


Report by Director of Education and Children’s Services

PURPOSE OF REPORT To request Members approval to undertake a public consultation exercise in order to develop a community play area strategy and to prioritise areas for development that are affordable, sustainable and supported by appropriate community organisations.

COMPETENCE 1.1 There are no legal, financial, equalities or constraints to the recommendation being implemented.


2.1 A Report to the June 2016 series of meetings identified the challenges in developing a sustainable play area strategy across the Western Isles:  too many play areas;  limited capital and revenue funding;  poor condition of equipment and maintenance of play areas;  too many areas where it is difficult to establish who has responsibility;  limited use of play areas by young people in some areas;  limited availability of adult volunteers or appropriate community based organisations.

2.2 Consultation workshops were held in each Ward area in March 2015. Community engagement was limited.

2.3 The Appendix to the Report identifies a proposed list of play areas considered appropriate to provide an adequate spread and range of play areas throughout the Western Isles.

RECOMMENDATION 3.1 It is recommended that the Comhairle authorise the Director of Education and Children’s Services to undertake community consultation on the basis of the proposed list of play areas identified in the Appendix to the Report.

Contact Officer: Bernard Chisholm, Director of Education and Children’s Services Ext 211430

Appendix: Proposed Priority List of Play Areas

Background Papers: Report to Policy and Resources Committee 29 March 2016 Report to June 2016 Series of Meetings

BC/DS 16/11/2016 BCR46102


4.1 The 2013-18 Capital Programme originally had an allocation of £300K for play parks/ play areas. The Comhairle reviewed the Capital Programme in March 2016 and agreed that £200k of unallocated resources for play parks and play areas would be reallocated to other priorities within the remaining two years of the Capital Programme.

4.2 £100k is currently available within the 2013-18 Capital Programme for improvement works in play parks/play areas.

4.3 The consultation exercise in 2015 generated a range of suggestions supporting a sustainable play park and play area strategy:  use of low maintenance equipment;  convert play areas to open spaces/kick about areas;  work in partnership with community groups;  develop fewer but more expansive play areas near other community services;  provide more equipment targeted at pre-school children;  locate play areas where they are accessible to all.

4.4 In addition to the suggestions obtained in the 2015 consultation exercise the Comhairle authorised the Director of Education and Children’s Services to proceed to develop schools as community hubs and within each school develop community play areas.

4.5 In developing this concept the Director of Education and Children’s Services has:

 Deployed Community Education workers in their capacity as community capacity development staff to engage with community groups to support them develop a more sustainable youth engagement and play area strategy.  Engaged with grounds for learning to identity more sustainable play area proposals.  Audited all school play areas and is currently identifying capital and revenue cost implications.

4.6 On this basis Appendix 1 identifies a proposed list of play areas considered appropriate to provide an adequate spread and range of play areas throughout the Western Isles. BCR46102


= CnES Maintained (including HHP Block Transfer) = CnES - Education & Children's Services (including FES maintained) = Hebridean Housing Partnership = Community

AREA DESCRIPTION OWNERSHIP POST CODE Ward 01 School Cuidhe na Gamhna, Iochdar CnES/HHP Transfer HS8 5RJ School Castlebay Playpark CnES/Community HS9 5XD Northbay Play Area CnES/HHP Transfer HS9 5YH School Iochdar School CnES - Education/Community (?) HS8 5RQ School Daliburgh School CnES - FES (Education) HS8 5SS Eriskay School (closed) CnES - Education HS8 5JJ Vatersay Community HS9 5YU Priority Daliburgh - Croileagan (closed) Community (Education?) HS8 5SS Locboisdale – Kenneth Dr Community HS8 5TJ Ward 02 Ashdail Cottages CnES/HHP Transfer HS6 5DX Carabhat, Carinish CnES/HHP Transfer HS6 5HR Ford Terrace, Creagorry CnES/HHP Transfer HS7 5PW Balivanich (old) School CnES HS7 5LA School Balivanich School CnES - FES (Education) HS7 5LS Priority Balivanich Regeneration (x3?) Community/HHP HS7 5LQ Ward 03 Priority Macqueen Street Tarbert CnES/HHP Transfer HS3 3DH Scott Road, Tarbert CnES/HHP Transfer HS3 3DL Seilebost School CnES HS3 HR School Sir E Scott CnES - FES (Education) HS3 3BG School Community HS3 3TS Scalpay Community HS4 3XU Drinnishader Community? HS3 3DX Priority Community HS2 9QX Ward 04 CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 9PN Pentland Drive, CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 9AX School Sgoil nan Loch CnES - Education (?) HS2 9BE Leurbost Community Centre Community HS2 9NU Priority Uig Community HS2 9JE Priority Bernera Community HS2 9LT Priority Community? HS2 9ED Priority Carloway Community Centre Community HS2 9AU BCR46102

Ward 05 Priority Seaview, Knock CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 0BW Macsween Drive Aird CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 0ES School Sgoil nan Rubha CnES - FES (Education) HS2 0PX Priority Lower Community HS2 0QB - Cnoc Dubh Community HS2 0PN Community HS2 0PU Sheshader Community HS2 0EW Ward 06 Priority Bayhead, CnES HS1 2DJ Priority Seaforth Road / Seaview Terr CnES/Community Lease HS1 2RR Priority Parkend CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 0AX Plasterfield CnES HS2 2UP Priority Tolmie Terrace (x2) CnES HS1 2PH Priority Doig Crescent CnES/Housing Assoc HS1 2NW School Nicolson Institute CnES - FES (Education) HS1 2PN Mackenzie Park, Sandwick HHP HS2 0AX Priority Plasterfield Community HS2 2UP Priority Sandwickhill Community Hall Community HS2 0AG Ward 07 Priority Columbia Place CnES/Community Lease HS1 2TN Lower Cearns CnES/HHP Transfer HS1 2YD Priority Middle Cearns CnES/HHP Transfer HS1 2YW Upper Cearns CnES/HHP Transfer HS1 2UH Priority Allt na Bròige CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 0DX New Shielings, Bennadrove CnES/Housing Assoc HS2 0BT School School CnES - Education HS2 0DS School Stornoway Primary CnES - Education HS1 2LF Priority Gibson Gardens HHP HS1 2LL Priority Newmarket Community HS2 0EF Ward 08 Vatisker CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 0JZ School Tong School CnES - Education HS2 0HJ Outend Coll Community HS2 0LP Priority Tolsta, Community Hall Community HS2 0LH Tolsta, Camach Park Community HS2 0NR Priority Tong Community HS2 0HJ Ward 09 Priority Heatherhill, CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 0QS Edgemoor Square CnES/HHP Transfer HS2 0TJ School Sgoil an Taobh Siar CnES - FES (Education) HS2 0RA Cross School Community HS2 0SN Priority Eoropie Community HS2 0XB Upper Barvas Community HS2 0QX