O C V ΓΡΑΦΕΙ ΤΗΝ ΙΣΤΟΡΙΑ Bringing the news ΤΟΥ ΕΛΛΗΝΙΣΜΟΥ to generations of ΑΠΟ ΤΟ 1915 The National Herald Greek Americans A WEEKLY GREEK AMERICAN PUBLICATION c v www.thenationalherald.com VOL. 11, ISSUE 553 May 17, 2008 $1.00 GREECE: 1.75 EURO Carolyn George L. Argyros: From Maloney Humble Beginnings to Visits TNH Classic American Success By Evan C. Lambrou Mr. Argyros said he wanted to own Offices Special to The National Herald his own store, but saw a better op- portunity owning the land on – Ranked among the which stores were built, so he Hellenic Caucus Co- world’s wealthiest people by earned his real estate license in Forbes, with an estimated fortune 1962 and started selling land at Chair Discusses Issues of $1.7 billion, California real es- busy intersections to oil companies tate magnate George L. Argyros to set up gas stations. He also And Her New Book started from humble beginnings, bought and sold apartment build- and reached the pinnacle of Ameri- ings. By Mark Frangos can success through intelligence, Today, Mr. Argyros’ privately Special to The National Herald drive, hard work and sheer force of held Arnel & Affiliates owns and will which simply would not allow manages more than 5,200 apart- NEW YORK – U.S. Congresswoman him to work for anyone other than ments and 2.5 million square feet Carolyn B. Maloney (D – NY) visit- himself. of commercial space. He also ed the offices of The National Her- Mr. Argyros, 71, was born in De- founded private equity firm Westar ald on Tuesday, May 13, to discuss troit, Michigan. His grandparents Capital LLC in 1987. He invests in issues affecting the Greek Ameri- emigrated from Greece, and his pet products (Doskocil), coolers can and talk about her new book, parents were both born in the Unit- (Igloo) and auto technology “Rumors of Our Progress have been ed States. The Argyros family (Amerigon). Greatly Exaggerated.” Congress- moved to Pasadena in the 1940’s, at Mr. Argyros once owned Major woman Maloney also met with a time when many American fami- League Baseball’s Seattle Mariners TNH editor/publisher Antonis Dia- lies were migrating westward. (1981-89). He recently served as mataris. Congresswoman Maloney In Pasadena, Mr. Argyros had a United States Ambassador to Spain is co-chair of the Hellenic Caucus paper route at age 11. At age 14, he under President George W. Bush for and has been a champion for the took a second job at a supermarket three years (2001-04), and is now a Greek American community since for 25 cents an hour. As a senior in national finance co-chair for U.S. becoming a member of Congress in high school, he worked nearly full- Senator John McCain of Arizona’s 1992. She is the representative of time to support himself and help 2008 Presidential bid. New York’s 14th Congressional Dis- his family. He also worked more He is also a member of the Hora- trict, which includes Astoria, Long than 50 hours a week as a grocery tio Alger Association of Distin- Island City and most of Manhat- store manager to pay his way guished Americans, of which he tan’s . AP/THANASSIS STAVRAKIS through Chapman University, a was president (1995-98) and chair- Congresswoman Maloney be- Mummies in Athens Christian liberal arts college in Or- man (1998-2000), and for which gan her discussion with TNH by ange County, graduating in 1959 he established a military veterans discussing the FYROM name dis- A pair of Egyptian mummies were part of a display at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens on with a degree in business and eco- scholarship fund, which has issued pute. Tuesday, May 13, 2008. After a 6-year interval, the Greek museum's collection of ancient Egyptian artifacts nomics. “Personally I think Greece has went on permanent display the next day. More than 1,000 of the collection's 7,000 objects are on exhibition. After graduating from college, Continued on page 10 taken good steps that they would take a modifying name like New Macedonia,” she said. “We have had great successes. We got the sign of Philip II off the flag. We got them to take the White Tower off HMS Honors George Papanicolaou their money. But my constituents keep sending me pages from the in- By Stavros Marmarinos and become immortal?” As history gressional Caucus on Hellenic Is- ternet from [FYROM] military Special to The National Herald would have it, he opted for the sec- sues, this tribute to Dr. Papanicolaou Searching for a Brother books or school text books which ond choice and he began working at was officially included on the Con- Lost in Albania’s Gulag show ‘Macedonia’ which includes NEW YORK – Dr. George Papanico- Cornell Medical Center in 1914, and gressional Record. Dr. Florentia all of Greece which implies threats laou, who went down in history as remained there for the next fifty Christodoulidou presented the of