10 Km.) held in the archaeo- No. irrigated Waste for village logical cultivation intcre~t

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 .

T(91)C(91) 112 9 118 Dehra Dun (5) 251

T(l6)C(16) 150 33 26 Dehra Dun (5) 252

24 17 Dehra Dun (5) 25~

8 T(327)C(327) 157 8 51 Dehra Dun (5) 254

126 127 85 19 Dehra Dun (6) 255

91 2 3 Dehra Dun (8) 256

T(2S6)C(256) 126 24 36 Debra Dun (5) 257

36 2 31 Dehra Dun (8) Umnhabited 258

33 T(482)C(482) 147 247 289 Dehra Dun (6) T 259

6 Dehra Dun (6) Uninhabited 260

T( 105)C(105) 317 10 50 Dehra Dun (8) 261

T(164)G(16f) 35 5 52 Dehra Dun (5) T 262

18 460 23 351 Dehra Dun (8) M 263 T(459)C(459) 197 11 133 Dehra Dun (4) 264

T(1l7)C(117) 83 7 91 Dehrapun (3) 265

8 T(27S)C(275) 214 15 157 Dehra Dun (3) 266

103 T(403)C(403) 864 46 285 Dehra Dun (3) 267

3 T(28JC(28) 205 7 51 Dehra Dun (5) 268

249 26 14 Dehra Dun (6) 269

25 T(434)C(115)TW(313)R(6) 389 69 III Dehra Dun (6) 270

T(89) TW(89) 80 21 24 Dehra Dun (6) 271

T(357jC(3S7) 48 18 74 Debra Dun (5) 272

T(IO'j)C(I05) 20 36 Dehla Dun (6) 273

16 50 6 6 Dehra Dun (10) 274 30 Debra Dun (II) 5 1'(l9)TW( 19) 93 9 "'~ 275 B6



Amenities available within the village Loca- toin Total r-- ,A. ---, Code N arne 0 f Village Area No. of the Po'st Staple Food village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & (in acres) supply water callons Telegraph

2 9 4 6 7 8 9 10

276 Chandrabani Grant BOO W KR Wheat & Rice 277 Asarodo 1,282 E T KR,PR Wbeat & Rice

278 Mohmmadpur 3~6 F KR Wheat & Rice Barl<~!t 279 Phandoowala 91 JBS (1) R KR Wheat & Rlle 280 Dudhli 262 JBS (I) W KR PO Wheat & Rice SBS (I)

2Bl Kishanpur 77 W KR Wheat & Rice 282 NagaI Bulandwala 154 W KR Wheat & R,ce 283 NagaI]walapur 404 W KR Wheat & R,ce 284 S,mlas Grant 366 JBS (I) W KR Wheal & R,ce 285 Markham Grant 5,489 JBS(6) SBS{I) H(I) E T,W,R KR,PR,T Phone Wheat & Rice HSS (I) FCP)

286 Ghi Sarpari 288 E T PR,T Wheat & Rice 287 Hansuwala 169 KK,PR,T ., Wheat & RIce 288 Dolwala 175 E T PR,T Wheat & R,ce 289 Daishwala 187 E T PR,T PTO Wbeat & RJ[e Phone 290 MlSSarwala Khurd 110 Fe (1) E T PR,T Whett & R,ce

291 Missarwala Kalan 288 E T PR,T Wheat & Rice 292 I achhiwala 287 JBS (I) E T PR,T Wheat & R,ce 293 KUlwala 403 ]BS (I) E W PR Wheat & Rice 294 Nakruda 1,058 JBS (1) W PR,KR,T Wheat & RIce 295 Harrawala 401 ]BS 0) E T PR,T PO Wheat & Rice

296 Mohkampur Khurd 498 JBS (I) E T KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice 297 Mohkampur Kalan 42 T PR Wheat & R,ce 298 Majri Muafi 254 ]BS (I) E T PR Wheal & RIce 299 Mianwala 448 JBS (I) E T PR iii heal & Rice E T Wheat & Rice ~OO Chak Tunwala Gr"nt 579 JBS (I~ '" ~R 87 DIRECTORY


Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remarh to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or days including Loca­ town of the any place tion and marketlhat, of religious, Code Un- Cultivable Area distance lfany, historical or No. Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste not available (mKm.) held in the archaeo­ for village logical cultivation intcrest

