The QEII Penny-Halfpenny Green Stamp No. 217. JW Stevens P4

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The QEII Penny-Halfpenny Green Stamp No. 217. JW Stevens P4 Bookmark Summary for: gbj_vol_1.pdf Vol. 1, No. 1 p1 - Editorial. R. A. G. Lee p2 - The QEII Penny-Halfpenny Green Stamp No. 217. J. W. Stevens p4 - The Catalogue Committee. R. F. Strange p5 - Study Circles p5 - How Much? D. W. Roach p6 - Members p9 - 6d. KEVII Plates, Issues and Printings. Major K. M. Beamont p10 - Programme 1956-57 p11 - QEII Stamp Booklets. John Mayer p12 - Letters Vol. 1, No. 2 p13 - Editorial. R. A. G. Lee p14 - Frame Breaks (1/4). Frank Stott p16 - The 1948 KGVI £1 Stamp. R. F. Strange p18 - 1912/22 ½d Green Booklet Pane. F. Scott p19 - 1d. Red Imperf Plate 40 KB. C. W. Meredith p20 - Study Circles p21 - Late Use of the Maltese Cross. W. A. Edgar p22 - Letters p24 - Members Vol. 1, No. 3 p25 - Editorial. R. A. G. Lee p26 - Frame Breaks (2/4). Frank Stott p28 - 2½d QEII Perforation Realignments. J. P. Morton p30 - Frame Breaks (3/4). Frank Stott p31 - ½d Vermilion 1887 — Jubilee Issue. G. E. Richardson p32 - The "Tail" of the "Q". P. H. Chinnery p34 - How Many for How Much. L. Kuiper p34 - Late Use of the Maltese Cross. C. W. Meredith p35 - Letters p36 - New Members Vol. 1, No. 4 p37 - Editorial. R. A. G. Lee p37 - Programme 1957/8 p38 - The Trial Books of 1952-53. R. W. Leach p39 - 1912 ½d. Green 'Ruffled Hair' Variety. F. Stott p39 - Cyprus Green. C. W. Meredith p40 - Frame Breaks (4/4). Frank Stott p42 - KEVII ½d and 1d Stamps. S. S. Purdom p44 - The Retouches on the KGVI 4d. Olive Stamp. R. F. Strange p46 - Letters p48 - New Members Vol. 1, No. 5 p49 - The Season's Opening Display. K. G. Rushworth p50 - KEVII 3d. Cecil G. Shaw p51 - Semi-official Air Mail Stamps. J. W. Mills p54 - Die II Alphabet II. Robson Lowe p56 - Where is Glencarradle? C. W. Meredith p57 - The Colour Question p59 - Stamp Books. L. F. Newbery p62 - Letters p64 - New Members Vol. 1, No. 6 p65 - Editorial. R. A. G. Lee p66 - 1d. Die II Plates 63 to 65. F. C. Holland p68 - 1840: Easy Plating. H. Osborne p74 - Talyllyn Railway Stamps. J. W. Mills p75 - British Numeral Cancellations. Robson Lowe p76 - Parisian Forgeries. Robson Lowe p80 - New Members Vol. 1, No. 7 p81 - KEVII Re-discovered. K. G. Rushworth p82 - 1912/22 KGV 1½d. Pencf Flaw. G. A. Viner p84 - The Story of the Tadpole. J. W. Stevens p85 - Die II, Alphabet II p86 - Printing Methods used for the Stamps of Queen Elizabeth. L. C. Smith p87 - Rust or Foxing. G. Chamberlain p89 - The Stanton-Ferree System of Colour Notation. J. B. M. Stanton p90 - Collecting Postal History. R. M. Willcocks p91 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p91 - Letters p92 - New Members Vol. 1, No. 8 p93 - That One-Man Band. C. W. Meredith p94 - KGV High Values. R. E. Darnton p97 - An Ultra Violet Lamp. G. E. Chubb p98 - Collecting Postal History. R. M. Willcocks p101 - KGV Typo Electros Common to the 1912, 1924 and 1934 Issues. Beaumont & Stanton p102 - A London Local Post. Robson Lowe p102 - Book Reviews Stanton, The Penny Red Book p103 - The Standard Time Code of 1894 for Postmarks p103 - The Transposed