2 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 3


Thursday, May 10, 2012 Saturday, May 12, 2012

16.00 Registration Opens Sheraton Hamilton 8.30 Breakfast (not provided) 18.00 Informal Dinner (not provided) Hotel 9.00 Leave accommodations for Rosewood Sheraton Hamilton 19.00 Welcome Reception @ Hospitality Suite * Recomendation List Estates Winery Hotel - Lobby 19.30 — USO Reports "" 10.00 Arrive at Rosewood Estates Winery – Rosewood Estates 21.00 — Meet and Greet Networking Night "" Wine Tour Winery – Beamsville, 11.45 Lunch ON 12.15 Professional Seminar 6: “Working together for the hromada here in and working toward a better future for Friday, May 11, 2012 Ukraine” Speakers: Paul Grod, Eugene Roman, 8.30 Breakfast Hamilton Convention Renata Roman 9.00 Opening Ceremonies & Election of Centre - Albion Room 13:45 Election Voting Opens Presidium — Nominees 3 min speech 9.30 Professional Seminar 1: “ “ Greetings from 14:30 Election Voting Closes Sheraton Hotel “Against Their Will: The Reality of istinguished eople esolutions 15.30 Arrive at Acommodations D P R Human Trafficing” Liuna Station - Lobby 17.30 SUSK Congress & Alumni Banquet 04 22 Speaker: Orysia Sushko C.M — Cocktails 10.30 Break “ “ Liuna Station – Grand 19.00 — Dinner 10.45 Professional Seminar 2: “ “ Central Ballroom Congress Speakers 19.30 — Kalyna Ukrainian Dance “Ukrainian Canadian Congress” iographies Ensemble Performance Congress Pryvit & B Speaker: Taras Zalusky 19.45 — Key Note Address 10 24 11.45 President/Executive/Financial Reports “ “ “Growing Up in the Ukrainian Culture” 12.30 Lunch “ “ Speaker: The Honourable 13:30 Professional Seminar 3: “ “ Outgoing SUSK William J. Festeryga Q.C “CUCC Youth Initiative. Worth Taking a Look at?” resident s eport ational xecutive 20:30 — Announcements/Awards/ P ’ R N E Speakers: Zenon Potichny, Alex Ochrym, Election Results 12 34 Markian Silecky, Michael Zienchuk, Dr. 21.00 — Zabava with ZIRKA! George Foty 01.00 14:30 Break Banquet Ends 02.00 14.45 Professional Seminar 4: “ “ Спів Financial Report Constitution “The Ukrainian Diaspora as a Force Multiplier in “ “ Friday, May 11, 2012 14 36 Ukraine's Quest for Mature National Statehood” Speaker: Dr. Walter Zaryckyj 09.00 Breakfast 15:15 Election Nominations 10.00 Resolutions Sheraton Hotel - 16.00 Professional Seminar 5: ponsors 11.00 Break Albion Room Rules of Order S “Post-Graduate Survival Tips…Getting Ahead “ “ 11.30 Strategic Planning Seminar 20 44 instead of Being Left Behind” “ “ Speaker/Facilitator: Yvan Baker " " Speakers: Max Trojan & Nicholas Yuzwin 13.00 Closing Ceremony " " 16.30 End of Day Program “ “ 13.30 Incoming/Outgoing SUSK Executive “ “ 18.30 Informal Dinner * Recomendation List Meeting 21.00 Pub Night Slainte Irish Pub 14.30 End Program “ “ 4 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 5

would like to extend my warmest greetings n behalf of the Government of Greetings from the on the occasion of the 54th National Ukrai- A Personal Message , I am delighted to extend Minister of Citizenship, nian Canadian Student’s Union confer- from the Premier warm greetings to everyone attend- ence entitled “SUSK is the New Steel!”and ing the 54th National Congress of the Immigration & hosted by the McMaster Ukrainian Students’ Ukrainian Canadian Students Union ulticulturalism Association. On behalf of Prime Minister (SUSK). M Stephen Harper, I would like to take this In Ontario, we are very fortunate opportunity to congratulate everyone to be able to draw on the rich cultural involved in this conference, which brings diversity that defines and strengthens our com- Itogether delegates from all over Canada, and Omunities. We are proud of the many contribu- also the United States. tions have made to the Events such as these provide students with social, economic and cultural fabric of our an opportunity to engage with an association province. that promotes and represents the interests of the I would like to commend all members Ukrainian Canadian student populace and to of SUSK for the important role you play in build a stronger network among young leaders preserving and promoting Ukrainian culture.I from across the continent. By maintaining an also commend the organizers of this annual active populance on campuses across Canada, congress, which gives students the opportunity the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union is to network, hone their leadership skills and take able to meet he needs of their members while inspiration from the ideas and experiences of celebrating their rich cultural heritage. other Ukrainian Canadians. Moreover, through your participation and broader civic engagement, you are helping Please accept my sincere best wishes for an to shape the future direction of the large and enjoyable and informative congress. important Ukrainian Community, and of our country. As Prime Minister Harper noted, “Plu- ralism is the principle that binds our diverse people together. It is elemental to our civil society and economic strength.” As Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, I would like to commend the SUSK and the McMaster Ukrainian Students’ Association for your contributions to Canada. Dalton McGuinty Premier of Ontario Best wishes for a successful conference.


The Honourable Jason Kennedy, PC, MP Minister of Citizenship, Immigration & Multiculturalism 6 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 7

Andrea Horwath MPP Hamilton Centre

am happy to extend greetings to all the extend a sincere and warm welcome to Greetings from participants of the 54th National Ukrainian On Behalf of the all delegates at tending the 54th National Andrea Horwath, Student’s Union conference hosted by the City of Hamilton, SUSK Congress. It is an honour for our city McMaster Ukrainian Students’ Association. to host such an event, and we are ready to MPP Hamilton Center, Leader of the I would like to welcome delegates from host you in grand style. Ontario New Democratic Party Canada and the United States to our city. This is an incredible opportunity to learn The National Ukrainian Student’s Union and develop leadership and functional skills has a long history representing Ukrainian through professional development seminars Canadian students at post-secondary institu- and networkin g with Ukrainian students from Itions throughout Canada. Your continued work Iall across Canada. addressing concerns of Ukrainian students is I offer my congratulations to the organizers important and commendable. Every Club in of this event, and McMaster University, as host, your Congress provides their community with who have worked very hard to make this Con- a link and understanding to Ukrainian culture gress an informative and successful opportunity. and history. I would like to acknowledge and To our visitors from near and far, I welcome express appreciation to The McMaster Ukrai- you to Hamilton and encourage you to explore nian Students’ Association and applaud all your the cultural, entertainment and recreational efforts on behalf of your members and your riches that make Hamilton a great city to visit, community. to play, and to stay. Be sure to sample some of our many fine restaurants and shopping areas, I wish you all great week here in Hamilton as well. For all your visitor information, visit and know that you will enjoy a very successful our website at: www.hamilton.ca. conference. Yours Sincerely, Sincerely,

Andrea Horwath, MPP Robert Bratina Hamilton Centre Mayor 8 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 9

Посол України в Канаді Ambassador of Ukraine to Canada Ambassadeur d’Ukraine au Canada

t is my great pleasure and honour to greet cians, artists, actors, actresses, singers, musicians, am delighted to extend my personal greet- Dear Ukrainian and welcome all the delegates, participants, TV personalities, scholars, authors, scientists, Greetings from UCC ings to all those attending the 54th Ukrai- Canadian Students! and guests that have come from all over business executives, entrepreneurs, community National President to nian Canadian Students’ Union Congress Canada and the United States of America to leaders and government officials. in Hamilton, Ontario. SUSK has a long and attend the 54th National Congress of the There is no doubt in my mind that you, the Delegates of the proud history of bringing new, innovative Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union which though you may be only students ath this stage th ongress and impactful approaches to the Ukrainian this year is being held in Hamilton, Ontario. in your life, are the future leaders of Canada. By 54 SUSK C Canadian community. The Ukrainian Cana- SUSK, as the national student organi- the same token, I am firmly convinced that you dian Congress is pleased to count SUSK as a zation representing all Ukrainian Canadian will never forget your Ukrainian heritage and key stakeholder. Istudents and an active member of the Ukrainian that one day you will also assume leadership I It is my distinct pleasure to recognize the Canadian Congress, has always been involved positions in the Ukrainian Canadian community hard work and dedication of the SUSK Executive and continues to be involved in issues and mat- and continue the great work of your predeces- and in particular your President Olena Kit with ters that not only affect the Ukrainian Canadian sors. whom I have had a close and productive work- community but also those that involve their ing relationship. Olena has served SUSK and our beloved homeland Ukraine. I wish you all a successful and most productive community with proffesionalism and dedication. Last year the Ukrainian Canadian community 54th National SUSK Congress. SUSK continues to make valuable contribu- celebrated 120 years of Ukrainian Settlement in tions to our community. It goes without saying Canada. During those years, the Ukrainian Com- Sincerely, that you can count on UCC’s support and my munity managed to grow into one of the largest personal commitment to SUSK. The Ukrainian and most respected communities in Canada. It Canadian Congress must provide SUSK with the can be said that the Ukrainian Canadian com- support it needs to ensure a vibrant Ukrainian munity is an integral and very important part of Canadian student movement. In turn, SUSK has the Multicultural Mosaic that is Canada today. It a responsability to lead with deeds while bring- has contributed greatly to the development of ing new and progressive ideas to our commu- Canada as one of the leading world economies nity and beyond. and important member of international com- Marko Shevchenko On behalf of the Board of Directors and munity. It has produced countless notable politi- Charge D’affaires of Ukraine in Canada members of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, please accept my best wishes for a productive and memorable Congress. I look forward to working with all of you as community leaders for many many years!

