:1 Census of , 1951







Several States, including Uttar Pradesh, have been publishing village statistics by districts at each census. In 194I they were published in U. P. under the title "District Census Statistics" with a separate volume for each district. In the 1951 census, when the tabulation has been more elaborate than ever in view of the require ... ments of the country, the district ... wise volume has been expanded into a "District Census Handbook". which now contains the District Census Tables (furnishing data with break ... up for census tracts within the district), the District Index of Non... agricultural Occupations, agricultural statistics from 190V02 to 19.5°"'51 and other miscellaneous statistics in addition to the usual village population statistics. The village population statistics also are given in an elaborate form giving the division of the population among eight livelihood classes and other details.

2. It may be added here that a separate set of district ... wise volumes giving only population figures of rural areas by villages and of urban areas by wards and mohallas and entitled "District Population Statistics" has already been published. This separate series was necessitated by the urgent requirements of the U. P. Government for elections to local bodies. The printing of the District Census Handbooks involves colossal work and is bound to take some time.

RAJESHW ARI PRASAD, IoA.S •• RAMPUIt: Superintendent, Census Operations, Septemher It 1954. Uttar Pradesh.


Illf'rlWDUOTIOH- A-The District i-ii B-Analysis of the Statistics iii-x O-Expll.lonatol'Y notes on the Statistics x-xii


A-GIllN'BllUL POPULATION TABLE_ A-I Area, Houses a.nd Population 3 A-II Variation in Population during Fifty Years 3 A-III Towns and Villages Classified by Population 4-5 \-IV Towns Classified by Population with Va.riations since 1901 6 A-V Towns ,"',"donged Territorially with Popula.tion by Livelihood Cla.asM 7 E Area and Popul9tion of District and Tebsils by Livelihood Classes 8-9

B-EOONOMIO TABLES-- R-I Livelihood Classes and Sub-classes 10-13 B-II Seoondary Means of Livelihood 14-21 B-III Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Servioes by Divisions and Sub-divisions 22-51 B-IV Unemployment by Livelihood Classes 52-53 Index of Non-agriouItural Ocoupations 54-57

C-HOUSEHOLD AND A.GE (SAMPLE) TABLES­ C-I Household (Size and Composition) 58-59 C-II Livelihood Classes by Age-groups 60-65 O-III Age and Civil Condition 66-69 C-IV Age and Literacy 70-73 C·V Single Year Age Returns 74-81

D-SOOtAL AND OU}'TURAL TABLE8- D-I Languages (i> Mother Tongue 82-87 (ii) Bilingua.lism 88-103 D-ll Religion 104-105 D-III ~cheduled Oastes 104-105 D-IV Migrants 106-109 D-V (i) Displaced persons by year of arrival in India liD-III (ii) Displaced persons by Livelihood ClasseR 112-113 D-VI Non-Indian NationalS 112-113 D-VII Livelihood Classes by Eduoational Standards 114-117 PART II-VILLAGE, TOWN, PARGANA AND THANA STATISTICS

I Primary Census Abstra.ot 120-151 2 Pargana and Thana-wise Population 152 PART III-MISCELLANEOUS STATISTICS

Vital Statistios 154-157 2 Agrioultural Statistic~(i) Rainfall 158-159 (ii) Area a8 olassified with details of area under cultivation 160-163 (iii) Cropped Area 164-179 (iv) Irrigated Area 180-183 3 Live.Stock, Agricultural Machinery and Implementl! 184-187 -4 List of Primary Schools 188-189



_ 1. The district of Dehra Dun occupies the north-west corner of the State. The western boundary is formed almost throughout by the rivers Tons and Yamuna, beyond which lies the State of Himachal Pradesh. To the north and east are the hill districts of Tehri­ Garhwal and Garhwal and on the south-west and south lie the districts of Saharanpur and Bijnor. Thc district has a total area of 1,193 square miles and its population in 1951 was 3' 62 lakhs. It is made up of t,he two tehsils, ' and Dehra Dun. There are 3 par­ ganas and \i thanas. 2. The district comprises two distinct tracts, the montane which includes the Ohakrata Topograpbl tehsil and the sub-montane which includes the Dehra Dun tehsil. The Chakrata tehsil is formed of the hill pargana of Jaunsar Bawar. rt consists entirely of a succession of mountains and gorge. The great physical feature of the tract is the ridge separating the drainage area of the Tons on the west from that of the Yamuna on the east. From the main range, ridges are given off on either side towards these rivers. Each of these ridges also gives off lateral spurs, the hollows between which form the heads of torrents, Jaunsar Bawal' has the character of being one of the wildest and most rugged tracts, affording very little level ground, and that only in small patohes. The mountains are peculiarly rough and pre- uipitous, there il'l much cliff and rock and few villages, so that the cultivation is necessarily small and very laborious. The whole rock almost is limestone, The ravines are deep and sudden jn their descent, often ending in dark chasms, sometimes wooded, but as often exhibiting bare faces of precipitous rock, covered here and there wit.h a fine wiry grass, Below this Himalayan tract lies the DUll proper, which is an open valley bounded by the Siwalik hilltl in the south, the outer scarp of the Himalayas in the north, the Ganga on the east and the Yamuna on the west. The valley is divided in two by the watershed running north and south through Dehra, thus forming the two parganas, the Eastern and Western Dun, which drains south-east and west through well-defined drainage lines into the Ganga and Yamuna respectively, In the Eastern Dun the mountains rise somewhat abruptly from the valley, and cultivation exists in large blocks separated by extensive areas of forest; whereas in the Western Dun there is more continuity, and the Himalayas slope gently downwards to the valley of the Asan in ridges separated from each other by a series of more or less parallel water-courses flowing into the Asan. The Siwaliks in the south are in fact the obstacle which confines the detritus swept down by torrents from the greater moun­ tains on the north, so that the resultant valley is considerably raised above the level of the great plains to the south, The valley is interseoted by numerous mountain torrents (raos) of varying size, mostly dry except during the monsoon. In the valley their boulder-strewn beds are shallow, but at the higher levels they have scored deep into the mountain sides, their banks Imving been rendered precipitous through countless years of erosion, The depo­ sits of the vaHey having their origin in the Himalayas consist of heavy boulders or grovel clothed with a thin covering of good soil which naturally exhibits frequent outcrops of its rocky subsoil. 3. The soils of the district are on the average much poorer than in the plains. In Solll the vallcy the tl'pnd of thc soil is from clay in the fJast through a rich loam in the centre round Dehra to lighter loam as the Yamuna i~ reached. The good loam is locally known as t'a'un- sili and the good clay as dakar. To the inferior loam or clay of little depth and mixed with stones, the name given is sankra. rrhi~ pOOl' stony type is t,he prevailing soil of the sub­ montane and the hill tracts. 4. The figures of classification of area during the last fifty years are given in Table Classification 01 2 of Part III of this volume. The proportion of area under various categories works out as area follows for 1950-51 :

Actual figures (in acre.) Peroentttge

0ultivated area 111,882 19' 5 Culturable waste (excluding curr"nt fallow) 106,680 18·6 (iurr('nt fallow 5,919 '·0 Forest 278,651 48·7 Area not ,wailable for oultivatiotl of which- 69.817 12· 2 (a) Covered with water 24.679 4'3 (b) Under 8ite8, roads and building8 16.322 2'9 (0) Barren 28.81(j 5'Q ii

The figure in the above table regarding culturable waste taken from the SeMon and Crop Report is, however, misleading. The State Agriculture Department conducted in 1949-50 a detailed enquiry through the District Officers regarding the nat.ure of this area· in each district. The following analysis of the area resulted from this enquiry :

Area Particulars (in acres) PercentalZe

Total eulturable waste (A + B + C ) ]06,108 100 A-Area under cultura"ole waste land not availabl~ for iuuuediate cultiv"tiou 93,490 87' 61

(il Forest under any legal ena~tmellt 13,509 12' 66

(iil Groves 1,675 l' 57

(iii) Forests of timber trees 29,844 27- 97 (iv) Thatching grasses, shrubs and busnes 47,864 44' 85

(v) Land kept for grazing 598 O' 56 13--Area under culturable waste land ~,'ailabl~ for immediate cultiviltion but eould 7.359 6'90 Hot be cllltivat,eel

Of which dlle to-

(i) 1("118 growth 331 0'31

(iil Thrcshing floors

(iii) Malaria 230 0'22 C,'OI (iv) Flood8 Ii 0'3& (v) Leek uf drains 410 j. 30 (vi) Lack of witte,' ],389

(vii) Distance from a~Qdi., 379 O' 36

(v-;ii) Damage from wild animals 340 O' 32 (ixl Ot.her causes 4,269 4'00 (h..Area under culturable waste land that can be brought under immedia.te cultivation 5,859 5' 49 "fter some improvements besides the aYea given ag3lnst B

. ------_. ------.------~ -....,._~ -.------~----- From the above it will appear that of the total area recorded &8 cult;rrable waste only o· 5 per cent,. was really capable of being brought under immediate oult·ivation after some improvements. Thus the land area cultivated and cultivable i.ncluding current fallow works out to 62 cents of which 32' 5* cents have already been brought under cultivation and only about l' 6 cents can be further brought under the "plough after some improvements. 5. The average rainfall for the last quinquenniulll was about 87' 2 inches. The Rainfall and lowest rainfall was 45' 4, inches in 1907-08 and the highest was 130- 7 inches in HHO-ll. ellmlije During the last 45 years the rainfall has been less than 60 inches in only one year and has been usually over 75 inches. The local variations are great.. RajJlUr and l\lussooric get the heaviest rainfall. This is dne to their position with regard to the outer intercepting range of hills. AI> compared to thiB the rainfall in Dehra itself and in Kalsi and Chakrata is slightly less. Normally the rainfall is ample throughout the district and seldom fails; but owing to the mpid drainage and abf'lorption, it llReds an the rain it can get, eflpecially the Dun valley. Timely and equitable distribution is of far greater importance than its amount. The district has a more temperate climate than that of the adjoining districts in the plains; and only the months of May and June are at aU oppressive. Its t.emperature owing to its elevation is lower while the wooded range of the Siwaliks partly suppresses a,nd partly moistens the scorching winds that blow during the hot weather in the plains, In the cold weather the climate is more pleasant in the vaneys than on the hills. Excepting the lowlying forest and riverain tracts, which are \'ery f('yerish in the rains and early cold \\'ca­ ther, the dimate of the rest of the district is unusually healthy. It has made Dehra a favourite healt.h resart. 6. Irrigation is mainly derived from canals. In 1950-51 thc irrigated area from canalR Irrigatiop covered 1)5' 6 per cent. and fmnl other sourca~ only 4' 4 per cent. 7. More acreage is sown under kharif crops than under rabi orops. The area under Crops kharif in 1950-51 was 91,768 acres, that. under rabi 71,484 acres and that under zaid crops 625 acres. In kl!arif the chief crop is rice while the chief rabi crops are barley and wheat.

.Tbe ii~re also includes the area- classed 8. ·ourrent, fallow· iii


1. The table below shows the two basic figures-land area and population-and the Population I derived figures of land area per capita : General distribu­ tion and denslt, Density (number Land area Population per square (in lakhs Land area Tehsil (in lakhs) mile) of acres) per capita

Ohakrata 0'60 134 2'86 4' 79 Dehra Dun 3'02 407 4'75 I' 57

Dekra Dun di8tri~t 3'62 304* 7'61 2'10

The distriot though forty-eighth in order of area stands fiftieth in the State in respeot of population, Its density per square mile is only 304 while the average density of the State is 557, It has been to a very great extent inflated by the presenoe of Dehra Dun Oity. Its rural density is only 166 per square mile, the density of the rural parts of the tehsils being: Ohakrata 133, Dehra Dun 188. Ohakrata tehsil is entirely montane and there is a preponderanoe of jungle in tehsil Dehra Dun. (Vide Tables A-I and E). 2. The growth of population in the distriot during the last fifty years has been phe­ Growth of nomenal. The population of the district in 1951 was 103' 8 per oent. higher than what it populatloa was fifty years ago, Compared to this the increase in the population of the State during the corresponding period has been only 30 per cent. The table below exhibits the variation in the total, rural and urban popUlation for the last five deoades:

Population Variation

Census year Total Bural Urban Total Bural Urban

1901 177,620 138,154 39,466

1911 204,713 149,059 55,654 +27.093 + 10.905 +16,188 (+15' 3) (+7'9) (+41'0) 1921 212,062 145,752 66,310 +7,349 -3.307 +10,656 (+3'6) (-2'2) (+19'0 1931 230,051 165.659 64.392 +17.989 +19,907 -1.918 (+8'5) (+13'7) (-2'9) 1941 266,018 172,289 93,729 +35,967 +6,630 +29,337 (+15'6) (+4'0) (+45'6) 1951 362.005 190,406 171.599 +95,987 +18,117 +77,870 (+36'1) (+10'5) (+83'1)

A noteworthy feature is that between 1901 and 1921, the population of the distriot recorded an increase of 19' 4 per cent, when that of the State decreased by 4' 0 per cent. That the population of the distriot had increased greatly during this period is not surprising. It is on the whole one of the healthiest districts of the State. It was completely free of plague during 1901-11. It also escaped the severe influenza epidemic of 1918-19 and only the rural areas suffered a small loss in population. During 1921-51 tlie population of the district recorded an increase of 70' 7 per cent. against an increase of 35' 5 per cent. in the population of the State during the same period, the percentage inoreases in each of the last three decades being well above the State average. This considerable increase has been "lhiefly due to immigration. During 1941-51 tehsil Ohakrata recorded a percentage increase of only 4' I against an inorease of 44' 9 per cent, in the population of tehsil Dehra Dun. Chakrata tehsil is entirely montane and is very sparsely populated, the population showing but little signs of increase owing partly to the prevalence of polyandry and the fact that many of the Jaunsari women go to be married in the Punjab. The population of Dehra Dun tehsil has inoreased oonsiderably. This has been due chiefly to immigration to the rising city of Dehra Dun. 3. Births and deaths mainly aocount for the trends in population growth. Migration also is an important factor in this district. The following table gives the mean decennial The Vital statis· registered birth and death-rates and the calculated natural increase rates and population tics

• i\coording to the area given by Surveyor General, the density is ~03, iv

growth-rates of the last three decades for the district as a whole and for its rural and urban areas:

Total Rural Urban

Mean decennial birth,rate- 1941-50 22'0 20,4 24'2 1931-40 28' 5 27'6 30'4 1921-30 25'1 27'3 19'8 Mean decennial deat" rate- 1941-50 14"1 14'2 13-9 1931-40 22'3 22'4 22 2 1921-30 21'5 23'2 17'3 Mean decennial rate of natural increase-- 1941-50 7'9 6'2 10'3 1931-40 6'2 5'2 8'2 1921-30 3'6 4'1 2'5 Mean decennial growth rate- 1941-50 30'6 10'0 58'7 1931-40 14'5 3'9 37') 1921-30 8'1 12'8 -2'9

There are large omissions in the registration of births as well as deaths and so the above rates do not represent the true picture at all. They may, however, be taken to be roughly indicative of trends, In thc district as a whole the birth and death-rates have fallen during the last decade, The figures of natural increase and growth-rate suggest a considerable gain of popu­ lation on account of migration in each of the last three decades, The average yearly mortality from various causes in the district during 1941-50 was as follows:

Number Percentage of of total Causes deaths deaths

Fever 2,479 56' 1 Dysentery and dIarrhoea 223 5'0 Respiratory diseases 651 )4' 7 '('lague, cholera and small,pox 64 I' 4 Others 1,006 22' 8

As in the rest of the State, 'fever' is responsible for a majority of deaths, But 'fever' covers a number of ailments which the reporters are unable to identify. (Vide Table I, Part III of this volume) Migration 4. About 57'9 per cont, of the people enumerated in this district at the census of '1951 were born there, 17'6 per cent, were born in ot/her districts of the State, 8'3 per cent. were born in other parts of India and 16'2 per cent, carne fz-om beyond India, Of the immigrants from the distriots of the State as many as 27,559 (males 19,717, females 7,842) were from other districts of the same natural division aud 36,268 (males 23,300, females 12,968) were from other parts of the State. Of the immigrants from adjacent States 15,263 (males 9,517, females 5,746) were from Punjab and 3,660 (males 2,375, females 1,285) were from Himachal Pradesh, Immigrants are to a small extent temporary pilgrims to , but mainly professional and businessmen who are semi-permanent settlers attracted by the towns of Dehra Dun and . They -also include pensioners and other persons' attracted by the climate, troops and labourers-(again semi-permanent)_ Some of the migrants are the temporary migrants from the neighbouring hill districts who come down for the cold weather, The rest are the marriage migrants, Of the immigrants who have come from territories beyond India, 45,956 (males 23,486, females 22,470) were born in Pakistan and 12,680 (males 8,941, females 3,739) were born in other territories, The Pakistan-born are generally the displaced persons who numbered 48,080 (males 25,243, females 22,837) in the district. Of the immigrants born in other territories 11,901 (males,8,498, females 3,403) wm;e Nepal-born, , , The district had 6820 non-Indian nationals in 1951, their distribution according to nationality being: Nepalese 6,526, British 124, Bhutanese 38, Burmese 31, Irish 17, ~meri­ cans 16, Tibetans 13, Chinese 10, Afghans 9, Italians 5, New Ze~lar;ders 4, Austra~ans 4, Swiss 3, Portuguese 3, Lithuanians 3, Germans 2, Spanish 2, Fmmsh 2, Hungarlans 2, and nationality UIlBpecified 7, Unfortunately, til'3 figures of emigration are not available, According to record~d vital statistics, however, the district appears to have gained about 10,000 persons III 1921~30, 21,000 persons in l!J31-40 and 71,000 persons in 194,1-50, But it should he borne in mind that the figures contain large element of reglstration error and are only indicative. of trends, 5, We may now analyse the growth of population in the district during the last Decline of oultl. vatlon per thirty years in relation to the capita growth of cultivation during Area of the same period, The figures Net area cultivation sown per capita of the district are exhibited in Census year Population* (in acres) (in cents) the marginal table, (Figures of area shown under census years are quinquennial averages for 1921 ., 212,243 96,022 45'3 the five years preceding the 1931 230,247 100,383 43'6 census year,) It is obvious that 1941 266,244 104,954 the cultivated area per capita has gone down to 28'6 cents in 1951 362,005 103,524 28' 6 1951 from 45'3 cents in 1921. ~- ~- It means that (other things being equal) every man, woman and child mnst expect to get less food and other agricultural produce from the land in 1951 than in 1921. 6, It may be examined whether this shortage has been compensated by an increase DoubJ.e crop a:rea in the yield per acre. Increase in yield can be brought about by more double cropping, per capita more irrigation, better fertilisation and better culture. The average (qui:n_quennial) area sown more than once was 40,825 acres in 1921, 41,205 acres in 1931, 40,818 acres in 1941 and 48,071 acres in 1951. Th(l figures of double crop cultivation per capita in cents are given b(llow :

Quinquennial avera~es for the year precedillg

Particulars 1951 1941 1931 1921

Double crop cultivatiOn per capita in cents 13' ~ I; .3 17'9 19·3 Unirrigated double crop cultivation per capita in cents 9,2 12'0 13·3 13· 6 Irrigated double (ll'OP cultivation per capita in cel,ts 4'1 3·3 4· 6 5· 7

The double cropped area has been steadily going down since 1921. 7, The average (quinquennial) area irrigated in the district was 30,754 acres in 1921. Irrigated are' The figures were 25,635 acres in 1931, 28,096 acres in 1941 and 32,664 acres in 1951. pe, COflita The average area irrigated more than once was 12,026 acres in 1921, 10,533 acres in 1931, 8,773 acreiS in 1941 and 14,876 acres in 1951. The figures of irrigation per capita are given below in the table : \.


Particulars 1951 1941 1931 1921

Irrigated single erop cultivation pel' capita in cents Irrigated double crop cultivation per capiW in cents

The irrigated area per capita- has also declined. 8. It is also significant that in spite of the growth of population, the area under food Oropped area crops is almost stationary in the district. During thc quinquennium 1916-21, 82'7 per cent. of the cropped area. was under food crops ~nd only 17'3 per cent. was under non-food crops. Thirty years after, during 1946-51, the cropped area under food crops was 82'9 per cent, and that under non-food crops was 17'1 per cent.

• The figUI'es of population of various censuses relate to the then Illy. out of the district, 'rhe proportionate area under different crops between 1911 and 1951 was as given below:

Percentage of oropped area under Total Quinquennial cropped < ~ ~verage ut area Rice Wheat Barley Maize Gram Others

1911-16 141,357 16' 5 25'2 8'4 4'6 3'0 42" 1916-21 135,103 18'4 23'6 8'6 5' 9 2'5 41'0 1921-26 139,741 16'3 26'3 7' 7 5' 7 3'3 40-1 1926-31 142,961 17' 3 27-4 6-8 5,8 3-1 39-6 1931-36 143.967 16- 4 25-7 6' 0 6' 1 4' 3 4l-5 1936-41 147.214 15-8 24'3 5-9 6- 1 4-3 43-6 1941-46 149,959 16-4 25- 6 5'1 7-6 3'7 41' 0 1946-51 153,411 18-0 25- 5 • 6'2 1'5 3'7 39' 1

The cultivation of cotton is on the decline. The area under it was 333 acres in 1901-02; it was only 290 acres in 1950-51. The area under sugarcane was 988 acres in , 1901-02; it was 3,292 acres in 1950-51. Live-stock, plou­ 9, Live-stock in the country live for a large part of the year on by-products of agri­ ghs and carts culture supplemented by green-fodder crops. They have, therefore, to be co-related not only with the grazing available but also with the total area under cultivation which carries a major portion of the burden of supporting the cattle population. As will appear from Table 3 of Part III the total number of cattle and buffaloes decreased from 170 thousands to 166 thousands during 1935-44 and it increased to 177 thousands in 1951 since then. The number of working cattle and buffaloes in the district has been increasing since 1935 when the figure stood at about 46 thousands. In 1951, it was 51 thousands. The number of working cattle appears to be governed by the number of ploughs and carts. The number of ploughs has gone up from about 21,000 to 24,000 between 1935 and 1951, due apparently to progressive fractionalization of holdings. The number of carts has gone down during 1944 and 1951 from 5,957 to 4,828. The average net cultivated area per plough works out to 5'2 acres in 1920 as against 4'8 acres in 1951, and the average net cultivated area per pair of working cattle works out to 4'4 acres both in 1935 and 1951. Breeding cows and she-buffaloes have been increasing since 1935 from 57 thousands to 66 thousands in 1951. The cows and female buffaloes in milk per 1,000 of human popu­ lation were 64 and 23 respectively. Owing to the poor milk yield the share of milk per head is only a few ounces per day. The number of sheep has been going down since 1925 when the figure stood at 44 thousands; it has gone down to 27 thousands in 1951, due apparently to shortage of pas­ ture. Goats which decreased from 72 thousands in 1935 to 63 thousands in 1944 have increased to about 67 thousands in 1951. Horses and ponies have declined during 1944-51 from about 3,400 to 2,000. The number of donkeys was only 123 in 1951. Poultry increased from about 22 thousands in 1944 to 29 thousands in 1951. Distributed on 1,000 of human population the figures of the main categories of live­ stock in 1951 were as follows:

Cattle Buffaloe. Sheep Goata :Poultry Other8

421 69 75 184 80 16

10. To sum up, the population of the district is growing up at the biological natural rate since 1921 but on the other haml, the land area per capita has decreased since 1921. The per capita double crop area and irrigated area are also on the decline. In the circumstances the magnitude of the absolute numerical increase in relation to the practically stationary acreage under cultivation is a great strain on the economy of the district. VUlage.pd 11. The district has 804 villages and 8 towns. Out of 3'621akhs of people who were towns counted at the census of 1951, 1'90 lakhs were found in the villages and 1'72 lakhs were found in the towns, i.e., there were as many as 526 people per 1,000 of general population who live in the rural areas and 474 of them live in the urban areas. The corresponding figures for the State as a whole are : rural 864, urban 136. The rural population per inhabited village works out to 237. But the villages do not necessarily comprise of a single compact site. There are 1,680 hamlets in the district. The population per hamlet is 113. The medium-sized villages with inhabitants numbering bet­ ween 500--2,000 contain 28' 3 per cent. of the rural population. The villages with popula­ tion under 500 are the dominant type. 56' 1 per cent. of the rural population lives in them, 12' 1 per cent. in villages of population between 2,000 and 5,000 and 3' 5 per cent. in villages of population over 5,000. Towns vary in number of inhabitants even more widely than villages. Dehra Dun City including Dehra Dun Cantt., which has been treated as a separate town, has a popu­ lation of 144,216 or 84' 1 per cent. of the urban population. 13' 0 per cent. of the urban population lives in towns of population between 5,000 and 10,000 (viz., Cant­ onment, Rishikesh and Mussoorie); 2' 9 per cent. of the urban population lives in towns of population under 5,000 (viz., Choharpur, Landaur Cantonment and Chakrata Cantonment). Dehra Dun City has recorded an increase of 84' 4 per cent. during the last decade and of 205' 1 per cent. since 1921. Mussoorie has recorded an increase of 19' 6 per cent. between 1941 and 1951. Other towns have not shown any significant increases. (Vide Tables A-III and A-IV) 12. Out of the total population of 362,005 (rural 190,406, urban 171,599) 129,885 OccupatioQS: (rural 125,433, urban 4,452) or 35- 9 per cent; depend on agriculture for their means of liveli- Livelihood pattern hood and 232,120 (rural 64,973, urban 167, 147) or or 64' 1 per cent. depend on non-agricul- tural sources. The following table gives the distribution of 100 persons of the total, rural and urban population of the Clistrict under the different livelihood classes :

----_- -~------~------~- --~--~- Agricultural classes Non-agricultural classes

Description Total I II III IV Total V VI VII VIII

Total 35·9 29'3 4·1 2-0 0'5 64' 1 12'9 11' 6 2'8 36'8 Rural 65'9 54' 5 7' 2 3' 7 Q. 5 34' I 12'1 3'0 I' 0 18'0 Urban 2'6 1'4 0'6 o· 1 0·5 97·4 13'8 21'1 4'8 57- 7 Dehra Dun City 2'3 I' 3 0'3 o· 1 0'6 97'7 14'7 21'6 5'2 56' 2

It is obvious that the district is one of the .predominantly non-agricultural districts of the State. Here as many as 64, 1 per cent. of the people depend on non -agricultural sources as against 25' 8 per cent. in the State. Of the total population of the district 197,126 persons (males 77,328, females 119,798) or 54' 5 per cent. have been classified as non-earning dependants. The proportion of non­ earning dependants in the agricultural population works out to 47' 0 per cent. and that among the non-agricultural classes works out to 58' 6 per cent. It will be observed that in the main they consist of women. The male non-earning dependants are mostly children. 34, 121 persons (males 9,232, females 24,889) or 9- 4 per cent. are earning dependants. Among the agriculturists their proportion is'20' 7 per cent. and among the non-agriculturists 3' 1 per cent. Agriculture is a family occupation and it provides work to the women and grown up children in the family. The remaining 130,758 persons (males 124,481, females 6,277) or 36' 1 per cent. of the population consists of self-supporting persons. Their proportion among agriculturists is 32' 3 per cent. and among non-agriculturists 38' 3 per cent. Of the self-supporting persons 41,938 (males 40,514, females 1,424) belong to agricultural classes and 88,820 (males 83,967, females 4,853) belong to non-agricultural classes. On an average a self-supporting person maintains two non-earning dependants. Of 88,820 self-supporting persons belonging to non-agricultural classes 2,653 persons (males 2,096, females 557) earn their livelihood from non-productive sources. Of the re­ maining 86,167 persons (rural 26,449, urban 59,718) 2,731 persons (rural 271, urban 2,460) or 3' 2 per cent. are employers, 46,053 persons (rural 10,117, urban 35,936) or 53' 4 per cent. are employees and 37,383 persons (rural 16,061, urban 21,322) or 43' 4 per cent. are indepen- dent workers. . The distribution of 10,000 self-supporting persons of non-agricultural occupations classified according to economic divisions is as follows:

Self. supporting persons by Name of divisioll divisions

All Industries and Service. • . • • . . . • . • 10,000 O-Primary industries not elsewhere specified .. .. •• •. 885 I-Mining and quarrying .. . . . ~ ...... 8 2-Processing and manufacture-food stuffs, textiles, leather and products thereof 556 3-Processing and manufacture-metals, Chemicals and products thereof 284 4-Processing and manufacture_not elsewhere specified • . . . 366 5-Construction and utilities 449 6-Commerce .. 1,344 7-Transport, storage and communications 465 8-Health, education and public administration 2,301 9-Servic es not elsewhere specified .. 3,342 viii

Among the large scale industrieS'the principal are turpentine and rosin, tea, buttons (dome-nuts) and plywood. Among the cottage industries the principil1 are woollen tweeds, pankhies, thulmas,· blankets and chulkas, etc., wooden toys, furniture, baskets, moondha8 and chick making. Variation in the 13. The proportion of population depending on agriculture for their means of liveli­ livelihOod pattern hood was 35' 9* per cent. in 1951. It is satisfactory to note that the agricultural proportion has been decreasing since 1911 when the figure stood at 59' 6 per cent. It was 52' 6 p3r cent. in 1921 against 35' 9 per cent. in 1951. The actual number ofpimmns who depend on agri­ culture increased to 130,036 in 1951 from Ill,677 in 1921, i.e., by 16' 4 per cent. and the cultivated area during the same period increased only by 7' 8 per cent. This has resulted to some fragmentation and sub-division of holdings and increased pressure on soil. The proportion of workers in the total population in 1951 was 45' 5 per cent. (agricultural 19' 0 per cent. non-agricultural 26' 5 per cent.) against 60' 8 per cent (agricultural 32' 5 per cent, non-agricultural 28' 3 pcr cent.) in 1921. The proportion of non-earning dependants con­ sequently increased from 39' 2 per cent. (agricultural 20' 1 per cent., non-agricultural 19' 1 per cent) in 1921 to 54' 5 per cent. (agricultural 16' 9 per oent., non-agricultural 37' 6 per cent.) in 1951. All this is an index of increasing unemployment and under-employment. It is only by a greater diversion of population to cottage and other industries and by pro- \ viding secondary occupations to the agriculturists that the present economy of the district can be improved. (Vide Tables B-1, B-II and B-III) : Houses and 14. There were 67,997 occupied houses iin the district-37,425 in rural areas and households 30,572 in urban areas. That gives an average of 5,088 persons per 1,000 houses or 5' 1 persons per house in rural areas and 5,613 persons per 1,000 houses or 5' 6 persons per house in the urban areas. There were 71,448 households in the district-38,341 in rural areas and 33,107 in urban ------1 areas. That gives an average of 4,943 persons per 1,000 Persons per 1,000 households or 4' 9 persons per household in rural areas and households of ;1,905 persons per 1,000 households or 4' 9 persons per house- Rural Urban hold in urban areas. The marginal table shows the develop- Census year pop\ltation population ments in the size of households since 1921. The rural house- 3,922 1921 4,809 hold has registered a marked decrease since 1941 and is 1931 4,878 4,324 considerably smaller than the average State rural house- 1941 6,437 3,217 hold (5' 07). The urban household has registered an in- 1951 4,943 ------_--4,905 crease since 1941. Out of 4,943 persons in every 1,000 rural households, 2,789 are males and 2,154 are females. There is male excess of 635 in every 1,000 households. Out of 4,905 persons in every 1,000 urban households 2,866 are males and 2,039 are females. There again is a male excess numbering 827 in every 1,000 households. Information regarding types of household and household relationships was also colleqted at this census with the help of a sample of about 4 :ger cent. According to this in every 1,000 sample households there are 4,587 persons (males 2,679, females 1,908). The corres­ ponding figure of the total count is 4,925. The table below shows the distribution by size of 1,000 sample households:

Very large Small Medium Large with with with with 10 3 members 4-6 1--9 membem :besrriptioll or less members members or more

total 417 368 154 61 Rural 355 395 m 75 Urban 490 331 129 44

Medium households are the dominant type in the villages whereas small households are more numerous in the urban areas. Quite a large number of migrants live in the towns without families. Family composition of 1,000 sample households is as follows

Number in I,QOO households ( Males (married) 591 AfHeads of.honseholds .. ~ Males (widowers) 373 L Females 36 LWived of b~",db vl h"useholds 591 1,591-

- - *The figuro inCludes earning dependants according to their secondary means C!flivelihood while the figure 35' 9 ill paragraph 12 includes earning dependAnts according to their prlnciplIl means ofbvelibood. ix

Number in 1,000 households

Sons of heads of households 921 B { Daughters of heads of households 616 1,537

(Male relations of heads of households (other than sons) •. 582 C~ l Female relations of heads of houqoho]ds (other than daughters) 528 1,110

r Males 212 D Pprqonq unrelated to the heads of the householcls ~ l Fema,les 137 349 Grand Total 4,581

Sons outnumber the daughters of the heads of households, The latter leave the homes of their parents after marriage, Contrary to the general trend, male relatives (other than sons) outnumber the female relatives (other than daughters), (Vide Tables A-I and C-I) 15, In the district as a whole the sex-ratio was 715, i.e., there were 715 females Sex-ratio to every 1,000 males, It varies among the two tehsils. The highest value was in Chakrata (777) and the lowest in Dehra Dun (704). Dehra Dun tehsil oomprises a large population of immigrants, The sex-ratio was higher in the rural areas than in urban areas. For the district as a whole the sex-ratio in villages was 767 while that in towns, it was 661. 16, The number in each age-group in the district is shown below as a percentage of Age·structure the total number of all ages in the total, rural and urban popUlation.

Total population Rural population Urban population

Age-gronp Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

InCants and yountz: children 0-4 12' 6 6'2 6-4 6-0 6-6 6'3 6'3

Boys and girls 5-14 21- 4 11'4 10' 0 11'1 10-6 11-9 9'0 Young men and women .. 15-34 38' I 23'2 14' 9 19'8 15- 0 28'3 14 5 Middle-ailed men and women 35-54 21' 0 13'2 7'8 13 7 9'1 12'5 5 9 Elderly persons -, 55 and 6-9 3'9 3 0 4 5 3'6 3' I 2'2 over It will be seen that the population is progressive. 34- 0 per cent_ of the population is of age under 15 and only 6' 9 per cent. of it consists of elderly persons, Again, it may be noted that proportionately larger numbers in the working ages (15-54) are found in the urban areas. This is the eiTeot of migration of workers to the towns from the villages many of whom are unaccompanied by their families_ (Vide Table C-II) 17. Out of every 10,000 persons in the district there were 5,794 males and 4,206 Marital status females*. Among them 2,647 males and 1,695 females were unmarried. If we reokon males and females together the unmarried people are 43' 4 per cent, of the total popUlation, Of the males 45' 7 per oent, were unmarried, 47' 7 per oent. were married and 6' 6 per cent. were widowed or divorced. Of the females 40' 3 per cent. were unmarried, 50' 7 per cent, were married and 9' 0 per cent. were widowed or divoroed_ Of the married males, 3' 2 per cent. were of ages below 15, 50' 1 per cent. were of ages 15-34,37' 6 per cent. of ages 35-54 and g. 1 per cent. were of ages 55 and over. Marriage is universal. Among males and femal~s aged 35 years and over only 6- 7 per cent. of the males and l' 2 per cent, of the females were found unmarried_ Most of the females are married before they attain the age of 25. Child marriaze is stilI prevalent bu t is not very oommon. 5' 0 per cent, of the males of ages 0-14 and 6' 3 per cent. of tl}e females of ages 0-\4 were returned as married, ( V ide Table C-III) 18, About 59' 4 per cent. of the- people of the distriot returned , Hindustani La,llguages or Urdu as their mother-tongue. Among the other mother-tongues spoken the main are Punjabi (9' 2 per cent.), Pahari inoluding Kumaoni and Garhwali (6' 9 per cent.) and Nepali (6' 2 per oent.)_ Of the 3' 62 lakhs of people in the district only 87,288 persons or 24, 1 per oent. were bilingual (in an Indian language). Those whose mother-tongue is other

*The corresponding figures of the total count were : 5.830 and 4,170. x than Hincli, Hindustani or Urdu are generally the migrants who are able to speak any of these as subsidiary language. Persons returning Hindi, Hindustani or Urdu as secondary language were 81,102 or 92' 9 per cent. of those who were bilingual in some Indian language. Religion and 19. Out of 10,000 population of the distriot the number of people belonging to di­ special groups fferent religions was: Hindus 8,608, Muslims 726, Sikhs 495, Jains 37, Ohristians 128 and others 6; of 10,000 population in villages the numbers were: Hindus 8,817, Muslims 1,034, Sikhs 104, Jains 2, Christians 42 and others 1; of 10,000 population in the urban areas tae numbers were: Hindus 8,375, Muslims 384, Sikhs 929, Jains 76, Ohristians 224 and others 12. Sikhs and Christians are generally concentrated in the urban areas of the clistrict as is the case in the other parts of the State. There were 39 thousand persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes in the district. Their number per 10,000 of total popUlation works out to 1,080. In villages theiare 1,625 for every 10,000 persons and in the towns their number per 10,000 is only 474. In this dis­ trict there were 257 Anglo-Indians. (Vide Tables D-II and D-lII) Displaced persons 20. The number of displaced persons in the district at this census was 48,080 (males 25,243, females 22,837), a large majority of whom are concentrated in urban areas, especially Dehra Dun City. 95' 2 per cent. of the displaced per1lons came from West Pakistan, l' 2 per cent. from East Pakistan and 3' 6 per oent. from districts which could not be traced. (Vide Table D-V) Literacy 21. The percentage of male literacy was 39' 4 in the district, while that of fem'!,le literacy was 21' 3. In 1931, the literacy was 17'2 per cent. for males and 4' 6* per cent. for females. On January 1, 1951, there were 302 primary schools with an enrolment of 19,334 pupils. (Vide Table D-VII)

C-EXPLANATORY NOTE ON THE STATISTICS The statistics in this volume have been presented in three parts: I-District Census Tables II-Village, Town, Pargana and Thana Statistics III-Miscellaneous Statistics Parts I and II contain census data. A brief account of the system of sorting of census slips and preparation of tables and abstract therefrom is given below. Part III contains statistics throwing light on special aspects of population and its growth. These have been derived from miscellaneous sources. Table I, "Vital Statistics", has been prepared from the published and unpublished records of the Director of Medical and Health Services, Table 2, "Agricultural Statistics", from the Annual Season and Crop Reports; Table 3, "Live-Stock, Agrioultural Machinery and Implements", form the pub­ lished figures of Live-Stock Census and Table 4, "List of PJimary Schools," from informa­ tion specially supplied by District Inspector of Schools. Processing of 2. The CoD sus data presented here has been derived from the census slips by a pro­ census data cess of sorting, compilation and tabulation. In previous censuses the slips were first sorted by religion and this division was maintained throughout so that all data was cross-tabulated by religion. This procedure has been abandoned at this census and substituted by a divi­ sion based on economic characteristics of the population. The whole population has been divided into eight livelihood classes, four of which are of the argicultural category and four of non .agricultural oategory as follows : Agricultural Olasses- I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned; and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned; and their dependants III-Cultivating labourers; and their dependants IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers; and their dependants Non-agricultural Olasse8- V-Production (other than cultivation) ~ VI-Oommerce VII-Transport VIII-Other services and miscellaneous sources

*The numbers per mille (of the 10 per cent. sample population) of each sex aged 5 years and over who were returned as literates are M below. ~.

Males Females

1951 1931 1951 1931 401 190 165 xi

. Another special feature of the sorting of this census was the separation, from the very start, of slips of displaced persons and of a 10 per cent. random sample from the re­ mainder. This has enabled the data of displaced persons to be presented separately while the 10 per cent. sample has been utilized for the preparation of Age Tables. The slips of this census have been copied by Households .into a National ltegister of Citizens, which has been prepared village-wise for rural areas and mohalla/ward-wise for urban areas. Table C-I is based on a 4 per cent. sample extracted from this register. 3. The slips were first sorted by villages for the preparation of the Primary Uensu" Traetl Abstract. For the purpose of furthc[' sorting the State was divided into tracts .com,il-lting of (a) rural tracts, comprising the rural population of each tehsil, (b) urban city tracts, comprising the population of areas which had been declared a,s cities, (c) urban non-city tracts, comprising the population of urban areas of a district. excluding areas declared as cities. Each tract was treated as a unit fO[· sorting of slips. All data were cumpiled first by tracts and then. by districts. This volume presents the tract-wise data for Ol1f) district ( with the exception of A and E Tables, which have been presented tehsil-wise) while the district­ wise data for the whole State is contained in the following State volumes: Part I·B-Subsidiary Tables Part II-A-General Population Tables Part II·B-Economic Tables Part II-C-Age and Social Tables 4. Detailed explanatory notes are appended to each State table in the printed volume!:! Explanatory of State tables. They apply to 1,he tables in this volume also and should be referI'I'ed to when notes necessary. A few notes of some of the tables are reproduced below: Table A-I-Column 5 relating to "hamlets" has been introduced for the first time. Any distinctive cluster or agglomeration of houseR has heen treated as a "hamlet". A clear distinction has been made in this census bet ween a "House" and a . 'House­ hold". A house is any human dwelling luwing a separate main entrance while a household is any commensal unit living in a census house. In previous censuses the figures under "Occu­ pied Houses " used to be that of households, while the figures under columns 7-9 of the prescnt tables refer to occupied census houses as distinct from households. The Economic Tables-The Indian Census Economic Classihcation Scheme, 1951, together with the occupational division and sub-division adopted for this censns are given in Part H-B of the Report. Table B-I-Each of the eight livelihood classes mentioned above has been divided into three sub-classes, with reference to the economic status, as follows: (i) Self-supporting persons; (ti) Non-earning dependants; and (iii) Earing dependants. These were defined in tho Instructions to Enumerators as follows: "A 'l-Iolf-8uppOl·tlng person' is one who is in receipt of an income and that income is sufficient at least for his own maintenance. To be 'self-supporting' a person need not l)e able to support his family. All that is necessary is that he should be earning sufficient for his personal needs. For purposes of this question the person enumerated is the unit and not the family of household. Anyone who is not a 'self-supporting , person in this sense is a 'dependant'. A 'dependant' may be either an 'earning dependant' or a 'non-Barning dependant'. The test iR whether he secures a regular (amI not casual) income, even though it may be small. Such income may be in cash or kind; it may be continuous or seasonal employment. When the income which he secures in not sufficient to support him that person is an 'earning dependant'. A person who does not earn any income either in cash or kind is a 'non-earning dependant'. Where two or more members of a family household jointly cultivate land and secure an income therefrom, each of them should be regarded as earning part of the income. None of them is, therefore a non-earning depend.ant. Each of, them s~ould be claRsed either a 'self-supporting perRon or an earmng dependant accordmg to the share of income attributable to each. The same applies to any other business carried on jointly. The share of the income is what the head of houAehold deems it to be. This does not mean that everyone who wo;ks is necessarily ~ self· supporting person or an earning dependant. Thus, for mstance, a houseWife who cooks for the family, brings up the childl'en or manag$.the household is doing very vahtable work. Neverthe­ less, her Economic Status is th",t of a non-earning dependant, if she does not also earn an income, and should be r~corded as such." Econ~ically ac.tive, Semi-a;ctive and Passive pers~s-All non-earning dependants are economically passive. They lllclude persons performmg honse-work or other domestio or personal servioes for other members of the same family household. But they do not include "Unpaid family workers" or persons who take part along with the members of the family household in carrying on oult~tion or a home industry as a family enterprise. xii

All earning dependants are economically semi-active only. Though they contribute to the carrying on. of economic activities, the magnitUde of their individual contribution is deemed to be too small to justify tbeir description as economically active. (Their contri­ bution to economic activity is, however, taken into account in the tabulation of data based on secondary mcanB of livelihood.) All self-supporting persons are, ordinarily economically active with the exception of the following classes and groups : (a) All self-supporting persons of agricultural Class IV. (b) The following groups of self-supporting persons who are included in non­ agricultural Class VIII and derive their principal means of livelihood from miscel­ laneous sources (otherwise than through economic activity) : (i) Persons living principally on income from non-agricultural property; (ii) Persons living principally on pensions, remittances, scholarships and funds ; (iii) Inmates of alms-houses and recepients of doles; (iv) Beggars and vagrants; and (v) All other persons living principally on income derived from non­ productive activities. Table B-II-For a self-supporting person who has more than one means of liveli­ hood the secondary means of livelihood is the livelihood ne;x:t in importance to his principal means of livelihood. For an earning dependant it is the source from which he secures his own income, where there are more than one subsidiary occupations only the one providing the largest income has been taken into account. Table B-III-"Employers", "Employees" and "Independent Workers" have been defined as follows in the Instructions to Enumerators : An "employer" is only that person who has necessarily to employ other person in order to carry on the business from which he secures his livelihood. Thus if a person employs a cook or any other person for domestic services, he should not be recorded as an "employer" merely for that reason. An "employee" is a person who ordinarily works under some other person for a salary or a wage in cash or kind as the means of earning his livelihood. There may be persons who are employed as managers, superintendents, agents etc., and in that capacity control other workers. Such persons are also employees only and should not be regarded as employers. An "independent worker" means a person who is not employed by anyone else and who also does not employ anybody else in order to earn his livelihood. (Sweepers, dhobies, kahars etc., who work for several masters are independent workers. If, however, any of them accepts whole-time employment under one master he becomes "employee". Daily wage-eanlers who work for different masters are likewise ' l~lependent wOl'kers. But, if t,hey accept employment under one master, e.g., under a factory, they become "employees.") 'rables 0-11, O-III, O-IV and C- V-The figures presented in these tables are based on single year age returns and have 1101., been smoothed. Tables D- V (i) and (ii)-For the purpose of this table a "displaeed llerflon" has been detined as follows: \ "A displaced person means anyperRon who has entered India having left or being compelled to leave his home in Western Pakistan on or after the 1st March, 1947, or his home in Eastern Pakistan on or after the l.ith October, lH46, on account of civil disturbances or on account of the setting up of the two Dominions of India and Pakistan" . PA RT I



Occupied houses .. Jl E c " Area lU square J'" Tehsll miles Villages Hamlets Towns Total Rural Urban 5-----6-- ~9- 3 4 T 8 Disttict Total 1,189 804 1,680 8 67,997 37,425 30,572 Chakrata 447 405 863 9,653 9,325 328 2 Dehra Dun 742 399 817 7 58,344 28,100 30,24+


Persons Males Females ------

Tehsll Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 10 11 12 13 14 - __15 -==-- 16 ~ --1-7- 18" Distnct Total 362,005 190,406 171,599 211,041 107,737 103,304 150,964 82,669 68,295 Chakrata 59,752 58,469 1,283 33,618 32,704 914 26,134 25,765 369 2 Dehra Dun 302,253 131,937 170,316 177,423 75,033 102,390 124,830 56,904 67,926

------~"----~ NOTE-The area figures given in column 3 are based on the dlstnct records of tchat! areas. The area of the district as communicated by the C:urveyor General of India is 1,193 square miles.

