AI Magazine Volume 5 Number 4 (1984) (© AAAI)

Artificial Intelligence in : A Review

Gordon McCalla Department of Computational Science, University of , , Saskatchewan, Canada S7N OWO Nick Cercone Department of Computing Science, , Burnaby, , Canada V5A lS6

questionnaire to be sent directly to the CSCSI/SCEIO mcm- Abstract bership. Response to this questionnaire was somewhat bet- Canadians have made many contributions to artificial intelli- ter. Although the number of short questionnaires we received gence over the years This article presents a summary of current was substantial, we nevertheless mdertook a telephone cam- research in artificial intelligence in Canada and acquaints read- paign in a third attempt to reach members who did not fill ers with the Canadian organization for artificial intelligence- out thil questionnaire. The telephone campaign paid hand- the Canadian Society for the Computational Studies of Intelli- some dividends and we were able to contact an additional gence/Societk Canadienne pour l’lktude de 1’Intelligence par Ord- inateur (CSCSI/SCEIO). 21 members. During the process of collating results from the questionnaire we made additional telephone calls to re- spondcnts and others to clarify possible misinterpretations. A CSCSI/SCEIO report summarizing all of the questionnaire MOST CANADIAN AI research is carried out in universi- ties (primarily in computer science departments), with only responses is available by writing to any of the CSCSI/SCEIO executives (see Appendix 2). a small amount of research being pursued in governnlent lab- oratories or in private industry, AI research and development Two universities have emphasized AI over the years to is fairly evenly distributed across the country, with approx- the extent of engaging professors who specialize in AI re- imately as many AI researchers in the west as in the east, search and graduating AI Ph.Ds. The University of British though there are relatively fewer AI researchers in the mar- Cohmlbia [UBC] in currently has five professors itimes. with primary interest in AI, over 20 AI-oriented graduate stu- We summarize Canadian AI research efforts and pro- dents, and several main research directions including compu- vide a cross-reference from areas of interest to researchers in tational vision, natural language understanding, and repre- Appendix 1. In the discussion below we place the various sentation of knowledge. UBC is the home of the Laboratory research and development endeavors within the Canadian for Computational Vision which provides facilities and co- national AI context. ordination to the computational vision research effort. The Our information was solicited by questionnaire, tele- University of [UT] currently has four professors with phone and in-person conversations, and personal knowledge. full-time AI interests, several professors with at least pe- Initially, a long questionnaire was circulated via the ripheral interest, and approximately 30 AI-oricntcd gradu- CSCSI/SCEIO Newsletter (vol 2, #l) in March, 1983. Poor ate students. Toronto’s research areas include representation response to the questionnaire prompted another, shorter of knowledge, natural language understanding, computer vi- sion, and medical expert systems. AI faculty at, Toronto are We would like to acknowledge the financial support of the Office of the members of the Computer Systems Research Institute which Associate Academic Vice-President of Simon Fraser 1Jniversity We also provides facilities to many experimentally oriented computer thank Josie Backhouse for telephoning the CSCSI/SCEIO membership scieme research projects. and helping to organize and collect data WC thank Carol Murchison for helping to edit this article. Five other universities also have made significant, com-

50 THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 mitments to AI. The IJniversity of [UA] in has five professors with at least some AI orientation, inter- GRAPH 1~ AREAS OF RESEARCH INTEREST ested in topics such as representation of knowledge, natu- ral language understanding, game playing, image processing, Division label abbreviations represent: adaptive systems, and cognitive science. Simon Fraser Uni- -camp vision/image proc/pat ret (16) versity’s [SFU] young computing science department has five -nat lang/comp ling/speech (19) faculty with AI interests ranging from natural language un- -representation of knowledge (13) derstanding and representation of knowledge through logic -expert systems/apPlications (22) -Al in education (5) programming, learning, and computer vision. SFU’s Labo- -issues in programming (9) ratory for Computer and Communication Research supports -man-machine interfaces (5) a number of projects including a major AI project: the auto- -logic programming (9) mated academic advisor. ’s McGill University has -cognitive science (9) AI research ongoing both in the computer science depart- --problem solv & search: plan, games ment with research into game playing and in its electrical -robotics (7) -theorem proving (2) engineering department investigating computer vision. At the University of Western in London, Ontario, there are researchers in the computer science department investi- gating logic programming, software engineering for AI, and robotics; and in the psychology department pursuing topics in cognitive science, coordinated through the Centre for Cog- nitive Science. The University of Waterloo has expanded its traditional interests in theorem proving to include a signifi- cant commitment to logic programming and recently signed on researchers interested in expert systems and natural lan- guage understanding. Other universities who haven’t historically concentrated on AI are currently increasing their activity in AI. Many of these places will be discussed in the following descriptions of the different AI research areas investigated in Canada (see McCalla and Cercone (1984) for more detail). Graph 1 shows the relative concentrations on the various areas in Canada.