Yours very truly, Ukrainian Canadian Congress

Pavol Grod UCC National President Past President, SUSK (1994–95) Past President, U of T USC (1992–94) 10 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 11 PRYVIT TO n behalf of the McMaster Ukrainian creating a welcoming and positive experience Student’s Association, I would like for all Hamiltonians and tourists alike. to warmly welcome all the delegates, The McMaster Ukrainian Student’s Associa- speakers, guests and members of tion is pleased and honored to host the 54th the Ukrainian Canadian community Annual National SUSK Congress. The SUSK to the beautiful city of Hamilton National Executive has worked endlessly to Ontario. It is fitting to hold the 54th provide a fun and insightful congress. The Con- annual SUSK congress in Hamilton, a gress is an incredible opportunity for students city full of possibilities, as SUSK represents the to learn and develop leadership and functional Oendless possibilities for the future of Ukrainian skills through professional development semi- Canadian Students. The way in which the city of nars lead by renowned speakers, interesting HONOURABLE Hamilton nurtures the growth and well being tours, and of course the ability to network with of it’s population, is the same way SUSK assists other students from across Canada. in developing the leadership and strength of I would like to thank both McMaster Uni- Ukrainian Canadian students. versity and the McMaster Ukrainian Student’s In the last decade Hamilton, a city full of rich Association for allowing me to experience the history, has experienced a renaissance, a rebirth, honour of serving term as President of the of art, culture, and increased esthetics. In 2012- McMaster Ukrainian Students Association. Work- 2014, Hamilton will mark the bi-centennial of ing side by side with like-minded Ukrainian the war of 1812. This significant historical event Canadian students is an experience I will never shaped Canada’s identity and began a period forget. It is my pleasure to congratulate and wel- of 200 years of peace between Canada and the come the incoming President of the McMaster United States. Hamilton is also recognized as the Ukrainian Student’s Association, Pavel Waszczur. DELEGATES “City of Waterfalls”. Hamilton boasts over 100 beautiful waterfalls identified by Hamilton Con- On behalf of the McMaster Ukrainian Student’s servation Authority, found along the Bruce Trail Association, I wish all delegates, speakers, guests, Augustine Krawchenko and the Niagara Escarpment. Lastly, although and members of the Ukrainian Canadian Com- Past President, McMaster Ukrainian Student’s Association (MUSA) known as the “Steel City” for several decades, munity a happy stay in our beautiful city of Internal Relations Director, Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (SUSK) Hamilton’s new slogan is “Art is the New Steel”. Hamilton! Hamilton takes great pride in the Arts and promotes local galleries and artists. These artists have helped to revitalize Hamilton’s downtown, 12 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 13 LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT encourage you to review the 2011-2012 SUSK is now constantly providing useful infor- Executives were given the opportunity to be members and volunteers, SUSK would not exist. and evolution can be cardinal to the organiza- Annual Report thoroughly, as it is both an mation about SUSK, Ukrainian Canadian Stu- involved in the “Ukraine at the Crossroads” Naturally, motivating membership and volun- tion’s success as well as social media, talent overview of where SUSK stands as of May dents, issues relevant to students and more on Conference held in this past March. This teerism is becoming a more prominent issue allocation, fundraising, and networking. It will 2012, as well as an outline of where the mediums such as: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, experience has allowed members to interact amongst Ukrainian Student Organizations. In be of the utmost importance for the incoming organization is headed in future years. In an and YouTube! Furthermore, a strong emphasis with key policy-makers from Canada, the order to encourage participation, perhaps incen- SUSK National Executive to take on a leadership attempt to see more comprehensive long- was also placed on SUSK’s news-mag “Student” United States, and the European Union. tives or honorariums should be implemented as role in implementing their vision and bring- term planning within the organization, my as well as Regional and Alumni newsletters. In A goal this year was to see SUSK strengthen a way to recognize the commitment and dedica- ing together student stakeholders to develop a President’s Report is a brief document that total, SUSK published four “Student” issues, community engagement. SUSK did so by tion of specific individuals. “student-centric” strategy. summarizes the 2011-2012 National Executive which truly depicted the voice of students, as actively participating in the UCC Board of Direc- With respect to social media, SUSK must Iterm, specifically the progress the organization well as eight newsletters highlighting stu- tors. Notably, a SUSK representative was present develop a strategy to unify its presence and The 54th National SUSK Congress will bring has made. dent activities. SUSK has grown to become an at all Board of Directors meetings, ensuring communicate with individuals across the coun- forward many new ideas, opinions, and criti- It is crucial that future students have a good organization that communicates to its members that our umbrella organization, the Ukrainian try more broadly and more consistently. By pro- cisms of SUSK. As SUSK members, I encourage record of information available to them in order through several well-defined avenues. Canadian Congress (UCC), is also taking into viding students with information about events you to immerse yourself in the debate and to help them make informed decisions, tackle From the beginning of the 2011-2012 term, account the interests of students. SUSK contin- or issues that occur nationwide and abroad, we devote yourself to exploring, learning and challenges, and ultimately succeed in accom- the SUSK National Executive informed our ued our strong relationship with the UCC by will promote ties and consolidate efforts to sharing your knowledge. There are many areas plishing their goals. Given the transient nature members of the 120th Anniversary of Ukraini- supporting the grand opening of the new UCC unify Ukrainian Canadian students. However, in which SUSK can focus, but the incoming of this organization and the naturally high ans settling in Canada. This was also paired with Office in Ottawa. Furthermore, SUSK has been steps beyond social media presence must also SUSK National Executive that is elected by you year-to-year turnover of our membership, the SUSK’s “Travel across Canada like a Ukrainian present at various events across Canada includ- be taken in order to form one cohesive whole. determines the priorities that will be pursued specific priorities of the Ukrainian Canadian Immigrant” contest, which sent four students ing Ukrainian Independence Day celebrations, Reflecting upon who we are as an organiza- next. Needless to say, it is an exciting time to Students’ Union are bound to change. As such, across Canada on the Ukrainian Train of Pio- commemoration ceremonies, and tion is essential along with what we believe in, be a Ukrainian student in Canada. The power this report is intended to serve as a general neers. Holdomor Commemoration displays and various cultural concerts. SUSK also held our what we hope to accomplish, and what role we of students is incredible. This past year, SUSK guideline as well as an important piece of ceremonies took place at several post-secondary first “Kolomeyka” circle at the Ukrai- should have in the Ukrainian community in showed that utilizing this power is crucial for institutional memory, summarizing the achieve- institutions, along with a Facebook Status nian Festival on Bloor Street, which engaged Canada and internationally. the Ukrainian Community that we live in now ments and evolution of the 2011-2012 SUSK that was being copied by Ukrainian Canadian with the community, young and old alike. The budget process conducted by the Vice and wish to be a part of in the future. National Executive term. students across the country, as well as overseas! Finally, SUSK is becoming more known President Finances must lay a solid foundation Finally, SUSK also held Ukrainian Literature Day amongst the wider Diaspora. Specifically, SUSK for ensuring that SUSK operates in a fiscally on March 9, which marks the birthday of Taras participated in the first “Ukrainian Forum of appropriate manner and sustains funding for On behalf of the 2011-2012 SUSK National Shevchenko. Consequently, SUSK encouraged Youth in the Diaspora” in Kyiv. Our presenta- next steps in future years. It is imperative that a Executive, A Year in Review students to visit their local or post-secondary tions were well received by interested youth realistic budget is established annually and it is library and explore books related to Ukrainian delegates representing organizations worldwide. assessed regularly throughout the year. Further- SUSK continues to be an organization that subject matter. more, the implementation of an endowment enhances the university experience for all Ukrai- With respect to political activism, SUSK con- fund must be seriously considered as SUSK nian Canadian students. Last year SUSK began tinued to call for a democratic Ukraine and the must be in a positive financial position in order Olena Kit the process of renovating its website and dur- autonomy of Ukraine’s educational institutions. to adapt to changes in student needs and offer President ing August, we launched our new design. The Additionally, immediately after the 53rd SUSK Next Steps support in the coming years. Once financial SUSK: Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union project saw us switch to a younger and fresher Congress, SUSK National Executives met with stability is secured and an endowment fund is layout. The website underwent some reorganiza- the League of Ukrainian Canadians to discuss a Given that the SUSK National Executive term is established, SUSK can look ahead to success- tion, as well as now highlighting SUSK’s posi- issues concerning Ukrainian Canadians. only a year, the completion of certain projects fully sustaining the organization and offering tion on specific advocacy issues. These changes Specifically, SUSK met with Hamilton East- faces organizational challenges. As a student members with effective support for fundraising have improved the usability of the SUSK website Stoney Creek MP Wayne Marston as well as union, SUSK is not alone in the challenges it and event planning from one central hub. and integrated the use of social media tools, Parkdale-High Park MP Peggy Nash to discuss faces regarding transition and stability. It seems Finally, strategy plays an important role in such as the Twitter feed. SUSK focused a lot of our concerns regarding the political situation that SUSK’s strongest asset is also its largest making positive improvements to SUSK as effort on enhancing its social media presence. in Ukraine. Furthermore, a few SUSK National obstacle: it is run by students. Without student well. Examining documented achievements 14 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 15


While the figures included in the financial statements are as accurate as possible it is important to note that the results are subject to change upon resolution of all Congress-related expenditures and revenues. FINANCIAL the 2010–2011 financial statements have been audited and updated to include the final figures of the 2011 SUSK Congress in Ottawa and are presented in this report. As it stands, the 2011-2012 Financial Statements are unaudited. It is recommended that the future SUSK Execu- tive perform an audit of these statements and include the final figures from the REPORT 2012 Congress in the 2012-2013 Financial Report.

