Recommendations Presented to Reduce Energycosts
arrangemen,ts( single ~peCi,~ens'and ' will be, an ice cream social, spon- Chamber members and businesses, Wayne businesses. potted plants. A .'~best of show" rib·· will be awarded. The outdoor beer. garden, which ~ Dan Gardner, of 'Wake!ieldi bon will be awa'rded to the entry, fhat ~~~~ ~eth~o~i:~~r :~i~~e f;::~~~ opens at 5 p.m. for COl!ntry Store: was selected recently as one,of) Country Store' Day in Wayne, best expresses the ther:ne of the homemade ice cream, pies and HIGHLIGHTING ·COuntry Store Day, will be loca1ed near Godfather's nine to receive the Departmen,f scheduled for this S~turday, Junli]3, f lower show. cakes. begins at 2 p.m.' in the Day will be a free Bratwurst S!Jpper, Pizza. Also, at la1e dusk. outdoor of "Aging Private Sector 1/1' wi II have activities for all ,ages. Gall.Korn is chairman of t'he event, Womans Club room. located on West 2nd Street, from.S to movies will be shown at· the God iti,ative. Awa.rd., The. Pt~"~entla Kicking ,b-'~ .,the ',day filled with with ·ass~~tance . .from· the "', Roving A new twist to Country Store Day 7 p.m. On the menu will be bratwurst, father's loca1ion. The films will be t~e 1 tion was In'ade, during events will be the Country Store D~y Gardeners Gar:den Club."' will be a B~ffalo Chip Throwing Con' sauerkraut, chips and milk or juice. provided by the Wayne Public Governor's Conference on .A;g Flower Show at t,he 'Wayne, City Also beginni.n~ at around 8~30 a.m.
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