Annual Report 2018–2019 Philanthropy for the Next Generation 〉〉〉

Not long after the Rose Ages Breast Health Centre opened, six 11-year-old children arrived with a sandwich bag of money they wanted to donate to breast cancer research.

These young fundraisers had been inspired to make a difference by a neighbourhood mom’s journey with breast cancer. What they didn’t realize is that they would be making a difference for their grown-up selves. At some point in their future, these generous young people will most likely need the care of The Hospital.

This is a hospital for future generations. The idea of paying it forward is what inspired the Downey and Jones families to make generous gifts to kidney research—to improve care for their grandchildren. As well, Annie Grenon’s gift in her Will to the hospital will pave the way for the exceptional care her granddaughter might need when she becomes an adult.

► Tim Kluke (top) and Jim Harmon

PAGE 2 Exceptional care is something The Ottawa Hospital Your generous support helps us open new centres of provides to all patients in our region. But our reach also health-care excellence, boosts research, and leads to extends beyond, to people like Joellie Qaunaq (on innovative treatments developed right here in Ottawa our cover), who come to the cancer centre because that will heal patients in our region, and elsewhere in The Ottawa Hospital is the sole provider of care to and around the world. patients from eastern Nunavut.


Tim Kluke Jim Harmon President and CEO, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation Chair, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation Board of Directors

I have seen incredible Community support change in health allows us to conduct care in the 17 years world-class research at that I’ve been CEO— The Ottawa Hospital and improvements in provide the best possible treatment that have care for our patients. undoubtedly saved more lives. With your We’re also performing help, we have invested a number of world- in innovative research, leading clinical trials and making world-first treatments using stem discoveries in our labs, testing them in clinical trials and, cells, genes, and viruses. These innovative therapies in many cases, changing medical practice around have the potential to redesign the future of medicine. the world. Our success is also evident in our research publications It is donors like you whose unwavering support has and grants. In the last three years, we’ve had a allowed us to provide the very best technology and 50 percent increase in highly influential research treatment—the very best care—to patients who papers. And we now rank third out of more than come from across eastern Ontario, western Quebec, 600 hospitals for funding from the Canadian Institutes Nunavut, and in some cases from coast to coast of Health Research. because we are the only hospital who can provide them with the care they so desperately need. You have made this possible. Thank you!

On behalf of the thousands of patients and families who need The Ottawa Hospital—now and in the future—I thank you.

Dr. Duncan Stewart Dr. Jack Kitts Executive Vice-President, Research President and CEO, The Ottawa Hospital The Ottawa Hospital

PAGE 3 Because of You… 〉〉〉

Thousands of patients in Ottawa, and beyond, are receiving the latest treatment options. Powered by state-of-the-art technology and backed up by the very best medical expertise, your generous support allowed us to build three impressive new health centres at The Ottawa Hospital. Your generosity has improved care and changed patients’ lives.

ROSE AGES BREAST HEALTH CENTRE When the doors opened at the Rose Ages Breast Health Centre in September, it marked the wonderful close of an ambitious $14 million fundraising campaign. Thanks to our community’s outstanding generosity, the new centre houses an impressive suite of advanced technology, enabling less invasive and more accurate diagnoses and treatments. The new centre’s inviting space will enhance wellness and connection to family and friends with open, naturally lit areas and private, gowned waiting rooms. This new, larger centre at the General Campus is now ready to provide the best treatment and care to the thousands of patients in our region who need it most— thanks to you.

► The Rose Ages Breast Health Centre

PAGE 4 CHARLIE AND CLAUDETTE LOGUE DERMATOLOGY CENTRE There is no example more concrete about how community support can advance health care than the building of the Charlie and Claudette Logue Dermatology Centre. Local businessman Charlie Logue saw the need for a dermatology centre that would provide faster assessments, shorter wait times, and increased access to dermatology services. After he passed away in August 2013, Charlie’s friends and colleagues in the Ottawa business community, along with his own children, fundraised $3.7 million for a new dermatology centre. This bright, new, state-of-the-art centre opened in April to provide the latest dermatology treatments now and for future generations.

▲ The Logue children, Kevin, Shaun, Christine, Cathy, and Elizabeth, at the opening of the Dermatology Centre.

