Archbishop Vehr Consecrated 20 Years Ago June 10 REGISTER

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Archbishop Vehr Consecrated 20 Years Ago June 10 REGISTER 4 —^ Archbishop Vehr Consecrated 20 Years Ago June 10 Great Advance in 2 Decades Dodge City New See for 28 Counties Returns to Service The 20th anniversary of the consecration of Archbishop ^Urban J. Vehr as the fourth Ordinary of Western Kansas Diocese Set Up Denver, June 10, gives occasion for noting the amazing growth and development of the Catholic Church Washington.— P i u s XII h a s cenna and Auxiliary to Arch­ Sacred Heart church in Dodge in Colorado in the past two decades. Figures in the 1951 “ Catholic Directory” give the Catholic popu­ created the new Diocese of Dodge bishop Henry P, Rohlman of Du­ City, heretofore in the Diocese of lation of the' ArchdicJcese of Denver as 112,573 and of the Diocese of Pueblo as 89,397— a total of 201,970 City, comprising 28 counties of buque. Wichita, will be the Cathedral of the new diocese. Within the limits compared with 135,258 in 1931. No special observance of the anniversary is planned. Western Kansas, the Apostolic The 28 Kansas counties in the of the new Diocese of Dodge City Delegation announced here June new Diocese of Dodge City are there is a Catholic population of -f -h -f 4- -j- The outstanding event in the past two decades was. the 6. Monsignor John B. Franz, rec­ Barton, Stafford, Pratt, Barber, establishment of Denver as a Metropolitan see Nov. 15, 21,000 served by 46 priests in 43 tor of the Cathedral of the Im­ Rush, Ness, Lane, Scott, Wichita, parishes and 16 missions. 'There 1941, the elevation of Archbishop “Vehr to Archiepiscopal maculate Conception, Springfield, Greeley, Hamilton, Kearney, Fin­ are also within the see 30 Cath­ rank, and the establishment of the Diocese of Pueblo with 111., is named the first Bishop of ney, Hodgeman, Pawnee, EdwArds, olic elementary schools, three the southern half of the state as its territory. The Diocese Dodge City. Ford, Gray, Haskell, Grant, Stan­ Catholic high schools, and five Moniignor Lora* Thoma* of Cheyenne was made a suffragan see of the Archdiocese of ton, Morton, Stevens, Seward, Catholid hospitals. Lane, Vice Chancellor of the Meade, Clark, Kiowa, and Co­ Monsignor PYanz was bom in Denver at that time. Archbishop "Vehr was installed as Arch­ Dubuque archdiocese, has been manche. They were formerly in Springfield, III, Oct. 29, 1896, bishop of Denver Jan. 6, 1942. named Titular Bishop of Bene- the Wichita and Salina dioceses. the son of Fridolin and Louisa An amazing feature of the de / (Reisch) Franz, Sr., both deceased. velopment of the Church under Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation He studied at Quincy college (St. the leadership of Archbishop Vehr Francis Solanus’ ), Quincy, HI, and is that many of the 1951 Catholic Contents-Xlopyrighted by the Catholic Press Society, Inc., 1951— Permission to Reproduce, Except on Kenrick seminary, and was or­ Directory figures for the archdio­ Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 M. Friday Following Issue. dained at Kenrick by the late cese, including now only 33 coun­ Cardinal Glennon June 13, 1920. ties in the northern half of the He was named Papal Chamber- state, are greater than comparable lain in 1942, and a Domestic Prel­ figures for the whole state in 1931. ate in 1945. He has been treasurer The Rev. (Major) Rich­ Thus there are 244 priests in the since 1935, the year he was named ard Hiester returns to serv­ archdiocese in 1951, fis compared Cathedral rector, of the Catholic with 229 in 1931; diocesan priests Institute and High School associa­ ice this week as a chaplain in the in 1951 number 136, compared DENViRCATHaiC tion, and chairman for the same U.S. air “force. He will leave St. with 123 in 1931. Similarly, there period of thei Catholic Welfare Joseph’s mother-house, Denver, are 56 seminarians in 1951, and Committee of Illinois. where he has been chaplain for the were 36 in 1931. (The Diocese of Bishop-elect Lane was born in past five years, for the chaplains’ Pueblo has, 1951, 117 priests, of Cascade, la., in 1910. He was grad­ school at Fort Slocum, N.Y., after whom 54 are diocesan; 47 par­ uated from Notre Dame in 1932, which he will be stationed at the ishes, 92 missions, 21 seminarians, and was ordained at the North Flight Training Command head­ 301 sisters.) R E G IS T E R American college in Rome in 1937. quarters, Scott Field, Belleville, 111. Even more astonishing is the He did postgraduate work at the Father Hiester was ordained in growth of enrollment in Catholic University of Iowa and the Cath­ Rome in 1937 and served as a schools. In 1931, 49 parishes in chaplain in World