Summary of AI Research in Canada

Computer Vision and Image Processing One of the most active areas of AI research in Canada is computer vision and its allied field of image processing. The UBC Laboratory for Computational Vision has two main re- search thrusts in this area. Alan Mackworth and Bill Havens CSCSI/SCEIO Questionnaire. are involved in the use of schema-based representation for- malisms to interpret scenes, sketch map understanding (and the Mapsee program), constraint satisfaction in scenes, and applications in remote sensing (Havens and Mackworth, knowledge to interact in the interpretation of scenes. Other 1983). Bob Woodham is working on photometric methods students will soon finish, among them Jan Mulder, working for computational vision, intermediate scene representation, on hierarchical constraint satisfaction applied to sketch map the exact representation and enhancement of color, and ap- interpretation; Frank Wong, exploring the rectification of re- plications of remote sensing to forestry. There have been a motely sensed images using digital terrain models; and Jim number of graduate students and research assistants work- Little who is investigating the reconstruction of objects from ing on these projects over the years. Now at Queen’s Roger their extended Gaussian images. Jan Mulder will soon be Browse in his Ph.D thesis investigated knowledge based vi- joining the faculty at Dalhousie University in Halifax. sual interpretation using declarative schemata. Jay Glicks- Brian Funt, a Ph.D graduate of TJBC now at Simon man’s thesis topic involved using output from Mapsee to Fraser, specializes in computer vision. For some years hc advise an aerial image interpreter. Glicksman is now at has been investigating how to use a parallel processing retina Texas Instruments. Bill Havens in his Ph.D work devised for perception and reasoning (see Funt, 1980). Early exper- the knowledge representation language MAYA and proposed iments involved use of the retina to predict configurations a control structure that allowed top-down and bottom-up of falling blocks. He is currently looking at automatic wire

THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 51 routing using diagrams in conjunction with this retina. Funt vision, in particular representing 2-D and 3-D properties of is also investigating the automatic interpretation of CT-scan biological specimens. Morris Goldberg in the University of images of sawlogs and the generalization of 2-D retinex color ’s electrical engineering department is working with perception theory to 3-D. others to develop an expert system for analyzing remotely John Tsotsos, a graduate of and professor at Toronto, sensed images of forests. Tom Calvert, dean of interdisci- is also interested in computer vision. He has been investi- plinary studies at Simon Fraser, in addition to his long term gating the automatic interpretation of x-ray images of heart involvement in computer interpretation of Labanotation and motion in order to recognize irregularities. The Alven expert animation of dance, has more recently become interested in system assessesperformance of the human heart’s left ventri- aspects of computer vision for a mobile robot. cle (see Mylopoulos et al., 1983). Knowledge representation techniques (borrowed in part from the Toronto “procedural Natural Language Understanding semantic network” project) have been instrumental in his ap- and Computational Linguistics proach. More recently Tsotsos and his soon to be finished Computational linguistics, particularly natural language Ph.D student Tetsutaro Shibahara have been investigating understanding, is another area of longstanding Canadian ex- a knowledge based approach to discovering arrythmias from pertise. In this field also, Toronto’s contributions are sub- electrocardiograms. The CAA system implements their ap- stantial. John Mylopoulos supervised the initiation over ten proach. They are particularly interested in causality, event years ago of the TORUS (TORonto Understanding System) prediction, and projection as a transduction mechanism be- project. This investigation into constructing a knowledge- tween two knowledge bases. Former Toronto graduate stu- based natural language front-end to a database of student dents interested in matters pertaining to computer vision records has since evolved into investigations into both nat- are Dick Peacocke, now at Bell-Northern Research in Ot- ural language and knowledge representation. Working on tawa, who devised a picture processing formalism (a pre- the TORUS project initiated many graduate students into liminary step en route to a picture processing programming the study of natural language understanding. Most of the language) for his Ph.D; and Norm Badler, now at the Uni- more recent Toronto efforts in computational linguistics have versity of Pennsylvania, who studied motion understanding been oriented towards the semantics and pragmatics of nat- for his dissertation. ural language. Ray Pcrrault (now at SRI International) and Another major effort in computer vision is underway at his Ph.D students Phil Cohen (now also at SRI) and James McGill, focussed in the electrical engineering department. Allen (now at the University of Rochester) and others for- Steve Zucker does highly regarded research into mechanisms mulated an approach to understanding natural language di- for human visual perception (Zucker, 1981), and along with alogue based on showing how the participants in a dialogue Martin Levine is exploring the use of robotics for inspection take into account each other’s beliefs during a conversation and repair of hybrid circuits. Zucker’s relaxation labelling (see Allen and Perrault, 1980). In particular this rcscarch and theory of continuous relaxation are well entrenched in illustrated how dialogue participants plan their own speech the computer vision area. In addition, Levine is undertaking acts and recognize each other’s plans in order to communi- research in computer vision and visual perception as applied cate with one another. Robin Cohen’s recently completed to various biomedical applications. McGill’s Computer Vi- Ph.D thesis continued the Toronto interest in natural lan- sion and Graphics Laboratory have V. Agarwal, H. Lee, and guage pragmatics, investigating how various structures give A. Malowany working with Zuckcr and Levine, and the lab coherence to arguments. Cohen is now at the University provides the research facilities for a number of graduate stu- of Waterloo. Graeme Hirst, a recent addition to Toronto’s dents working under their supervision. faculty from Brown University, is also involved with natural Roger Browse, Jeff Kulick and their colleagues at Queens language, specifically knowledge representation techniques to University in Kingston, Ontario, arc interested in compu- help semantic interpretation and ambiguity resolution, and tational models of visual attention, foveation, and reading; parsing. His M.Sc. thesis completed some time ago at UBC edge detection and grouping in image understanding; and and now published as a Springer-Verlag book, is an enter- medical imaging for 3-D tomography. taining and informative analysis of anaphora. One other Image processing investigations at the National Research Toronto computational linguistics effort was Alex Borgida’s Council’s Ottawa Laboratories include Tony Kasvand study- Ph.D research which involved the formalization of stratifica- ing image processing as applied to the analysis of complex tion grammar. Borgida is now at Rutgers TJniversity. line structures; N. Abdelmalek studying restoration and com- Alberta has also been involved in natural language un- pression of images; C. Merritt analyzing vegetable chromo- derstanding research. Starting a number of years ago un- somes; and S. Hueng studying binary lines. Visiting re- der Jeff Sampson’s tutelage, and more recently under Len searchers also contribute to image processing at NRC. Schubert’s eagle-eyed direction, a number of natural lan- Wayne Davis at Alberta is studying formats and storage guage oriented research projects have evolved. One theme techniques for spatial data and the analysis and enhancement that runs through the research is the use of semantic net- of medical images. Larry Paul in the pathology department work representations (see Schubert et al., 1979). Schubert’s at TJBC is working in biomedical applications of computer pioneering effort to extend the expressive power of semantic