11 12 18 14 15 16 11 18

790 8 2 Dehra Dun (8) 276 1,219 38 25 Dehra Dun (8) 277

80 T(72;R(72) 6 26 162 Debra Dun (13) 278

10 T(61)R(61) 3 16 Dehra Dun (14) 279 T(209)R(209) 4 13 36 Dehra Dun (29) 280

T(62)R(62) 6 5 4 Dehra Dun (29) 281

T(133)R(133) 2 2 17 Dehra Dun (29) 282 T(355) R(355) 29 19 Dahra Dun (27) 283

T(298)R(298) 3 23 42 Dehra Dun (23) 284

T(3,031) R(3,031) 914 127 1,417 Dehra Dun (19) 285

T(61)R(61) 3 223 Dehra Dun (21) 286 T(151)R(151) 3 14 Dehra Dun (21) 287

T(I06) R(106) 2 61 Debra Dun (22) 288

T(58) R(56) 3 125 Debra Dun (II) 269

36 T(37) R(37) 8 8 26 Debfa Dun (19) 290

106 T(139)R(139) 6 37 Dehra Dun (17) 291 III T(ISO)C(150) 4 8 14 Debra Dun (17) 292

59 272 27 45 Dehra Dun (14) 293

T(IOO)C(IOO) 786 69 103 Dehra Dun (13) T 294

T(87)C{87) 283 9 22 Dehra Dun (10) 295

42 T(60)C(60) 301 94 Dehra Dun (6) 296

T(39)C(39) Dehra Dun (6) 297 25 T(187)C(187) 26 16 Dehra Dun (6) 298 T(331)C(331) 4 56 57 Debra Dun (8) 299

20 T(374) 0(374) 3 40 142 Dehra Dun (8) 300 as



Amenities available within the village Loca- tion Name of VIllage Total r .... Code Area No. of the Post village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water catlons Telegraph

2 i 5 6 7 B 9 10

301 Nathuwawala 1,198 JBS (I) T KR PO Wheat & Rice 302 Balawala 2,646 JB S(I) T KR,PR,T PO Wheat &: Rice SBS (1) 303 Bhopal Pall! G' ant 846 TBS (I) T KR Wheat & Rice 304 Kalimati 157 F KR Wheat & Rice 305 Barasi Grant 880 JBS (1) T KR Wheat & Rice

306 Pauwalasora 80 JBS (1) R KR Wheat & Rice 307 Talai 532 JBS (1) ." F KR Wheat & Rice 308 Palad 742 JBS (1) F KR Wheat & Rice 309 Tagauli Garh 492 JBS (1) T,F KR Mandwa & Rice 310 Ladwakot 714 JBS (1) F KR Mandwa & Rice

311 Haldwari 1,146 JBS (1) F KR Mandwa & Rice 312 Baderna KhUld 392 F KR Mandwa & Rice 313 Badema Manjhla 215 JBS (I) F,T KR Mandwa & Rice 314 Baderna Kalan 335 F,T KR Mandwa & Rice S15 Kotla 180 F KR Mandwa & Rice

3l1i NahinKburd 132 JBS (2) F KR Mandwa & Rice 317 Nahin Kalan 752 JBS (1) ti(l) F KR Mandwa & Rice 3Ul Sateli Gairwal 1,336 JBS (1) F KR Mandwa & Rice 319 Raithwangaon 929 F KR Mandwa 320 Kairwan Malkot 635 T KR Mandwa & Ric

-, !l2f Jaikar 117 .~ T KR Mandwa & Ricee 322 Pharti 418 F,T KR Wheat & Rice 323 Sllldh walagaon 955 JBS (1) F,T KR Mandwa & Rice 324 Sangaon 699 .rEs (1) F,T KR Wheat & Rice SBS (1) 32~ Kothar 105 F KR Wheat & Rice 89



Land use (i.e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit ) Nearest Day or days including town of the any place Loea­ and market/hat, of religious, tion Un- Cultivable Area distance if any, historical or Code forest Irrigated irrigated Waste not aVaIlable (in Km.) held in the archaeo- No. for village logical cultivation interest

il 12 IS 14 15 16 17 18

03 T(753) 0(763) SS6 6 10 Dehra Dun (6) SOl 969 T(I,404) 0(1,404) 218 18 37 Debra Dun (ll) 302 632 T(37)R(37) 94 34 49 Dehra Dun.(14) 303 2 T(2S)R(2S) 76 27 27 Dehra Dun (13) 304- S04 T(42) R(42) 222 33 79 Dehra Dun (17) 305