A-II-Variation in Population during Fifty Years

Net VaIlatlOn Years Persons Vanatlon 1901-1951 Males Variation Female. \lanatlOD

4 5 6 8 -_-- -~------1901 177,620 102,463 75,157 1911 204,713 +27,093 120,684 +18,221 84,029 +8,872 1921 212,062 +7,349 128,083 +7,399 83,979 -SO 1931 230,051 +17,989 137,468 +9,385 92,58'l +8,604 1941 266,018 +35,967 161,812 +24,344 104,206 +11,623 1951 362005 +95,987 +184,385 2ll,D'H +49,229 150,964 +46,158 TABLE A-III 4

Towns and Villages

Total Populatton Towns and villages

Total II .Q number e of Total .::;;l mhablted towns '0 and u '"V') Teh"l VIllage' Persons Males Females Number Males Females

----- ~1 2 3 4 6 8 y -----~ District Total 812 362,005 211041 150,964 797 92,652 70,738 Chakrata 406 59,752 3.1,618 26,134 406 33,618 26,134 2 Dehra Dun 406 302,253 177,423 124,830 391 5''',034 44604

Towns and VIllages wIth a population of 2,000-10,000 Towns and

Total 2,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 Total

Tehs.l Number Males Females Number Males Females Num"er Males Females Number Males Females

~ ~ --2- - -1-9---],0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 --~ ~~- ---_------~ District Total 13 33,991 20408 9 14,396 11075 4 19 5~5 9,.U3 2 84,398 59,818 Chakrata

2 Dehra Dun 13 33,991 20,408 9 14,396 11,075 4 19,595 9,333 2 84,398 59,818 ------5 TABLE A--III

Classified by Population

with less than 2,000 population

Less than 500 500-1,000 1,000-2,000


Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females -18--- -11-----12--- 16 17 13 ------134 60,419 46,409 44 11,373 12,892 19 14,860 11,437 404 32,178 25,745 526 20 914 369 330 28,241 20,664 43 16,847 12,872 18 13,946 11,068 ------

villages with a population of 10,000 and above

100,000 and above 10,000-20,000 20,000-50,000 50,000-100,000

Males Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Females

41~----~ 35 --3-6-- 37 38 39 40 34 ------~-~------1 17,183 10,629 1 67,215 49,189

17183 10,629 67,215 49,189 TABLE A-IV 6

Towns Classified by Population with Variations since 1901

II ..ca g Net .!! Varlation Jr Towns Tehsil etc. Persons Varh.tion 1901-1951 Males Variation Females Variatiof'

-- -S-~--6 -7---~S---- <} 10 2 3 4 -_------_------~--

Class I (100,000 and over)


1901 28,095 16,859 1l,236 1911 38,610 +10,515 24,470 +7,611 14,140 +2,904 1921 .. 47,213 +8,663 32,OB9 +7,619 lS,lS4 +1,044 1931 50,130 +2,357 32,254 +165 17,876 +2,692 1941 .. 78.228 +28,O~8 51,330 +19,076 16898 +9,022 1951 .. City total 14(2,6 +65,988 +116,lii 84,398 +33,068 59,818 +32,910 Municipa[i!, ., 116,404 67,215 49,189 Cantonment .. 27,812 17,183 10,629 Class V (5,000 to 10,000)


1901 .. 1911 1921 1931 1941 .. 1951 .. Cantonnient 7,720 5,877 1,843


1901 1,515 1,280 229 1911 2,319 +804 1,850 +564 469 +240 1921 3,438 +1,119 2,631 +781 807 +338 1931 3,975 +537 3,037 +426 918 +lll 1941 .. 5,020 +1,045 3.714 +657 1,306 +388 1951 .. M~~icipality 7,495 +2,475 +5,980 4,836 +1,122 2,659 +1,353


1901 .. 4,741 3,612 1,129 1911 6,552 +1,811 4,978 +1,366 1,:'74 +445 1921 8,297 +1,745 6,098 +1,110 2,199 +625 1931 4,966 -3,331 3,746 -1,352 1,220 -97~ 5,966 +1,000 4,478 +732 1,488 +268 1941 " 1951 Municipality 7,133 +1,167 +2,392 4,975 +497 2,158 +670 Class VI (Under 5,000)


19JI .. 1911 1921 1931 1941 1951 .. Town Area 2,335 1,400 935


1901 1,720 1,247 473 1911 1,500 -lib 1,lI7 -130 383 -9D 1921 .. 1,405 -YS I,C52 -65 3,3 -.30 1931 I1S0 -255 880 -172 270 -83 1941 1,206 -+56 886 -r6 320 +50 1951 Cantonment 1,417 +211 -303 904 +18 513 +193


1901 1,250 996 254 1911 1,890 +640 1,507 +511 .31'13 +129 Inl 1,459 -431 1,070 -437 389 +6 1931 1,374 -as 1,125 +55 149 -140 J9H 957 -417 721 -404 136 -13 1951 Cantonment 1,283 +326 +33 914 +193 369 +133 7 TABLEA-V Towns arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood Classes


~--..-~- Non-agricultural

Persons (including their dependants) who

V Production other VI than cultivation Commerce

Nameof Town Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

-1---~-- - -4----5--- i)- 2 3 7 ---_._----8 9

District Total 171,599 103,304 68,295 13,591 10,049 19,885 16,376 Dehra Dun Ciry 144,216 84,398 59,818 12,051 9,163 16,926 14,152 1 Dehra Dun (M. B.) 116,404 67,215 49,189 10,565 7,942 15,490 12,896 2 Dehra Dun (Cantt ) 27,812 17,183 10,629 1,486 1,221 1,436 1,2.56 3 CLEMENT TOWN (CANTT.) 7,720 5,877 1,843 122, 81 141 72 4 Rishikesh (M. B.) 7,495 4,836 2,659 618 378 1,074 841 5 Mussootie (M. B.) 7,133 4,975 2,158 339 169 704 494 6 CHOHAP.PUR (T, A.) 2,335 1,400 935 255 147 668 575 7 Landaur (Cant!.) 1,417 904 513 110 61 201 117 8 Chakrata (Canlt.) 1,283 914 369 96 50 171 115 ------


Classes Agricultural Classes

derive their principal means of livelihood ftom-

IV Non..cultivating owners I-Ill Vlll of land; agncultural Cultiv.ators, culti- .. VII Other services and rent receivers, and VatlOg labourers and .n "E! Transport miscellaneous sources their dependants thelT dependants .:: ------«" '0:; Name of Town Males Females Males Females Females Male. (fJ" Males Female. '-1- -2 10 11 ---12- 13 14 15 16 17 ---~- - --~------~~~---- ~----- District Total 4,944 3,334 62,128 36,786 570 328 2,132 1,422 Dehta Dun City 4,400 3,073 49,002 32,117 522 304 1,497 1,009 D.hra Dun (M. B.) 3,958 2,820 35,441 24,426 500 289 1,261 816 2 Dehra Dun (C

8 Chakrata (Cantt.) 24 16 615 175 3 3 TABLE E 8

Area and Population of District and

Population Percentage

- -_------..... Jl ~ 1951 1941 n; 1:.. Area in square tn District and tehsil miles Persons Males Females Persons 1941-1951

~-~---- ~ - _-6~_- j --- 5--- - ~7- 8~-- -T 4 ---~------~~- District Tota 1 1,189 362,O,?5 211,041 150,964 266,018 +36'1 Rural Total 1,144 190,406 107,737 82,669 172,289 +10'5 Urban Total 4,5 171,599 103,304 68,295 93,729 +83'1 Chdkrata-

Total 447 59,752 33,618 26,134 57,424 +4'1 Rural 441 58,469 32,704 25,765 56,467 +3'5 Urban 6 1,283 914 369 957 +34'1 2 Dehra Dun-

Total 742 302,253 177,423 124,830 208,594 +44'9 Rural 703 131,937 75,033 56,904 115,822 +13'9 Urban 39 170,316 102,390 67,926 92,772 +83'6

- -~~------


Agricultural Classe,-(condd,) Non-

Persons (including their

IV-Non-cultivating owners III-Cultivating labourers of land; agricultural rent re­ V-Production other than and their dependants ceivers; and their dependants cultivation

District and teh,il Mdle, Females Males Females Males Females

18-----~ 19 -----~ iO- --1--- 16 17 21

District Total 4,402 2,703 1,066 797 28190 18,462 Rural Total .J,285 2,658 496 469 14,599 8,413 Urban Total 117 45 57(} 328 13,591 10,049

Chakrata- Total ", 858 693 2 2,650 1,005 Rural 851 693 2 2,554 955 Urban I 96 50


Total 3,544 2,010 1,064 797 25,540 17,457 Rural 3,428 1,965 494 469 12,045 7,458 Urban 116 45 570 328 13,495 9,999 ------~~-:.-The areas given in column 3 are hased on the district records of teh,il areas, 9 TABLE E

Tehsils by Livelihood Classes


Variation Density Agricultural Classes

I-Cultivators of land wholly or lI-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and thelt mainly unowned and their dependants dependants

1931-1941 1951 1941 Males Females Males Females

-11 ~~- -TI---~ --~- 9 10 12 14 15 ---~ --~-- ~---- +156 304 224 57,847 48,384 8,080 6,606 +4'0 166 151 56,347 47,456 7,565 6,157 +45'6 3,813 2,106 1,500 928 515 449

+1'5 134 118 20,781 17,718 5,892 4,902 +23 133 128 20,777 17,717 5,889 4,900 -30'3 214 160 4 1 3 2

+20'2 407 281 37,066 30,666 2,188 1,704 +4'9 188 165 35,570 29,739 1,676 1,257 +47'2 4,367 2,410 1,496 927 512 447


agricultural Classes dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from-

VIII-Other services and VI-Cornmerce VU-Transport miscellaneous SOurces

--- __ ~------~ Males Females Males Females Males Females

22 23 --~--24 25 26 --21------23,211 18,859 6,162 4.015 82,083 51,138 3,326 2,483 1,218 681 19,901 14,352 19,885 16,376 4,944 3,334 62,182 36,786

503 328 262 156 Z,670 1,332 332 203 Z38 140 Z,055 1,157 171 125 24 16 615 175

22,700 18,531 5,900 3,859 79,413 49,806 2,994 2,280 980 541 17,846 13,195 19,714 16,251 4,920 3,318 61,567 36,611 -----_------TABLE B-1 10

B-ECONOMIC Livelihood Classes

AGRICULTURAL ... u All ..c Ei Total PopulatIon II Total Ol en1i Tract Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

~4-- --5------6----~-7--- -1-- 2 3 8 ~------

District To al 362,005 211,041 150,964 129,885 71,395 58,490 Rural Total 190,406 107,737 82,669 125,433 68,693 56,740 Tehsll Chakrata (Rural) 58,469 32,704 25,765 50,835 27,525 23,310 7. Tehsll Denra Dun (Rural) 131,937 75,033 _ 56,904 74,598 41,168 33,430 Urban Total 171,599 103,304 68,295 4,452 2,702 1,750 Urban Non-cIty 27,383 18,906 8,477 1,120 683 437

2 Dehra Dun City 144,216 84,398 59,818 3,332 2,019 1,313 ----


I-CultIvators of land wholly or mamly owned and theIr dependants ---- S C. (1) Self-supportlOg S C (11) Non-earnIng S C (111) carOlng Total persons dependants dependants - -- -_ ------Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

--- 1-- --2 IS 16 17 18 19 20 Z1 2; -----~

District Total 57,847 48,384 32,029 873 21,092 29,905 4,726 17,606 Rural Tota! 50,J47 47,456 H,434 839 20,271 29,097 4,642 17,520 Tehsll Chakr,lt" (Rural) 20,777 17,717 12,145 109 6,490 7,940 2,142 9,668 ! Tebll Dehra Dun (Rural) 35,570 29,739 19,289 730 13,781 21,157 2,500 7,852 Urban Tota! 1,500 928 595 34 821 808 84 86 Urban Non-cay 332 153 154 166 142 12 6 7. Dehra Dun Cay 1,168 775 441 29 65<; 666 72 80


IlI-Cultlvattng labourers j S. C (I) Self-supportmg S C (11) Non-earmng e Total persons dependants "t:: Ol ------;::: u Females Males Females Males to Tract Males Females -3[ -1- 2 -31 -"33- 34 35 36

District Total 4,402 2,703 3,116 279 1,083 1,714 Rural Total 4,285 2,658 3,029 276 1,065 1,676 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 857 693 555 46 235 313

1 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 3,428 1,965 2,474 230 830 1,363 Urban Tota! 117 45 87 3 18 38 Urban Non-City 12 11 2 Dehra Dun City 105 45 76 3 18 38 1 ! TABLE B-1 TABLES and Sub-classes



S C(l1)Non-earmng S. C. (111) Earning dependants _jepen

Males Females Males Females Males Females

9 10 -1-1 il;------'I'3------.c14.-- ---~ ------

40,514 1,424 25,311 35,703 5,570 21,363 39,441 1,335 23,819 34,151 5,433 21,254 16,323 229 8,491 10,336 2,711 12,745 23,118 1,106 15,328 23,815 2,722 8,509 1,073 89 1,492 1,552 137 109 342 22 315 408 26 7 731 67 1,177 1,144 111 102 -----

CLASSES-(contd )

!I-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned and thel! dependants ------S C (1) Self-supporting S C (11) Non-earl11ng S C (111) Earning Total persons dependants dependants ------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

"------z;r------zs- -"~ L3 26 27 ------28 29 -----

8,080 6,606 4,922 101 2,557 3,490 601 3,015 7565 6,157 4,663 86 2,314 3,070 588 3,001 5,889 4,900 3,621 74 1,766 2,083 502 2,743- 1,676 1,257 1,042 12 548 987 86 258 515 449 259 15 243 420 13 14 291 260 157 8 134 251 224 189 102 109 169 13 13

CLASSES-(contd.) ------IV "Jon-cultivatIng owners of land, agricultural and their dependants rent receivers J and theIr dependants

S C (111) Earning S C, (1) Self-supporting dependants Total person')

Males Females Males Females Males Females

37 39 ----40 41 - -42 ------

203 710 1,066 797 447 171 191 706 496 469 315 134 67 334 2 2 124 372 494 469 313 134 12 4 570 328 132 37 48 24 20 9 " 11 4 522 304 -m 28

-- - -" ------TABLE B-1 12

Livelihood Classes


IV-Nan-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent recelvers, and their dependants-{condd.) All

S. C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning Total dependants dependants

Tract Males Females Males Females Persons Males Females

43 44 45 __46____ ~~~47______.48=----~ 49 - ---~

District Total 579 594 40 32 232,120 139,646 92,474

Rura! Tota! 169 308 12 27 64,973 39,044 25,929 Teh.il Chakrata (Rural) 7,634 5,179 2,455 2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 169 308 12 27 57,339 33,865 23,474

Urban Tota! 410 286 28 ,Ii 167,147 100,602 66,545 Urban Non-city 15 15 13 26,263 18,223 8,040 2 Dehra Dun City 395 271 15 5 140,884 82,379 58,505


V-Production other than cultivation

S. C. (i) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning Total persons dependantB dependants

Tract Male. Female. Male. Females Males Females Males Females

60 ~ -~6[ 62 -1-~ 2 57 58 59 -----

District Total 28,190 18,462 17,112 980 9,904 15,931 1,174 1,551

Rura! Tota! 14,599 8,413 9,979 643 3,895 6,325 725 1,445 Tehsil Chakrota (Rural) 2,554 955 2,120 III 367 593 67 251 2 Tehsil Deh.a Dun (Rural) 12,045 7,458 7,859 532 3,528 5,732 658 1,194 Urban Total 13,591 10,049 7,133 337 6,009 9,606 449 106 Urban Non-city 1,540 886 964 37 526 832 50 17 2 Dehra Dun City 12,051 9,163 6,169 300 5,483 8,774 399 B9

NON-AGRICULTURAL .. VII-Transport ..u " S.C. (i) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earmng S. C.(lii) Earning ~ Total persons dependants dependants Oi.;:: en" Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 72 7J 74 75 76 77 78 79

District Total 6,162 4,015 3,512 18 2,520 3,942 130 55 Rura! Tota! 1,218 681 712 5 462 627 44 49 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 238 140 116 94 123 28 16 2 Tehsil Dehr. Dun (Rural) 980 541 596 4 368 504 16 33 Urban Tota! 4,944 3,334 2,800 13 2,058 3,315 86 6 Urban Non-city 544 261 393 2 133 259 18 2 DehTa Dun City 4,400 3,073 2;407 11 1,925 3,056 68 13 TABLE B.I

and Sub-classes-(concld.)



S. C. (i) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning persons Clependants dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females

50 54 ~------

83,967 4,853 52,017 84,095 3,662 3,526 25,039 1,935 12,405 20,922 1,60() 3,072

3,984 199 1,014 1,693 181 563

21,055 1,736 11,391 19,229 1,419 2,509

58,928 2,918 39,612 63,173 2,062 454

12,945 440 4,656 7,516 622 84

45,983 2,478 34,956 55,657 1,440 370 ------_- ---_

CLASSES -(contd.)

VI-Com meree ------_- - S. C. (I) Self-supporting S. C. (ti) Non-earning S. C (tii) Earning Total persons dependants dependants

----~ Males Fe',1ales Males Females Males Females Males Females

- ---- 65- 66 - -~-6-7--- 68 69 70 71 ~------~---~~ ----~---

23,211 18,859 11,368 213 11,217 18,433 626 213

3,326 2,483 1,917 55 1,252 2,250 157 178

332 203 195 4 122 186 15 13

2,994 2,280 1,722. 51 1,130 2.,064 142 165

19,885 16,376 9,451 158 9,965 16,183 469 35

2,959 2,224 1,546 23 1,302 2,191 111 10

16,926 14,152 7,905 U5 8,663 13,992 358 25 -----_


VIII-Other services and miscellaneous sources

S. C. (1) Self-supporting S. C. (ii) Non-earning S. C. (iii) Earning Total persons dependants dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

- ~85~-- HO 81 82 83 84 B7~ - -_--- -

82,081 51,138 5l,975 3,642 28,376 45,789 1,732 1,707 19,9J1 14,352 12,431 1,232 6,796 11,720 674 1,400 2,053 1,15"7 1,553 83 431 791 71 283 17,846 13,19.5 10,878 1,149 6,365 10,929 603 1,117 02,182 ,16,786 39,544 2,410 21,580 34,069 1,058 307 13)80 4,669 10,042 378 2,695 4,234 443 57

49,OilZ 32,117 29,502 2,032. 18,885 29,835 615 250

-- --~- TABLE B-II 14

Secondary ~eans

Number of persons deriving their

Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowned

Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 4 6 8 9 10

District All Agricultural Classes 4,208 17,163 85 11 4,123 17,152 788 2,930 247 4

I-Cultivators of land 4,063 17,023 4,063 17,023 99 25 77 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 74 71 42 32 wholly or mainly 71 509 2,748 unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers 63 S1 42 2 21 49 180 1~7 170

IV-Non-cultivating owners 18 1 9 7 9 of fand; agricultural tent receivers

All Non-agricultural Classes 4,600 518 4,266 64 334 454 495 142 433

V-Production other than 1,920 175 1,782 30 138 145 215 70 185 cultivation VI-Commerce 244 20 223 2 21 18 28 9 24

VU-Transport 85 7 79 6 7 15 4 12

Vin-Other services and 2,351 316 2,182 32 169 284 237 59 212 1 miscellaneous sources 1'ehsil Chakrata All Agricultural Classes 2,113 9,724 26 2,087 9,724 702 2,718 225 1

I-Cultivators of land 2,067 9,657 2,067 9,657 68 9 59 wholly or mainly owned II-CultIVators of land 35 55 18 17 55 458 2,556 whally or mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers 11 12 8 3 12 176 153 166

IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 757 67 724 33 65 267 117 250 1

V-Production other than 515 28 500 15 28 121 60 114 cultivation VI-Commerce 13 13 3 2

VII-Transport 15 14 9 3 8

VIlI-Other services and 214 38 197 2 17 36 134 52 L25 miscellaneous sources Tehsil Dehra Dun All Agricultural Classes 2,045 7,351 49 9 1,996 7,342 73 198 20 1

I -Cultivators of land 1,962 7,281 1,962 7,281 29 14 16 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 31 16 16 15 16 40 180 wholly or mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers 47 39 33 2 14 37 4 4 4

IV-Non-cultivating owners 5 15 5 8 of land; agricultural rent receivers 2,264 All Non-agricultural Classes 391 2,038 42 226 349 166 23 125 .._ 1,265 140 1,157 29 108 V-Production other than 111 86 10 63 cultivation VI-Commerce 93 18 85 8 18 22 5 18

Vll-Transport 18 6 16 2 6 3 780 VllI -Other services and 888 227 13 108 214 55 7 43 miscellaneous sources 15 TABLE B·I1 of Livelihood secendary means of livelihood from- land Employment as cultivating labourers Rent on agricultural land

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-~14-----15 - 12 13 16 17 - --18- - --W-- 20 21 22 -23---24 ------Tot.. l 541 2,926 484 679 276 5 208 '674 109 21 85 7 24 14

22 21 156 120 90 4 66 116 87 16 85 7 2 9

509 2,748 205 135 185 1 20 134

10 157 121 417 121 417 19 19

2 7 1 1 7 3 5 5

141 663 297 583 4 80 293 725 9 672 4 53 5

.30 70 40 126 14 1 26 125 92 1 69 23

4 9 17 15 10 7 15 40 35 5

3 4 3 6 1 2 6 54 54

25 58 603 150 558 3 45 147 539 8 514 4 25 4


477 2,717 245 272 198 1 47 271 22 3 19

9 8 22 3 20 2 3 3 3

458 2,556 189 102 178 11 101

10 153 34 167 34 167 19 19

17 116 3 16. 1 2 2 14 4 4

7 60 2 9 8 1

2 2 2

1 3

9 51 7 6


53 197 231 405 76 4 155 401 76 19 74 7 2 12

13 13 132 117 68 4 64 113 76 16 74 2 9

40 180 16 32 9 32

4 81 249 81 249

2 7 7 3 3

- 34 4I 23 94 280 1 60 279 97 5 91 2 6 3

23 10 37 117 12 25 117 35 33 2

4 12 15 6 6 15 10 9

2 3 6 2 6

7 42 142 15 1 27 141 52 5 49 2 3 TABLE B-II 16

Secondary Means

Number of persons deriving their

Production other than cultivation Com------Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants Total persons

Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

32'----033.---~3~--~- 26 27 28 29 30 31 ____~~--_"_'4 ~ 35 ------District

All Agricultural Classes 2,059 222 1,822 15 237 207 992 41 941 15 I-Cultivators of land 1,845 195 1,630 15 215 180 950 39 903 14 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 168 16 162 6 16 11 1 10 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers 23 11 11 12 11 2 2 IV-Non-cultivating owners 23 19 4 29 1 26 1 of land; agricultural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 1,331 1,213 435 16 896 1,197 836 154 302 8 V-Production other than 957 1,102 240 11 717 1,091 79 7 52 cultivation

VI-Corn meree 73 31 32 1 41 30 638 121 182 4 VII-Transport 19 11 7 12 11 10 6 3 1 VIII-Other services and 282 69 156 4 126 65 109 20 65 3 miscellaneous sources Tehsil Chakrata

All Agricultural Classes 425 11 401 24 11 14 13 20 I -Cultivators of land 312 292 14 13 wholly or mainly owned 4 10 II-Cultivators of land 107 10 103 wholly or mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers 6 6 IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers All Non-agricultural Classes 159 162 111 1 48 161 16 13 1 ] 148 V-Production other than 88 148 4S 43 cultivation VI-Commerce 2 2 16 11 VII-Transport 2 2 5 VIII-Other services and 67 14 62 2 miscellaneous sources Tehsil Dehra Dun

15 211 196 952 All Agricultural Classes 1,615 211 1,404 41 905 15 1,322 15 195 180 918 39 873 I-Cultivators of land 1,517 195 14 wholly or mainly owned 2 6 6 1 II -Cultivators of land 60 6 58 6 wholly or m"Jnly unowned 12 10 2 2 Ill-CultIvating labourers 17 10 2 26 IV-Nan-cultivating owners 21 19 24 of land; agricultural rent recelvers

All Non-agricultural Classes 643 956 195 11 448 945 205 112 87 3 7 354 868 49 3 35 V -ProductIOn other than 470 875 116 cultivation 17 27 117 2 VI-Commerce 35 28 18 97 25 2 11 1 VII-Transport 4 11 2 59 - 75 39 38 12 VIII-Other services and 134 42 3 26 miscellaneous sources 17 TABLE B-II of Livelihood-(contd.) secondary means of Uvelihood from- merce Transport Other services and miscellaneous source.

Earning Self-supporting Earning Se jf-supporting Earni ng dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female, Males Females

37 38 42 13 44 - 46 47 48

Total-{conc!d.) 51 26 486 17 425 3 61 a 3,460 409 3,135 59 325 350 47 2S 439 15 384 2 55 13 3,033 264 2,777 45 256 219

1 1 40 1 34 1 6 287 46 260 1 27 45

3 3 59 78 39 2 20 76

3 4 1 4 1 81 21 59 11 22 10

534 146 164 12 54 110 12 2,784 1,331 1,191 53 1,593 1,278

27 7 23 13 10 441 115 238 203 112.

456 117 16 11 5 233 25 146 1 87

7 5 97 12 13 84 12 41 10 25 16 10

44 17 28 17 11 2,069 1,181 782 49 1,287 1,132


1 14 1 8 l' 6 609 22 559 50 22

12 6 6 447 410 37

2 1 2. 1 159 21 147 12 21

3 2

15 37 12 11 26 12 227 186 187 3 40 183

6 6 42 7 41 7

11 2 2 1 1

29 12 3 26 12

1 184 179 145 3 39 176


47 26 461 16 408 2 53 14 2,657 376 2,452 55 20,; 321

25 418 15 371 2 47 13 2,447 262 2,275 44 112 218

36 30 6 118 24 104 14 23

3 3 52 74 35 2 17 71

4 1 4 40 16 38 8 2 8

118 109 31 10 B51 816 341 15 510 801

14 3 8 5 3 255 85 126 129 85

92 95 8 8 51 6 37 14 5

12 5 7 6 9 5 9

12 11 3 3 539 716 173 14 366 702 TABLE B-I1 18

Secondary Means

Number of persons dcriving their ------Cultivation of owned land Cultivation of unowncd ------Self-supporting Earning Self'!IUpponing Total persons dependants Total persons ------Livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -1------2 3 4 5- 6 -7--8 -9----10 11


All Agticultutal Classes 3 5 2 1 5 .2 .2 .2 2

l-Cultivators of land 5 5 Z Z 2 2 wholl~ or mainly owned ll-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers

IV-Non-cultivatlng owners of land; agricultural rent receivers

All Non-agricultural Classes 1,200 30 1,173 14 27 16 37 .2 36

V-Procluction other than 105 3 102 3 2 6 6 cultivation

VI-Commerce 12.0 2. 110 ], 10 2 2 ],

Vll-Transport 28 28 2 2

VIH-Other services and 947 25 933 11 14 14 27 26 miscellaneous SOlJrces Dehra Duo

All Agticultural Classes 47 83 8 2 39 B1 11 12

I-Cultivators of land 33 80 33 80 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 7 11 12 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers 4 4

IV-Non-cultivatlng owners 3 3 2 2 of land; agricultural rent receivers

All Non-agricultural Classel 379 30 331 6 48 24 25 2.2

V-Production other than 35 4 23 12 4 2 2 cultivation VI-Commerce 18 15 3

VII_Transport 24 21 3 1

VIII-Other services and 302 26 272 6 30 20 21 18 miscellaneous sources ----- 19 TABLE B-II

of Livelihood-(contd.)

secondary means of livelihood ftom-

land Employment as cultivating labourers Rent on agricultural land

Earning Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Earnjn~ dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants --._--_ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal...

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 -2i 22 23 24 -lr

Non-city , 1 1 4 1 3



3 3

Z 541 541 399 1 SS7 1 12

27 27

Z 17 17

48 48

541 541 307 1 295 12


11 12 8 1 Z 6 1 1 2 7 Z

2 Z 7 7

11 12 ,-

6 1 6 1

2 r.

3 25 7 1 18 225 3 190 1 35 Z

1 29 1 8 21 1

5 4 11 7 4

6 6

3 19 2 1 17 179 2 169 1 10 1 TA'BLE B-II 20

Secondary MeaDs

Number 9£ persons deriving their

Production other than cultivation Com-

Se If-supporti ng Earning Self-supportinjl, Total persons dependants Totul persons ------livelihood Classes Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -16 -29 27 28 30 31 J,L 33 34 35


All Agricultural Classes 11 1l 16 15

l-Cultivators of land 11 11 10 10 wholly or mainly owned II-Cultivators of land 4 4 wholly or mainly unowned III-Cultivating labourers

IV-Non-cultivating owners 2 of land; agricultural rent receivers

All Non-agricultural Classes 128 17 84 3 44 14 236 5 142

V-Production other than 97 15 61 3 36 12 13 8 cultivation

VI-Commerce 7 2 2 2 199 5 121

VII-Transport 3

VIII-Other services and 23 18 5 21 U miscellaneous SOUIces

Debra Dun

.:All Agricultural Classes 8 6 2 10 I'

I-Cultivators of land 5 5 8 7 wholly or mainly owned ll-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating labourers

.lV-Non-cultivating owners 2 2- of land; agricultural rent receivers

.:AU Non-agricultural Classes 401 78 45 1 356 77 379 24 72 4

V -Production other than 302 64 18 284 63 17 4 9 cultivation 7 VI-Commerce 29 22 306 8 35 2

VII-Transport 12 3 9 6 6

VIlI-Orher services and 58 13 17 41 13 50 6 27 ml,cellaneous sources 21 TABLE B-II

of Livelihood-(concld.)

secondary means of livelihood from-

merce Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources

Earning Self-supportmg Earmng Self snppornng Earning dependants Total persons dependants Total persons dependants

Males Female, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fcmalu 48--49 36 37 38 39 40 41 42

Non city-(colldd.)

1 4 75 2 1 21 1

3 3 52 41 11 1

1 6 6

16 9

94 5 16 6 10 61fi 61 182 14 434 47

18 6 12 3 b 3

78 5 70 49 21 1

1. 12 .. 8 11 4

9 3 1 2 517 54 117 11


2 7 5 2 119 9 70 3 49 6

1 6 .. 2 87 51 36

1 1 4 3

3 3 2 3

25 4 14 2 11 2

307 20 80 16 64 1,090 268 481 21 609 247

8 4 9 126 17 59 67 17

271 6 5 111 18 59 52 IS

5 44 1 43 24 16 8

23 22 13 9 829 232 347 21 '182 211

- -~- -_--_- _ --~---_ TABLE &.III 22

Employerst Employees and Independent Workers in

ALL INDUSTRIES AND SERVICES IJ .n Ii! Independent -.... Total Employers Employees Workers :a -~ Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females T---- 3 .. 5 6 8 9 10 11

District Total 86,167 IH,871 4,296' 2,702 29 44,509 1,544 34,660 2,723

R.... a! Total 26,449 24,617 1,832 266 5 9,742 375 14,699 1,463

Teruil Chakrata (Rural) 4,085 3,920 165 1,506 32 2,407 133

2 Teh.il Dehra Dun (Rural) •• 22364 20,697 1,667 259 5 8,236 343 12,202 1,319

Urban Total 59,718 57,254 2,464 2,436 24 34,767 1,169 20,051 1,271

1 Urban Non-city 12,692 12,353 339 375 2 8,325 226 3,653 111

2 Dehra Dun City 47,026 44,901 2,125 2,061 22 26,442 943 16,398 1,160 ------

Sub-division 0'1 Stock raising

.,.. ~------~ Independent Total Employers En.ployees ';Vorker. 9Q ':! J! Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females r- --,_ 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27-

District Total 1,211 35 21 2 440 750 33

Rural Total 886 24 8 2 289 589 22

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 126 23 103

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 760 24 8 2 266 486 22

Urban Total 335 11 13 151 161 11

Urban Non-city S6 5 11 'Ii 5

2 Dehra Dun City 269 6 12 140 117 6

Sub-division O' 3 Plantation industries j Independent Ii! Total Employers Employees Workers ..~ ] Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal"s 1 2 36 37 ---~ ~- 40 41 42 43 -~------Distdct Total 1,553 429 4 4 1,193 198 356 227

Rural Total 1,451 348 3 1 1,101 195 347 152

Teh.il Ch':krata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) .. 1,451 348 3 1,101 195 347 152

Urban Total 102 81 1 3 92 3 9 75

Urban Non-city

2 Dehra Dun City 102 81 3 92 9 75 23 TABLE B-III

Industries and Services by Division.s aad Sub-divisions

Division O-Primary Industries not elsewhere specified

Independent Total Employers Employees Worke..

Male& Females Malos Females Males Females Males Female.

:2 13 14 IS 16 17 18 19-

7,017 609 145 6 3,388 201 3,484 402

5.764 492 53 3 3,850 197 2,861 292

1,554 94 103 2 851 92

4,210 398 53 3 2,147 195 2,010 200

1253 117 92 3 538 4 633 110

134 S 12 37 85 5

1.119 112 80 3 501 4 538 lOS

Sub-division 0-2 Rearing of small animals and insects

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Mal•• Females Females Males Females

.- -28 29 30 31

1 1


Sub-division ()+ Forestry and wood-cutting

Independent Total Emplovers Employees Workers

Males Females Mal" Females Males Females Males Femalea - 44 - -'--45-- 46 -47 48 -4-9------so- -sr- 4,244 145 120 1755 3 2,369 HZ

3,418 120 42 1,460 2 1.916 118

1,428 94 680 2 HS 92

1,990 26 42 780 1.168 26

826 25 78 295 1 453 24

78 11 26 41

748 25 67 269 412 24 TABLE B-nI 24

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 0'6 Fishing j 8 Independent Total Employers Employees " Workers Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 56 57 58 W

District Total 8 8

Rural Total 8 8

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 8 8

Urban Total

Urban Non"City

2 Debra Dun City

Sub.dlVISlon 1'1 Coal minmg .E II Independell[ Employers Employees .."a Total Workers E:: Jl Tract Males Females Males Female. Male. Females Males Females -1 2 69 74

District Total 7 2 5

Rural Total

Tehsli Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) "

Urban Total 7 2 5

Urban Non-city 6 2 4

2 Dehra Dun City 1

Sub-division 1'5 Stone-quarrying, clay and sand-pits

.. -- ~- -_ .c" 8 Independent " Total Employers Employees Workers .. ---_ J: Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (f)" 84 85 86 87 ------sa -- - 89- 90 Yl

District Total 62 2 6 10 46

Rural Total 9 1 1 1 8

Tehsn Qahata (Rural) 5 5

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) . 4 3

Urban Total 53 1 6 9 38 1

Urban NOIl"City 18 2 16

2 Debra Dun City 35 6 22 25 TABLE B-III

Industries a:ad Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-( contd.)

Division 1-Mining and Quarrying

Independent , Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 60 61 63 65 66 67 70 2 8 10 52

9 1 1 1 8

5 5

4 1 3 61 1 8 9 44 1

24 2 2 20

37 6 24

Sub-division 1'3 Metal mining except iton ore mining

Independent Total Employers Employees Workets

~--~- - Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female. -78- 19 - - -80- ~-sr----- 82 ----83-


1 1


Division 2-Proces8ing and Manufacture-Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and Products thereof

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

92 -93 ~4 -95 96 97 98 -99

4,500 294 313 3 1,312 32 2,875 259

1,826 121 33 692 17 1,101 104

257 9 3 253 9

1,569 112 32 689 17 &48 95

2,674 173 280 3 620 15 1,774 155

486 20 43 121 322 20

2,188 153 237 3 499 15 1.452 135 -- -- TABLE B-III 26

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division z-o Food industries otherwise unclassified IJ ..c Independent 8 Total Employers Employees Workers a.. -;l Females Males Females en" Tract Males Males Females Males Female. -- 102------100- [Ol 103 -W'r- 105 106 2 ---~ 107 -- _---- District 'I'otal 247 76 18 92 12 137 64

Rural Total 26 74 12 12 14 62

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 25 74 12 12 13 62

Urban Total 221 2. 18 80 123 2

Urban Non-city 104 11 43 50

2 Dehra Dun City 117 7 37 73 ------

Sub-division 2-2 Vegetable oil and dairy products

II ..ca Independent :I Total Employers Employees Workers .:: - ---_- § Females Males Females Males en Tract Males remales Males Females - 2- 116 117 118 ------rr9 -120 ill 122 123

District Total 456 19 51 91 3 314 16

Rural Total 125 8 7 8 1 110 7

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 6 6

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 119 8 7 B 104 7

Urban Total 331 11 44 83 2. 204 9

Urban Non-City 31 3 17 11

2 Dehra Dun Clry 300 11 41 66 2 193 9

Sub-division 2-4 Beverages

~u ..c Independent 8 Total Employer< Employees Workers "c i Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 132 134 136 137 138

District Total 61 5 29 27

Rural Total 3 1 2

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

:2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 3 2

Urban Total 58 5 28 25

Urban Non-city 7 2 2 3

2 Dehra Dun City 51 3 26 22 27 TABLE B-III

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 2'1 Grains and pulses

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female. ---1-11------1-12- IDS 109 110 ---- 113 114 115 446 18 59 133 2 254 16 235 13 13 53 2 169 11 40 39

1,)~ 12 13 52 2 130 10

211 5 46 80 85 5

33 4 12 6 15 "I-

178 34 74 70

Sub-division 2'3 Sugar industries

--- - Independent Total Emplo)ers Employee, Workers

------~- - - - Males Fem .. les Males Females Males Females Males Female.

125 126- --127 128 -.w--- H4 ------uo- -In 648 51 7 3 606 9 35 39

t,4fj. 4 7 601 2 32 l

640 " 601 2 32 1. 8 47 3 5 7 3 31

8 47 3 5 3 37

----~--- --

Sub-division 2'5 Tobacco

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.. 141 142 143 144 -145 146 147 18 6 8

18 6 8

18 6 _ 8 4 TABLE B-III 28

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

.. Sub-division 2'6 Cotton textiles ~ g Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

rn·i --~- Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females M.les Females

f f 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155

Diattiet Total 145 8 2 19 124 8

Rural Total 72 3 2 7Q .1

1 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 25 2 23

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 47 2 47 2

Urban Total 73 5 2 17 54 5

Urban Non-city 28 " 4 13

2 Dehra Dun City 45 5 13 31

Sub-division 2'8 Textile Industries otherwise unclassified ... OJ ,.Q e I ndepe ndent Total Employers Employees Workers ~ 'Ol 'C .. Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females U) i 2 f6'r- 165 -166 167- 168 -~ 17ir -17l-

District Total 20 5 14

Rural Total 12 1 1 11 1

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Yehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 11 10

Urban Tow1 8 1 4 3

Urban Non-cIty 3 2

2 Debra Dun City 5 4

Division 3- ProceSSing and Manufacture-Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof .. J' a Tndependent a Total Employers Employees Workers 'Ol ~------~ 'j Males Females Males Females Males Females Males II) Tract Females

--~--~ --2- 180 -iST -182 183 184 185 186 187 ---~-- District Total 2.429 18 81 1.622 10 726 8

Rural Total 1,483 14 5 1.156 10 322 4

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 113 2 112 2

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 1,370 12 5 1,155 10 210 2

Urban Total 946 4 76 466 404 4

1 Urban Non-citv 74 1 9 13 52

2 De\"ra Dun City 872 3 67 453 3SZ 3 29 TABLE B-III l:u.d'llstries and Services by Divisions and Sub.divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 2'7 Wearing apparel (except footwear) and made-up textile good,

I odepe ndent Total Employers Employees Workers

Male. Females Male. Females Males Females Males Female.

------161 ----_ ---I61-~-- _-_- 156 ~-~---rrB-- 159 160~ -16r ----~ --~ --- 1.765 113 120 288 6 1,357 107

44J 11 ~ 11 426 11 11-4 3 113 3 328 8 + 11 313 R

1.,~23 10J 115 277 6 931 96

212 H ~ 42 162 H

1,111 88 107 2>5 6 769 82

Sub-division 2'9 Leather, leather products and footwear

Independenc , Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Female. Males Female. Males Females Males Female.

----- ~U2 - -173------_- 694 8 41 609 8

211 1 1 3 261 1 70 70 .. 201 3 3 197 3

423 1 38 .34.3 1

68 5 56

355 38 31 286

Sub-division 3'0 Manufacture of metal prodilcts otherwise unclassified

Independent Total Employers Employee. Workers

Males Female. Males Female, Males Females Males Females - iS8 ---189--- -W5 191 192 193 194 195 1,904 15 47 1411 9 446 6 1,353 11 ,J 1,132 9 217 J 26 2 25

1,326 9 3 1,131 9 192

552 4 44 219 229 4

48 8 8 32

504 3 36 271 197 TABLE B-UI 30

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

.. Sub-division 3·1 Iron and steel (basic manufacture) ..0.. a Independent Total Employers Employees Workers .."0:: u.:: C/) Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

--2-~ 197 198 199 201 ~---- District Total

Rural Total 1 1

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsll Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total

Urban Non-city

2 Dehra Dun City

Sub-divislonl 4 Electrical machinery, apparatus, appliances and supplies

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

OJ.;:: '"" Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females l~~ - -2- 212 ~-ll6 - 217 218 219

District Total 7 3 J

Rural Total

Tehsll Chakrata (Rural)

2. Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total 7 1 3 3

Urban Non-city

2. Dehra Dun City 7 3 3

Sub-division 3·6 Basic industriat chemicals, fertilizer and power alcohol

u" ..0 Independent e Total Employers Employees Workers c:" OJ..:: J! Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female. T 1: 228 229 230 231 ~ 232 233 234 235

District Total 20 2 14 4

RuraL Total

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total 2 14

Urban Non-city

2. Dehra Dun City 20 2 31 TABLE B-III

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 3'3 Transport equipment

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

--~--- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female., 205 206 207 208 259- --ZI0 2I1 346 2 28 145 173 1

43 2 2 23 1 18 1

43 2 2 23 18

303 26 122 155

24 4 19

279 25 118 1>6

Suh-d,v,s,on 3 5 Machinery (other than electrical machinery) including engineering workshops

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.

220 221 222 224 U6

4 4


4 4

Sub-divlsion 3'7 Medical and pharmaceutical preparations

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Females MaJes Females Males Females Males FernalCO'

D8~ 242

38 38

38 38

38 38 _TABLE B-III 32

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-dlvislOn 3-8 Manufacture of chemical products otherwise unclassified

iI .0 Ii Independent Total Employers Employees Workers .." -';:: TrJ.ct Males Female. Males Females Males Females Males Female~ til" 1 2 244 245 240 247 L"~ 249 2S0 251

District Total 110 3 1l 96

Rural Total 88 1 87

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 87 ~7

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total J2 3 10 9

Urban Non-city 2

2 Dehra Dun City 20 9 8

Sub~division 4'0 Manufacturing industries otherwise unclasslfied j S Independent g Total Employers Employee. Workers ~ en0> Tract Males Females Males Females Males Femn\es Males Female:!! ~i 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 261

District Total 695 7 59 116 2 520 5

Rural Total 125 6 1 2 2 122 4

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 82 6 81 -4

2 Tehsil Dehta Dun (RUTHI) 43 2 41

Urban Total 570 1 58 114 398 1

Urban Non-city 35 2 33

2 Dehra Dun City 535 58 112 365

Sub-division 4'3 Cement-cement pipes and other cement products .... _cOJ Independent e Total a" Employers Employees Workers .. ------~- -';:: ~ Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 276 277 m --219- 280 281 282 283 District Total 21 11 6 4

Rural Total

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) Urban Total 1.1 11 6 " Urban Non-city

2 Debra Dun City 21 11 6 -4 33 TABLE B-III

Industries and Services by DIvisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Division 4-Processing and Manufacture-not elsewhere specified

Independent Tot"l Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Female. Males Females Males Females

2;2 253- 254 255 -2~ ~ - 2SB" 259

3,096 57 190 3 718 4 2,188 50

897 15 3 1 67 2 827 12

191 6 2 2 189 4

706 9 67 638 S 2,199 42 187 2 651 2 1,361 38

246 11 17 6~ 161 11

1,953 31 170 58' 2 1,200 27

Sub·division 4'2 Bricks, tiles and other structural clay products

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-- 268- 269 270 271 ~ ------n3 274 275

86 10 13 29 44 10 39 2 13 26 :.I

39 2 13 26 2. 47 8 13 16 18 B

42 7 11 13 }8

5 1 1 3

Sub-division 4'4 Non'metallic mineral products

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

284 285 286 288 2.89 290 266 6 2 24 240 6 219 .. 21 ]96 4 8

~l 4 2L 189 4

47 2 3 .2

3 2

44 41 TABLE B-III 34

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 4° $. Rubber products

Independent Total Employe... Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

292 293 297 298

District Total 4 2

Rural Total

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsn Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Taral 1 1 2

Urban Non-ciey

2 Dehra Dun City 4 2

Sub-division 4°7 Furniture and fixtures

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-1- 308 309 -----no ---3-11 -312- 313-- 314 3T5

District Total 17 5 11

Rural Total 4 2 2

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehstl Dehra Dun (Rural) 4 2 2

Urban Total 13 1 3 9

Urban Non-clty

2 Dehra Dun City 13 9

Sub-diVIsion 4°9 Printing and allied industries lJ "G Independent ..c" Total Employers Employees Workers °C , rn" Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ·T 2 325 326 329 330 331

District Total 176 7 20 2 121 2 35 3

Rural Total 17 17

Teboil Chakrata (Rural)

1 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 17 17

Urban Total 159 7 20 2 104 2 35 3

Urban Non-city 30 jo 4 21 5

2 Debra Dun City 129 7 16 2 83 2 30 ------.. - 35 TABLE B-III

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-{contd.)

Sub-division 4'6 Wood and wood products other than furniture and jil

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Female. Males Females Male. females Males Female.

~300 "3Or 302 303 304 3-05 306- --307

1,829 26 83 414 1,332 25

491 3 1 10 481 l

101 101

390 3 10 380 2

1,338 23 83 404 851 l3

136 2 2 32 102 2

1,202 21 81 372 749 21

Sub-division 4'8 Paper and paper product.

Independent Total Employers Employees Worke«

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

316 317 - 31S 320 3i2

2 2

2 2

1 1


Division S-Constructlon and Utilitie.

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Mal... Female. Males Females 332 333 334 -335- TJ6 3"3'1 338 3'w

3,554 314 98 3 1,846 190 1,610 121

480 56 5 182 24 293 32

21 ,3 9 11 3

459 53 4 173 24 282 29

3/174 258 93 3 1664 166 1,317 89

691 41 8 580 39 103 Z

2,383 217 85 3 1,084 127 1,214 81 TABLE B-III 36

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub~division S'O Construction and maintenance of wod... s othcnvise unclassified

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Female. Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 340 34f .HZ 34b 347

District Total 114 114

Rural Total

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total 114 114

Urban Non-dty

2 Dehra Dun City 114 114

Sdb... division S'2 Construction and maintenance-roads. bridges and other Tr:~n~r0rt ,,\lorj.,_ ...

.8 Jndependent 8 Total Emr-""Ilo\er.,. Emnloyees Workers .."c ] Tract Males Females Male" Pemnlc~ M"l~, Female:; Males Females 356 357 358 359 ->60 361 362 363

District Totlll 782 15 92 3 267 423 12

Rural Total 38 3 17 18

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 7

2 Tehsil Dehra DUll (Rural) 31 12 17

Urban Total 744 15 89 3 250 405 12

Urban Non-city 182 8 lOB 66

1 Dehra Dun City 562 15 81 3 142 339 IZ

Suh... division 5"4 Construction and maintenance operatlonj,-nrigatl'l)l\ an~ other agricultur~l works

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males females Males Females

--173-- 376 .m 378 379

District Total 2 8

Rura! Total 1 1

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total 9 1 8

Urban Non-city

2 Dehra Dun City 8 8 37 TABLE B-IIf

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub·division 5'1 Consttuction and maintenance-hUIldmgs

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Femal.s Mal.s Female. - 348 -~ 350 351 ~--~3~- --354 -3SS-

953 31 2 224 727 31

J6J 8 2 60 201 11

8 3 3

255 5 2 59 194 5

690 23 164 526 23 134 97 37

556 23 67 489 23

Sub.division 5'3 Construction and malntenaee-Telegraph and Telephone line9

Independent Total Employers Employees . Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females'

364 3D5 366 367 368 - --371


1 1


Sub-dlvision 5'5 Works and serviees-::-electric power and gas supply

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Male. Females Males Females Males Females Males Fernales

380 382 383 3M 387

241 237

7 7

7 7

234 230

37 37

197 4 193 TABLE B-III 38

Employers, Employees and Independent Worker~ iJl.

Sub-division 5'6 Works and services-domestic and industrial water supply

Independent Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 _____388 _ ~---___ 390-- - 391 ______392 393 ~_:__ 394 _ _::c395

District Total

Rural Total

Tehsil Chakr~ta (Rural)

2 Tehsi! Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total 1 1

Urban Non-city

2 Dehra Dun City

DIvIsion 6-Commerce

... ------..Q" e Independent Employers Employees d Total Workers -;;" .;: en" Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal.. - 405 -- - L 2 40r 406 407 408 409 410 411 ------District Total 11,368 213 1,352 5 1,461 20 8,555 188

Rural Total 1,917 55 133 116 1,668 55 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 195 4 , 22 112 4 2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 1,722 51 132 94 1,496 51

Urban Total 9,451 158 1,219 5 1.345 20 6,887 133

Urban Non-city 1,546 23 177 2 117 3 1,252 18

2 Dehra Dun City 7,905 135 1,042 3 1,228 17 5,635 115


Sub-divisIOn 6'1 Reta,l trade in foodstuffs (including beverages and narcotics) ... -- - -_--- ..Q e Independent d Total Employers Employees Workers ";" .;:.. --- r:J) Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

420 421 422 423- 4M 425 426 427 ------_------District Total 3,6_41 104 448 3 287 2,906 100

Rura! Tota) 652 27 38 24 590 27

Tehsi! Chakrata (Rural) 39 38 552 2 Tehsi! Dehra Dun (Rural) 613 27 38 23 27

Urban Total 2,989 77 410 .1 263 1 2,316 73

1 Utban Non-city 417 13 47 2 27 343 10 63 l Dehra Dun City 2,572 64 363 236 1,913 39 TABLE B-nI

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub.divisions--(contd.)

SulxhvlSlon 5 7 Sanitary works and servlces-mcludmg scavengers

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Female. Males Females Males Females Males Females L --~- 396-- 397 398 -399 -400 401 402- 403

1,452 268 1,114 190 338 78

170 48 96 24 74 24 6 3 3 164 48 93 24 71 24

1,282 220 1.0}8 166 264 34

336 41 336 39 2 946 179 682 127 264 52

- Retatl trade otherwIse unclassIfied Sub dIVISIon 60

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

412 413 414 415 416 ~ 418 -419-

5,866 86 787 746 17 4,333 69

1,117 23 89 55 973 23 149 4 18 131 4 968 19 89 37 842 19

4,749 63 698 691 17 3,360 46 772 6 105 77 2 590 4 3,977 57 593 614 15 2.770 42

Sub-dlVI~Ion 6 2 RetaIl trade 1n fuel (mcludlOl! petrol)

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 4ll> . 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 200 5 28 26 146 4

24 2 22 3

21 19

176 5 26 1 26 124

72 3 8 64 "3

104 18 26 60 TABLE B-III 40

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 6'3 Retail trade in textile and leather goods ... Independent 1g Total Employers Employees Workers ai 'Ii Males Females Males Females Males Females ffl Tract Males Females 436 ~437 438 439 440 441 442 443 ----- District Total 1,175 12 68 5, 1,051 10

Rural Tota! 69 1 2 3 6.

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Teh.n Dehra Dun (Rural) 68 3 64

Urban Total 1,106 11 66 1 5,1 1 987 9

Urban Non-city 261 16 10 235

2 Dehra Dun City &4S 10 50 43 752 8

Sub-division 6'5 Wholesale trade in commodities other than foodstuffs

Independent Total Employers I Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 452 - -~453

District Total 10 2 7

Rura! Tota! 1 1

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total 9 1 2 6

Urban Non-city 9 2 6

2 Dehra Dun City

Sub-division 6'7 Insurance

Independent .. Total Employers Employees Workers 'C Males Females Males Females Males Females

District Total 9 4 5

Rural Total .. 4 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 T ehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 4

Urban ToMI 5 5

Urban Non-city

2 Dehra Dun City 5 5 41 TABLE B-III

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-( contd.)

Sub-division 6'4 Wholesale trade in foodstuffs

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

444 445 447 448 --+ty ~j ~ '151

58 2 15 41 26 10 16

26 10 16 32 2 5 25

10 10

22 5 15

Sub-diviSIOn 6'6 Real estate

Independent Total Employers Employee. Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-~--- 465~----466~ ~_==-'l67

J 2 3 -

3 2 1

3 3 2 3

Sub·division 6'8 Moneylendln~, banking and other financial business

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

-~-- Males Females Males females Males Females Males Females

476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483

406 3 16 324 1 66 2

21 1 19 ;l 1 3 -' 18 1 16 2

385 2 16 305 1 64 1

5 ~

380 Z 16 304 60 TABLE B-III 42

Employers, E:tnployees and Independent Workers in

D1Vl,)lon 7-Tr~msport, Storage and CommunIcations ... -" a Independent " Total Emf\lover~ Emplovees Workers ...;::: u rn Trdct M,\eo Femalc< ""Al'2'3 femalcs Ml\"<; I-:crn llt!l Males Female. ------r-- 41)"4 - - 486 487- - 488 489- - --~- 485 ------491 District Total 3/lZ 21 1.JO 2,679 12 1,173 8 Rural Total 748 6 14 1 385 1 349 .. Tehsll Chakrata (Rural) 124 2 41 81

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (RuIal) 624 4 II 344 268 3 Urban Total 3,2.14 15 116 2,294 11 824 .. Urban Non.city 528 2 17 ,oh 2 108

2 D_::f-.l [I n PI City 2706 13 ' 4 1,°06 716 -+


Slll~'lLvJ"!on 7 1 Tnn<;r0rt 1 , 10

~ ..r.~ Independent EO Total Elnp1oyer'i Employees Workers Q " ---- ,; "" Tract Males Females Males l~emales M.lle, Female, Males females rn" 500 )01 5°'v'" 503 504 506 506 507

District Total 2,423 15 129 1,332 7 962 7

Rural Total 509 4 14 1 176 319 3

Tehsll Chakrata (Rural) 116 2 33 81

2 Tehsll Dehra Dun (Rural) 3~1 3 12 143 238 2

Urban Total 1,914 11 115 1,156 7 6f3 4

Urban Non-city 301 32 198 71

2 Debt.\ D\ .1 CIty 16['\ 10 S} \)58 6 572 4 --_

Sub.dlvlslon 7 5 Storage und warehousmg

Independent Total Employees Workers

Tr~ct Males Females Moles Females Males Females Males Females

I SlY _120 J21 523

District Total 2 2

RU1al Total 1 1

Tehsll Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tebsil Dehra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total I 1

Urban Non-city

2 Dehra Du" City 43 TABLE B-nI

Industries and Sel'vices by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub... cllVision 7'0 Transport and communications otherwise uncl:t').slfied and incident.l} serVice,>

Independent Total Enlployers Employees \Vo(Lers

Males Females Males Fen1~~les Female& 496 499 95 4()

2 2


93 1 38 54

4 4

89 3J 50

SlllYdivision 7-4 Railway transpoTt ------Independent Total Emplo)Ct'> WOTkeTS

Fem~les Males Females Males females Males Females

'il'Y 510 111 S I ~ 511 5-14 5is-

994 3 8J7 2 157

201 1 171 30 1

201 1 171 )) I

666 2 127

88 S5 33

705 611 94

Sub·divlsiou 7-6 Postal services

Independent Totol EmployeTS Employees \X/0rl C'TS

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal~. ~ 5~ 527 S29 SoH' 531 270 270

32 32

8 8

Z4 24

2ag 238

79 79

159 159 TABLE B-IlI 44

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub-division 7'7 Telegraph services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

532 533 534 535 536 5,7 538 539

District Total 47 47

Rural Total 4 4

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 4 4

Urban Total 43 43

Urban Non-city 16 16

2 Dehra Dun City 27 27

Division 8-Health, Education and Public Administration

~ .c" 8 Independent :l <: Total Employers Employees Workers 'r: "VJ" Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 - 555-

District Total 19,110 nO 33 18,718 614 359 105

Rural Total 2,318 89 2,258 75 60 14

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 428 15 415 n 13 2

Z Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 1,890 74 1,84) 62 47 12

Urban Total 16,792 631 33 1 16,460 539 299 91 Urban Non-city 4,870 134 2 4,825 124 43 Ie

2 Dehra Dun City 11,922 497 31 11,635 415 256 81

Sub-division 8'2 Educational .services :uld RCfoCarch

~ .c" 8 Independent :l.: Total Employers Employees Workers ·a w.. Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ------2---- -1 564 565 566--567 --_------568 569 570 571 District Total 1,868 419 4 1,811 385 53 34

Rural Total 493 56 477 55 16 1

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 83 7 77 6 6

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 410 49 400 49 10

Urban Total 1,375 363 4 1,334 330 37 33

Urban Non-city 165 63 165 63

2 Dehra Dun City 1,210 300 4 1,169 267 37 33 45 TABLE B-III

1ndustries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 7'8 Telephone services

Independent Total Employen Employee. Workers

Male. Femalea Male. Female. Female. Males

540 541 542 543 544 545 546 541

153 153

153 1 153 1

40 40

113 1 113

Sub-division S'1 Medical and other Health services

Independent Total Employer> Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Female. Males Females

556 -- --55-7---- 560 561 562 ___ _1(j3 642 161 29 1 307 89 306 71

107 27 63 14 44 13

27 4 20 3 7 80 33 43 11 37 12

535 134 29 1 ~44 75 :l6:l ,5' 91 23 2 i6 13 i3 10

4# 111 27 198 62 219 .;s ----_--- --

Sub-divi.ion 8'4 Police (other than village watchmen)

Independent Total Employers Workers

Males Females Males Female. Mules Females

572 574 575 578 579



13 73 375 105 270 TABLE B-III 46

Employers, Employees and Independeat Workers in

Sub-division 8'5 Village officers and servants including village watchmen

Independent Total Employers Employees Worl::ets

Tract Males Females Male. Females Male. Female. Males Female.