52 THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 networks were used by Nick Cercone during his Ph.D work to ers, notably Renato de Mori at Concordia University. Ching develop a state-based representation for factual knowledge. Suen is interested in speech synthesis, in addition to his work More recently, Schubert has renewed an interest in parsing. on character recognition. Other people expressing an inter- His projects include preference parsing of generalized phrase est in aspects of computational linguistics are Ernie Chang structure grammars and logical interpretation (with Jeff Pel- (University of Victoria), David Curran (Vancouver), Renee letier; Schubert and Pelletier, 1982), general and special pur- Elio (Alberta Research Council in Edmonton), Wendy Moore pose inference for a question-answering system, and speech (UBC), and Wilf Lalonde (Carleton University in Ottawa). generation. Involvement in natural language understanding is grow- Representation of Knowledge ing at Simon Fraser University. Nick Cercone has continued In the mid-seventies, Len Schubert and his Ph.D student his interest in natural language and semantic networks first Nick Cercone at Alberta led an effort to extend and formal- sparked as a Ph.D student at Albert (see Cercone, 1981). ize semantic n&works. Subsequently, Schubert carried on Working with a number of graduate students, he is also de- this effort with the help of a number of graduate students at vising perfect hash functions which will improve access to Alberta, and Cercone continued to collaborate from Simon large natural language lexicons. With Paul McFetridge and Fraser. This project not only made many standard concepts Tom Strzalkowski (Ph.D student), Cercone is parsing with (such as IS-A, type us token, etc.) more precise, but also extended cascaded augmented transition of networks. This introduced quantifiers into semantic networks, precise con- is part of one competing prototype to construct a natural cepts of scope, the idea of topic hierarchies to organize the language interface to academic records for use in the “Au- information in the network, and a number of other enhance- tomated Academic Advisor” [AAA] system. The AAA is a ments. large ongoing project aimed at giving university administra- A similar project got underway at Toronto in the mid- tors and others on-line access to appropriate academic data. seventies as an outgrowth of lessons learned in the TORUS The social and organizational impact of such information- project. John Mylopoulos directed this effort to formulate communication systems is being investigated. Veronica Dahl, precise procedural semantics for semantic networks. Even- also at SFU, has devised the L3 parsing system to translate tually, the “procedural semantic network” (PSN) system was Spanish into logic (in Prolog) and continues active investiga- developed to, among other things, organize networks along tions into many areas of parsing (Dahl, 1981). Bob Hadley, several different hierarchies (I-SA, PART-OF, context); to a recent addition to SFU’s faculty, is also interested in pars- define several different types of nodes including instances, ing using Prolog, specifically the interpretation of ambiguous classes, and meta-classes (dubbed an “instance” hierarchy); quantified statements. to introduce precise semantics into the process of inheritance; UBC has had an ongoing interest in natural language un- and to attach specific procedures to each class indicating how derstanding for a number of years. Richard Rosenberg has to insert, remove, fetch, and test (the existence of) instances been involved in a number of research efforts in the seman- of the class. More recently the representation effort has tics and pragmatics of natural language, in particular work branched in a number of directions, including the creation of on case-based parsing, Hirst’s anaphora investigations, and a layered PSN knowledge representation programming lan- Gord McCalla’s Ph.D research on representation techniques guage, the use of PSN ideas in the medical systems being for natural language conversation. Recently Rosenberg and developed by Tsotsos et al, and the formulation of logical his soon to be finished Ph.D student Bob Mercer have been approaches to the representation of certain concepts which investigating the computation of presuppositions to natural originally arose in PSN. A number of Ph.D students explored language sentences. Rosenberg has now transferred his alle- various of these directions, including Hector Levesque (who giance to Dalhousie University in Halifax; Mercer will soon went to Fairchild Laboratory for AI Research but is return- join the University of Western Ontario in London, Ontario. ing to the University of Toronto facult,y) who worked out Another longstanding effort in computational linguistics a non-monotonic logic approach to incomplete knowledge; is the machine translation project underway until recently in and two students who have nearly complctcd their theses: the Departmente de Linguistique at Universite de Montreal. Jim Delgrande (soon to join Simon Fraser University) who Richard Kittredge and Igor Mel’cuk have been interested is working out a logical approach to theory formation and in translating between French and English, and achieved conjecturing in knowledge bases; and Bryan Kramer who is considerable success in the translation of weather reports. examining reflection in knowledge bases and the rcpresenta- Now interested in generalizing beyond the weather report tion of control knowledge. John Mylopoulos also heads up domain, Kittredge and Mel’cuk are currently investigating the TAXIS project which incorporates a number of AI repre- the tractability of various other sublanguages of English and sentation ideas into the design of databases. French, and are also looking at the generation of text frag- Ray Reiter at UBC is one of Canada’s outstanding AI ments from semantic networks in such narrow sublanguages researchers and has made major contributions to knowledge (using Prolog). representation over the past decade (see Reiter, 1980, Reiter Speech understanding, although not strictly part of com- and Criscuolo 1983). He was an early champion of logical putational linguistics, is being investigated by some research- formalisms for representation and was one of the pioneers of

THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 53 what now has become known as non-monotonic logic. He has Data, Missisauga, Ontario); Janice Glasgow (Queens); Mor- particularly been interested in the closed world assumption ris Goldberg (Ottawa); and Doug Skuce (Ottawa). for the treatment of negation in knowledge bases (default An application area of particular interest in Canada is logic) and in logical formalisms of database theory. He has the use of AI techniques and approaches in education. One had two Ph.D students interested in knowledge representa- focus of activity is at the IJniversity of Saskatchewan in tion, including Brian Funt (now at SFU) who investigated Saskatoon. Gord McCalla has been experimenting (through non-propositional “analogical” representations (using a par- the construction of a small LISP course) with the use of allel processing retina), and Randy Goebel (now at Water- AND/OR graphs to structure courses, work that possibly has loo) who is almost finished his thesis on the representation implications for the design of authoring languages (see Mc- and use of descriptions in knowledge bases. Also at UBC are Calla et al., 1982). He is (with Darwyn Peachey) interested Bill Havens and Alan Mackworth whose interest in knowl- in how to automatically plan courses individualized for par- edge representation for vision was discussed earlier. ticular students and dynamically replan them to overcome Doug Skuce, currently at Ottawa, received his Ph.D from misconceptions that arise. Dave Goforth, now at Science McGill for devising the general purpose knowledge repre- North in Sudbury, Ontario, has designed, has implemented sentation language LESK (“Language for Exactly Stating and is experimenting with the programming language LE- Knowledge”). Skuce has more recently become interested PUS created to allow students to participate in LOGO-style in compiling LESK into another language of his design; the “student initiative learning” in non-mathematical domains, logical language KNOWLOG (based on Prolog). He is inves- particularly domains involving the interaction of multiple en- tigating the use of KNOWLOG in expert systems and natural tities in various environments. Marlene Colbourn, during her language applications. years at Saskatchewan before going to Waterloo, developed an expert system that helps to diagnose children’s learning Expert Systems and Applications and reading disabilities. Many researchers whose work we describe elsewhere are Gerald Rambally has recently joined the faculty at Uni- involved in developing practical applications. We will not versity of Regina where he is pursuing computers and educa- re-iterate their names here. Instead we will concentrate on tion interests developed as a graduate student at University those whose major focus is the application itself or expert of Oregon. There has been work at UBC on intelligent tu- system technology. toring under the supervision of Richard Rosenberg and Alan Ernie Chang at the University of Victoria is developing Mackworth. Ivan Tomek at Acadia University in Wolfville, LISP-based expert systems to interpret liver function tests Nova Scotia, has developed Josef, an educational program- and is using an ATN interpreter to structure man-machine di- ming language similar in aim to Karel the Robot Simulator. alogues occurring in several video disk applications in hema- There are computers in education interests at the University tology. He is also interested in theoretical aspects of expert of Alberta, Ontario, Institute for Studies in Education in systems including using the utility function approach in se- Toronto, and many, many other places. These efforts aren’t lecting the next test and the compilation of production rules particularly oriented towards AI from descriptive knowledge bases. Peter Rowat, a graduate from UBC’s AI group now head- Issues in AI Programming, Man-Machine Interfaces, and Logic Programming ing his own company Dogwood AI Research, has moved on from the problem solving and robotics foci of his Ph.D to Canadian research is investigating programming the development of expert systems for forest management languages and environments for AI. Wilf Lalonde at Car- and avalanche control. He is particularly interested in how leton is developing an actor machine for use in AI. He is also planning and reasoning about time can be usefully incorpo- looking at possible applications based on the actor paradigm. rated into these applications. At Western Ontario several people are interested in as- Alan Campbell, now in Smithers, B C , is elaborating on pects of AI programming. Mike Bauer, for his Ph.D at his Stanford work on PROSPECTOR (the expert system for Toronto, investigated how programs could be induced from seeking out mineral deposits). In the context of PROSPEC- traces of their output. Now at Western, he is exploring how TOR hc is investigating general expert system frameworks to build software development experts to aid in the design, that will work on micro-computers (particularly the IBM- specification, and testing of software. He is particularly inter- PC). ested in the use of Prolog as a specification/prototyping lan- John Tsotsos at Toronto has been involved in the CAA guage. Bauer is also involved in sophisticated interfaces for and Alven medical expert systems mentioned earlier and has office systems. D. Julian M. Davies developed the POPLAR also launched the HIPPOCRATES second generation medi- 1.5 AI programming language. His work at Western includes cal consultant. Renee Elio at the Alberta Research Council programming languages and networks. Ted Elcock, also at has begun work on a meteorological expert system to help Western, is interested in the relationship between logic and forecast storms. Others expressing an explicit interest in ex- computing, and in particular the potential role of logic in a pert systems are Brian Unger (University of ); Mike good software methodology (see Elcock, 1983). Bauer (University of Western Ontario); Michael Burke (AES At Waterloo a significant effort is underway in logic pro-

