Of Spatial Plan

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Of Spatial Plan Jacek Zaucha of SpatialPilot Draft PlanPlan for the West Part of the Gulf of Gdańsk FIRST MARITIME Spatial PlAN IN PolAND MARITIME INSTITUTE IN GDAŃSK GDAŃSK 2010 Editor: Jacek Zaucha Contributors: Magdalena Błeńska Reviewer: andrzej Cieślak paulina Brzeska agnieszka Brzezińska Co-authors: Łukasz gajewski andrzej Cieślak anna goralewska-Burdukiewicz Juliusz gajewski Benedykt hac lidia kruk-dowgiałło agnieszka krężel urszula kowalczyk Maciej kałas iwona kuklik Marek kuliński andrzej osowiecki Magdalena Matczak Mariusz sapota Monika Michałek krzysztof e. skóra radosław opioła kazimierz szefler katarzyna rybka henryka wojcieszyk antoni staśkiewicz krzysztof wojcieszyk izabela Zelewska Translation: ośrodek tłumaczeń „Bank&Bank” s.c., gdańsk Typography: Magdalena Janke Photos: dominik Żyłowski, http://wizjer.blogspot.com różni autorzy, www.sxc.hu Printing: ISBN: 978-83-62438-05-1 4 pilot draft plan for the west part of the gulf of gdańsk Contents INTRoDUCTIoN 6 PART 1 Determinants oF ThE draft MARITIME spatial PlAN oF ThE WEST part oF ThE GUlF oF Gdańsk 8 1.1 Physical conditions and existing uses of sea area 8 1.2 Characteristics of protected species and species requiring protection 12 1.3 Characteristics of the most valuable habitats 18 1.4 Main threats to species and habitats 20 1.5 Legal environment of nature protection in the area covered by the plan 22 1.6 State of spatial development of neighbouring land 25 1.7 Planned development of the land area 30 1.8 Fishery 32 1.9 Tourism 37 1.10 Transport 39 PART 2 ThE PRoCESS oF spatial PlANNING FoR ThE WEST part oF ThE GUlF oF Gdańsk AND ITS RESUlTS 42 2.1 Methodology of development of the pilot plan 42 2.2 Pilot draft spatial plan of the west part of internal sea waters of the gulf of gdańsk 52 2.2.1 Legal basis and character of the plan 52 2.2.2 Boundaries of the sea area covered by the draft plan 53 2.2.3 The integral parts of the plan 53 2.2.4 Determinations of the plan 54 2.2.5 Detailed determinations concerning specific sea areas – sea basin sheets 60 2.2.6 Final determinations 61 anneXe 2.1 list of sea basins 62 anneXe 2.2 examples of sea basin sheets 63 2.3 Barriers hindering planning 68 2.4 Conclusions and recommendations 72 BIBlIoGRAPhY 78 FIGURES, MAPS AND TABlES 80 Contents 5 Introduction Maritime spatial planning is a concept that has come to the attention of spatial planners and spatial decision-makers relatively recently. although attempts to draw up maritime spatial plans have been made in some countries for many years, a breakthrough came with the eu integrated maritime policy, as outlined in the green (eC 2006) and Blue (eC 2007) Books and presented, in detail, in the action plan (eC 2007a). on the map of Community policies, the maritime policy is a brand new phenomenon. the debate on the policy has been instrumental for the popularization of the concept of, and need for, maritime spatial planning in europe. under polish law, drawing up spatial plans for sea areas has been possible since 2003 (Zaucha 2009, p.p. 36–38). responsibility for planning is uniform over all sea areas (i.e., internal sea wa- ters, 12-nm zone and eeZ). regulations concerning spatial planning of sea areas are contained in Chapter 9 (articles 37a and 37b) of the act on sea areas of poland and Maritime administration of March 21st, 1991. the authority responsible for drawing up the plan is the director of Maritime office.t he offices, located ing dynia, słupsk and szczecin make up poland’s maritime administra- tion reporting to the minister competent for issues of maritime economy (currently the Minister of infrastructure). 6 pilot draft plan for the west part of the gulf of gdańsk however, existing regulations do not establish a requirement to plan, and – considering that the provisions concerning the role of the plans and their practical regulative importance are, in fact, too general – until 2008 no plan of that kind had been worked out in poland. one of the obvious reasons for that was also a lack of relevant executory regulations. the spatial plan for the western part of the gulf of gdańsk is thus of a pilot nature. it has been drawn up at the order of the Maritime office in gdynia which acquired funds to that end un- der the „planCoast” eu project. the development of the draft pilot plan should be viewed as a practical attempt at testing the possibility for drawing up maritime plans under poland’s legal, information and staff-related conditions. the objective was also to improve the awareness of polish decision-makers and stakeholders that implementation of spatial planning in poland’s sea areas is needed. in addition, it was expected to provide experience and conclusions regarding the direction in which the maritime