Australia's Blueprint for Economic Development
The New Citizen April 2006 Page 1 THE NEW For More Information: CONTACT Citizens Electoral Council 1-800-636-432 PO Box 376 Coburg VIc 3058 Vol 5 No 6 April 2006 $10.00 (inc GST) Print Post: 30601/00002 Facing the Depression: Australia’s Blueprint for Economic Development his special issue of the Committee on Communica- states. Their power now is TNew Citizen is an ex- tions, Transport and Micro- such that there is only one panded form of our Febru- economic Reform of the Fed- hope to defeat them, and that ary 2002 Special Report, eral Parliament found that depends upon the titanic po- The Infrastructure Road to “Without urgent and substan- litical battle now being Recovery: Let’s Build Our tial investment in this infra- fought in the United States, Way Out of the Depression! structure, major sections of between the Synarchy and Since then, the Synarchy the national rail network are those forces in both the Dem- (Sin´-ar-kee—the financial likely to become irretrieva- ocratic and Republican par- oligarchy) has continued to ble within ten years.” That ties allied with economist loot Australia, its citizens, was eight years ago, and lit- and statesman Lyndon H. and its infrastructure, and so tle has been done. Our power LaRouche, Jr. The globalists to destroy any hope for a supplies—now largely de- here, such as Howard, and better future for ourselves, regulated—are grossly inad- Labor as typified by Beazley, and for our children and equate for a modern nation, are mere puppets for Tony grandchildren.
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