6 51 12 11 Dehra Dun (19) 306 272 T(5) R(5) 163 32 60 Dehra Dun (24) 307 556 112 57 17 Dehra Dun (23) SOb 325 85 81 Dehra Dun (32) 309 538 98 46 32 Dehra Dun (35) 31(;

96:' 83 92 8 Dehra Dun (39) HP 311 252 T(l) R(I) 85 30 24 Dehra Dun (27) 312 114- 70 17 14 Dehra Dun (25) 313 212 98 24 Dehra Dun (~5) 314- 135 25 18 2 Debra Dun (29} 315

6 102 ~2 2 Debra Dun (29) 316 9 498 125 201 Dehra Dun (29) 317 1,013 155 159 9 Dehra Dun (35) HP 318 829 T(2)R(2) 39 58 Dehra Dun (43) 319 521 T(13) R(13) 47 53 Dehra Dun (45) 320

30 59 T(2) R(2) 25 Dehra Dun (35) 321 5 230 T(16) R(16) 82 85 Debra Dun (32) 322 136 301 318 200 Dehra Dun (24) 323 122 212 T(4) 0(4) 317 44 Dehra Dun (24) 324 33 T(3) 0(3) 53 3 13 Dehra Dun (25) 325 90



Amenities available within tLe village

Loca- 1'otal (""-- ., tion ~rea Code Name of Village of the Post Staple Food No, village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi· & (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 s 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

316 Simiand 91 ... '" II. T KR ... Mandwa &Rice , 327 Dharkot 184 JBS (1) '" "' T KR .. Wheat & Rice

328 Katkor Kalan I~ III '" III F KR '" Mandwa &Rice

64 II. 329 Katkor Khurd " "' F KR "' Mandwa &Rice

330 Saran 57 II. "' ,to F KR to, Wheat &Rice

3~1 Gandole 26 ". F KR ." Mandwa &Ric~ 332 Chouki 27 JBS (1) to, '" F KR .11 Wheat & Rice

333 Kotl With Chak 373 '" "' ." F KR !I' Wheat & Rice

"",,- 'II,. n n I 91



Land use (i. e'l area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remarks to the nearest unit) Nearest Day or day, includmg r------~ ------~-----, town of the any place Loca- Area and market/hat, of rrligious, lion Un- Cultivable not available distance if any, historical or Code Forest lrrigated irrigated Waste for (Ill Km.) held in the archaeo· No. cultivation village logical interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 18

43 4 ~6 Dehra Dun (25) ,II 826 24 ." '" III 35 37 Debra Dun (29) 327 54 T(3)0(3) 31 55 3 Debra Dun (29) ., 328

42 21 Debra Dun (~9) 329 .. T(4)R(4) 36 '7 10 Debra Dun (23) 330

,,, 18 3 5 Dehra Dun (24) II, 331

4 15 6 2 Dehra Dun (21) 332

245 T(18) R(18) 62 36 12 Dehra Dun (24) .. , T 333 7 Dehra Dun (18) 334 92



Amenities available within the village Loca- Total .-- tion Area "'"' Code Name of Village of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking Communi- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water cations Telegraph

2 S 5 6 7 8 9 10 lI51 Sarangdharwa1a 58 E C KR,PR Wheat & Rice

352 Bishangarh 61 E C KR,PR Wheat & Rice 553 Bhogpur 272 JBS (1) H(I) E C,T PR PO Wheat & Rice HSS

355 Chak Barkot 13 Uninhabited

E C,T KR,PR PO Wheat & Rice 356 Barkot l\I uafi 906 JBS (1) JBS (1) E C,T KR,PR Wheat & Rke 357 Grant Rainapur 2,880 KR,PR Wheat & Rice 358 LysteJabad 1,104 JBS

2,125 JBS (1) E T PR,KR Wheat & Rice 351 Joli Grant 82 SBS (1) E T KR Wheat & Rice 362 Baruwala Grant 314 F KR Wheat & RIce 363 Kaluwala ISO F KR,PR Wheat & Rice 364 Sagnhawala Kalan 39 E T KR Wheat & Rice 365 Bhanglana

236 E T KR Wheat & Rice 366 Baronwala 127 F KR Wheat & Rice 367 llaksarwala 165 E T KR Wheat & Rice 36B Sagntiawala Khurd ~89 E T PR,KR PO Wheat & Rice 369 Kanharwala \H JBS (1) E T PR,KR PO Wheat & Rice 370 Chaniyawala