Advert p104 - New Members Vol. 1, No. 9 p105 - The President's Display p106 - KGV Study Circle Notes p106 - Letters p107 - Ship Letters of Merit (1/14). Alan W. Robertson p110 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p113 - KGVI Shifted Transfer. R. F. Strange p114 - Talking About Our Stamps. L. A. Meadows p116 - £5 Orange. D. S. Purdom p166 - Coil & Booklet Cylinders. R. A. Loveland Vol. 1, No. 10 p117 - Society Notes p118 - Ship Letters of Merit (2/14). Alan W. Robertson p120 - Colour Notation. G. Chamberlain p121 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p126 - 1934 1½d. Photogravure. Niall Fair p127 - KGV Varieties. KGV Study Circle Bookmark Summary for: gbj_vol_2.pdf Vol. 2, No. 1 p1 - Editorial. R. A. G. Lee p2 - Blued Papers. G. Chamberlain p3 - QEII 1½d. and 2d. Multipositives. Loveland & Hine p4 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p6 - The Broken Crown. Robson Lowe p7 - Ship Letters of Merit (3/14). Alan W. Robertson p10 - KGV. The Photogravure "Sizes". J. B. M. Stanton p11 - Some Retouches on the KGVI 5d. Stamp. R. F. Strange p12 - New Members Vol. 2, No. 2 p13 - Letters p14 - Cancellations and Postmarks of the Shetland Islands 1840-60. M. V. D. Champness p17 - KGVI £1 Brown 1951. L. H. Atkinson p18 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p21 - KGV 1½d. Typo (Harrison) Plate 2. J. B. M. Stanton p22 - Further Notes on 1912/22 KGV 1d. Pencf Flaw. G. A. Viner p22 - KEVII Study Circle p23 - Further Notes on the 1d. Lilac of 1881. T. D. Maidment p24 - KGV Study Group Notes Vol. 2, No. 3 p25 - Society Notes p26 - Ship Letters of Merit (4/14). Alan W. Robertson p29 - Used Copy of 3d. Essay of 1862 with network in Spandrels. K. M. Beaumont p29 - Letters p30 - KEVII Substituted Cliches p31 - KGVI 2/6 Green 1942. L. H. Atkinson p32 - KGV 4d. Typograph — "Cracked Electro". K. G. Rushworth p33 - The High Values of KGV. Cecil G. Shaw p34 - The 9d. KGVI Stamp. R. F. Strange Vol. 2, No. 4 p36 - Society Notes p37 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p40 - Maltese Cross — Numeral Cancellation. K. G. Rushworth p41 - KGV 2/6 Re-entries. L. H. Atkinson p43 - Letters p45 - 1d. Red Imperf. Plate Varieties (1/18). C. W. Meredith p46 - KGV Study Circle Notes p46 - KEVII Study Circle Notes Vol. 2, No. 5 p47 - Society Notes p48 - Ship Letters of Merit (5/14). Alan W. Robertson p52 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p55 - A Note on a Repaired KGVI 3d. Stamp. H. S. Doupe p56 - Penny Black Forgeries. H. R. Harmer p57 - Maltese Cross — Numeral Cancellation Vol. 2, No. 6 p58 - Society Notes p59 - KGVI High Values p61 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p62 - Penny Red — Plate Varieties (2/18). C. W. Meredith p63 - Book Reviews The Commonwealth QEII Catalogue 1960 Alcock & Holland, Maltese Cross Cancellations p64 - KGV 10/- De La Rue. K. M. Beaumont p64 - Treatment of Foxing. G. C. p65 - A Great Britain Coil Variety. W. E. Potter p66 - Study Circle Notes p68 - Collecting Line Engraved on a Small Budget. A. J. Kirk Vol. 2, No. 7 p69 - Society Notes p70 - Ship Letters of Merit (6/14). Alan W. Robertson p73 - Some New (and Old) Varieties. K. M. Beaumont