54 THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 gramming. Maarten van Emden has been involved for some dreams. Roger Browse and a number of psychologists (Brian time in logic programming (van Emden, 1977), and recently Bultler, Susan Lederman, Ian Morrison) at Queens are work- Randy Goebel joined the faculty with his interests in DLOG, ing in the arca of cognitive modclling, including cognitive as- a logic oriented representation language. David Poole is an- pects of vision and perception. Kelly Wilson at Alberta has other faculty member with interests in logic programming been interested in interactions between computing science among other things. One of the projects underway is the con- and cognitive psychology for many years. Wilson has written struction of Waterloo UNIX Prolog. Veronica Dahl pursues a book, From Assoczation to Structure, 011 this topic. Oth- an interest in logic programming at Simon Fraser. She is con- ers expressing an interest in aspects of cognitive science are structing Prolog-based representations of grammars. Doug Brian Funt (Simon Fraser), John Cleary (Calgary), Gerald Skuce (Ottawa) in addition to developing his KNOWLOG Rambally (Regina), Larry Rendell (University of Guelph), language, is investigating intelligent backtracking in first or- and James Bradford (Bell Northern Research). There are der logic deduction. Stan Matwin collaborates with Skuce doubtless many more people involved in cognitive science, on some of his projects. Tomasz Pietrzkowski of the Techni- especially in psychology departments across the country. Un- cal University of Nova Scotia (TUNS) in Halifax is interested fortunately we have not heard from them. in logic programming, as well as architectures for computer graphics and AI. Problem Solving and Search: Planning, A concentration of researchers interested in man-mach- Robotics, Theorem Proving, Game Playing ine interfaces can be found at the University of Calgary in the There is surprisingly little Canadian work in the general Man-Machine Systems Laboratory. Brian Unger, director area of problem solving and search in AI Planning was a of project JADE, is investigating simulation and modelling, major component of the Perrault-Cohen-Allen natural lan- prototyping, and expert systems. John Cleary is working on guage effort at Toronto. Gord McCalla, in a project started distributed evaluation of logic programs based on message at Toronto and continued at Saskatchewan, has investigated passing, and use of this to support intelligent understand- plan creation, plan execution, knowledge acquisition, and er- ing of simulation traces. Bob Bramwell is interested in LISP ror recovery in a dynamic geographic microworld, work which and other symbol manipulation languages as well as user in- may prove relevant in the course planning project mentioned terfaces (specifically on-line documentation systems). David earlier. Peter Rowat (Dogwood AI) worked on robot prob- Hill, Ian Witten, Brian Wyvill and others pursue interests in lem solving for his Ph.D research at UBC. Bob Hadley (Simon man-machine studies. Fraser) is interested in very general problem solving. Reid Bell-Northern Research in Ottawa is doing some work Smith (formerly of Defence Research Establishment Atlantic on software and man-machine interfaces. Dick Peacocke has now at Schlumberger-Doll Research in Connecticut) devel- recently been put in charge of a project involving AI appli- oped during his Stanford Ph.D the contract net formalism cations in software engineering. James Bradford is working for distributed problem solving. Larry Rendell has investi- on ATN-based man-machine interfaces for various CAD/CAM gated adaptive planning for state space problems (see Ren- applications. dell, 1983). Others having involvement with some aspects of AI pro- In the area of robotics, Richard Gordon (University of gramming or interfaces include Sol Greenspan whose Toronto ) is investigating automated robotics techniques for Ph.D investigated a knowledge representation approach to early detection of melanoma and controlling an x-ray mi- requirements modelling. Greenspan has recently joined the crobeam. Susan Lederman and others at Queens are working Schlumberger-Doll AI laboratory in Connecticut. Michel Pi- on robot perception (visual, tactile, kinesthetic), especially late’s Toronto Ph.D thesis extended the TAXIS language so using parallel processors. James Bradford (at Bell North- it could be used to describe the problem domain and the user ern Research) is interested in robot sensors. Martin Levine interface. Tuncer Oren at Ottawa is involved in applications and Steve Zucker at McGill are exploring the use of robotics of AI software. Sharan Javey of York University is also inter- for inspection and repair of hybrid circuits. Tom Calvert’s ested in software design methods. Elio Renee at the Alberta work at Simon Fraser on the kinesthetics of dance has impli- Research Council is involved with intelligent interfaces. cations in robotics as his recent involvement with computer vision for mobile robots indicates. Len Schubert at Alberta is Cognitive Science working with a Heathkit robot trying to equip it with touch A number of researchers have interests in cognitive sci- sensors and use their improved range finder to enhance its ence. Zenon Pylyshyn in the psychology department at West- planning capabilities. There is other “mainstream” robotics ern Ontario has been a major player in Canadian AI for some work which is being carried on in engineering departments, years. His wide ranging cognitive science interests are now government research laboratories, and the private sector, but focussed in the Centre for Cognitive Science recently estab- these seem to make little use of AI techniques. lished at Western Ontario. Another area with Canadian expertise is theorem prov- Julian Davies, also of Western, has been interested in ing. Ted Elcock and Donald Keuhner at Western Ontario the characteristics of emotional robots. George Baylor, Mon- have been interested in theorem proving for some time as treal, is trying to understand mechanisms underlying has Tomasz Pietrzkowski at TUNS and formerly at Water-

THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 55 loo. Waterloo has also produced a number of Ph.D gradu- studies. Richard Rosenberg of UBC and Dalhousie has had ates in this area, including Phil Cox (now also at TUNS) and longstanding concern for the social implications of AI, and Lew Baxter who went on to York before joining Logicware, a has recently written a book on the social issues of comput- Toronto-based AI company. Many people whose early inter- ing with many aspects pertinent to AI Needless to say, many ests were in theorem proving are now also interested in logic scientists, both within AI and elsewhere, feel that it, is im- programming (including Ted Elcock, Tomasz Pietrzkowski, portant to be aware of the social implications of their work. Ray Reiter, and others). Game playing research is also carried out in several The CSCSI/SCEIO places in Canada. Two of the more prominent names in The Canadian Society for Computational Studies of In- this area are Tony Marsland at Alberta (see Marsland and telligence/Societb Canadienne pour l’&ude de l’intelligence and Monroe Newborn at McGill. Both have Campbell, 1982) par ordinateur began unobtrusively in 1973 with an informal created chess playing programs which play with considerable “get together” at the University of Western Ontario. This skill. Julian Davies at Western also expresses an interest in was followed by an Ottawa ‘Lworkshop” in 1975. The First game playing, and Maarten van Emden at Waterloo has used National Conference of the CSCSI/SCEIO was held in 1976 Prolog in implementing strategies for chess endgames. at the University of British Columbia. Every two years since 1976 a national conference has been held and refereed Pro- Learning and Adaptive Systems ceedings produced. In 1978 the second conference was held An area of growing interest in AI is learning. In Canada, in Toronto, followed in 1980 by the third conference at the Larry Rendell of Guelph is perhaps most prominent in this University of Victoria and the fourth conference in 1982 at area. Since completing his Ph.D at Waterloo, he has been the University of Saskatchewan. The Fifth National Con- very active in exploring a number of topics, including induc- ference was held at the University of Western Ontario in tive inference, particularly from elementary data in search; May, 1984. The Sixth National Conference will be held in genetic systems; and the unification of various approaches Montreal in May of 1986, with Renato de Mori acting as gen- to generalization. Rendell has recently taken up an appoint- eral chairman and Bill Havens as program Chairman. Next ment at University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign. Gord May, a natural language workshop, “Theoretical Approaches McCalla at Saskatchewan has supervised work in learning to Natural Language”, sponsored by the CSCSI/SCEIO will procedures and data structures, and has investigated the au- take place in Halifax. tomatic acquisition of episodic knowledge in dialogue sys- The CSCSI/SCEIO became a special interest group of the tems as well as acquisition of route information in the ge- Canadian Information Processing Society [CIPS] in the late ographic planning system. Wilf Lalonde at Carleton is in- 1970s. Formal accredition came to the CSCSI/SCEIO in 1980 terested in the learning of natural language. Two nearly in the form of a constitution and an Ontario letters patent completed Ph.D theses also are investigating topics in learn- which were filed that year. Its purpose, according to the ing; Jim Delgrande’s work on automatic theory construction, constitution, is to “promote the interests of professionals by and expatriate Canadian Bob Holte’s work on constructing setting up study groups to investigate and report on relevant machines to be able to keep up with changing facts and de- major issues, to organize seminar and tutorial meetings, pub- mands. Holte is currently a Ph.D student at Brunel. lish the CSCSI/SCEIO newsletter for the membership, forge Adaptive systems is related to learning, but has differ- and maintain informed links with Governnient, Industry and ent theoretical underpinnings. Several Canadian professors other societies with similar goals, and other items of interest have trained in this area at the University of Michigan un- to the society. The CSCSI/SCEIO is organized and operated der John Holland’s supervision, but have since strayed from exclusively for educational and research purposes in the in- the adaptive systems path. One that hasn’t is Jeff Samp- terest area of computational studies of intelligence.” son at Alberta who is still helping to elaborate the theory The CSCSI/SCEIO can report considerable success in of adaptive systems and has written a widely read book on meeting its ob.jectives. The newsletter, which came out an- the subject. Jeff Sampson supervised Anne Brindle’s Ph.D nually in the early years, one being produced at UBC, West- thesis. She is now in California. John Cleary at Calgary ern Ontario, Toronto, Alberta, and Ottawa, is now more is aiming to achieve a VLSI realization of parallel adaptive frequently distributed. Since these early “one-shot” newslet- systems. ters, the CSCSI/SCEIO has co-operated with two other CIPS It is highly probable that there will be increased Cana- special interest groups, CIPPRS and CMCCS, producing a dian interest in the problem of learning as it becomes a more jointly written newsletter, thanks mainly t,o the efforts of prominent AI issue. Wayne Davis and Universit,y of Alberta facilities. Recently, the CSCSI/SCEIO Newsletter re-established independence Computers and the Humanities-Social Issues and will be appearing quarterly under the able guidance of There is some interest in Canada in the relationship of its new editor, Graeme Hirst. Alan Mackworth announced AI to other areas and to society. Nick Cercone and Carol last year that NET CAN.AI and NET CAN AI CSCSI were Murchison at Simon Fraser have been compiling an anno- created for users of the UNIX UITCP mail facility as an- tated bibliography of computer-based literary and linguistic other vehicle for dissemination of information about, Cana-

