0 PHASE 1 ARCHAEOLOGICAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE PROPOSED BREIDBACH CROSS CATCHMENT TRANSFER PUMPING SCHEME (SEWER PIPELINE), BREIDBACH, KING WILLIAMS TOWN, AMATHOLE DISTRICT MUNICIPALITY. Prepared for: Makhetha Environmental Office no. 1 The Hub, Allied Business Centre Beacon Bay East London, 5200 Telephone: + 27 43 748 4849 Mobile: +27 82 619 8203 Facsimile: + 27 43 748 4833 E-mail:
[email protected] Contact person: Ms Robyn Thomson Compiled by: Ms Celeste Booth t/a Booth Heritage Consulting 8 Frances Street Oatlands Grahamstown 6140 Tel: 082 062 4655 Email:
[email protected] Contact person: Ms Celeste Booth Date: July 2019 1 CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3. 1.1. Purpose of the Study 3. 1.2. Brief Summary of Findings 3. 1.3. Recommendations 4. 2. DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 5. 3. SUMMARY OF SPECIALIST EXPERIENCE 5. 4. INTRODUCTION 5. 4.1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION 5. 4.1.1. Type of Development 5. 4.2. Applicant 6. 4.3. Environmental Assessment Practitioner (EAP) 6. 5. SCOPE OF WORK / TERMS OF REFERENCE 6. 6. LEGISLATIVE AND POLICY FRAMEWORK 7. 7. ARCHAEOLOGICAL BACKGROUND 7. 7.1. Early Stone Age (ESA) - 1.5 million to 250 000 years ago 8. 7.2. Middle Stone Age (MSA) – 250 000 – 30 000 years ago 9. 7.3. Later Stone Age (LSA) – 30 000 years ago – recent (100 years ago) 9. 7.4. Last 2 000 years – Khoekhoen Pastoralism 11. 7.5. Last 2 000 Years - The Iron Age 11. 7.6. Human Remains 14. 7.7. Rock Art (Paintings and Engravings) 14. 7.8. Historical Period (Last 500 years) 14.