To the stakeholders of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union:

As treasurer of the 2011-2012 SUSK executive I implemented several changes in accounting pro- cedures and policies which I believe will be beneficial to SUSK and will present a more accurate financial picture:

1. A system of book keeping using Quicken recognizing economic events regardless deferring them to the following fiscal year be accomplished by adding a fundraising ele- Accounting financial software has been of when cash transactions happen. Under will allow for incoming SUSK executives ment to the SUSK Congress Banquet and Zabava implemented. This system allows an easy and this method, revenues and expenses are to more accurately budget their operating through a silent auction and/or a 50/50 raffle. I consistent system of book keeping, which can reflected in the accounts in the period to expenses at the beginning of the fiscal year. also recommend a larger marketing budget for be easily transferred from one SUSK executive which they are related. It is recommended It is recommended that SUSK continue with this event which could increase attendance and to another. It is recommended that the outgoing that the incoming SUSK executive continue this system of deferring revenue. revenue from ticket sales. VP Finance ensures that the incoming VP has the with this method and accrual all remaining Secondly, SUSK has a large amount of cash software and is able to operate it. 2012 Congress expenses to the previous or the last two fiscal years SUSK has oper- assets earning almost no interest. I recom- 2. SUSK’s fiscal year has been set as May 1 – June fiscal year. ated in a financial deficit financed by a mend that the incoming SUSK executive create surplus accumulated previously. Continuing a reserve fund that will be either profession- 30, this fiscal year follows the school year in 4. In conjunction with the accrual accounting which SUSK operates. It is recommended that to operate in a financial deficit is clearly ally managed or transferred to a high interest method, a system of deferred revenue has Fnot sustainable, therefore I urge the incoming bearing bank account. Interest earned from this all future financial statements be presented been implemented. This allows revenue to executive to either decrease spending or find reserve fund could provide SUSK with an addi- using this fiscal year and that it be adopted into be recognized in the period in which the the SUSK Constitution. additional sources of income to operate in a tional source of revenue for general operating related expense will be incurred. Ukrainian balanced budget. expenses. 3. SUSK’s accounting method has been changed Student Organization’s (USO) membership As the SUSK Congress is the organization’s from using a cash accounting to an accrual fees which are collected at the end of the largest undertaking, both financially and in vol- Stephan Bociurkiw accounting method. The accrual method, com- fiscal year have been deferred to the follow- unteer hours, I recommend the Executive looks Vice-President Finance mon among non-profit organizations, is an ing fiscal year in these financial statements. at ways to operate the event to generate revenue economically meaningful and comprehensive These membership fees are a major source which could finance general operating expenses measurement of performance and position by of SUSK’s operating revenue therefore in the following fiscal year. This could possibly

16 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 17


2012 2011 2012 2011

Revenue Donations 48 — Current Assets Cash 16,665 22,442 Interest Income 1 1 Accounts Receivable 4,800 9,675 National SUSK Congress Inventory 480 — Banquet & Zabava 101 4,554 TOTAL ASSETS $ 21,945 $ 32,117 Delegate Registration Fees 3,259 6,382 Miscellaneous — 467 Sponsorships 9,500 9,500

TOTAL National SUSK Congress 13,260 20,902 Liabilities & Equity CURRENT LIABILITIES Accounts Payable 13,164 16,765 Deferred Revenue 4,574 — USO Membership Fees 530 582 Student Publication Sponsorship 1,050 — Special Projects (Shevchenko — 3,417 Total liabilities 17,738 20,638 “Hope” T-shirt


xpenses Administration 597 731 E Total Equity 4,208 11,480 Bank Charges — 1 Conference Subsidies SUSTA Congress — 500 TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY $ 21,945 $ 32,117 Ukrainian Canadian Congress 96 3,118 World Forum of Ukrainians 850 — Year ended April 30, 2012

TOTAL Conference Subsidies 948 3,618

National SUSK Congress Banquet Zabava 11,875 11,374 Delegate Expenses 3,075 2,793 Marketing 321 622 Miscellaneous 38 962 Transportation 348 Travel Subsidies 1,810 2,125

TOTAL National SUSK Congress 17,119 18,224

Promotions 1,050 — Special Projects (Shevchenko “Hope” — 3,478 T-shirt) Student News Publications 397 — UCC Membership Fees 360 350

TOTAL EXPENSES 20,461 26,401


Year ended April 30, 2012 18 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 19 NOTES

TO THE 2 DEFERRED REVENUE FINANCIAL 2012 2011 Membership Fees $ 574 $ 562 Digitization Project Grants $ 4,000 —

STATEMENTS $ 4,574 $ 562



Congress Sponsorship $ 4,100 $ 700 ACCOUNTING POLICIES Student Sponsorship $ 4,800 The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles. Significant accounting policies are as follows: 4 DEFERRED PAYABLE

1 Revenue Recognition: Donations of materials: 2012 SUSK follows the accrual method of accounting, SUSK may receive donated materials from time Banquet Band (less deposit) $ 2,900 in which expenses and revenues are recognized to time. These items may not normally be pur- Banquet Meal $ 6,172 in the period in which they occur, rather than chased by SUSK and because of the difficulty in Convention Hall Rental Food $ 854 when the cash is received or paid. determining their far value; donated materials Rosewood Estate Lunch $ 300 Revenue from membership dues is collected are not recognized in these financial statements. Travel Subsidies $ 1,810 before Congress at the end of each fiscal year, Banquet Wine $ 1,128 based on the current year’s membership num- ay al transactions bers of each USO. SUSK defers the recognition P P : of the revenue to the following fiscal year in SUSK uses PayPal as a convenient method of $ 13,164 which the related expenses will be recognized. gathering funds from individuals across the county. Revenue from PayPal transactions is Donations of services: recorded less of any fees.

The work of SUSK depends on the voluntary tatement of cash flows 5 services of many individuals. Since these ser- S : INVENTORY vices are not normally purchased by SUSK and Statement of cash flows is not provided as it because of the difficulty in determining their Inventory consists of Taras Shevchenko Hope T-Shirts and is stated at fair value. would not provide any useful additional infor- fair value, donated services are not recognized mation. in these financial statements. 20 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 21 RULES OF

2. Put forth before the Congress proposals and - Where there is concern about the run- conducted by show of Delegate voting Rights & Responsabili- motions for approval ning of business by the Chair cards. ties of the Chair 3. Take part in the Congress Committee’s, - When Delegates use improper or 4. Counting of votes cast will be conducted discuss and approve proposed resolutions at derogatory comments by the Congress Elections & Verifications 1. Conduct sessions of the LII Congress in the Committees and vote on them during - When a speaker does not speak to the Committee accordance with the adopted program, the appropriated times. issue or takes excessive time in debate maintain order and adhere to the Rules of 4. Have voting privileges as defined by the A point of order must be made immedi- Resolution ORDER Order outline in the Ukrainian Canadian Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Con- ately and stated concisely; Students’ Union Constitution stitution A point of order; 1. The Congress Resolutions Committee shall 2. Facilitate discussion and ensure its viability - Supersedes all other debate and may receive and present the proposed resolutions 3. Put all motions to a vote and announce the eneral ules of rder interrupt the speaker of the Committees of the Congress. results G R O - Does not require a seconder 2. The Resolutions Committee may revise, re- 4. Explain and decide all questions of order 1. Question to members of the outgoing - Must be resolved by the Chair imme- order or amalgamate resolutions in order to; 5. Immediately suspend discussion by a del- As per section VIII.4.a of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Executive be directed to the Chair diately - Ensure consistency in their format; egate when; 2. During discussion of reports each person - May be appealed to the Congress - Avoid duplication of similar principles Union Constitution; - He/She interferes with the proceed- may speak only once to summarize his immediately after the ruling of the or concepts 4. at the outset of the Congress, The President, or the Vice- ings of the Congress or is off topic remarks regarding the activities of the out- Chair 3. The Congress Resolutions Committee may being discussed; President, or designate when the President is not available going Executive. Comments already made 6. All procedural matters, which are not also review and propose resolutions not - A motion is made on a point of order; shall chair the election from among Delegates: by other persons should not be restated. addressed by the Rules of Order of the Con- covered by the Committees - An objection to the consideration of a 3. Each person who proposes an amendment gress, shall be go erned by to Robert’s Rules 4. Each resolution must be proposed by the a. Presidium, composed of a Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson motion is made to a motion by adding to, deleting from the of Order, insofar as they do not contradict Congress Resolutions Committee for con- and two (2) Secretaries; 6. Dismiss irrelevant or late motions question or rephrasing should be immedi- the Ukrainian Canadian Student’s Union sideration by the Congress 7. Conduct sessions fairly and impartially i. The Presidium is responsible to conduct the Con- ately provided to the Congress Resolutions Constitution 5. Each Delegate has the right to submit a 8. The Vice-Chair,who conducts Congress busi- gress proceedings; Committee with their proposal in writing. resolution to the Congress Resolutions ness in the absence of the Chair, is accorded 4. A motion, once it is moved, seconded and Committee in writing. the same rights as the chair. Voting interpreted by the Chair may be withdrawn 6. The resolutions may be discussed during the by the mover only with the consent of the 1. Voting for the SUSK National Executive will appropriate session within a limited time Rights of the Delegates seconder. be conducted by secret ballot period specified by the Congress Chair. 5. All points of order should be directed to the 2. Voting for the proposed Constitutional 7. Any amendments to the resolutions arising 1. Express opinions relevant to issues place on Chair by a motion. A motion concerning a Amendments will be conducted by secret from the sessions must be agreed to by the agenda and formulate them into concise point of order may be made under the fol- ballot either the Chair of the Congress Resolutions conclusions lowing circumstances; 3. Voting for proposed Resolutions will be Committee or his/her designate. 22 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 23 RESOLUTIONS