56 THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 dian AI activities. Present and past executive members of References the CSCSI/SCEIO (see Appendix 2) have written timely and concerned letters to industry, private foundations, and gov- ernment officials (particularly NSERC and Science Council) putting forth concerns of the CSCSI/SCEIO. Allen, J. & Perrault, R. (1980) Analyzing Intention in Utterances The CSCSI/SCEIO co-sponsored the 7th IJCAI which was Artificzal Intelligence 15(2) 143-178 held in Vancouver in 1981. In addition the October, 1983 is- Cercone, N (1981) Some Problems in Representing Grammatical sue of IEEE Computer was solicited by the IEEE and was Modifiers IEEE PAMI 4: 357-368. based, in part, on the papers presented at the CSCSI/SCEIO 4th National Conference in Saskatoon. The CSCSI/SCEIO Dal& V. (1981) Translating Spanish into Logic through Logic has successfully negotiated with the National Research Coun- AJCL 7(3). cil of Canada (NRC) over the past few months to begin publishing a new journal-Computational Intelligence (CI). Elcock, T (1983) How Complete are Knowledge R.epresentation A recent survey of artificial intelligence researchers world- Systems. IEEE Computer 16(10) 114-118 wide was conducted by the CSCSI/SCEIO which showed over- whelming support for such a journal. The Executive is con- Funt, B. (1980) Problem-Solving with Diagrammatic Representa- tions. Artijiczal 1ntellzgence 13(3) 201-230. fident that the CSCSI/SCEIO can sponsor and maintain a high-quality journal like CI. It will be up to the co-editors, Havens, W. & Mackworth, A (1983) Representing Knowledge of Nick Cercone and Gord McCalla, to achieve this goal. CI the Visual World. IEEE Computer 16(10) 90-96 begins publishing in the first quarter of 1985. Marsland, T., & Campbell, M (1982) Parallel Search of St,rongly Ordered Game Trees. ACM Computing Surveys 14(4) 533-551.

McCalla, G & Cerconc, N (1984). Directions for Canadian Arti- Concluding Remarks ficial Intelligence. CSCSI/SCEIO Newsletter 3( 1)

McCalla, G., Peachey, D , & Ward, B (1982) An Architecture Before concluding this article, several other recent en- for the Design of Large Scale Intelligent Teaching Systems. 4th deavors of relevance to Canadian AI should be mentioned. CSCSI/SCEIO 85-91. The first is a project sponsored by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research that is funding three centers of excellence Mylopoulos, J., Shibahara, T., & Tsotsos, J (1983) Building (UBC, Toronto, and McGill) to carry out long term funda- Knowledge-Based Systems: The PSN Experience. IEEE Computer mental research into “AI, Robotics and Society” [AIRS]. The 16( 10) 83-89. initial time frame for the AIRS project is five years. A second recent initiative is the formation of a Canadian Institute for Reitcr, R (1980) A Logic for Default Reasoning Artzficzal Intel- lzgence 13: 81-132. Fifth Generation Research which is in the process of identi- fying Canadian Fifth Generation expertise and lobbying for Reiter, R., & Criscuolo, G (1983) Some Representational Issues funds to support Fifth Generation research. Currently, most in Default Reasoning. In Cercone, N. (Ed.), Computattonal Lin- funding for AI in Canada comes in the form of individual guistics London: Pergamon Press grants from the National Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC). Fifth generation money would augment Rendell, L (1983) A Learning System which Accommodates Fea- these funds and would encourage more widespread collabo- ture Interactions. IJCAI 8: 469-472. ration. Finally, it should be noted that there are a number of companies now doing AI in Canada, although these are Schubert, L., Goebel, R., & Cercone, N. (1979) The Structure and not as numerous as in the United States. Among them are Organization of a Semantic Net for Comprehension and Infercncc In N Findler (Ed ) Associative Networks New York: Academic Dogwood AI in Vancouver, specializing in expert systems Press for resource management; Logicware in Toronto, promoting PROLOG; and Cognicom, a consortium of academic AI re- Schubert, L & Pelletier, J (1982) From English to Logic: Context- searchers. There are other companies already in existence Free Computation of “Conventional” Logical Translations A JCL and more seem to be forming all the time. 8: 27-44.