216 W KR Wheat & Rice 371 Jiwanwala 433 ]BS (1) E R KR Wheat & Rice 372 Fatchpur Tao E W,T KR PO Wheat & Rife MaJrI Grant 3,483 JBS (3) 373 SBS(I) T,R KR Whea t &. Ric e 37i Jogiwa1a Muafi 209 l,Jnillhabiteg ,15 ChakJo~iwala Sl~ 93



Land use (i. e., area under different type! of land usc in acres rounded Remarks ,...-______to the nearest.A. Unit) Nearest Day or days includmg town of the any place Loclo- and marketfhat, of religIOUS, tion Area distance if any, hIstorical or Oode Forest Irrigated Un- CultIvable not available (mKm.) held lU the archaeo. No. Irrigated Waste for Village logical cultivation interest

11 12 UI 14 15 16 17 16

T(36) C(36) 5 10 7 Dehra Dun(16) 351

T(54) 0(54) 2 4 Dehra Dun(15) 352 T(212) 0(212) 41 5 14 Dehra Dun(30) M,T,O 353 40 T(28) 0(28) 13 3 Dehra Dun(30) 354

13 Dehra Dun(29) Uninhabited 355

16 T(460) C(460j 268 99 63 Dehra Dun(30) T 356 2,303 T(277) C(277) 152 86 62 Dehra Dun (29) 357 526 T(357) C(357) 114 43 64 Dehra Dun (32) 358 23 T(550) 0(550) 221 44 208 Dehra Dun (20) 359 T(258)C(258 107 13 65 Dehra Dun (30) 360

311 T(910) TWE(450)C(460) 503 375 26 Debra Dun (24) 361 T(75)C(75) 2 5 Dehra Dun (23) 352 T(40) 0(40) 251 14 9 Dehra Dun (21) 363 T(96)R(96) 7 35 12 Dehra Dun (21) 364 T(34) R(34) 2 2 Dehra Dlfn (23) 365

T(2 0) R(210) 8 3 15 Debra Dun (23) 366 62 T(58) 0(58) 2 4 Debra Dun (21) 367 T(143) R(143) 10 5 7 Dehra Dun (30) 368 18 T(224) R(224) 119 5 23 Dehra Dun (23) 369

111 T(370) R(370) 151 32 32 Dehra Dun (21) 370

T(193) R(193) 5 6 12 Debra Dun(25) 371 T(269) R(269) 16 49 99 Denra Dun(23) 372 51 T(2,071)R(2,071) 617 154 590 Dehra Dun(24) 373 13 T(182) R(182) 6 8 Rishikesh(16) 374

1-8 T(183) R(183) 79 ~ Rishikesh( 18) Uninhabited 375 94



Amenities available within the village

Loea- 10tal r- .A.-- .... tlon Nameof Village Area Code of the Post No. village Educational Medical Power Drinking CommuDI- & Staple Food (in acres) supply water catiom Telegraph

2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 10

376 Sahabnagar 343 JBS (I) JIP,R KR Wheat & Maize 377 Chhiddarwala 623 JBS (I) JIP,R KR Wheat & Maize '378 RIshlkesh 2,295 JBS (I) E WR,T PR,T Wheat & Rice 379 Birpur Khurd 54 E PR,KR Wheat & Rice 380 Gamaniwala 341 JBS (I) E W,R,HP PR,KR,T Wheat & Rice

381 Bhattonwala 89 E JIP,O PR,KR Wheat & Rice 382 Garhl With Chak 425 JBS (I) E JIP,O PR,KR Wheat & Rice 383 Blblwala 39 E HP PR,KR,T Wheat & Ric( 384 Shyampur 562 E HP,O PR,KR,T Wheat & Rice 385 Kham Kalan 167 .., E HP,O PR,KR Wheat.& Rice

386 Khri Khurd 250 JBS ~I) E HP,W PR Wheat & Rice SBS 1) 387 Kharak Muafi 1,056 JBS (I) E HP,O PR,KR Wheat & Rice

388 Thakurpur 41 "1 R PR Wheat & Rice 389 Partitnagar 913 JBS (1) E T,R,W PR,KR,T Wheat & Rice 390 Gohari Muafi 843 T,W,F,R PR,KR,T Wheat & Rice

391 Raiwala 1,170 JBS (1) E T,R,HP T,PR,KR Wheat & Rice SBS (I) :192 Haripur Kalan 779 JBS 0) E T,R T,PR,KR Wheat & Rice

FOREST CHARGE 393 Asaroi F. I 394 Barkot F.9 395 Chauharpur F. I 396 Jha J h ra (Jhalra) F. 4 397 Kansro F.IO 398 Lachhllatwala E. B 399 Malhan F.3 400 Motichoar F.1l 401 MussaoCle F.5 402 Rampur Mandi Khlronje F.l2 403 Thana F.7 404 TllOh F. 2 95