NEUROMUSCULAR CENTRE In 2016, Dr. Jodi Warman Chardon and senior scientist Dr. Robin Parks dreamt of building a centre where neuromuscular experts—clinicians and basic scientists—could collaborate to develop treatments for neuromuscular diseases. More than 10,000 people in eastern Ontario are affected by neuromuscular diseases, which weaken the muscles. These patients had no options to participate in clinical trials in Ottawa, so Drs. Warman Chardon and Parks decided to change that. Thanks to generous donor support, their dream became reality when The Ottawa Hospital NeuroMuscular Centre—the largest in Canada—opened its doors to patients in May.

No donation too small, no fundraiser too young

“I know it’s a hospital, but this is beautiful!” said 11-year-old Parker when the elevator doors opened into the Rose Ages Breast Health Centre.

Parker and five friends arrived on October 24 with a plastic sandwich bag containing their donation of $247.95 in coins for breast cancer research. They worked hard to raise the money: raking leaves, cutting grass, selling lemonade, and shoveling snow.

The generosity of these six children is a shining example that no donation is too small and no fundraiser too young.

◄ Six 11-year-old fundraisers (left to right): Isla, Lucy, Alice, Parker, Jackie, and Tess

PAGE 5 Every Day Is a Gift 〉〉〉

Declan turned four in February. It was extraordinary that his mother was alive to watch him blow out the candles on his birthday cake.

When Jillian was 18 weeks pregnant with Declan, she was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. She had a three-year-old daughter and a one-year-old son at home. It was a devastating diagnosis, but Jillian met it head on with optimism and determination.

Without treatment, she was told she wouldn’t survive to give birth. However, her oncologist Dr. Mark Clemons prescribed a chemotherapy cocktail to keep her cancer at bay without harming her unborn child. Dr. Clemons, who came to The Ottawa Hospital from Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, is leading clinical trials for breast cancer that are changing the treatment of breast cancer around the world. Jillian had a mastectomy and a dozen chemo treatments tailored to her special case. On February 1, 2015, she gave birth to a healthy baby Declan.

► Jillian and Declan O’Connor

PAGE 6 The 35-year-old laughs and chats so easily about her trials with new therapies that kept her cancer in journey with cancer that it takes a second to realize check. When it spread to her brain a couple of years how extraordinary it has been. ago, she had whole-brain and CyberKnife radiation. A new medication that can cross the blood-brain “I got a pretty gruesome, doom and gloom diagnosis, barrier halted the growth of new brain tumours. but I continue to pull life off,” said Jillian. Her cancer is not getting better, but it’s not getting worse, either. After Declan was born, Jillian’s scans showed the cancer had spread, metastasizing to her bones, liver, Jillian has surpassed the original two-year diagnosis by and lymphatic system. She was given less than two two-and-a-half years. “I’m happy to stay status quo,” years. Jillian began participating in cancer clinical said Jillian. “I’m good with that. I feel great.”

“I got a pretty gruesome, doom and gloom diagnosis, but I continue to pull life off.”

◄ Jillian O’Connor

Buying time: 7 hrs, 52 stitches

Joellie Qaunaq has 52 stitches on the left side of his head from the seven-hour surgery to remove a brain tumour. He had to leave his family, friends, and community of Arctic Bay on northern Baffin Island to come to The Ottawa Hospital for treatment because it is the only centre that treats patients from Nunavut. Joellie was guided through his cancer treatment and care by a First Nations, Inuit, and Métis Nurse Navigator in the hospital’s Indigenous Cancer Program, which aims to improve access to cancer care services in a respectful, culturally appropriate way. After surgery and radiation, Joellie returned to Nunavut with chemotherapy pills, which allowed him to continue treatment at home.

Just before this report went to print, we were saddened to learn that Joellie passed away in early May 2019. Your support of cancer research is helping us find better treatments, so that one day patients like Joellie will live longer, fuller lives.

◄ Leata and Joellie Qaunaq

PAGE 7 Eradicating Cancer with Immunotherapy 〉〉〉

“A year ago, there’s no way I would’ve even been out walking,” said Ian McDonell, incredulous at his own recovery from melanoma.

