Victorian Marathon Club Newsletter
VMC ROAD RUNNERS # / ^ r v ^ v /■+ H' NEWSLETTER MARCH 1983 and 37th ANNUAL REPORT PRICE $1.00 Australian Sports Personality of 1982, Rob de Castella, closely shadowed by John Andrews, the eventual trophy winner, in the 1982 VMC RR “EMIL ZATOPEK” 10,000m. (Photo courtesy John Punshon.) Registered for posting as a periodical Reg. No. VBH 0488 THE V.M.CoROAD RUNNERS NEWSLETTER is published for the information of members of the V.M.CoROAD RUNNERS CLUB and is covered by payment of the Annual Membership Pee. It is issued four times a yearsSPRHTG(September) SUMMER(December) AUTTOIN(March) WINTER^June)o All athletes, irrespective of age or sex, are invited to contribute letters, results, comments, criticisms, etc*,to the Editor, 1 Godling St.,CANTERBURY, 3126, Victoria. PLEASE NOTE that material submitted for publication should be on single-spaced, typed A4 sheets, irrespective of length, to facilitate lay-out. Arbiclesshould not exceed one and a half pages of A4, preferably half that. Articles for publication MUST BE accompanied By the name and address of the contributor, together with his or her signature. The author of the article shall retain full responsibility for the content of such article 0 DEALME FOR COPT is the 10th day of the month preceding the month of publication, we ask contributors to aim for the 1 st day of that month to make editing less rushed. ********************************************* INTERSTATE LIMES OF COMMUNICATIONS : A .A .U .: Rick PANBELL, Olympic Park Noo1, Swan St, MELBOURNE 3002,(03) 429 50 77 N.S.WoA.A.A.: Clive LEE, P.O.Box N101 ,Grosvenor St, SYDNEY 2001,(02) 241 35 38 VoAoAot John MILLER, Olympic Park No.1,SwanSt, MELBOURNE 3002,(03)428 8049» 428 81 95 Q .A .A .A .: John BAILEY, 33 Wighton St, NASHVILLE, Q 'ld, 4017,( 07) 269 63 07 Q.W0A 0A 0A.
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