going out and capturing territory the man who saved millions of years. proclamation on behalf of Congress- “This is a story of a unique which is inaccurate, disrespectful women all over the world from can- This was just some of the infor- woman Maloney at the Symposium. man who fought the cold war and just plain wrong.” cer by discovering the “Pap Test,” mation that Vasilios Chaimanis, In the proclamation, the U.S. Con- with his own lonely battle, Congresswoman Maloney also started off his new life in the United President of the Panevoikos Society, gress salutes HMS for putting to- got caught in a web of treach- expressed hope that the Cyprus is- States working six to seven days a mentioned last Thursday, May 8, at gether this annual event to honor ery, and paid the ultimate sue may eventually be resolved week when he first moved to New the annual symposium held by the the life and work of Dr. Papanico- price. It is written with some with the new Cypriot government York. He actually sold rugs and Hellenic Medical Society of New laou, while honorable mention was reluctance, but it must be of Dimitris Christofias in charge. played the violin at night in restau- York in memory of Dr. George Pa- also given to the event co-sponsors. told. It is the story of my “There’s always hope,” she said. rants in order to save money, while panicolaou, a native of Kymi, Eu- That same evening, HMS also pre- brother, Grigorios A. “I think what is offensive [of past his wife worked at Gimbel’s depart- boia. This event was cosponsored by sented Cornell medical school stu- Stavrou.” plans] to my Cypriot American con- ment store sewing buttons onto the Weill Medical College of Cornell dent Dean Arnatoutakis with a See story on pages 6-9. stituents is that the Turks could buy clothes for five dollars a week. University, the Federation of Hel- scholarship. land in the Greek Cypriot areas but Dr. Papanicolaou once asked his lenic Medical Societies of North Following a special address by Greek Cypriots couldn’t buy land in father, “what is the meaning of life? America and the Panevoikos Society. the school’s Associate Dean of Re- the Turkish areas. What kind of To work in an office and make mon- Thanks to Congresswoman Car- fairness is that?” ey, or to work at a research center olyn Maloney, Co-Chair of the Con- Continued on page 3 Congresswoman Maloney also discussed the new President of Cyprus and during discussions with Mr. Diamataris, she stated that she would recommend to Secretary Rice that she invite Mr. Christofias Niarchos Foundation Gives Support to Firefighters Patriarch to Washington on an official visit. “I have met the new president By Beverley MacDougall health and medicine, education, British Columbia Forest Service inferno ravaged through Greece’s Travels to when he was president of the par- Special to the National Herald and arts and culture. Training Centre. He brought with forests and villages leaving destruc- liament,” she said. “We went to “In the past, the Niarchos Foun- him two Senior Hellenic Fire tion and death in its wake. Eight Thanks to the generosity of the dation assisted the Greek Fire Brigade Officers, Pavlos Apostolou firefighters died battling the heart- Greece, Meets Continued on page 4 Stavros Niarchos Foundation Brigade by providing equipment and Stylianos Ioannidis. Zervakis less flames that devoured men, Greece’s firefighters will receive such as fire trucks and a Super added that they will identify key women and children. In total, 76 specialized training from Canadian Puma helicopter as well as infra- Greek officers to be brought to Van- people, and over 100,000 animals Archbishop firefighters in British Columbia. structure, and the creation of a couver, to learn from their Canadi- were claimed by the wildfires and The Stavros Niachos Foundation is training center for the Catastrophe an colleagues. Eventually these of- Prime Minister Costas Karamanlis an international philanthropic or- Management unit (E.M.A.K.)” said ficers will train all the members of declared Greece a state of emer- and U.S. Envoy Greeks Get ganization that was established by John Zervakis, Head of the Founda- the Greek Fire Brigade. gency. the will of the late Stavros Niachos tions Program Management De- But the first steps in the journey The Board of Directors of the ATHENS (ANA) – The spiritual Older As twelve years ago. It is active in partment; of how the Niarchos Foundation Stavros Niachos Foundation re- leader of the world’s Orthodox Greece, his country of origin, and “Now we will focus on people”. decided to fund training programs sponded swiftly to the disaster by Christians, Ecumenical Patriarch worldwide, having approved over Mr. Zervakis arrived in Vancouver for Greece’s firefighters in Canada setting aside funds to be used to Vartholomaios, and the head of the