He was off-duty when he saw men fighting on a bike path. He called the police and tackled one of the men. This was remarkable because the summer before Ian had been bedridden from cancer.

In 2013, Ian was diagnosed with melanoma—an aggressive form of skin cancer. After surgery to remove the cancerous mole and lymph nodes from his left groin and armpit, the 47-year-old Ottawa Police staff sergeant began a 10-month targeted chemotherapy treatment. However, in June 2017, his medical scans showed tumours in his abdomen, as well as his brain. Ian’s cancer was stage 4.

Ian’s oncologist Dr. Michael Ong, a specialist in skin and urological cancers, suggested

► Ian McDonell

PAGE 8 an aggressive approach—a recently approved “It did the trick,” said Ian. immunotherapy treatment. Nothing showed up on his follow-up scans. All trace of “Immunotherapy does not directly affect the cancer his cancer was gone. When Ian had been diagnosed in itself. Instead, immunotherapy unmasks the cancer 2013, options for immunotherapy weren’t available. In to your immune system. And the body’s own immune four years, research and clinical trials had changed that. system does the rest,” said Dr. Ong. The Ottawa Hospital is a leader in cancer Immunotherapy is most successful in patients with immunotherapy research, both developing new advanced melanoma, increasing the one-year survival therapies and offering patients experimental treatments. rate from 25 to 80 percent. Currently, 69 active cancer immunotherapy clinical trials are being conducted at the hospital. Ian started immunotherapy, but it made him so sick he was taken off the treatment. Yet in September 2017, Immunotherapy gave the father of three his life back his MRI scans showed that his tumours had shrunk. Ian to watch his children grow up, and work at tackling received a single second treatment in mid-November. more crime.

“ImmunotherapySandy Patenaude does not directly affect the cancer itself. Instead, immunotherapy unmasks the cancer to your immune system.”

◄ Dr. Michael Ong

Genetics influence trial results

Three years ago, Sandy Patenaude was diagnosed with stage 4 inoperable colorectal cancer. She agreed to participate in a clinical trial, testing a new cancer stem cell inhibitor drug.

Medical oncologist Dr. Derek Jonker led an international trial at 40 sites with 562 patients, using an experimental drug to target cancer stem cells. These are the immature cells in a tumour often resistant to standard chemotherapy. While the majority of patients did not respond to the drug, Sandy was one of the 22 percent of patients who did, with her tumours shrinking.

A new trial now underway, targets patients with a similar genetic predisposition to Sandy who are presumed most likely to benefit from the drug. These patients will be identified with the Next Generation DNA Sequencer—a piece of equipment funded with donor support.

◄ Sandy Patenaude

PAGE 9 Ottawa―the Place to Be for Stem Cell Research 〉〉〉

“I want to see how we can reverse the regeneration properties after injury, so the patient will not scar,” said Dr. Daniel Coutu, the inaugural holder of the Research Chair in Regenerative Orthopaedic Surgery.

Dr. Daniel Coutu is a bone stem cell expert recruited from Switzerland. It wasn’t hard to persuade him to accept the position. He was already keenly aware of the internationally recognized stem cell research being done at The Ottawa Hospital.

“Ottawa is the place to be for stem cell research,” he said.

Dr. Coutu wanted to be part of the collaborative team whose work was moving from lab bench to patients in clinical trials.

As research chair, he will focus on the fundamental biology of bone stem cells. Bone plays a key role in the health of tissues, such as muscle, tendons, and cartilage that are connected to it. Dr. Coutu will lead research to help understand how bone regenerates, repairs, and

► Dr. Daniel Coutu

PAGE 10 heals. He’ll also investigate the impact trauma, aging, Dr. Coutu was part of a team in Switzerland that and chronic degeneration has on bones. developed microscopy techniques to enable scientists to analyze bone and see where stem cells are and “Bones can regenerate by themselves. If you have a what they do. With these techniques, researchers are fracture and set it, the bone will heal without a scar,” just starting to understand the fundamental biology of said Dr. Coutu. “But tendons scar and an injury to bone stem cells. tendon tissue tends to lose its regenerative property with scarring.” Dr. Coutu intends to find a solution that leaves no scar.