war II in the V O L XLVI. No. 42. THURSDAY, JUNE 7, 1951 DENVER, COLORADO olic University of America. He has the state were listed as having held numerous diocesan offices. U. S. and the South Pacific. } ' parochial schools, and enrollment was set at 11,981. In 1951, the 10 parochial high schobls, three pri­ vate high schools, and 39 elemen­ tary schools of the northern half of the state alone have an en­ 2 Churches to Be Dedicated Within Week rollment of 14,834, of which 2,- + + 988 is in high schools. The Dio­ + + + 4- cese of Pueblo has 776 students in four high schools and 3,964 Divine Redeemer Officers Selected pupils in 16 elementary schools Priest Designs Altar for New Church Archbishop Urban J. Vehr in 1951. Conxert work h a s nearly Parish, Colorado For Lady of Grace tripled in the past two decade* — if the whole state is consid­ Rev. P. J. Moran Admitted ered it is nearly four times a* areat. There were 369 conxert* Springs, Year Old Services June 11 in the whole state in 1931— two decades later record* show Archbishop Urban J. Vehr A Solemn Dedication Mass To Hospital for Treatment 1,021 for the Denxer archdio­ will preside at the Solemn coram Archiepiscopo for the cese and an additional 224 in Dedication Mass Thursday, new Our Lady of Grace The Rev. Peter J. Moran, pas­ theological studies were taken at the Pueblo diocese, a total of church in the fast-growing tor of Sacred Heart parish in 1,245 for the state. June 14, for the new Churcl) St. Thomas’ seminary, Denver, and Swansea district of Denver Peetz, left- June 4 for Tacoma, Catholic Baptisms o f infants of the Divine Redeemer in 5 Wash^ where he will undergo he was ordained by Archbishop have more than doubled for the Colorado Springs, after blessing will be celebrated June 11, accord­ treatment for partial paralysis. Urban J. Vehr in 1933. state: 6,566 in the Archdiocese of the structure at 11 o’clock. ing to the Rt, Rev. Monsignor In his absence, the Rev. Dominic Denver and 4,647 in the Diocese Charles Hagus of Annunciation Pastor in Peetz Msgr. Bosetti to Offer Mass parish, under whose direction the Sclafani, O.S.B., chaplain of St. of Pueblo, a total of 11,213 com­ f 4 , Benedict’s hospital in Sterling, will Since August, 1949 pared with 5,440 two decades ago The celebrant of the Mass coram church was built. say one Mass each Sunday and Marriages show a like increase; Archiepiscopo will be the Rt. Rev. Following the dedication cere­ holy day in Peetz. Father Moran’s His first assignment was as as 1,940 (1,273 Catholic, 667 mixed) Monsignor Joseph J. Bosetti, Chan­ monies at 10 o’clock. Archbishop stay in Tacoma will be for an in­ sistant pastor in Holy Family par­ for the Archdiocese of Denver in cellor and Vicar General of the Urban J. Vehr will preside at the determinate time. 1951, plus 865 (704 Catholic and archdiocese; the deacon will be the first Mass in the new church. The ish, Denver. In 1934 he was named Rev. Anthony Elzi, pastor of Cor­ Father Moran is a native of chaplain of St. Benedict’s hos­ 161 mixed) for the Diocese of Rt. Rev. Monsignor Eugene O’Sul­ Pueblo, a total of 2,805 compared pus Christ! parish, Colorado livan, pastor of St. Vincent de County Leitrim, Ireland, and pital, Sterling, and in 1938 he was Springs; and the subdeacon will be studied at St.'^Mel’s college there made administrator of Stoneham with 1,334 in 1931. Paul’s parish, will be celebrant, the Rev. John Nelson, O.M.I., pas­ and the other officers will be: The before' entering the seminary at in addition to his hospital duties. Silver Jubilee in 1940 tor of Sacred Heart parish, Colo­ Maynooth for his philosophy. His In August, 1949, Father Moran Rev. A. G. Elzi, pastor of Corpus On May 29, 1940, when Arch­ rado Springs. Christi church, (Colorado Springs, was made pastor of the P^etz par­ bishop Vehr celebrated his silver Deacons of honor to the Arch­ ish and had served its needs de­ deacon; the'flev. John J. Doherty, jubilee in the priesthood, it was bishop will be the Rev. Michael pastor of St. Bernadette’s parish, Council 539 Elects spite his handicap. His left leg is recounted that in less than nine Harrington, pastor of the Pauline encased in a brace. Lakewood, subdeacon; the Very years as the Ordinary of Denver chapel, Colorado Springs; and Fa­ IN KEEPING with the name of the par­ seph Warnat of Pueblo. The dedicatioh of the new Rev.IMonsignor Bernard J. Cullen In September, 1949, Father he had dedicated 45 new chusches, ther (Lt. Col.) John Anderton, air ish, the large crucifix shown abpve domi­ church in East Colorado Springs by Archbishop of the Chancery office, master of Moran made a pilgrimage to defense command chaplain, Ent air Urban J.
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