-1- 2 --sse- ~~ --581~- -s83------ss4 -~----~ ----~-- - District Total 336 336

111 III

Tehsn Chakrata (Rural) 23 23

Z Tehlil Dehra Dun (Rural) 88 88

Urban Total ~:.l5 ~"5

Urban Non-citY 219 219

2 Dehra Dun City 6 6

------~ ---~ -----

Sub-division 8'7 Employees of Scate Governments

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Tract Males Females Male. Female. Males Females Males Females

1-- ~ 597 - -~598-~~- ~ 601 602 603 2 596 ------District Total 3,207 2 2

Rural Total 369 1 369 1 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 37 37

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 322 3ZZ Urban Total "" .. , 1 U'" 1 Urban Non-city 713 113

2 Dehra Dun City ~135 2,135

Sub-division 8'9 Employees of Non-Indian Government.

Independent .. Total Employers Employees Workers .;:: ~------VJ" Tract Male. Female. Male. Females Males Female. Males Females

2 6H ----m 61'1 615 616 617 618 619 District Total 23 23 Rural Total "3 13 Tehsil Chahata (Rural) 3 3

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 20 20

Urban Total

Urban Non-city

2 D !hra Dun City 47 TABLE B-lH

Industries and Services by Divisions aIld Sub.divisions-(contd.)

Sub-division 8'6 Employees of Municipalities and Local Boards

Independent Total Employers Employees Worker.

Males Female. Males Females Males Females Males Femal_ 58Y 591 -- - 592

~ 1,089 29 1,089 29

323 1 323 1

75 75 248 248 766 3. 766 l8

294 29~ -472 28 28

* Sub-division S'S Employees of the Umon Government

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

----~------_ Male. Female. Mal•• Females Male, Female. Male. Femal.

604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 ------~--- --~ ------. 11,484 109 11,484 109

'16 4 816 4 167 3 167 3

649 649

10,668 105 10,668 105 3.;183 48 3)83

7,385 57 7,385 57


Division 9-Setvice. not elsewhere specified

Independent Total Employers Employee. Workers

Male. Female. Males Females Males Pemale. Males Female.

620 621 6ZZ 623 624 62S 626-- --627

26,745 2.048 352 7 12,755 460 13,638 1,581

9,175 9/(1 20 2,035 48 7,JAO 93$

1,032 30 31Z 1-4 720 16

8,143 953 20 1,723 34 6,400 91~

17,570 1,065 332 7 10,720 412 6,518 546 3,754 102 73 2,11'4 58 1,507 H

1 ~816 963 259 7 8,546 354 5,011 60Z TABLE RIll 48

EDlployers, EDlployees and Independent Workers in

Sub-dlvISIOJl 9'0 ServIces otherwIse unclassIfied ... ..c.. a Inclepelldent c::;I Total Employers Employees Workers -" ~ Trdct Males Females Males Females Males Felnalet:. Males Females ·C--- -628 029 630 631 032 633 034 615

District Total 14,343 1,395 50 3 3,428 61 10,865 1,331

Rural TDtal 6,548 882 5 577 15 5,966 867

Teh"l Chahata (Rural) 280 19 125 10 155 9

2 TehSlI Dehra Dun (Rural) 6,268 863 5 452 5,811 858

Urban Tota! 7,795 513 45 3 2,851 46 4,899 464

Urban Non-city 2,174 13 8 856 6 1,310

!2 Dehra Dun City 5,621 500 37 1,995 40 3,589 -+S7

Sub-(hvlSlon 9 2 Barhers and beauty shops ... ..0" Independent a Total Employers Employees ::>c \'Vorkers

~u Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female. 'J) Tract 2 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 6-51

District Total 768 29 19 119 24 630 5

Rural Tutal 296 5 9 282

TehSlI Chakrata (Rural) 41 41

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 755 5 9 HI

Urban Total 472 29 14 110 348 5

,1 Urban Non-City 100 01 39

2 Dehra Dun CIty 372 29 14 49 24 309 5 ------

Sub.. dlV1Slon 94 Hotels, restaurants an..i eating houses ,_, 1: e l"dependent :l Total Employers c Employeo> \Vorkers ~ Jl Tract Males Females Males Female. Males Females Males Females ----- 660- -6~ ~ 6~ 664 60~ 6bb 667 2 ------~---- District Total 924 9 233 2 447 244 6

Rura! Total 046 1 5 21 3{) 1

Tehsll Chakrata (Rural) 14 4 10

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 32 5 17 10

Urban Tota! 878 8 l28 2 426 1 2204 5

Urban Non-city 110 DO 22 28

2 Dehra Olin City 768 8 168 2 404 196 5 49 TABLE B-III

Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-{confd.)

Su b·di vision 9'1 Domestic services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

637 638 639 640 641 642 -----636 643 7,372 362 7,372 362

1,252 30 1,252 30 134 2 134 2 1,118 28 1,118 28

6,120 332 6,120 332 1,141 52 1,141 52

4,979 280 4,979 280 ----

Sub-division 9'3 Laundries and _laundry services

Independent Total Employers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

~--()52 - 653 654 --655 656 657 658 659

670 \ 81 19 2 97 554 78 173 37 1 5 167 37

173 37 5 167 37 497 44 18 2 92 1 387 41 87 8 4 6 77 8

410 36 14 2 86 310 33

Sub.division 9'5 Recreatlon services ------Indepe ndent Total Emp'oyers Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females

668 669--- 014 615 892 111 737 109

496 13 489 11

482 8 482 6

14 5 7 5

396 98 248 9B 8

388 9R 248 98

---~- TABLE B·IIr 50

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in

Sub,d,vlSlon 9'6 Legal and busHless serVIces

.. ~----~-- - ..8 e Independent g Total Employers Employees Workers

-; --_---_ -~~------_ ·c "l Tract Males Females Males Females Male; Females Males Females - 681 _-682-- 683 676 677 678 679 680 ---_-_----- District Total 1,135 37 4 1,013 8 118 29

Rural Total 141 1 1 128 1 12

Tehsil Chaktata (Rural) 51 47 4

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 90 81 [)

Urban TotaJ 994 3~ 3 885 7 106 29

Urban Non'city 61 29 60 29

2 Dehra Dun City 9.13 7 3 825 7 105

Sub,division 9'S Religious,

Tot.'! Emplo)er.

Tract Males Females Mdle. Females ---.------693 694 695

District Total 524 23 2

Rural Total 220 19 1

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 30

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 190 18

Urban Total 304 4 1

1 Urban Non-city 57

2 Dehra Dun City 247 4 ------

NOTE-Self'supporting persons who are not economically active have been ex~uded

-_-----~- Non-productive sources of livehhood Persons Males Females

2 - ----3 4 I-Persons hVIng prmcipally on income from non-agrIcultural property Total 124 40 84 Rural, . Urban 124 40 ,84

ll-Persons Hvmg principally on pensions, remittances, scholarships and Total, , 927 738 189 funds Rural, , 156 127 29 Urban, 771 611 160

III-::lnmates of almshouses and tecipients of doles Total, , Rural, ,

Urban, , 51 TABLE B-III

Industries aJld Services by Divisions and Sub-divisioDs-{concld.)

Sub-division 9'7 Arts. letters and journalism

------' -.------Independent Total Employers Employees Worke..

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

684 685 686 687 --_-_-_-_68=8=~" _____~6_8_9 _____ 690 ------117 15 28 74

3 2 1

3 2

114 1 15 26 73 1 16 2 14 98 1 15 24 )9


charitable and welfare services

Independent Employees Workers

Males Females Males Females

_6_96______--, ______691- ~_-_. _ 698 699

106 416 22

36 183 19 2 28

34 155 18

70 1 233 3 18 38

52 195

from the table. Their number for the district is as follows:

------_ Non-productive sources of livelihood Persons Males Females

--"'~----1-~~------"3 ------4- _------IV-Beggars and vagrants Total .. 1.226 1,009 211 Rural .. 339 272 61 Urban. 887 737 150 V-All other persons living principally on income derived from nOn­ productive activities Total .. 376 309 67 Rural 30 23 7 Urban 346 286 60 Total Total. 2,653 Z,096 557 Rural .. 525 422 103 Urban. 2.128 1.67. 454- "--- TABLE B-IV 52

Unemployment by

Number of persons out­ Number of persons Total Population side the labour force gainfully employed --_._------Livelihood Classes Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 7 8


ALL CLASSES 362,005 211,041 150,964 79,486 119,980 130,794 ~0,929 All Agricultural Classes 129,885 71,395 58,490 25,304 35,700 46,046 22,786 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 106,231 57,847 48,384 21,085 29,906 36,745 18,474 mainly owned and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or 14,686 8,080 6,606 2,546 3,477 5,520 3,129 mainly unowned and their dependants llI-Cultivating labourers and 7,105 4,402 2,703 1,082 1,720 3,317 983 their dependants IV-Non-cultivating owners of 1,863 1,066 797 591 597 464 20(} land; agricultural rent recei­ vers ; and their dependants All Non-agricultural Classes 232,120 139,646 92,474 54,182 84,280 84,748 8,143 V-Production other than culti­ 46,652 28,190 18,462 10,646 16,009 17,437 2,433 vation VI-Commerce 42,070 .23,211 18,859 10,860 18,470 12,217 386 VII-Transport 10,177 6,162 4,015 2,665 3,932 3,478 80 VIII-Other services and miscella­ 133,221 82,083 51,138 30,011 45,869 51,616 5,244 neous sources Rural

ALL CLASS?S 190,406 107,737 82,669 35,872 55,087 71,711 27,579 All Agricultural Classes 125,433 68,693 56,740· 23,801 34,157 44,868 22,583 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 103,803 56,347 47,456 20,266 29,097 36,074 18,359 mainly owned and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or 13,722 7,565 6,157 2,304 3,070 5,251 3,087 mainly unowned and their dependants Ill-Cultivating labourers and 6,943 4,285 2,658 1,062 1,682 3,220 976 their dependants IV_Non-cultivating owners of 965 496 469 169 308 323 161 land; agricultural rent recei­ vers; and their dependants

All Non-agricultural Classes 64,973 39,044 25,929 12,071 20,930 26,843 4,996 V_Production other than culti­ 23,012 14,599 8,413 3,889 6,324 10,676 2,089' vation VI-Commerce 5,809 3,326 2,483 1,008 2,250 2,305 233 VII-Transport 1,899 1,218 681 462 627 756 54 VIII-Other services and miscella­ 34,253 19,901 14,352 6,712 11,729 13,106 2,620 neous sources


ALL CLASSES 171,599 103,304 68,295 43,614 64,893 59,083 3,35fJ. All Agricultural Classes 4,452 2,702 1,750 l,50,'J 1,543 1,178 203 I-Cultivators of land wholly or 2,428 1,500 928 819 809 671 115 mainly owned and their dependants II-Cultivators of land wholly or 964 515 449 242 407 269 42 mainly unowned and their dependant" Ill-Cultivating labourers and 162 117 45 20 38 97 7 their dependants IV_Non-cultivating owners of 898 570 328 422 289 141 39- land; agricultural rent recei­ vers; and their dependants

All NOll'~3ticultural Classes 167,147 100,602 66,545 42,111 63,350 57,905 3,147 V-Production other th.'n culti­ 23,640 13,591 10,049 6,757 9,685 6,761 344 vation VI-Commerce 36,261 19,885 16,376 9,852 16,220 9,912 153 VII-Transport 8,278 4,944 3,334 2,203 3,305 2,722 26 VIII-Other services and miscella­ 98,968 62,182 a6,186 23,299 34,1

Number of persons unemployed

Under six Between six months Between one year Over Total months and one year and two years two years

Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females



816 761 55 274 26 142 6 118 6 17 49 45 4 12 2 11 1 8 1 21 17 4 6 2 5 1 2 1

14 4 5 2 3

3 3 3 11 11 2 1 1 7

767 716 51 262" 24 131 5 110 5 213 17 127 107 20 41 16 17 2 14 35 1

137 134 3 25 34 33 42 3 22 19 J 8 5 1 6 1 4111 456 25 1118 7 75 2 57 4 136 12 "Total

157 154 3 38 3 23 28 65 24 24 5 4 5 10 7 7 3 4

10 10 2 2 2

3 J 3

4 4 4

133 130 3 33 3 19 23 55 34 34 18 2 7

13 13 4 8

86 83 14 3 13 16


659 607 52 236 23 119 6 90 6 162 17 25 21 .. 7 2 7 3 1 4 14 10 4 3 2 5 2

.. 4 2

7 7 2 3

634 586 48 229 21 112 5 s 158 17 93 73 20 23 16 15 2 28 124 121 3 24 30 33 34 .3 22 19 3 8 5 6 395 373 22 174 4 62 2 41 4 96 12 54

Index of Non-agricnlt'tliral Occu.pations

[ Code Code no. Occupation PersOOll Males Females I no_ OccupatIOn Per,ons Males Female.. I-~~,------2------'""3.------.4------5 -~-1--_-_-_-__-_2_' __ ---___::lo::_--4:.__---"-

ALL INDUSTRIES AND 86,167 81,871 4,296 2-13 Grain parcher. (Bhaybhoonj- 18 17 SERVICES as) ._ Division O-Ptimaty ltldus- 7,626 7,01'1 609' I 2-2 Vegetable oil and dairy 475 456 19 tries not elsewhere specified products 0'1 Stock ,,,ising 1,246 1,211 35 I 2-21 Vegetable oll preS5er. and 90 90 9 refiners; oil kolhu drivers 0'1.1 Herdsmen and shepherds 292 1.S3 385 366 19 26 0-12 Breeders and keepers of cattle 941 915 Ghff,butter and cheese manu· and buffaloes facture _. 0-10 Breeder. of an other large ani- 13 13 Manufacture of other dairy 384 365 mals including tUUSpOlt ani- products _. mals 2.. 3 Sugar lnd~tT1es 699 648 51 0-2 Rearing of small animals and insects 2-31 GUT manufacture including 72 24 0-12 Bee keepers G." kolhl< drivers _. 429 2-30 Other manufactures and 627 624 0-3 Plantation industries 1,982 1,553 refining of raW sugar, 0-31 Owners, roanagets and 1,981 1,552 429 syrup and granulated or clarified sugar from workers of rea plantation sugar beets 0'33 of Workers rubber plantation 2-4 Beverages 61 61 0-4 wood-cu.tt(ng 4389 4,244 145 forestr~ and 2'43 foe manufacturers 38 38 0-41 Charcoal burners 142 H2 2-40 Making of aerated Watet 23 23 0-42 1,064 1,048 16 and vinegar 2-5 Tobaao 18 18 Collectors of lac 39 39 2-51 Manufacture of bidis 18 18 Grass-cutters 423 407 16 2-6 Cotton Textiles 153 145 8 Labourers in forest 524 524 2-61 Dhunia 52 51- forest contractors 73 78 2'62 Cotton weaving 97 90 129 0-43 'lI'ood'cutters 2,190 2,061 Work.ers in cotton tuilis 0-40 Planting, replanting and 2-63 Cotton dyeing and 4 3 conservation of forests 993 993 bleaching (including forest officers, 2-7 Weanng apparel (except 1,878 1,765 113 rangers and guards) foot wear) and made'up 0-6 Fishing 8 8 tex nle goods 1,821 8 2- 71 Tailors, milliners, dress­ 1,7C8 113 0-60 Catching and seJHng 01 fish - - B makers and darner> Division I-Mining and 72 70 2 2-72 57 57 Quarrying Hosiet"f manufatut'e 44 44 1-1 eonl mining 7 7 EmbrOiderers, makers of 13 13 1-3 Metal mining except iron are mining crepe, hce and Eri{'.ges 1-30 Min,ng of metallic minerals 2-8 T extlfe mduscries otherwise 21 20 1 otherWise unclassified unda.~sifie.d 5 5 1-5 Ston"q"arT~ing, cla, and 64 62 2 2-81 Jute pressing, baling, sand-pits spinning and. weaving Stone quarrying 64 62 1- 2-82 Wool spinning 15 Division 2-Processing and 4,794 4,500 294 Manufacture-Foodstuffs. 2-86 M"DufactuYe of .ope, Textiles, Leather and twine, srring and other Pruducts thereof related goods from cocoa­ nuts, aloes, straw linseed 247 76 2-D Food industries otherwise 323 and hair, and ,."das,,~ed moonj products 2-01 Canning and preservation uf fruits .nd vegetables 2:9 Lea[ner, le

Code Code no. no. Occupation Persons Males Females Occupation Persons Males Females --~------~------'----3 4 5 2 3 4 5 ----~------Blacksmiths and other 508 502 4'3 Cement cement pipes and 21 21 workers in iron other cements products 33 3'02 33 Manufacture of cement 21 21 Workers in copper, brass 23 23 pipes and cement concrete and bell metal products 10 10 Kalaigars 4'4 Non metallc mineral products 272 266 6 3'03 Workers in other metal 4'41 Potters and makers of ear- 269 263 6 thenware 1,377 1,369 8 3'06 Makers of arms guns etc. 4' 44 Makers of glassware including workers in 3 3 ordnance factories 4'5 Rubber products 4 4 3'1 Iron and sted (basic manu­ facture) 4'6 Wood and wood products other 1,855 1,829 26 Iron smelting refining and _.- than furniture and fixtures alloying -4761 Sawyers 28 28 3'3 Transport eq,,,pment 348 346 2 4'62 Carpenters, turners and 1,629 1,622 1 3 32 335 333 2 joiners 4'63 Manufacture of plywood 2 2 Manufacture, repair and 116 114 2 aSsem blage of bicycles 4'64 Basket makers 177 158, III Repair of motor vehicles 219 219 4'60 Makers of leaf products (pattals 19 19 3'34 Rickshaw and palk' manu­ 13 13 and donas) facturers and repairers 4'7 Furniture and fixtures 17 17 3'4 Electrical machinery appara­ 7 7 tus, appllances, and Manufacture of all kinds of 17 17 supphes furniture 2 :4 3'41 Manufacture of electric 4'8 Paper products ' 3 2 1 lamps Makers of paper and paper 3 3·40 Manufacture and repair 5 2 of electric household applian­ board products such as ces card board boxes and ki te 3'5 Machmery (other than 4 4 etc. electrical machmery ) 4' 9 Printing and allied industries [83 includmq engmee nng 176 workshops 4'91 Workers in press,printers, 175 168 1 3' 51 Mechanics 4 4 lithographers etc. 3'6 Basic 'mdustrial chemicals, Ferti. 4'92 Book binders and stitchers 8 8 lizers and power alcohol 20 20 Division 5-Construction 3,868 3,554 314 3'61 Manulacture of acids, alk.\\ies 18 18 andUtilities and salts 5'0 Construction and maintenance 114 114 3'65 Power alcohol 2 2 of works otherwise unclassified 3'7 Medical and pharmaceutical pre­ 38 38 parations 5'1 Construction and maintenance 984 953 31 bUildings 3'8 Manufacture of chemical pro­ 110 110 5'11 770 ducts otherwl'e unclasSIfied 739 31 Masons, mazdoors 3'81 Manufacture of perfumes 89 89 245 245 cosmetics and other toilet Bricklayers preparations 525 494 .31 3'82 Manufacture of soaps 18 18 5'12 Stone-cutters and dressers 94 94 3'83 Manufacture of paints and 5'13 Painters and decorators 120 120 varnishes of houses 3'85 Manufacture of candle 2 2 5'2 Construction and maintenance 797 782 15 Division 4-Processing roads ,bridges and other and Manufacture not 3,153 3,096 57 transport works elsewhere specified Railway coolles or ma:doors 695 680 4'0 Manufacturing mdustnes other­ 702 695 7 15 wise unci ass'fied in construction and supply 4'02 Manufacture of photographic 18 18 and optical goods Railway contractors 30 30 4'03 Repair and manufacture of 27 watches and clocks Road and building contractors 72 72 4'04 Makers of jewellery and orna­ 488 481 5' 3 Construction and ments ( Sarmf) 1 maintenance Telegraph 4'05 Manufacture and repair of 6 6 musical instruments and and Telephone lines appliances 5'4 Construction and maintenance 10 10 4'00 Lime kiln workers 163 163 operations-irrigation and other agricultural works 4'2 Bricks, tiles and other struc­ 96 86 10 tural day products EmpToyees of irrigation depart- 10 10 Brick kiln workers 96 86 10 ment 56

Index of Non-ag.ricu}twral ~upations-(contd.)

Code Code DO_ Occupation Persons Males Females no. Occupation Persons Males Females

--.------2-~--- --~-3 4 J j ------2 4 5-S Works and services-electnc 2.11 241 MIlk shops 103 101 2 power and gas supply 5- 51 Employees of electric supply 241 241 Sweetmeat sellers 169 169 company 5-6 Works and services-domestic Ghee shop-keepers and 205 180 25 and industna! water supply dealers in other dairy 5-7 Sanita.y works and servIce, - 1,720 1 ..152 268 products including scavengers 45 45 Division 6-Commerce 11,581 11,368 213 Aerated water sellers 29 29 6-0 Retai! trade otherwiSe unclassified 5,952 ,)/)66 86 Ice sellers 10 10 309 302 7 I Wine and liquor shops 6 6 Bangle sellers 84 81 3 I 28 28 Hawkers and street vendors 225 221 otherwise unclassified Opium, hhang and ganja 4 4 6-02 Chemists and druggists 64 64 sellers Tobacco shops 24 24 59 59 6-14 Street vendors of drinks and 50 47 3 Newspaper sellers 4 4 foodstuffs like chat etc_ Publishers and booksellers 55 55 6-15 Retail dealers in pan, 354 341 13 bid,s and cigarettes Dealers in cattle 6 6 6'2 Reta!! trade In fuel (tnclud­ 205 200 5 Ing petrol) 5,514 5,43; 79 6-20 184 179 5

General store keepets I,3EO 1,351 23 Retail dealers in firewood 127 122 5

Kirana, purchoom shops 3,302 3,246 56 Coal shops 42 42 Unclassified contractors 88 88 Hawkers selling cow-dung 15 15 cakes Hardware merchants, paint 282 282 6-21 Petroleum d,stributors 21 21 and varnish sellers Radio dealers 20 20 6- 3 Reta.l trade In texlIle and 1,187 1,175 12 "' leather goods Toy shops 15 15 Cloth merchants 986 975 11

Electric goods ~hops 13 13 Wool shop-keepers 149 149 Aluminium stores Silk merchants 6

Kabari shops 11 E Boot and shoe merchants __ 38 38 Trunk sellers 4 4 Leather sellers Unclassified shop-keepers 70 '(I Fur goods shopkeepers 6 6 Flower sellers 19 19 6-4 Wholesale trade in food­ 58 58 stuffs Watch sellers 11 14 Wholesale dealers in- Grains and pulses 47 47 Cycle and motor dealers 15 15 Eggs Dealers in wooden articles 28 28 Fruits and vegetables 10 10 Typewriter and other machi- 5 5 nery dealers_ __ 6-5 Wholesale trade In commodities 10 10 Atms and ammunitions dealers 2 2 other than food-stuffs Sport goods dealers 2 2 Wholesale dealers in- All other articles other 10 10 Lime, cement, sand and stone 129 129 than foodstuffs dealers 6-6 Real estate 6 3 3 Retail dealers in utensil. 110 110 House & estate agents 6 3 6-1 RetaIl dealers In foodstuffs 3,745 3,641 104 «including beverages and 6-7 Insurance 9!1 narcotics) 6-U 3,268 3,180 8S All persons connected 9 9 With insurance business Retail dealers in grams and 1,462 1,422 40 pulses 6-S Money lending banking and 409 406 3 Retail trade in sugar and 206 2C6 other finanCIal business spices Money lending Egg sellers 85 85 JOint stock and co-operative_ _ 288 286 2 Fruit shop-keepers 102 99 3 I bank employees Vegetable sellers 847 829 18 Money brokers and their 120 120 agents .• Sellers of fodder for animals 11 11 Division 7-'rransport, Stor- 4,003 3,982 21 age and Communlcation. Grass sellers 6 6 7-0 Transport and commumcation; • 95 95 Biscuit and cake sellers 42 42 otherwise unclassified and incidental services Dry fruit sellers 30 30 57 Index of NOll-agricultural OccupatioDs-(concld.)

Code Code no_ Occupation Persons Males Females no. Occupation Persons Males Females S ,--1-- ~-2 -~- --1 - I 3 4

7- I Transport by road 2,438 2,423 15 emplv)ees 861 860 1 Other Stare GovenlInent 2,370 2,368 2 palledari empolyees 109 109 Bullock cart owners and *8-8 Employees of the Union 11,593 11,484 109 drivers Government Taxi owners and drivers 544 543 Transport of goods by mules 106 106 Income tax employees 13 13 and horses Employees of excise 14 14 ' Transport by asses 15 15 department Employees of survey 1,834 1,814 20 Tonga owners and drivers 162 160 2 department Service in government 615 6C4 11 Employees of central 89 89 roadways p, W_D. Military lorry drivers 26 26 C, 1. D, services 5 5 7-4 Railwa, transport 997 994 3 Other Union Government 9,638 9549 89 7-41 Railway employees of all 569 566 employees kinds except those employ­ 8'9 Employees of Non·lndian 23 23 ed on construction works __ Governments Division-9 Services 428 428 28,793 26,745 2,048 7-42 Railway porters not elsewhere 7-5 Storage and warehousing 2 2 specified 9-0 Services otherwise 15,738 14,343 1,395 Postal services 270 270 7-6 unclassified 7-7 Telegraph services 47 47 Independent labourers 15,738 14,343 1,395 153 7-8 Telephone services 154 Domestic services (but not 7,734 7,372 362 Division 8-Health, Edu­ 19.830 19,110 720 including services rendered cation and public Admi· by members of family nistration households to one another) 803 642 161 Private motor drivers and 394 394 8-1 Medical and other Health cleaners services Cooks 531 492 39 S-ll Registered medical 335 324 11 prac.titioners 9-13 GardeneTs 99:1 982 10 S-12 Vaids, hakims 133 130 3 9-10 5,817 5,504 313 S-13 Dentists 6 6 .Domestic servants 5,682 5,369 313 8-14 Midwives, dais 55 55 Karinda zamindar 135 135 S-15 Vaccinators 1 9'2 Barbers and beauty shops 797 768 29 8-16 Compounders 129 124 5 Barbers 685 685 8-17 Nurses 73 73 Lady hair dressers etc, 29 29 S-lO All other persons employed 71 57 14 Hair cuttmg saloons and 83 83 in hospitals not including beauty shops scavengers and sanitary staff Masseur 2,287 1,868 419 Educational s",vices and Research 9-3 Laundries and laundry services 751 670 81 1,127 959 168 Dhabies 596 515 81 Professors and lecturers in 1,HH 936 168 Dry cleaning shops 130 130 universities and colleges Research workers in 23 23 Laundries 25 25 Research institutions 9-4 Hotels, restaurants and eating 933 924 9 762 544 218 Muses Em ployces of hotels and 933 Teachers In schools 722 514 2G8 924 9 restaur ,lnts 40 30 10 Private tutors 9-S Rccrcanon services 1,003 892 111 398 365 33 8'20 Clerks and ,e



Total household population Sample of household population

Total number Total number of sample Classes of households Persons Males Females households Persons Males Females

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

All Classes- Total 71,448 351,906 201,821 150,085 3,806 17,458 10,196 7,262 Rural 38,341 189,522 106,927 82,595 2,042 10,227 5,870 4,357 Urban 33,107 162,384 94,894 67,490 1,764 7,231 4,326 2,905 Agricultural Classes­ Total 1,455 7,918 4,4(1 3,517 Rural 1,423 7,777 4,327 3,450 Urban 32 141 74 67 Non-agricultural Classes- Total 2,351 9,540 5,795 3,745 Rural 619 2,450 1,543 907 Urban 1,732 7,090 4,252 2,838 ------_.


Composition of house-

Infants, non-adults and adults in

Infants (age less than Non-adults (age I- I year) 20 years) Other m ale Other fern ale Daughters relations relations Sons of heads of heads of of heads of of heads of Classes of households households households households Males Females Males Females 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

All Classes- Total 3,508 2,344 2,214 2,009 173 160 4,887 3,461 Rural 2,180 1,237 1,264 1,333 88 83 2,692 2,027 Urban 1,328 1,107 950 676 85 77 2,195 1,434 Agricultural Classes- Total 1,728 925 1,038 1,170 66 73 2,113 1,622 Rural 1,708 902 1,017 1,155 63 71 2,087 1,588 Urban 20 23 21 15 3 2 26 34 Non-agricultural Classes-

Total 1,780 1,419 1,176 839 107 87 2,774 1,839 Rural 472 335 247 178 25 12 605 439 Urbaa 1,308 1,084 929 661 82 75 2,169 1,400 59 '~~ABLE C~:r: (SAMPLE) TABLES

(size and composition)


~-- - --~----~ Composition of ' Size of households households ------

Small Medium Large Very large Heads of hous~' holds and 3 members or less 4-6 members 7-9 members 10 members or above their wives

Number Persons Number Persons Number Persons Number Persons Number Persona

-----10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

1,589 3,103 1,401 6,811 585 4,555 231 2,989 3,668 2,386 724 1,488 807 3,964 358 2,787 153 1,988 2,010 1,499 865 1,615 594 2,847 227 1,768 78 1,001 1,658 887

423 930 608 3,009 291 2,276 133 1,703 1,429 1,158 406 893 600 2,970 286 2,237 131 1,617 1,399 1,134 17 37 8 39 5 39 2 26 30 24

1,166 2,173 793 3,802 294 2,279 98 1,286 2,239 1,228 318 595 207 994 72 550 22 311 611 365 S48 1,578 586 2,808 222 1,729 76 975 1,62'8 863

HOUSEHOLDS holds-(concld,) households Civil condition

Adults (age 21 years and over) Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-----is- 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

5,136 3,641 4,223 2,938 4,837 3,783 1,136 541 3,090 2,247 2,025 1,592 3,021 2,392 824 373- 2,046 1,394 2,198 1,346 1,816 1,391 312 168

2,222 1,822 1,360 1,235 2,417 1,963 624 319 2,177 1,791 1,331 - 1,206 2,382 1,932 614 312 45 31 29 29 35 31 10 7

2,914 1,819 2,863 1,703 2,420 1,820 512 222 913 456 69"1 386 639 460 210 61

2,001 1,363 2,169 1.317 1,781 1,360 302 161 TABLE C-II 60 Livelihood Classes



I-Cultivators of II-Cu Iti vators of land wholly or land wholly or mainly owned mainly unowned Ill-Cultivating and their and thelt labourers and Sample Population dependants dependants theiI"_dependants_

Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females



Total 31,186 UJ,069 13,117 5,595 4,901 766 712 437 275

o 922 451 471 132 140 12 6 12 13 1-4 3,014 1,474 1,540 503 526 60 98 35 28 5-14 6,671 3,560 3,111 1,227 1,179 128 148 81 63

15-24 6,387 3,806 2,581 1,005 886 118 87 96 37

25-34 5,483 3,434 2,049 837 739 160 124 80 57

35-44 3,893 2,411 1,482 759 616 123 113 62 27

45-54 2,655 1,708 947 621 415 95 74 44 20

55-64 1,393 798 595 332 262 51 40 23 13

65-74 538 299 239 126 97 14 15 ... 16

75 & over 225 126 99 52 40 5 7 1

Age not stated 5 2 3 1 1 Rural

Total 18,667 10,293 8,374 5432 4,803 720 668 423 275 o 517 253 264 130 136 9 6 12 13 1-4 1,841 880 961 494 519 53 92 35 28 5-14 4,054 2,073 1,981 1,191 1,151 118 129 81 63

15-24 3,406 1,872 1,534 939 871 106 84 92 37

25-34 3,096 1,820 1,276 826 729 156 121 77 57

35-44 2,469 1,460 1,009 742 607 121 104 59 27

45-54 1,783 1,098 685 611 402 71 41 20

55-64 987 564 423 324 256 51 39 22 13

65-74 365 196 169 123 91 13 15 4 16

75 &. over 145 76 69 51 40 4 7

Age not stated 4 1 3 Tehsil Chakrata 1,931 548 Total 5,740 3,021 2,719 1,864 550 81 86 o 85 47 38 37 28 1-4 459 192 267 122 168 42 71 6 6 5-14 1,111 536 575 385 406 89 99 16 23 378 280 280 70 63 9 15-24 843 465 4 447 302 296 117 25-34 t,013 566 101 17 18 441 317 291 97 35-44 942 501 97 17 13 294 199 45-54 694 400 276 70 65 9 10 232 135 150 136 46 34 55-64 417 48 12 65-74 137 63 74 47 14 6 20 14 12 4 6 75 & over 38 18 Age not stared 1 61 TABLE C-II by Age Groups


IV-Non-cultivating Persons (i~c)uding their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from- owners of land; agri­ cultural rent receivers; V Production other Vnr-Dther services and and thei r dependants than cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport miscellaneous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

18 19 20

Total 106 72 2,354 1,589 1,309 1.,063 455 257 7,047 4,248

4 63 64 43 51 18 8 171 185

2 7 193 192 132 132 34 34 515 523

36 21 420 397 288 253 77 56 1,303 994

30 3 490 334 241 227 106 63 1,720 944 7 8 510 270 224 166 120 51 1,496 634

4 9 340 161' 165 97 45 25 913 434 6 .. 209 85 122 70 40 11 571 268 11 13 89 54 64 45 10 5 218 163

6 3 25 26 21 10 3 3 100 69 4 14 6 9 12 2 40 33

1 1 1 Total 43 47 1,329 883 261 208 121 71 1,964 1,419

2 29 38 9 8 8 3 56 58

4 93 105 23 24 5 6 176 183

11 13 222 211 50 52 23 15 377 347

8 274 187 35 48 26 19 392 287

5 7 307 143 50 26 31 11 368 182

3 4 200 93 33 16 11 10 291 148

4 2 124 55 34 19 13 2 182 114

5 11 54 34 19 10 3 2 86 51t

5 3 17 14 7 2 2 26 26

9 3 3 10 15 1 (Rural)

229 88 11 22 16 199 115 1 6 2 5 3 12 10 2 9 10

24 16 5 6 16 25 59 19 5 5 2 37 10 67 11 5 2 57 19 37 16 2 3 28 23 15 5 2 28 a

1l 5 '! 17 5 2 2 2 4 2 TABLE C-II 62 Livelihood Classes



f -Cultvators of lI--Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or mainly owned mainly unowned III --Cultivating Sample Population and their and their labourers and dependants dependants their dependants

Age Group l!ersons Males Females Male. Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

Tehsil Dehra Dun

fotal 12,927 7,272 5,655 3,501 2,939 172 118 342 189

o 432 206 226 93 108 8 6 12 12

1-4 1,382 688 694 372 351 11 21 29 22

5-14 2,943 1,537 1,406 806 745 29 30 65

15-24 2,563 1,407 1,156 659 591 36 21 83 33

15-34 2,083 1,254 829 524 433 39 20 60 39

35-44 1,527 959 568 425 316 24 7 42 14

45-54 1,089 698 391 335 203 19 6 32 IJ

55-64 570 332 238 174 120 5 5 15 8

65-74 228 133 95 76 43 4 10

75 & over 107 58 49 37 28

Age not stated 3 3

Urban Total 12,519 7,776 4,743 163 98 46 44 14

o 405 198 207 2 4 3

1-4 1,173 594 579 9 7 7 6

5-14 2,617 1,487 1,130 36 28 10 19

15-24 2,981 1,934 1,047 66 1.5 12 3 4

25-34 2,387 1,614 773 11 10 4 3 3 35-44 1,424 951 473 17 9 2 9 3

45-54 872 610 262 10 13 6 3 3

55-64 406 234 172 8 6 1

65-14 173 103 70 3 6

75 & over 80 50 30

Age not stated .. 1 1 Urban

Total 2,317 1,617 700 42 15 29 22 1 o 54 24 30 2 1-4 200 91 109 2 3 3 5-14 3D9 219 50 7 3 10 7 15;-24 542 420 122 22 3 6 25-34 553 438 115 4 2 3 2 35-44 293 91 4 2 6 45-54 131 137 44 2 3 2 55-64 75 49 26 65-74 34 26 8 75 & over 16 11 5

Age not stated 63 TABLE C-II by Age Grollps-(contd.)



IV-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from-- owners of land; agri­ cultural tent receivers; V-Production other -- _._ ---VIlI-Other services and and their depe.:..:n::.::d:._:a::_nt::.s ___ than cultivation VI-Com merce VII-Transport miscella"eous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 11 li\- ---1-3--- --14 --18-- - ._---- ___ 16 ___-=-17 _-=-19~ __ 20 (Rural) 43 47 1,100 795 250 208 99 55 1,765 1,304

2 27 32 9 8 6 3 51 55

4 81 95 23 24 4 4 167 173

II 13 198 195 49 52 18 9 361 322

8 1 215 168 30 48 21 17 355 277

5 240 132 49 26 26 9 311 163

4 163 77 31 16 8 9 263 125

4 1. 109 50 32 19 13 154 100

5 11 43 29 19 10 2 2 69 53

5 3 15 14 2 24 22

9 3 3 10 13

Total 63 25 1,025 706 1,048 855 334 186 5,083 3,829

2 34 26 34 43 10 5 115 127

3 100 87 109 J08 29 28 339 340

25 8 198 186 238 201 54 41 926 647

22 2 216 147 206 179 80 44 1,328 657

2 203 127 174 110 89 40 1,128 452

1 5 140 68 132 81 34 15 286

2 2 85 30 88 51 27 9 154

6 2 3.1 20 4.t; 35 7 3 132 105

1 8 12 14 8 2 74 43

3 5 3 8 9 2 30 18

1 Non-city 4 1 131 64 186 182 47 16 1,177 400 6 3 2 13 19 12 9 22 30 4 2 49 63 18 14 37 43 6 3 140 80 24 12 29 30 10 3 329 72 31 11 34 25 14 5 352 10 16 13 1.0 23 7 2 153 45 18 21 15 3 90 24 3 4 12 9 1 28 16 5 16 6 4 7 5 TABLE C-II 64

Livelihood Classes



I-Cultivators of ll-Cultivators of land wholly or land wholly or mainly owned mainly unowned III-Cultivating and their and their labourers and Sample Population dependants dependants their dependants

Age Group Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females -9--1-0------2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Total 10,202 6,159 4,043 121 83 17 22 13

0 351 174 177 2 3

1-4 973 503 470 8 5 4 3

5-14 2,248 1,268 980 29 25 12

15-24 2,439 1,514 925 44 12 6 4

25-34 1,834 1,176 658 8 3

35-44 1,131 749 382 13 3 2

45-54 691 473 218 8 12 3 3

55-64 331 185 146 7 6 '1

65-74 139 77 62 5

75 & over 64 39 25

Age not stated 1 65 TABLE C-II by Age Groups-(concld.)



Persons (including.their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from- IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agri- cultural tent receivers; V -"Production other VIII --Other services and and their dependants than cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport miscellaneous sources


Male, Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 L5 16 17 18 19 20

City 59 24 894 642 862 673 287 170 3,906 2,429

2 28 23 32 36 9 5 102 108

3 88 78 87 78 25 26 290 277

24 8 180 172 201 158 48 38 786 567

n 2 192 135 177 149 70 41 999 585

'l 172 116 140 115 75 35 776 3S2

124 55 112 58 27 13 469 241

2 2 67 29 67 36 24 8 299 130

3 1 - 31 20 33 26 6 3 104 89 6 11 9 B 58 37

3 5 3 .. 9 2 23 13 TABLE C-III 66

~ge and Civil

Sample Population

Widowed or­ Total Unmarried Married divorced

Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-1- 2 3___ 4,___ _::______::6 ___-,-- ___S,:,_ __ 9 10 11

District Total 31,186 18,069 13,117 8,254 5,287 8,625 6,654 1,190 1,176

Rural Total 18,667 10,293 8,374 4,286 3,088 5,257 4,469 750 817

Tehoil Chahata (Rural) 5,740 3,021 2,719 656 670 2,257 1,810 108 239

1 Tehoil Dehra Dun (Rural) 12,927 7,272 5,655 3,630 2,418 3,000 2,659 642 578

Urban Total 12,519 7,776 4,743 3,968 2,199 3,368 2,185 440 359

Urban Non-city 2,317 1,617 700 737 313 774 328 106 59

i Dehra Dun City 10,202 6,159 4,G43 3,231 1,886 2,594 1,857 334 300

Age 15-24-(concld.) Age

Widowed or Unmarried Married divorced Total Unmarried

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 1 2 26 27 28 29 --3-0--3-1- _:-3.._2 _____::3:-_3_ ~34 35 District Total 2,146 421 1,584 2,128 76 32 3,434 2,049 541 28

Rural Total 968 168 884 1,342 20 24 1,820 1,276 215 5

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 94 10 369 363 5 566 447 27

1 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 874 158 515 979 18 19 1,254 829 188

Urban Total 1,178 253 700 786 56 8 1,614 773 326 23

Urban Non-city 265 22 153 98 2 438 115 79 2

1 Dehra Dun City 913 231 547 688 54 6 1,176 658 747 21

Age 45-54-(condd.) Age

Widowed or Unmarried Married divorced Total

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females _1 ______2 50 51 ____~5~2 ______~5~3 ____~5~4~ __~5~S ____~56- ____~57

District Total 102 12 1,229 651 377 284 798 595

Rural Total 43 3 772 487 283 195 564 423

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 375 244 M ~ n2 1~

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 42 3 397 243 259 145 332 238

Urban Total 59 9 457 164 94 [>9 234 172

Urban Non-city 24 .. 82 25 31 15 49 26

2 Dehra Dun City 35 5 375 139 63 74 185 146 67 TABLE C-III


Age 0 Age 1-4 Age 5-14 • Age 15-24

Widowed or lotal Total Total Unmarried Married divorced Total

Males Females Mal~s Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 zo 21 22 Z3 24- - -25

451 471 1,474 1,540 3,560 3,111 3,285 2,787 273 323 2 1 3,806 2,581

25,1 264 880 961 2,073 1,981 1,803 1,674 268 306 2 1 1,872 1,534 47 38 192 267 536 575 282 352 252 223 2 465 378

206 226 688 694 1,537 1,406 (521 1,322 16 83 1,407 1,156

198 207 594 579 1,487 1,130 1,482 1,113 5 17 1,934 1,047 24 30 91 109 219 150 219 145 5 420 12:2

174 177 503 470 1,268 980 1,263 968 5 12 1,514 925

25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54

Widowed Or Widowed or Married divorced Total Unmarried Married divorced Total

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

~ ____~37~ ____~3B~ ____3_9 ____~~ ____ ~41 ______4~2 ____~B ____ ~44~ ____4~5 ____4~6~ __~47~ __~4~8 _____4_9

2,736 1,948 157 73 2,411 1,482 196 19 2,015 1,283 200 180 1,708 947

1,518 1,228 87 43 1,460 1,009 98 9 1,254 888 108 112 1,098 685

530 444 9 3 501 441 11 3 485 423 5 15 400 29-4

988 784 78 48 959 568 87 6 769 465 103 97 698 391

1,218 720 70 30 951 473 98 10 761 395 92 68 610 26~

344 106 15 202 91 22 157 80 23 11 137 44

874 614 55 23 749 3,,2 76 10 604 315 69 57 473 218

55-64 Age 65-74

Widowed or Unmarried Married divorced Total Unmarried Married

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 -~ ----"67,-----6N8,-----'6~9~

37 1 572 251 189 343 299 239 13 5 160 52

19 1 409 174 136 248 196 169 5 114 36

195 91 36 94 63 74 42 18

18 214 83 100 154 133 95 5 7Z 18

l' 163 77 53 95 103 70 , 5 46 16

S 24 8 17 18 26 8 3 12 3

10 139 69 36 77 77 62 5 34 13 TABLE C-III 68 Age and Civil

Age 65-74-{condd.} Age 75 and

...u .0 e Widowed or a dlVorced Total Unmarried Married -.; - 'J: ----- Tract (/)" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ""-73---- 2 70 71 n 74 75 76 77 District Total 126 182 126 99 9 54 18 Rural Tota! 77 133 76 69 2 37 8

Tehs11 Chakrata (Rura 1) 21 56 18 20 8 4

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 56 77 58 49 29 4 Urban Tota! • 49 49 50 30 7 17 10 Urban Non-city 11 4 11 5 2 2 3

2 Dehra Dun City 38 45 39 25 5 15

NOTE-In the above table the figures for w1dowed and

u... .0 e All ages Age 5-14 Age 15-24 Age 25-34 " ~., Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females U) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 District Total 111 77 34 26 7 24 6 Rural Tota! 65 43 :l2 1 6 5 17 1 Tehail Chakrata (Rural) 20 :r' 17 ... ' 1 2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 45 40 5 6 16

Urban Tota! 46 34 12 20 2 7 5 Urban Non-city 8 3 5 2

38 31 7 20 5 ... 69 TABLE C-III


over Age not stated

Widowed or Widowed or divorced Total Unmarried Married divorced

Males Female. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

78 79 80 81' 82 83 84 85 86 87 63 81 2 3 3 2 37 61 1 J 3 1

9 16 1

28 45 3 3

26 20 1 1 7 2

19 18 1

divorced have been combined. The figures for divorced persons are as follows:

Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65-74 Age 75 and over Age not stated ------Male. Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .-~------17 8 6 3 12 1 13 5 4 2 11

2 11

12 3

4 3 2 1 1 1 1 2

3 2 TABLE C-IV 70

Age and

Sample .8 e e" Total Literate (;j t:: r:n" Tract Males Females Males Females 2 3 4 --~-6--

District Total 18,069 13,117 6,566 1,831

Rural Total 10,293 8,374 2,206 415

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 3,021 2,719 352 28

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 7,272 5,655 1,854 387

Urban Total 7,776 4,743 4,360 1,416

Urban Non-city 1,617 700 976 204

2 Dehra Dun City 6,159 4,043 3,384 1,212

Age 5-9-(conc!d.) Age t .!:le '"

District Total 1,365 1,502 1,893 1,441

Rural Tota! 931 1,072 1,058 872

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) .. 247 329 259 239

2 Tehsil Dehr. Dun (Rural) 684 743 799 633

Urban Tota! 434 430 835 569

Urban Non-city 77 68 114 72

2 Dehra Dun City 357 362 721 497

Age G).. .!:l ---- e Total Literate '"

District Total - 3,434 2,049 1,722 353 Rural Total 1,820 1,276 469 65

Tehsil Chakr.ta (Rural) .• 566 447 74 3

2 Tehsil Dehr. Dun (Rural) 1,254 829 395 62

Urban Total 1,614 773 1,253 288

1 Urban Non-city 438 115 316 43 2 Dehra Dun City 1,176 658 937 245 71 TABLE C.IV


Population Age 0-4 Age 5-9

Illiterate Total Total Literate

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

__~7 ______8______9______1_0 ______11______12______1_3 _____ ------~

11,503 11,286 1,925 2,011 1,667 1,670 302 168

8,087 7,959 1,133 1,225 1,015 1,109 84 37

2,669 2,691 239 305 277 336 30 7

5,418 5,268 894 920 738 773 54 30

3,416 3,321 792 786 652 561 218 131

641 496 115 139 105 78 28 10

2,775 2,831 677 647 547 483 190 121

10-14 Age 15-24

Literate Illiterate Total Literate Illiterate

Males Females Males FemaJes Males Females Males Females Males Females

----,1"'9------=20------2i - - - - -'Z2°------;2"3:------;;2T4-----2"'5,------,;26o------,.27,-----~2;n8--

751 410 1,142 1,031 3,806 2,581 1,972 502 1,834 2,079

352 87 706 785 1,872 1,534 600 145 1,272 1,389 61 3 198 236 465 378 89 3 376 375

291 84 508 549 1,407 1,156 511 142 896 1,014

399 323 436 246 1,934 1,047 1,372 357 562 690 78 35 36 37 420 122 293 64 127 58

321 288 4CO 209 1,514 925 1,079 293 435 632

25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54

lliterate Total Literate Illiterate Total

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

____:3:_:3 ______:3:_:4 ______c:_3::_5 ______3=-:6=-- ______-=-3.___7 - _~~ ~_-_38___ -= =- __3'_':9'=-=-=-=-==4{I:-=-=-=-=-====4~1==-=====4~2=~ 1,712 1,696 2,411 1,482 901 200 1,510 1,282 1,708 947

1,351 1,211 1,460 1,009 332 43 1,128 966 1,098 685 j 492 444 501 -.wI 42 11 459 430 400 294

859 767 959 568 290 32 669 536 698 391

361 485 951 473 569 157 382 316 610 262 122 72 202 91 129 27 73 64 137 44 239 413 749 382 +lO 130 309 252 473 218 TABLE C-IV 12

Age and

Age 45-54-(concld.)

Literate Illiterate

Tract Males Females Males

2 43 44 45 46

District Total 559 113 1,149 834

Rural Total 229 24 869 ~1 Tehsil_ Chakrat. (Rural) 46 354 293

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 183 23 515 368

Urban Total 330 89 280 173

Urban NOn"city 75 18 62 26

Z Dehra Dun City 255 71 21B 147

... -~---_ ----

... Age 65-74-(concld.) Age 75 .c"e a Illiterate Total Literate

District Total 211 215 126 99 32 13

Rural Total 17f 164 76 69 8 1 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 63 74 18 20

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 111 90 58 49 8

Urban Total 37 51 50 30 24 12 Urban Non-city 9 8 11 5 8

2 Dehra Dun-City 28 43 39 25 16 12

Note-Persons who can read but cannot write were seperatelv enumerated in the Census. In the table their

... All ages Age 5-9 Age 10-14 Age 15-24 .c" aEi 'p" Females Males Females Males Females V)" Tract Persons Males Males Females ------T- z 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

District Total 529 ( 417 112 65 26 42 17 92 24

Rural Total 219 178 41 34 8 24 6 26 12 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 38 35 3 3 7 6

2 Tehail Dehra Dun (Rural) 181 143 38 31 8 17 6 20 11

Urban Tota! 310 239 71 31 18 18 11 66 12 Urban Non-city 39 32 7 2 11

2 Dehra Dun City 271 207 64 30 18 18 9 SS 11 73 TABLE C-IV Literacy-{concld. )

Age 55-64 Age 65-74

Total Literate llliterate Total Literate

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Male. Female~

47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

798 595 239 48 559 547 299 239 88 24 564 423 110 8 454 415 196 169 22 5

232 185 10 222 185 63 74

332 238 100 8 232 230 133 95 22 5 234 172 129 40 105 132 103 70 66 19 49 26 32 7 17 19 26 8 17 185 146 91 33 88 113 77 62 49 19

------~ ----~--

and over Age not stated ------_-_- Illiterate Total Literate llliterate

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70-- 94 86 2 3 2 3

68 68 1 3 1 3

18 20 1

50 48 3 3

26 18 1 1

3 5

23 13 1

numberha. been included in the column for "illiterate". The number of such semi-literate persons is as follows:

Age 25-34 Age 35-44 Age 45-54 Age 55-64 Age 65-74 Age 75 and over Age not stated

Male. Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 122 22 47 7 26 11 11 3 9 2 3

38 6 32 5 13 3 5 5 1 1

5 8 6

33 5 24 4 7 -} 5 5

84 16 15 l 13 It 6 3 4 1 2

11 3 3 6

73 13 U 2 7 8 6 2 .; 2 TABLE C-V 74

Single Year

Sample Population Age 0 Age I

Tract Petsons Males Females Males Females Males Females

'l ______~3~ ______4~ ____~5 ______6~ ______~ ______8~ ______9 ~------~------Dl$trict Total 31,186 18,069 13,117 451 471 360 378

Rural Total 18,667 10,293 8,374 253 264 211 237

Tehsil Chaktata (Rural) 5,740 3,021 2,719 47 38 33 44

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rutal) 12,927 7,272 5,655 206 226 178 193

Urban Total 12,519 7,776 4,743 198 207 149 141 Urban Non-city 2,317 1,617 700 24 30 15 25

2 Dehra Dun City 10,202 6,159 4,043 174 177 134 116

Age 8 Age 9 Age 10 Age 11

OJ '': Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females UJ" ---27 ------28---- 29 ------1- 2 22 23 24 25 26 District Total 417 356 239 239 435 367 278 234

Rural Total 248 234 138 155 259 243 159 137 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 80 73 37 42 76 77 26 29

2 Tehsil Dehr. Dun (Rural) 168 161 101 113 183 166 133 108

Urban Total 169 122 101 84 176 124 119 97

Urban Non-city 27 19 14 9 23 16 19 12

2. Dehta Dun City 142 103 87 75 153 108 100 85

Age 18 Age 19 Age 20 Age 21

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

--~2------42 ------43 -- 4f------45 ____~46~ __~47~ ____~~~ ___ ~

District Total 554 294 266 245 598 339 257 254

Rural Total 283 174 118 126 285 221 121 154

1 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 81 53 27 17 77 61 35 29

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 202 121 91 109 'leB 160 86 125

Urban Total 271 120 148 119 313 118 136 100

Urban Non-city 50 19 25 6 59 10 37 5

2 Dehra Dun City 221 101 123 113 254 108 99 95 75 TABLE C-V

Age Returns-(contd.)