Bone stem cells have the capacity to repair tissue and are being tested to repair the heart, help the immune system, and treat diseases such as multiple sclerosis. However, how the various types of cells and molecules ▲ Over 125,000 microscopic images were put together to give in bone marrow work to form blood, bone cells, and a cross section of the inside of a mouse femur―a microscopy blood vessels, as well as how bone regenerates, are not technique developed by Dr. Coutu. fully understood.

“We are just starting to understand the fundamental biology of these stem cells.”

◄ Dr. Daniel Coutu

Ingenuity to understand rare cancer

Meeting a patient with Lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), a rare form of lung cancer, inspired Dr. William Stanford to research the disease.

To study cancer cells, researchers grow them on a material similar to where the cancer cells grow in the body. Normally, researchers use a hard ‘tissue culture’ plastic to grow cancer cells on, but the LAM cells wouldn’t grow on it.

Dr. Stanford, a senior scientist in the Regenerative Medicine Program, had success culturing the LAM cells in a biomaterial gel with the natural properties of a lung that he developed in collaboration with a chemical engineer in Toronto. His research team was then better able to study the disease and pave the way for potential new treatments.

◄ Dr. William Stanford

PAGE 11 Giving More Than a Kidney 〉〉〉

When Phil Downey’s kidneys failed, his wife Gail, his three adult children, and two step children each volunteered to donate a kidney. Sean, his second son, was the best match.

In July 2013, Sean and Phil underwent surgery at the same time. The kidney transplant was a success. Phil began to feel better almost immediately, and had more energy than he’d had in years while still in the hospital.

Phil is no stranger to The Ottawa Hospital. Five years before his kidney transplant, he had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and had his prostate gland removed. Phil and Gail were so grateful for the wonderful care he’d received that they actively fundraised for critical hospital priorities, such as the CyberKnife, the new Charlie and Claudette Logue Dermatology Centre, and the Rose Ages Breast Health Centre. Philanthropy was also important to their adult children.

► Sean and Phil Downey

PAGE 12 “I think it’s important to give if you have the ability to The Downey family is paying it forward, knowing their give,” said Sean. “We live in the greatest country in the legacy will shape the future of health care in Ottawa world and have the ability to give more so than a lot for generations to come. of other places in the world. If everybody had that mentality, the world would be a better place.”

In August 2018, Phil and Gail hosted a cocktail reception in their backyard with their family and invited their close friends. They announced, in gratitude for the treatment and care Phil received, they would make a significant donation to advance kidney research. Knowing that the hospital had touched everyone in attendance, the Downeys asked their friends to also consider engaging their own children—the next generation—to support world-class patient care at The Ottawa Hospital. By planting the seed, many of the Downey’s friends and ▲ The Downey family at their fundraising cocktail event their children, have become supporters of the hospital. last summer.

The Jones family at the unveiling of their plaque. “I think it’s important to give, if you have the ability to give.”

Sean Downey

Kidney research for the next generation

June and Russ Jones know about living with serious illness. June was diagnosed with kidney disease after her second child was born 30 years ago. She received a kidney transplant in 1998. But almost 15 years later, the disease came back. June is now on peritoneal dialysis while she waits for another kidney transplant.

With their two little granddaughters in mind, the Joneses decided research was the only way to change the outcomes for future generations of patients with kidney disease and made a $1 million gift to support kidney research. In January, they unveiled a plaque at the Jones Family Foundation Kidney Research Laboratory at The Ottawa Hospital Kidney Research Centre.

◄ The Jones family at the unveiling of their plaque.

PAGE 13 Medical-First Using 3D Virtual Reality 〉〉〉

Wearing virtual reality goggles and using two wands, or joysticks, Dr. Sachs can see an accurate, computer-generated 3D image of a patient’s brain with Parkinson’s disease.

With the wands he can move the three-dimensional brain around, looking at it from all angles. He can also remove layers of the brain to look inside at the exact spot where he will place an electrode during deep brain stimulation surgery. He is hoping to soon use this technology in the operating room.

During deep brain stimulation surgery, a microelectrode, no wider than a human hair, is implanted into a very specific area of the brain. The microelectrode then records activity and stimulates part of the brain to help alleviate some of the Parkinson’s-related symptoms, such as tremors and akinesia or the loss of ability to move muscles voluntarily.