p77 - The 1941 and 1951 Issues of the KGVI Penny Stamp. R. F. Strange p79 - Book Reviews Willcocks & Bentley, The Spoon Experiment 1853-1858 p80 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p84 - GBPS Personalities p85 - The Provisional Issues of 1934 and 1935. K. G. Rushworth p86 - Stamps of G.B. Georges Korel p87 - One Penny Red Imperf. Plate 98 (AL). G. W. T. H. Fleming p87 - Two Dies of the 1887 9d. T. D. Maidment p88 - Penny Red — Plate Varieties (3/18). C. W. Meredith p90 - 1844 Postmarks of the 20th Century. J. H. Chandler Vol. 2, No. 8 p91 - Society Notes p92 - Alteration to the Plate. J. B. M. Stanton p95 - Penny Red — Plate Varieties (4/18). C. W. Meredith p96 - Festival of Britain — High Values. G. Chamberlain p97 - The London lnternational Stamp Exhibition 1960 p98 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p100 - KEVII 6d. Variety 'No Cross on Crown'. Cecil G. Shaw Vol. 2, No. 9 p102 - Society Notes p103 - Ship Letters of Merit (7/14). Alan W. Robertson p105 - New Re-Entry 10/- KGV. L. H. Atkinson p106 - Helicopter Mail Services in the United Kingdom. R. F. Strange p108 - Penny Red — Plate Varieties (5/18). C. W. Meredith p109 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p112 - Letters p114 - New Members Vol. 2, No. 10 p116 - Society Notes p117 - Ship Letters of Merit (8/14). Alan W. Robertson p119 - KEVII — Damaged Plates p120 - The Two-Shillings Brown. K. M. Beaumont p121 - An lmperforate Strip of Seven. C. W. Meredith p122 - Stamp Booklets: Exploded or Unexploded. John Mayer p123 - 1887 ½d. Vermilion Cracked Plates. T. D. Maidment p125 - Collecting Postal Stationery. A. K. Huggins p126 - The Yoxford Error. Douglas Latto p127 - Letters p128 - New Members Bookmark Summary for: gbj_vol_3.pdf Vol. 3, No. 1 p1 - Editorial. K. G. Rushworth p2 - Postal Stationery lmprimaturs at Somerset House. A. K. Huggins p6 - KGV — Extra Marginal Rules. K. G. Rushworth p7 - Penny Red — Plate Varieties (6/18). C. W. Meredith p8 - The Trial Books of 1952-53 and 1954. L. F. Newbery p9 - Post Office Mobile Centre. Douglas Latto p10 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p12 - KGV Study Circle Notes p13 - 1887 Study Circle Notes p13 - New Members p14 - Letters p15 - Society News Vol. 3, No. 2 p17 - Editorial. K. G. Rushworth p18 - Ship Letters of Merit (9/14). Alan W. Robertson p21 - Penny Red — Plate Varieties (7/18). C. W. Meredith p22 - Plating Lists of KGV Typographed Stamps. J. B. M. Stanton p24 - Letters p25 - KGV Study Circle Notes p25 - Postal Stationery Study Circle p26 - Some Flaws in the 2/6 Brown KGVI Stamp. R. F. Strange p28 - Notes on Current and Recent Issues. Warden p31 - New Members Vol. 3, No. 3 p33 - Society News p34 - KGV Photogravure — Twopence. Niall Fair p35 - KGV One Shilling. K. M. Beaumont p36 - Penny Red — Plate Varieties (8/18). C. W. Meredith p36 - Book Reviews Baldwin, Fifty Years of British Air Mails p37 - KGVI Study Circle p38 - Postal Stationery lmprimaturs at Somerset House. A. K. Huggins p41 - British Airmails p42 - KGV Study Circle Notes p43 - Letters p44 - Line-Engraved Correspondence.
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