New England Plant Conservation Program Nabalus racemosus (Michx.) Hook. Glaucous white lettuce Conservation and Research Plan for New England Prepared by: Lisa St. Hilaire Ecologist 14 Prospect St. Augusta, Maine 04339 USA For: New England Wild Flower Society 180 Hemenway Road Framingham, Massachusetts 01701 USA 508/877-7630 e-mail:
[email protected] • website: Approved, Regional Advisory Council, December 2003 1 SUMMARY Nabalus racemosus (Michx.) Hook., glaucous white lettuce, is a perennial member of the Asteraceae or composite family. It is considered globally secure (G5), but in New England, it is known only from northern Maine, primarily along the St. John River. There are also several occurrences along the Aroostook River. Ice scour and flooding are common annual disturbances on these rivers. Many of the N. racemosus populations were discovered during survey efforts for Pedicularis furbishiae (Furbish’s lousewort), and both species, as well as many other rarities, may be found at some sites. In other parts of the country, N. racemosus grows in prairie communities. There are currently 31 extant occurrences in Maine, 28 of these along the St. John River, and three on the Aroostook River. There are four historic occurrences, all on the Aroostook River, and one extirpated population on the Aroostook River. Nabalus racemosus is a species of Special Concern in Maine, where it is ranked S3. Other nearby areas from which it is recorded include New Brunswick (S3), Nova Scotia (S1), Newfoundland Island (S1S2), Labrador (SR), Quebec (SR), Vermont (SR), New Jersey (SH), New York (SX), and Pennsylvania (SX). Little is known regarding the biology of Nabalus racemosus.