to all Member Organization USOs nization of Ukrainian Students’ is needed to Congress for the SUSK and SUSTA, but Resolution 1 Resolution 5 within SUSK to adopt the name “SUSK” facilitate communication among Ukrainian not limited to these two organizations. Resolution 13 in conjunction with their local name students worldwide; • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress • WHEREAS the Ukrainian Canadian Congress • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress as the official name of their Ukrainian • AND WHEREAS the Central Union of Ukrai- sees it important to maintain the long term esolution has opened an office in Ottawa, Ontario. sees it important of preserving tangible Student Organization (Club, Society, nian Students (CeSUS) has fallen inactive and R 10 continuity of SUSK o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming Ukrainian Canadian Culture is important to Association, Union) not fulfilled its mandate in recent years; • WHEREAS the UCC National address in Win- • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress SUSK National Executive negotiate further development of a Ukrainian Canadian o BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the • AND WHEREAS the Ukrainian World nipeg is used as SUSK’s mailing address. sees the financial longevity of SUSK crucial to with the Ukrainian Canadian Congress consciousness and identity; incoming SUSK National Executive Congress has established the Conference of o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming its long term continuity and suffers shortages exclusive rights to mainstreaming • AND WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK continue to work towards finalizing Ukrainian Youth Organizations (KUMO). SUSK National Executive continue in operational funding. students into an internship/mentorship Congress sees it important of instituting the proposal of the “SUSK Cohesion o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming using the UCC National address in o BE IT RESOLVED that SUSK in coop- program. a standard and practice for arching future Project”, which was first drafted by the SUSK National Executive contact the Ottawa, Ontario as a central mailing eration with the Taras Shevchenko publications of “Student”; outgoing SUSK National Executive former Member Organization of CeSUS address and have any SUSK mail/corre- Foundation and other donors create a • AND WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK about the possibility of reorganizing esolution spondence forwarded to the concerned managed Contingency Reserve Fund R 14 Congress sees it important of promoting a an International Ukrainian Students’ individuals esolution to sustain the Ukrainian Canadian contextual and historical understanding of R 7 Union and make CeSUS a viable orga- • WHEREAS the year 2013 marks the 60th Students’ Union Ukrainian Canadian Students; nization in the future. Anniversary of the creation of the Ukrainian • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming o BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Canadian Students’ Union Resolution 2 sees the importance of Ukrainian Courses at SUSK National Executive continue incoming SUSK National Executive esolution • AND WHEREAS the year 2014 marks the post-secondary institutions across Canada; R 11 • BE IT RESOLVED that the 54th National with the SUSK’s “Student” digitization communicate with the Chairman of 200th Anniversary of the birth of Taras • AND WHERE AS Ukrainian courses/depart- SUSK Congress acknowledge the hard work project, which seeks to document a KUMO for support or guidance on • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress Shevchenko ments are in a situation of dropping enrol- of the 54th SUSK National Congress com- comprehensive collection of “Student” international affairs. sees it important to maintain financial integ- o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming ment and potential threat of funding cuts. mittee, and its host the McMaster Ukrainian publications and create a searchable rity at any level of organization SUSK National Executive call upon o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming Students’ Association at McMaster University. digital archive of the publications; o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and SUSK National Executive encour- esolution o BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the R 9 SUSK National Executive use widely Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union age each Member Organization to incoming SUSK National Executive accepted financial procedures as Member Organizations to plan and esolution distribute information regarding avail- • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress R 3 continue to actively see funding for the indicated in the 2011-2012 Financial execute an inclusive and cohesive event able courses in Ukrainian Studies by sees importance to further cooperation SUSK “Student” digitization project. Report. to promote Ukrainian consciousness. • BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming SUSK outlining the benefits of these courses between both Ukrainian Canadian Students o BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the National Executive hold the 55th National to students Union and the Federation of Ukrainian Stu- incoming SUSK National Executive se SUSK Congress in the months from May- o BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that dent Organizations of America (SUSTA); Resolution 6 the fiscal year as May 1- June 30 and Resolution 15 October 2013. in those post-secondary institutions • AND WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Con- continue to use this fiscal year for all • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress where no Ukrainian courses exist, that gress sees it mutually beneficial to have active • WHEREAS SUSK’s history, achievements, and future financial statements. esolution sees SUSK as a constituted federation, and the incoming SUSK National Executive Ukrainian Student Organization umbrella evolution is not overtly known. R 4 shall remain so; encourage Member Organization USO’s organizations in North America; o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming • AND WHEREAS SUSK recognizes the to undertake to promote interest in • AND WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Resolution 12 SUSK National Executive endeavor to • BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming SUSK identification of all Ukrainian Student Orga- Ukrainian studies through the organi- Congress is aware of other National Ukrai- compile a historical database of alumni, National Executive maintain communication nizations with the objectives of the SUSK zation of seminars, lectures, panels, and nian Student Organizations outside of SUSK’s • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress past congresses, achievements, and between representatives of Ukrainian Student constitutions; by other means available to them respective jurisdiction such as the Ukrainian sees importance in financial accountability other defining moments. Organizations and facilitate outside SUSK • AND WHEREAS SUSK endeavors to promote German Students’ Union (SUSN) and where o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming Executive Meetings including but not limited a sense of unity and solidarity between local esolution be it there may be a Ukrainian diaspora with SUSK National Executive enforce the to (1) Regional Conferences, (2) National Ukrainian Student Organizations across R 8 students payment of membership dues from Teleconferences, and (3) Open Meetings Canada. o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming Member Organizations • WHEREAS the 54th National SUSK Congress with USO Representatives. o BE IT RESOLVED that the incoming SUSK National Executive consider and sees the importance of an international orga- SUSK National Executive recommend make an active effort to organize a dual 24 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 25

CONGRESS SPEAKERS Taras Zalusky aras Zalusky is the Executive Director of the Ukrainian Canadian Con- gress in the National Office located in Ottawa, Ontario Taras is responsible for the overall leadership and management of the Congress’ operations including the implementation of the strate- Tgic plan, recommending policy direction to achieve the goals and further & BIOGRAPHIES the mission of the organization, and supporting its programming, events, and educational programs. He has also established a full-time UCC office in Ottawa and manages the UCC head office in . Taras is an active member of the Ukrainian Canadian community and alumni of UCC’s internship program which was the springboard to his brilliant career within the senior ranks of Government. The Ukrainian community in Canada has greatly benefited from Taras’ experience, insights and strong organizational capabilities. With over twenty years of experience working in business and govern- ment at the most senior levels, Taras brings to UCC significant experience and expertise at working in the development and communication of pub- lic policy. Since 2006, he has been President of Trident International Busi- ness Solutions Inc., an international public policy and human resources PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR 1 consultancy. He previously served as Chief of Staff and as a Senior Advisor to federal Cabinet Ministers in several departments including the Cat- nadian International Development Agency, Human Resources Canada, Treasury Board and the Privy Council Office. Title: “Against Their Will: The Reality of Human Trafficing” Taras has a long record of involvement within and on behalf of the Where: Albion Room Ukrainian Canadian community here in Canada and in Ukraine. He was Time: 9:30 am Senior Deputy Chief of Mission to the 2004 and 2010 Canadian Elec- tion Monitoring Mission to Ukraine. He has also served on the executive and the boards of several organizations including the Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, the SUS Foundation, and the Ukrainian Orthodox Church in Ottawa. Taras is fluent in English, French and Ukrainian. He is married to Cath- Irene Orysia Sushko C.M erine Rudick and they live in Ottawa with their daughter Alena. The Executive Director is the Chief Executive Officer of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress and reports to the President and Executive Committee rysia Sushko has devoted many years to community activism in is required to deal with. Prior to her term as national president she of the UCC, and is responsible for the organization’s consistent achieve- both the Ukrainian and general Canadian communities. Her served in various UCC capacities on the local, provincial and national ment of its mission and financial objectives. efforts in promoting multiculturalism, diversity and women’s levels. She is Editor-in-Chief of a national women’s journal “Promin”, rights including efforts to stop the scourge in human traffick- published by the Ukrainian Women’s Association of Canada. Oing have garnered her appointment to the Order of Canada, Canada’s In her professional capacity as Equity Coordinator for the Hamil- highest civilian honour. As well she has spent a lifetime working for ton Board of Education she was responsible for the development and the benefit of the Ukrainian community for which she was honoured implementation of the Employment Equity Policy, the Policy against with the prestigious Taras Shevchenko medal by the Ukrainian Cana- Harassment, and the Race Relations and Ethnocultural Equity Policy- dian Congress and the Kniahynia Olha medal bestowed on her by the essentially encompassing all the issues governed by the Human Rights Code. president of Ukraine. She has a keen interest in the issue of Human Trafficking and has Orysia has always been dynamically involved in community affairs. for many years worked in partnership with the government of Canada She is a past chair of the Hamilton Status of Women Committee, and and existing groups for its eradication. Presently she is the chair of served as the vice-chair of the Arts Advisory Sub-Committee for the the “Anti-Trafficking Committee” of the World Federation of Ukrai- City of Hamilton, Resource person for the Mayor’s Committee against nian Women’s Organizations and is a member of the “Anti-Trafficking PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR 2 Racism and Discrimination, member of Hamilton’s Sesquicentennial Taskforce” of the Ukrainian World Congress. In these capacities she Interfaith Committee, executive member of the Hamilton Mundializa- has organized information sessions during their meetings in Ukraine tion Committee and Canadian Council of Churches, Justice Commis- launching the United Nations’ Blue Heart Campaign, as well as pre- sion. As a proponent of Ukrainian issues, produced and narrated a senting at sessions in Canada and the United States. Most recently she Title: Ukrainian Canadian Congress television program, “Ukraine Today”. organized a session at Toronto City Hall “Against Their Will: The Reality Where: Albion Room She is the immediate past national president of the Ukrainian of Human Trafficking”. A follow-up session is planned for the same Time: 10:45 am Canadian Congress and the first woman to hold that position, having venue on June 2nd to develop an action plan that should assist in rais- dealt effectively with the numerous and varied issues that the Congress ing awareness of this heinous crime against humanity. 26 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 27

