AR 20 06 ANNUAL REPORT EUROPEAN YOUTH FORUM 2006 RESPONSIBLE EDITOR: DIOGO PINTO EDITORIAL TEAM Luiza Bara Diogo Pinto Patricia Sanchez Renaldas Vaisbrodas CREATIVITY, LAYOUT AND CONCEPT Marta Gomez Patricia Sanchez Copies of this annual report are available in English and French from the European Youth Forum Secretariat: rue Joseph II, 120, B - 1000 Brussels, Belgium; TRANSLATION AND PROOFREADING Tel. +32 2 230 64 90, Anne Debrabandere Fax +32 2 230 21 23, Mark Perera email:
[email protected]. This publication has been produced with the fi nancial support of the European Union. Texts represent the opinions of the European Youth Forum and do not necessarily refl ect the views of the EU. Editorial The European Youth Forum (YFJ) is its abolition of visa regimes within Europe. On Editorial MEMBERS! This statement was particularly these cross-cutting topics, the YFJ voiced important for the leadership of the Forum the concerns, expectations and views of as a new strategic path was drawn up for young people and youth organisations. The the organisation. This effort required a solid Forum’s political impact can be appreciated and extensive understanding and proactive by recognising the shift in institution’s engagement from everyone in our structure. policies, and by assessing the established While marking its 10th anniversary the YFJ pre-condition for the involvement of young redefi ned its vision, mission and core values, people in the discussion on issues that affect and laid down objectives for the years to their daily lives. Structured dialogue with come. The YFJ has subsequently adopted young people would not have been possible a strategy that will shape the work of the without the concerted efforts of YFJ Member organisation and that places it in the driving Organisations.