(Iowa City, Iowa), 2016-06-20
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MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ Prof association sanctions UI over Harreld By MASON CLARKE ried out its presidential ty, imposed a sanction standards for hiring em- The association con- the same political party. [email protected] search in a way that on the UI, ployees. ducted an investigation According to the re- failed to comply with according While the regents are into steps the regents port, “In recent years, Issues with the state AAUP policies on shared to a report the ones who appointed took to hire Harreld last members of the board Board of Regents’ hiring governance,” said UI released Harreld, they cannot be year, finding a number of have been contributors process of Bruce Harreld Clinical Professor Lois June 18. targeted by the sanction issues with the process. to Iowa Gov. Terry Bran- as the University of Iowa Cox, a member of the A sanction because the association One problem the asso- stad’s election campaign president have landed American Association of is a public may only place sanctions ciation found is what it … One or more of Gov. the school on a national University Professors. notifica- on educational institutions. called a political bias by Branstad’s appointees to professor association’s The association, which tion that Harreld Iowa is now one of sev- the regents. According to the board revised their sanctioned list. oversees the hiring of an insti- UI president en institutions in the state law, the regents are to party registration to ‘in- “The University of Io- higher-education ad- tution did country on the list of have no more than five of wa is found to have car- ministrators and facul- not abide by justifiable AAUP sanctions. the nine members be from SEE SANCTION , 2 Local Pride stands firm Floats for the LGBTQ+ parade roll down Linn Street on June 18. Iowa City ended its celebration of Pride Week with its annual parade, followed by drag shows and events on the Pedestrian Mall. (The Daily Iowan/Jordan Gale) By FARADIS LINDBLOM embraced the celebration profit group, held events of the Iowa City Pride “There is so much ac- ple around them so much [email protected] of the annual Pride Week showing LGBTQ pride Committee, said emo- ceptance here in Iowa more.” as a way to connect with and diversity. Events tions were certainly City that it’s almost tak- Amos said she experi- Following the mass each other, find resourc- such as a bar crawl, ka- heightened during Pride en for granted,” she said. enced an outpouring of shooting in an Orlando, es for help, and express raoke night, Pride show, Week because of the “This year, people are love and support from Florida, nightclub June their pride. and parade took place events in Orlando but she still having some fun, family and friends fol- 12, members of the Iowa During the week, Iowa around the city. saw immense support for but at the same time, City LGBTQ community City Pride, a local not-for- Jewell Amos, the head the LGBTQ community. they appreciate the peo- SEE PRIDE , 3 UI to début its new Coming into the 'real' creative-writing major Greek culture By ZACH WEIGEL “Many undergradu- change, this had not By ZACH WEIGEL and learning about teach, study, or conduct [email protected] ates come to Iowa ex- been a possibility. [email protected] Greek culture. research abroad. Recip- pecting to be able to He said he believes The Fulbright U.S. ients are chosen based Starting this fall, stu- major in the addition of the new For University of Io- Student on their professional dents in the University creative major will “bring some wa graduate Abby Gril- Program and academic achieve- of Iowa English Depart- writing, of the most promising li, teaching runs in the is an in- ment, as well as their ment will have a new given young writers to Iowa, family. terna- level of leadership po- major to choose from. our rep- further enriching the lit- Now, she’s taking tional tential in their chosen Early this month, utation erary community here.” what she has learned educa- fields. the state Board of Re- as the Nonfiction Writ- from her mother to tion- Grilli will depart for gents approved a cre- Writing ing Program Director teach English to Greek al ex- Greece this fall and will ative-writing major Universi- John D’Agata, who is students for a year. change start teaching English that will allow under- ty,” said Glass involved in the admis- As a recipient of a program Grilli to Greek students at graduates the oppor- English english professor sions process for stu- Fulbright grant, Gril- in which fulbright recipient an American-sponsored tunity to major in cre- Professor dents applying to the li has the opportunity students school through the end ative writing as soon as Loren