► Dr. Adam Sachs

PAGE 14 “In deep brain stimulation surgery, because the target is very small and in the middle of the brain, this leaves the surgeon with the problem of how to visualize the patient’s brain, to understand the area, and where to put the electrode,” said Dr. Sachs.

A medical 3D virtual reality system, developed at The Ottawa Hospital, is expected to be the first of its kind in the world to be used for deep brain stimulation surgery. Drs. Justin Sutherland and Daniel La Russa are clinical medical physicists in the hospital’s radiation oncology department. The two used their imaging expertise to develop a virtual reality system that combines a patient’s MRIs and CT scans to create a 3D image of a patient’s organ or body part to give surgeons a detailed and accurate representation of the surgical area.

“Nowhere else in the world are they using virtual reality in this fashion,” said Dr. Sachs.

Though it will have to be confirmed through research, Dr. Sachs anticipates that the resulting precision of the ▲ Neurosurgeon Dr. Adam Sachs uses virtual reality wands to placement of the electrode will improve outcomes manipulate a 3D image of the brain. for patients.

“Nowhere else in the world are they using virtual reality in this fashion.”

Dr. Adam Sachs

Better IQ = better health

Sandra Crabtree and Gerald MacGarvie of the Crabtree Foundation are supporting IQ@TOH, an acronym for Innovation and Quality of Care at The Ottawa Hospital. The IQ@TOH research program, led by Dr. Alan Forster, Vice President of Innovation and Quality, focuses on finding solutions for our health system’s biggest challenges. The Crabtree Foundation donated $500,000 towards IQ@TOH’s work in improving vascular health. This project is developing solutions by focusing on patients’ experiences and by examining population health trends. It has developed new approaches (including apps) to support the continuum of patient care in eastern Ontario. The Ottawa Hospital has been a recipient of the Crabtree Foundation’s generous philanthropy for 40 years.

PAGE 15 After 18 years with MS—“I really feel like I’m cured.” 〉〉〉

Heather Harris was driving her fiancé to a golf tournament one morning in 2001 when her right foot went numb. By the end of the day, the numbness had spread up the entire right side of her body.

The then-24-year-old Thunder Bay resident had an MRI, which showed signs of multiple sclerosis (MS). The numbness was her first MS attack.

MS is a devastating disease that occurs when the immune system— which protects against foreign organisms such as viruses or bacteria—mistakenly attacks the body’s own central nervous system, which includes the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerve.

Heather met with neurologist and MS specialist Dr. Mark Freedman just a few weeks before her wedding. Heather’s disease was progressing rapidly. Dr. Freedman told her she would be in a wheelchair within five years.

PAGE 16 Dr. Freedman and hematologist and scientist Dr. In June 2016, Drs. Freedman and Atkins published the Harold Atkins were leading a world-first clinical trial, results of their successful clinical trial in The Lancet, investigating whether patients with early, aggressive MS a top medical journal. To date, more than 50 MS would benefit if their immune system was wiped out patients, like Heather, from all over Canada have with high-dose chemotherapy and then regenerated undergone this treatment, which eliminated all signs with blood stem cells. of damaging active brain inflammation.

The stem cell treatment seemed her only hope. Heather and her husband moved to Ottawa for a year while she took part in the trial. She had the stem cell transplant in November 2006.

“It’s now 12 years since my stem cell transplant. I really feel like I’m cured,” said Heather who has no symptoms of the disease. She works full-time as a school principal, and is back to camping, skiing, running and driving a manual shift car.

Heather and her husband wanted to have a baby. With the help of in vitro fertilization, Heather had a baby girl in 2016. She said her little Zoe is the second miracle in ▲ Heather Harris after the stem cell transplant to treat her aggressive MS. her life.

“I really feel like I’m cured.”

Heather Harris

Planting platinum seeds to transform treatment

For tumours in the head and neck, or in organs that move constantly, like the lungs, kidneys, and liver, platinum seeds, about one third the size of a grain of rice, are implanted around a tumour. The seeds improve the CyberKnife robot’s accuracy in delivering precise doses of radiation by helping its software detect and track the motion of the tumour. These made-in-Ottawa platinum seeds are improving an already incredibly powerful and precise radiosurgery treatment system for tumours in the head, neck, and organs, such as lungs and liver.

