Postage Stamps
YOUNG COLLECTOR’S J. K, iff fan; ANDBOOK POSTAGE STAMPS OF ТИЕ BRITISH MUSEUM. LONDON: W. SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO. PATERNOSTER ROW. THE YOUNG COLLECTOR'S PENNY HANDBOOK OF POSTAGE STAMPS. W ALTER T. O G ILVY, O f the British Museum. LO ND O N : W. SWAN SONNENSCHEIN & CO., PATERNOSTER ROW. STAMP LITERATURE. {See also page 12.) HANDBOOKS. Illustrated Catalogue of Postage Stamps by Dr. Gray, of the British Museum. Sixth edition. London, B ath, 1S75. 8vo. Stamp Collector’s Handbook, by E. L. Pemberton. Second edition. Southampton, 1878. 8vo. Catalogue of British and Foreign Postage Stamps, by Mount V Brown. Fifth edition, London, 1867. Alfred Smith & Co.’s Standard Catalogue. Second edition. B ath, 1881. 8vo. Postage Stamps Illustrated, by J. B. Moens. Translated by Dr. C. W. Viner. London, 1864. 8vo. How to Detect Forged Stamps, by Thomas Dalston. Gates- P head, Bath, 1865. 8vo. Postage Stamp Forgeries, by J. M. Stourton. London, 1865, v' 8vo. Catalogue complet des Timbres-poste, etc. А . М аш у : Baris, 1865. Svo. Nouveau Guide Manuel du Collectionneur de Timbres-poste. P. Mahê: Paris, 1866. 8vo. Bibliothèque des Timbrophiles. у. В. Moens: Brussels, 1879, etc. Histoire de la Poste aux Lettres et du Timbre-poste, by Baron A. de Rothschild. P aris, 1879. 8vo. History and Catalogue of the Envelopes of the United States, by W. E. V. Horner. Philadelphia, 1879. 8vo. Beschreibung der bis jetzt bekannten Briefmarken, etc. Berger Levrault ân Sohn : Strasburg, 1864. 8vo. Guida di tutti i Francobolli emessi dal 1840 alla fine di Giugno, ■ J 1864. G. Brecher: Firenze, 1864.
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