“Enhancing Academic and Research Culture of Excellence”

Gender Mainstreaming: MMSU Lanscape and Futures

SHIRLEY C. AGRUPIS, PhD President, MMSU City of 2906,

Presented during the Conference on Gender Mainstreaming in Higher Education in ASEAN. 27-29 November 2017. Sofitel Hotel, Pasay City, Metro , PHILIPPINES MMSU • Founded in 1978 by former President Ferdinand E. Marcos • Five campuses - Batac (Main), Paoay, Currimao, , and • 13,000 students enrolled in 60 graduate and undergraduate academic programs • Recognized by the Commission on Higher Education as Center of Excellence in Teacher Education and Center of Development in: Biology, Agriculture, Forestry, and Computer Science • Recipient of a number of national awards for research and extension excellence • One of the country’s leading state university for renewable and alternative energy research

Women (%) in science education and research in Asia

Source: UIS, 2015b cited by Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) Women researchers (%) in Asia by organization type and field.

Source: UIS, 2015b cited by Association of Academies and Societies of Sciences in Asia (AASSA) Male vs Female Researchers in Different Sectors. Philippines, 2013.

Classification Govern ment Higher Education Private Private Non-Profit Industry Public Private Total 2,965 7,144 2,364 179 13,843 Researchers Male 1,335 3,070 1,078 70 7,681 Female 1,630 4,070 1,286 109 6,162 The RDE Agenda and Programs • Precision Agriculture and Climate Change • Plant Genetic Resources and Nutraceuticals • Organic Agriculture • Product Development • Environment and Natural Resource Technology Management • Renewable/Bio-Energy • Gender and Development, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Health, Economics and Business Human Resources in RDE

Faculty and Full-time Research Personnel (as of Nov 2017) Distribution of Project Leaders by Research Agenda Cluster (as of Nov 2017)

Research Agenda Cluster Male Female

Precision Agriculture and Climate Change 3 2

Plant Genetic Resources and Nutraceuticals 2 4

Organic Agriculture 2 1

Product Development 4 5 Environmental Technologies and Natural Resource 12 9 Management Renewable Bio-Energy 1 2 Gender and Development, Social Sciences, Humanities, 1 4 Education, Health, Economics and Business TOTAL 25 27 Main authors of award winning MMSU RDE Papers (2015-2017)

Male Female Tota l 11 24 35

Examples of Awards: • AFMA R&D Award of the Department of Agriculture- Bureau of Agricultural Research • DOST-PCAARRD National Research Symposium • ISSAAS and ISSAAS-Philippine Scientific Conference • PhilRice R&D National Conference • National Academy of Science and Technology Scientific Meetings • National Conference on Gender and Fisheries • Commission on Higher Education Republica Award • ILAARRDEC Regional R&D Symposium • Philippine Council for Health Research – Region 1 • Fisheries Science Research Award • International Conference: Multi-disciplinary engineering Science and Technology • International Research, Development and Extension Management Congress AWARDS (2013-2017)

International/National Awards Regional/Local Awards

Male Male Female 31% Female 45% 55% 69%

Total Awards = 57 PUBLICATIONS (2013-2017)

Total Number of Refereed Journals = 53 Publications on Gender Sensitive Community-based Renewable Energy Systems Incentivizing Researchers

• Teaching load equivalent (faculty-researchers) • Research Grant (paper presentation in conferences, conventions, research forum and scientific meetings) • Research publication award • University PRAISE – outstanding researchers Male Female Total 4 12 16 MEN vs WOMEN in MMSU's Administrative Council

25 Male Female






2000 2003 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2001 2002 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Deans and Directors of MMSU by gender, 1985-2017. GS


CTE Female

COE Male






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 College Deans of MMSU by gender, 1985-2017. University Center on Gender and Development • VISION A center that enhances healthy partnerships of men and women – one that values mutual respect and consensual dialogues, and sharing of public and private responsibilities geared toward excellence and leadership • MISSION To institutionalize policies and programs that are responsive to gender, poverty and human rights issues through instruction, research and extension services, establishing the necessary mechanism that male MMSU a high performance workplace Gender and Development Discipline Clusters • Education, Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts • Natural Sciences • Health and Nutrition • Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry, Natural Resources and Environment • Business, Engineering and Industry • Law and Governance • Interdisciplinary Sciences RDE Programs/Projects Highlighting GAD • Renewable Energy projects using solar, hydro and biogas interventions • Coastal Resource Management through improve aquaculture, mariculture and reforestation of mangrove forests • Institutional Building through gender role identification, mentoring, gender-sensitivity and gender mainstreaming – capability and livelihood development MMSU's BEST RDE PRACTICES

✓ Balik Scientist and Visiting Professors Program –men and women Filipino scientists abroad of varied expertise and specialization are invited as lecturers, mentors for students, researchers. This program aims to strengthen the research culture in the University.

✓ Research Publication Award – this is to encourage and enhance our researchers to disseminate their research findings through the print media.

✓ Outstanding Researcher Award – given to men and women who excel in the field of research MMSU's BEST RDE PRACTICES

✓ S&T Scholarships, Fellowships and Trainings (national, international) – given to qualified faculty and full-time researchers

✓ Privileges to present Research Papers in various fora – MMSU provides financial assistance to men and women researchers in the presentation of their research outputs in various fora here and abroad GAD at MMSU Today and beyond....

✓ Center for Gender and Development and Poverty Studies for a more gender responsive research program that focuses on the gender dimension of research in MMSU.

Proposal in the pipeline:

• flexible working hours and other family-support facilities like maternal lactating area • drop-in center to assist our researchers with toddlers for them to be more productive along research work. GAD at MMSU Today and beyond....

▪encourage women researchers to join women scientist associations/ organizations not only to share their technical findings but also to share their experiences and to receive mutual support, as well as by acting as lobby groups to suggest policy changes.

▪MMSU CGAD established sex-disaggregated database for gender analysis, in aid of policy, programming and planning for a more aggressive research involvement of university men and women faculty and fulltime research, science and technology. MMSU State and Direction in Gender Mainstreaming Espouse gender mainstreaming in MMSU system: • Goal setting • Strategic planning • Policy development • Instruction and RDE programs • Strategic communication and University Press • Manpower development programs • Implementation and monitoring programs Jeesuutin baadae Khowp jai

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