In conclusion, it is our hope that this article will engen- van Emden, M. (1977) Programming with Resolution Logic In der interest in Canadian artificial intelligence. We recognize Elcock, T., & Michie, D (Eds ) Machine Intellzgence 8. Chicester, that it is impossible to attempt to survey the entire country UK:Ellis Horwood without some error and misrepresentation; we apologize if we have misrepresented anyone. We welcome any feedback Zucker. S (1981) Computer Vzszon and Human Perception: An from both Canadian and other readers of AI Magazine. Essay on the Dzscovery of Constraants. IJCAI 7

THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985 57 APPENDIX I: Cross Reference List Cognitive Science Area of Interest m Researcher B Funt (SFU), K Walton (Alberta), J. Cleary (Calgary), G Rambally (Regina), Z Pylyshyn (UWO), L. Rendell (Guelph-lZlinow), R. Browse (Queem), J. Bradford (BNR), G Baylor (Montreal) Computational Vision/Image Processing/ Pattern Recognition Problem Solving and Search: Planning, Games P Rowat (Dogwood), R. Hadley (SFU), T Marsland (Alberta), G. Mc- J. Paul (UBC), W Havens (UBC), A Ma&worth (UBC), R Woodham (WC), B Funt (SFlJ), T. C&w-t (SFU), W. Davis (Alberta), J TSO~SOS Calla (Sask), J Davies (UWO), R. Perrault (SRI), M Newborn (McGill), R Smath (Scldumbergel) (Toronto), R. Browse (Queem), J Kulzck (Queem), M. Goldberg (Ottawa), T. Kasvand (NRC), C Suen (Concordia), S Zucker (McGill), M Levine (McGdl), J. Glicksman (Texas In& ) Robotics T Calvert (SFU), R. Gordon (Manitoba), T Shabahara (Toronto), R. Natural Language/Computational Linguistics/Speech Browse (Queens), J Bradford (BNR), S. Zucker (M~G211),M. Levine (McGill) Theorem Proving E Chang (Vactoria), D Curran (Vane), R Rosenberg (UBC-Dalhousae), W. Moore (UBC), N. Cercone (SFU), V Dahl (SFU), R Hadley (SFU), E. T Elcock (UWO), T. Pietrzkowski (TUNS) Renee (Alta RC), L Schubert (Alberta), G. McCalla (Susk), G. Hirst (Toronto), R. Perrault (SRI), R. Cohen (Toronto), W LaLonde (Carleton), C. Suen (Con- Learning and Adaptive Systems cordia), R deMorz (Concordza), R. Kittredge (Montreal), B. Webber (Penn), C Konakhpsis (NYU) E. Renee (Alta RC), J Sampson (Alberta), J. Cleary (Calgary), L. Rendell (Guelph Illanois), W. LaLonde (Carleton), R. Holte (Brunei)

Representation of Knowledge Humanities and Social Issues

W Havens (UBC), A Ma&worth (lJBC), R Reater (UBC), B fint D. Curran (Vancouver), R Rosenberg (UBC Dalhousae), N cercone (SFU), N Cercone (SFU), L Schubert (Alberta), R Goebel (Waterloo), T. Shibahara (Toronto), G Harst (Toronto), J. Mylopoulos (Toronto), D Sk-ace WV (Ottawa), R Smith (Schiumberger), H Levesque (Fairchild Toronto) Appendix II: CSCSI/SCEIO Expert Systems / Applications

E. Chang (Victoria), J. Paul (lJBC), P. Rowat (Dogwood), N Cercone Officers of the CSCSI/SCEIO (SFU), A Campbell (Smathers), E Renee (Alta RC), T Marsland (Alberta), B. Unger (Calgary), M Colbourn (Sask- Waterloo), M. Bauer (UWO), M Burke (AES), T Shibahara (Toronto), J. Mylopoulos (Tmonto), J Tsotsos (Toronto), R Browse (Queens), M Goldberg (Ottawa), D. Skate (Ottawa), T Oren (06 Past President tawa), T. Kasvand (NRC), M. Levine (McGill), J Glacksman (Texas I&), R. Nick Cercone Smith (Schlumberger) Department of Computer Science Simon Fraser University AI in Education Burnaby, British Columbia V5A lS6

G McCalla (Sask), D. Goforth (Sask), M Colbourn (, G. President Rambally (Regina), I. Tomek (Acadaa) Gordon McCalla Department of Computational Science Issues in AI Programming University of Saskatchewan G Turnquist (Cooperators), R Bramwell (Cdgary), B. Unger (Calgary), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan S7N OWO M Bauer (UWO), J Davzes (UWO), S Jarvey (York), T Oren (Ottawa), W LaLonde (Carleton), R Peacocke (BNR), T Paetrzkowsln’(TUNS), I Tomek Vice-President [Queens) John Tsotsos Department of Computer Science Man-Machine Interfaces University of Toronto Toronto, Ontario M5S IA7 E. Renee (Alta RC), R Bramwell (Calgary), M. Bauer (UWO), J Brad ford (BNR), T Pietrzkowsln (TUNS) Secretary

Logic Programming Mike Bauer Department of Computer Science P Rowat (Dogwood), R Reiter (UBC), V Dahl (SFU), J Cleary (Cal- University of Western Ontario gary), T Elcock (UWO), R Goebel (Waterloo), M van Emden (Waterloo), D. London, Ontario N6A 5B9 Skuce (Ottawa), T. Paetrzkowski (TUNS) Treasurer Wayne Davis Department of Computing Science This list is based on responses to our questionaires Some non-Canadians are included since the questionaires wele distributed to all CSCSI/SCEIO University of Alberta members, some of whom ale not, rcsidcnt in Canada Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2Hl

58 THE AI MAGAZINE Winter, 1985