Glass, who not- nonfiction graduate to live in Greece for a are sponsored by the of the Greek school they step onto campus. ed that up until this year, teaching English U.S. government to SEE WRITING , 2 SEE FULBRIGHT , 2 WEATHER DAILY IOWAN TV ON THE WEB INDEX HIGH LOW 88 61 • SCAN THIS CODE CHECK DAILYIOWAN.COM FOR HOURLY CLASSIFIED 7 • GO TO DAILYIOWAN.COM UPDATES AND ONLINE EXCLUSIVES. FOLLOW DAILY BREAK 5 Partly cloudy to partly sunny, breezy, • WATCH UITV AT 9 P.M. @THEDAILYIOWAN ON TWITTER AND LIKE US OPINIONS 4 30% chance of rain/T-storms. SUNDAY THROUGH THURSDAY ON FACEBOOK FOR MORE CONTENT. SPORTS 8 2 NEWS THE DAILY IOWAN DAILYIOWAN.COM MONDAY, JUNE 20, 2016 START THE PARADE WITHOUT ME The Daily Iowan Volume 150 Issue 5 BREAKING NEWS STAFF Phone: (319) 335-6063 Publisher 335-5788 Email: [email protected] William Casey Fax: 335-6297 Editor-in-Chief 335-6030 Lily Abromeit CORRECTIONS Metro Editor 335-6063 Call: 335-6030 Kendrew Panyanouvong Policy: The Daily Iowan strives for accura- Opinions Editor 335-5863 cy and fairness in the reporting of news. Marcus Brown If a report is wrong or misleading, a Sports Editor 335-5848 request for a correction or a clarification Blake Dowson may be made. Copy Chief 335-6063 Beau Elliot PUBLISHING INFO Photo Editor 335-5852 The Daily Iowan (USPS 143.360) is pub- Jordan Gale lished by Student Publications Inc., E131 Design Editor 335-6030 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Iowa Taylor Laufersweiler 52242-2004, daily except Saturdays, Sun- Politics Editor 335-5855 days, legal and university holidays, and Mitch McAndrew university vacations. Periodicals postage 80 Hours Editor paid at the Iowa City Post Office under the Girindra Selleck Act of Congress of March 2, 1879. TV News Director 335-6063 Cole Johnson SUBSCRIPTIONS Web Editor 335-5829 Call: Juli Krause at 335-5783 Tony Phan Email: [email protected] Business Manager 335-5786 Subscription rates: Debra Plath Iowa City and Coralville: $20 for one Classifed Ads/Circulation Manager semester, $40 for two semesters, $10 Juli Krause 335-5784 for summer session, $50 for full year. Production Manager 335-5789 Performers playing trumpets and carrying balloons walk past a man sitting on a Dubuque Street bench on June 18. (The Daily Iowan/Jordan Gale) Out of town: $40 for one sememster, $80 Heidi Owen for two semesters, $20 for summer Advertising Manager 335-5193 session, $100 all year. Renee Manders Send address changes to: The Daily Iowan, Advertising Sales 100 Adler Journalism Building, Iowa City, Bev Mrstik 335-5792 fended the regents’ deci- the report. to the decision for the Iowa 52242-2004 SANCTION sion to hire Harreld. The AAUP investiga- next UI president. CONTINUED FROM FRONT “We honor the shared tion found that Regent “Some members of the governance of the uni- President Bruce Ras- Faculty Senate would versity faculty,” she said. tetter arranged a phone demand a vote of no con- dependent’ to conform to “But shared governance conversation between fidence in the regents the political balance the is real- Harreld and Gov. Terry [if Bruce Harreld is cho- law requires.” ly differ- Branstad prior to the sen],” Bohannan said in The report goes on ent from announcement that Har- the letter last fall. to say that the regents shared reld would become the Five days after Harreld then failed to com- deci- next UI president. was selected, the UI Fac- ply with the tradition sion-mak- The report states that ulty Senate voted “no con- of shared governance ing.” the phone call also came af- fidence” in the regents. used to hire adminis- A search ter Harreld met with four Cox said the UI can trators. This resulted committee Cox of the regents in Ames. get off the sanction list, in the sanction. of 21 peo- clinical professor According to the re- but cooperation from “AAUP policy says ple, with port, by selection time the regents is required. that faculty should have only seven in September, Harreld They must display a the primary role in edu- faculty members, in theo- was acquainted with a willingness to improve cational decisions and a ry assisted in finding the majority of the regents, their practices over the significant role in selec- UI’s new president. while other candidates long-term for the AAUP tion of important admin- By the time Harreld were not. to consider UI’s removal istrative officers like the was hired, the commit- UI Faculty Senate from the list. president,” Cox said. tee had disbanded and President Christina Bo- In three months, the In a press release, Re- the regents “blatantly hannan represented the regents will select a new gent President Pro Tem disobeyed” the wishes of UI faculty in a letter to president for the Univer- Katie Mulholland de- UI faculty, according to the regents, leading up sity of Northern Iowa.