Births Slow 1,500 grants to non-profit organi- to finalize the training schedules began last year following the disas- protect against and prevent future Church of Greece, Archbishop zations in 84 countries. The areas and course material that will be of- trous fires of 2007. Greeks will not Ieronymos, conducted a service to- of its focus are social welfare, fered to Greek officers at The forget the summer of 2007. A great Continued on page 4 gether in Istanbul on Sunday, May ATHENS (The National 11, and pledged to work more Herald/ANA-MPA) – The birth rate closely. in Greece, among the lowest in Eu- Ieronymos has tried to use his rope, has grown slightly, but not first official trip to the Patriarchate enough to offset a rapidly aging since becoming archbishop earlier population, Greece’s National Sta- TNH Holds this year to resolve past differences tistics Service said Monday. and place relations between the For the first time since 1995, the Sculpture two churches on a new footing. number of births in Greece sur- “We are brothers, united by a passed that of deaths in 2005 and common faith and tradition,” said in 2006, the statistics body said in a Exhibition Vartholomaios yesterday. Ierony- statement. The birth rate fell to its mos indicated a willingness to op- lowest levels in 2001, when there erate largely in the ecumenical pa- were 9.3 births for every thousand By Demetris Tsakas triarch’s shadow. “We have nothing people. Special to The National Herald to offer you other than the devotion Greece's population, almost that children can offer to their par- 11.2 million in 2006, has been in- NEW YORK - One hundred and ents,” he said. creasing mainly due to immigra- eight sculptures of varying shapes Ieronymos’s predecessor, tion. However, persons over 65 and sizes, made from wood, mar- Christodoulos, had often clashed continue to represent a growing ble, alabaster, and shells were dis- with Vartholomaios over Church portion of the population, consti- played at the exhibition featuring matters. tuting 18.5 percent in 2006. the artwork of renowned Greek Patriarch Vartholomeos also be- According to calculations made sculptor Giorgos Psaradelis, which gan a four-day visit to Greece on by the NSS, by the year 2050, pop- took place at the office of The Na- Tuesday, May 13, and met with ulation is actually expected to de- tional Herald in , Archbishop Ieronymos in Athens. cline, not grow. N.Y. this past Thursday evening. He received U.S. ambassador to Based on the information pro- The exhibition opened at 6:00 Greece Daniel Speckhard in Athens vided by registries nationwide, the p.m., with representatives from the on May 14, as the latter reiterated Greek and Cypriot diplomatic corps America's policy vis-a-vis the Ecu- Continued on page 11 and the Greek Orthodox Archdio- menical Patriarchate following a cese of America, local politicians, brief meeting, namely, support for officials from the Greek American the re-opening of the Halki Semi- To subscribe call: 718.784.5255 Community, academicians, patrons nary and the important principle of e-mail: of the arts, journalists and many religious freedom. [email protected] others in attendance. Representa- Speaking after the talks, the Ec- tives from non-profit organizations umenical Patriarch expressed his and the local business community complete satisfaction with the also attended the event. meeting, the respect shown by the The exhibition was entitled "The US towards the institution of the Dance of Space and Time" and rep- Ecumenical Patriarchate, and the TNH/COSTAS BEJ resents the artist’s fifth individual standing positions of consecutive The National Herald is hosting an exhibition featuring the artwork of renowned Greek sculptor Giorgos Psaradelis, left, with Dimitrios Gerolimatos, right, at the Herald’s offices in Long Island City. Continued on page 4 Continued on page 11 4 COMMUNITY THE NATIONAL HERALD, MAY 17, 2008 Niarchos Foundation Giving Their Full Support to Greek Firefighters

Continued from page 1 nizational skills and over 100 years of experience fighting these types cataclysms. The Foundation began of fires.” by organizing a workshop in collab- Mr. Ioannidis also remarked on oration with the Hellenic Studies the professionalism and methods Program at Simon Fraser University used by the Canadians and how titled: “Wildfire Management, Eco- that “no matter where I go to in the logical Restoration and Economic world, I am always warmly wel- Development”, which took place in comed by fellow firefighters and Athens, in early December 2007. made to feel like a part of the fami- Experts from the British Columbia ly.” Brian Simpson also maintains, Forest Service, academics from in the same vein that: “it doesn’t Canadian and American universi- matter what language you speak or ties, and representatives