Age 1 Age 3 Age 4 Age 5 Age 6 Age 1

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males ,Females Males Females Males Females

10 11 12 l3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 360 416 375 399 379 347 386 384 324 374 301 317

208 251 213 257 248 216 237 242 203 257 189 221

44 76 51 SO 64 67 56 72 45 83 59 66

164 175 162 177 184 149 181 170 158 174 130 155

152 165 162 142 131 131 149 142 121 117 112 96

22 34 26 24 28 26 31 16 19 16 14 18

130 131 136 118 103 105 118 126- 102 101 \>8 78

Age 12 Age 13 Age 14 Age lS Age 16 Age 17

Males Females Males Females M ales Females Males Fern .. ;e. Males Females Males Females

30.~ _____3~1 ______3_2 ______3_3 ______3_4 ______3_5 ______3~6~ ____3~7 ______3_8 ____~3~9 40 41

497 341 331 252 352 247 375 252 382 221 291 277

292 207 170 149 178 136 207 157 188 133 151 154

80 51 36 43 41 39 49 32 45 40 46 42

212 156- 134 106 137 97 158 125 143 93 105 112

205 134 161 103 174 111 168 95 194 88 140 123

43 21 13 11 16 12 26 7 36 9 28 15

162 113 148 92 158 99 142 88 158 79 112 108

Age 22 Age 23 Age 24 Age 25

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

______:_c50=--- ______5::_::1~ ______'5:__2 ______=_53 ______=_54:__ ___ 55 ---56 57 503 317 246 162 334 220 790 455

258 209 108 93 153 113 405 269 51 41 28 19 26 44 80 57

207 168 80 74 127 69 325 212

245 108 138 69 181 107 385 186 57 15 43 9 59 27 III 15

m ~ % ~ ill 80 274 171 - TABLE C-V 76 Single Year

Age 26 Age 27 Age 28 Age 29

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65

Disuict Total 374 224 257 115 357 238 109 S5

Rural Total 178 147 137 70 202 142 44 37

Tehsil Chaktata (Rural) 47 51 46 30 64 51 16 16

2 Tehail Dehta Dun (Rural) 131 96 91 40 138 91 28 21

Urban Total 196 77 120 45 155 96 65 18

Urban Non-city 66 8 35 10 41 14 19

2 Dehra Dun City 130 69 85 3S 114 82 46 17

Age 3S Age 36 Age 37 Age 38

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

1 2 76 71 82 83 District Total 687 436 237 123 95 38 191 133

Rural Toral 397 278 154 84 61 22 126 92

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 89 85 74 42 32 12 61 57

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 308 193 80 42 29 10 65 35 " Urban Total 290 83 39 34 16 65 41

Urban Non-city 64 32. 26 9 8 5 10 7

2 Dehra Dun City 226 126 57 30 26 11 55 34

Age 44 Age 45 Age 46 Age 47

Tract Males Females Males Females Males I:emales Males Female.

1 2 ______~9~4 ______~95~ __~9~6 ______-~ 98 99 100 101 District Total 86 49 488 304 86 39 80 25

Rural Total 50 34 296 221 67 28 49 20

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 23 26 88 79 31 18 22 15

2 Tehail Dehra Dun (Runl) 27 8 208 142 36 10 27 5

Urban Total 36 15 192 83 19 11 31 5

Urban Non-city 5 5 42 10 4 5 6

2 Debra Dun City 31 10 150 73 15 6 25 4 77 TABLE C-V Age Returns-(contd.)

Age 30 Age 31 Age 32 Age 33 Age 34

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 812 595 115 44 323 179 132 55 165 89 436 356 50 37 198 117 83 4I 87 60 129 118 20 12 76 54 46 27 42 31

307 238 30 25 122 63 37 14 45 29

376 239 65 7 125 62 49 14 78 29 78 41 23 27 9 17 3 21 14

298 198 42 7 98 53 32 11 57 15

Age 39 Age 40 Age 41 Age 42 Age 43

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93

68 34 762 491 64 36 152 95 69 47

48 21 432 351 48 23 92 67 52 37

24 6 110 139 21 15 43 35 24 2+

24 15 322 212 27 8 49 32 28 13

20 13 330 140 1fi 13 60 28 17 10

9 66 23 3 9 5 4 2

11 13 264 117 15 10 51 23 13 8

Age 48 Age 49 Age 50 Age 51 Age 52

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 102 1o3-----104 ----:;ln05~---.-;I(Xi~------.1"'07,----,-;10"'8----"1O;;;;9~----.;-1.,10.------.-11"1-

133 74 40 19 601 355 48 36 113 44

94 49 31 15 374 251 36 31 76 35

38 27 16 14 119 95 20 11 29 16

S6 22 15 255 156 16 20 47 19

39 25 9 227 104 12 5 37 9 10 2 42 12 3 3 14

29 18 185 92 9 2 23 8 TABLE c-v 78 Single Year ... .J:J'" Ei Age 53 Age 54 Age 55 Age 56 ::s <=i ~

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 11 10 26 9 52 31 19 17

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 15 9 23 7 104 80 17 <1- Urban Total 18 9 26 7 68 54 14 13

1 Urban Non-city 6 3 8 2 9 9 4 2

2 Dehra Dun City 12 6 18 5 59 45 10 11

... .J:J.. ~ Age 63 Age 64 Age 65 Age 66 <=i ~ [/).. Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

----r---- . 2 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 District Total 26 6 17 22 103 63 18 12

Rural Total 19 6 9 20 72 48 6 9 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 12 3 3 6 27 26 2 6

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 7 3 6 14 45 22 4 3

Urban Total 7 8 2 31 15 12 3

Urban Non-city 3 3 5 4

2 Dehra Dun City 4 2 26 11 11 3

... .l! .e Age 73 Age 74 Age 75 Age 76 .:l..:: ~ ------~-.- [/)" Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159------~- District Total 7 5 5 4 34 28 10 2

Rural Total 3 2 1 2 17 22 6 2

Tehsil Chakra:ta(Rutt.l) 2 2 7 8

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 3 10 14 6 2

Urban Total 4 3 4 2 17 6 4

1 Urban Non-city 2 5

2 Dehra Dun City 2 2 3 12 5 3 79 TABLE C~V

Age Returns-(contd.)

Age 57 Age 58 Age 59 Age 60 Age 61 Age 62

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Male. Females Males Females

____~1~20 ______~12~1~ ____~12~2~ ____~1=23~ ____~1~24~ ____~1=2=5 ____1~2~6 ____~2~27~ __~1=28~ ____=12=9 ____ =13=0~ __~1~31

36 7 63 26 28 22 297 251 17 16 40 46

28 4 54 18 22 12 198 181 12 10 30 40

19 33 15 15 11 57 75 3 6 19 21

9 4 21 7 141 106 9 4 11 19

8 3 9 8 6 10 99 70 5 6 10 6 3 2 3 18 11 2 4

8 2 6 6 3 10 81 59 3 5 6 6

Age 67 Age 68 Age 69 Age 70 Age 71 Age 72

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.

140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151

13 30 18 14 5 12 106 83 1 4 23 12

8 27 12 9 1 2 77 63 3 16 4 .. 2 6 21 23 2 2 3 4 25 6 2 56 40 14

5 3 6 4 10 29 20 1 1 7 I

2 3 2 6 3

3 3 3 2 10 23 20 4 8

Age 77 Age 78 Age 79 Age 80 Age 81 Age 82

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 2 8 3 34 29 2 2 5 2 4 2 24 24 2 1 5

6 7 3 .. 2 18 17 2 4 1 10 5 1 4

3 10 TABLE C-V 80 Single Year

Age 83 Age 84 Age 85 Age 86

Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females


District Total .. 1 3 6 10

Rural Total 1 2 6

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) .• 2 4 5

Urban Total 1 2 4

Urban Non-city .•

2 Dehra Dun City 2 4

..H ..0e Age 92 Age 93 Age 94 Age 95 ..::I.:: -'k Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

Rural Total 1 1 A

1 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehoil Dehra Dun (Rural) .. 2

Urban Total 3 2

Urban Non-city

2 Dehr'" Dun City 2 2

.. ..0"e Age 105 Age 101 ::I.:: -;;; 'k Tract Males Females Males Females

District Total .• 2 1

Rural Total 2 1

Tehsit Chakrata (Rutal)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) •• 2

Urban Total ••

Urban Non-city

Z Debra Dun City 81 TABLE C~V

Age Ret'llnls-(concld.)

Age 87 Age 88 Age 89 Age 90 Age 91

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males • Females

180 181 1sz----183' - - - 184--~~- --;<18;£6-- 181 - 188-- -189 ~~-----~------2 11 1 6 5

1 1 3 3

2 3

1 11 3 2


11 1.

Age 96 Age 97 Age 98 Age 99 Age 100

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 201

1 1 3 1

1 2 1

1 1

Age 113 Age 115 Age not stated

Males Females Males Females Males Females --212 213 ------ri4 ------215 216 ------217 -~- _. ------~ ----- 1 1 2 3

1 1 1 3


Langu- (i) Mother ...... ce " Hindi Jaunsad Punjabi C;" ---~---~~ OJ;; J! Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females 4 5 6 8- 2 3 7 .__ ._---- District Total 101,425 75,121 29,356 24,658 18,664 14,651

Rural Total 47,876 37,720 29,257 24,633 3,021 2,07B

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 482 251 28,815 24,322 202 110

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) ~. ~7,394 37,469 442 311 2,819 1,968

Urban Total 53,549 37,401 99 25 15,643 12,573

1 Urban Non,city 7,931 4,200 88 2.2 1,890 1,356

2 Dehra Dun City 45,618 33,201 11 3 13,753 11,217

j e " Gorkhi Bengali Purbi OJ" ------~ OJ;; Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females rf)"

T~ 17 18 19 20 21 ----- 2 22 District Total 3,985 2,229 1,683 1,166 919 681

Rural Total 346 301 447 323 B90 610

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 66 32 2

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) ,. 280 269 445 323 890 610

Urban Total 3,639 1,92B 1,236 B43 29 71

Urban Non-city 169 52 211 149

2 Dehra Dun City 3,470 1,876 1,025 694 29 71

Kangri Binhari Jubli

----- ~----~ OJ;;" o:Jl Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females

~---- -1------2,------31-- 32 33 34 35 36 ~- -- ~ - -- - -_- District Total 455 142 316 235 366 146

Rural Total 412 120 316 235 366 ]46

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 295 109 310 139

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) .. 117 11 316 235 56 7

Urban Total 43 22

Urban Non'clty 10 7

2 Debra Dun City 33 15 CULTURAL TABLES 83 TABLE D-I ages Tongue

Garhwali Hindustani Urdu Nepali ------_------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

- ~- ~-- - -10--- 9 11 12 -13------14 - _------15 16 15,521 8,317 13,140 7,956 9,987 7,381 10,296 5,817

8,684 5,868 3,840 2,520 6,075 5,087 4,.393 2,294

624 376 406 16 56 37 513 60

8,060 5,492 3,434 2,504 6,019 5,050 3,880 2,234-

6,837 2,449 9,300 5,436 3,912 2,294 5,903 3,523

3,202 753 1,594 585 906 534 1,971 291-

3,635 1,696 7,706 4,851 3,006 1,760 3,932 3,231

Kumaoni English Sindhi Pushto -----_-- -- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female. ------23 24 25 26 ---~~ ------27 28 -----29 696 317 392 522 504 332 605 1(i1

375 58 56 51 11 9 30 6

281 14 3

94 44 55 51 11 9 27 6

321 259 336 471 493 323 575 161

148 82 133 188 107 65 26 4S

173 177 203 283 386 258 549 lLl

Kashmiri Tamil Marathi Gujri ------_--- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fernal .... ------y)- - 39------41--- ~ 40 42 43 ~44- ----~ ------414 57 226 124 270 59 158 154 303 41 26 14 19 24 158 154

109 25 2- 44 3~

194 16 24 14 19 24 114 118 III 16 200 110 251 35

22 4 45 36 79

89 12 155 74 172 35

---~---- -~------_-- - TABLE D-I 84 Lang'll- (i) Mother

Marwart Gujaratt Kanauri

- --- - Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females

-1- 2 --45 -----46- 47 '18 49 50

District Total .. 233 59 III 97 153 71

Rum! TOla! 135 35 5 5 123 71

T ehsil Chakrata (Rural) 119 67

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (RuTal) .. 135 35 5 5 4 4

Urban Tala! 98 24 128 92 30

Urban Non-city .. 87 24 .H

2 Dehra Dun City 11 24 104 58 30 -_----

... .L E" Baluchi BI.hart Telugu ::J " ~ ·a 0 [/) Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females --_------61 -1-- 2 5':1 00 62 63 64 District Total 41 67 90 9 55 34

Rural Tora! 41 67 88 2 ... 8

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) .. 41 67 50 2-

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) .. 38 4 8

Urban Total 2 7 51 26

Urban Non-city 4 10

2 Dehra Dun City 1 7 47 16

~~~~ --~ ~

~ JJ" a Multant Bihan Odya ::J " ~ .. Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females [/) - . i-- -z -73---·74- 75- 76 77 78

District Total .. 36 19 47 1 33 13

Rural Tolal 43 1 7 2

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 2

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) .. 43 7

Urban Total 36 19 ... 26 11

Urban Non-city 17 2 3 9

2 Dehra Dun City 19 17 19 2 _---- 85 TABLE D-I ages


Balti.tani Malayalam Malayan Dogra

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

51 52 53 54

130 57 109 16 104 10 52 61

126 56 11 1 24 30

126 56

11 24 30

4 1 98 15 104 10 28 31 4 3 -104 10 3' 3

98 12 25 28

Sitoji Bhutani Ladakhi Tibed

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

------~-.-~----~ - 81 5 37 44 70 34 34

81 5 35 29 10 '7

81 5 5 7 3

30 22 7 7 2 15 70 24 27

70 22 19

2 15 2 8

Mandali Chinese Pabari Sirmori

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 ---_-- - 17 19 10 24 18 12 16 13 17 19 18 12 16 13 17 19 6 H- 12

12 11 2 10 34

10 24 TABLE D-I 86 Laagu- (I) Mother

Bilaspuri Persian Konkani

Ttact Malea Females Males Females Males Females

87 88 89 90 91 92- District Total 28 15 13 24 Rural Total 28

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 28

Z Tehsil Debra Dun (Rural)

Urban Total 15 13 24 Urban Non-city ..

2 Dehra Dun City 15 13 24

.. ..<>" - S Parvati Assamese Italian c:::l

] Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females -1----- 2 101 102 103 104- 105 106

Distnct Total 13 13 7 3

Rural Total 13 2 3

Tehsil Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) •• 12 2 3

Urban Total II 7

Urban Non-city •. 4-

2 Dehra Dun City . 11 3

t ...Qe Bhotia Kannadi French ..S ! Tract Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 115 116 117 118 119 120

Dbtriet Total 5 3 2

Rural Total 1 :1 T.ehsll Chakrata (Rural)

2 Tehsil. .Dehra Dun (Rural) .. 1

Urban Total 4 3 1 Urban Non-city

2 Dehra Dun City 4- 2 87 TABLE..D..J

ages Tongue-(cQltcld.)

Munda Coorgi German Santhali

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaleii' '

93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100

15 5 10 9 6 9 6 S;

2 2

2 2

15 5 10 9 4 7 6 s:

14 5 6 &

9 9 4 7

--~-- ~~ ~-~-- --~------

Arabic Japanese Russian

Males Females Males Females Males Female..

124 125 - --1~i6 ----'------~-~----- 1

1 1 1 TABLE D-I 88 Langu­

(ii) Billng-

Total SUBSIDIARY persons returned as speaking a language sub- Total sidiary to that Mother Tongue Speakers shown in col. 1 Hindi Hindustani Punjabi Urdu Bengali 5indhi --6--- __~ ______2_::-._-_-_====_ } 4 5 __8~ __9

ALL MOTHER TONGUES­ Total 362,005 87,288 60,899 17,935 3,235 2,268 81 63 Rural 190,406 47,390 41,170 3,887 222 343 14 Urban 171,599 39,898 19,729 14,048 3,013 1,925 67 63

Hindi­ Total 176,546 4,913 2,626 .59 38 Rural 85,596 1,540 194 10 Urban 90,950 3,373 2,432 49 38

Hindustani­ Total 21,096 717 .102 14 8 Rural 6,360 92 25 4 Urban 14,736 625 477 10 8

Urdu­ Total 17,368 75 52 1 2 Rural 11,162 9 Urban 6,206 66 si 2

Kumaoni-;­ Total 1,013 814 502 307 2 Rural 433 394 231 163 Urban 580 420 271 144 2

Garhwali­ Total 23,838 17,829 14,299 3,020 4 262 Rural 14,552 10,027 9,019 749 1 18 Urban 9,286 7,802 5,280 2,271 3 244

Punjabi­ Total 33,315 8,764 .5,921 1,356 2 15 Rural 5,099 . It~lf 1,844 488 97 Urban 28,216 13,639 6,920 5,433 1,259 2 is

llengali­ Total 2,1N9 2,184 1,790 381 12 Rural 770 550 499 50 1 Urban 2,079 1,634 1,291 331 11

Jaunsari­ Total 54,014 24,976 23,802 1,14.5 2 6 Rural 53,890 24,881 23,752 1,100 2 6 Urban 124 95 50 45

Sindhi­ Total 836 633 388 179 2 61 3 20 16 14 1 1 Rural 816 Urban 617 374 178 2 60 3

Fahari­ Total 30 18 15 2 Rural 30 18 15 2 Urban

Gujarati­ Total 230 162 98 .57 7 Rural 10 6 4 2 Urban 220 156 94 SS '7

Marathi­ Total 329 278 209 54 2 Rura! 43 21 19 2 Urban 286 257 190 52 'i

Marwari­ Total 292 257 130 127 Rural 170 166 59 107 Urban 122 91 71 20

Tamil­ Total 350 286 141 136 1 -Rural 40 31 29 2 Urban 310 255 112 134 'i 89 TABLE :0-1



Gujatati Garhwali Marathi Marwari Nepali Kashmiri Tamil Jaunsari Purbi ----- 10 11 12 13 -1~4--- 15-- 16 17------ra ------

3S 1.538 9 8 87 3 15 372 338 2 1.007 4 30 2 369 231 33 531 5 8 57 1 is 3 107

11 1,386 5 8 67 3 4 34 333 2 930 4 30 2 34 226 9 456 1 's 37 1 '4 107

115 16 4 13 50 .. 13 65 iis 4

9 3 8 1 8 8 3

2 1 2

242 2..j() 2

3 1 12 1 1l 3


21 21

1 1

lQ , . 10

2 I TABLE D-I 90 Langu-

(ii) Biling-


Mother Tongue Pahari Gorkhi Telugu Multani Kumaoni Malayalam Banlari Bihari Oriya

---- - 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27

ALL MOTHER TONGUES- Total 81 258 2 9 46 .3 1 Rural 81 25 2 Urban 233 2 9 44 2 1

Hindi- Total 81 208 9 41 Rural 81 25 2 Urban 183 9 39

Hindustanl- Total 43 Rural Urban 43

Urdu- Total Rural Urban

Kumaoni--- Total Rural Urban

Garhwali"":; Total' 2 Rural . Urban 2

Punjabi- Total 3 3 Rural Urban 3 "3

Bengali- Total Rural Urban

jaunsari- Total Rural Urban

Slndhi- Total Rural Urban

Pahari- Total Rural "" Urban

Gujatati- Total Rural Urban

Marathi- Total 2 Rural Urban "i

Marwari- Total Rural Urban

Tamil- Total 1 2 Rural Urban "i 2 91 TABLE D-I ages uallstn-(contd.)



Avadhi Derawali Kannadl Rajasthanl Dogra Assamese Santhali Kangri JubU

28 3O~ ___31 35 36

2 1 1 2

t I

1 . i TABLE D-f 92 Laaga-

(ii) Biling·

Total SUBSIDIARY persons returne d -~~-~ ------~ - --- as speaking a language sub- Total sidlary to that Mother Tongue Speakers shown in col. 1 Hindi Hindustani Punjabi Urdu Bengali Sindhi - 2 --~-3---- 4 6 9 ~----

Telugu- Total 89 68 21 45 Rural 12 10 10 Urban 77 58 11 45

Malayalarn- Total 125 102 19 77 2 Rural 12 3 3 Urban 113 99 16 77 2

Kashmiri- Total 471 406 167 113 124 Rural 344 294 99 73 121 Urban 127 112 68 40 3

Purbi- Total 1,60() 33 32 1 Rural 1,500 21 20 1 Urban 100 12 12

Kangri-- Total 597 526 144 362 7 Rural 532 468 104 354 Urban 65 58 40 8 7

Bisbari- Total 99 43 27 14 Rural 90 43 27 14 Urban 9

Multani- Total 5/j .f.6 20 25 Rural Urban 55 46 20 is

Bwhari - Total 5,,1 35 18 11 6 Rural 551 35 18 11 6 Urban

Juhli Total- 512 235 206 15 Rural 512 235 206 15 Urban

Oriya -- Total 46 41 28 12 1 Rural 9 6 6 Urhan 37 35 22 12

Gujn-- Total 312 252 7 242 Rural 312 252 7 242 Ulban

Assamese- Total 13 10 6 4 Rural 2 2 2 Urban 11 8 4 -4

Kannadi-- Total 3 3 2 1 Rutal Urban 3 3 'i

Kanauri --- Total 224 79 38 32 Rural 194 79 38 32 Urban 30

Avadhi- Total 9 Rural 9 Urban 93 TABLE D-1 age. ualtam-('OIIId'.)


Gularati Garhwali Marathi Marwari Nepali Ka8hmiri Tamil Jaunsarl Purbi

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 11 ---w ----~

2 'i

3 'j

3 1 9 1 9 '3

2 2

14 14

3 3

9 9

------TABLE D-t 94 Langu~

(ii) Biling-


Oriya Mother Tongue Paharl Gorkhi Telu~u Multani Kumaoni Malayalam Blnjari Bihari

____~ ______---1-9-- 20 -~2f 24.'--__--=25:_ 26

Telugu- Total Ruul Urban

Malavalaro- Total Rural Urban

Ka.hmiri- Total Rural Urban

Purbi- Total Rural Urban

Kangri- Total Rural Urban

Bi.shari.- Total Rural Urban

Multani- Total Rural Urban

Binhati- Total Rural Urban

Jubli- Total Rutal Urban

Oriya- Total Rural Urban

Gujri- Total Rural Urban

Assamese- Total Rural Urban

Kannadi- Total Rural Urban

Kan.uti- Total Rutal Urban

Avadhi- Total .. Rural Urban 95 TABLE D-I ages ualism-(conld.)


Avadhl Derawali Kannad. Rajllthani Dogra Assamele Santhali Kangri }ubli

-----2B 29 31 32 33 34 3S 36

--_-_ TABLE D-I ~ 96 LaJlgu- (U) Biling-


persons returned ------._--- as speaking a language sub- Total sidiary to that Mother Tongue Speakers shown in col. 1 Hindi Hindustani Punjabi Urdu Bengali Sindhi

2 3 4 5 6 8 9

Baltistani- Total 187 99 30 25 42 Rural 182 94 30 20 42 Urban 5 5 5

Dogra- Tvtal 113 97 66 28 1 2 Rural 54 .s 27 18 Urban 59 52 39 10 2

Konkani- Total 24 .:l4 8 9 7 Rural Urban i4 24 8 '9 7

Bihari- Total 411 13 4 9 Rural 44 9 3 6 Urban 4 4 1 3

Siroji- Toral 86 86 86 Rural 86 86 86 Urban

Mandali- Total 36 n 11 1 Rural 36 12 8 1 Urban

Rajalthani- Total 7 7 7 Rural Urban 7 7

Santhali- Total 14 1$ 3 2 Rural Urban i4 5 'j 1

Sirmori- Total 29 7 7 Rural 19 7 7 Urban

Bilaspuri- Total 28 .:l8 12 8 8 Rural 28 28 12 8 8 Urban

Mund.- Total 20 14 7 6 Rural Urban 20 14 6

Coorgi- Total 19 H 7 6 Rural Urban i9 14 7 6

Parvati- Total 13 6 3 3 Rural 13 6 3 3 Urban

Nepali- Total 16,113 10,017 7,601 2,366 25 1 Rural 6,687 4,771 +,460 287 1 Urban 9,426 5,246 3,141 2,079 24

English- Total 914 730 301 387 40 Rural 107 62 16 35 11 Urban 801 668 285 352 29 97 TABLE D-I ages ualism-(contd.)



Gujarati Garhwali Marathi Marwari Nepali Kashmiri Tamil Jaunsari Purbi

2 2

3 3

18 5 18 S

2 2 TABLE D-I 98 LaD.gu- (Ii) BlUng-


Mothet Tongue Pahari Gorkhi fclugu Multanl Kumaonl Malayalam Banjari Bihar! Oriya

~~ ____~1~9~ ____~20~ ____~2~1 ____-=l2~ ____~2~3 ____~24~ ____~2=5 ____ ~2~6 _____ 27

Baltistani­ Total Rural Urban

Dogra­ Total Rural Urban

Konkani­ Total Rural Urban

Bihari­ Total Rural Urban

Siroji­ Total Rural Urban

Mandali­ Total Rural Urban

Rajasthanl­ Total Rural Urban

Santhali­ Total Rural Urban

Sirmori­ Total Rural Urban

Bilaspurl­ Total Rural Urban

Munda­ Total t Rural Urban 1

Coorgi­ Total 1 Rural Urban

Parvati­ Total Rural Urban

NepaU­ Total 1 Rural Urban 1

Engllsh­ Total Rural Urban 99 TABLE D-I ages



Avadhi Derawali Kannadi Raja,thani Dogra Assamese Santhali Kangri Jublii

----28---- 29 30 31 31 33 34 35 36 TABLE D-I 100 Langu-

(ii) Biling

Total SUBSIDIARY persons returned as spe aking a language su 1>- Total sidiary to that Mother Tongue Speakers shown in col. 1 Hindi Hindustani Punjabi Urdu Bengdli Sindhi --1----- 2 3 4 (> --9------7 ti Gorkhl- Total 6,214 4,045 1,746 2,289 2 6 Rural 647 523 462 59 Urban 5,567 3,522 1,284 2,230 2 6 iPushto- Total 772 666 94 268 40 260 Rural 36 31 20 10 1 Urban 736 635 74 258 40 259 lPersian- Total 28 21 21 Rural Urban 28 21 21 Tlbeti- 25 Total 68 46 20 Rural 17 10 9 Urban 51 36 11 2~ Malayan- Total 114 64 20 .J2 Rural ° Urban 114 64 20 42 Chinese- Total 34 20 2 17 Rural Urban 34 20 2 17 Burroese- Total 8 7 .3 .J Rural Urban 8 7 3 Bhutani- Total 81 25 16 9 Rural 64 16 15 1 Urban 17 9 1 8 llaluchi- Total 108 41 5 7 29 Rural 108 41 5 7 29 Urban

(3oanese- Total 9 2 1 Rural 2 1 1 Urban 7 1

(}erman- Toral 15 6 6 Rural 4 Urban 11 "6 6 Arabic- Total 2 1 1 Rural 2 1 1 Urban :Ladakhi- Total 70 67 67 Rural Urban 70 67 67 Bhotia- Total 5 4 3 Rural 1 1 Urban .. 3 3 ltalian- Total 10 9 9 Rural 3 3 3 Urban 7 6 6 french- Total 2 1 1 Rural 1 1 Urban Japanese- Total I Rural 1 Urban

Russian-- Total 1 1 1 Rural Urban OJ 1 101 TABLE D.I ages lUalism-(c;lntd.)


Gujarati Garhwali Matathi Marwarl Nepali Kashmiri Tamil Jaunsarl Purbi

10 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

2 2

2 'i TABLE D-I 102 Laagu­ (Ii) Biling-


Mother Tongue Paharl Gorkhi Telugu Multan! Kumaoni Malayalam Banjari Bihar! Oriya

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ------z6- 27 Gorkh..... Total Rural Urban Pushto­ Total Rural Urban Persian­ Total Rural Urban Tibeti­ Total Rural Urban Malayan­ Total Rural Urban Chinese­ Total Rural Urban Burmese­ Total Rural Urban Bhutani­ Total Rural Urban Baluchi­ Total Rural Urban Goanese­ Total Rural Urban German­ Total Rural Urban Arabic­ Total Rural Urban Ladakhi­ Total Rural Urban Bhotia­ Total Rural Urban Italian­ Total Rural Urban French­ Total Rural Urdan ]apanese­ Total Rutal Urban Russian­ Total Rural Urban ", 103 TABLE D-I' ales


Avadhi Derawali Kannadi Rajasthani Dogra Assamese Santhali Kangri lubli

"28------29 - 30-- - -jC - --~3"'Z----~33,----'3iA4----"35------.3"'6------_------~----_::_::_-- TABLES D~II and D-III 104 D-IJ-Reli-


Total Population Total Arya Others

--~------Tract Persons Males Females Males Fern ales Males Females Males Females Males Females

'1---_--_-____--=2:____ 3 4 5 6 7- 8 y 10 11 12 13 ------...-_-

District Total 362,005 211,041 150,964 181,925 129,667 1,264 803 180,661 128,864 9,922 8,004

Rural Total 19(),406 107,737 82,669 94,935 72,945 416 195 94519 72750 1,356 630 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 58,469 32,704 25,765 32,384 25,516 10 3 32,374 25,513 10 7

2. Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) 131,937 75,033 56,904 62,551 47,429 406 192 62,145 47,237 1,346 623

Urban Total 171,599 103,304 68,295 86,990 56,722 848 608 86,142 56,114 8,566 7,374

Urban Non-city 27,383 18,906 8,477 16,047 6,723 114 147 IS,B33 6,576 931 550

2. Debra Dun City 144,216 84,398 59,818 70,943 49,999 634 461 70,309 49,538 7,635 6,824



I-Cultivators of II-CultIvators of ... land wholly or land wholly or ..Q" maInly owned mamly unowned III-Cultivating e and theu and thelt labourers and '"c:: Total PopulatlOn Total dependants dependants thea dependants :3 ------_---- ~ Tract Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ---8- 5 6 -9------w-- -11----12 --13- 2 3 4 ------

District Total 3~,085 23,725 15,360 12,920 8,668 5,110 3,917 5,938 3,786 1,822 949

Ru.ra! Total 30,947 18,263 12,684 12,803 8,586 5,046 3,853 5,916 3,768 1,817 949

1 Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 16,673 10,165 6,508 8,860 5,642 2,423 1,682 5,660 3,584 777 376

2. Tehsll Dehra Dun (Rural) 14,274 8,098 6,176 3,943 2,944 2,623 2,171 256 184 1,040 573

Urban Total 8,138 5,462 2,676 117 82 64 64 22 18 5

1 Urban Non-city 2,428 1.543 885 29 26 17 15 11 11 1

2 Dehra Dun City 5,710 3,919 1,791 88 56 47 49 11 7 4

NOTE-The foUowmg statement shows the number of persons Persons 257 Males 157 105 TABLES D.II and !)"IIT gioa

Other religion

Jain Buddhist Zoroastrian Muslim Christian Jew Tribal Non-tribal

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femalea 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

783 558 55 26 58 87 15,632 10,647 2,666 1,975

23 14 8 4 1 1 10,913 8,778 502 297 S 2 298 236 4

17 12 8 4 10,615 8,542 495 293

761 544 47 23 57 86 4,719 1,869 3,164 1,678 131 90 14 10 1,057 607 726 497

630 454 33 12 57 86 3,662 1,262 1,438 1,181



Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from-

IV -Non-culti"ating owners of land; agricultural rent V -Production receivers; and their other than VIII -Other services and dependants Total cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport miscellaneous sources

Males Fent1Iles Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24- 25

50 16 10,805 6,692 2,383 1,486 144 110 283 134 7,995 4,962

34 16 5,460 4,098 1,748 1,262 63 48 121 63 3,529 2,725 1,305 866 368 301 6 10 7 921 558

24 16 4,155 3,232 1,380 961 56 48 III 56 2,608 2,167

:l6 5,345 2,594 635 224 8:l 63 162 71 ".466 2,237 1,514 859 140 95 19 15 21 12 1,334 737

26 3,831 1,735 495 129 63 41 141 59 3,132 1,500 who returned themsel"es as Anglo-Indians. Females 100 TABLE D-IV 106


DISTRICT, TRACT ETC...... , 'S ~ District Total Rural Total 1:1 District .. State etc. or Country ·cu

2 3 4 5 6 8

TOTAL POPULATION 362,005 211,041 150,964 190,406 107,737 82,669 A Born in India 303,369 178,614 124,755 IJlJ,397 103,083 80,314 I Within the State of enumeration 273,532 159,241 114,291 174,419 97,335 77,084 (i) DIstrict of enumeration 209,705 116,224 93,481 153.655 84,557 69,098 (ii) Other drstriels 63,827 43,()17 20,810 20,764 12,778 7,986 II States in India beyond the State of 29,837 19,373 10,464 8,978 5,748 3,230 enumeration (i) States adjacent to the State 0/ enumeration 23,287 14,809 8,478 7,796 4,982 2,814 1 Punjab 15,263 9,517 5,746 3,394 2,118 1,005 519 486 1,276 2 Delhi 88 40 48 3 Madhya Bharat 120 73 47 9 7 1,920 1,338 582 2 4 Rajasthan 632 429 203 5 Vindhya Pradesh 29 28 1 4 4 954 773 181 6 BIhar 163 127 36 7 Madhya Pradesh 336 186 150 43 16 3,660 2,375 1,285 27 8 Himachal Pradesh 3,463 2,241 1,222 6,514 4,543 1,971 (ij) Other States 1,182 766 416 502 292 210 1 Assam 46 25 21 2 Bombay 466 292 174 55 11 842 591 251 44 3 Madras 65 40 25 4 Orissa 94 78 16 7 6 Jammu and Kashmir 1,019 754 265 1 5 383 313 70 6 Hyderabad 80 54 26 10 7 91 52 3 7 Mysore 39 9 8 1 8 P. E. P. S. U. 1,253 1,014 239 106 61 103 66 45 9 Saurashtra 37 21 11 10 10 Travancore-Cochin 117 99 18 1 1 11 Ajmer 32 20 12 4 2 '2 12 Bhopal 6 6 2 2 62 60 13 Bilaspur 2 61 60 1 14 Cutoh 15 Coorg '2 '2 10 16 Manipur 8 2 10 8 2 17 Tripura 1,834 1,155 18 West Bengal .. 679 40i 2ii 190 19 Andaman and Nicobar Islands 1 1 1 1 (iii) Elsewhere in India 36 21 15 1 Chandernagore 2 Sikkim 3 Foreign possessions j6 21 15

B Countries in Asia beyond India includ- 58,328 32,269 26,059 6,961 4,632 2,329 ing U. S, S, R. 1 A fgha nistan 21 21 3 3 2 Burma 321 182 Ij9 20 9 3 Ceylon 6 3 3 ii 4 China 8 4 4 1 11,901 8,498 1 5 Nepal 3,403 4,210 3,06'1 1,149 6 Pakistan 45,956 23,486 22,470 2,673 1,526 1,147 7 Straits Settlements and Malaya 1 1 8 U.S.S. R. 1 1 1 1 9 Elsewhere in Asia 113 73 40 53 32 21 10 Unspecified

C Co~ntrie. in Europe excluding U,S,S.R. 226 123 103 42 20 22 1 United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 185 99 86 28 15 13 2 Eire 3 Elsewhere 41 24 17 14 5 9 4 Unspecified

D Countries in Africa 43 23 20 ., 2 2 1 Kenya 2 Mauritius 3 Mozambique 4 Union of South Africa 4j 23 20 4 2 '2 5 Elsewhere ... 6 Unspecified

E Countries in America 27 9 18 2 2 1 Canada 2 United States 27 9 18 2 2 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified F Countries in Australasia ., 12 3 9 1 Australia 12 3 9 2 New Zealand 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified G Born at.!!ea 107 TABLE D-IV rants


~~~---- ~-~-- Tehsil Chaktata (Rural) Tehsil Dehra Dun (Rural) Urban Totel

----_--- -~--~------Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females - ----1-7- 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ------58,469 32,704 25,765 131,937 75,033 56,904 171,599 103,304 68,295 57,684 32,048 25,636 125,713 71,035 54,678 119,972 75,531 44,4H 55,799 30,613 25,186 118,620 66,722 51,898 99,113 61,906 37,207 54,290 29,564 24,726 99,365 54,993 44,372 56,050 31,667 U,383 1,509 1,049 460 19,255 11,729 7,526 43,063 30,239 12,824 1,885 1,435 450 7,093 4,313 2,780 20,859 13,625 7,234 1,742 1,308 434 6,054 3,674 2,38Q 15,491 9,827 5,664

363 269 94 3,031 1,849 1,18~ 11,869 7,3?9 4,470 1 1 87 40 47 917 4'i9 438 9 7 Z 111 66 45 632 429 203 1,288 909 379 4 4 25 24 1 163 127 36 791 646 145 'i 1 42 16 26 293 170 123 1,377 1,039 338 2,086 1,202 884 197 134 63 143 127 16 1,039 639 400 5,332 3,777 1,555 46 25 21 456 267 189 SS 11 44 411 281 130 2 'i- 63 38 25 777 551 226 7 6 1 87 7Z 15 122 lis ' 7 261 198 63 636 441 195 10 7 3 70 47 23 9 8 1 82 44 38 106 61 45 1,147 953 194 '6 2 '4 15 9 6 82 55 27 1 1 116 98 18 2 2 2 2 28 18 10 ,i 2 'i- 4 4 3 2 58 58 1 1 2 2 3 1 , i '7 '7

5 '3 2 396 208 188 1,433 944 489 1 ~ 36 21 15

36 21 15 785 656 129 6,176 3,976 2,20(J 51,367 27,637 23,730 2 2 1 1 18 18 20 9 11 301 173 128 6 3 3 1 1 7 4 3 638 567 71 3,572 2,4'9'4 1,07'8 7,691 5,437 2,254 140 84 56 2,533 1,442- 1,091 43,283 21,960 21.323 1 1 ':i 1 4 3 1 49 29 20 60 41 19

42 20 22 184 103 81 28 15 13 157 84 73 i4 "5 9 27 19 8

4 2 2 39 21 18

4 2 2 39 21 18

-2 2 25 9 16 2 2 25 9 iti

12 3 9 12 3 ..9 ,.. TABLE D-IV 108 Migrants-( concld.)

... DISTRICT TRACT, ETC. WHERE ENUMERATED " 1::I d Urban Non-city Dehra Dun City ;; District ·c State etc. or Country Persons Females VJ" where born Males Persons Males Females 2 18 19 20 21 22 23

TOTAL POPULATION 27,383 18,906 8,477 144,216 84,398 59,818 A Born in India 2l,195 15,708 6,487 97,777 59,823 37,954 I Within the State of enumerati~n 17,016 11,710 5,306 82,097 50,196 31,901 (i) District of enumeration 8,421 5,142 3,279 47,629 26,525 21,104 (ii) Other districts 8,595 6,568 2,027 34,468 2],671 10,797 n States in India beyond the State of 5,179 3,998 1,181 15,680 9,627 6,053 enumeration (i) States adjacent to the State of enumeration 3,286 2,440 846 12,205 7,387 4,818 1 Punjab 2,270 1,602 668 9,599 5,797 3,802 2 Delhi 168 100 68 749 379 370 3 Madhya Bharat 15 2 13 96 64 32 4 Rajasthan 327 278 49 961 631 330 5 Vindhya Pradesh 2 1 1 23 23 6 Bihar 409 376 33 382 270 112 7 Madhya Pradesh 66 60 6 227 110 117 8 Himachal Pradesh 29 21 8 168 113 55 (ii) Other States 1,891 1,558 333 3,441 2,219 1,222 1 Assam 62 62 394 205 189 2 Bombay 105 85 io 306 196 110 3 Madras 322 2Q3 119 455 348 107 4 Orissa 48 45 3 39 27 12 5 Jammu and Kashmir 169 132 30 467 302 165 6 Hyderabad 20 17 3 50 30 20 7 Mysore 27 8 19 55 36 19 8 P. E. P. S. U. 697 685 12 450 268 182 9 Saurashtra 24 l4 10 58 41 17 10 Travancore-Cochin 56 55 1 60 43 17 11 Ajmer 1 1 27 17 10 12 Bhopal 1 1 3 3 13 Bila,pur 1 1 14 Cutch 15 Coorg 2 2 16 Manipur 17 Tripura •• 18 West Bengal ,. 357 2~t liii 1,076 703 373 19 And.man and Nicobar Islands

(iii) Elseu,here in India :I 2 34 21 13 1 ChandemagoIe 2 Sikkim " 3 Foreign possessions 2 2 34 21 ij B Countries in Asia beyond India includ. 5,099 3,155 1,944 46,268 24,482 21,786 in~ U. S. S. R. 1 Afg anistan 18 18 2 Burma 33 24 9 268 14'9 119 3 Ceylon 6 3 3 4 China '4 1 3 3 3 5 Nepal 751 558 193 6,940 4,879 206i 6 Pakistan 4,272 2,535 1,737 39,011 19,425 19,586 7 Straits Settlements and Malaya 1 1 8 U.S. S. R. 9 Elsewhere in Asia 21 19 2 39 22 17 10 UnspecIfied C Countries in Europe excluding U. s. S, R. 58 35 23 126 68 58 1 United Kingdom and Northern Ireland 53 30 23 104 54 50 2 Eire 3 Elsewhere S 5 22 14 8 4 Unspecified

D Countries in Africa 3 2 1 36 19 17 1 Kenya 2 Mauritius 3 Mazambique 4 Union of South Africa 'j 2 1 36 19 17 5 Elsewhere 6 Unspecified E Countries in AmetIc-a 22 6 16 3 3 " 1 Canada 4;, 2 United States 22 6 16 3 3 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified F Countries in Australasia 6 fI 6 3 3 1 Australia 6 6 6 3 3 2 New Zealand 3 Elsewhere 4 Unspecified G Born at Sea 109

NOTE-The following table show. the number of persons born in foreign places in de tail- :s ..Qe

3 4 5 B (ix) Elsewhere in Asia (Including U. S. S. RJ 113 73 40 Tibet 7 6 1 Arabi .. 2 2 Iraq 7 2 5 Korea 1 Bhutan 77 49 Japan 2 Persia 17 13

C (iii) Elsewhere in Europe (excluding U. S. S. R.) 41 :14 17 Oreenland Switzerland 6 5 Soweden 9 4 Portugal 3 1. Beillium 6 4 2 Norway 2 2 Italy 7 4 3 Germany 6 2 Denmark (Netherland) TABLE D-V 110 (i)-Displaced persons by


Total Population of Displaced Persons 1946 1947 1948

District Person! Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female.

__2~ ____~3~ ____~. ______~5~ ____~6~ ____~ ____~ ______~9 ______~16---

DehraDun .8,080 25,2.3 22,837 89 120 20,781 19,224 1,683 1,235


1946 1947 1948 1949

District Males Females Males Fema'es Males Females I Males Females

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Dehra Dun 286 165 68 15


1946 1947 1948 1949

District Males 'Females Males Females Males Females MaJes Females

37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44

Dehra Dun 742 725 80 92 11 9 111 TABLE D-V year of arrival in India


Children born 1949 1950 1951 Date unstated in India

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

6 2 8 887 8 527 1,220


Children born 1950 1951 Date unstated in Ind,a

Males Female. Males Females Males Females Males Females

---cZ'"9.------3"0,------3"1-----3'"2.------033,------34----- ~3S-- --~36-- 19

FROM DISTRICT UNSTATED ------, 1950 1951 Date unstated Children born in Intlia

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 . 9 2 37 TABLES D-V and D-VI 112 D-V(ii)-Displaced persons by


I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of wholly or mainly land wholly or mainly Ill-Cultivating Total Population of owned and their unowned and their labourers and Displaced Persons dependants dependants their dependant.

District Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males F~male.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

District Total 48,080 25,243 22,837 105 113 73 108 26 7 Rural 2,343 1,326 1,017 56 53 28 54 22 6 Urban 45,737 23,917 21,820 49 60 45 54 4

NOTE-Vi1la~-wise and tehsil-wise figures of displaced persons will be found in the


Total Population Nepalese Bhutanese

District Persons Males Females Malea Femalea Male. Female.

______'______~._. __~-2 ____3=__ ___4'______=_5 ____6____ '______.::.8_

Dehra Dun 6,820 4,573 2,245 4,407 2,118 24 14

British . Irish Italian Lithuanian

District Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

17 18 19 to 21 22 23 24

Debra Dun 59 65 5 12 4 2

Finnish Hungarian American

District Males Females Malee Femalee Males -rem ales 33 34 35 36 37 38

Dehra Dun 2 2 12 4 113 TABLES D-Vand D-VI Livelihood Classes


Persons (includinJ: thoir dependAnts) who derive their principal means of livelihood from-- IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agri­ cultural rent receivers; V-Production other VIII-Other services and and their dependants than cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport miscellaneous sources

--- -"- __ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

4S 46 4,337 3,883 9,795 8,889 1,648 1,4115 9,214 8,386 3 3 327 230 441 350 88 37 361 284 42 43 4,010 3,653 9,354 8,539 1,560 1,368 8,853 8,102

Primary Census Abstract in Part II of this Volume.