spatial planning system should be developed and implemented. the plan has been worked out by an interdisciplinary team from the Maritime institute in gdańsk, representing the following disciplines: macrospatial planning, information technology (gis), ocea- nography, physical/biological ecology and economics. the team was supported by experts from the Voivodship spatial planning office (local spatial planning), ichthyologists and specialists on sea mammals from the Marine station of the university of gdańsk. prior to starting development of the plan, the team had analysed world-wide experience in spatial management of sea areas. the process of elaboration of the plan was extremely short, owing to financial and time restrictions of thep lanCoast project and lasted from september 2007 until March 2008. the initial version of the plan was present- ed to the experts of the Maritime office ing dynia in april 2008 and, after considering their remarks, was presented to the stakeholders in June 2009. paralelly, members of the planning team were involved in the process of the development of the national spatial development strategy, referred to as the „national spatial development Concept 2030”, thus securing synergy between both processes. at present, the draft plan is still of indicative nature. there is a hope, though, that after currently prepared changes of law the plan will effectively shape the spatial management of the western gulf of gdańsk area. this book is composed of two parts. the first describes the planning conditions, in fact it is an analysis of the area covered by the plan and of the surrounding territories influencing the plan area. part two presents the process of plan development, the plan itself and conclusions for the future. introduCtion 7 1 Part 1 Determinants of the draft maritime spatial plan of the west part of the Gulf of Gdańsk 1.1 Physical CoNDITIoNS AND ExISTING USES oF sea area the area covered by the pilot spatial plan covers the western part of internal sea waters of the gulf of gdańsk (Zatoka gdańska). its delimitation from the east, i.e., from the side of the sea (the re- maining part of the gulf of gdańsk) is the line joining the tip of the hel peninsula (półwysep hel- ski) with the boundary between gdynia and sopot municipalities (with the exclusion of gdynia, puck, Jastarnia and hel harbour areas, closed by breakwaters1). the area includes only sea waters to avoid collision with terrestrial spatial planning. the surface of the area totals to 40,550 ha. its border on the land side is the coastline, as set by the director of the Maritime office. the sea area covered by the pilot plan is situated close to the tri-City (gdańsk, gdynia and sopot) agglomeration recognised as a metropolitan area (weak MEGA) in european studies, the area being a multi-functional economic centre including an important multimodal transport hub. from the north it is closed by a region of intense tourist functions of national importance. the municipali- ties surrounding the area of the study were inhabited, as of 2006, by 316,512 inhabitants, the city of gdynia accounting for ca. 80% of that number. 1 They are subject to other planning regulations. 8 pilot draft plan for the west part of the gulf of gdańsk Fig. 1. Puck Bay Source: Maritime Institute in Gdańsk deterMinants of the draft MaritiMe spatial plan 9 the sea area covered by the plan is a part of the gulf of gdańsk. the area has a slightly diversified coastline and varied depths. the puck Bay (Zatoka pucka) accounts for about 90% of the sea area (fig. 1).t he Bay is divided into two parts, different in terms of morphology, hydrology, hydrochem- istry and biocenosis – the eastern, outer part and the western, inner one, referred to also as the puck lagoon (Zalew pucki). the border between the two bodies of water is a spit-like form – ryf Mew(seagull sandbar) 8.6 km long, cut near rewa by the artificially deepened głębinka passage on the fairway to puck and a 1.3 km long narrows near kuźnica. the two sea areas differ greatly from each other in terms of depth and morphology. the eastern part, much deeper, directly adjoins the gulf of gdańsk. the western part is a 2nd order estuary, meet- ing all the criteria of a lagoon (Majewski 1972). it is a shallow body of water (of average depth of 3.1 m, maximum depth is 9.1 m). its bottom relief is diversified with shallows (piaski Zachodnie (western sands), piaski dziewicze (Virgin sands)), troughs, deeps (rzucewska, kuźnicka, Chałupska deeps) and basins (pucki and kuźnicki) significanlty influencing its hydrological conditions. water circula- tion in the inner bay (of currents direction and speed) is quite instable and depends mainly on bottom relief and the changing wind directions.
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