AMBUCIK The Journal of the New Zealand Antarctic Society Vol 16. No. 2, 1998 [ A conversation bbvuhh scarr Arte ill ■ A n t a r c t i c W o r k s h o p ■ Solo at Cape Adare ■ Latest programme news ■ ' C a t s o n I c e ' The Magazine for Logistic Decision - Maker Educators Local government Transport sector Science Outdoors ®W Next Issue Transport Education Options YES, I'd like to subscribe to The Transportant Please enrol me for LJ 6 issues $42 including GST) Organisation:. Address: Type of Business: Phone: ( ) Fax:( ) E-mail: Payment: $_ (Please make cheques payable to Head Consultants Lid) Signature: Your Reference: Please commence my subscription and bill me annually until countermanded in writing. Please post or fax coupon to: Head Consultants Ltd, P.O. Box 2369, Phone: 03 365 0344, Fax: 03 365 4255, E-mail:
[email protected] L^ Antarctic 132I323SE2 Contents FORTHCOMING EVENTS LEAD STORY Antarctic Future Workshop FEATURE Feline Pioneers on Ice by Baden Norris NEWS Cover Illustration: Courtesy of Nigel Brown, Acrylic on Canvas EDUCATION 1998. "A Conversation between Scott and Hillary concerning Journeys in Antarctica" from his collection of works painted as NATIONAL PROGRAMMES one of Antarctica New Zealand's first recipient of the 'Artists to New Zealand 'Antarctic' award. United States Volume 16, No. 2, 1998, Bulgaria Issue No. 164 FEATURES TAE Hut by David Harrowfield ANTARCTIC is published quarterly by the New Zealand Antarctic International Flavour at Bratina Is. Oasis Society Inc., ISSN 0003-5327. Please address all editorial inquiries and contributions to by Rob Smith, NIWA Antarctic Journal, P O Box 404, Christchurch or TRIBUTE telephone 03 365 0344, facsimile 03 365 4255, Mike Prebble e-mail
[email protected].