Burmese Tibetan Chinese Afghan

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

19 12 12 7 3 9

Swiss Portuguese Spanish German

Males Females Male. Femaleo Male. Females Males Females

25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

2 2 2

New Zealander Australian Nationality unspecified

Males Femalea Males Females Males Females

39 41 42 44

2 2 2 2 3 TABLE D-VII 114 Livelihood Classes by



Educational Standards Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10

District Literate 86084 60,135 25,1ji~9 11,160 1,383 330 123 268 48 Middle School 12,184 8,970 3,214 733 133 16 4 17 3 Matriculate OT S. L C. Higher Secondary .. 10.ol8 8,290 1,728 260 40 9 4 5 1 Intermedlate in Arts or Science 3,713 2,281 43:1 65 2 1 1 Degrees or Diplomas 4,275 3,389 886 74 7 3 1 Graduates in Arts or Science 2,025 1,686 339 35 1 3 Post-Graduates in Arts or Science 546 465 81 4 .. Teaching 188 141 47 1 Engineering 139 137 2 Agriculture 14 14 Veterinary 1 1 " Commer~e 79 79 Legal 176 175 1 Medical 258 204 54 1 .2 Others 849 487 362 40" 4 Total 115,274 83,065 32,209 12,281 1,555 359 131 292 51


Literate 23,547 19,459 4,088 10,627 1,193 216 77 254 45 MiddJe School 2,045 1,790 255 556 102 8 1 15 Matriculate or S, L. C. Higher Secondary :: 1,103 990 113 149 30 2 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science .. 146 124 22 9 1 Degrees or Diplomas 287 253 34 38 2 1 Graduates in Arts or Science 148 138 10 11 1 Post-Graduates In Arts or Science 54 50 4 1 Teaching 20 14 6 Engineering 9 7 2 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce 1 1 Legal 3 3 Medical 9 4 '5 2 Others 43 36 7 24

Total 27,128 22,616 4,512 11,379 1,327 ~27 78 27:3 45

T eh.U Cbakrata

Literate 3,022 2,803 219 2,262 41 10 26 15 2 Middle School 237 230 7 46 Matriculate or S, L. C. Higher Secondary 60 60 5 Intermediate in Arts or Science 5 5 2 Degrees or Diplomas 20 19 1 Graduates in Arts or Science 1 1 Post-Graduates in AIts or Scienca 2 2 Teaching 13 1Z 1 Engineerin~ AgrlCu1ture Veterinary Commerce Legal 1 1 Medical 2 2 Others 1 1 Total 3,344 3,117 ~;17 2,315 41 10 26 15 .2

Te.... n Debra Dun

Literate 30,525 16,656 3,869 8,365 1,152 206 51 239 43 Middle School 1,808 1,560 248 510 102 8 1 15 Matriculate or S L. C. Higher Secondary 1,043 930 1'13 1# 30 2 2 lntennediate in Arts or S~ience 141 119 21 7 1 Degrees or Diplomas 2fJ7 234 33 J8 2 Gtadu ates in Arts or Science 147 137 10 11 Post-Graduates in Arts or Science 52 48 4 1 Teaching 7 2 5 Englneeri ng 9 7 2 1 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce 1 1 Legal , .. 2 2 Medical 1 2 5 2 Others 42 35 7 i4 Total 23,784 19,499 4,285 9,064 1,286 217 .i2 257 43 115 TABLE D-VII Educational Standards


Persons (including tbeir dependants) wbo derive tbeir principal mean! of livelihood from-

IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agri- cultural rent receivers; V -Production other VIlI-Other services and and their dependants than cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport miscellaneous source,

Male. Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Total

404 204 7.875 3,664 9,628 6.398 2.037 1,024 28,433 13.105 82 35 1,400 401 1,6'79 790 379 139 4,675 1,720 105 27 1,131 223 1,439 280 422 58 4,919 1,095 73 9 212 44 369 62 83 5 1.477 310 44 9 264 75 :195 136 54 16 2.654 643 21 4 185 22 205 31 36 5 1.211 276 5 1 40 " 21 4 5 390 76 1 Z 3 Z 2 134 4 43 9 1 121 2 14 .. 1 4 7 17 51 5 1 1 10 5 152 I 3 2 9 3 183 18 49 26 50 4 3 99 2 II 397 196 10,882 4.4007 13,410 708 284 7,666 2.975 1,242 42,158 16.873


166 75 2,770 689 1,117 466 191 56 4,118 1,487 20 6 278 23 95 20 20 8 798 95 10 2 312 19 65 8 29 2 421 52 4 33 9 13 2 8 56 11 2 78 10 6 7 1 121 21 2 44 3 4 5 1 71 6 26 2 21 4 14 5 3 3 2 'i 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 5 10 2 202 83 3.471 '750 1,296 496 255 67 5,514 1.666


33 30 41 42 8 430 70 3 2 7 2 173 3 6 49 3 16 I 2 12

I 1 1 41 33 S5 44 8 II 673 73

(Rural) 75 166 2.732 659 1.076 424 184 48 3,68, 1.417 20 6 275 21 88 18 19 8 625 92 10 2' 312 19 59 8 29 2 372 52 4 33 9 13 2 8 53 11 2 78 9 5 7 1 103 21 2 44 J 4 5 1 70 6 26 2 19 4 2 5 3 3 2

1 2 1 2 2 5 9 2 202 83 3,430 717 1.241 452 247 59 4,841 1,593 TABLE D-VII 116 Livelihood Classes by


I-Cultivators of II-Cultivators land whollY or of land wholly llI...,...cultivating mainly owned or mainly un- labourers and their owned and their and their All Classes dependants dependants dependants

Educational Standards Persons :t.1ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females 2 _ 3 4 5 Ii ----- II 9 10 Urban Literate 62,537 40,676 21,861 533 190 114 46 14 3 Middle School 10,139 7,180 2,959 166 21 8 3 2 _2 Matriculate or S. L. C. High~; Secondary:: 8,915 7,300 1,615 111 10 7 4 3 1 Intermediate in Arts or Science 2,567 2,157 410 56 2 1 Degrees or Diplomas , , 3,988 3,136 852 36 5 2 1 Graduates in Arts or &ience 1,877 1,548 329 14 1 2 Post-Graduates in Arts or Science 492 415 77 3 Teaching 168 127 41 'i Engineering 130 130 1 Agriculture 14 14 Veterinary 1 1 Commerce 78 78 Legal 173 172 1 1 Medical 249 200 49 1 Others 806 451 355 16 4 Total 88,146 60,449 27,697 902 228 132 53 20 6 Urban Literate 12,875 9,391 3,484 163 27 57 6 Middle School " 918 752 166 30 4 3 1 Matriculate or S, L, c, High~ Secondary' 1,158 1,011 147 16 1 1 1 Intermediate in Arts or Science 217 187 30 2 Degrees or Diplomas , , 452 363 89 15 Graduates in Arts or Science 154 113 41 2 Post-Graduates in Arts or Science 77 73 4 Teaching 15 6 9 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal 6 6 Medical 24 22 2 1 Others 176 143 33 12 Total 15,620 11,704 3,916 226 31 61 8 3 Debra Dun Literate 49,662 31,285 18,377 370 163 57 40 13 3 Middle School ,. 9,221 6,428 2,793 136 17 5 2 2 2 Matriculate or S. L. C, High~r Secondar; , 7,757 6,289. 1,468 95 10 6 3 2 1 lntermedi ate in Arts or Science , . 2,350 1,970 380 54 2 1 Degrees or DiploTfUlS .• 3,536 2.773 763 21 5 Z Graduates in Arts or Science 1,723 1,435 288 12 1 2 '7 Post-Graduates in Arts or Science 415 342 73 3 Teaching 153 121 32 Engineering 130 130 Agriculture 14 14 Veterinary 1 1 Commerce 78 78 Legal 167 166 1 1 Medical 225 178 47 '~ Others 630 308 322 '4 " Total 72,526 48,745 ,U,781 676 197 71 45 17 6 117 TABLE D-VII Educational Standards-(concld, )


Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from-

IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agri- cultural rent teceivers; V-Production other VIII-Other services and and their dependants than cultivation VI-Commerce VII-Transport misce'laneous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

-- 11 12 13 14 15 16---17 - --rs- ---19----~ ---- _------~ -_------Total

238 129 5,105 2,975 8,511 5,932 1,846 968 24,315 11,618 62 29 1,122 378 1,584 770 359 131 3,817 1,625 95 25 819 204 1,374 272 393 56 4,498 1,043 69 9 179 35 356 fO 75 5 1,421 299 42 9 186 65 289 136 47 15 2,533 622 19 4 141 19 201 31 31 4 1,140 270 5 1 14 21 4 3 369 72 1 3 2 2 120 38 6 4 1 118 14 1 4 6 17 51 5 1 1 9 5 151 5 1 1 8 3 182 48 4 3 16 44 26 99 2 11 387 194 506 201 7,411 3,657 12,114 7,170 2,720 1,1'75 36,644 15,207


21 14 713 223 1,644 943 223 63 6,569 2,208 2 3 52 6 177 55 28 4 460 93 17 3 42 5 144 21 24 3 766 114 1 5 2 17 4 6 156 24 4 2 2 18 14 4 319 72 1 9 2 2 100 38 1 2 70 3 3 1 9

6 ,i 20 2 4 1 3 12 122 20 45 21 814 238 2,000 1,037 285 70 8,270 2,511 City

217 115 4,392 2,752 6,867 ~,989 1,623 905 17,746 9,410 60 26 1,070 372 1,407 715 331 127 3,417 1,532 78 22 777 199 1,230 251 369 53 3,732 929 68 9 114 33 339 56 69 5 1,265 215 38 8 184 63 271 122 43 15 2,214 550 19 4 141 18 192 2~ 29 4 1,040 232 5 13 19 4 3 ' 299 69 1 1 2 1 119 29 6 '4 1 118 14 1 4 6 17 51 5 1 9 •5 145 5 1 1 7 3 162 46- 3 15 43 23 87 1 11 265 174 461 180 6,597 3,419 10,114 6,133 2,435 1,105 28,374 12,696·



Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless and houseless persons) --_houses -_--. persons No. of 0 c: the hamlets No. of ." Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- "0 Town/Ward village P arg ana Thana acrC3 houses holds Persons Males Females U M" F - 2 3 4 0 7 R 9 10 11 12 13

TEHSIL CHAKRATA 1 Alman 3 Jaunsar Bawar Chakrata . 22 11 11 105 52 53 2 Ashta 2 Do. Do. 43 13 13 76 38 38 3 Amrah. 2 Do. Do. 8 10 10 78 47 31 4 AI.i 2 Do. Do. 54 26 26 163 85 78 5 Amrar 2 Do. Do. 21 10 10 74 44 30 6 Asoi 2 Do. Do. 52 25 25 170 98 72 7 Astar l Do. Do. 86 30 30 212 119 93 8 Ataho 1 Do. Do. 28 22 Z2 128 84 44 9 Ara 3 Do. Do. 73 34 34 221 120 101 10 Anu 10 Do. Do. 109 27 27 166 96 70 11 Bhatgarhi 3 Do. Do. 32 30 30 165 92 73 12. Barkori 1 Do. Do. 59 20 20 108 53 55 13 Bana 3 Do. Do. 94 37 37 242 129 113 14 Bhattar 1 Do. Do. 32 18 18 112 60 52 15 Begi 1 Do. Do. 10 6 6 41 22 19 16 Boha 2 Do. Do. n 33 33 213 123 90 17 Banpur 3 Do. Do. 23 26 26 140 76 64 18 Birnar 3 Do. Do. 52 50 50 277 141 136 19 Birmau 1 Do. Do. 76 25 25 156 85 71 20 Bhanjra 2 Do. Do. n 32 32 240 136 104 21 BastH 5 Do. Do. 112 32 32 244 127 117 22 Bhattar 3 Do. Do. 45 23 23 158 88 70 23 Bhunar 3 Do. Do. n 14 14 127 70 57 24 Badri Do. Do. Unpopulated 25 Bagi 1 Do. Do. 36 17 17 114 62 52 26 Bular 1 Do. Do. 55 14 14 88 47 41 27 Bayala 2 Do. Do. 171 62 62 385 222 163 28 Birp. 2 Do. Do. 22 16 16 77 43 34 29 Snonth. 2 Do. Do. Included in 15 15 6il 41 27 village no. 12 30 Bijnoo 3 Do. Do. 35 36 36 181 94 87 31 Banyana 1 Do. Do. n 31 31 168 89 79 32 Bhamwari 1 Do. Do. 64 25 25 142 84 58 33 Sharay. 2 Do. Do. 10 6 6 41 2S 16 34 Bijoo 3 Do. Do. 69 24 24 144 80 64 35 Binoo 1 Do. Do. 39 10 10 75 46 29 36 B.ntoo 2 Do. Do. 49 13 13 100 55 45 37 B.mrar 1 Do. Do. 16 7 7 43 18 25 38 Bagnl 1 Do. Do. 51 23 23 169 99 70 39 BudaI. 1 Do. Do. 18 11 11 79 38 41 40 Bissau 2 Do. Do. 23 8 8 56 34 22 .. .. 41 Bamoo 1 Do. Do. 39 17 17 102 51 51 42 Bhattar Do. Do. Transferred to Himach~i Prade;h 43 Bisoi 1 Do. Do. 71 25 26 173 87 86 44 Bhopu 2 Dc'. Do. 33 12 14 83 43 40 45 Badhoo 3 Do. Do. 69 25 25 173 91 82 46 Bhistau 2 Do. Do. 29 12. 13 51 27 24 47 Bansoo 4 Do. Do. 38 14 14 94 48 46 48 Bagi 2. Do. Do. 33 8 8 57 30 27 49 Bihar 2 Do. Do. 41 10 11 60 31 29 50 B.dhat 1 Do. Do. 29 14 14 83 49 34 51 Basan 1 Do. Do. 40 18 18 69 42 27 52 Bisoi 5 Do. Do. 90 61 61 265 148 117 53 Biyas 1 Do. Do. 188 84 84 352 226 126 54 Bansar 1 Do. Do. 29 9 9 68 44 24 55 Bhora 1 D~. Do. 34 11 11 54 31 23 56 Balnoo 2 Do. Do. 43 8 8 43 23 20 57 Baghna 1 Do Do. 59 17 18 104 S9 45 58 Bhandrota 1 Do Do. 21 10 10 43 26 17 59 Bhondi Do. Do. Unpopul.ted 60 Bhunau 1 Do. Do. ij 5 5 37 20 17 61 Burail. 2 Do. Do. 85 10 10 144 80 64 62 Bhugtari 2 Do. Do. 39 13 13 69 42 27 63 Basah. 2 Do. Do. 52 18 18 106 54 52 64 Buraswa 11 Do. Do. 194 61 68 276 147 129 65 Badnu 1 Do. Do. 45 15 15 108 61 47 66 Bori 1 Do. Do. 24 6 6 42 23 19 67 Bajoo 1 Do. Do. 51 27 27 167 92 75 68 Bhoot 2 Do. Do. 45 21 21 177 85 92 69 Bhgoor 1 Do. Do. 60 21 21 161 91 70 70 Bh.ndtoH 1 Do. Do. 30 12 12 76 43 33 71 Bh.got 1 Do. Do. 79 4 4 52 30 22 72 Baitha 1 Do. Do. 20 7 7 45 25 20 73 Chebhau 1 Do. Do. 42 14 14 111 57 54 74 Chausal 3 Do. Do. 82 32 32 221 120 101 75 Chandra D,. Do. Unpopulated 76 Chajoi 2 Do. Do. 26 13 15 114 67 47 77 Chhaj.r 3 Do. Do. 108 21 21 144 73 71 78 Chunauti 1 Do. Do. 20 12 12 48 25 Z3 79 Chadiyara 2 Do. Do. 5 4 4 22 13 9 80 Chand au 1 Do. Do. 81 12 19 112 57 55 8t Chh.tau 2 Do. Do. 64 43 43 272 143 129 121 Abstract

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV Non-cul­ n-Guitivators tivating own­ I-Cultivators of of land wholly erg of land; land wholly or or mainly lII-Cuitiva- agricultural V-Proouc­ VlU-Other mainly owned unowned ring labourers rent receivers; tion other services and Displaced and their and their and their and their than cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- miscellaneous persons Literates dependants dependant. dependants dependants tivation ~_~ SOurces o " M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M

14 15 16 17 18 32

(RURAL) 12 35 38 17 15 I 18 II 17 22 3 2 47 31 3 58 50 27 28 4 3 :n 27 11 3 5 29 17 59 40 8 7 6 19 92 H 9 8 18 11 7 47 26 35 18 1 1 8 70 63 38 33 2 9 3 1 1 9 34 33 37 22 16 6 8 8 10 78 69 6 4 4 11 "2 35 38 18 17 12 5 115 104 10 5 2. 2 1 1 2 13 3 31 27 13 12 6 10 9 14 4 21 19 1 15 12 96 68 22 19 1 4 3 16 2 44 45 14 8 8 6 7 5 1 2 17 22 2 40 59 19 17 51 45 8 4 6 17 10 18 6 65 60 2 10 7 8 4 19 117 89 10 9 3 2 2 2 4 2 20 30 68 89 13 9 1 27 8 5 13 7 21 13 59 51 21 17 8 2 22 6 68 54 " 2 3 23 24 15 54 45 2 2. 1 1 2 3 3 25 5 39 34 3 3 4 1 26 15 175 -121 39 35 1 2 3 's 4 27 1 40 31 1 2 "1 1 1 28 4 4 1 21 16 2 2 2. 4 29 8 5 13 27 29 29 31 19 15 8 4 30 2 83 72 6 7 31 1 78 53 3 3 2 32 .. 25 16 33 16 60 55 5 5 '2 8 2 2 34 5 32 22 6 "6 3 1 5 35 5 2 9 32 25 10 9 7 7 '3 2 3 1. 36 12 10 19 7 6 1 37 98 68 1 1 1 38 4 31 35 1 2 2 2 1 3 2 39 "3 31 20 3 2 40 31 36 2 12 11 5 4 1 41 42 .. 62 56 11 8 11 19 2 1 43 2 29 26 12 14 2 44 5 1 63 57 24 21 4 4 45 6 2 13 12 6 6 8 6 46 9 40 38 7 7 1 1 47 9 16 14 7 6 2 5 5 1. 48 8 27 25 2 3 1 1 1 49 3 44 31 S 3 50 2 2 3 5 17 16 'j 13 1 9 5 51 1 85 5 103 90 6 10 9 7 27 10 52 8 'i 92 11 2 31 31 1 17 9 15 11 67 40 93 34 53 1 44 24 54 .. 25 21 '2 1 I 55 3 20 16 1 2 3 56 10 43 33 "8 11 7 57 16 14 9 3 58 59 20 17 60 57 50 ii 12 2 1 61 7 30 17 6 '6 2 4 .. 62 10 47 47 6 4 1 1 6:t 7 55 53 47 38 23 24 4 2 is 12 64 1 58 45 3 2 6S .. 11 15 7 3 5 1 66 2 63 46 10 13 10 2 -1 5 5 67 7 80 87 2 4 3 1 68 B 8 89 68 2 '2 69 3 33 28 4 3 2 4 2 70 3 29 20 1 2 71 5 23 19 2 1 72 33 35 14 13 10 6 73 13 113 97 3 2 4 2 74 75 1. 54 38 .. 3 2 4 7 2 76 1 68 65 4 1 2 7i 2 13 13 ii i6 78 1 4 3 9 6 ,. 79 1. 46 <49 s 2 2 2 '4 2 89 17 79 13 4Q 38 15 i3 7 1 2 .. 81 122

Primary Census

Inmates of Tota I no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseless persona) persons No. of 0 the d ha llle!;! No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- ~ Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses hold. Persons Males Females M F 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 Ii 12 13


82 Chhultar 3 Jaun.ar Bawar Ch.krata 27 19 19 124 57 67 83 Chhajna Do, Do. Unpopulated 84 Chila 1 Do. Do. 7 3 3 22 11 11 85 Chittar 5 Do. Do. 95 31 31 215 124 91 3 86 Chichrar I Do. Do. 9 6 6 37 17 20 87 Chullhau 2- Do. Do. 16 5 6 30 13 17 88 Chhumra 1 Do. Do. 10 10 10 79 42 37 89 Chapnu 1 Do. Do. 19 13 14 110 64 46 90 Chatra 2 Do. Do. 20 15 15 128 73 55 91 Chunau 2 Do. Do. 41 10 10 57 30 27 .. .. 92 Chh.lar 3 Do. Do. 52 40 is 344 202 142 93 Chakrota Civil Do. Do. Included in Chakrata C~"ntonme~~ 9JA Chalqata Cantt. Do. Do. Cantonment 94 Dameha Do. Do Unpopulated 95 Dhaira 5 Do. Do. 116 40 47 295 172 Il3 96 Dhaura 4 Do. Do. 53 39 40 177 87 90 97 Dimich 2 Do. Do. 19 12 12 136 79 57 98 Dassau 2 Do. Do. 155 63 63 245 136 109 99 Danda 2 Do. Do. 83 24 24 190 108 82 100 Dar Mohana Do. Do. Unpopulated 101 Dwar Do. Do. Unpopulated 102 Desau 3 Do. Do. 79 33 33 219 130 89 103 Dei 1 Do. Do. 15 8 it 32 16 16 104 Dugri 3 Do. Do. 96 21 21 201 113 88 105 Deo 3 Do. Do. 75 33 33 253 143 110 106 Dadhao 1 Do. Do. 39 12 12 77 46 31 107 D.dha Khera 1 Do. Do. 2 8 8 63 34 29 lOS Dellau 2 Do. Do. 62 21 21 133 76 57 109 Dau 3 Do. Do. 115 25 25 149 92 57 110 Daduwa 1 Do. Do. 38 10 10 100 57 43 III Dakerna 3 Do. Do. 44 16 16 80 47 33 112 Damtha 1 Do. Do. 53 12 12 78 35 43 113 Dagura 2 Do. Do. 49 15 15 99 51 48 114 Derio 4 Do. Do. 50 19 19 lz5 70 55 115 Doha 4 Do. Do. 33 4 4 47 23 24 116 Darill . j Do. Do. Unpopulated 117 Dawal. Do. Do. 68 31 31 203 110 93 118 Dhaura Do. Do. Unpopu!nted 119 Duwina 1 Do. Do. 38 15 IS 100 49 :it 120 Dalrla Do. Do. Unpopulated 121 Dhanpau 2. Do. Do. 70 26 26 161 78 83 122 Dlndal 2 Do. Do. 27 9 9 67 35 32 123 Dhiroi 1 Do. Do. 16 11 11 63 29 34 124 Dawrs 3 Do. Do. 'II 19 19 130 72 58 125 Datnu 2. Do. Do. 36 12 12 82 50 32 126 Dauda 2. Do. Do. 109 37 37 272 152 120 127 Duwaun 2. Do. Do. H 15 15 84 44 40 128 Dirnar I Do. Do. 42 32 32 207 112 95 129 Dersa 2 Do. Do. 38 21 24 121 71 50 130 Dadaull 1 Do. Do. S 15 15 86 46 40 131 Dunuwan 1 Do. Do. 21 10 10 84 51 33 132 Dimau 5 Do. Do. 164 68 68 447 255 192 .133 Echhla 1 Do. Do. 41 12 12 It4 61 53 134 Faidij 1 Do. Do. 15 19 19 69 38 31 135 Gaurcha 2. Do. Do. 71 n 22 166 107 59 136 Ghaman Goon 1 Do. Do. 6 1 1 5 1 4 137 Gawela 2 Do. Do. 81 34 H 239 132 107 138 Gamri 1 Do. Do. 48 16 16 122 69 53 139 Gharana 3 Do. Do. n 39 41 197 108 89 140 Ghinghoo 1 Do. Do. 56 21 21 124 66 58 141 Ghanta 6 Do. Do. 75 34 34 230 133 97 142 Guprauli Do. Do. Unpopulated 143 Gat. 2 Do. Do. 46 13 13 86 44 42 144 Gangrau 2 Do. Do. 94 34 34 249 130 119 145 Gaduul 2 Do. Do. 26 12 12 61 31 30 146 Guthan 2 Do. Do. 86 22 22 136 74 62 147 Ga.ki 9 Do. Do. 54 24 24 102 55 47 148 GJ,hug 2 Do. Do. 15 9 9 46 2S 21 149 G0ve 'nment Estate 1 Do. --. Do. 163 62 63 243 157 86 T.lwari ISO Guthar 2 Do. Do. 63 22 22 120 65 55 151 Gadait. 3 Do. Do. 29 10 12 86 50 36 152 Gadsara 1 Do. Do. 13 13 84 37 47 153 Horri Do. Do. Unpopulated 154 Hartar 2 Do. Do. 68 22 23 164 97 67 155 Hdtal 1 Do. Do. 18 9 43 86 65 21 156 Harrar 5 Do. Do. 77 22 22 170 88 82 157 Haja 3 Do. Do. 189 58 58 410 232 178 158 Hajta 5 Do. Do. 114 45 54 313 174 139 159 Hoda 2 Do. Do. 18 12 12 83 43 40 160 Hayo 1 Do. Do. 87 36 45 251 128 123 161 Hya. Do. Do. Unpopulated 123

Abstract-( crmtd. )

NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non-cul- II-Cultivators tivating own- I-Cultivators of of land wholly ers ofland; VIII-Other or mainly llI-Cultiva- agricultural V-Produc- land wholly or \.mnother services anu mainly owned unowned ting labourers rent receivers; VII-Trans- miscellaneous and their and their than cul- VI-Com- and their and their merce port sources Displaced dependanu dependan~ dependants tivation g _persons Literates dependants -0 "0 F M F M F M F U M F M F M F M M F ~ F 1\1 F 30 31 32 33 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 ~---- {RURAL)-(contJ.) 82 17 24 39 42 83 84 7 6 4 5 1 2 85 3 3], 5 80 51 ·n 1 2 Z 86 .,. 14 18 87 11 i6 1 1 88 6 5 36 32 6 1 2 89 57 43 5 90 -3 67 55 '3 91 4- 8 2 2 24 16 S 3 10 ... n 3<1 111 126 13 9 93 93A 94 17 8 95 107 15 8 14 7 126 1 1 1 1 96 2 15 12 67 71 2 6 97 6 19 57 40 i4 ' 3 5 '7 3 98 13 86 77 5 3 99 1 SO 56 1.3 23 100 101 1 8 3 102 9 97 65 23 19 1 103 1 15 16 9 2 1004- 3 96 SO 8 6 '3 1 105 103 75 26 26 11 7 .~ ltxl 1 3 3 34 18 8 107 of 6 'i 'i 1 28 21 '4 3 1 108 3[; 33 33 II 109 BS S4 4 3 110 4- 57 43 111 13 12 1 1. " 6 33 19 1 3 .. 112 8 1 25 29 9 11 . 9 113 34- 1 7 6 5 16 ~ 5 3 H9 21 2 30 34 10 9 120 9 S 121 12 45 44 2.4 31 ., 122 6 32 25 3 7 's 8 123 11 24- 26 5 1 124 1 44 44 i3 13 3 ., 125 6 47 32 126 45 S 6 90 69 54 1 9 '8 ., 127 17 16 1 1 11 8 6 6 4 12 9 J Z lZB 10 95 83 2 I 4 :I. 129 2 64 41 3 1 130 39 '4 1 .. 1 42 2 2 131 43 30 4 J 4 132 201 14<1 46 43 4- 4 2 6 6 133 44 42 3 2 B 3 6 134 25 25 7 2 3 •1 135 97 48 5 3 'i '6 136 1 4 '4 24 ij 137 6 74 60 30 13 138 65 50 4- 3 ' .. 1 '3 '4 6 's 2 !39 .. 1 52 49 43 26 140 53 7 7 5 6 1 3 45 2 2 2 141 8 no 81 10 5 9 9 142 143 29 2+ 15 18 2 18 17 144 30 85 n 25 24- 1 1 145 S 26 26 3 3 6 146 61 58 7 4- 16 2 4- S 147 4 43 36 I) 6 1 148 22 17 3 3 2 11 \9 9 5 l() 6 63 22 149 41 18 2 'Ill 32 9 4 150 2 47 49 9 1 1 151 14 49 35 152 1 37 47 153 2 4 154 1'l t 1 67 43 n 2 5 l 155 10 14- 45 3 7 2 2 t 156 2 69 6S 16 11 1 S 3 6 3 157 25 2 ' 177 140 47 30 2 2 6 5<) 9 5 3 8 ISS 10 79 69 75 3 2 159 28 8 10 .. " 1 32 1 2 2 3 1 160 11 78 83 36 28 8 4 161 124

PriJDary Census

Inmates of Total 1'10. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates ofinstitutions houseless houses and housele.. persons) ~ No. of the ! hahllets No. of i Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- 0 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Female, M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 1I \) 10 11 12 13


162 Har!pur 1 J aunsarbaw ar Chakrata ., 70 30 30 157 91 66 163 Hamrau 1 Do. Do. 42 13 14 77 +4 33 164 Hanaul 1 Do. Do. 3 24 26 121 65 56 165 Ithan 2 Do. Do. 73 43 47 283 157 126 166 IndmH <\ Do. Do. 32 29 43 171 91 80 167 Jali 2 Do. Do. 102 37 37 256 139 117 168 J .!!!toan 2 Do. Do. 57 35 39 282 161 121 \69 lnabrar 2 Do. Do. 55 24 24 139 72 67 170 J arana 1 Da. Do. n 19 19 14 .. 75 69 171 Jhusall 1 Do. Do. 39 9 9 65 35 30 172 Jog~" Do. Do. Unpopulated 173 J()g:o 5 Do. Do. 124 74 74 ..30 22 .. 206 174 J asta .. Do . Do. 113 27 28 163 86 77 175 Jhut 'yo 2 Do. Do. 26 10 11 73 .6 27 176 Jhit:·r 3 Do. Do. 42 27 30 191 106 85 171 Jo,;hi 2 Do. Do. 23 9 9 61 28 33 178 Jamuwa 2 Do. Do. 37 16 16 106 51 55 179 Jhusao Bhakrau .. 1 Do. Do. 44 16 18 lOR 50 58 180 J aindau 3 Do. Do. 74 33 33 202 112 90 181 J01

AG RICULTURAL CLASSES NON.AGRICUL'IURAL CLASSES ----- IV--Non-cul- IJ---Cultivators tivating Own- I-Cultivators of of land wholJv ers of lana; land wholly or or mainly' Ill-Cuitiva- agricultural V-Produc- VIII-Other mainly owned unowned ting labourers rent receivers; don other services and Displaced and their and tbeir and their and tbeir t,!Jan cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans. mjscellaneous w persons LitprLltes dependants dependan~ dependants ~pendants tivation__ ~ port __ ~'i__ g

M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F M F M F

-14--lS-~------rf -18-19--20--- 2r--22_:-__-E--2~ ~f5 -26--27 28 29 (RURAL)-(c()ntd.)

4 21 2 26 20 7 6 9 7 38 22 11 44 33 11 162 8 163 1 21 18 15 2 5 8 4 3 31 24 164 18 1 65 44 80 6R 2 4 10 10 165 Ii 61 52 30 28 22 127 III 2 1 166 9 5 167 2 120 81 40 37 2 2 70 67 2 168 10 60 57 12 11 3 1 169 2 15 14 16 14 170 4 2 171 In 4 120 121 46 38 32 31 8 10 55 54 29 22 18 6 173 2 3 39 24 6 3 1 114 10 88 69 7 9 1 .. 175 8 7 176 8 23 26 3 5 1 2 7 34 44 16 2 177 2 3 178 11 43 51 4 2 1 2 9 90 77 17 11 2 3 179 1 4 2 180 2 1 9 16 26 30 14 8 1 181 1 33 31 4 3 5 182 ,r. 6., 37 8 5 183 11 71 57 2 1 1 tR4 5 9 5 185 6 46 49 43 44 17 2 1 7 36 37 30 35 1 186 3 '. 187 8 69 44 18 15 6 6 6 86 70 4 4 2 2 188 I IS'} 2 51 40 19 14 2 4 93 76 11 9 2 1 190 1 2 191 5 18 14 6 9 3 6 6 2 1 97 67 17 19 5 2 192 1 15 9 193 10 95 74 7 7 1 2 3 18 16 6 8 5 194 '. 195 24 53 43 I 13 10 196 $1 34 10 4 6 5 197 2 3 198 8 10 20 6 71 57 28 37 6 7 7 11 6 3 53 49 14 14 9 9 199 12 109 86 '. 200 S 91- 88 28 19 " 201 53 1 1 202 31 8 58 2 1 41 41 18 35 19 1 2 8 13 6 8 203 33 33 3 3 4 3 2 1 204- 58 48 6 5 2 8 3 205 15 18 6 8 '. 2.)6 31 10(: 80 42 21 " 207 17 14 2 33 1'; 21)8 1 84 47 6 6 1 2 5 136 132 73 2 2 209 64 2 11 6 2') 2 106 123 2 I 9 210 16 147 107 61 41 10 9211 3 2 15 8 212 95 65 1 3 1 14 210 148 15 13 2 '. 213 10 7 1 1 214 6 52 57 14 12 1 t 5 70 73 29 3 215 26 9 8 216 5 24 19 19 7 10 40 38 5 6 217 218 14 39 34 7 4 27 69 63 . 219 11 10 1 5 38 45 23 25 t '20 11 8 221 11 78 77 49 36 6 6 1 34- 27 1 ) 11 222 3 5 223 6 1 33 3 ) 3 4 4 12 1-1 3 4224 4 2 225 6 30 2) 2 6 36 35 1 -. 226 2 2 5 6 76 74 18 10 5 227 4 56 4 5 228 42 32 27 26 27 5 3 229 tl 53 31 2 4 15 \ 2.hl 14 .. 231 3 23 40 3 4 '" 13 5 49 1 2 232 36 7 8 2 H 10233 6 6 38 21 33 3 21H 113 105 10 3 6 6 3 11 17 13 80 SI 52 2 2J5 8 4 I 5 4 28 2 47 24 11 16ll tilO 236 12 1 1D7 lO6 12 lL 15 2 1 3 19 5 2 237 19 23 14 3 5 1 86 31 238 1 43 49 91 78 4 1 1 60 .. 2H 55 12 9 2 5 2 •• 240 54 41 4 1 3 1 1241 42 54 5 6 6 13 10 242 126

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions emnnerated (including and Occupied iruna teg of institutions houseless houses and hOllseless persons __p~rsons No. of ------g the hamlets No. of "tJ Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- "0 U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F -1---- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------11 12 13 TEHSn. CHAKRATA 243 Koti 2 J aUl1sar Dawar Chakrata 139 31 31 199 113 86 244 Kuwarna 4 Do. Do. 27 22 22 155 84 71 245 Kh ab au 2 Do. Do. 141 40 40 235 125 110 246 Lakhwar 13 Do. Do. 120 57 59 287 144 143 247 Lorli 2 Do. Do. 86 28 28 254 134 120 248 Lailta 4 Do. Do. 191 50 50 323 193 130 249 Lorli Do. Do. Unpopulatfd 250 Lachha 4 Do. Do. 68 23 23 130 63 67 251 Ludhara 2 Do. Do. 37 15 15 93 49 44 252 Lakha-Mandal ., 3 Do. Do. 55 52 52 262 141 121 253 l..awri 4 Do. Do. 202 63 64 405 235 170 254 Latau 3 Dn. Do. 42 27 44 124 58 66 25S Lahari 2 Do. Do. 18 7 10 54 28 26 256 Lohn 3 Do. Do. 54 15 17 121 66 55 257 Lohari 2 Do. Do. 138 65 68 482 264 218 258 Loharna 3 Do. Do. 30 11 11 67 42 25 259 Lakqiyar 7 Do. Do. RS 35 41 190 100 90 260 Laloo 1 Do. Do. 36 13 14 90 48 42 261 Lohari 1 Du. Do. 15 8 8 55 27 28 262 Myunda 4 Do. Do. 173 50 65 282 157 125 263 Malaitha 4 Do. Do. 109 53 74 422 257 165 264 Mahs%a 4 Do. Do. 39 9 9 70 28 42 265 Maqak 3 Do. Do. 116 S9 62 367 200 167 266 Mangtar 1 Do. Do. 38 13 13 87 48 39 267 Minda1 4 Do. D". 131 53 53 275 145 130 268 Manjhgaon 2 Do. Do. 115 52 52 287 160 127 2(>9 Mohna 7 Do. Do. 131 67 70 410 215 195 270 Mungar 5 Do. Do. 199 59 59 411 229 182 271 Manjhgaon 1 Do. Do. 90 54 54 304 159 145 272 Matyana 1 Do. Do. 51 21 21 182 107 75 273 Mandhol 1 Do. Do. 76 28 28 177 97 80 274 Mailoth 2 Do. Do. 65 39 39 228 125 103 275 Marlao 1 Do. Do. m 20 20 121 63 58 276 Mandol; 4 Do. Do. 69 34 3A. 201 114 87 277 Mekhta 3 Do. Do. 75 39 39 220 103 117 278 Mahpawta 2 Do. Do. 73 16 16 101 59 42 279 Mara'hna 4 Do. Do. 57 25 2S 121 74 47 280 Meunti 3 Do. Do. 75 26 26 162 100 62 281 Mgonda Do. Do. Unpopulated 282 Mengar 2 Do. Do. 25 7 7 35 15 20 283 Malhau 1 Do. Do. 41 17 17 87 43 44 284 Mat2T 1 Do. Do. 19 12 12 77 40 37 285 Mumhi 3 Do. Do. 53 15 15 93 52 41 286 Matho 2 Dp. Do. 58 21 21 137 78 59 287 Masn'r 2 Do. Do. 52 24 24 151 75 76 288 Maletr a 1 Do. Do. 42 14 14 91 45 46 289 Matyawa 1 Do. Do. 74 26 26 144 8S 59 290 Mighatoo 1 Do. Do. 24 10 10 68 32 36 291 Maindrcth 1 Do. Do. 37 16 16 83 41 42 292 Mundhan 3 Do. Do. 77 37 37 211 102 109 293 Magr01; 5 Do. Do. 50 29 29 182 100 82 294 Ninus 3 Do. Do. (6 26 26 153 87 66 295 Nimga 3 Do. Do. 63 21 21 176 88 88 296 Naivi 1 Do. Do. 29 13 13 78 41 37 297 Nagau 1 Do. Do. 120 39 39 197 98 99 298 Nithl. 1 Do. Do. 33 21 21 109 55 S4 299 Nichia 1 Do. Do. 68 22 22 163 90 73 300 Nehra 2 Do. Do. 46 14 14 78 39 39 301 Narya 6 Do. Do. 91 39 39 264 149 115 302 Na


AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non-cul­ II-Cultivators tivating own­ I-Cultivators of of land wholly ers ofland; land wholly or or mainly III-Cultiva- agricultural V-Produc­ VIII-Other mainly owned unowned ting labourers rent receivers; tion other 8ervices and Displaced and their and their and their and their than cul- VI-Com­ VU-Tran.- miscellan~Us o persons Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation lUerce port ____~ c

-,j "o (.) M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26--2~ 29 - --30 31 32 14 1~~~_lZ~_~!B_ ------33 1 (RURAL) -(colltd.) 7 92 77 2 2 2 2 17 5 243 6 43 33 35 38 6 244 3 92 85 25 4 1 11 7 10 245 68 76 84 30 21 12 15 3 23 18 246 14 7 112 102 17 5 4- 247 2 132 86 57 40 4 4 248 249 64 12 59 4- 3 2~ 26 12 4 23 32 251 24 65 63 54 47 3 7 11 8 25, 14 108 82 114 78 4 <) 7 253 27 36 21 24 6 4 5 25i 10 5 26 16 2 255 ') 59 54 .- 1 7 256 S 202 1n 52 42 7 2 3 1 2')t 2 32 20 6 5 1 3 258 23 68 66 25 IS 4- 2 3 4- 2S~ ') H 4·2 2 2 260 25 23 2 5 261 64 46 _. 1 88 79 '- 4 1 262 21 190 121' 34 40 4 4 7 19 263 2 26 36 2 6 .- 264 12 133 121 61 44 1 ~ 2 265 3 38 33 6 3 1 1 2 3 266 12 l>8 87 52 41 1 4 2 161 10 96 69 60 57 1 3 1 268 12 2 129 96 60 64 10 4 1 7 16 8 15 269 18 lQ8 133 50 46 2 5 1 3 3 270 42 6 93 80 47 50 2 (> 1 16 9 271 3 4 82 56 16 8 3 3 14 272 17 77 66 6 _. 14 14 273 11 63 4S 20 17 28 26 3 4 11 8 274 8 37 40 17 13 7 5 2 275 58 51 50 31 3 1 3 13 79 89 2 4 16 12 5 ]. ]. 4 5" 2761.77 14 50 23 '- 2 4 13 7 2 278 S 40 26 20 5 12 1 1. Li 279 70 45 ~7 15 2 2 I 280 2BI 6 () 4 11 282 11 30 12 14 283 4(' 17 2B4 'i 43 36 3 3 285 12 72 54 2 S 2B6 6 72 73 3 187 2 ~3 25 71 20 I 1 288 S 61 5f_ 20 4- 3 289 3 24 21 8 15 29() 11 1 11 17 11 14 3 8 2 6 2 291 22 3 52 55 37 3~ 11 13 11 292 (, t 6) 57 24 17 11 8 293 1J 48 J(, 33 28 5 1 294- 10 27 19 57 55 12 -j 2 295 8 22 21 14 11 1 2 4 3 2% 26 48 51 18 21 20 20 3 1 9 4 2'n 4 17 38 'l 3 5 1 4 4- 6 8 298' 4 SI 67 4 5 .. 5 1 299' 6 28 31 4 4 7 4 300 ?O 80 68 27 19 28 16 6 ') 6 301 3 37 31 70 56 3 3m' 12 1~4 149 1 3QJ 2 ~ 5 6 7 ,- 304 :: 70 77 29 30 2 5 12 .. 305 57 34 2 1 1 306 6 35 23 7 1 2 4 1 3CY1 34)1 30 ry3 309 4 116 68 1 1 3 310 38 31 26 24 3U 3{Z 25 26 313 89 62 31<4 315 7 89 74 25 12 2 13 316 4 20 18 Jill 318 3 3 22 25 4 2 15 9 2 3 .3U 5 62 52 18 14 2 31P 7 36 22 11 5 2 311 2 46 29 2 3 3 3la 2 71 63 2 4 HI, 128

Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persuns institu tions a enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of instltutions house1ess houses and houseless persons) persons No. of ,; the Q II hamlets No. of "Cl in the 0 Nam" of Village or Area in No. of house- (J Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F -1---- 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 . TEHSIL CHAKRATA

324 Pokhri 1 Jaucs][ Rawa'" Ch akrata 93 19 28 142 72 70 325 Pariyar 1 Do. Do. 33 8 8 S5 32 23 326 Phatio 1 Do. Do. Ib 15 15 112 64 48 327 Raygi 3 Do. Do. SS 38 38 182 118 64 328 Raru 4 Do. Do. 119 47 47 289 146 143 329 Rangaw 4 Do. Do. S5 42 42 214 107 107 330 Rajanu 2 Do. Do. 51 29 29 259 166 93 57 36 331 Rang au Do. Do. Unpopulated 332 Raitar 1 Do. Do. 9 5 5 38 17 21 333 Rani 1 Do. Do. 30 12 12 87 45 42 334 Ratar 1 Du. Do. 1 13 13 55 34 21 325 Rawna 3 Do. Do. Il<; 30 ~O 178 88 90 6 336 Rakhtar Do. Do. 22 9 9 63 ,1 32 337 Rup'}o 4 Do. Do. 95 41 41 272 155 117 33S Rampur 2 Do Du, 43 15 I" 78 39 39 339 Rikhar 7. Do. 0". C)6 39 ~9 224 112 .112 340 Samalta 4 D". Do. 110 H 44 243 125 118 341 Sarna Rampur 2 Do OJ. 29 24 24 125 66 59 342 Samog 2 Do. Do 76 3? 33 268 145 123 343 Sainj 2 Do. Do. llS 58 58 402 225 177 34a. Sunoda 1 Do. Do. 69 21 21 134 70 M 345 Sunoi 1 Do. Do. 14 .I 5 30 14 16 34-6 Sakni 1 Do. Do. 1i8 28 28 175 94 111 347 Sansog Do. Do. Transferred to Himachal PrRd~sh 34& Sainj 3 Do. Do. 37 15 15 113 S9 5~ 349 Sarm 1 Do. On. IS 9 9 73 46 27 350 Sedi. 1 Do. Dn. Included in 8 8 57 31 26 vilLge no.71 351 Sir; .1 Do. Do. 79 12 32 169 . 79 90 352 Salga 1 Do Do. 54 29 29 204 109 9; 353 Sainsa 1 Do. Do. 23 15 15 136 74 1i2 354- Siela 1 Do. Do. 18 15 15 62 34 28 355 Sibhoo 1 Do. Do. 30 14- 14- 82 39 43 356 Suryoo 3 Do. Do. 126 35 35 24S 133 112 3S7 Shirba J Do. Dn. 73 39 39 198 100 98 35R Silamoo 2 Do. Do. 82 30 ,0 173 96 77 359 Sarari 2 Do. 1)0. 43 30 30 210 124 8f 360 Sab1ya 1 Do. Do. 75 75 320 196 124 '161 Sarsona I Do. D". 1.1 3 3 16 9 7 362 Singhoor 5 Do. Do. 73 34 3+ 185 88 97 363 SHja 1 Do. Do. 28 IS 18 98 47 51 364 Sahiya 2 Do. Do. n 26 26 120 53 67 365 Sa,vara 3 Do. Do. 40 19 19 n 38 34 366 Sakro' 1 Do. Do. 47 13 13 104 SJ 50 367 Sairi 1 Do. Do. 5 4 4 20 10 10 368 Sariyana 1 Do. Do. 1.1'3 6 6 36 18 18 369 Samaha 1 On. Do. 31 8 II 43 23 20 370 Supau 4 Do. Do. 60 16 16 80 40 40 371 Sainj 1 Do. Do. 53 15 15 95 57 38 372 Sarno!? 4 Do. Do. 83 42 43 239 137 102 373 Santar I Do. Do. Included in 6 6 5S 29 26 village no. 154 374' Sichar 1 Do. Do. 30 13 13 71 39 32 .375 Sujau 2 Do. Do. 57 24 24 132 60 72 176 Sawai 2 Do. Do. 84 35 3'i 240 135 105 '377 Sawra 2 On. Do. 31 30 30 142 74 68 378 Thurau 1 Do. Do. 16 7 7 49 27 Z~ l79 Tivtar 3 Do. Do. 113 24 24- 181 103 78 380 Tipau 1 Do. Do. 10! 27 27 132 61 71 381 Thatio 1 Do. Do. 29 11 11 75 43 32 382 Tiprar~ 1 Do. Do. 38 8 8 67 37 30 3113 Thana 5 Do. Do. 149 73 73 3Q2 188 204 384 Tagri 1 Do. Do. 36 20 20 120 61 59 385 Thalin 3 Do. Do. 54 17 18 108 62 45 386 Tilwad Of'. 0,. 163 UnpopuJ ted '387 Thaina 3 Do. Do. 109 28 29 141 76 65 1-3& Thanta 2 Do. Do. 49 27 27 136 71 65 3'89 Th_rta 2 Do. .- Do. S2 30 30 188 110 78 'mo Tikau 1 Do. Do. 31 4 4 21 13 8 391 Tiona 3 Do. Do. 68 29 29 167 92 75 392 Timra 2 Do. Do. 56 20 20 154 91 63 393 Tarli 3 Do. Do. 28 10 10 90 53 37 394 Udan",a 1 Do. Do. 37 12 12 87 53 34 3\)5 Ubhroo 4 Do. Do. 144 43 43 317 200 117 396 Udpalta 4 Do. D~. 167 62 62 345 178 167 ~97 Udrota Do. Do. Unpopulated 398 Uprauli 2 Do. Do, 94 30 30 211 119 92 '399 Ulia 1 Do. Do. n 17 17 103 57 46 400 Ubhau 2 Do. Do. 19 9 9 65 38 27 4-01 Utail 1 Do. Do. 28 13 13 78 48 30 ~()? 'Chiaro. 2 Do. Do. 32 11 11 101 59 42 403 Chaul1tar 2 Do. Do. 33 10 10 66 33 33 404 Khattar I Do. Do. 43 15 15 94 49 45 129 Abstract-( contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV .Non-cul- II-Cultivators tivating own.. I-Cultivators of of land wholly ers of land; land wholly or or mainly llI-Cultiva- agricultural V-Produc- VIII-Other mainly owned unowned ting labourers rent receivers j tion other services and Displaced and their and their and their and their th an cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- miscel1aneous _per:;oH':; Literates dependants dependants depen~~ clependan1:!; tivation merce port SOurces <5 ----_ '" ." "0 :VI F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F U

14 15 16 17 18 I'} 21) 21 21 23 2+ 25 20 21 28 29 30 31 32 33

(RURAL)-(contd.) 6 60 60 11 10 324 12 23 325 7 48 39 9 4 4 4 2 326 9 43 23 30 25 12 11 14 2 8 11 327 7 57 70 46 37 4 33 29 5 32& 10 43 50 I}O 57 4 329 5 110 7S 11 8 ..~ HI 5 330 331 17 21 .. 332 8 34 3S 6 4 2 333 33 2() 1 1 334 6 S3 59 16 18 12 11 6 2 .135 6 14 19 17 13 336 3 97 65 S7 52 1 .. 337 2 31 34 S 4 3 1 338 9 98 105 1 9 6 4 1 339 32 6 67 60 20 10 12 18 4 3 5 7 17 20 340 23 25 33 24 5 S 5 5 341 100 85 S 7 20 21 20 10 342 207 163 10 I) ., 2 6 5 343 56 47 4 6 4 4 6 7 344 13 15 1 345 63 57 15 15 11 9 4 346 347 1 31 24 20 18 3 S 2 3 6 348 3 46 27 349 1 23 17 8 9 350 4 59 63 17 27 1 1 351 4 60 60 37 2S 6 5 5 3S2 20 53 50 14 () 7 3 353 2 34 28 .. 354 2 33 36 4 5 2 2 355 93 78 30 26 2 2 6 5 2 1 356 SO 58 10 7 26 21 2 2 12 10 357 4 59 44 37 33 .. 358 124 86 " 359 29 22 120 41 2 1 7 51 44- 74 55 10 59 16 360 9 7 " 361 19 85 97 3 " 362 1 37 45 7 5 2 1 1 363 25 31 20 24 2 2 2 6 4 4 364 9 27 26 10 8 1 .. 365 7 47 45 7 5 366 8 7 2 3 367 1 18 18 '. 368 2 18 15 3 3 2 2 31>9 2 21 22 15 16 2 1 " 370 38 24 13 <) 6 5 371 13 66 47 57 49 3 1 6 2 3 2 372 1 29 25 1 373 2 34 29 4 3 374 9 42 57 18 15 375 19 92 89 22 16 19 1 376 1 53 61 17 6 1 3 1 377 4 22 19 3 2 2 1 378 95 71 5 3 2 379 3 38 53 IS 14 3 4 1 .. 380 4 37 28 3 1 :'81 1 31 26 5 4 1 3i12 28 lD6 l/fi 10 11 55 60 12 7 2 4- S 383 4 38 39 5 3 10 9 4 4- S 384 3 61 45 1 1 " 385 386 18 41 46 3() 14 387 2 24 30 11 6 24 21 2 2 9 6388 8 103 72 2 3 5 3 389 13 8 .. 390 2 59 57 16 9 8 4 9 5 391 66 47 17 14 6 1 1 1 392 4 48 32 5 5 .. 393 2 41 28 12 6 .. 394 135 79 59 31 3 6 3 1 395 30 104 95 63 64 10 7396 397 12 2 51 42 37 31 25 10 6 9 398 1 57 46 .. 399 12 20 14 - 11 11 6 2 400 10 43 30 2 3 .. 401 2 42 31 17 11 .. 402 28 28 2 3 3 2403 2 31 25 17 20 1 .. 404 130 Primary Census

No. of Occupied .; the houses 0:1 hamlets No. of '"C.. N arne of Village or in the Area in No. of house- 0 C) To,vn/Ward VIllage Pargana Thana acres houses holds

2 4 6 7 8


405 Koti 3 Jaun"iar Bawar Chakrata 23 8 8 406 Tungra 3 - Do. Do. 61 30 30 407 Bodlyar 1 Do. Do. 2 2 408 Bhandroli 1 Do. Do. .; 2 2 0 4119 Chatra 1 Do. Do. c: 45 45 410 Danmgad 1 00. Do. 'il 1 1 0 '"0 411 Dara Gad 1 Do. 00. ..0 " 6 6 412 Duranl 1 Do. Do B 1 1 .~" (I)~ 413 Gadsar 1 Do. Do. "..0 2 2 414 Kasta 1 Do. Do. oj 1 1 .... C/l ...... """,,- 415 Kathian 1 Do. Do. "ctI a.. 0:::: ca 3 :> 416 Khunigadh 1 Do. Do Sg~~ 65 65 417 Kurog 1 D~. Do. ;~~o 1 1 418 Kanasar 1 Do. Do. c'" 0 ~ 1 2 419 Konam 1 Do. Do. oj .~ 2 2 1 420 Lakhwar 1 Do. Do. ~~~.. ;; ~ 1 421 Minna 1 Do. Do. ~Q 3 3 422 Mundali 1 Do. Do. .B > .... 2 2 Do. • ~ 0 8 423 Matkangara 3 Do. .. ~~ 8 424 Nada I Do. Do. '0 6 6 425 Putar 1 Do. Do. ~~ 1 1 426 Punah 1 Do Do. ..'0 00 2 2 427 Ringa!i 1 00 Do. I-< ..."OJ 68 68 428 Sha!on 1 Do Do. 5 5 429 Sltki 1 00. Do. 1 1 43() Tuini 1 Do Do. "'" 10 10 431 Tilwari 2 Do. Do. 13 23 432 Deoban Do. Do. 433 Malta Do. Do. 434 Murrach Do. Do 435 Bhujkotl Do Do 436 Kerar Do. Do. Total Tehsil Chakrata (Rural) 863 282,240 9,325 9,562 TEHSIL CHAKRATA

93 Chakrata Cantonment Board J aunsar Bawar Chakrata 3,898 328 368 Civil Area 271 271

Military Area 57 97

Total TehsiI Chakrata (Urban) 3,898 328 368- Total TehsiI Chakrata 863 236,138 9,653 9,930 131

Abstract-(contd. )

Inmates of Total no. of pers(ms enumerated in~titutions (including inmates of imtitutions and hauseless Displaced and houseless persons) persons persons Literates 1$ .: '"0 "0 Persons Males Females M F M F M F U 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1

(RURAL) -(contd.) 65 33 32 4 405 183 98 85 4 4CJ6 3 2 1 2 401 5 4 1 2 1 '108 197 173 24 1 47 409 4 3 1 3 flO 19 10 9 'I 2 "111 1 1 1 "In 8 "I 4 3 2 41'3 1 1 1 .. 414 10 8 2 4 415 262 214 48 49 416 4 3 1 2 417 206 204 2 203 22 31 41'8 7 4 3 2 419 4 2 2 1 420 7 7 5 421 2 2 2 422 24 17 7 3 5 2 423 19 11 8 5 3 424 3 1 2 1 1 4Z5 2 2 1 426 321 251 70 9 427 14 13 1 9 7 428 1 1 1 429' 19 16 3 10 1 430 546 526 20 454 38 13 431 Unpopulated .ot31 Unpopulated 433 Unpapulc.ted 4J.t Unpopulated 435 72 72 71 11 436 58,469 32,704 25,765 800 64 88 60 3,158 265


1,283 914 369 170 5 122 89 433 72 93 902 607 295 101 78 243 57 381 307 74 169 5 21 11 190 15 1,283 914 369 170 5 122 89 433 72 59,752 33,618 26,134 970 69 210 149 3,591 337 132

Primary Census


I-Cultivators of land II-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly wholly or mainly un- Ill-Cultivating own~d :.lnd their owned and their I abourers and their 0 dependants dependants c: dependants ~ Name of Village or "'"0 U Town/Ward M F M F M F

--- -2------18------~ I 20 21 22 23

TllHSIL CHAKRATA 41)5 Koti 20 23 12 9 406 Tungra 7S 67 16 12 407 Bodiyar 408 Bhandroli 409 Chatra 410 Darmigad 411 DaraGad 412 Durani 413 Gadsae 414 Kasta 415 Kathian 416 Khunigadh 417 Kurog 418 Kanasar 4-19 Konaln 420 Lakhwar 421 Minno 422 Mund.li 423 Matk.ng'f.! 424 Nada 425 Putar 426 Punah 427 Ringali 428 Shaian 429 Sitki 430 Tuini 431' Tilwari 432 Deob.n 433 Malta 434 Murtaeh 435 Bhujkoti 436 Keeor


Total Tehsil Chakrata (Rut.l) 20,777 17.717 5,889 4,900 857 693 93 Chakrata CantunmCllt fioaed 4 3 2 Civil Area 2 2 MiHtary Arca 2 Total TehsiI Chakrata (Urhan ) 4 1 3 2 1 Tot.. 1 Tehsil Chakrata 20,781 17,718 5,892 4,9(,2 858 693

- __ ------~ 133



~---~ IV-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers; V -Production VIII-Other services and their other than and miscellaneous dependants cultivatIOn VI-Commerce VII -Transport sources 6 .-~~--- '" '1j 0" M F M F M F M F M F U

---~~--- ~--~ ----2-,------1~ 20 --i,7 "'6 J0 -lj .>j "~----~'" ---- (RURAL)-(concld.)