from com- what culture you belong to fighting panies of related industries gath- fires creates a bond that bridges ered to see first hand the afflicted any barriers.” regions. They met with the work- John Zervakis mentioned: “the shop’s Greek attendees comprised Niarchos Foundation likes to pro- of government, think tanks, acade- vide complete solutions.” Three mia and embassy representatives. years ago the Foundation approved The team of experts who were a grant for an intelligent Tudor that invited by the Foundation conduct- allows Greek to be taught on-line to ed visits to the burned areas of Chinese students. Since then over Southwestern Greece to observe 1,000 students in China now un- first hand the devastation so as to derstand Greek. This amazing and better understand what caused so innovative technology developed much destruction. Following the at Simon Fraser University as a re- workshop, The British Columbia sult of Niarchos Philanthropy will Forrest Service submitted a number be modified to provide on-line of preliminary recommendations training that encompasses firefight- for post-fire interventions to the ing technology and terminology for Stavros Niarchos Foundation. After Greek firefighters to use. much deliberation concerning John Zervakis expressed that he which project to support, the Board wants Greek firefighters to be able decided to fund the training of the to feel and say (regardless of what- members of the Hellenic Fire ever they are up against in the fu- Brigade in combating forest fires; a ture): “We know that we did the field in which they had not received best.” The Foundation is providing training in the past. From left to right: Stylianos Ioannidis, Minister Rich Coleman, John Zervakis, Andre Gerolymatos, Brian Simpson, and in front Pavlos Apostolou. these firefighters with the opportu- The Canadians have a long his- nity to become the best in their tory fighting wildfires. Unfortu- the fires in Southwestern Greece was pleased to announce that the tion grant will significantly im- partment, the Honourable Rich field. Their commitment to the nately, British Columbians know last winter: “I felt humbled by what British Columbia government was prove how Greece responds to for- Coleman. hard work they have ahead of them only too well the devastating re- the Greek firefighters had to face.” donating $120,000 worth of equip- est fires. They had never visited The Greek officers then when on will serve to better protect Greece sults of wildfires. Brian Simpson, He went on to say that “our fire ment to Greece “as a token of our Canada before. The Greek Officers to a boot camp in Kamloops B.C. against the ravages of wild fires. Director in the Protection Programs techniques are among the best in relationship building with Greek met with senior Canadian officers where they examined over several The Stavros Niarchos Founda- for the B.C. Ministry of Forests and the world”, and “the question is not firefighters.” from the British Columbia Ministry days the training methods used by tion puts into practice the old Range and an experienced fire- if the next forest fire will happen; For Pavlos Apostolou, Greece’s of Forests and Range. They, along the B.C. firefighters. “ I believe,” re- adage that: “It is only as we develop fighter, was a part of the Canadian but when it will happen.” These Commander of the Fire Academy, with John Zervakis of the Stavros flected Pavlos Apostolou, “ that the others that we permanently suc- team who took part in the work- training sessions will improve re- and Stylianos Ioannidis, Major Niarchos Foundation, and Andre training which we will have will be ceed.” When it comes to fighting shop in Athens. It was his first trip sponse time, which is a critical Colonel in the Greek Fire Service Gerolymatos, Chair of Hellenic both critical and significant and a forest fires we know that “develop- ever to Greece. He mentioned that component of firefighting. Headquarters there is no question Studies, at Simon Fraser University key in fighting wildfires. The B.C. ing others” translates into saving when he viewed the aftermath of Furthermore, Brian Simpson that the Stavros Niarchos Founda- met with the Minister of that De- forest fighters have excellent orga- lives. TNH Holds Sculpture Exhibit Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney Visits TNH Offices Of Renowned Artist Giorgos Continued from page 1 Cyprus several years ago and we have been objecting to the Bush Ad- Psaradelis in New York ministration’s encouragement of congress members to visit the Turk- Continued from page 1 cient linguistic-concentrated ten- ish area of Cyprus. It is not a recog- dencies, to encounter an artist like nized country and we have written exhibition, which is being present- Giorgos Psaradelis feels like an un- some very strong