Land usc {i. e., area under different types of land use in acres rounded Remak· to the nearest unit} Nearest Day or daya includmg ,...... ~------. town of the any place Loca· and market{hat, of religIOus, tioJ' Un- Cultivable Area distance If any, historical or Code Forest Irrigated irrigated Waste no! available (10 Km.) held in the archaen- No. for village logical cuillvation interest

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

T(21S) R(215) 29 39 60 Rishikesh (IB) :l76

7 T(342) R(S42) 234 9 31 Rishlkes h (9) 377

578 T(20) TW(10)O(10) 720 301 676 RIShl kesh (6) RP,HP,T 378

T(6) TWE(6) 42 5 Rishikesh (6) T 379

T(181) TW(15)R(J66) 55 70 35 RlShikesh (6) 380

T(B7) R(B7) 2 Risbikesh (8) 381

38 T(3IB)R(SI8) 14 36 19 Rishikesh (9) 382

T(37) R(37) Rishikesb (6) 383

T(387) R(387) 86 37 52 Rishikesh (8) S84

T(91)R(91) 53 19 4 Rishikesh (11) 385

9 T(196) R(196) 2 42 Rishike sh (9) S86 120 T(352)R(200) TW(152) 444 25 liS Rishlkesh (9) 387

T(35)R (35) 5 Rishlkesh (II) S88

421 T(275) R(275) ISS 27 35 Rishikesh (9) 389

801 T(260) R(260) 35 73 174 Rishlkesh (9) 390

462 T(SIO) R{3IO) 214 65 119 Rishikesh (15) 391 102 T(214)R(214) 255 lOB 100 Rishikesh (5) 39l 96



~AT.uRE OF Educational --, Sl. Name of Tahsil Junior Basic School Senior Basic Higher Secondary College Others No. School School

,....----'>-._--..., r------,~.----~ No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. No No. villages Junior villag~s Senior villages Higher villages of of of having Basic having Basic having Secondary having coll- vill- other Junior Basic Schools Senior Schools Higher Schools colleges eges ages Instit­ Schools Basi~ Secodary having utions Schools Schools Other Instit­ utions

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 [2

Chakrata 130 132 16 16

2 Dehra Dun 181 227 27 29 12 14

District Total (Rural) 311 359 45 12 14


Power Supply (Coneld.) Drinking Water

c-----"- SI. Name of Tahsil No. of villages where Number of villages havmg No. power supply is ., ----a ("""" -"-- Available Not Tap Hand Well Tank River Foun- Canal Water Lake Tube- Others Not Available pipe tain full well Avai- lable

2 25 26 27 28 29 3Q 81 32 33 34 35 36 37 38

Chakrata 5 374 228 30 8 68 8 10 34

2 Dehra Dun 95 297 136 30 82 4 86 75 52 10 9

District Total (Rural) 100 671 364 31 112 4 94 143 60 10 10 43 97 VD..LAGE DIRECTORY


AMENITY Medical -'"\ Hospital Dispensary Maternity & Health Centre Family Planning Others Child Welfare Centre Centre r------., r-----"----. No.of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No. 01 Nn of No. of No. of No. of No. of vi1la~es Hospitals villages Dispen- villages M.C.W. villages Health villages Family villages other having baving saries· having havIng Centre! having Planning having Institutions Hospitals Dispen- M.C.W. Health Family Centres other saries Centres Planing Institutions Centres

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

6 6 12 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2

6 6 11 11 5 5 2 2 5 5

12 12 20 23 13 13 4 7 7 2 2


Communications Post and Telegraph __.,__ r • r-- --., No. of villages Post Office Po~t & Telegraph Others Telephone havlDg OffIce , ______..A. _____• , ___.A.-----, r- ,A.----.., r-oA.---.., ,...---.-'----. Pucca Kach· Pucca Ohlers No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of No of No. of No. of Road lha and villages Post vIllages Telegraph villages Post & villages Phones Road Kach· baving Office having Office having Tele(!rapb havmg cha Post Telegraph \ /post & Office Phones Road Office Office Telegrapb Office 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

23 351 5 27 27 4 4 5 5

31 214 95 24 37 37 7 7 9 9

54 565 100 24 64 64 11 11 14 It BansaI Press, Allahabad··3 P. S. U. P. (P. P. 15) P. O. No. 33 Census 1972-750