Alex Ochrym, P. Eng. << Markian Silecky Michael Zienchuk, MBA, CIM

ichael Zienchuk is a Chartered Investment Manager (CIM) and lex Ochrym has over 20 years of experience in design, business arkian holds degrees in Fine Art History holds an MBA from the Richard Ivey School of Business, University analysis and project management for various mineral processing from UofT and a B.Eng in Civil Engineer- of Western Ontario. Michael has been in the investment industry industries. He is the President and Principal of Consultec Ltd., ing from Ryerson. He was a member for over 12 years, on both the buy and sell sides working with Consulting Engineers and Consultec Ukraine. of the Canadian National Rowing Team Minstitutional portfolio managers and retail investment advisors. Mrepresenting Canada at the World Champion- A He attended University of Torotno with a B.A. Sc., in Civil Engineer- Michael has joined the UCU Wealth Strategies Team as its manager and ing in 1991 and completed a Masters in Structural Engineering in ships, Pan Am Games, Commonwealth Games is an investment advisor with Credential Securities. Michael’s focus is on 1994. Alex also hold an M.B.A which he completed in 2003. and was Indoor Rowing Champion. After a tur- helping clients manage their wealth. His knowledge and investment expe- Between 1991 and 2003 he worked for Consultec Ltd., Consulting bulent pre Olympic Year he decided to return to rience will help clients build the right portfolio of investments to achieve Engineers, responsible for the design of industrial projects such as: Toronto engaging in politics, volunteering and their long term financial goals. Michael helps clients develop a personal- New 5000 t/d cement production line, St. Marys Cement, Bowman- completing his real estate brokers license and ized strategy that: ville, Ontario, a plant upgrade of Roanoke Cement, Virginia, New managing a top 10 restaurant. He calls himself a - Establishes financial goals. Cement Terminal, St. Marys Cement, Cleveland, Ohio and Clinker stor- serial entrepreneur and has owned several small - Determines risk tolerance. age facilities, Cemento Mexicanos, Mexico. businesses including a furniture/art store and - Chooses from a variety of high quality mutual funds, stocks, bonds After completing his MBA in 2003, Mr. Ochrym became President mortgage brokerage. Presently, he splits his time and other securities. of Consultec and acts as Principal in charge for projects as well as per- between his real estate profession and finance - Builds a diversified investment portfolio, and forming feasability and business studies for various projects including: company.” - Monitors investments to ensure that, as life changes, investment New Cement Production Line, Grupo Argos, Colombia, New Clinker << holdings reflect new goals Grinding Mill, Cemento Panamà, Panamà, and New Cement Produc- tion Line, Cemex USA, Texas. Michael works closely with his clients to develop strategies to establish, In 2011, Mr. Ochrym started Consultec Ukraine, a consulting engi- Dr. George W. Foty accumulate, preserve and transition their wealth. neering office servicing the Ukrainian market. PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR 3 Michael is involved in the local community and is a member of the Between 1998 and 2004, he was involved in a number of Ukrai- urij otij (Y F ) parish council of his church. Michael spends most of his free time with nian projects including being on the Board of Directors of Obukhivkiy his wife and three children, and enjoys bike rides, family visits and read- Zavod Porystykh Vyrobiv, a building materials company in the Kyiv region. Title: “CUCC Youth Initiative. Worth Taking a Look at?” entist, general practice, with special inter- ing a good book. Where: Albion Room est in total oral and cosmetic rehabilita- If you are looking for advice or a second opinion on your investments, Time: 11:30 am tion, bruxism behavior, and chronic head or would like to develop a wealth strategy, feel free to contact Michael at pain management. Thirty years of practice your convenience. Zenon Poticzny, Dexperience, including building, developing and Michael Zienchuk, MBA, CIM President, Director M.Sc., MBA managing dental and medical practices in Mon- treal and Toronto area. Currently semi retired, Investment Advisor, Credential Securities Inc. not engaged in active practice. Manager, Wealth Strategies Group, Ukrainian CU Inc. r. Poticzny holds a Masters degree in Engineering and an MBA, where he worked on projects related to tar sands. He has written sev- 2265 Bloor St. W., Toronto, ON M6S 1P1 both from the University of Toronto. Mr. Poticzny is the Presi- eral reports and publications relating to oil sands and bitumen extrac- Wk: 416-763-5575 xt 204 dent of Shelton Petroleum, a junior oil and gas company listed tion processes. Fax: 416-761-9604 on the NGM (Nordic Growth Market ). Shelton Petroleum is In 2009, Zenon Poticzny has been awarded the Order of Merit, Cell: 416-705-3634 << Mactively engaged in exploration and development activities in Ukraine Class III, from the President of Ukraine. Email: [email protected] and Russia. In 2011 he has been re-elected as President of Canada Ukraine < Web: www.ukrainiancu.com < In Ukraine it has currently projects with Ukrnafta and Chornomor- Chamber of Commerce. Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce is an naftogas. effective and efficient association providing a central focal point for Kashtan Petroleum is a joint venture between Ukrnafta and Shelton establishing and fostering Canada-Ukraine bilateral business relations. Petroleum(through Zhoda 2001) and has presently about 1000 barrels Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce is recognized by all levels a day production of light crude oil from the Lelyaki field. of government in Canada and Ukraine, by the business community in Shelton Petroleum also has a Joint Investment Agreement with both countries and by the public in general as the facilitator agency of Chornomornaftogas for exploration and development of prospective choice for establishing, maintaining, and monitoring bilateral business gas properties in the Azov Sea as well as in the Black Sea. relations, trade, and investment opportunities between Canada and In Russia, Shelton holds three licenses in the republic of Bashkiria Ukraine. and has recently started production from two wells. Acted previously as a board member on TSX Venture listed compa- From 1991 to 1995 he was Vice President of Marketing for Land- nies such as Shelton Canada Corp., Innovotech Inc., and others. ford International Ltd., an international trading and real estate develop- ment company, responsible for joint venture creation and business Email:[email protected] development in Ukraine. Tel: 416 252 4101 From 1983 to 1989, Zenon was a process engineer and Project Fax: 416 252 2693 Manager for the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Canada, 28 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 29

Paul M. Grod

s a volunteer, Paul has served as the National President of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress since October 2007. Prior to his election as President, Paul served as the Congress’ Vice President and member of the Board of Directors since 2001. During that period Paul also served on a number of AUCC National Committees including Justice, Internment and Canada Ukraine. Paul has a strong connection to his ancestoral homeland and has travelled there on numerous occassions. First as a student organizer, working with the Students Union of Ukraine to encourage young Ukrainians to vote and become involved in the political process. Later Paul coordinated a group of international experts working for the Council of Advisors to the Parliament of Ukraine. Most recently he organized and lead 500-person and later 150-person missions to observer the 2004 Presidential (Orange Revolution) and later the 2006 Parlia- << PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR 4 mentary elections in Ukraine. Paul has been involved in a number of community organizations including the Ukrainian Youth Association, Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union (past President), Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce, Ukrai- nian Canadian Professional and Business Association and the League of Ukrainian Title: “The Ukrainian Diaspora as a Force Multiplier in Ukraine’s Canadians. Quest for Mature National Statehood” Paul is President & CEO of Rodan Energy, a leading provider of energy man- Where: Albion Room agement and smart grid solutions. Prior to founding Rodan, Paul was a corporate Time: 2:45 pm and investment banker with CIBC World Markets and most recently practiced Dr. Walter Zaryckyj corporate finance and M&A law with Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP, one of Canada’s largest national law firms. He is a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and holds a Bachelor alter Zaryckyj is Executive Director of the of Political Science degree, a Bachelor of Laws degree and a Master of Business Center for US-Ukrainian Relations and Administration degree. Paul is married and has four young children. Program Coordinator for the ‘Ukraine’s Quest for Mature Nation Statehood’ WRoundtable Series. During his tenure, CUSUR has run over forty major conferences highlight- ing issues related to Ukraine in places as diverse as Washington, New York, Houston, Ottawa, Kyiv, Odessa, Kharkiv, Brussels, Warsaw and Istanbul; in turn, the ‘by now venerable’ UA PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR 5 Quest RT Series has held 12 DC events featur- ing the likes of Sen. John McCain, Sen. Richard Lugar, Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Title: “Post-Graduate Survival Tips…Getting Ahead instead of Being Paul Wolfowitz and Former US NSC Advisor Dr. Left Behind” Zbigniew Brzezinski. Concurrently, Dr. Zaryckyj Where: Albion Room holds the rank of Adjunct Associate Professor Time: 4:00 pm of Social Sciences at New York University; his undergraduate and graduate work was com- pleted at Columbia University. Max Trojan & Nicholas Yuzwin PROFESSIONAL SEMINAR 6

Title: “Working together for the hromada here in Canada and working toward a better future for Ukraine” Where: Rosewood Estates Winery & Meadery Time: 12:15 am, Saturday 30 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 31


Title: “Working together for the hromada here in Canada and working toward a better future for Ukraine” Where: Rosewood Estates Winery & Meadery Time: 12:15 am, Saturday

Eugene Roman

ugene Roman is Chief Technology Officer for Canada’s largest software company Open Text based out of Waterloo, Ontario. Prior to that he spent 25 years at Bell Canada and Northern Telecom where he held various positions since graduating from University of Toronto. At Bell Ehe was Group President – Systems and Technology. His love of bees and wines proved to be strong and thus he and his wife, Renata, founded Rosewood Estates Winery. Here on the Beamsville Bench, he can escape the world of technology, to a certain degree, and enjoy the fruits of his labour. He presently is Chairman of the Board of the Ukrainian Credit Union Inc. and is on the Board of Directors of the Shevchenko Foundation Canada. He has volunteered in other Ukrainian organizations including UCC Toronto. He holds a Bachelor degree of Economics and a Master of Business Administration degree from U of T. He enjoys guest lecturing at Ontario universities as McMaster and Waterloo.

enata oman Rosewood Estates Winery & Meadery R R

enata Roman PT, is the owner and manager of Clarkson Sports & enata & Eugene Roman purchased 40 acres of land in 2000, which is now Physiotherapy Clinic in . This successful clinic focuses on Rosewood Estates Winery & Meadery. Their goal was to start a small-batch orthopaedic care for clients and athletes for the past 22 years. With artisanal winery and meadery. This property is located on prime Beamsville her husband Eugene, she founded and operates Rosewood Estates Bench terroir. Today 15 acres make up the planted vineyard; the apiary, pond, RWinery and Meadery in Beamsville Ontario. Rwinery & production facility and forested area complete the estate. With her medical background, she started helping Dzherelo Chil- he Estate Vineyard, named Renaceau, was planted in 2003 with vinifera dren’s Rehab Center in Lviv. She became a Board member of CCCF and grapes : Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Pinot Noir, Chardonnay, Riesling, and Semillon. presently is the president. The interest in sports has allowed her to be the A second vineyard was planted in 2007 on the Jordan bench. Small batch, terroir physiotherapist for the National Ukrainian Olympic team and Figure Skat- driven, delicious wines are produced on the estate for all to enjoy. ing team. Working on the UCC executive she has taken on a role of UCC The Roman family has been beekeepers for 70 years. The family beekeeping Sports Committee Chair. Other committee membership includes, UCC tradition started in western Ukraine with Eugene’s father and now his son Wil- Toronto, USCAK and Canada Ukraine Chamber of Commerce. liam is actively involved. There are 250 hives are located throughout the Beams- During her spare time she enjoys gardening and crafts. Her children ville Bench. The bees contribute in producing honey for sale, making mead and Krystina and William both work in the family business. She has a Bachelor their wax is turned into candles. degree in Physiotherapy from the University of Toronto. 32 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 33