letter to Con- ed under the auspices of the Greek expected discovery. He forces us to doleeza Rice about it and they Ministry of Culture. The exhibition, reread history, following a different stopped those requests. I think that which is featured throughout path – a side road – which was in- many of my constituents would like TNH's two-story offices, and consti- visible before, but now brings us to to see the island unified again, but tutes one of the sculptor's largest unknown lands, and places that no we must ensure that it is done fairly individual exhibitions in New York, one ever thought existed.” for the Greek Cypriots.” will remain on display and open to Vasiliki Alexaki-Chronaki writes Congresswoman Maloney, is co- the public until May 29, 2008. that “I have never before seen rocks chair of the Hellenic Causus and Mr. Psaradelis is a familiar fig- speak so clearly with their shape, hopes that many Greek Americans ure not only to his Cretan compatri- and tell of adventures from another will write to their representative to ots who visit Heraklion and other life. Giorgos Psaradelis comes join if they haven’t already. areas of Greece where his work is around every so often to surprise us “I think that we have made featured, but to visitors at TNH's of- with the dynamic dialectic of the progress since we have initiated the fices, since one of his sculptures re- materials he shapes. He is the one Hellenic Caucus,” she said. “We mains permanently on display who chooses to speak from within have not lost one single vote for among the many pieces decorating the etched structures of a compos- Greece or Cyprus. We go in with the office of TNH's Publisher/Edi- ite mythical and historical reality. roughly 100 members strong to tor-in-Chief Antonis H. Diamataris. He is the one who overturned the every vote. When I first got elected, His works also appear in many engraved aesthetics of chiseled mo- there were problems all the time other U.S. locations, including the tion which fights against the inac- with the invasion of Imia and the White House, the Investment Bank tive standstill of the shapeless. His beginning of the Macedonia prob- TNH/COSTAS BEJ and Iraqi Embassy in Washington mind detonates materials and en- lem. Finally, I just decided that we Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney (D-NY) met with National Herald editor/publisher Antonis H. Dia- D.C., as well as in other countries graves his personal mythology with needed to get stronger and orga- mataris during a meeting at the Herald’s offices in Long Island City on Tuesday, May 13, 2008. like Italy, England, Germany, steady consistency and depth of re- nized. I went to Archbishop Iakovos Cyprus, Greece. His artwork is also spective historical projections and and said that I wanted to find a Hel- land from the church. This inter- only country that meets all the cri- sue and the decency deficit. At the realignments.” lenic Caucus and he said to me, ‘I feres with the sovereignty of the teria is Greece, so we are trying to end of each chapter there is sort of Ms. Alexaki-Chronaki goes on to will bless you everyday of my life.’ I Greek Orthodox Church. I have a go through the Department of a “how to,” such as organizations His spiritual quests write “the world of his work is cap- went back to Congress and I believe bill that I am trying to get passed Homeland Security and get this you can join, websites you can go to are well known, tured in a plot that runs directly that everything that is lasting in our calls upon and the world to done administratively.” and ways you can make a differ- contrary to the conventional dis- government is bipartisan. I went to respect the Church’s ability to make Congresswoman Maloney’s new ence. It discussed bills that our out as well as his need play of the rules of sculpture. He is see Congressman Mike Bilirakis of decisions about their property and book, “Rumors of Our Progress there. I tell my daughters they can to express them an artist who plays by his rules all Florida and we founded it. We governance.” have been Greatly Exaggerated: do anything, but they aren’t even in through his work throughout a game where he does worked very well together.” Congresswoman Maloney her Why Women’s Lives Aren’t Getting the Constitution!” not hesitate to risk moving ahead Congresswoman Maloney also work in getting Greece to be a part Any Easier and How We Can Make Congresswoman Maloney also with natural materials. with the next placation, as an ex- think that the U.S. needs to put of the Visa Waiver Program. Real Progress for Ourselves and Our discussed her next writing project. pression of his soul and ultimately pressure on Turkey to stop interfer- “The State Department is sup- Daughters,” is a call to action for “If this book is a success, my featured on the internet, as