1 405 6 6 406 2 t -+07 3 1 1 408 165 23 7 409 3 1 410 8 8 411 1 412 4 4 413 1 414 8 2 415 194 47 19 416 3 1 417 196 2 2 6 418 4 3 419 2 2 420 4 421 2 422 7 6 5 5 423 9 8 1 4'4 1 2 425 1 1 426 249 70 2 427 8 1 5 428 1 429 11 2 5 430 481 15 15 4 26 431 U~populated 432 Unpopulated 433 Unpopulated 434 Unpopulated 435 68 4 436 2 2,554 955 333 203 238 140 2,055 1,157 URBAN" NON-CITY-(concld.)

96 50 171 125 24 16 615 175 93 96 49 168 123 22 14- 315 106 3 2 2 2 300 69 96 50 171 125 24 16 615 175 2 2,650 1,005 503 328 262 156 2,670 1332

~--~---- 134 Primary Seasus

Inmatca of Total no. of peroollJ inatitutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions housel.. houses and houseless persons) persons No. of the 8 hamleu No. of " Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- 8 Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds PeI'lloll! Males Females M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 II 12 l' TEHSIL DEHRA DUN

1 Abdullahpur 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 215 34 34 169 89 80 2 Aduwala 2 Do. Do. 519 114 115 589 314 275 3 Blank 4 Adhoiwala 1 Eastern Dun Dalanwala 732 239 239 983 568 415 5 Azabpur 3 Western Dun Dehra 1,133 249 249 1,097 605 492 10 10 6 Azabpur Khurd 2 Do. Do. 463 87 87 392 184- 208 7 Akhawani Bhiling 8 Eastern Dun Rishi Kesh 862 37 37 241 132 109 8 Blank 9 Ambari Jungle Do. SahaspuI 278 Unpopulated 10 Ambari Do. Do. 332 50 52 204 121 83 11 Ambar Tea Co. Do. Do. 427 Unpopulated Jungle 12 Ambiwal. 1 Do. Dehra 153 63 75 278 148 130 13 Ambwala 1 Do. Cantt. 326 44 45 229 104 125 14 Aam Wala 1 Do. Dalanwal. 75 32 34 141 68 73 Majhla 15 A.mwal. Tad. 1 Do. Do. 385 17 23 132 95 37 16 Anbfield Grant 14 Western Dun S.haspur 4,172 660 696 3,345 1,924 1,421 17 Anb6eld Jungle 1 Do. Do. 692 5 5 17 13 4 18 Arcadia Grant 15 Do. Do. 4,338 689 689 3,017 1,634 1,383 19 AsuTori Grant Do. Clement Town 1,282 Unpopulated 20 Blank 21 Asthel 1 Eastern Dun Dalanwala 201 29 30 126 75 51 22 Auntri Gaon 1 Western Dun Rajpur 121 19 19 94 52 42 23 Bad erna Kalan 1 Eastern Dun Rishi Kesh 335 17 17 89 44 45 2.4 B.derna Khurd 2 Do. Do. 392 12. 18 73 41 32 25 Baderna Majhla 1 Do. Do. 215 5 5 34 21 13 26 Badogal 1 Do. Do. 192 33 33 144- 83 61 27 Badripur 1 Do. Dehra 442 127 127 564 307 257 28 Bagdadhoran 2 Do. Rajpur 254 14 14 94 57 37 29 Baggi 1 Do. Rishi Kesh 145 23 23 94 37 57 3() Bagrail Gaon 1 Western Dun Rajpur 214 10 10 52 26 26 31 Bahadurgarh 1 Do. Sahaspur 366 1 1 14 14 32 Bairagarha 1 Eastern Dun Rishi Kesh 34 27 27 95 54 41 33 Bairagiwala 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 228 86 86 414 218 196 34 Balawala 1 Do. Cantt. 359 19 19 79 44- 35 35 Bajhet 2 Eastern Dun Dalanwala 423 13 13 233 160 73 36 Bakarna 2 Western Dun Mussoorie 1,214 28 28 166 80 86 37 Bakhtawarpur 1 Do. Sahaspur 282 37 37 139 76 63 Grant 38 Baksarwala 2 Eastern Dun Rishi Kesh 127 26 26 93 53 40 39 Balawala 3 Do. Dehra 2,646 253 253 1,178 634 544 40 1 Blank 41 Baluwaia 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 616 26 26 133 65 68 42 Baman Gaon 2 Do. Rajpur 77 6 6 28 14 14 43 BandawaH 1 Eostern Dun Do. 339 27 27 200 109 91 44 Bahmaowal. 1 Western Dun Dehra 298 54 54 252 141 111 45 Bangoi 4 Eastern Dun Rishi Kesh 49 18 18 92 53 39 46 Banjarawala 1 Western Dun Dehra 482 49 49 223 113 110 47 Baotha 4 Eastern Dun Rajpur 656 ~5 2.5 119 60 59 48 Barkot Muan 1 Do. Rishi Kesh 906 136 136 559 297 262 49 Baronwala 1 Do. Do. 236 23 23 105 74 31 50 Baronwala 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 238 29 29 126 70 56 51 Baruwala Grant Eastern Dun Rishi Kesh 82 5 5 19 10 9 52 Barwa 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 716 69 69 281 152 129 53 Betwali Mandi 1 Do. Do. 158 2 2 2 2 54 Bhagwanpur 2 Do. Do. 235 41 41 166 91 75 Jolon 55 Bh·l.vantpur 1 Do. Rajpu! 72 20 20 87 44 43 56 Bhandariwala 1 Eastern Dun Do. 103 2 2 17 9 8 57 Bhandar Gaon 1 Western Dun Do. 201 7 7 50 30 20 58 Bhanglana 1 Eastern Dun Rishi Kesh 39 5 6 16 11 5 59 Bhaniyawala 3 Do. Do. 696 78 91 606 381 225 60 Bhanwala 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 231 26 27 111 6S 46 61 Bharuwala Do. Clement Town Included in Clement Town Cantonment B~ard 62 Bansiwala 1 Do. Sohospur 151 19 20 98 53 45 63 Bhainswar Gaon 1 Eastern Dun Rajpur 746 20 27 125 69 56 64 Bhitarli 3 Western Dun Mussoorie 2,396 81 83 315 186 129 65 Bhopal Pani Grant 1 Eastern Dun RishiKesh 846 25 48 158 92 66 66 BhogpuI I Do. Do. 272 78 83 407 238 169 67 1 Western Dun Cantt. 744 53 55 230 124 106 .. 68 Bierpur Gopi- Do. Do. Included in Cantonment Board wala 69 Bijeipur Hathi Do. Do. Included in Cantonment Board barkala 70 Bilaspur Kandhli 2 Do. Do. 420 7 8 41 24- 17 71 Binaspur Do. Sahaspur 24 Unpopulated 72 Blnhar (East) 21 Do. Mussoorie 7,830 159 162 787 459 328 72/1 Binhar (West) 17 Do. Do. 2,795 116 141 600 365 235 73 Biraodi 1 Do. Sahaspur 161 5 5 20 7 13 74 Birpu! Khurd Eastern Dun Rishi K""h 5~ Unpopulated 135


AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV Non-cul- II-Cultivator. tivating own- I --Cultivaton of of land wholly er> of land; land wholly or or mainly III-Cuitiva- agricultural V-Produc- VIII-Other mainly owned unowned bng labourers rent receivers; tion other services and Dlpslaced and their and their and their and their than cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- miscellaneous persons Li terates dependants dependants dependant. dependants tiv"tion merce port sources 0 .:: ."" M F M F M F M p M F M F M F M F M F M F 8

14 15 16 17~ __~1~8 __~19~~2~O ____~21 __ ~2~/ ___2_3 ____ ~2~4 ___ 2~5 __ ~26~~2~7 __~ 2=B~~29~~3~0 __~3~1

(RURAL) 16 80 76 3 1 1 5 3 1 90 234 209 11 6 7 i4 11 8 2 3 4 37 43 2 3 101 74 230 14 18 12 4 4 15 2 2 81 70 77 75 3 3 368 249 4 215 98 237 186 7 4 5 6 13 21 41 14 28 32 274 229 5 2 2 58 4 79 78 1 4 1 5 1 7 8 8 88 112 6 39 4 124 104 4 2 4 3 7 8 9 3 2 17 3 10 4 2 68 52 3 38 26 10 11 2 9 57 59 10 5 19 15 36 18 4 6 22 27 12 22 1 98 124 4 OJ 1 2 13 43 12 27 34 1 1 3 2 4 34 31 14 26 2 60 16 11 2 3 8 2 14 16 15 95 49 462 192 711 506 60 49 106 67 14 16 352 248 139 117 18 20 524 398 16 6 1 ° 6 3 7 1 17 7 235 25 662 647 4i 15 191 179 4 ·3 544 384 19 17 17 18 156 120 18 19 20 31 3 31 21 3 3 29 17 12 9 21 18 4 21 24 4 4 10 5 17 9 22 4 42 45 2 23 7 41 32 24 7 19 13 2 25 20 1 51 44 10 10 9 3 9 8 26 12 41 75 78 5 10 52 29 18 2 8 3 20 129 135 27 23 2 46 37 5 1 5 28 3 27 24 14 37 1 4 3 6 6 1 12 9 29 7 17 16 5 3 1 4 3 2 1 30 14 31 25 3 25 23 3 3 9 6 3 1 7 6 32 21 1 98 95 10 5 22 15 7 6 81 75 33 36 7 14 11 10 7 1 1 2 2 1 15 14 34 20 39 14 12 5 3 54 34 86 24 35 86 5 69 79 1 6 6 4 1 36 27 2 54 49 2 8 2 6 5 4 4 37 1 14 It 13 10 22 19 4 2 38 5 9 222 92 380 316 30 45 III 65 4 30 27 26 21 52. 62 39 40 5 65 68 41 2 ° 13 14 1 41- ' 2 21 4 84 73 2 2 4 1 19 14 43 33 6 50 33 2 3 i3 10 5 6 71 59 44 15 7 42 24 1. 5 2 8 8 45 41 6 25 35 2 26 15 3 5 57 55 46 2 56 57 ° 4 2 47 168 23 189 172 3 1 4 3 23 9 6 71 69 48 13 2 20 16 8 4 20 3 1 .j 2 23 8 49 26 8 52 41 1 3 1 1 13 11 50 3 1 2 2 3 1 ° ° 5 5 51 29 6 129 107 2 2 6 4 1 14 16 52 1 ° ,i 2 53 23 1 63 62 6 5 7 1 3 3 1 8 Os 54 18 21 15 18 4 8 6 22 11 55 8 1 9 8 56 7 28 20 2 57 4 1 4 1 3 1 1 1 3 z 5a 50 5 256 147 14 10 69 37 9 8 OJ 2 28 2J 59 22 3 33 22 1 1 15 13 3 3 13 7 60 61 17 8 11 5 3 40 31 62 10 65 55 1 1, 1 63 29 63 68 14 10 1 57 19 44 26 7 6 64 10 1 87 64 5 2 65 6 137 14 136 114 2 5 1 i4 10 i4 6 6g 36 66 47 11 84 63 6 6 5 3 1,9 33 61 68 69 10 3 6 3 6 3 12 8 70 71 70 22 416 289 12 3 11 12 18 24 72 52 5 343 233 2 15 4 5 3 7 12 1 7ijt 74 136 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (iocluding and Occupied inmates of institutions houseIess houses and houseless persons) perso~s No. of the hamlets No. of Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres hOllies holds Persons Males Females !11 F -5------6 l~ 2 7 8 9_ 1O__ ---=1::_1 _ __:1~2, - 13------:=_-- TEHSn. DEBRA DUN

75 Barasi Grant 4 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 880 75 79 354 177 177 76 Birsani 2 Western Dun •. Sahaspur 730 23 2J 132 67 65 77 Bi,hangarh 1 Eastern Dun Rishikesh 61 16 17 76 42 34 78 Bishanpur Western Dun Sahaspur 81 Unpopulated '19 Eisht Goon :> Do. Rajpur 368 49 52 238 126 112 80 Bulaquiwala 1 Do. Sahaspur 247 62 67 285 148 137 81 Blank 82 Central Hope 5 Western Dun Sahaspur 3,128 247 247 1,176 650 526 Town 83 Chak Saliyawala Do. Cantt. 17 Unpopulated 84 Chak Jogiwala Eastern Dun Rishikesh 312 9 9 53 38 15 85 Chaknao Gaon Western Dun Sahaspur 75 Unpopulated 86 Chak Shahnagar 1 Eastern Dun Dehr. 42 8 8 24 14 10 87 Chak Tunwala 3 Do. Dalanwala 579 191 ZOO 796 423 373 Grant 88 Chalang S Do. Do. 620 38 40 186 106 80 89 ChhamroH 3 Do. Do. 635 38 45 174 87 87 90 Chamasari 13 Do. Do. 10,709 150 151 672 389 283 91 Chandpur Kalan 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 153 9 9 32 15 17 92 Chandpur Khurd 1 Do. Do. 173 17 17 77 39 38 93 Chandrauti 1 Do. Rajpur 196 30 30 141 82 59 ·94 Chandrabani 1 Do. Clement 'fown 79 12 17 96 56 40 Khalsa 95 Chauki 4 Do. Cantt. 1,061 .3-5 35 178 100 78 96 Chharha 2 Do. Sahaspur 3,868 221 221 1,073 587 486 97 Chauki Eastern Dun Rishikesh 27 7 7 35 18 17 .. 98 Chukhuwal. \Ve"tern Dun Dehra Included in City Board 99 Chironwali Eastern Dun Dalanwala 108 20 20 109 62 47 .. 100 Dandadhoran Do. Rajpur 114 24 26 121 61 60 101 Daiswal. Do. Clement Town 187 134 157 670 439 231 102 Blank 103 Dand. Khudanc- Eastern Dun Rajpur 172 40 44 258 134 124 wala 104 Dando Lakhaund Do. Do. 439 76 87 363 204 159 105 DanionKa Danda Western Dun Do. 153 9 9 56 31 25' 106 Blank 107 Dehra Khas " 1 Western Dut... Dehra 1,939 12 13 42 23 19 108 Dhaki with Chak 1. Do Sahaspur 141 222 230 1,1(10 588 512 109 Dhaulas 2 Do. Cantt. 813 67 67 331 184 147 110 Dhakrani 2 Do. Sahaspur 3,081 532 532 2,381 1,302 1,079 111 Blank 112 Dhonola 1 Eastern Dun Rajpur 344 23 23 83 49 34 113 Dharmawala 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 401 55 55 218 128 90 114 Dhorkot 2 Eastern Dun Rishikesh 184 11 11 72 31 41 115 Dhalani 12 Western Dun Sahaspur 1,439 89 89 509 269 24p 116 Dharrawala Do. Do. 276 Unpopulated Khalsa 117 Dhartawala Do. Cantt. 314 III 111 449 273 176 Muali 118 Blank 119 Dhumipura Gang- Western Dun Sahaspur 252 Unpopulated hhewa 120 Dhoran Khas .. 2 Eastern Dun RBjpur 483 44 248 128 120 121 Dehra Dun Western Dun Dehra City Board 122 Dehra Dun Do. Do. Cantonment 123 Dhulkot Khalsa Do. Sahaspur 79 Unpopulated 124 Dhulkot Muali I Do. Do. 259 49 49 217 107 110 125 Doiw9h I Eastern Dun Clement Town 175 35 35 133 79 54 126 Doom Gaon 1 Western Dun Rajpur 160 6 6 26 13 13 127 Donkwala 1 Do. Dehra 116 16 16 62 33 29 128 Blank 129 Blank 130 Dudhai 2 Western Dun Sahaspur 1,115 49 49 230 120 HO 131 Dudhli 1. Eastern Dun Cleme[lt Town 262 83 83 327 185 14Z 132 Dumet-' 3 Western Dun Sahaspur 1,213 185 185 567 349 218 133 Blank 134 Dwara 18 Eastern Dun Dalanwala 2,730 140 140 920 509 411 .• 135 Dharampur Western Dun Dehra Included in City Board 136' Dungal Gaon • Do. Rajpur Included in City Board 137 East Hope Town "9 Do. Dehra 2,500 377 377 1,672 949 723 Tea Co. 138 East Hope Town 6 Do. Do. 2,910 310 310 1,600 859 741 139 Fatehpur , . I Do. Sahaspur 1,015 132 132 664 361 303 140 Fatehpur Tanda 1 Eastern Dun Rishikesh 433 45 45 243 137 106 141 Garm with Chak 3 Do. 00. 425 25 28 132 65 67 142 Gadool ZO Do. Do. 6,575 223 224 1,230 644 586 143 J a!)'atpur I Western Dun Sahaspur 550 30 31 135 75 60 144 Gajiawala I Do. Rajpm % 97 99 175 214 161 143 G.rhi " 3 Do. Cantt. 725 74 74 396 229 167 146 Ganll'ole Pandit­ 1 00. Rajpur 219 34 - 34 165 81 84 War! lSi Abatraet-(contd,)

AGRICULTURAL Cl.ASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non-cul­ Il-Cultivaton tivaling own­ l-Cultivaton of of land wholly ers of land; land wholly or or mainly III-Cultiva- agricultural V -Prodne­ VllI-Other mainly owned unowned ling labourers rent receivers; tion other services and and their and their and their and their than cui- VI-Com- VII-Trana- miscellaneous Literates dependants dependants dependants dependants tivation !perce port sources ~ M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 8 1+ 15 i6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

(RURAL)--(contd,) 55 2 152 157 'I 3 6 5 9 8 4 4 75 29 56 S9 3 7 6 1 76 ZZ 30 27 8 6 4 1 17 78 12 62 54 9 9 13 12 1 41 37 79 12 52 56 3 23 11 8 '8 62 60 80 81 8 4 156 10 393 342 5 2 40 22 61 49 148 111 82 83 9 5 15 3 11 13 17 2 84 85 5 6 2 4 2 6 86 77 23 202 185 34 27 120 96 4 5 5 6 5 3 50 87 16 19 72 1 5 3 21 5 88 20 83 82 1 1 2 2 3 89 81 3 301 242 2 36 12 4 46 29 90 3 9 14 , i 3 3 1 91 16 3 35 34 4 4 92 27 8 50 32 2 2 3 4 24 24 93 21 8 14 14 12 2 1 10 7 4 5 15 12 94 41 6 94 74 5 4 1 95 58 1 464 400 7 2 10 1 3 4 10 4 6 2 2 84 67 96 7 17 17 1 97 98 29 8 10 12 8 4 10 3 2 31 29 99 27 9 9 9 1 1 z 13 11 3 2 35 35 100 06 36 191 64 41 35 9 7 '4 1 1 88 47 133 94 16 '3 147 44 101 102 77 46 30 27 8 3 7 8 2 3 3 4 84 78 103 79 26 30 14 14 18 32 22 7 4 22 10 5 91 86 104 7 1 18 18 12 4 1 3 105 106 17 17 5 4 1 1 1 19 16 107 2 2ii 196 10 10 1'1 12 1 175 156 25 10 9 6 142 122 lOB 100 3 166 147 3 7 8 109 3 163 14 721 596 30 34 62 3i 14 11 98 iii 56 si 327 26i 110 III 4 6 27 20 5 5 4 3 3 1 10 5 112 18 67 48 1 2 3 2 3 20 19 5 z 24 16 113 16 29 39 2 2 114 61 245 218 3 3 6 5 15 14 115 116 16 10 121 141 10 6 52 35 68 54 9 5 133 76 117 118 119 90 18 58 3 8 5 z 5 5 64 49 120 ill 122 123 48 14 91 96 15 14 124 23 11 35 32 2 2 2 40 20 125 12 11 1 1 126 3 12 1 3 6 9 5 " 7 6 127 128 129 32 2 90 92 2 1 1 1 22 9 1 4 7 130 62 15 90 80 5 2 15 3 6 9 7 3 62 45 131 14 6 184 131 64 33 8 3 93 51 132 133 208 10 497 409 5 2 4 3 " 134 135 136 10 6 76 .. 280 268 17 16 33 21 547 372 10 5 62 41 137 o 90 3 470 426 13 to 1 3 6 51 37 40 28 281 234 138 31 2 183 172 19 15 14 5 2 2 37 28 8 7 4 6 94 68 139 .. 30 1 100 90 8 4 12 1 1 11 11 140 1 6 7 3 54 63 1 1 6 2 1" 11 2 141 262 13 617 516 1 1 1 11 7 13 1 142 23 2 Sol SI 3 2 18 7143 19 2 39 30 1 1 6 31 21 137 109 144 '5 3 112 53 3 3 6 4 24 55 24 20 6 165 85 145 16 2 43 47 3 6 8 11 2 24 20 146 138 Primary Census

Inmates of Total no. of persons institutionF enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions house!e.s housec; and houseless persons) persons No. of ,; the e:: hamlets No. of "8" N arne of Village or in the Area in No. of hou.e- 0 Town/Ward village PargllD. Thana acres houses holds Pen;ons Males Females M F 2 3 4 5 6 7 H 9 10 11 12 13 TEHSIL DEHRA DUN 147 Ghamolon 1 Western Dun .. Saba.pur .. 298 17 17 6J 41 Z2 148 Ghangora 1 Do. Cantt. 115 8 8 41 29 12 149 Ghisarpari 1 EastemDun .. ClementT~";'n 288 22 23 91 47 44 150 Chandole 1 Do. Rishikesh 26 5 5 20 12 8 151 Govindwala 1 Do. Do. 22 3 3 15 9 6 152 Gohari Muafi 1 Do. Do. 844 6 6 10 7 3 153 Grant Rainapur .. 2 Do. Do. 2,880 94 94 541 355 186 154 Gujanni •• 1 Do. Rajpur 83 5 5 44 34 10 155 Gujrara Mansingb 1 Do. Do. 313 55 55 295 145 150 156 Gujrara Karanpur 3 Western Dun .. Contt. 446 40 40 174 94 80 157 Galigwari ., 8 Do. Rajpur 1,867 78 78 328 179 149 158 Gumaniwala 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 341 18 18 81 53 28 159 Guniyalgaon 1 Western Dun .. Rajpur 167 12 12 42 20 Z2 160 Haldwari 2 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 1,146 19 19 82 42 40 161 Blank 162 Hansuwala 1 Eastern Dun .. Clement Town 168 25 27 87 48 39 163 Harbbajwala 1 WestemDun .. Dehra 289 20 20 97 53 44 164 Harchawala 1 Eastern Dun .. Dalanwala 67 8 8 45 26 19 165 Harnol. 1 Western Dun .. Cantt. 142 88 88 39 16 23 166 Haripur .. 1 Eastern Dun .. Clement Town 96 19 19 115 61 54 167 Haripur Kalan .. 1 Do. Rishikesh 779 43 43 136 95 41 168 Hariyawala Kalan 2 Western Dun .. Cantt. 277 24 24 109 62 47 169 Hariyawala Khurd 1 Do. Do. 268 39 48 240 133 107 170 Harbanswala 4 Do. Dehra 294 179 182 697 375 322 171 Harawala 2 Eastern Dun .. Do. 401 202 211 807 436 371 172 IIasanpur 3 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 687 108 108 474 259 215 173 IIathriwala Do. Rajpur Included In City Board 174 HatwalOaon 1 Eastern Dun .. Do. S 4 4 16 10 6 175 IIorawala 4 Western Dun •. Sahaspur 2,274 131 131 625 331 294 176 lndripur 1 Do. Do. 150 6 6 20 13 7 177 Juar 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 117 S 5 32 12 20 178 Jakhan WestemD .. n .. Rajpl1r Included In City Board 179 Jamnlwall 1 Do. Do. 86 3 3 24 13 11 180 J amoliw ala 1 Do. Do. 56 14 14 71 38 3J 181 Jhajra 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 777 148 148 759 450 309 182 Jatonwala 2 Do. Do. 345 59 59 268 148 120 183 Jassowala 1 Do. Do. 922 163 163 851 460 391 184 Blank 185 Jiwangarh 3 Do. Do. 1,015 312 312 1,262 694 568 186 Jiwanwala 1 Eastern Dun .• Riahikeah 216 40 40 174 89 85 187 Jogiwala Muati 1 Do. Do. 209 17 17 95 56 39 188 Jobari WestemDun .. Rajpur Included In City Board 189 Joli Grant .. 3 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesb 2.125 242 242 1,152 600 552 190 Kaknawa with .. 2 Do. Do. 149 51 51 270 131 139 ChakTalai 191 Kairwan Maikot .. 1 E astern Dun .. Rishikesh 635 10 10 57 27 30 192 Kairwan Karan- 1 Do. Rajpur 405 19 19 101 54 47 pur 193 Kidarpur 1 Western Dun .. Dehra \ .. 330 5 5 13 7 6 194 Kalagaon 1 Eastern Dun .. Rajpur 142 14 14 58 28 30 195 Kalimati 1 Do. Rishikesh 157 15 15 68 42 26 196 Kaluwala 1 Do. Do. 314 15 15 71 45 26 197 Kalyanpur 1 Western Dun Sabaspur 328 20 20 86 51 35 198 Kandhauli 10 Do. Cantt. 3,747 177 177 771 420 351 199 Kandogal 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 72 20 20 107 56 51 200 Kandoli 1 Do. Dalanwala :: 153 23 23 147 71 76 201 Kanharwala 1 Do. Rishikesh 389 58 58 249 144 105 202 Kanswali Kothari 5 Western Dun .• Sahaspur .. 2,007 102 102 468 241 227 203 Blar.k 204 Karbari Grant .. 1 Do. Dehra 959 89 89 379 222 157 205 Kargi Grant 1 Do. Clement Town 256 86 86 423 245 178 206 Karimpur 1 Do. Sahaspur 124 19 19 76 43 33 207 Kari Guard 1 E astern Dun .. Rajpur 838 28 28 106 67 39 208 Katapather 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 257 40 40 134 89 4S 209 Katkor Kal an 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 146 6 6 47 23 24 210 Kaonli 10 WestemDun .. Dehra 1,701 419 419 1.774 1,013 761 211 Katkor Khurd 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 64 8 8 54 30 24 212 Khera 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 385 36 38 148 88 60 213 Kaulagi Tea Central Dun C.ntt. Included In City Board Garden 214 Kaulagl with 2 Do. Do. 263 260 3004- 1,279 698 581 Cbak 215 KedarawaJa 1 Western Dun Sabaspur 635 134 141 713 383 330 216 Keshowala 1 Do. Dehra 131 19 19 97 53 44 217 KhalaOaon 2 Do. Rajpur 306 17 20 75 34 41 218 Khaldhar 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 160 13 13 66 37 29 219 Kbark Muafi 1 Do. Do. 1,056 42 42 154 101 53 220 Khemadoz 1 Western Dun .. Cantt. 50 8 8 21 13 8 221 Blank 222 Kheri Kalan 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 167 10 10 42 27 15 223 Kheri Khurd t Do. Do. 250 20 20 81 42 39 140 Primary Census

Inmates 0 Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseless persons) persons No. of g the No. of ~ hamlets "t:1 Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house- 0 U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F -1------}'---3- 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 ------TEHSlL DEHRA DtJN 224 Kheri Man Singh 1 Eastern Dun .. Rajpur 378 25 25 147 81 66 225 Khurawan 1 Do. Do. 293 17 17 73 43 30 226 Khushalpur 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 927 60 60 284 157 127 227 Kirsali 2 Eastern Dun .. Rajpur 185 20 20 109 58 51 228 Kirsali GJon 1 WestemDun .. Do. 37 2 2 8 2 6 7:9 Kiara 1 Eastern Dun .. Do. 1,437 57 57 278 137 141 230 Kishanpur Western Dun .. Do. Included in City Board' . 231 Kishanpur 1 E astern Dun .. Clement Town 78 23 23 104 56 48 232 Kolhupani 2 WestemDun .. Cantt. 460 29 29 122 54 68 233 Kothar 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 105 16 16 93 53 40 234 Kod'i 1 Do. Do. 213 25 25 117 66 51 235 Koti 2 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 817 21 21 100 52 48 236 K~ti with Chak .. 2 Eastern Dun .. Rishlkesh 373 11 11 58 29 29 237 Kotla 1 Do. Do. 180 6 6 33 22 11 238 Kotal Goon 1 Western Dun •. Rajpur 77 9 9 69 56 13 239 K~tra K,lyanpur 1 Do. Sahaspur 433 35 35 144 78 66 240 K"tra Santor 2 Do. Cantt. 482 58 58 259 144 115 241 Blank 242 Blank 243 Kulhalmatak Majri 2 Do. Sah~spur 363 48 48 199 113 86 244 Blank 245 Kulhal Karanpur 1 Eastern Dun .. Rajpur 101 8 8 34 21 13 246 Kulhal Man Singh 1 Do. Do. 105 5 5 43 23 20 247 Grant Kunja 2 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 565 74 74 . 322 164 158 248 Kunja 2 Do. Do. 655 43 43 469 257 212 249 Kuiwala 1 Eastern Dun .. Clement Town 403 35 35 137 73 64 250 Western Dun Mussoorie Cantonment 251 Lachhiwala Eastern Dun .. Clement Town 288 59 59 278 139 139 252 Blank 253 Lachhmipur 2 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 454 75 75 363 212 151 254 Blank 255 Ladpur 1 Eastern Dun .. Dalanwala 366 5 5 17 6 11 256 Ladwakot 1 Do. Rishikesh 714 23 23 88 50 38 257 Loharwal. Western Dun .. Cantt. Included lD C.ntonm~~t Board 258 Lakhanwala Khas Do. Sahaspur 385 35 35 165 83 82 259 Lakhanwala Niwat Do. Do. 256 102 102 405 219 186 Sahib. 260 Langha 3 Do. Do. 772 76 76 313 181 132 261 Lysterabad 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 1,104 31 39 219 145 74 262 Mahreka Gaon 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 186 34 34 171 96 75 263 Majri 1 Do. Sahaspur 188 75 75 328 175 153 264 M,jri Grant 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 3,483 419 419 2,012 1,127 885 265 Majri Muafi 1 Do. Clement T~';"n 254 128 135 585 333 252 266 Makkawala 1 Western Dun .. Rajpur 56 2 2 6 4 2 267 Malhan Grant 1 Do. Dehra 429 20 20 42 32 10 268 Mandigangbhewa 1 Do. Sahaspur 267 2 2 19 9 10 269 Mabi Do. Rajpur Included in City Board' 270 Manduwala 1 Do. Cantt. 764 27 27 171 84 87 271 Mangluwala 1 Eastern Dun .. Dalanwal •.. 229 66 68 355 201 154 272 M.jhon 1 Western Dun .. Cantt. 675 14 4 22 13 9 273 Mussoorie Do. Mussoorie MUnicipality 274 Majhra 1 Eastern Dun .. Rajpur 175 12 12 56 33 23 275 Majra 2 Western Dun .. Clement Town 800 421 427 1,713 994 719 276 Marautha 1 E astern Dun .. Rajpur 209 13 13 77 37 40 277 Markham Grant 15 Do. Clement Town 5,489 1,444 1,464 6,580 3,907 2,673 278 MednipuT BadTipur 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 666 122 122 639 327 312 279 Mehunwala Khalsa 2 Do. Do. 399 153 159 610 334 276 280 MethiBehri 1 Do. Cantt. 328 SO 53 230 128 102 281 Blank 282 Misvaspatti 10 Do. Mussoorie .. 5.051 93 94 416 235 181 283 MirzapurGrant 1 Do. Sahaspur .. 544 84 94 423 237 186 urf Dhalipur 284- Mis.arwala Kalan 1 Eastern Dun .. Clement Town 288 47 55 210 114 96 285 M.nwal. 2 Do. Debra 449 90 90 435 247 188 286 Miss.rWal. Khurd 1 Do. Clement Town 110 33 40 148 85 63 287 Mohammadpur .. 2 Eastern Dun .. Do. 346 17 21 90 57 33 Darkale 288 Mohabbawala 1 Western DUft .. Do. 156 44 49 219 129 90 289 Mohkampur Khurd 1 Eastern Dun .. Dehra 498 74 108 365 196 169 290 Monthronwal. 3 Western Dun .. Clement Town 1,198 133 133 560 319 241 291 Nali 4 Eastern Dun Rishikesh 1,890 21 21 91 53 38 292 Nagl. Buladawal 1 Do. Clement Town 154 48 47 201 108 93 293 N aga H atnala 1 Do. Rajpur 69 62 72 227 121 106 294 N agala J awalapur 2 Do. Clement Town 404 90 91 360 214 146 Nahin Kalan 2 Do. Rishikesh 752 27 27 148 295 83 6S ~. 296 Nahin Khurd 1 Do. Do. 132 2 2 14 8 6 297 Nakraunda 2 Do. Clement Town 1,058 155 155 605 340 265 298 Nanur KheTa t Do. Do. 182 19 19 132 87 45 299 Nadh t WestemDun .. Sahaspur 179 3 3 19 9 10 If)_ A•• I. Ie (..""

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV Non-cul- U--CultivatorA tivating own- ~ ..atol'llof of land wholly ers of land; laad wh-oUy or or m.aialy Ill-Cuitiva- agricultural V-Produc­ VIII-Other mainly o ....ned unowned ting labourers rent receivers; tion other s"""ices and Disphced and their and their and their and their than cui. VI-Com- Vll-Trans- misc;:el1aneLl-s persons Literates dependanto dependants dep.=~ants dependa!!!s tivation _ mere,,- port sources a " M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F 1\1 F

(llfiP".--(co1lJlll.) 33 57 59 3 11 5 1 2 II •. 224 9 39 2S 2 4 1 1 ·1 ' .•US .2 97 8J 2 16 16 t 4D JO 1.26 U) 1 57 -+9 1 2: •. %27 1 2 6 .. 226 21 1 109 122 1 18 13 9 6229 230 17 1 40 38 7 4- 3 4 1 2 S7 •. 231 3 4 32 16 8 9 2 8 1 4 4 1 1 3 j 43232 15 49 37 4 3 •. .233 33 3 58 ...... 2 I 3 2 2 3 1 2J.4 6 44 18 6 8 2 1 •. 235 16 4 26 2B I 1 1 t •. 2.36 7 15 11 7 '. 237 22 13 9 1 1 1 2 38 .. 238 13 4 65 '63 2 11 3 .. 239 52 9 68 47 13 2 8 3 9 4 2 48 51 240 241 2+2 4 57 47 IB .. 2 8 7 20 l6243 "' 244- 3 15 10 4 2 •. 245 4 23 19 1 ...... 246 4 89 84 10 13 12 13 1 7 11 6 S 1 2 12 31247 3 1 160 136 11 11 6 1 8 9 6 1 66 54 248 17 5 24 23 6 2 2 1 25 19 1 15 19 249 250 56 22 81 93 8 9 9 6 15 7 2 Z 2+ 22251 152 5 129 94 9 4 20 11 2 2 3 4 48 36 ~3 ~ 3 .. 3 4 3 725S 20 4.'! 38 2 '. 25(; .2.57 5 :w 51 3 2 2 1 1 4 3 34 25258 20 16 71 4 11 .. 2 48 32 6 Z 81 68 25-9 47 6 162 U8 3 '1 2 4 5'- 1 10 6 U{) +8 no fj.() 1 7 8 17 6.2'61 31 71 54 .. 2S 21 262 ·i 4 92 94 3 4 2 2 4 31 14 4 3 3 t 36 35 263 6 18 167 7- 665 576 111 89 63 8 8 7 68 61 13 12 1 .2 198 130 264 8 10 85 39 81 71 6 -4 23 16 1 6 1 18 24 to 7 187 129265 1 4 2 .. 266 2 9 4 5 9 6 "2 3 iii 3 ali7 6 8 3 2 •. 268 269 41 17 53 49 14 9 6 8 1 3 ro 18 270 -9 1 125 73 27 35 5 .. 24 9 18 20 4 5 127 80271 9 1 11 9 2 .. 272 273 5 33 21 2 27. 165 146 794 129 108 75 12 49 22 1 137 82 53 92 82 34 5S3 413 275 18 34 37 3 3 '. 276 140 112 815 115 J.777 1.487 41 71 206 117 17 4 789 243 '205 146 125 53 747 552 277 6 268 261 1 1 4 30 12 3 3 24 32 278 t 14 160 139 9 9 1 2 17 18 10 3 .. 137 105 279 40 11 16 8 4- 1 18 11 2 , 88 70280 281 32 179 148 6 8 8 4 5 15 5 1 1 22 14 282 7 143 108 7 28 6 16 2 8 10 4 l' 53 36 283 43 15 45 40 2 3 1 14 12 52 41 284 2 3 95 29 105 98 6 9 28 14 3 25 19 11 10 36 9 36 26 285 21 7 31 26 3 3 7 3 12- 6 1 3 1 30 22286 16 1 27 18 15 11 5 3 2 7 2287 42 12 36 26 43 21 10 2 10 11 23 19 7 11 288 24 5 33 35 t 26 15 49 37 2 1 27 22 58 59289 107 72 131 102 9 6 23 13 5 29 23 30 26' 96 66 290 7 46 37 .. 3 3 1 .. 1 .. 291 22 3 63 64- 4- 2 1 5 5 2 1 33 21 292 57 12 54 21 I 1 26 17 2S 10 13 36 20 Z93 42 7 101 98 5 4 21 3 9 1 2 2 75 38m 46 3 73 S3 6 4- 8 295- 2 8 6 • .. 2%- 11 8 130 22 134 146 2 IS 55 30 , ii 109-- 6 2 26 10 :ii 30297 33 6 62 23 1 2 9 5 2 1 13 14 llI£ 4 8 10 1 .. 2'" 142

Inmates or Total no. of persons institutions enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutions houseless houses and houseless persons) -p~ No. of the hamlets No. of Nam~ of Village or in the Area in No. of house­ Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

2 3 4 5 6 7 9 11 12. 13 TEHSIL DEBRA DUN 300 Nathanpur 1 Eastern Dun .. Dehra .• 551 174 174 676 391, 285 301 Nathuwawala 2 Do. Dalanwala .. 1,198 68 68 302 180 122 302 Nugawan 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur .. 383 3& 19 2ZO 120 100 303 Newada 1 Eastern Dun •. Clement Town 357 70 70 346 187 159 \. 304 Blank 305 Nortuwala 1 ,Do. Rishikesh 49 11 11 47 27 20 ..\ 3 )6 Niran J anpur 2 Western Dun .. Dehra 669 200 203 831 469 362 307 Palad 3 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 740 29 29 119 59 60 308 Pali .• 1 Do. Do. 102 23 23 92 4S 47 309 Partitpur Santor. : . Western Dun .. Rajpur Included in City Board 310 PanditwariMuafi 2 Do. Cantt. 382 325 325 1,240 719 521 311 Partltnagar . . 1 Eastern Dun .• Rishikesh 913 61 61 234 134 100 312 P artltpur Kalyanpur 2 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 389 68 68 327 191 136 313 PaiionNathuwala 1 Do. Dehra 455 143 143 662 356 306 314 Phagsi 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 166 15 15 81 50 31 315 Phalsua 1 Do. Do •• 85 10 10 48 27 21 316 Phanduwala •. 1 Do. Clement Town 91 19 19 74 43 31 317 Phanduwala Hamlet Do. Do. Included in village no. 316 Unpopulated 318 Pharti 1 Do. Rishikesh 418 19 19 82 41 41 319 Phulet S Do. Do. 895 35 35 169 89 80 320 Phulsani 1 Western Dun .. Cantt. 277 32 32 140 81 59 321 Pirthlpur 1 Do. Sahaspur 132 30 31 124 72 52 322 Pirthipur Jungle 1 Do. Do. 2,457 1 1 63 63 323 Porhrwala Do. Do. 43 Unpopulated 324 l'lthuwala I Do. Dehra 214 38 38 ZS6 133 123 325 pondha 2 Do. Cantt. 1,303 131 131 559 318 241 326 powalasora t Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 80 18 19 90 48 42 327 pouhdwala t Western Dun .. ' Sahaspur 114 5 S 22 11 11 328 Prempur Muafi t Do. Cantt. 92 101 101 430 218 212 329 punkleGaon 3 Do. Rajpur 194 33 33 154 86 68 330 purohitwala I Do. Cantt. 312 5 5 24 13 11 331 pushtari I Eastern Dun .. Rajpur 124 7 7 79 72 7 332 Qutubpur Western Dun .. Sahaspur .. 66 Unpopulated 333 Raipur 8 Eastern Dun •• Dalanwala .. 3,441 697 703 3,179 1,757 1.422 334 Rishikesh Do. Rishikesh Municipality 335 Rajpur Western Dun .. Rajpur Included in City Board 336 Blank 337 Rajawala 2 Do. Sahaspur "504 60 64 273 151 122 .. 338 Rajpur Muati Do. Rajpur Included in City Board 339 RamnagarDanda 4 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 1,055 85 85 346 200 146 340 Rampur Bhaurwala 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 497 54 54 222 126 96 341 Rampur •• Do. Do. Unpopulated 342 Rampur Khurd •• t Do. Do. 83 2 2 10 6 4 343 Rampur Kalan •. 3 Do. Do. 1,028 157 157 729 413 316 344 Ramsahwala I Do. Do. 29 8 8 38 20 18 345 Rangherwala 2 Do. Cantt. 366 97 98 427 238 189 346 Raiwala t Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 1.170 56 56 314 226 88 347 Rani Pokhari t Do. Do. 444 21 21 78 45 33 348 Grant Rani Pokhari 3 Do. Do. 1,051 183 183 815 434 381 349 Rikholi _ 3 Western Dun .. Mussoorie 3,538 82 82 376 219 157 350 Rakhwal 1 Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 41 14 14 76 47 29 351 Raithwan Gaon 1 Do. Do. 929 13 13 48 25 23 352 Rudarpur 2 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 1,321 119 119 545 292 253 353 Sabhawala 2 Do. Do. 1,380 182 183 872 506 366 354 Sahab Nagar I Eastern Dun .. Dehra 343 24 24 124 82 42 355 Blank 356 Sahaspur 1 Western Dun Sahaspur 1,051 398 411 1,641 913 728 357 Salan Gaon I Do. Rajpur 102 17 17 7S 40 35 358 Saloniwala I Do. Do. 96 3 3 16 10 6 359 Saliawala urf I Do. Cantt. 249 10 10 63 32 31 Badshah Bagh. 360 Sangtiawnla Kalan 1 Eastern Dun. . Rishikesh 150 5 5 24 20 4 361 Sangtiawala Khurd 1 Do. Do. 165 12 12 42 26 16 362 S arangdharw ala I Do. Do. 58 S4 54 306 153 153 363 Saron 1 Do. Do. 57 7 7 30 16 14 364 Sarona 3 Do. Rajpur 1,425 49 49 271 136 135 365 Sarkhet 1 Do. Rishikesh 212 8 8 46 21 25 366 Sateli Gerwal 3 Do. Do. 1,335 34 34 186 93 93 367 Sudhonwala 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 486 42 42 174 89 85 .. 368 Senoia Do. .. -Rajpur Included in City Board 369 Serki 2 Eastern Dun. • Do. 220 27 27 164 105 59 370 ShiwlaKhurd 1 Western Dun •• Dehra 161 67 67 270 166 104 371 Shahnagar 1 Eastern Dun.. Sahaspur 225 65 77 309 184 125 372 Shahpur Kalyanpur 3 Western Dun . . Do. 1.063 66 68 32S 188 137, 373 Shahpur Santor 1 Do. Cantt. 229 S9 59 224 130 94 374 Sherpur 2 Do. Sahaspur 945 160 160 728 406 322 375 Shyampur 1 Eastern Dun •. Rishikesh 562 30 30 128 98 30 376 Shishambra 4 Western Dun •. Sahaspur 1.233 161 161 816 438 378 377 Blank 143 Abstract-(contd. )

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV Non-cul­ I1-Cultivatora tivating own­ I-Cultivatoraof of land wholly ersofland; land wholly Clr or mainly IH-Cultiva- agricultural V-Produe­ VllI-Other mainly owned unowned ting labourers rent receivers; bon other services and Displaced and their and their and their and their than cui- VI-Com- VII-Trans- mlscel] aneous persons Liter ates _..:d:_:e!:_pe::.:n=d.:::an:::t=-s _ dependants dependants dependants tivation merce . • port sources


.14 _ 15 16 17 18 1\1. 20 21 22 23 24 25 2(l 27 2M 29 3U 31 3l 333 1 (RURAL)--(contd.)

.277 6 107 141 .. 11 4 158 49 20 7 7 88 83 300- 19 1 121 99 2 1 34 19 2 3 1 10 1 3 5 1 301 32 12 67 54 1 1 30 :22 1 21 23 30a 54 38 69 63 1 1 8 3 5 2 1 103 89 303 30+ 8 1 14 15 9 4 .. 1 305 13 6 129 34 68 55 23 22 23 20 7 9 83 55 12 7 6 246 192 306- 21 56 56 1 3 1 1 1 30t 14 1 40 43 1 3 2 30S. 30'1 101 87 262 74 30 24 5 3 124 195 150 60 4 5 403 237 3It} 5 J 46 11 62 67 4 4 14 6 17 2 9 10 9 5 19 6 311 23 147 105 1 12 2 8 7 2 1 21 21 312 3 11 1 117 146 33 14 42 30 109 97 44 8 11 _11 313 12 3 50 30 1 314 15 3 24 21 -. 3 315 15 4 22 14 7 2 12 11 316 317 20 38 39 318- 13 112 74 7 6 319 41 19 70 55 3 11 1 320- 23 3 58 49 10 2 1 3 1 321 5 59 4- 322 323 38 3 99 97 1 12 8 2 1 2 17 16 324 106 25 234 219 12 41 7 4 6 6 18 12 325 18 36 35 7 3 3 4 1 326 4 6 11 11 327 63 24 15 18 5 2 31 21 26 23 4 3 135 145 328- 15 68 59 5 6 12 4 329 3 4- 5 9 6 330- 9 58 2 5 331 332 27 21 804 304 352 291 37 29 202 161 21 28 386 344 134 65 20 5 605 499 333: 334 335 336 52 6 141 120 5 3 2 337 33$ 72 5 167 117 5 7 8 2 19 20 339 61 14 85 68 8 9 10 6 22 12 34() 341 2 2 4 4 342 4 306 30 232 186 21 13 3 2 5 6 63 46 15 6 73 56 34~ 5 18 13 1 3 1 2 344 40 4 11 9 9 7 2 1 2 30 44 6 5 179 121 345 19 117 80 3 2 9 1 2 9S 5 346 14- 2 30 28 9 4 4 1 1 1 347 1 190 43 204 221 26 26 69 35 4 9 32 27 20 16 79 47 34& 50 104 86 11 10 5 4 2 41 23 44 28 10 8 349 22 4 37 21 2 1 8 7 350 8 24 20 1 2 1 351 58 6 286 250 1 2 4 1 1 352 28 1 307 241 4 3 10 2 5 5 26 16 9 145 94 353- 5 22 45 35 3 3 23 1 1 2 8 3 354 355 20 11 290 107 382 320 11 16 17 14 16 2 125 92 56 47 303 236 356 16 2 29 26 1 to 9 357 5 9 6 1 358 IS 31 31 359' 4 7 2 4 9 2 36() 3 15 10 2 2 8 4 1 361 80 33 84 83 5 5 16 19 6 6 2 4 40 36 362 10 3 15 13 1 1 363- 39 125 131 1 4 3 4 364 4 18 24 1 1 1 1 365 36 83 82 4 2 3 7 3 42 366- 37 6 27 26 3 9 9 4 8 4S 1 367 368- 21 35 39 3 1 27 40 19 369 1 1 63 19 62 51 5 3 1 1 11 7 13 6 73 36 37() 3 3 89 15 58 41 5 3 60 41 6 5 18 6 37 29 371 3 105 76 16 10 4 7 5 11 11 3 4 42 31 372 35 29 23 4 1 2 1 7 5 3 1 6 4 79 59 373: 16 276 208 1 1 30 28 4 4 18 4 5 1 72 76 374- 20 9 31 12 36 22 4 2 25 t 1 2 17 3 1 2 10 2 375 5 197 189 27 19 57 38 112 67 12 37 33 28 376 377 144

Inmatelof Total no. of per9ODO institutiODf _ted. (including and Oecupied inmaaes of i.titutions houseJeli hoU ... aad hcruseleas persons persons N.,.,of the bamlelll No. of Name ofViUage or in the Area in No. of bouse­ Tow-.jWard village Thana acres hQJBes holds Persons Femairs F . 1 3 5 6 17 8 9 10 11 12 13 TEIIIIL JlIi:IDA." Sill .. 10 E~tem Dun •• l\~pur 3,793 % 96 468 l40 218 Blank S,igll 1. Westetll Dun •• Do. 133 13 13 11 34 31 Simiari 3 Eastern DUD •• Do. .• 455 22 22 N 38 46 Simalas Grant 1 Do. Clement Town 366 58 58 251 143 114 Simiand .. 1 Do. Rishikesb 97 9 9 60 30 30 Sindhwala Gaon 6 Do. Do. 955 44 48 366 142 124 Sanll(aon 7 DI). Do. 699 44 44 279 143 136 Sorasaroli .. 3 Do. Do. 1,345 102 104 466 268 198 Sondhonwali Dhora 1 Do. Rajpur 47 4 4 12 8 4 Sondhoowali Man 1 Do. Do. 52 23 23 116 71 45 Singh .'89 Sunderwala 1 Do. .. Dalanwala ., 193 33 33 118 68 50 S~a 4 Western Dun .. Sahaspt)r 2,852 121 122 570 308 262 '90391 Talai 3 Eastern Dun .. liishik"llb 532 25 25 l5() 76 74 ,92 Tangauligarh 2 Do. Do. 492 17 17 96 53 43 393 Topoban 2 Do. .. Do. 170 37 37 183 103 80 394 TauH .. Western Dun .. Sahaspur 591 106 106 428 235 193 395 Tarlanagal 1 Eastern DUll .. Rajpur 377 22 25 116 61 55 396 Blank 397 Thano 1 Eastern Dun:: Rishikesh 8 13 13 60 27 33 398 Thew. 1 Do. .. .Q.ajpur 361 32 32 296 182 114 m Tilwari 1. Western Dun .. Sahaspur 573 S6 56 232 126 106 +00 Timli 1 Do. Do. 302 192 192 926 493 433 +01 Timh M ~n Singh 1. Eastern Dun " Rajpur 665 15 15 120 80 40 402 Tiparpur .. 2 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 604 147 147 694 390 304 .+1)3 WestHope Town no.114- Do. Do. 2,577 666 672 2,694 1,505 1,189 4{)4 West Hope Town 11 Do. Do. 2,394 108 108 3,168 1.735 1.433 no,II 40S Clement Town Civil Do. Clement Towl;I Included in Cantonment Area <405A Clement Town Do. DQ, Cantonml:nt +06 Atak Farm S Do. Sahaspur •. 2,367 108 108 405 252 153 407 Bharuwala Grant 3 Do. Clmlent Town S51 157 158 63l 377 255 +08 Dhoomnagar Do. Sahaspur 395 Unpopulated 409 Kiarkuli Bhatta .. 3 Do. Mussoorie 3,074 100 100 454 272 182 4W Kharakhet 2 Do. -Do. 373 26 26 90 54 36 411 Khera Gopiwala .. 1 Do. Rajpur 339 13 13 62 31 31 41;2 Makreti 1 Do. Do. 159 10 10 39 22 17 413 Mehunwala Muafi S Do. .. Dehra 1,028 316 350 1,904 1,065 839 414 Mohakampur Kalan 1 Eastern Dun .. Do. 42 5 5 29 17 12 415 Reniwala 1 Do. Rajpur 61 6 6 27 14 13 416 Sidharwala 1 Do. .. Rishikesh 623 31 31 157 95 62 417 Shanktrpur Haku- 1 Westet"n DItA .. Sahaspur 2,121 333 337 1,506 830 676 matpur 418 Shewla Kalan 2 Do. .. Clement Town 497 161 161 736 394 342 419 A.arori 1 Eastern Dun .. Do. 22 22 53 35 18 420 As arori 1 Wesrern Dun .. Do. 2 2 3 3 421 J3urwala 1 Do. Sahaspur •. 1 15 15 108 89 iii 422- lIai Khula 1 Do. Do. 2 2 8 5 3 423 Bulla Walla . . 1 Eastern Dun .. Clement Town 21 21 102- 56 46 424 Bir Bhadur Tapobhan 1 Do. Rishikesh 135 183 679 569 110 Latl'anibibiwala .23 Banbaha . Do. Do. 48 48 167 114 53 +26 Chandpur Western Dun .. Sahaspur 1 1 4 4 "'27 Chaadu 1 Eastern Dun •. Risbikesh 4 8 7 'i 428 Chandipart Susawapart 1 Do. Do. 28 28'" 85 67 18 +29 Dararit 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 5 5 17 9 8 430 Dharamawala 1 Do. Sahaspur ., 9 9 57 38 19 431 Dudhali 1 Eastern Dun •. Clement Town 22 22 121 93 28 432 Dulaa; . . 1 Do. Do. 13 13 84 80 4 433 DalipNagarTamgia 1 Do. Do. t3 16 73 43 30 +34 Danda Block . . 1 Do. Rishikesh 25 25 94 67 27 435 Ja- 1 Do. Do. 40 51 248 211 37 khanpart 436 GolaTapparja Khan 1 Do. Do. ., 12 12 276 273 3 4-37 ]habrawala 1 Do. Clement Town 12 26 77 64 13 438 Jhajra 1 Western Dun •. Sahaspur 10 12 44 38 6 439 Kulhal 1 Do. Do. 10 10 41 28 13 440 Karwapani 1 Do. Do. 5 21 111 114 3 441 Kachersawra I Eastern Dun •. Rishikesh 1 1 2 Z 442 Laldhan.g 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur ., 16 16 67 53 14 443 LachhiW1lla 1 Eastern Dun •. Clement Town 15 25 83 59 24 444 Lawakot aad 1 Do. RiI;hikesh ,. 1 1 1 1 Sanarukhala 445 Malhan Western Dun .• Sahaspur ., 18 18 108 100 8 .. 446 Mathorawala Eastern Dun .. OementTown Included in Urban City 447 Maidan 1 Do. Rishikesh " "3 3 12- 10 2 .• +48 Motichur 1 Do. Do. ,. 32 32 236 191 45 449 Phaaduwala 1 Do. Clement Town 26 26 239 215 24 145 Abstract-(contd.)

AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AG RICULTURAL CLASSES IV-Non-cul------II-Cultivators tivating own- I-Cultivators of ofland wholly erB of land; land wholly or or mainly Ill-Cultiva- agricultural V-Produc- VIII-Other -- --mainly owned unowned ting labourers rent receivers j tion other services and Displaced and their and their and their and their than cul- VI-Com- VII-Trans- miscellaneous persons Literates dependant.q dependants dependants dependants tivation merce port sources IS ----- ~


~1~4_~1~5 __~16~~1~1 __~1~8_~19~_~2_0 __ 2_1 __22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33


36 210 216 4 7 9 9 3 3 " 378 379 7 23 31 2 9 5 380 46 3 25 31 1 7 9 1 4 5 381 28 75 71 5 6 2 21 10 41 25 382

9 17 22 10 8 3 ,0 383 53 129 113 3 1 3 9 8 384 37 129 129 1 2 13 5 385 16 234 172 1 12 5 21 16 o. 386 1 7 4 1 0.387 42 19 24- 10 1 3 6 37 29 388 50 8 15 19 2 5 8 9 9 36 14 389 94 6 179 166 22 2 55 47 4 1 45 36 390 44 6 76 74 •. 391

10 52 42 1 .0 392 38 6 22 25 35 32 3 14 7 13 9 1 15 6 393 3 47 8 215 176 2 2. 2 3 15 13 394 22 2 52 46 3 3 I) 5 1 395 396 4 2 15 7 5 4 5 12 17 6 7 397 55 8 57 64- 6 2 119- 48 398 47 15 99 89 3 3 1 14- 4 3 3 7 5 399 61 1 94 95 12 29 25 63 53 26 20 12 12 257 228 400 6 6 78 39 2 1 .. 401 276 39 250 188 .. 3 2 2 17 13 12 7 lO~ 91 402 3 6 194 51 590 497 22 11 53 24 3 426 338 31 20 20 14 363 282 403 5 66 I> 727 620 11 4 19 26 4 1 192 156 74 67 1 1 707 558 404 405 405A 66 6 223 147 t 26 5 1 1 1 406 6 12 157 78 23 9 8 3 27 24 25 16 5 .. 289 199407 408 50 183 161 2 1 1 41 6 4 41 12409 23 2 51 35 2 1 1 " 410 20 26 29 1 1 1 2 1 411 3 11 7 4 2 7 8 412 1 157 633 508 16 19 4() 27 2 1 \68 132 15 19 18 172 129 413 8 1 10 7 4 2 3 3 414 8 7 7 2 t 2 3 4415 11 19 8 49 45 33 16 8 1 1 1 3 o. 416 12 75 4 477 434 31 14 86 69 47 40 49 16 7 133 103 417 2 3 143 35 113 102 20 12 30 26 19 15 3 209 185 418 7 1 28 16 7 2 419 2 2 1 .. 420

15 4 9 18 59 19 3 00 421 7 3 2 2 1 422 7 1 53 46 t 00 423 10 8 29 14- 308 36 62 42 18 5 6 '6 168 27424 23 4 63 3 2 30 4:2 20 7 o. 425 4 3 1 .. 426 2 7 1 .. 427 16 46 18 21 .0 428 4 3 5 6 3 429 t 2 32 19 3 .. 430

26 34 49 28 9 O' 00 431 32 68 9 3 3 1 432 30 4 41 28 1 1 2. 433 29 2. 64 27 2 00 434 16 42 3 160 34- 9 .. 435 7 6 225 5 6 2 37 o. 436 21 1 63 13 .. 437 22 23 2 12 4 3 o. 438 3 2 17 13 9 .. 439 20 2 112 3 .. 440 1 2 ., 441 22 1 13 38 14 2 ., 442 24 .. 7 5 42 23 3 .. 443 1 1 •• 444 43 16 15 64 7 4 1 445 446 . 6 2 16 2 2 2 .. 4+7 34 3 181 45 7 .. 448 52 143 2 70 24 •• 449, 146 Primary Census

Inmates 01 Total no. of persons InstItutions­ enumerated (including and Occupied inmates of institutIOns houseless houses and houseless persons) persons No. of g too hamlets No. of '8 Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house­ u Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds Persons Males Females M F

2 6·----~7,-----~8O------.9,------I~O~----~11.---~lr~--103

TEHSIL DEBRA DUN 450 Paledlestand Talal Eastern Dun Rish.kesh .. 5 3 2 and Pallaikha Block 451 Ramgarh .. 1 Do. Clement Town 4 5 20 20 452 Ramnagar Bidhalana 1 Do. .. Rlshikesh 20 23 93 86 7 453 Saispur 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur Unpopulated 454 Sulhawala 1 Do. Sahaspur 27 27 230 184 46 455 Soorpur .. 1 Do. Do. 22 22 140 111 29 456 SatiyawalaTangay 1 E astern Dun .. Rlsh,kesh 14 14 65 38 27 457 Songpart Lambi Rao 1 Do. Do. 13 13 91 87 4 458 Sainkot 1 Do. Do. 59 59 261 195 66 459 Satya N arain I Do. Do. 12 12 35 28 7 460 Timli 1 Western Dun .. Sahaspur 1 1 9 4 5 461 Tonli .. 1 Do. Do. .. 18 18 150 120 30 462 Raipur Ordinance 1 Eastern Dun .. Dalanwal •.. 1,074 1,076 3,340 2,012 1,328 Factory 463 Choharpur Western Dun .. Sahaspur .. Town Area 464 Rishlkesh 2 Eastern Dun .. R.shlkesh 50 63 267 182 85 465 Dalanwala 1 Western Dun .. Dalanwala •. 551 39 39 201 116 85 466 Bibiwala 1 Eastern Dun .. Rish.kesh 38 12 13 51 28 23 467 Bhattonwala 1 Do. Do. 89 1 1 3 3 468 Thakurpur I Do. Do. 41 2 2 10 10 Total Tehsil Dehra 817 •• 255,888* 28,100 28,779 131,937 75,033 56,904 10 If) Dun (Rural)

*Accordmg to Table 'E' the rural area of the teh.il is 449, 920 acres. The discrepancy is due to the non-availablity of area ligures of the forest vi1lages, code nos. 419 to 462. 147


AGRICULTURAL CLASSES NON-AGRICULTURAL CLASSES IV_:__Non-cul----~- ~-~ ~------II--Cultivators tIvating own" I-Cultivators of of land wholly erg of land; land wholly or or mainly III--Cultiva- agricultural V-Produc- VIII-Other mainly owned unowned ting labourers rent recelVers; tion other service.~ and Displaced and their and their and their and their than cui- VI-Com- VII-Trans- miscellaneous dependanlq dependants dependants dependants tivation merce .; per"OI'I' Literates ------.-~ sources Il ." 0" M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F CJ

24-- 25--26--~ 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 . ---~----~------~--


NQ. of <:i the Occupied houses c:; hamlets No. of ." Name of Village or in the Area in No. of house... "0 ~ U Town/Ward village Pargana Thana acres houses holds

2 4 5 6 7 8

TEBSIL DEBRA DUN 250 Landaur Cantonment .. Western Dun Mussoorie 717 382 383 405 Clement Town (Cantonment) Western Dun Clement Town 268 485 497 Civil Area 359 371 Military Area 126 126

273 Mussoorie Municipal Board Western Dun " Mussoorie 6.802 2,045 2,456 Barlowganj 540 573 LandaurBazarLihrary and Happy Valley 965 1,235 Kulri Bazar 540 648

334' Rishikesh Municipal Board Eastern Dun .. Rishikesh 2,295 2,066 2,088 1,246 1,267

2 486 487 3 334 334 463 Choharpur Town Area Western Dun Sahaspur 87 481 684 Total Tehsil Debra Dun 10,169 5,459 6,108 (Urban Non· city) TEHSIL DEHRA DUN

3A&B Dehra Dun Cantonment Western Dun . , Cantonment .. 950 5,788 6,123 Civil Area 2,951 3,238 Military Area 2,837 2,885 3C Dehra Dun Municipal Board 1 ., 13,917 18,997 20,508 Ward l-Rajpur I 1,064 1,276 I 2-Karanpur 2,294 2,435 3-Dalanwala 3,330 3,883 4-Jhanda Western Dun Dalanwala, 1,150 1,360 Dehra,Cantonment 5-Khurbura and Rajpur 6,584 6,776 6-Chukhuwala 4,358 4,561 7-Railway Colony 217 217 Total Tehsil Dehra Dun (Urban City) 14,867 24,785 26,631 Total Tehsil Dehra Dun (Urban) 25,036 30,244 32,739 Total Tehsil Dehra Dun 817 280,924* 58,344 61,518

*According to Table 'E' the total area of the tehsil is 474, 956 acres. The discret>ancy is due to the non·availablicy of area figures of the forest villages, code nos. 419 to 462. 149 Abstract-(contd.)

Inmates of Total no. of persons enumerated instit utiona (including iDlllates of institutioill and houseless Displaced ,; and houseless persons~ persons persons Literate8 ::l "0" o Persons Males Fernal.,. M F M F M F U

9 ______1_0 ______1_1 ______2. ______~3 ______1~4~ ____~1~5 __~~~~~1~6'_-_-_-_-_-_~17--1---


1,417 904 51J 135 92 401 155 250 7,720 5.877 1.843 :l,302 32 425 230 3,736 586 405 1,725 954 771 20 13 8 32 104 48 5,995 4,923 1,072 2,282 19 417 198 3,632 538 7,133 4,975 2,lIS 385 24 264 216 2,892 920 273 1,688 1,219 469 8 21 15 435 13b 3,485 2,326 1,159 207 20 166 14S 1,660 590 1.960 1.430 530 170 4 77 56 797 194 7.495 4,836 ;1,659 6 1,119 929 2,971 856 334 4,118 2.558 1.560 628 511 1,489 533

1.527 978 549 5 328 289 596 179 1.850 1,300 550 163 129 886 144 2,335 1.400 935 285 254 811 296 463 26.100 17,992 8,108 2,687 62 2,228 _ 1,721 lQ,811 2,813


27.812 17,183 10,629 3,680 257 3.426 3,176 8,891 4,350 3A &B

13,853 7,637 6,216 4 4 2,894 2,930 4,308 3,224 13,959 9.546 4,413 3,676 253 532 246 4,583 1,126 116.404 67,215 49.189 1,873 481 18,141 16,834 30,651 16,647 3C 5,746 3,179 2,567 295 11 171 190 1,339 712 17,006 9,631 7.375 304 220 3,066 2,880 4,203 2,340 16,316 10.143 6,173 947 113 1,935 1.693 5,955 2,925

19.384 11,414 7.970 202 29 3,291 2,919 1.965 981 33.482 18,982 14,500 123 19 6,457 6,031 9,417 5,801

23,276 13,223 10,053 2 89 3,134 3,065 7,404 3,750

1.194 643, 551 87 56 368 138

144,216 84,398 59,818 5,553 738 21,561 20.010 39,54~ 20,997 170,316 102,390 67,926 8,240 800 23.795 ;U.731 50,353 23,810

302,253 177,423 124,830 8,250 810 25.033 22,688 69,61~ 28,110 l;.iO



I-Cultiv-atore of ll-Cultivaton of land wholly or I and :wholly or Ill-Cultivating mainly owned mainly unowned labourers and their and their and their Ii dependants dependants dependants N arne of Village or ~ Town/Ward M F M F M F 2 18 19 20 21 22 23 TEHSIt. DEHRA DUN 250 Landaur Cantonment 9 40S Clement Town (Cantorunent) 31 26 2'l~ 246 1 Civil Area 28 26 271 246 Military Area 9 m Mussoorle Munil:ipal Board 149 10 14 12

B~lowganj 17 14 Lanciaur Bazar Library and Happy VaIley 65 52 14 11 Kulri Bazar 67 4 334 Rishikesh Municipal Board 105 34 2 10 29 10 2 2 30 7 2 3 46 17 7 463 Choharpur Town Area 28 22 Total TehaU Dehl'a DUD 328 15a aB8 a58 11 (Urban Non-c'ity) TEHSIL DBHRA OON 3A&.B Debra Dun CantoIUDent 160 130 S'l 60 19 3

Civil Area 150 122 57 60 19 :f Military Area 10 8 3C, Debra Dun Munldpal Board 1,008 645 16'1 129 86 42 Ward l-Rajpur 314 275 10 16 1 " 2-Karanpur 144 36 3 3 2 .. 3-Dalanwala 246 122 44 30 25 6 " 4-Jhanda 156 94 32 29 12 4 ... S--Kburbura 90 66 3S ~ 42 22 " ~...... chukhuwal. 58 52 40 25 4 9 .. 7_Railway Colony To'" Tehsil D_a DUD (tIrllaD City) 1,16B '1'15 :aU 189 105 45 Total Tehsil Dehra Dub (l1rlaalU 1,496 9a1 :5lI 441 116 45 Total Tehail Debra DUD •• 37,066 30,666 2,188 1,704 3,544 2,010

.. - 151 Abstract-(concld.)


IV-Non-cul­ tivating mmers m land; agricultural VIII-Other rent receivers; V -Production services and Bnd their other than mi9cellaneauo dependants cultIVatIOn VI-Commerce V 11-Transport s.our-ces


______2~4 ______2~5 ______2_6 ______2~7 ______2~8~ _____~2~9 ______3~0______~31~ ____~3~2~ ____~3~3 __~~_

URBAN NON·CITY-(concld.)

110 61 201 117 2 582 334 250

11 a 122 81 141 72 n ~ 5.256 1,386 405 2 49 40 99 62 28 30 478 365 10 73 41 42 10 9 4,778 1,021 21 8 339 169 704 494 101 31 3,647 1.374 273 85 28 45 39 50 1,022 386 3 160 106 458 311 11 _l_ 1.613 , 674

16 4 94 35 lOI 144 40 28 1,012 314 16 13 618 378 1.074 841 355 172 2.656 1,221 3304 3 7 342 232 505 429 213 125 1,463 757 135 58 307 230 44 20 459 233

12 141 88 262 182 98 27 734 231 255 147 668 575 25 12 424 179 463 48 .34 1,"44 836 2.788 2,099 520 345 13,565 4,494

URBAN CITY-(c01Icld.) 22 15 1.486 1,221 1.436 , 1,256 442 253 13,561 7.691 3A&B 8 13 1,297 1,155 1,339 1,203 ' 290 196 4.477 3,464 14 2 189 66 . 97 53 152 57 9,084 4.227

500 289 10,565 7.942 15.490 12,896 3,958 2,820 .15,441 24,426 3C

26 49 245 291 338 284 86 76 2,159 1,606 88 33 1,488 1.199 1.677 1.455 480 419 5.749 4,229

159 43 1.295 730 1.504- 1.205 453 287 6.417 3.750

53 31 2,316 1.500 2,905 2.429 1.034 661 4,906 3.222 129 87 3.282 2.787 6.270 5.211 968 738 8.163 5.563

45 46 1.931 1.462 2.771 2.306 501 382 7.873 5.771 8 3 25 6 436 257 174 285 52:iJ 304 12,051 9,163 16,926 14.152 4,400 3.073 49.002 32.117 570 328 13.495 9,999 19,714 16,251 4,920 3.318 61.567 36,611 1,064 797 25.540 17,457 22,708 18.531 5.900 3,859 79,413 49.806 152 Parga.. and Thanawise Population


Population No. of Serial Villages and No. of no. Name of Pargana Towns houses Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 6


Jaunsar Bawar '106 9,653 59,752 33,618 26,134 TEHSIL DEHRA DUN

Western Dun 201 44,849 241,531 141,540 99,991 2 Eastern Dun 205 13,495 60,722 35,883 24,839


Population No. of Serial V ill ages and No. of no. Name of Thana Towns houses Persons Males Females

2 3 4 5 -6--


Chakrata 406 9,653 59,752 33,618 26.134 TEHSIL DEHRA DUN

Sahaspur 105 10,085 49,940 28,005 21.935

2 Rishikesh 115 6,199 27,614 16,812 10,802 3 Mussoone 8 2,970 11,064 7,330 3.734

4 Dalanwala (Rural) 20 2..934 12,291 7,060 5,231 5 Dehra (Rural) 30 3,765 16,975 9,388 7,587 6 Cantonment (Rurdl) 28 2460 8,477 4.695 3,782 1 Clement Town 38 3,708 24,352 15,717 8,635 8 Rajpur (Rural) .. 60 1,438 7,324 4,018 3,306 Dalanwala (City) Dehra (CIty) 1 2 24,785 144,216 84,398 59,818 Cantonment (CIty) >- I Rajpur (CIty) J PART III


1941 1942

------~------Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

2 5 6 7


, Li"e Birth! Total 7,565 4,611 2,954 7,171 4,106 3,065 Males 4,004 2,449 1,555 3,820 2,190 1,630 Females 3,561 2,162 1,399 3,351 1,916 1,435 Still Binhs Total 144 129 Males 88 86 Females 56 43 Bi,th Rak Total 28°3 26°5 23°7 (per 1,000) Males 15°0 14 °1

Female~ 13°3 12°4 .-Deaths by aile IIroups- Total 5,643 3,413 2,230 4,801 2,856 1,945 Males 3,110 1,896 1,214 2,589 1,550 1,039 Females 2,533 1,517 1,016 2,212 1,306 906 Males 738 422 316 598 303 295 Under 1 year Females 608 324 284 488 251 237 Males 508 284 224 373 212 161 1-5 Females 462 256 206 311 174 137 Males 84 51 33 80 48 32 5 -10 Females 80 49 31 81 48 33 Males 58 37 21 59 37 22 10-15 Females 71 47 24 77 42 35 Males 82 42 40 74 44 30 15-20 Females 104 54 50 99 50 49 Males 252 142 110 189 93 96 20-30 Females - 292 167 125 265 144 121 Males 264 144 120 197 118 79 30-40 Females 205 143 62 202 126 7& Males 253 172 81 238 158 80 40-50 Females 152 106 46 151 106 45 Males 237 167 70 223 156 67 50-60 Fern.lrs 149 108 41 140 100 40

Males 634 435 199 558 381 177 60 and over Females 410 263 147 398 265 133 C-Deatbs from selected causes- Cholera 24 3 21 1

Small-pox 15 8 7 13 9

Plague 1 Fevers 3,353 2,920 433 2,882 2,425 457 Dysentery or Diarrhoea 295 96 199 236 81 155 Respiratory diseases 899 167 732 671 140 531 Injuries 68 31 37 54 20 34 Other causes 988 187 801 944 181 763 Death rate from all causes (per 1,(00)- Total 21°1 19°8 17°7 Males 19°1 15°7 Ferrules 24°2 20°9

~------155 Statistics

1943 1944 1945

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

10 ____c:_11::__ 12 13_____ ~14~ ___~15~ ___~1~6

6,717 3,659 3,058 6,717 3,933 2,784 6,923 3,888 3,035 3,517 1,977 1,540 3,495 -2,069 1,426 3,756 2,133 1,623 3,200 1,682 1,518 3,222 1,358 3,167 1.755 1,412 123 126 134 65 67 80 58 59 54 24' 5 21'0 24'1 22"5 24"6 22"2

12'8 12'6 13'3 11'7 11'6 11"2

4,637 2,688 1,949 5,040 2,815 2,225 4,733 2,739 1,994 2,538 1,493 1,045 2,743 1,548 1,195 2,543 1,493 1,050 2,099 1,195 904 2,297 1,267 1,030 2,190 1,246 944

555 261 294 527 297 230 561 299 262

439 203 236 502 279 223 425 210 215 413 231 182 367 205 162 325 185 140 308 152 156 358 183 175 309 161 148 71 41 30 105 43 62 83 44 39 65 33 32 84 30 54 85 42 43 45 25 20 81 42 39 76 45 31

47 2'1 18 84 31 53 90 37 S3 82 50 32 120 47 73 93 51 42 82 41 41 100 42 58 131 65 (>5 159 96 63 216 99 117 209 97 112 247 134 113 258 128 130 264 152 U2 175 106 69 244 131 113 231 144 87 188 125 63 225 121 104 201 123 78 221 131 90 251 148 103 220 137 83 150 98 52 156 112 44 149 9C) SO 226 140 86 252 162 90 222 154 68 122 89 33 141 94 47 112 80 32 591 412 179 580 374 206 523 337 186 451 291 160 389 247 142 424 276 148

20 19 6 6 13 3 10 4 4 41 12 29 33 17 16 96 96 53 22 31 2,629 2,224 405 2,884 2,371 513 2,638 2,211 427 271 97 174 242 79 163 207 60 147 667 170 497 658 123 535 737 147 59\) 58 26 32 65 26 39 46 15 31 988 170 818 1,048 204 844 1,006 264 742

16 9 15'4 18'1 16'1 16"8 15"2 15'1 16'1 14"7 19'6 21'2 20'0 --~-----~------...... - 156 Vital

1946 1947

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rurd Urban -18- ---1-9- 17 21

A-Births- Live Births 'fotal 6,790 3,588 3,202 6,079 2,832 3,247 Males 3,724 2,018 1,706 3,296 1,577 1,719 Females 3,066 1,570 1,496 2,783 1,255 1,528 Still Births 'fotal 138 95 Males 79 58 Females 59 37

Birth Rate Total 23'8 20'4 21'0 16'1 (per 1,000) Males 13'1 1)'4 Females 10'7 9'6

B-Deaths by age groupS- Total 4,452 2,556 1,896 4,272 2,258 2,014 Males 2,433 1,405 1,028 2,312 1,218 1,094 Females 2,019 1,151 868 1,960 1,040 920 Males 443 225 218 386 161 22S Under 1 year Females 390 188 202 329 114 215 Males 294 179 115 355 212 143 '1-5 Females 293 158 135 379 21'1 160 Males 68 37 31 83 SS 28 ·S-10 Females 58 28 30 90 41 49

Males 65 40 25 78 43 35 10-15 Females 56 24 32 75 44 31

Males 89 36 53 100 49 51 15-20 Females 109 45 82 36 46 Males 198 86 112 193 90 103 20--30 Females 231 124 107 208 86 122

Males 218 115 103 192 89 103 30-40 Females 199 114 85 190 107 83. Males 239 149 90 206 110 96 Females 138 91 47 120 84 36 Males 243 168 75 220 132 88 50-60 Females 138 100 3):; 126 87 39

Males ~76 370 206 499 277 222 ,60 ~nd ,over Females 407 260 147 361 222 139

C -Deaths fram s~bcted causes- 35 31 4 32 4 28

'Stnall-pox 13 5 8 60 44 16

Plague 25 2 23 6 6

Fevers 2,413 2,015 398 2,185 1,773 412

Dysentery or Diarrhoea 179 58 121 246 71 175

Respitatory di.seases 750 183 567 668 155 513

Injuries 42 19 23 49 30 19 Other emses 995 243 752 1,026 181 845 Death rate from all causes .(per 1,000)- Total 15'6 14'5 14'8 12'S

Males. 13'9 13'0 Females 18'3 17'6 157


1948 1949 1950

Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

6,310 3,149 3,161 7,268 3,484 3,784 7.511 3,717 3,794 3,427 1,738 1,689 3,919 1,910 2,009 4,042 2,009 2,033 2,883 1,411 1,472 3,349 1,574 1,775 3,469 1,708 1,761 79 186 135 49 110 79 30 76 56 21'6 17'8 24'S 25'1 25'2 11'7 13'2 13'5 9'9 11'3 11'6

3,629 2,102 1,527 3,170 1,802 1,368 3,850 2,511 1,339 2,065 1,194 871 1,717 999 718 2,110 1,370 740 1,564 908 656 1.453 803 650 1,740 1)..41 599 365 170 195 303 150 153 404 248 156 275 130 145 298 131 167 348 211 137 273 179 94 202 129 73 300 215 85 227 131 96 190 107 83 302 198 104 70 46 24 41 24 17 67 56 11 70 42 28 41 23 18 75 52 23 72 42 30 40 22 18 39 26 13 61 34 27 35 23 12 45 30 15 82 36 46 46 25 21 53 29 24 80 43 37 76 43 33 64 38 26 175 89 86 141 63 78 151 78 73 187 106 81 154 79 75 185 107 78 180 102 78 140 83 57 146 78 68 159 104 55 125 78 47 126 89 37 174 105 69 164 93 71 195 129 66 105 70 35 84 51 33 118 78 4{} 184 122 62 191 135 56 228 148 80 116 77 39 115 80 35 124 95 29 490 303 187 449 275 174 527 363 164 284 171 113 335 188 147 353 343 110

26 7 19 8 8 2 53 18 35 17 2 15 37 19 18 2 2 1,979 1,659 320 1,641 1,336 305 2,186 1,876 310 180 68 112 186 76 110 189 90 99 491 132 359 451 154 297 521 227 294 31 11 20 29 \5 16 41 15 26 867 207 660 838 221 617 874 283 591

11'9 10'7 12'8 17'0 9'4 11'4 12'7 15'1

NOTE-The data has been collected from the Annual Reports of the Director of Medical and Health Services, U, p, 158 Agricultural Statistics I-Rainfall

From April I to From September 1 to From November 1 to August 31 October 31 March 31 Total

Number Number Number Number During of rainy During of rainy During of rainy DurinIJ of rainy Year Normal the year days Normal the ~ear days NOJ

2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 1901-02 1902-03 1903-04 1904-05

1905-06 69 84 36'75 48 10'54 8'28 8 7'97 10'94 19 88'35 55'97 75 Total for 1901-06 Quinquennial average-1901-06

1906-07 69 84 66'70 57 10' 54 14'19 14 7,97 14'02 19 88'35 94'91 90 1907-08 69·84 38'00 42 10'54 1'15 3 7'97 6'22 7 88'35 45'31 52 1908-09 69'84 63'81 56 10'54 2'66 5 7'97 5'64 12 88'35 12'11 73 1909-10 69'84 91'07 73 10'54 7'02 9 7'97 6'34 12 88'35 104'43 94 1910-11 69'84 88'98 67 10'54 19'61 16 7'97 22'11 22 88'35 130'70 105 Total for 1906-11 349'20 348'56 295 52'70 44'63 47 39'85 54'33 72 441'75 447'52 414 Quinquennial average-1906-t1 ,. 69'84 69'71 59'0 10'54 8'93 9'4 7'97 10'87 14'4 88'35 89'51 82'8

1911-12 69'84 37'05 41 10'54 15'66 17 7'97 14'16 14 88'35 66'87 72 1912-13 69'84 56'01 54 10'54 8'89 8 7'97 10'98 17 88'35 15'88 79 1913-14 69'84 51'33 55 10'54 2'34 4 7'97 10'55 17 88'35 64'22 76 1914-15 69'84 62'89 62 10'54 17'82 16 7'97 14'05 18 88'35 94'76 96 1915-16 67'53 54'21 55 10'33 8'86 15 8'23 2'85 6 86'09 65'92 76 Total for 1911-16 .. 346'89 261'49 267 52'49 53'57 60 40'11 52'59 72 439'49 367'65 399 Quinquennial averago-1911-16 69'38 52 30 53'4 10'50 10'71 12'0 8'02 10'52 14'4 87'90 73'53 79'8

1916-17 67'53 77'40 66 10'33 23'16 20 8'23 4'28 12 86'09 104'84 98 1917-18 67'53 87'14 79 10'33 32'4.5 29 8'89 5'48 fO 86'75 125'07 118 1916-19 65'22 42'68 50 10'36 3'73 4 8'99 14'03 18 84'57 60'44 72 1919-20 65'22 51'05 54 10'36 16'03 11 8'99 7'93 17 84'57 75'01 82 1920-21 65'22 57·33 50 10'36 4'34 6 8'99 6'61 6 84'57 68'28 62 Total for 1916-21 " 330'72 315'60 299 51'74 79'71 70 44'09 38'33 63 426·55 433'64 432 Q.uinquennial average-1916-21.. 66'14 63'12 59'8 10'35 15'94 14'0 8'82 7'67 12'6 85'31 86'73 86'4

1921-22 65'22 62'51 53- 10,g6 25'81 20 8'99 6'53 12 84'57 94'85 85 1922-23 65'22 73'44 62 10'36 18'45 17 8'99 9'85 15 84' 57 101'14 94 19Zf.24 65'22 48'39 48 10'36 13'81 13 8'78 11'76 13 14'36 13'96 74 1924-25 65'04 65'32 52 11'07 39'09 19 8'80 6'18 9 84'91 110'59 80 1925-26 65' 04 74'fft 66 H'07 4'45 8 8'80 18'71 15 84'91 91'83 89 Total for 1921-26 " 325'74 324'33 281 53'22 101'61 17 44'36 53'03 64 423'32 478'91 422 Quinquennial average-1921-26 ., 65'15 64'81 56'2 10'64 20'32 15'4 8'87 10'61 It'8 84'66 84'4 1926-27 65'04 60'24 52 11'07 11'74 II 8'80 12'03 20 84'91 83 1927-28 65'04 64'38 53 lI'07 18'15 13 8'80 12'37 21 84'91 87 1928-29 65'04 61'35 56 11'07 2'72 4 8'80 7'85 12 84'91 11'92 72 1929-30 6S'!l4 55'86 52 11'07 8'09 8 8'80 18'63 19 84'91 82'SS 19 1930-31 65'04 61'71 59 11'07 5'98 7 8'80 8'73 11 84'91 16'42 77 Total for 1926-31 325'20 303'54 272 55'35 46'68 43 44'00 59'61 83 424'55 409"83 398

QJIinquennial a~era.g,,-1926-31., 65'04 60'11 54'4 fI'O' 9'34_ 8'6 8'80 11'92 16'6 84'91 81'97 79'6 159 Agricultural Statistics-(contd,) I-Rainfall

From April 1 to From September 1 to From November 1 to August 31 October 31 March 31 Total

Number Number Number Number During of rainy During ofrainy During of rainy During of rainy Year Normal the year days Normal the year days Normal the year days Normal the year days

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches 1931-n 65,04 54'97 49 11'07 22'66 25 8'80 2'40 5 84'91 80'03 79 1932-33 65,04 68'08 52 11'07 14'76 12 8'80 6'58 13 84'91 89'42 1933-34 65'87 82'64 67 11'51 14'37 18 7'87 6'08 12 85'25 103'09 97" 1934-35 65,87 82'60 64 11'51 8'02 7 7'87 7'38 16 85'25 98'00 87 1935-36 65'87 52'70 51 11'51 7'90 10 "87 4'63 13 85'25 65'23 74 Total for 1931-36 327'69 3-10'99 283 56'67 61'71 72 41'21 27'07 59 425'57 435'" 414 Quinquennial average-1931-36 " 65'54 68'20 56'6 11'33 13'54 14'4 8'24 5'41 11'8 85'11 87'15 82'S 1936-37 65'87 84'54 66 11'51 18'73 14 7'87 10'58 17 85'25 113'85 97 1937-38 67'34 82'52 59 11'71 17'03 15 7'90 8'13 14 86'95 107'68 88 1938-39 67'34 70'15 59 11'71 4'69 7 7'90 6'35 10 86'95 81'19 76 1939·40 67'34 57'79 48 11'71 19'08 13 7'90 8'58 16 86'95 85'45 77 1940-41 67'34 62'93 53 11' 71 8'46 10 7'90 5'06 10 86'95 76'45 73 Total for 1936-41 " 335'23 357'93 285 58'35 67'99 59 39'47 38'70 67 433'05 464'62 411 Quinquennial average-1936-U ,. 67'05 71'59 57'0 11'67 13'60 U'8 7'89 7'74 13'-4 86'61 92'93 82'2 1941-42 67'34 53'35 53 11'71 9'04 Hl 7'90 11'45 11 86'95 73'84 7-4 1942-43 67'34 79'64 59 11'71 18'41 15 7'90 9'22 11 86'95 107'27 85 1943-H 67'34 82'17 59 ll'11 19'21 13 7'90 9'26 15 86'95 110'64 87 1944-45 68'19 53'13 49 12'09 6'89 6 7'71 8'13 13 87'99 68'15 68 1945-46 71'46 56'51 52 13'40 30'35 27 7'93 S'78 6 92'79 90'64 85 Total for 1941-46 341'67 324'80 272 60'62 83'90 71 39'34 41'84 56 441' 63 450' 54 399 Qlinquennialaverage-1941-46 .. 68'34 64'96 54'4 12'12 16'78. 14'2 7'87 S'37 11'2 88'33 90'11 79'8 1946-47 71'46 76'06 60 13'40 9'79 14 7'91 6'04 13 92'77 91'89 87 1947-48 71'46 51'10 46 13'40 26'75 16 7'91 5'89 II 92'77 83,74 73 1948-49 71'46 57'35 50 13'40 20'30 21 7'91 7'29 8 92'77 84'94 79 1949-50 71'45 60'21 44 13'40 11'940 11 7'92 8'34 16 92'77 80'49 71

1950-51 71'45 80'10 60 1~40 7'37 12 7'92 7'44 14 92'77 94'91 86 Total fOr 1946-51 " 357'28 324'82 260 67'00 76'15 74 39'57 35'00 62 463'85 435'97 396 Quinquennial avcrage-1946-51 71'46 64'96 52'0 13'40 15'23 14'8 7'91 7'00 lZ'4 92'77 87'19 79'2 160


II-Area as classified with

• Other uncultivated Not available for land excluding Year Total area Forest cultivation current fallows 1 2 .. 5 Acres Acres Acre. Acres 1901-02 758,626 105,192 545,056 1902-03 758,626 105,105 546,435 1903-04 758,591 104,980 546,014 1904-05 758,591 104,980 546,014 1905-06 758,591 459,315 104,980 86,699 Total for 1901-06 3,793,025 525,237 2,270,218 Quinquennial average-1901-06 758,605 105,047 454,044 1906-07 758,591 459,315 104,980 86,699 1907-08 939,164 640,919 106,211 85.511 1908-09 937,911 640,388 105,302 83,118 1909-10 938,389 640,991 105,504 81.101 1910-11 938,613 640,989 106,195 80,072 Totalfor 1906-11 4,512,668 3,022,602 528,192 416,501 Quinquennial average-1906-11 902,534 604,521 105,638 83,300 1911-12 931,234 640,989 105,331 73,324 1912-13 931,235 640,989 107,106 71,619 1913-14 931,236 640,989 107,870 71,265 1914-15 931,236 640,989 105,739 72,920 1915-16 931,236 640,989 106,377 71,958 Total for 1911-16 4,656,177 3,204,945 532,423 361,086 Quinquennial average-1911-16 931,235 640,989 106,485 72,217 1916-17 930,856 640,609 105,693 73,234 1917-18 930,390 640,606 106,308 72,010 1918-19 930,390 640,606 109,234 70,632 1919-20 930,306 640,522 110,008 70,967 1920-21 929,137 639,353 100,114 71,471 Total for 1916-21 4,651,079 3,201,696 540,357 358,3H Quinquennial average-1916-21 930,216 640,339 108,071 71,663 1921-22 929,137 639,353 109,220 70,58& 1922-23 929,137 639,353 110,118 68,423 1923-24 929,137 639,353 109,112 69,038 1924-25 928,800 639,006 108,460 69,787

1925-26 928,800 638,914 1~,463 70,HO Total for 1921-26 4,645,011 3,195,979 545,373 348,244 Quinquennial average-1921-26 929,002 639,196 109,074 69,649 1926-27 .. 928,800 638,914 108,725 69,918 1927-28 928,800 638,914 112,230 67,076 1928-29 929,172 639,286 111,362 67,952 1929-30 929,170 639,284 109,554 69,029 1930-31 929,169 639,283 112,377 66,475 Total for 1926-31 4,645,111 3,195,681 554,248 340,450 Quinquennial average-1926-31 929,022 689,136 110,850 68,090 161 Stati stics-(contd,) details of area under cultivation

Details of area not available for cultivation Net area sown dur- Percentage of diff- ---_- ing the year, i.e. cul- Normal cul- erence between Covered with Sites, roads and Current fallows tlvated area tivated area columns 7 and 8 water buildings, etc, Barren I anus ------(, 7 ~ <) 10 11 12

Acres Acres Acre.;; Acres Acres Acres Acres 12,00'1 96,369 10,471 96,615

9,877 97,720

9,877 97,720

9,877 97,720 97,000 +0'8 52,111 486,144 10,422 97,229

9,877 97,720 97,000 +0 8 11,564 94,959 97,000 -2'1

7,227 101,876 97,000 +5'0

8,470 102,323 97.000 +5'5

9,894 101,463 97,000 +4 6 47,032 498,341 485,000 +2'8

9.407 99,668 97,000 +2'8

10,551 101,039 97,000 +4'2

9,935 101,586 97,000 +4'7 12.924 98,18R 97,000 +1'2

9,582 102,006 97,000 +5'2

9,865 102,047 97,000 +5'2 52,857 504,866 485,000 +4'1 10,571 100,973 97,000 -1-4'1 14,846 96,474 97,000 -0'5

14,857 96,609 97,000 -0'4 21,680 88,238 98,000 -10'0

12,065 96,744 98,000 -1'3 13,770 95,429 98,000 -2'6

77,218 473,494 488,000 -3'0

15,444 94,699 97,600 -3'0

10,785 99,193 98,000 +1'2

10,623 100,620 98,000 +2'7

11,495 100,139 98,0:)0 +2'2 12,492 99,M5 98,000 +1'1 13,022 97,991 98,000

58,417 496,998 490,000 +1'4

11,683 99,400- 98;tlOO +1'4

11,510 99,733 98,000 +1'8

9,993 100,587 98,000 +2 6 9,867 100,705 98,000 +2'8 18,613 7,231 85,518 8,402 102,901 98,000 +5'0 18,440 7.338 83,776

8,059 102,975 98,000 + 5' 0 18,651 7,502 94,672 47,831 506,901 490,000 +3'4

9,566 101,380 98,000 +3'4 162 Agricultural

II-Area as classified with

Other uncultivated Not avaI!able for land excluding Year Total area Forest cultivation current £3110,,5

----2------4 ------Acres Acres Acres Acres 1931-32 929,461 639,575 111,902 65,322 1932-33 929,461 639,575 110,811 66,183 1933-34 929,461 639,575 113,402 63,466 1934-35 928,829 638,943 113,357 63,357 1!f.l5·36 928,829 638,943 113,715 63,140 Total for 1931-36 4,646,041 3,196,611 563,187 321,468 Quinquennial average-1931-36 929,208 639,322 112,637 64,294 1936·37 928,829 638,943 113,734 62,684 1937-38 928,829 638,943 113,734 62,684 1938·39 928,829 638,943 113,734 62,684 1939-40 928.829 638.943 113,734 62,61'14 1940.41 929,879 63S,943 116,966 61,885 Total for 1936-41 4,645,195 3,194,715 571,902 312,621 Qc1inquennial average-1936-41 929,039 638,943 114,381 62,524 1941·42 929,878 638,943 118,688 60,127 1942-43 929,878 638,943 119,005 59,463 1943-44 929,878 638,943 119,516 59,562 1944-45 573,918 274,535 91,674 95,855 1945-46 573,918 274,572 74,756 112,526 Total for 1941-46 3,937,470 2,465,936 523,639 387.533 Quinquennial average-1941-46 787,494 493,187 104,728 77,506 1946-47 574,019 279,163 73,647 108.618 1947-48 574,019 280,491 74,476 107,230 1948-49 574,022 279,736 74.318 107,629 1949-50 573,795 279,388 69,402 110,933 1950-51 572,949 278,651 69,817 106,680 Total for 1946-51 2,868,804 1,397,429 361,660 541,090 Quinquennial averag't-1946-51 573,761 279,486 72,332 108.218 ---- 163 Statistics-(contd,)

details of area under cultivation-(condd,)

Details of area not available for cultivation' Net are a sown dur- Percentage of cliff------ing the year, i.e. cul- Normal cul- erence between Covered with Sites, roads and Current fallows tivated area tivated area columns 7 and 8 water buildings, etc, Barren land. ___- -_-- 6 7 8 9 10 ~--~----11----- 12- ~ ------Acres Acres Acres Acres. Acres Acres Acres 9,546 103,116 97,000 +6'3 18,842 7,464 85,596 10,8+2 102,050 97,000 +5'2 19,090 7,49) 84,222- 8,706 10+,312 99,000 +5'4 19,528 8,585 85,289' 11,069 102,103 99,000 +3'1 19,529 8,678 85,150' 9,595 103,436 99,000 +4'5 19,605 8,764 85,346, 49,758 515,017 491,000 +4'9 95,594 40,990 425,6()3 9,952 103,003 98,200 +4'9 19,319 8,198 85,120' 8,134 105,334 99,000 +6'4 19,477 8,908 85,349. 8,134 105,33+ 99,O()0 +6'4 19,477 8,908 85,349' 8,134 105,334 99,0()0 +6'4 19,477 8,908 85,349' 8,134 105,334 99,O()O +6'4 19,477 8,908 85,349' 5,944 106,141 99,000 +7'2 23,853 14,505 78,608 38,480 527,477 495,000 +6'6 101,761 50,137 420,004 7,696 105,495 99,000 +6'6 20,352 10,027 84,OOt 8,466 103,654 99,000 +4'7 23,558 15,115 80,015 11,474 100,993 99,000 +2'0 23,610 15,326 80,0691 8,913 102,944 99,000 +4'0 23,648 15,668 SO,20(} 8,276 103,578 99,000 +4'6 23,135 16,070 52,469, 7,594 104,470 99,000 +5'5 23,476 15,827 35,453

44,723 515,639 495,000 +~'2 117,427 7S,O!)1) 328,20&' 8,945 103,128 99,000 +4'2 23,486 15,601 65,641 8,785 103,806 99,000 +4'9 23,395 15,893 34,359' 12,153 99,669 99,000 +0'7 23,713 15,899 34,864- 8,677 103,662 104,000 -0'3 23,831 15,885 34,602' 8,058 106,014 104,000 +1'9 23,864 16,187 29,35L 5,91\1 111,882 104,000 +7'6 24,679 16,322 28,816. 43,592 525,033 510,000 +2'9 119,482 80,186 161,992: 8,718 105,007 102,000 +2'9 23,897 16,037 32,398'

-~-_ -~_ ----~ 164




Early Late Total Wheat

Year Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total

2 3 4 6 7 8

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

1901-02 23,908 28,106 1902-03 23,677 34,177 1903-04 20,577 34,658 1904-05 20,577 34,658 1905-06 10,770 9,807 20,577 34,658 Total for 1901-06 109,316 166,257 Quinquennial average-1901-06 21,863 33,251 1906-07 10,770 6,831 9,807 8,292 20,577 15,123 34,658 1907-08 15,976 12,331 5,948 3,272 21,924- 15,603 25,969 1908-09 9,346 4,657 12,719 11,274 22,065 15,931 34,800 1909-10 9,097 3,915 13,949 12,432 23,046 16,347 35,919

191(i).11 8,756 4,001 15,191 13,608 23,947 17,609 38,356

Total for1906-11 .. 53,945 31,735 57,614 48,878 111,559 80,613 169,702 Quinquennialaverage--1906--11 10,789 6,347 11,523 9,776 22,312 16,123 33,940 1911-12 15,939 12,519 5,100 1,777 21,039 14,296 37,261 1912-13 18,257 14,583 6,14R 2,262 24,405 16,845 37,457 1913-14 9,684 2,842 13,794 12,300 23,478 15,142 33,440 1914-15 10,201 3,673 13,915 12,430 24,116 16,103 35,061 1915-16 9,775 3,370 13,954 13,008 23,729 16,378 34,526 Total for 1911-16 .. 63,856 36,987 52,911 41,777 116,767 78,764 177,745 Quinquennial average-1911-16 12,771 7,397 10,582 8,356 23,353 15,753 35,549 1916-17 12,046 3,936 15,327 14,210 -27,373 IS,146 33,897 1917-18 11,216 3,479 15,488 14,503 26,704 17,982 32,726 1918-19 9,408 2,810 14,281 13,797 23,689 16,607 28,125 1n'9-20 9,482 2,523 14,111 13,090 23,593 15,613 32,331 1920-21 8,760 2,591 13,890 13,076 22>650 15,667 32,395 Total for 1916-21 50,912 15,339 73,097 68,676 124,009 84,015 159,474 Quinquennial average-1916-21 10,183 3,068 14,619 13,735 24,802 16,803 31,895 1921-22 7,672 2,506 14,201 13,479 21,873 15,985 34,675 , 1922-23 8,695 2,707 13,73Z 13,089 22,427 15,796 36,976 1923-24 8,629 2,958 13,553 12,683 22,182 15,641 36,171 1924-25 9,221 3,602 14,215 13,155 23,436 16,757 37,870 1925-26 10,343 2,647 13,626 12,066 23,969 14,713 38,103 Total for 1921-26 •. 44,560 14,420 69,327 64,472 113,887 78,892 183,795 Qlinquennial average-1921-26 8,912 2,884 13,865 12,894 22,777 15,778 36,759 165 Statistics-(contd.)


Barley Juar Bajra Mandua Ko30n Sawan Maize

Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Total Total Total Total Total Irrigated

9 10 11 12 14 ·---15___ -=1c:.6 ____::.:17:__ ___1_8_

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

5,105 201 13,642 8,723 4,813 10,126 1,654 151 14,240 7,559 4,937 10,090 1,687 302 14,344 6,267 5,096

10,090 1,687 302 14,344 6,267 5,096

10,090 1,687 30Z 14.344 6,267 5,096

45,501 6,722 1,258 70,914 35,083 25,038

9,100 1,344 252 14,183 7,017 5,008

11,322 10,090 1,968 1,687 302 14,344 8 5,096 151

13,425 11,800 3,606 152 13,512 75 2,022 5,506 268 15,973 11,978 3,676 5 125 12,719 S5 2,096 8,509 167 14,979 11,524 2,323 14 88 12,461 11 2,325 7,824 42

13,782 10,238 1,867 6 46 12,426 1 2,229 6,651 46

.69,481 5~630 13,440 1,712 713 65,462 150 8,672 33,586 674 13,896 11,126 2,688 342 143 13,092 30 1,734 6,717 135

7,597 11,695 1,555 2 242 11,670 5 2,241 5,547 307

12,435 10,730 1,738 2 116 12 556 5 2,246 6,211 151

13,251 12,008 2,483 21 50 11,309 2,005 5,946 10 11,333 12,323 2,253 48 11,971 8 2,047 7,203 106

13,481 12,670 2,949 122 114 12,396 23 1,952 7,822 167 58,097 59,426 10,978 148 570 59,902 41 10,491 32,729 741 1l,619 11,885 2,196 30 114 11,980 8 2,098 6,546 148 15,561 11,968 2,793 49 11,978 34 1,857 8.475 126 13,001 12,780 2,886 24 11,906 24 1,850 7,973 53 14,173 10,841 2,739 110 12,167 1,820 6,485 326

14,181 11,935 2,886 47 12,227 4 1,756 8,555 68 14,714 10,715 2,287 3 10 11,829 13 1,718 8,297 75 71,630 58,239 13,591 5 240 60,107 75 9,001 39,785 648 _14,326 11,648 2,718 48 12,021 15 1,800 7,957 130 9,165 11,344 1,565 3 65 12,104 31 1,780 8,408 60

12,342 11,050 1,646 17 12,097 1,787 8,846 254 5,403 10,671 978 3 15 11,845 10 1,817 8,182 149 6,179 10,339 1,110 28 11,203 3 1,728 7,012 149 9,594 10,075 1,330 12 11,381 1,706 7,092 390 42,683 53,479 6,629 7 137 58,630 44 8,818 39,540 1,002

8,537 10,696 1,326 27 11,726 9 1,764 7,908 200

---- ~---~.~ ----- 166 Agricultural




Early Late Total Wheat

Year Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Tatal

\ _-_-_=~ =-- _-_-----=2 ____~3 6 7 8

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Ac:res Acres

1926-27 9,160 3,410 14,745 13.'1·14 23,905 16,824 3S,06~ 1927-28 9,302 3,684 14,366 12,900 23,668 16,584 39,916 1928-29 9,609 4,151 14,997 13,695 24,606 17,846 38,945 1929-30 10,603 4,635 15,606 14,076 26,209 18,711 39,933 1930-31 10,316 4,700 15,216 14,043 25,532 18,743 39,414 Total far 1926-31 48,990 20,580 74,930 68,128 123,920 88,708 190,271 Quinquennial average-1926-31 9,798 4,116 14,986 13,626 24,784 17,742 39,254

1931-32 8,438 3,432 13,726 12,945 22,164 16,377 37,571

1932-33 8,308 3,253 14,515 13.484 22,823 16,737 37,780

1933-34 9,332 2,507 15,566 14,61~ 24,898 17,122 39,351 1934-35 8,906 2,927 15,534- 14,679 24,440 17,606 35,807

1935-36 7,937 2,497 16,109 15,227 24,046 17,724 34,411 Totalfor 1931-36 42,921 14,616 75,450 70,950 118,371 ,85,566 184,920 Quinquennial average-1931-36 8,584 2,923 15,090 14,190 23,674 17,113 36,984

1936-37 7,253 1,992 16,017 14,703 23,270 16,695 35,369

1937-38 7,253 1,992 16,017 14,703 23,270 16,695 35,369

1938-39 7,253 1,992 16,017 14,703 23,270 16,695 35,369 1939-40 7,253 1,992 11i,017 14,703 23,270 16,695 35,369 1940-41 7,705 1,869 15,666 14,255 23,371 16,124 37,515 Total for 1936-41 36,717 9,837 79,734 73,067 116,451 82,904 178,991

1943-44 2.254 13.549 24,807 17,803 39,1,3

19+1-45 ~ 209 17.-\44 16,262 ~6,7U3 18,86!l 39,626

1945-46 9,411 3,848 15,159 13,273 24,570 17,121 40,497 TOIBlfar 1941-46 42,030 12,702 80,658 74,324 122,688 87,026 192,068 Quinq uennial average-1941-46 8,406 2,540 16,132 14,865 24,538 17,40' 38,414 1946-47 9,374 3,161 18,043 16,589 27,417 19,750 40,194 1947-48 9,182 2,959 18,221 16,801 27,403 19,760 35,732

1948-49 8,432 2,816 17,565 16,022 25,997 18,838 37,140

1949-50 9,062 2,919 18,829 17,153 27,891 20,072 38,846

1950-51 9,190 2,623 20,205 18,311 29,395 20,93+ 44,106 Total for 1946-51 45,240 14,478 92,863 84,876 138,103 99,354 196,018 Quinquennial average-1946-51 9,048 2,896 18,573 16,975 27,621 19,871 39,204 167 Statistics-(contrl.)