BANQUET Yvan Baker van is a management consultant who works with clients to address a range of strategic challenges. He also teaches MBAs as a part-time instructor at the Schulich School of Business at York University. KEY NOTE Previously, Yvan was a management consultant with with the Boston Con- Ysulting Group in Toronto and New York. Yvan has consulted in the public sector, energy, retail, financial services and telecommunications industries. Previously, Yvan has also served as an Executive Assistant to Borys Wrzesnews- SPEAKER kyj, MP and as a member of the Bank of Nova Scotia’s commercial banking group. Yvan has had a longstanding passion for public service. He is currently the Executive Vice President of the Ontario Liberal party. He also serves on the Board of Leave Out Violence, a national charity that provides support to youth victims of violence and is a member of the Emerging Leaders Network. Title: “Growing up in the Ukrainian Culture” Yvan has served in a number of leadership roles in the Ukrainian Canadian Where: Liuna Station – Grand Central Ballroom community. Most recently he was President of UCC – Ontario Provincial Council Time: 7:45 pm, Saturday and VP, External at UCC - Toronto. Recently, Yvan traveled to Rwanda where he trained social entrepreneurs lead- ing projects to address issues such as lack of access to water, domestic violence, prostitution and the spread of HIV/AIDS. Yvan holds an MBA from the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth College where he was student body president. He also holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from the Schulich School of Business at York University. He is flu- ent in English, French and Ukrainian. The Honourable William J. Festeryga Q.C.

Date of birth December 26, 1935 Place of birth Hamilton, Ontario Education: Central Secondary School, Hamilton – 1956 McMaster University BA – 1959 Osgood Hall Law School LLB –1962 WCalled to Bar – 1964 I did civil litigation until 1996 when I was appointed to Superior Court in Toronto. I was transferred to Hamilton in 1998 where I retired in December 26th 2010. Queens Counsel – December 29, 1976 Specialist in Civil Litigation 1988 and recertified in 1993.

Past president of : Ukrainian Professional and Business Men’s Club of Hamilton Rotary Club Hamilton Mountain Hamilton Lawyer’s Club Hamilton Medical Legal Society Crime Stoppers of Hamilton-Wentworth

I love to cook and paint with water colours and acrylics. STRATEGIC PLANNING SEMINAR

Best for last—married to Doris for over 50 years. We have three great children and three grandchildren. Title: “Strategic Planning Session” Where: Albion Room Time: 1:30 am, Sunday 34 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 35 OUTGOING Mila Luchak Augustine

Position: Vice-President West Krawchenko Hometown: Sherwood Park, Position: Internal Relations Director University: University of Alberta Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario Year and Field of Study: 4th year SUSK University: McMaster University Nutrition Year and Field of Study: 3rd year Political Science & Eastern Religious Studies NATIONAL Deana Drozdowsky Larissa Position: Vice-President Central Volinets Schieven Hometown: Toronto, Ontario University: University of Western Ontario Position: Project Director Year and Field of Study: 4th year Hometown: Toronto, Ontario Medical Sciences University: Carleton University EXECUTIVE Year and Field of Study: 4th year 2011–2012 Journalism & Religion

Olena Kit Tamara Caris Anda Hirceaga

Position: President Position: Vice-President East Position: Media Director Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario Hometown: Windsor, Ontario University: McMaster University University: University of Ottawa University: University of Ottawa Year and Field of Study: 4th year Year and Field of Study: 3rd year Year and Field of Study: 4th year Arts and Science & Linguistics Commerce & International Management Communication & Business

Daniel Kostruba Nadia Demko Roman Storoshchuk

Position: Executive Vice President Position: Secretary Position: Alumni Director Hometown: Mississauga, Ontario Hometown: Winnipeg, Hometown: , Alberta University: University of Western Ontario University: McGill University University: University of Calgary Year and Field of Study: 4th year Year and Field of Study: 2nd year Year and Field of Study: 4th year Management & Medical Sciences Neuroscience Political Science

Stephan Bociurkiw Mike Hrycak Danylo Korbabicz

Position: Vice President Finance Position: External Relations Director Position: Past President Hometown: , Alberta Hometown: Hamilton, Ontario Hometown: Toronto, Ontario University: University of Alberta University: McMaster University University: Carleton University Year and Field of Study: 5th year Year & Field of Study: 4th year Year and Field of Study: B.A. Marketing Political Science Political Science (Honours) 36 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 37

7. To participate in and encourage the development of the I. Preliminary Ukrainian-Canadian community which abides by the rule of law and democratic and humanitarian principles; There shall be one name to this organization; 8. To educate and inform Individual Members and non- 1. The name of this organization will be the “Ukrai- members about issues relevant to the Ukrainian-Canadian nian Canadian Students’ Union”. Ця організація community; є під назвою „Союз Українського Студентства 9. To coordinate and initiate activities for persons in order Канади”. Cette organisation tombera sous le nom to promote Ukrainian culture; «Union des Étudiants Ukrainiens Canadiens»; 10. To organise conferences, tours, ethnic events, study Abbreviations for the name of this organization are to be as groups and exhibits which further the objectives of the follows; Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union. CONSTITUTION 2. (UCSU) in English; 3. (СУСК) по-Українськи; 4. (UEUC) en Français. V. Membership

A Member Organization is a Ukrainian Student Organization who agrees to abide by the constitution of the Ukrainian Cana- II. Status dian Students’ Union, whose fees are paid in full. Ukrainian Student Organization’s consist of Individual Members. There The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union is; are two (2) classes of membership for Member Organizations, 1. An organization established at the first Congress of “Full” and “Associate”. The terms of membership are as follows; Ukrainian Students in Winnipeg, Manitoba on Decem- 1. Membership in the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union ber 26-27, 1953 under the patronage of the Ukrainian is open to all Ukrainian Student Organizations; Canadian Committee (UCC). 2. Membership application will commence upon receiving 2. A member of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC) a formal written request for membership, or during a and is recognized as the national representative organisa- membership drive; tion for Ukrainian Canadian students. 3. Criteria for eligible organizations for membership to the 3. A member of the World Conference of Ukrainian Stu- Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union are as follows: dents (CeSUS) - The co-ordinating body of Ukrainian a. For Full Membership, the applying organization Competence of student organizations throughout the world. must consist of Individual Members enrolled in Preliminary The Executive 4. A member of the Ukrainian World Congress - The co- Canadian post-secondary institutions, who sup- I X ordinating body for Ukrainian organisations outside the port the mandate and objectives of the Ukrainian borders of Ukraine. Canadian Students’ Union; 5. An organization member and recognized by The Federa- b. For Associate Membership, the applying organiza- II Status XI Terms tion of Ukrainian Student Organizations of America. tion is established outside Canadian borders, or whose membership does not consist of Students Provisions enrolled in Canadian post-secondary institutions inancial tatus may still apply for Associate Membership. How- Financial Status of Quorum III. F S III XII ever, Associate Membership will have absolutely The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union is a non-profit orga- no voting privileges if granted membership to nization; the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union; Mandates & Objectives Renumeration 1. Excess net income available at the end of the year shall be c. In all cases Member Organizations or an Associate IV XIII carried into the next year; Member Organization must be democratically 2. Neither issue of shares nor payment of dividends or governed with an executive responsible to it’s Dissolution & premiums shall be made. membership Membership Inactivity 4. Before membership is granted to an organization the V XIV applying organization shall: IV. Mandates & Objectives a. Provide a copy of the organizations’ Constitu- tion to the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Elections Impeachment 1. To uphold and promote the ; Executive; VI XV 2. To organise, and represent the Member Organizations b. Provide an accurate list of their Executive mem- of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union, along with bers along with their positions on the Executive; other Associate Member Organizations as an organised c. Provide a list of the organization’s membership Election Procedures Meetings body; including; VII XVI 3. To promote Ukrainian and Ukrainian Canadian studies; i. Full Names 4. To promote awareness of Ukrainian and Ukrainian Cana- Constitutional ii. Email addresses dian culture; 5. Where an applicant organization for membership to the Congress Amendments VIII XVII 5. To provide a structure for intra/inter group relations; Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union has fulfilled the 6. To foster cooperation and understanding among Ukrai- criteria as per V.2-4. of this Constitution; the Ukrainian nian Canadian students’ Member Organizations and other Canadian Students’ Union Executive may conditionally Associate Member Organizations as well as non-members; IX Executive XVIII Rules of Order accept this applicant organization as a Member Organiza- 38 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 39