◄ Tiny platinum seeds help radiotherapy of soft tissue tumours.

PAGE 17 Creating a Legacy from Heartbreak 〉〉〉

Ten years ago, Annie Grenon picked up a rare virus that damaged her kidneys. She ended up on dialysis.

“But the doctors and nurses at The Ottawa Hospital managed to do the impossible—they got me cured and back to normal,” said Annie.

Annie had met Hernan Matute―the love of her life―in Peru where her father was a diplomat. When they emigrated to Ottawa in 1982, they had nothing but two suitcases, a toddler, and $500 in their pockets. But they landed on their feet: Annie as an accountant and Hernan as a manager at Bell Canada.

In 2005, Annie began working as Director of Finance and Administration at The Ottawa Hospital Foundation. She witnessed firsthand how donations to the hospital support clinical research, the purchase of medical equipment, and help improve patient care.

► Annie Grenon

PAGE 18 Their lives changed forever in the fall of 2015, when the future people, perhaps even their granddaughter, Hernan, who’d been having stomach trouble, received would receive the best possible health care when they the results of his medical tests. He had cancer. And so need it most. their journey at the cancer centre began. Annie left her job at The Ottawa Hospital Foundation to be beside “My dear husband was gone. He was the light of my life, Hernan as he bravely battled this devastating disease. my everything,” said Annie. Sadly, the love of Annie’s life passed away, his family beside him. Annie said that Hernan still lights up her life daily through their children. Camille is a chartered Annie and Hernan had talked about leaving a gift in accountant in Toronto. Diego and his wife live close by their Wills to The Ottawa Hospital. Annie said this gave in Kanata with their three-year-old daughter, Sofia, them a sense of deep satisfaction, knowing that in who fills their lives with love. Legacy of Care Society We are ever grateful to those forward-thinking individuals who have Gail Morlock included a future gift to The Ottawa Hospital in their estate plans. Alicia S. Natividad E. Alex Newcombe We feel privileged to recognize this special group of visionary donors’ Dr. Kevin Nolan promises to build world-class health care for future generations. Pierre and Diane Paradis Marion and Alan Payne Maureen Adamache Monique Flageole Gail E. Pickwick Nadia Arhab-Tata and Mike D. Tata Heather Flaman William R. (Ron) Pritchard David and Kelly Armstrong Judith and the late Leo Fleming Dr. Gerald and Helen Baldock Philip D. Ford Mary-Belle Pulvermacher Susane B. Bath Maude Gagnon Guy Quesnel Albert and Carol Bélanger Garry Gould Dr. Martin Rudner Judith M. Belcher Sheila K. Grant-Trusdale Brenda E. Sangster and Christine M. Bober-Kuzmin Linda and Russell Grass Foundation Michele E. Gosse Jerry Bol Dr. Patrick E. Grattan-Bellew Edward R. and Beatrice Seal Elly Dwinger Bollegraaf Hubert and Jeanne Gratton Donald A. Servant A. Roy Boothroyd Annie S. Grenon Deepak Shah Roxanne I. Briand M. Gwen Hefferman The Musical Banks of Erewhon Jean R. Brisebois Ann Holmes Lola Gibson Shaw Jacqueline Brisson Dorothy M. Horwood-Holtz, Ph.D. Murray and Aileen Shaw Margaret G. Campbell Robert D. Hunt L.C. Smith Patricia R. Campbell Jo-Anne Ilkiw Steve and Donna Spooner Brenda Cardillo Norma P. Johnston Kathleen (Kay) L. Stanley Serge Chartré Joyce Jones Ann M. M. Taillon Raman B. Chauhan Gregory Kane, Q.C. The Honourable Mr. Justice and Orion and Sheila Clark Burton and Patricia Kelso Mrs. Louis Tannenbaum Betty and Jed Cochrane Jim Kenward Karen Toop Rachel Côté B.A. M.Sc. Mary Frances Laughton Ida Tsui Rita Tevlin Cullen Mary Leonchuk Marjorie P. Turner Jocelyne Demers Hélène Létourneau-Donnelly Paul and Sylvie Vaillancourt Nicole Demers Jean and Jacqueline Leury Riek van den Berg Langevin-Desrochers Family Elizabeth MacNab E. Neville Ward Adrienne Doré Margaret M. Manion Nancy Watson Susan and Martin Doyle Charles B. Marriott James Wightman Daphne and Henk Dykhuizen Otto Matous Patricia Wood Carole H. Ernest Steve and Heather McLean Allan Zander Gaston Faucher Dana Mohr Barbara L. Fitzpatrick George and Vivian Morgan