Barley Juar Bajra Mandua Kodon Sawan MaIZe

Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Total Total Total Total Total Irrigated

10 11 - --12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ------

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

12,621 9,665 1,599 13 11,663 44 1,793 6,962 715 6,095 10,004 1,043 18 11,637 6 1,889 7,035 809 9,643 9,836 1,203 75 32 11,352 4 1,829 7,180 722

7,942 9,755 951 33 12,155 9 1,820 9,518 1,346 11,039 8,983 1,119 21 11,557 1,770 10,585 1,251 47,340 48,243 5,915 75 117 58,364 63 9,101 41,280 4,849

9,468 9,649 1,ts3 15 23 11,673 13 1,820 8,256 970

10,892 8,598 916 36 11,438 1,758 9,582 1,679

7,667 8,585 804 27 11,272 1,807 9,668 1,395 5,289 8,372 623 21 4,814 1,758 9,130 826

7,832 8,500 877 11 4,838 1,714 7,657 916

8,462 9,178 1,097 14 5,226 4 1,726 7,976 768 40,142 43,233 4,317 109 37,588 4 8,763 44,013 5,584 8,028 8,647 863 22 7,518 1 1,753 8,802 1,117

5,435 8,807 601 15 5,223 1,732 8,409 230 5,435 8,807 601 15 5,223 1,732 8,409 230 5,435 8,807 601 15 5,223 1,732 8,>109 230

5,435 8,807 601 15 5,223 1,732 8,409 230

7,957 8,307 668 40 82 5,133 1,803 10,876 716 29,697 43,535 3,072 40 142 26,025 8,731 44,512 1,636-

5,939 8,707 615 8 29 5,205 1,746 8,903 32.7 7,663 8,343 590 16 4,930 1,809 10,495 4'14 7,231 8,899 733 15 5,283 1,912 11,803 66}

12,261 8,405 954 25 5,205 3,141 1,876 11,646 646

11.821 8,614 84' 38 5,216 3,045 1,950 11,280 1,14S

13639 8,552 846 58 4,589 3,408 2,203 11,790 3,n3

52,617 42,813 3,968 152 25,223 9,594 9,750 57,014 6,244 10,523 8,562 794 30 5,OH 1,919 1,950 11,403 1,249-

11,652 8,987 760 133 4,918 2,947 1,898 11,546 1,1391

14,096 8,513 1,018 5 115 5,339 2,584 2,OJ3 10,951 1,40.f.

13,680 9,954 1,217 93 5,170 1,087 1,963 11,028 1,5~

15,574 9,950 1,255 60 5561 15 1,747 10,946 l,9Jl

15,782 9,855 1,075 124 5,905 8 1,912 12,871 1,865-

70,784 47,259 5,325 6 525 26,893 8,641 9,523 57,342 7,894-

14,157 9,452 1,065 105 5.378 1,728 1,905 11,468 1,5791 168 Agricultural


Gram Fruits and vegetables including root crops Othe r food era ps

Ftuits and vegetable" Potatoes other than pCltato

Year Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

19 20~~~~2::_;1:__~~--=2=2~- ~ 23:___~_--=2,-,4__ ~~-=2:.::5~~__:2=6_

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

1901-02 2,304 1,537 12,263 1902-03 2,773 1,780 12,046 1903-04 2,398 1,662 12,920 1904-05 2,398 1,662 12,920 1905-06 2,398 1,662 12,920 Total for 1901-06 12,271 8,303 63,069 Quinquennial average-1901-06 " 2,454 1,661 12,614

1906-07 2,398 446 1,662 1,041 19,179 464 1907-08 2,327 1,405 1,610 1,158 20,439 954 t908-09 3,339 816 1,546 1,177 18,700 821 1909-10 4,035 697 1,251 933 19,645 718 1910-11 3,815 536 1,074 781 17,756 546 'fatal for 1906-11 15,914 3,900 7,143 5,090 95,719 3,503 Quinquennial average-1906-11 , , 3,183 780 1,429 1,018 19,144 701 --1911-12 3,97+ 252 1,036 776 18,557 327 1912-13 2,767 269 1,178 952 18,313 503 1913-14 3,757 781 1,127 855 18,851 528 1914-15 4,961 484 1,229' 898 19,355 604 1915-16 5,774 727 1,432 1,070 19,294 731 'Total for 1911-16 21.233 2,513 6,002 4,551 94,370 2,693 Quinquennial averagc-1911-16 " 4,247 503 1,201 910 18,874 539 1916-17 5,393 666 1,135 802 15,026 738

1917-18 4,377 608 238 236 750 384 16,148 637 1918-19 2,206 912 202 202 803 419 17,432 114 &919-20 2,574 826 251 250 864 489 19,568 733 1920-21 2,673 766 253 250 856 530 16,642 742 'Total for 1916-21 17,223 3,778 4,408 2,624 84,816 3,564 Quinquennial a,erage-1916-21 " 3,444 756 882 525 16,963 713 1921-22 4,230 410 193 189 741 433 17,213 401 1922-23 3,889 589 219 219 770 486 16,843 485 1923-24 5,245 202 274 262 863 469 16,413 271 1924-25 5,240 383 237 226 840 448 17,157 275 1925-26 4,801 626 243 210 900 476 16,251 359 Total for 1921-26 23,405 2,210 1,166 1,106 4.114 2,312 83,877 1,791 Quinquennial average-1921-26 " 4,681 442 233 221 823 462 16,776 358 169 S tatistics-(contd.)


Other Total food crops Linseed 1\.apeseed Grounclnut oil seedl

Total Irrigated· Total Total Total Irrigated Total Inigared Total

27 28 29 30 31 3T 33 34 35

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acre. Acres

100,609 45 5,053 1,276 4 l13,120 72 5,033 2,062 23 110,001 86 4,684 1,688 202 110,001 86 4,684 1,688 202 l10,001 86 4,684 1,688 202 543,732 375 24,138 8,402 633 108,747 75 4,827 1,681 127

110,001 30,526 86 4,684 1,688 492 202 105,336 36,437 32 5,242 1,579 1,443 115,937 38,575 482 5,390 205 78 118,143 36,051 19 5,225 1,301 559 116,545 35,199 50 4,548 1,548 725 565,962 176,788 669 25,089 6,321 3,297 202 113,192 35,358 134 5,018 1,264 659 40 113,269 25,129 92 5,l13 1,894 818 115,986 32,904 98 6,987 1,461 478 111,992 33,063 22 4,748 736 160 1,636 118,323 31,799 48 5,149 889 110 2,101 119,854 35,517 22 5,311 789 172 1,769 579,424 158,412 282 . 27,308 5,769 1,738 5,506 115,885 31,682 56 5,462 1,154 348 1,101 117,185 38,844 14 3,716 1,071 287 1,151 115,501 35,803 39 2,683 828 127 1,355 103,881 36,111 15 3,278 559 129 7+f 113,705 35,058 14 3,681 814 140 1,289 108,054 35,047 12 3,743 1,043 126 1,617

558,326 180,863 94 17,101 4,315 80~ 6,156 111,665 36,173 19 3,420 863 162 1,231 112,660 28,225 36 3,708 1,253 175 1,723 114,921 31,832 20 3,387 1,033 173 1,077 113,691 23,386 28 3,487 1,261 153 1,070 H5,093 25,537 25 2,592 2,312 816 13 114,534 27,710 19 2,581 2,029 780 2

570,899 136,690 148 15,755 7,888 2.097 3,885 114,180 27,338 30 3,151 1,577 419 777

* The total irrigated food crops area shown in column no. 28 will not corresp:ml wi,h.thc.J;otaL.oLirrigated al"~as shown for jndividual food crops owing to the omission of the irrigated areas of certain crops. - 'l70 Agricultural


Gram Fruits and vegetables including root crops Other food erors

fruita and vegetables Potatoes other than potato

Year Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

20 22 24 25 26

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acr ••

1926-27 4,601 775 280 252 782 470 17,517 494- 1927-28 5,044 355 306 261 1,046 627 17,617 255 1928-29 3,772 495 419 414- 1,123 693 18,428 655 1929-30 4-,235 332 312 310 1,348 684- 17,671 728 1930-31 4-,330 513 332 327 1,292 688 17,899 733 Total for 1926-31 21,982 2,470 1,649 1,564 5,591 3,162 89,132 2,865 Quinquennial average-1926-31 •. 4,397 494 330 313 1,118 632 17,826 573 1931-32 5,782 443 335 327 1,4-35 830 17,541 476 1932-33 6,075 447 340 336 1,457 808 15,471 318 1 '133-34 6,441 224 499 4-91 1,468 721 24,436 284 1934--35 5,784 543 367 361 1,556 794 24-,608 456 1935-36 6,699 474 464 460 1,690 956 23,753 499 Total for 1931-36 30,781 2,131 2,005 1,975 7,606 4,109 105,809 2,033 Quinquennial average-1931-36 •• 6,156 426 401 395 1,521 822 21,162 407 1936-37 6,346 176 433 426 1,551 735 24,353 255 1937-38 6,346 176 433 426 1.551 735 24,353 255 1938-39 6,346 176 433 426 1,551 735 24,353 255 1939-40 6,346 176 4-33 4-26 • 1,551 735 24-,353 255 1940-4-1 . 6,506 520 443 4-36 1,992 1,008 24,059 671 Total for 1936--41 31,890 1,224 2,175 2,140 8.196 3,948 121,471 1,691 QlJi.p.quennial average-1936-41 •• 6,378 245 435 428 1,639 790 24,294 338 1941.4-2 6,493 493 410 402 1,590 987 22,968 680 1942-43 5,821 657 462 452 1,653 1,110 22,959 739 1S43-44 5,464 888 517 503 1,638 1,113 19,699 993 1944-45 4,959 602 471 4-59 1,804 1,319 20,234 1,004 1945-46 5,344 749 489 482 1,894 1,058 21,023 1,101 Total for 1941--46 28,081 3,389 2,349 2,298 8,579 5,587 106,883 4,517 Quinquennial average-1941-46 •• 5,616 678 470 460 1,716 1,117 21,377 903 1946-47 7,063 788 422 4-08 1,379 845 20,915 910 1947-48 4,637 961 491 4-85 1,148 655 20,345 998 1948.49 5,471 731 481 473 1,519 962 21,308 955 1949.50 5,583 862 597 587 1,867 1,333 24,621 1,077

1950~51 5,535 654 4-68 4-58 1,807 1,24-8 25,837 1,189 Totalforl946-S1 28,289 3,996 2,459 2,411 7,720 5,093 113,026 5,129

Quinq~ avcrage~4{j-51 .• 5,658 799 492 482 1,544 1,019 22,605 1,026 171 Statistics-(contd.)


Total food crops Linseed Til Rapeseed Groundnut Other oil seed!.

Total Irrigated* Total Total Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total

J,i 28 19 31 32 33 34

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres;

115,288 33,769 14 1,845 1,857 921 Jl 118,186- 26,042 33 2,062 2,251 723 till 117,601 31,683 139 1,990 1,727 6411 2<1 122,998 31,020 14 3,179 2,059 950 13 121,715 34,434 21 3,674 2,308 1,300 3 595,788 156,948 221 12,750 10,202 4,552 -t3 119,158 31,390 44 2,550 2,040 910 1" 116,240 31,953 11 4,270 3,184 1,574 I 115,305 28,526 25 3,401 2,416- 1,136 u: 121,188 25,582 20 2,334 1,945 775 Z 115,282 29,386 4 1,846 1,501 769 I 115,187 30,442 12 1,994 2,443 1,339 583,202 145,889 72 13,845 11,489 5,593 Ji6 116,641 29,178 14 2,769 2,298 1,119 3 115,508 24,556 27 1,639 2,55l 1,328 Z 115,508 24,556 27 1,639 2,552 1,326 Z 115,508 24,556 27 1,639 2,552 1,326 :z 115,508 24,556 27 1,639 2,552 1,328 2 120,127 28,100 46 2,380 2,263 1,336 1 582,159 126,324 154 8,936 12,471 6,648 116,43Z 25,265 31 1,787 2,494 1,330 117,011 27,329 62 2,521 2,415 1,434 3

118,255 28,721 48 2,~15 1,812 1,081 2 121,571 35,162 47 1,976 1,431 864 IB,940 36,073 39 I,Wl 1,36() 851 124,417 38,370 71 1,844 1,611 914 3" 605,194 165,655 267 10,657 8,629 5,150 13 tz 121,039 33,131 53 2,131 1,726 1,030 3 z 127,820 36,255 50 1,566 1,561 921 3 IX 119,266 39,378 33 _ 1,563 1,282 775 14 123,211 38,406 38 1,518 1,461 822 45 127,664 42,752 34 963 1,604 948 49

137,823 43,210 27 1,481 2,706 1,550 28 tOl- 635,804 200,001 182 ',091 8,614 5,016 139 4 1181 127,161 40,000 36 1,418 1,723 1,003 28 1 24'

*The total irrigated food crops area shown in column no. 28 will not correspond with the total of itrigated areas shown for individual >ad crops owing to the omission of the irrigated areas of certain crops. 172 Agricultural


Sugarcane Cotton Hemp Jute

Year Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Total Irrigated

36 37 38 39 40 41 42 ~----~ ------_------~

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acre, Acres Acres

1901-02 988 333 13 1902-03 1,184 330 54 1903-04 1,083 296 21 1904-05 1,083 296 21 1'905.06 1,083 296 21 Total for 1901-06 5,421 1,551 130 Quinquennial average-1901-06 1,084 310 26 1906-07 1,083 891 296 11 21 1907-08 736 633 417 30 13 1908·09 1,177 943 367 39 14 1909-10 1,400 1,072 334 1 12 1910-11 934 800 384 10 13 Tdtal for 1906-11 5,330 4,339 1,798 91 73 Quinquennial average-1906-11 1,066 868 360 18 15 1911-12 754 697 474 35 2 1912·13 822 755 563 66 14 1913-14 1,001 908 714 7 19 1914-15 687 6lJ6 681 23 30 1915-16 706 623 401 7 15 Total for 1911-16 ., 3,970 3,589 2,833 138 80 Qumquenmal average-1911-16 794 718 567 28 16 1916-17 935 837 393 9 27 1917-18 1,241 1,142 474 16 11

1918-19 1,793 1,675 881 61 2 1919-20 2,514 2,252 1,532 34 17 1'920-21 2,740 2,474 941 17 18 Total for 1916-21 9,223 8,380 4,221 137 75 QumquenOlal average-1916-21 1,844 1,676 844 27 15 1921·22 2,609 2,506 466 18 15 1922-23 3,092 3,018 427 5 15 1923-24 2,568 2,340 371 20 6 1924-25 1,568 1,424 620 68 8 1925·26 1,411 1,320 626 26 7 Total for 1921-26 11,248 10,608 2,510 137 51 Qumquennial average-1921-26 2,250 2,122 502 27 10 173 Statistics-(contd.)


Indigo Opium Tobacco Fodder crops Other non-food crops

Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total lrri~ated

43 46 47

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Ac'f"{-S

16 206 2,300 8,574 226 296 3,873 6,24'1 3 226 328 4,280 9,049 3 226 328 4,280 9,049 3 226 328 4,280 9,049 25 904 1,486 19,013 41,965 5 181 297 3,803 8,393 3 226 46 328 277 7,058 1,729 6,271 375 226 46 ' 292 290 5,950 47 9,496 3:880

226 46 243 235 7,372 1,967 8,000 2,219 226 46 280 271 8,542 1,789 7,452 1,938 226 46 302 238 9,230 1,851 7,667 2,886 4 1,130 230. 1,445 1,311 38,152 7,383 38,886 11,358 1 226 46 289 262 7,630 1,477 7,777 2,272 226 46 306 275 9,308 1,359 8,516 2,198 226 46 282 256 7,695 1,946 8,134 2,227 8 226 46 278 257 9,354 2,033 6,271 1,331 7 226 46 237 206 9,507 2,012 6,413 1,449 7 2 226 46 240 212 7,881 2,251 6,036 1,243 23 2 1,130 230 1,343 1,206 43,745 9,601 35,370 8,654 5 226 46 268 241 8,749 1,920 7,074 1,731 J 21 2 226 46 269 244 9,251 2,353 6,557 1,711 25 7 226 46 242 215 10,092 2,283 6,718 1,770 20 226 46 184 163 5,176 2,310 6,494 1,753

12 226 46 197 174 6,888 2,448 ~,584 1,435

6 2 226 46 172 155 9,557 2,282 6,411 1,381 84 12 1,130 230 1,064 951 40,964 11,676 32,764 8,050 17 2 226 46 213 190 8,193 2,335 6,553 1,61!)

3 226 46 196 169 10,037 1,844 6,355 1,192 226 46 185 163 10,364 2,214 6,320 1,208 226 46 210 182 11,579 1,223 6,027 1,20,5

8 226 46 203 172 10,087 1,446 6,192 1,705 226 46 205 180 10,752 1,855 6,465 313

11 1,1~0 230 999 866 52,819 8,582 31,359 5,623

2 226 46 200 173 10,56l1'" 1,716 6,272 1,12~ 174 Agricultural


Sugarcane Cotton Hemp jute

Year Total IrrIgated Total lrngated Total Total Irngated

--j7---- 36 ~--42 ------J~ 39 411 11 _----

Acres Acre. Acres Acres Acres Acres Acre..

1<)26-27 2,074 2,017 381 43 19 1927-28 2,790 2,651 318 21 37 IlZS-29 2,056 1.863 319 14 52

1 ~29-30 1,657 1,567 442 41 73 1'130-31 2,032 2,002 378 22 145 Total for 1926-31 10,609 10,100 1,838 141 326 Q.ll1nquenmal average-1926-31 2,122 2,020 368 28 65 1')31-32 2,B57 2,793 323 23 179 1 '»2-33 3,927 3,818 331 35 189 1 ')33-34 3,493 3,192 324 10 127 19l4-35 3,814 3,304 313 15 186 1935-36 5,347 4,501 287 6 279 'I'CJtal for 1931-36 19,438 17,608 1,578 89 960 Q.

1916-37 7,598 6,314 336 3 490 1937-38 7,598 6,314 336 3 490 1935-39 7.Sn 6,314 336 3 490 19J9-40 7,598 6,314 336 3 490 1*0-41 8,037 5,486 366 8 619 T04:a1 for 1936--41 38,429 30,742 1,710 20 2,579

~queDEUalaverage-1936-41 7,686 6,148 342 4 516 194-1-42 6,042 3,206 406 4 736 1942-43 5,051 3,092 386 7 328 1943-44 3,898 2,608 453 11 452 1944-45 2,447 1,457 354 13 477 1945-46 1,603 1,046 378 15 1,003 Totalfor 1941--46 19,041 11,409 1,977 50 2,996

~lInquenmal average-1941-46 3,808 2,282 396 10 599 1946-47 1,600 1,301 317 10 653 2 1947-48 2,659 2,240 306 18 544 10 19-4-8-49 3,574 2,546 306 21 203 19-4-9-50 3,364 2,328 258 16 346 1950-51 3,292 2,253 290 19 428 Total for 1946-51 14,489 10,668 1,477 84 2,174 12

Q.umquenmal averave-1946-S1 2 e08 21~'" 2'15 17 435 2 175



Indigo Opium Tobacco Fodder crops Other non.food crops

Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Tot.l Irrigated

47 48 49 ______~~~~ ______5~1~ ______5_2_

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acre~

226 46 208 184 10,494 2,452 6,458 1,3~ 226 46 185 159 10,581 1,557 6,431 1,452: 226 46 195 175 10,354 2,027 6,351 1,5-35J 226 46 187 160 8,704 1,569 6,506 1,65{) 17 226 46 208 182 8,672 2,323 6,339 1,594 18 1,130 230 983 860 48,805 9,928 32,085 7,62'fj. 4 226 46 196 172 9,761 1,986 6,417 1,55 225 197 11,081 2,202 6,703 1,,712

219 190 11,695 2,164 6,656 1,092

196 164 10,402 1,85" 6,557 4529 216 184 10,333 2,'102 6,661 1,8l.C1 222 193 11,495 2,"22 6,576 1,784 1,078 928 55,006 11,044 33,153 8,51l7 216 186 11,001 2,209 6,631 1,705

2 205 171 11,327 1,764 6,569 1,745<

2 205 171 11,327 1,7M 6,569 1,745

2 205 171 11,327 1,764 6,569 1,7-+5 2 205 171 11,327 1,764 6,569 1,745. 194 160 10,460 2,506 6,550 1,79&

8 1,014 844 55,768 9,562 32,826 8,77~ 2 203 169 11,154 1,912 6,565 1,7560 193 159 12,929 2,"78 6,592 1,8>7;' 198 174 10,926 2,4M 6,790 1,884\ 203 180 12,371 3,387 6,363 1,58.7 163 155 13,967 .3,7C8 6,444 lJ,5$l. 179 170 16,875 ",159 6,815 1,933 936 838 67,068 16,136 33,004 8,861 187 168 13,414 3,227 6,601 1,17Z 187 163 13,533 3,798 6,489 1,51)1 181 155 12,858 3,505 6,566 U,668

~ 165 148 13,779 3,626 6,399 1,495 177 153 12,486 4,033 6,435 1,786 174 149 11,139 3,456 6,386 1,69S> 884 768 63,795 18418 32,275 8,235 177 154 12,759 3,684 6,455 1,6+7 176



Total non·food crops Kharl! Rabi

Year Total lrngated* Total Irngated Total Irrigated

--~ --~ -~ __ 1 ~., - 56 51 :.j 54 58 ------~ - ---

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres

1901·02 18,808 77,710 41,563 1902·03 19,397 77,298 55,021 1903.04 21,946 76,961 54,801 1904-05 21,946 76,961 54,801 1905-06 21,946 76,961 54,801 Total for 1901-06 104,043 385,891 260,987

Qumquennial average~1901--06 20,809 77,178 52,198

19015·07 21,946 3,879 76,961 16,916 54,801 17,311 1907·08 23,983 6,397 81,167 18,252 47,869 24,304 1908-09 23,477 5,681 81,325 18,420 57,677 25,450 1909-10 24,791 5,679 83,207 18,852 59,382 22,545 193<0-11 24,902 6,581 80,029 20,707 61,055 20,721 Tot"l for 1906-11 119,099 28,217 402,689 93,147 280,784 110,331 Quinquennial average -1906-11 23,820 5,643 80,538 18,629 56,157 22,066 19B·12 26,685 5,648 75,665 17,008 63,963 13,455 1912-13 26,283 5,782 81,259 19,179 60,599 19,111 1913.14 25,013 6,110 78,919 17,433 57,684 21,347 1914·15 25,975 5,932 81,786 18,309 62,123 19,035 1915·16 23,403 5,689 80,671 18,486 62,118 22,256 Total for 1911-16 127,359 29,161 398,300 90,415 306,487 95,204 Quinquennial average-191l-16 25,472 5,832 79,660 18,083 61,298 19,041 1916-17 23,631 6,202 80,664 20,762 59,720 23,854 1917·18 23,934 6,521 80,302 20,886 58,890 21,202- 1918-19 19,372 6,689 75,145 20,428 47,888 22,154 1919-20 23,768 7,466 82,209 19,448 55,025 22,839 1920-21 26,486 7,770 79,971 19,590 54,273 22,935 Total for 1916-21 117,191 34,648 398,291 101,114 275,796 112,984 QLlinquenniaJ average-1916-21 23,438 6,930 79,658 20,223 55,159 22,597 1921-22 26,627 7,081 79,602 19,755 59,436 15,305 1922-23 26,146 7,569 80,367 20,287 60,439 18,857 1923-24 26,833 5,749 79,251 19,313 60,940 9,526 1924·25 23,854 5,679 76,346 20,092 62,376 10,908 1925-26 24,313 4,530 77,052 16,722 61,540 15,251 Total for 1921-26 127,803 30,608 392,618 96,169 304,731 69,847 Quinquenm'al average-1921-26 25,561 6,122 78,524 19,234 60,946 13,969

* The totalurigated non-food crops area shown in column no. 54 will not <:orrespond with the total of irrigated areas shown for individual non-food crops owing to the omission of the irrigated areas of certain crops. 177 Statistics-(contd. )


Zaid Total Net ar~a cropped during Area cropped more the year th$n once

Total Irrigated Total Irrigated Total lrngated Total Irrigated

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acre. Acre.

H4 119,417 26,313 %,369 26,313 23,048 198 132,517 25,057 %,615 25,057 35,902 185 131,947 24,008 97,720 24,008 34,227 185 131,947 24,008 97,720 24,008 34,227 185 131,947 24,008 97,720 24,006 34,227 897 647,775 123,394 486,144 123,394 161,631 179 129,555 24,679 97,229 24,679 32,326 185 178 131,947 34,405 97,720 24,008 34,227 10,397 283 278 129,319 42,834 94,959 30,887 34,360 11,947 412 386 139,414 44,256 101,876 32,488 37,538 11,768

345 333 142,934 41,730 102,323 30,199 40,611 11,531 363 352 Ul,447 41,780 101,463 29,956 39,984 11,824 1,588 1,527 685,061 205,005 498,341 147,538 186,720 57,467 317 306 137,012 41,001 99,668 29,508 37,344 11,493 326 314 139,954 30,777 101,039 22,105 38,915 8,671, 411 396 142.269 38,686 101,586 27,864 40,683 10,822 402 393 137,005 39,173 98,188 29,238 38,817 9,935 389 387 144,298 37,731 102,006 26,551 42,292 11,180 468 464 143,257 41,206 102,047 29,933 41,210 11,273 1,996 1,954 706,783 187,573 504,866 135,691 201,917 51,882 399 391 141,357 37,515 100,973 27,138 40,384 10,377 432 430 140,816 45,046 96,474 31,904 44,342 13,142 243 236" 139,435 42,324 96,609 30,442 42,B26 1l,BS2 220 218 123,253 42,800 88,238 30,816 35,015 11,984 239 237 137,473 42,524 96,744 30,676 40,729 11,848 296 292 134,540 42,817 95,429 31,036 39,111 11,781 1,430 1,413 675,517 215,511 473,494 154,874 202,023 60,637 286 282 135,103 43,102 94,699 30,975 40,404 12,127 249 246 139,287 35,306 99,193 25,805 40.094 9,501 261 257 141,067 39,401 100,620 28,842 40,447 105:9, 333 296 140,524 29,135 100,139 22,110 40,385 7,025 225 216 l3S,"47 31,216 99,055 23,471 39,892 7,745 285 267 138,877 32,240 97,991 22,801 40,886 9,439 1,353 1,282 698,702 167,298 496,998 123,029 201,704 44,269 271 257 139,741 33,460 99,400 24,606 40,341 8,854 178



Total non-food crops Kharif Rabi

Year Total Irrigated* Total Irrigated Total Irrigated

-- ~~-i 53 54 55 56 57----58~ ------~-

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acr-...

1926-27 23,577 7,062 77,782 20,962 60,858 19,660 1927-28 24,925 6,61'1 78,413 21,574 64,363 10,771 1928-29 23,429 6,427 78,847 22,104 61,776 15,616 1929-30 23,061 5,984 82,108 23,286 63,597 13,394 1930-31 24,023 7,495 83,239 23,748 62,162 17,866 1"otal for 1926-31 119,015 33,582 400,389 111,614 312,156 17,307 Quinquennial average-1926--31 23,803 6,716 80,078 22,335 62,551 15,461 1931-32 28,834 8,560 82,479 22,742 62,199 17,397 1932·33 28,871 9,093 81,386 23,801 62,338 13,396 1933·34 25,400 7,553 82,259 22,832 63,935 9,918 1934.35 24,875 8,563 81,237 23,817 58,552 13,776 1935·36 28,655 10,318 83,067 24,957 60,326 15,365 Total for 1931-36 136,635 44,087 410,428 118,149 307,350 69,852 Quinquennial average-1931-36 27,327 8,817 82,085 23,630 61,470 13,970 1936-37 30,747 11,340 85,616 25,038 60,198 10,436 1937·38 30,747 11,340 85,616 25,038 60,198 '10,436 1938·39 30,747 11,340 85,616 25,038 60,198 10,436 1939·10 30,741 11,340 85,616 25,038 60,198 10,436 1940-41 30,922 11,323 88,001 24,296 62,518 14,624 Total for 1936-41 153,910 56,683 430,465 124,448 303,310 56,368 Quinquennial average-1936-41 30,782 11,337 86,093 24,889 60,662 11,274 1941-42 31,910 9,162 85,721 21,526 62,740 14,552 194t-43 27,756 8,611 84,276 22,552 61,098 1+.220 1943+4 27.196 8.684 84,675 22,683 63,583 20,663 'l944-i5 27,356 7,822 86,318 23,170 64,462 20,219 1945·46 30,382 8,298 87,463 23,219 66,661 22,788 Total for 1941-46 144,600 42,637 428,453 113,150 318,544 92,442 Q_ulhquennial average-1941-46 28,920 8,527 85,691 22,630 63,709 18,489 1946-41 25,973 7,820 85,497 23,833 67,831 19,792 1947-'18 26,017 8,405 85,830 24,975 59,045 22,430

>1948-49 - 27,491 8,6B3 86,745 24,554 63,504 22,108 1:949·50 25,716 9,337 86,748 26,295 65,986 25,157 4.950-51 26,054 9,159 91,768 26,905 71,484 24,853 '1=<>1:.:1 for 1946-51 131,251 43,404 - 436,588 lZ6,562 327,850 114,340 Quinquennial average-1946-51 26,250 8,681 87,318 25,312 65,570 22,868

* The total irrigated non-food crops area shown. in column no 54 will not correspond with the total of irrigated areas shown {or inih·.dllal noa-food crops owing to the omi~sion of the irrigated areas of certain-crops, 179

Statistics-(contd. )


Zaid Total Net area cropped during Area cropped more the year than once

Total Irrigated Tota] Irngated Total Irrigated Total Irrigated!

60 61 62 63 ~~ ______6::''-- ____~66:::_

Acres Acres Acres Acres Atres Acres Acres AcrtlS

225 209 138,865 40,831 99,733 29,436 39,132 11,395

335 311 143,111 32,656 100,587 23,400 42,524 9,256- 407 390 141,030 38,110 100,705 26,726 40,325 11,38+

354 324 146059 37,004 102,901 25,815 "3,158 11,189 337 315 145,738 41,929 102,915 28,992 42,163 12,937 1,658 1,549 714,803 190,530 506,901 134,369 207,902 56,161 332 310 142,961 38,106 101,380 26,874 41,581 11,232

396 374 145,074 40,513 103,116 29,1211 41,958 11,3850

452 422 144,176 37,619 102,050 27,008 42,126 10,6n

394 385 146,588 33,135 104,312 24,621 "2,276 8,514 368 356 140,157 37,949 102,103 27,056 38,054 10,893

449 438 143,842 40,760 103,436 29,568 40,106 11,192 2,059 1,975 719,837 189,976 515,017 137,381 204,820 52,595 412 395 143,967 37,995 103,003 27,476 40,964 10,519 'I'll 422 146,255 35,896 105,334 27,728 40,921 8,llill 441 422 146,255 35,896 105,334 27,728 40,921 8,16S: 'I'll 422 146,255 35,896 105,334 27,728 40,921 8,168- 441 422 146,255 35,896 105,334 27,728 40,921 8,168 530 503 151,049 39,423 106,141 29,088 44,908 10,335 2,294 2,191 736,069 183,007 527,477 140,000 208,592 43,007' 459 438 147,214 36,601 105,496 28,000 41,718 8,60'1 460 413 148,921 36,491 103,654 27,199 45,267 9,29~ 637 620 146,011 37,392 100,993 28,175 45,018 9,2L1

509 500 148,767 43,846 102,944 30,781 45,823 13,01i5

516 506 151,296 43,895 103,578 30,091 47,718 13,aM

675 661 154,799 46,668 104,470 31,712 50,329 14,9560 2,797 2,700 749,794 208,292 515,639 147,958 234,155 60,334 559 540 149,959 41,659 103,128 29,592 46,831 12,067 465 450 153,793 44,075 103,806 30,482 49,987 13,5930 408 378 145,283 47,783 99,669 33,131 45,614 14,6Sl 453 427 156,702 47,089 103,662 33,149 "7,040 13,94a 666 637 153,400 52,089 106,014 34,846 +7,386 17,241

625 611 163,877 52,369 111,882 35,658 51,995 16;71<1 2,617 2.503 767,055 243,405 525,033 167,268 242,022 76.13-'1 523 501 153,411 48.681 105,007 33,454 48,404 15,227' 180





Wells Government Private Year canals canals Reservoirs Tube Other Total

2 3 ~+ -- 5

Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1901-02 16,328 IS 1902-03 14,699 9 "903-04 14,382 26

d90~05 14,382 26

[905-06 14,382 16 'Total for 1901-06 74,173 105 Qlinquennial average -1901-06 14,835 21 1906-07 14,382 26 0907-08 16,585 47 a908--09 17,205 13 1909-10 15,198 1910-11 l·h621>

Total for 1906-11 77-;996 86 Quinquennial average -1906-11 15,599 17 1911--12 9,410 11,128 1912-13 13,133 13,165 191J-il-Il- 15,173 12,498 1914-15 12,912 12.,075 1915-16 15,751 12,597 Tatalfar 1911-16 66,379 61,463 Qlinquennial average-1911-,16 13,276 12,292 1916-17 r7,359 12,981 19.17-18 15,329 13,549 :1918-19 17,913 11,339 1919-20 19,773 9,339 1920,21 17,412 12,060 Total for 1916-21 87,786 59,268 Quinquennial average-1916-21 17,557 11,854 1921-22 13,263 10,978 1922-23 15,069 12,209 1'l23-24 10,644 9,902 1924-25 11,031 10,876 1925-26 9,822 11,415 ',ratalfar 1921-26 59,829 55,380 Q'linquennial average-1921-26 11,966 11,076 1926-27 16,840 11,032 1927-28 10,710 11,126 1928-29 16,912 8,250 1929-30 12,875 11,375 1930-31 13,598 13,829

Total for 1926-31 10,935 55,612 2 Q,l;nquennial lllera,ge-1926-31 14,187 11,122 181



area Number of wells

by- Non-masonry New masonry -_--_- wells built during the Number Aeru.1ly Actually ye ar Included of Other reservoirs sources Total used Available used Availahle in column 11 15 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Acres Acres

9,967 26,313 31 10 10,349 25,057 10 9,600 24,008 6

9.600 24,008 9,600 24,008 49,116 123,394 31 26 9,1123 24,679 6 5

9,600 24,0(}8 14,255 30,887 6 10 61 61

15,270 32,488 4 22 51 15,001 30,199 51 15,330 29,956 69,456 147,538 10 20 83 163

13,891 29,507 2 17 33 .~ 1,567 22,105 '" 1,566 27,864 1,567 29,23& 1,564 26,551 1.585 29,933 7,849 135,691 1,570 27,138 1,564 31,904 1,564 30,442 1,564 30,816 1,564 30,676

1,564 31,036 7,820 154,874

1,564 30,975 1,564 25,805 1,564 28,M2 1,564 22,110 1,564 23,471 1,564 22,&01 7,820 123,029 1,564 24,606 1,S64 29,436 1,564 23,400 1,564 26,126 1,564 25,815 1,564 28,992 7,820 134,369 1,564 26,874

------~------_------_._----- 182 Agricultural




Wells Gavernment Private Year canals canals Reservoirs Tube Other Total

2 3 4 6 7 ~------Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1931-32 13,917 13,647 1932-33 11,481 13,963 1933-34 9,820 13,237 1934-35 12,565 12,927 1935-36 14,057 13,947 Total for 1931-36 61,840 67,721 Quinquennial average-1931-36 12,368 13,544 4936-37 13,589 12,575 1937-38 13,589 12,575 ·1938-39 13,589 12,575 1939-40 13,589 12,575 1940-41 12,529 14,995 Total for 1936-41 66,885 65,295 Quinquennial average-1936-41 13,377 13,059 1941-42 11,400 14,235 1942-43 12,632 13,979 1943-44 14,973 14,244 1944-45 14,428 14,099 1945-46 15,567 14,581 Total for 1941---46 69,000 71,138 Quinquennial average-1941-46 13,800 14,228 1946-47 14,937 13,981 1947-48 16,669 14,898 1948-49 16,415 15,170 1949-50 17,164 16,120

~950-S1 16,962 17,132 Total for 1946-51 , 82,147 77,301 ~inquennialaverage-1946--51 16,430 15,460 183 Statistics-(concld.)

Area-(concld. )

area N u~ber of wells

by- Masonry Non-masonry New masonry wells built during the Number Other Actually Actually yearincluded of S0urCes Total used Available used Available in column 11 reservoirs

~--- -~ ---g 9 10 11 1.l ------13 14 15 Acres Acres 1,564 29,128 1,564 27,008 1,564 24,621 1,564 27,056 1,5M 29,568 7,820 137,381 1,564 27,476 1,564 27,728 1.564 27,728 1,564 27,728 1,564 27:nJ 1,564 29,088 7,820 140,000 1,564 28,000 1,564 27,199 1,564 28,175 1,564 30,781 1.564 30.091 1,564- 31.712 7,820 147,958 1,564 29,592 1.564 30,482 1.564- 33,131 1,564 33,149 1,564- 34.848 1,564 35,658 7,820 167,268 1,564 33,454

--~------184 Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-51

Number enumerated in

1'151 1944 1935 1930 1925 1920 ------

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total

-6---- 2 4 7 8 9 10 11


Total 152,337 142,795 9,542 142,530 134,349 8,181 146,308 140,279 146,886 142,411 Male. 75,998 73,242 2,756 71,705 69,037 2,668 72,002 Females 76,339 69,553 6,786 70,825 65,312 5,513 74,306 (Al Males (over 3 years) 51,938 50,881 1,057 50,358 48,853 1,505 47,723 47,271 47,660 44,643 (i) Breeding bulls, i.e., 437 348 89 465 344 121 536 entire males over 3 years kept or used for breeding purposes only

(ii) Working b~lloeks, 50,610 49,664 946 48,983 47,947 1,036 45,828 i.e., bullocks and uneastrated males over 3 years kept for work only

(iii) Bulls and bullocks 891 869 22 91Q 562 348 1,359 over 3 ye ars not in use for breeding or work (other bulls)

(B) Females (over 3 years) 49,006 44,782 4,224 46,694 43,045 3,649 45,011 44,749 51,05:1 51,150 (i) Breeding cows, i.e., 48,940 44,721 4,219 46,642 43,016 3,626 43,373 cows over 3 ye ars kept for breeding or milk production (a) In milk 23,126 20,419 2,707 19,633 17,849 1,784- (b) Dry 21,440 20,037 1,403 21,760 20,194 1,566 (c) Not calved 4,374 4,265 109 5,249 4,973 276 (ii) Cows over 3 years 14 14 used for work only (iii) Other cows over 3 52 47 5 52 29 23 1,638 years not in usc for work or breeding purposes

(C) Young Stock (3 years and under)

Total 51,393 47,132 4,261 45,478 42,451 3,027 53,574 48,259 48,174 46,618 Males 24,060 22,361 1,699 21,347 20,184 1,163 24,279 Females 27,333 24,771 2,562 24,131 22,267 1,864 29,295 (i) Under 1 year Total 24,628 21,682 2,946 20,414 18,506 1,908 22,606 Males 11,930 10,639 1,291 9,969 9,185 784 10,445 Females 12,698 11,043 1,655 10,445 9,321 1,124 12,162

(ii) 1 to 3 years

Total 26,765 25,450 1,315 25,064 23,945 1,119 3Q,968 Males 12,130 11,722 408 11,378 10,999 379 13,834 Females 24,635 13,728 907 13,686 12,946 740 17,134

II-BUFFALOES Total 25,074 21.472 3,602 23,731 21,066 2,665 24,080 23,367 23,357 20,691 Males 2,486 1,965 521 2,354 1,860 494 2,995

Females ' .. 22,588 19,507 3,081 21,377 19,206 2,171 21,085 185 Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-51-(contd.)

Number enumerated in

1951 1944 1935 1930 1925 1920 ------

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total

--- 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------rr- (A) Males (over 3 years) 519 351 168 453 286 167 876 549 723 735 (i) Breeding bulls, Le" 345 224 121 252 201 51 559 entire males over 3 years kept or used for breeding purposes only

(ii) Working bullocks, i.e., 146 109 37 138 59 79 204 bullocks and uncastrated males over 3 years kept for work only (iii) Bulls and bullocks 28 18 10 63 26 37 113 over 3 years not in use for breeding or work (otber bulls) (B) Females (over 3 years) 16,838 14.416 2.422 15,465 13,936 1,529 14.220 14,111 14,518 12,442 (i) Breeding cows, i.e" 16,814 14,394 2,420 15,456 13,929 1,527 13,770 cow~ ov t;:r 3 years kept for breeding or milk produc- tion (a) In milk 8,340 6,816 1.524 7,447 6,503 944 (b) Dry 7.263 6,408 855 6,690 6,175 515 (c) Not calved 1,211 1,170 41 1.319 1,251 68 (ii) Cows over 3 years 2 2 3 1 2 used for work only

(iii) Other cows over 3 22 20 2 6 6 450 years not in use for work or breeding purposes

(C) Young Stock (3 years and under)

Total 7.717 6,705 1,012 7,813 6,844 969 8.984 8,707 8,116 ~,514 Males 1,967 1,614 353 1,901 1,574 327 2,119 Females 5,750 5,091 659 5,912 5,270 642 6,865 (i) Under 1 year

Total 4,171 3,419 752 4,190 3,514 676 4.563 MalES 1,358 1,073 285 1,263 1.034 229 1,398 Femal

Total 3,546 3,286 260 3,623 3,330 293 4.421 Males 609 541 68 638 540 98 721 Females 2,937 2,745 192 2,985 2,790 195 3,700

HI-SHEEP 27,270 16,518 10,752 34,737 34,320 417 39,479 41,777 44,142 31,656,

(i) Upto 1 year 4.438 2,646 1.792 7,886 7,836 50 (ii) 1 to 3 years -- Total 7.728 4,321 3,407 r26.851 26.484 367 Males 2,626 1,575 1,051 I 6.291 6,093 198 Females 5,102 2,746 2.356 I 20,560 20.391 169 (iii) Over 3 years Total 15,104 9,551 Males 3,582 2,155 "~11.427 Females 11,522 7,396 4,126 l 186 Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-51-(contd.)

Number enumerated in

1951 1'144 1935 1930 1925 1920

Particula.. Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total

2 4 6 ------._--_. 7 8 9 10 11

IV-GOATS 66,509 63.532 2,977 63,395 61,301 2,094 72,436 73,832 73,097 53,688 (i) Upto 1 year 11,739 11,440 299 14,863 14,489 374 (ii) 1 to 3 years

Total 19,528 18,297 1231 48,532 46,812 1,720 Males 7,120 6,519 601 r10.491 10,084 407 I Females 12,408 11,778 630 1 38,041 36,728 1,313 (iii) Over 3 years

Total 35,242 33,795 1,447 Male, 8,105 7,286 819 Females 2'1,137 26,509 628 V-HORSES AND PONIES 1,989 1,109 880 I3,442 1,985 1,457 2,978 2,860 3,123 3,504 (i) Upto 1 year 67 24 43 72 45 27 (ii) 1 to 3 years

Total 281 90 191 90 32 58 Males 167 58 109 67 21 46 Females 114 32 82 23 11 12 (iii) Over 3 years

Total 1,641 995 646 3,280 1,908 1,372 Males 1,217 802 415 2,861 1,654 1,207 Females 424 193 231 419 254 165 VI-DONKEYS 123 98 25 2112 191 91 192 230 248 197 (i) Upto 1 year 1 1 (ii) 1 to 3 years

Total 3 3 Males 3 3

(iii) Over 3 years

Total 119 98 21

Males 108 91 17 Females 11 7 4 VII-OTHER ANIMALS 3,520 2,592 928 3,305 2,530 775 1,405 2,165 847 839 (i) Mules 529 434 95 935 732 203 1,230 2,049 846 817 (ii) Camels 2 2 175 116 1 22 (iii) Pigs 2,989 2,156 833 2.370 1,798 572 VIII-POULTRY 28,888 18,185 10,703 22,+47 16,416 6,031

(i) Fowls 28,070 18,096 9,974 22,082 16,289 5,793

(al Hens 8,867 5,200 3,667 7,300 5,242 2,058

(b) Cocks 4,723 3,006 1,717 3,587 2,601 986

(c) Chickens 14,480 9,890 4,590 11,195 8,446 2,749 (ii) Ducks 818 89 729 365 127 238 (a) Ducks 540 48 492 214 79 135 (b) Drakes 217 29 '188 98 36 62 (c) Ducklings .. 61 12 49 53 12 41 187 Live-Stock and Agricultural Machinery and Implements, 1920-5I-(concld.)

Number enumerated in

1951 1944 1935 1930 1925 1920 ------_

Particulars Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Total Total Total

2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ------~--

IX-PLOUGHS 23,509 23,364 145 21,340 21,197 143 20,475 20,063 19,510 18,758 (i) Desi (Wooden) 23,463 23,319 144 21,268 21,149 119 20,411 (ii) Improved (Iron) 46 45 72 48 24 64 X-CARTS 4,828 4,665 163 5,957 5,814 143 4,863 4,921 4,920 4,133 XI-SUGARCANE CRUSHERS 20 20 40 40 80 (i) Worked by power 2 2 4 4 .3 (ii) W <>rked by bullocks .. 18 18 36 36 78 XU-OIL ENGINES 5 2 3 XIII-ELECTRIC PUMPS 1 1 3 XIV-TRACTORS .• 34 34 1 1 3 XV-GHANIS 124 94 30 321 321 295 (i) More than 5 seers 95 94 (ii) Less than 5 seers 29 79 188 List of Primary Schools

>Jumber of Number of pJpils on pupils On Serial January 1, Serial January 1, no. Name of the School 1951 no. Name of the School 1951 3 2 2 3 -'--~ TEHSIL CHAKRATA 87 Gaski 88 Samog 13 11 District Board Schools 89 Matiyana Tangni 32 90 18 91 Kalsi-Chakrata 1 Lakhwar 56 18 92 Ludhera 16 2 Sahiya 86 93 Lakhwar (Girlsi' 3 Kuwanu 66 12 94 Bisoi (Girls) .. 13 4 Bisoi 41 9S Lailta 5 Kalsi 52 12 6 Koti 49 TEHSIL DEHRA DUN 7 Thain 24 8 Mandhol 22 District Board Schools 9 Mundha 28 3Q 10 Lagapohi 1 Bhogpur 11 Kharkota 37 163 2 Raipur 40 12 Kandai 39 3 Lakhond 13 Khaddi 42 49 4 Choharpur 132 14 Bhatar 35 5 Darkat 15 Nagaw 16 52 6 Hariawala 57 16 Kamla 34 7 17 Pijitilani 35 177 8 Ajabpur 83 18 Ghanta 8 9 Kaubgarh 19 Chilhar 39 98 10 Kanwali 104 20 Kunain 26 11 Majra 21 Kotta 33 139 12 Thano ., 91 22 Gangrau 33 13 Mianwala 23 Bharya 14 . 50 14 Barw~l 38 24 Ludhera 21 15 Sahaspur 25 Ubhan 33 113 ,0 16 Bhauwala 65 26 Doongri 17 Horawala 27 Samalta 40 43 18 Ranipokhri 79 28 Basaya 20 19 Pondah 29 Sainj 28 51 20 Nalapani 94 30 Galhan 21 21 Bidholi 26 42 31 Naraya 22 Mehunwala 32 Jisau 32 54 23 Jathama 45 33 Kaulwa 14 Nehrugram 6 24 138 34 Tagri 25 Rudrapur 35 Marlau 22 42 26 Manduwala 55 36 Jaindeo .. 15 27 MajriGrant. 15 119 37 Rikhad Birman .. 28 Nahirt 38 Kandi 23 41 15 29 Badripur 94 39 Maipata a 18 30 J assortwal 66 40 Jadi 31 Joli Grant 41 Mendal 19 80 Khera Khatsar : '. 13 32 Fatehpur 94 42 33 Lalwa Kot 43 Tutia 17 35 14 34 Khet(l 66 44 Kharsi 35 Bhagwantpur 45 Tiuni 11 54 36 Dandilarkot 46 Jogio 18 70 47 jhitar 21 37 Pelion 60 48 Dasau 19 38 Selak", 57 39 Nagai 63 49 Meundha 27 a 50 Nada 12 40 Arnbiwal 74 51 Maletha 39 41 Timli 62 52 Ainthan 22 42 Nakraunda 37 Dhakrani 53 Bhundrauli 25 43 68 54 Kanda 16 44 Mathronwala 38 55 Masak 21 45 Lachhiwala 52 56 Hanoi 23 46 Duara 42 57 Klrad 26 47 Barasi 51 58 Mantllat 21 48 Dhoran 43 59 Luich 15 49 Sateli 33 60 Bailla 14 50 Madersu 39 61 Haja 4U 51 Baderna 24 62 Pokhri 21 52 Dudhli 61 63 Niehaya 8 53 Tilwari 37 64 Des au 41 54 Tipperpur 56 65 Rupau 26 55 Raipur (Girls) 33 66 panjia 23 56 Shamshergarh (Girls) 50 67 Bljau 12 57 Kaulagarh (Girls) 54 68 Dirnar 11 58 Bhogpur (Girls) 16 69 l)ersa 6 59 Gaziawala (Girls) 47 70 Lakhamandal 26 60 Dirwala (Girls) lU9 71 lIagm 14 61 Choharpur (Girls) 9S 72 Astar 27 62_ Sahaspur (Girls) 33 73 Kalttha 14 63 Lakhond (Girls) .. 27 74 Mohna 13 64 Chamasari 28 75 Lohri 28 65 Maldewla 48 76 Sawai 19 66 Saruna 24 77 Ubharu 16 67 Dhalani 40 78 Udpalta 14 68 Dovari 36 79 Slllgor 13 69 Kainchiwala 31 80 Chulan 10 70 Chharba 56 81 Matlyawa 10 71 Langha 19 82 Korwa 16 72 Birsani 24 83 Khani 23 73 Kedarawala 26 84 Kaha 18 74 Sherpur 26 as Hailia 23 75 Phulsani S9 - 86 Deo 19 76 Doonga 26 189 List of Primary Schools-(concld.)

Number of I Number of pupils on pupils on Serial January 1, I Serial January 1, no. Name of the Sch001 1951 no. Name of th e School 1951 ------2------~------3--' --1.------2------3------~~ ------... l\I'ussoorie Municipal Board Schools TEHSIL DEHRA DUN-(concld.) 143 Landaur 122 144 Barloganj 42 District Board Schools--(c)ncl d.) 145 Library Boys .• 80 146 Library (Girls) 29 147 Charlevill.. 27 77 Dhul Kat 40 14S Jharipani 53 7R Kehrigaon .. 40 149 Kulri .. 75 79 Ghamandpur •. 37 150 Wood Stoe'<- 11 80 Kodsi 43 81 Saugnon 34 Rishikesh Municipal Board SchoolS 82 Numberpur 40 83 Barottiwala 31 lSI Basic School 342 84 Gudrich 65 152 Brahma Devi (Girls) 225 85 Pratitpur 48 86 Aduwala 30 • Dehra Dun Municipal Board Schools 87 Barwala 46 88 Baniawala 59 153 Khurbura 409 89 Dudhai 23 154 Lakhibagh 165 90 Galjuari 40 155 Kan1r1S) . 72 198 Mahabir Jain Pathshala (Aided Gtrls) 236 133 Bhaniawala 31 86 134 tlaura 4U 199 Old Dalanwala (Aided Girls). .• . Rampiyari Arya Pathshala (Alded GlTls) 214 115 Jmwanrcdi 54 200 108 136 Subhasna!;ar 68 201 Bengali Vidya Mandir (Alded Glrls) Mahila Dastkari School " 80 137 Jwarigarh .. . . 56 202 56 138 Jhajra (Depressed Class) " 59 203 Mahila Asharln (Aided Girls) A. P. Mission (Aided Girls) 296 139 Church Mission School, Choharpur 64 204 282 140 C.lOharpur (Maktab) 30 205 Mahadevi Pathshala (Girls) 28 206 Nari Shilp Mandir (Girls) 329 141 Moronwal3 (Maklab) 501 142 Mehunwala (Maktab) 30 207 Guru Nana!< School (Aided Girls)