tion or Associate Member Organization of the Ukrainian VII. Election Procedure Canadian Students’ Union; egate to the Congress, any additional delegates are representative; a. Pending a two month probation during which The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual and Extraordi- entitled to vote only if the total votes then held by b. An “Alternative Delegate” is; the aspiring organization must appoint a Ukrai- the person(s) n does not exceed the Constitution- i. An Individual Member in good standing of a nian Canadian Students’ Union representative, nary Congresses shall follow proper Parliamentary Procedure; All Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Member Organizations; ally set maximum allowable votes as per VII.7 of Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Mem- and; this Constitution; ber Organization; b. Pay its membership fee for that academic year; 1. All Ukrainian Canadian Student’s Union Executive are entitled to one vote per person during an Executive 10. No person representing a Ukrainian Canadian Students’ ii. Authorized by that Member Organization 6. All Full Member Organizations in good standing of Union Member organization shall delegate a right to to attend the Congress as the organization’s the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union have voting meeting; a. With the exception of the President, who will vote at a Congress to another person; representative to take the place of any of the privileges at all Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union a. The only exception being in the case of a delegate organization’s Delegates unable to participate Congresses, and Extraordinary Congresses; have one additional deciding vote in a case of a tie; from one Full Member organization delegating in the Congress; 7. The Executive will establish the membership fee annually; a vote, by written proxy, to an alternate delegate c. An “Observer” is; a. The fee for one year may not be less than 1 $ b. During an election each member may only vote once per position; from the same member organization; i. any person who is in attendance at the Canadian per Individual Member of the Member Congress and is not a Delegate or Alternate Organizations’ membership. 2. All Ukrainian Canadian Student’ Union Members are entitled to one vote per person during an Annual or Delegate; b. The fee shall be ratified by the Ukrainian Cana- VIII. Congress ii. A member in good standing of a Ukrainian dian Students’ Union Congress if greater than 1 $ Extraordinary Congresses a. With the exception of the Presidium Chairperson, Canadian Students’ Union Associate Member Canadian; The Congress is the supreme legislative body of the Ukrainian who will have one deciding vote in a case of a Organization; 8. Member Organizations may withdraw their member- Canadian Students’ Union; it is the Annual assembly or, Extraor- tie; d. A “Guest” is; ship at any time from the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ dinary assembly, of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union; 3. An election is won by the person receiving the simple i. Any observer who has been officially invited Union; 1. The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Executive shall plurality of votes; and where required a majority consists by the Executive to attend the Congress; a. By filing a declaration of withdrawal and giving convene a Congress at least once during every calendar of 50% plus one (1) more votes of those present; 4. At the outset of the Congress, The President, or the proper prior notification to the Executive of the year; 4. All candidates must be first nominated either by an Vice-President, or designate when the President is not Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union; a. The Executive shall give written notice to all Individual Member in attendance at the Congress, or by available shall chair the election from among Delegates: b. Dissolving the organization; Ukrainian Canadian Student’s Union Member self-nomination; a. A Presidium, composed of a Chairperson, Vice- c. Membership fees are non-refundable; Organizations of the date and place the Congress a. The nomination must then receive a seconded Chairperson and two (2) Secretaries; 9. Memberships expire on September 30th of the subse- is to be held, no less than less than two (2) calen- nomination; i. The Presidium is responsible to conduct the quent year; dar months prior to the date of the Congress, and; b. The nominee must accept the nomination before Congress proceedings; b. Should the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union proceeding to the election; b. A Nominations Committee; Executive be incapable of calling a Congress as lections c. Must be fully aware of issues relevant to the i. The Nomination Committee is responsible to VI. E per VIII.1.a. of this Constitution an ad hoc Con- Ukrainian-Canadian community in Canada and prepare a list of candidates for election to the gress committee composed of the Presidents of at All Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Individual Members beyond; Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Execu- least half the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union of a Member Organization may run for any Executive position 5. All elections shall be done through secret ballot; tive for the subsequent term of office; Member Organizations may call a Congress and when elections are held under the following terms; a. With the exception when there is unanimous c. A Verifications Committee; set its agenda; 1. Any Individual Member may run for election to the consent by all Ukrainian Canadian Students’ i. The Verification Committee is responsible to c. Upon the written request of a minimum one- Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Executive, if that Union members present to have an open vote; verify that each Member Organization has third of all Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Individual Member Organization, and; 6. All Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Individual only the Constitutionally permitted number Member Organizations, the Executive shall call an a. The Individual Member is a student at a Canadian Members are eligible to run for any Executive position of Delegates and that these Delegates are Extraordinary Congress and set its agenda. post-secondary institute and has not received a with the exception of the position of President and Vice- bona fide Delegates; 2. The agenda at every Annual Congress shall include at degree or diploma from a post-secondary institu- President Finance as per VI.3. d. A Constitutional Committee; least; tion, unless that person is enrolled in a further 7. Only Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Executive i. The Constitutional Committee is responsible a. Reports from each of the Executive members; degree or diploma program at a Canadian post- and Member Organization’s Delegates will have voting to prepare the text of all proposed Constitu- b. Reports from any existing committees; secondary institution. privileges at a Congress; tional changes, if any, to the Congress; c. Reports from each Ukrainian Canadian Students’ 2. No Individual Member may hold more than one execu- a. No Delegate whose Congress registration is not e. A Resolutions Committee; Union Member Organization; tive position at the same time; paid in full will have voting privileges at the i. The Resolution Committee is responsible to d. An audited financial statement; 3. The candidates for the executive positions of President Congress; prepare the text of any Congress resolutions e. Resolutions; and Vice-President Finance must; 8. The maximum number of Delegates that may be sent by for the consideration of the Congress; f. Constitutional Amendments, and; a. Have one full year of previous experience on the a Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Member Organiza- f. An Auditing Committee; g. Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Executive Executive; tion are as follow; i. The Auditing Committee is responsible to Elections; b. Have registered in a degree or diploma program a. Three Delegates; representing the Executive of the audit the financial records and report of the 3. The Annual Congress shall consist of The Ukrainian Cana- at a post-secondary institution in Canada for the Member Organization, and; preceding Vice-President Finance, and; dian Students’ Union Executive where every Executive subsequent academic year, as defined by the can- b. One Delegate for every 20 Individual Members g. Any other committee which the Congress may Member is a Delegate, Member Organization’s Delegates, didate’s post-secondary institution calendar; of the Member Organization, or fraction thereof deem necessary; Alternative Delegates, Associate Member Organization’s c. Must be fully aware of issues relevant to the whose membership fees have been paid to the Observers and Guests; Ukrainian-Canadian community in Canada and Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union; a. A Member Organization “Delegate” is; IX. Executive beyond; 9. Each Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Member Orga- i. A member in good standing of a Ukrainian nization, in good standing, in its discretion may delegate Canadian Students’ Union Member Organiza- The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Executive is composed up to three of its votes to its first Delegate; tion; of; a. Should any Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union ii. Authorized by that Member Organization 1. A President, a Vice-President, a Vice-President Finance, up Member Organization send more than one Del- to attend the Congress as the organization’s to five (5) Regional Vice-Presidents, an Internal Relations 40 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 41