well as his worldview. Following him along ing with the Ecumenical Patriar- porting me on this,” she said. “We women and is currently available at next book will be about [Revolu- in displays owned by Greek and the path of his work, we discover chate. have many co-sponsors. There is a bookstores and Amazon.com. tionary hero Lascarina] Bubulina,” foreign collectors. the artist’s other self, the genuine “Turkey continues to cause trou- feeling that we don’t want to go to “The book documents how she said. “I have been called a mod- Giorgos Psaradelis was born in creator who surpasses geographi- ble with the Patriarch and says that the floor with this because every women lost ground under the Bush ern day Bubulina by some Greek Chania, Crete, and lives in Crete's cal boundaries and is recognized the Patriarch must be Turkish- country wants to be a part of this. Administration,” she said. “We Americans, which is such an honor. largest city, Heraklion. He graduat- along art’s global proportions, as he born,” she said. “They have closed Other caucuses will try to add haven’t done anything to balance I can’t believe nobody has written ed the Merchant Marine Academy becomes an ambassador of eternal the school in Halki and have taken themselves onto the bill. But the work and family, the pay equity is- anything about her.” as a Captain, and the “Homer” values. You need do nothing else School of Visual Arts, where he but approach him with open eyes studied under the tutelage of Anto- and ears, because above all, his art nis Apergis. He studied hagiogra- speaks directly to the heart.” phy and mosaic painting for two Art historian Demetra Sarri calls years at the St. Titus workshop in him a modern philosopher of sculp- Heraklion, Crete, and also attended ture, and writes that “his work woodcarving seminars (theory and moves along the lines of philosoph- practice) at the University of Her- ical inquiry, to which the artist sub- aklion. He has attended classes at mits himself and his audience. His the Municipality of Chania’s open spiritual quests are well known, as popular university, studying the well as his need to express them field of “Arts-Letters-Culture.” through his work with natural ma- Mr. Psaradelis has created four terials. An audience’s encounter individual exhibitions, and has also with Giorgos Psaradelis’ works rep- participated in twelve group exhi- resents one step closer towards bitions. He has dedicated the ma- gaining knowledge of aesthetic and jority of life to art and has won var- intellectual directions in sculp- ious awards, with the first coming ture.” at age seven, when he won the Pan- John Zografakis, of Southeast- Cretan art contest and received the ern University, had this to write. award from world renowned actor “Giorgos Psaradelis’ unique artistic Anthony Quinn. He won the Pan- makeup enables him to draw out Hellenic Sculpture Contest Award the memories and history that exist in 2005, which was given by the within his future artwork while it is Municipality of Agios Nikolaos. His still in its original form, thus un- artwork and individual exhibitions locking the messages that it can have been critically acclaimed by send. In reality, he reveals the true the press, historians and art critics. nature of matter, and this is the pri- Art critic Andrea Camemolla mary feature of a true artist – to be wrote about Giorgos Psaradelis’ able to capture the feeling that sculptures, and his work “Topos” matter itself has to show, as he at- (Place) in particular, noting that tempts to free it. He does not only “amidst a culturesque climate, create forms, but colors reality HTSF Honors John Pappajohn For His Dedicated Commitment To Philanthropy And Education where the loss of “Place” appears to through the emotions (and not be the unique and unavoidable with real colors) in an ideal way, The Hellenic Times Scholarship Fund honored entrepreneur and philanthropist John Pappajohn, left, for his outstanding commitment to education trend in our society, in the midst of projecting through the expressions during HTSF’s 17th annual Gala at New York’s Marriott Marquis last Saturday evening, May 10. Pappajohn has given millions in scholarship and a globalized environment from and dynamism of the forms he gifts to universities in Iowa, his home state. Pictured with Pappajohn are , center, and Nick Katsoris. HTSF has given hundreds of which not even Crete has managed sculpts the soul of matter, which he thousands in scholarships to scores of Greek American students throughout the United States over the years. The annual HTSF dinner-dance typi- to steer clear of, despite its own an- handles as clearly as it can appear.” cally draws 1,200 or more people from across the country, and is considered one of the Greek American community’s premier events each spring.