MOHAMED MOHAMED SAyED ASkAlAny PERSONAL AND CONTACT INFORMATION Name: Mohamed Mohamed Sayed Askalany Gender: Male Place of Birth: Mousha, Assiut, Egypt Date of Birth: January 1, 1950 Nationality: Egyptian Contact information: E-mail:
[email protected] Address: 1 emtedad Gamal El Din El Afghany, Sherket Qulta Assiut, Egypt. Telephone: 002- 0125269192 & 002-011442292270 Fax: +2- 096-5224542 & 0+2-096 - 5211279 Profession: Professor in sedimentary rocks and sedimentology in Department of Geology, Qena faculty of science, South Valley University. EDUCATION 1988 Ph. D of Geology, Geological Studies of Neogene and Quaternary Sediment in the Nile Basin, Upper Egypt" Qena Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt. 1983 Diploma, Geological Survey: using aerial photographs from I.T.C. Enschede, Holland 1979 M.Sc. of Geology, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt 1972 Bachelor of Geology, Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt POSITIONS HELD AND EXPERIENCES NOVEMBER 6, 2007 Chairman of the consultave office for geological and geophysical consultations 1 SEPTEMBER 22, 2007 Head of the Department of Geology, Qena Faculty of Science, South Valley University JULY 26, 2006 Professor in sedimentary rocks and sedimentology in Department of Geology, Qena faculty of science, South Valley University AUG-SEP 1992 Accompanied Dr. J.A. Harrell and Dr.V.M.Brown of the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. during their field work in Egypt on ancient Egyptian stone quarries AUG-SEP 1991 Accompanied Dr. J.A. Harrell and Dr.V.M.Brown of the University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio, U.S.A. during their field work in Egypt on ancient Egyptian stone quarries NOVEMBER 1990 Accompanied Dr.