ber Organizations of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Director, an External Relations Director, a Secretary, a Whereas the Vice-President’s responsibilities are designated Union who are in their 1st year of membership; The Media Director’s responsibilities are designated as fol- Media Technician, a Project Director, an Alumni Director, as follows; lows; and an Immediate Past-President; 11. Is responsible for assisting the President in fulfilling The External Relations Director’s responsibilities are desig- 47. Is responsible for a functioning Ukrainian Canadian a. Regional Vice-Presidents are elected by the Con- duties of the President when the President is unable to nated as follows; Students’ Union Website, and; gress, where each Regional Vice-President repre- do so, and; 30. Is responsible for the management of communication 48. Is responsible to produce a regular publication/news- sents Ukrainian Student Member Organizations 12. Is responsible to coordinate, organise, and maintain with all Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian organizations; letter (Студент/Student), and any other publications in a geographical area, as defined by the Annual contact with all Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union 31. Is responsible to maintain communications with other deemed necessary by the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Congress of Extraordinary Congress; member organizations, coordinating all actions and Ukrainian and non-Ukrainian organizations; Union Executive, or by the Congress; 2. Should there be any vacant positions on the Executive, activities with the Regional Vice-Presidents; a. Responsible to ensure that each Member Orga- 49. Is responsible to update the web site at least once (1) with the exception of that of the President, an election nization is aware of the new Executive after every two (2) months; will be held at the next executive meeting; The Vice-President Finance’s responsibilities are designated elections; a. Construct and maintain a web page that informs a. If there is no Executive meeting for more than as follows; b. Responsible to ensure that each Member Orga- members of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ eight (8) weeks, then the President shall appoint 13. Is responsible for all Ukrainian Canadian Student’s Union nization is aware of the Ukrainian Canadian Union about the constitution, mandates, execu- an Individual Member to fill the vacant Executive funds; and; Students’ Unions’ activities; tive members, and upcoming Member Organiza- position and to serve the rest of the term; a. Keep an accurate financial record using generally c. Responsible to ensure that a representative and/ tion events; and; b. If a vacancy of the Executive position of President accepted accounting principles; or greeting is dispatched to other organization’s 50. Is responsible to aid the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ occurs, then the position shall be filled by the 14. Is responsible for drafting a budget for the Ukrainian national congress/convention(s) as directed by Union Executive maintain communication with Member existing Vice-President; Canadian Students’ Union fiscal year and be responsible the Executive; Organizations; 3. If an Executive member has not fulfilled their duties, or for its realization; 32. Is responsible for maintaining liaison with the commu- has not been active in the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ 15. Is responsible to propose a budget for various events; nity and its activities; The Project Director’s responsibilities are designated as fol- Union for a period of time exceeding two (2) months 16. Is responsible for setting a budget with, and for all 33. Is responsible to maintain contact with all levels of lows; without a valid reason, or prior formal notification to the Executive members; government; 51. Is responsible to co-ordinate all Ukrainian Canadian Executive; 17. Is responsible for all Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union 34. Is responsible for coordinating all actions and activities Students’ Union Projects; a. The executive position may be vacated by putting subsidy plans, and grant applications; with Ukrainian community and other organizations; 52. Is responsible for initiating, encouraging and coordinat- the matter to a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of 18. Is responsible to keep all funds at a legal, financial insti- 35. Is responsible to investigate any external formal griev- ing social activities; the Executive; tution; ance relevant to the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union; 53. Is responsible for ensuring that members of the Ukrai- 4. The Executive, subject to budgetary constraints, may 19. Is responsible to present a completed final financial 36. Is responsible for initiating, encouraging, and coordinat- nian Canadian Students’ Union Executive, and Com- employ any professional staff the Executive deem neces- report to the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Con- ing social and cultural activities geared to all non-Ukrai- mittees of the Executive are informed of all Ukrainian sary to fulfill the objects outlined as per Article X. gress delegates and to the auditing committee for exami- nian Canadian Students’ Union Member Organizations; Canadian Students’ Union projects; nation at the Congress or by the auditing committee; 37. Is responsible for compiling an access list of resource people in the press, media and/or community, and; The Alumni Director’s responsibilities are designated as fol- X. Competence of the Executive 20. Is responsible for collecting membership fees, and; 21. The Vice-President Finance must have financial signing 38. Is responsible for the acquisition and distribution of all lows; authority; promotional materials; and; 54. Is responsible to organise and maintain liaison with The President’s responsibilities are designated as follows; 39. Is responsible to provide information about the Ukrai- Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union alumni; and 1. All overseeing activities of the Ukrainian Canadian Stu- nian Canadian Students’ Union and its activities to 55. Is responsible to gather and aid the Secretary in the dents’ Union; The Regional Vice-President’s responsibilities are designated students attending High Schools, Universities and other maintenance of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union 2. Is responsible for the management of the Ukrainian as follows; post-secondary institutions in Canada; archive; Canadian Students’ Union, and shall 22. Is responsible to coordinate Ukrainian Canadian Students’ a. Coordinate all Executive members; Union activities in a given geographical region of Canada The Secretary’s responsibilities are designated as follows; The Immediate Past-President’s responsibilities are desig- 3. Is responsible for all Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union where deemed necessary; and 40. Is responsible for the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ nated as follows; affairs; 23. Is responsible for communication between Ukrainian Union Executive meeting minutes; and 56. Is the outgoing President of the Ukrainian Canadian 4. Calls and Chairs all Executive meetings; Canadian Students’ Union member organizations within a. Make the minutes available to all Ukrainian Cana- Students’ Union of the immediately preceding term of 5. Represents the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union to their designated region, and the Ukrainian Canadian dian Students’ Union Member Organizations; office; the public as an official spokesperson; Students’ Union Executive; b. Must appoint a person from the Executive to take 57. Is responsible to provide advice to the Ukrainian Cana- 6. Serves as an official representative to any formal organi- minutes in their absence; dian Students’ Union Executive on all UCSU matters, and; zation; The Internal Relations Director’s responsibilities are desig- 41. Is responsible to record ingoing and outgoing corre- a. Acts as a liaison and provides an organizational a. This includes serving as an official representa- nated as follows; spondence; continuity with the previous year’s Executive; tive to; The Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC), 24. Is responsible for the management of communication 42. Is responsible to keep and maintain the archive of all past, 58. Has no voting privileges at Executive meetings; The World Conference of Ukrainian Students within the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union; and present Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union activi- (CeSUS), The Ukrainian World Congress, and The 25. Is responsible for all Internal affairs within the Ukrainian ties and Member Organizations membership list; Federation of Ukrainian Student Organizations of XI. Terms Canadian Students’ Union; 43. Is responsible to keep and maintain an accurate, and up- America. 26. Is responsible for understanding the Ukrainian Canadian to-date membership list of Member Organizations and 7. May delegate any one of the Executive position’s respon- The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Executive shall Students’ Union constitution; their memberships; sibilities or tasks to any other Executive Member; fulfill the mandates and objectives outlined in Article IV of 27. Is responsible to investigate any internal formal griev- 44. Is responsible for understanding the Ukrainian Canadian 8. Gives a clear direction as to the activities and direction of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Constitution to the ances within the Ukrainian Canadian Student’s Union; Students’ Union constitution; and the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union; best of its ability; 28. Is responsible for initiating, encouraging, and coordinat- a. Making the Constitution available to all Ukrainian 9. Is responsible for briefing all Executive members with 1. Annual elections will be held during the Ukrainian ing social and cultural activities geared towards Ukrai- Canadian Students’ Union Member Organizations; respect to their duties, and; Canadian Students’ Union Congress, or at the Extraor- nian Canadian Students’ Union members; and; 45. Is responsible for informing executive members of all 10. The President must have financial signing authority; dinary Congress; 29. Is responsible to help orientate and integrate Mem- meetings and important decisions in their absence, and; 46. Is responsible for maintaining adequate office supplies. a. Unless the President of the Ukrainian Cana- 42 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 43

dian Students’ Union at the time defers the time revived; or to the Ukrainian Canadian Congress; 6. Have an agenda made available to all Executive Members of the elections with two (2) week’s prior writ- for each Executive Meeting; ten notice, due to extraordinary circumstances, mpeachment 7. Be chaired by the President, or the Vice-President, or which must be approved by the Executive in XV. I designate when the President is not available; advance; 2. All elected positions are active from inception to the fol- Grounds for impeachment shall consist of any action that lowing elections; contravenes this constitution, or any municipal, provincial, or XVII. Constitutional Ammendments AMENDMENTS 3. All elected positions are bound by the resolutions passed federal laws. at all Annual and Extraordinary Congresses; Amendment to the Constitution must be made as follows; - Constitution and amendments prepared by Marco Jacuta 4. The Vice-President Finance and any other Executive Mem- Any member of the Executive may be impeached from office 1. A written copy of all proposed amendment(s) shall be on the 15th day of January, 2008, in Edmonton, Alberta, bers having signing privileges, must notify the financial when; submitted to the Ukrainian Canadian Student’s Union Canada. institution with whom they do business, formally in 1. Ten Individual Members in good standing of the Ukrai- Executive no later than two (2) weeks prior to the - Amendments prepared by Tamara Mischena & Andrew writing, of their absolution and loss of privileges, within nian Canadian Students’ Union call for a Special Executive convening of a Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Wodoslawsky on the 16th day of February, 2009, in one week of the election of the new Executive, or upon meeting when there is a written request submitted to the Congress or Extraordinary Congress; Toronto, Ontario, Canada. resignation from their position; Executive; 2. The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Congress or a. They must transfer signing privileges to the newly 2. Two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all Executive Members Extraordinary Congress shall consider constitutional - Constitution and amendments prepared by The Consti- elected Executive; of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union is required amendments that; tutional Amendments Committee on the 12th day of 5. The newly elected Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union for an Executive member to be impeached from office; a. Have been edited for style by the Congress Con- February, 2010, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Executives shall assume their responsibilities immediately 3. Prior to a vote of impeachment from the Ukrainian stitutional Committee; at the conclusion of the elections; Canadian Students’ Union, the concerned Executive 3. Constitutional amendments must be; 6. The elected Executive will hold their positions until the Member may speak on their behalf. a. Voted on only at the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ conclusion of the election the subsequent year, or until Union Congress, or at an Extraordinary Congress; they resign, or are removed from office, and; Any Member Organization may be expelled from the Ukrainian 4. All Individual Members of the Ukrainian Canadian Stu- 7. Immediately following elections, the entire outgoing Canadian Students’ Union for the current session for any action dents’ Union have the right to review proposed amend- Executive shall remain as ex-officio members, active that contravenes the concerned Member Organizations constitu- ments; advisors, with no voting privileges during Executive tion, this constitution, or any municipal, provincial, of federal a. The Executive shall submit a written copy of all meetings. laws, when; proposed Constitutional amendment(s) to all 1. Ten Individual Members in good standing of the Ukrai- Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Member nian Canadian Students’ Union may call for a Special Organizations no later than one (1) week prior to XII. Provisions for Quorum Executive meeting when there is a written formal request the convening of the Congress; submitted to the Executive; 5. The Executive will review any proposed amendments and Quorum for Executive meetings shall be the President, or the 2. The Executive shall submit in writing to all Member will vote to recommend or not recommend the amend- Vice-President, or designate when the President is not available Organizations no later that two (2) weeks before the set ment to the Congress; and; and at least 50% of Executive Members, to make a decision, and; date of the Special Executive meeting; a. A two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Ukrai- Quorum for an Annual Congress or Extraordinary Congress is a. Advising of the intention to expel the concerned nian Canadian Students’ Union Delegates present 51% of the delegates registered at the Congress. member organization; at the Congress or Extraordinary Congress is b. The reason(s) to expel the concerned Member required to pass an amendment to the constitu- XIII. Remuneration Organization from the Ukrainian Canadian Stu- tion. dents’ Union; 3. Two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of all Executive Members No Executive member shall receive remuneration for their XVIII. Rules of Order of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union is required; service as an Executive Member. The Executive may vote to 4. Prior to a vote of expulsion from the Ukrainians Cana- reimburse any individual for legitimate expenses incurred The governing rules of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union dian Students’ Union, the concerned Member Organiza- on behalf of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union. Only Meetings are; tion may speak on their behalf. when authorized by the Vice-President Finance and only after 1. In the latest edition of Robert’s Rule of Order, and; a motion has been passed by the Executive shall any Individual a. Are to be implemented in all cases to which they Member of the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union receive XVI. Meetings are applicable and not inconsistent or infringing remuneration for their expenses; with the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union Constitution; Executive meetings will; XIV. Dissolution & Activity 1. Be called with five (5) days notice to the date of the meeting; In the event of the dissolution of the Ukrainian Canadian Stu- 2. Have an agenda made available to all Executive Members dents’ Union; for each Executive Meeting; 1. Its assets shall be deposited with the Ukrainian Canadian 3. Be chaired by the President, or the Vice-President, or Congress, for the purpose of funding a future national designate when the President is not available, and; Ukrainian Canadian student organization. 4. Have a minimum of one (1) Executive Meetings per 2. Any permanent records or artefacts of significant his- academic month; torical note shall be left in the custody of the National Archives of Canada or such other organization as the Special Executive Meeting will; Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union designates; to hold 5. Be called with one (1) day notice to the date of the in trust until the Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union is meeting; 44 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 45 NOTES 46 Annual Report 2012 Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Ukainian Canadian Students’ Union Annual Report 2012 47


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The Ukrainian Canadian Students’ Union acknowledges United Ukrainian Credit Union Ltd. and extends our sincere appreciation to the following organizations for their support of the 54th National Northland Power SUSK Congress. Rosewood Estates Winery


Ukrainian Women’s Organization of Canada

Canada Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce

Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Association of Toronto

Canadian Foundation of Ukrainian Studies