Cloister Chronicle 317
liOISTER+ CnROIDCliFL ST. JOSEPH'S PROVINCE The Fathers and Brothers of St. Joseph's Province extend Sympathy their prayers and sympathy to the Rev. V. F. Kienberger, O.P., and to the Rev. F. ]. Barth, O.P., on the death of their mothers; to the Rev. C. M. Delevingne, O.P., on the death of his brother. St. Vincent Ferrer's Church in New York was honored on Cloister Oct. 10, by a visit of His Eminence, Eugenio Cardinal Visitors Pacelli, Papal Secretary of State. Accompanied by His Eminence, Patrick Cardinal Hayes, Archbishop of New York, the Cardinal Secretary made a thorough tour of the beautiful church. His Excell ency, the Most Rev. John T. McNicholas, O.P., Archbishop of Cincinnati, returned to St. Joseph's Priory, Somerset, Ohio, on the oc casion of the thirty-fifth anniversary of his elevation to the Holy Priest hood. The Archbishop celebrated Mass in St. Joseph's Church on the morning of Oct. 10. Before returning home, he spent some two hours in conversation with the Brother Students. Sept. 20-21, Immaculate Conception Convent in Washington was host to the Most Rev. John Francis Noll, D.D., B:shop of Fort W ayne, Ind., whose visit was occasioned by the investiture of the late Rt. Rev. Msgr. John J. Burke, C.S.P. Tuesday, Oct. 20, the Most Rev. Stephen J. Donahue, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of New York, administered the Sacrament of Confirmation to a large class of children and adults at St. Vincent Ferrt!r's, in New York.
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