PAGE 19 Estate Giving 〉〉〉

We would like to pay tribute to the following individuals who made a contribution through their estate between April 1, 2018 and March 31, 2019. These generous people made a decision years ago to donate to the hospital, and their legacy is making our community healthier today.

Estate of Suzanne Archambault Estate of Donald Cecil Freeman Estate of Lilybelle Eleanor McMillan Estate of Sadiq Awan Estate of Lynette Hynes Estate of Frances Moran Estate of Mary Joan Berthe Estate of Louis King in loving Estate of Laurette Piette Estate of Ronald J. Buck memory of Faye Lajeunesse Estate of Jack Lee Reade Estate of Margaret (Peg) Craig Estate of Aurele H.R. Lemieux Estate of John Alan Saunders Estate of Agnes Helene Danner Estate of Marie Lucille Eva Levesque Estate of Hermine Staberger Estate of Patricia Louie Farrell Estate of Peter Jose Litwin Estate of Dr. Felicitas Julia Svejda Estate of Keith Fitzpatrick Estate of Alison Emmaline Marsh Estate of Danny Yick Him Wong Estate of Richard Lyon Fleming Estate of Sylvester J. Mazur Estate of Ruth Ann Young

Legacy Endowment Funds 〉〉〉

We are grateful to donors who established the following Legacy Endowment Funds, and shared the desire to create a permanent legacy to honour a loved one or a family member. These permanent funds allow The Ottawa Hospital to offer the very best care now and in the future.

Ernest W. Assaly Nephrology Molly Brooke Legacy Endowment T. D’Arcy Finn Q.C. Bone Marrow Endowment Fund Fund Research Endowment Fund Marian J. Beatty Legacy Libby Campbell Memorial Legacy Coral Flegg Legacy Endowment Endowment Fund for Palliative Endowment Fund Fund Care The Ross Cathcart Endowment The Flegg/Ellis Family Legacy Benson Family Endowment Fund Fund Endowment Fund Suruchi Bhargava Chair in Spinal Pamela Caton Legacy Endowment Fibromyalgia (FM)—Chronic Fatigue Cord Research (SABR) Fund Syndrome (CFS) Canada Research Arthur G. Bird Legacy Endowment Michele Karen Chung Legacy and Education Legacy Fund Fund Endowment Fund for Oncology Mary Frances Gleeson-McIntyre Dawn Li Blair and Jesse Brown Karen L. Deterding Legacy Legacy Fund for Lung Cancer Legacy Endowment Fund for Endowment Fund Research Intensive Care The Dunn Family Legacy Duncan S. Gowans Legacy Fran Blanchfield Legacy Endowment Fund Endowment Fund for Bone Endowment Fund for Pancreatic Marilyn Erskine Legacy Endowment Marrow Transplant Cancer Research Fund Dr. Joseph Greenblatt Legacy Hani Boulos Legacy Endowment 5 West Hematology/Oncology Endowment Fund for Internal Fund Legacy Endowment Fund Medicine

