DAVID BURDICK Daffodils & More Grower of Daffodil Flowers and Bulbs & More PO Box 495 Dalton, MA 01227 413-443-1581
[email protected] www.daffodilsandmore.com Greetings to all gardeners, Welcome to our 2014 mail order list of Massachusetts produced bulbs and plants. Once again hybridizer Bob Spotts will be providing us with a very limited number of California grown flowering-sized bulbs of his very special creation Mesa Verde, and Daffodils & More is honored to be given the chance to offer them through our catalog. We enjoy having the chance to grow on and distribute the best work of backyard breeders who have no intention of selling commercially-it is a win-win we hope. This year we debut a variety bred by the late Dave Karnstedt, Winter Wind. In the pipeline are a number of named cultivars from Ohio’s Daniel Bellinger. Demand for our Colchicum remains on the increase, and this year we add the true species C. autumnale to our ever expanding list of these showy autumn flowering bulbs. The sobering news is that the business of producing and selling specialty daffodils continues to be a difficult matter, and we are trying to figure out some adjustments that can be made to allow us to continue into the future. Starting next year, we will for sure be listing fewer varieties than we presently offer each issue. Rest assured though that our core selections of the finest garden worthy show cultivars will be presented annually. It is also likely that some of the most popular exhibition flowers (things like Gull or New Penny, which we continually oversell) will see less frequency of cataloging.