PAGE 20 Grenon-Matute Family Legacy The Hajji Ali Ghadbane OMA Endowment Fund P.E.A.C.E Legacy Endowment Greta and John Hansen Chair in Fund Men’s Health Research The Ottawa Bone and Joint Institute James H. B. Hilton Fund for Medicine Legacy Endowment Fund Dr. Robert Jackson Lectureship Karen Rivington Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund Endowment Fund K.C. Jones Memorial Legacy Walter J. Robinson and Family Endowment Fund Legacy Endowment Fund Carman and Gail Joynt Legacy Harold J. Sachs Legacy Endowment Endowment Fund Fund Benny Kung Legacy Endowment Saul and Lillian Saslove Vascular Fund Travelling Fellowship Endowment Barbara Joyce MacVicar Legacy Fund Endowment Fund Stephen Seekings Memorial Legacy David and Elizabeth Mann Legacy Endowment Fund Endowment Fund for Colorectal Dr. Stephen Stanley Silver Memorial ▲ Patricia Louie Farrell was a loyal Care Endowment Fund donor in her lifetime who made a Fraser Mann Legacy Endowment Gina Ruddy Speer Legacy transformational estate gift in support Fund for Vision Care Endowment Fund of medical research. It is the largest Stan and Mary Marsh Legacy Erik and Helen Spicer Legacy estate gift The Ottawa Hospital has ever Endowment Fund Endowment Fund for the received. A plaque was unveiled outside Charles and Joan Mavor Emergency Department of research labs in honour of Patricia Endowment Fund for Breast The Ottawa Hospital and her family. We are so grateful for Cancer Research in Memory of Stephanie Spooner Legacy her forethought and extraordinary Owen and Frances Bryson Toller Endowment Fund generosity, which will have an impact Nicolaij “Nick” Nefedow Legacy Dr. H. Bruce Squires Memorial on patient care for decades to come. Endowment Fund Legacy Endowment Fund for Connie Nehr and Bob Kuley Legacy Dental Surgery Endowment Fund Ineke Harmina Standish Legacy Kathleen Elizabeth Ward and E. Donna Nesbitt Memorial Legacy Endowment Fund Neville Ward Legacy Endowment Endowment Fund Supportive Strength-Young Fund for Nursing Advancement Dr. Carl Aubrey Nimrod Legacy Adult Blood Cancer Legacy Nancy Bracken Watson Legacy Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Riek van den Berg Endowment Fund Dr. Peter J. Swedko Memorial Cullen James and Daniel Morgan Nursing Bursary Endowment Fund Legacy Endowment Fund White Legacy Endowment Fund Gail Maureen O’Brien Legacy Ken Talwar Family Legacy Arthur Woodland Memorial Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Alfred Rudi Olberg Legacy Karen Taylor Nursing Research Dr. Ronald G. Worton Researcher in Endowment Fund Endowment Fund Training Award Fund

◄ Evelyn Stone is unstoppable. Eighteen years ago, the non-Hodgkins lymphoma survivor began fundraising for the Little Angels Blood Cancer Fund with a group of 20 friends by skiing in the Gatineau Loppet. She, and a growing number of teammates, have skied every Loppet since. This February, her Loppet team of 51 skiers and snowshoers raised $36,500, bringing the overall amount raised to $400,000. The fund supports qualified blood cancer patients by funding non-medical expenses at The Ottawa Hospital.

PAGE 21 Leadership Registry 〉〉〉

We are forever grateful to the following individuals and corporations who made a leadership donation in 2018–2019.

FOUNDING MEMBER—$1,000,000+ BENEFACTOR—$100,000 TO $249,999 terra20* Ages Families Abbott Nutrition Canada* The Alva Foundation* Heart and Stroke Foundation Kinan Al Sayed Ahmad, Rima Tello, The Arthritis Society* of Canada* Mohamd Kinan Al Sayed Ahmad The Monkman Family Foundation* Hydro Ottawa* and Aya Kinan Al Sayed Ahmad Charles & Maureen Tod and Family Taggart Parkes Foundation* Black & McDonald Limited* Charles Tremblay* The Division of Orthopaedic Celine T. Bouzanis Urbandale Corporation* Surgery, University of Ottawa* Dan, Denise and Julia and Holly Wagg* The Friends of The Ottawa Hospital— Kaylah Carruthers* Walls and Ceilings Contractors General Campus* CLV Group/McGahan Family Association (WACCA) The Jones Family Foundation* Foundation* Waterdon Construction Limited* The Ottawa Hospital— John Comba in loving memory of Welch LLP* Civic Auxiliary* Karen Deterding* The Ottawa Hospital Emergency Coughlin & Associates Ltd.* INVESTOR—$50,000 TO $99,999 Physicians* Barbara Crook and Dan Greenberg* ASL Agrodrain Limited* The Shabinsky Family Foundation* CURE Foundation* BNY Mellon Wealth Management, The Vered Foundation* Division of Hematology Physicians* Advisory Services Doherty & Associates Ltd.* Brazeau Seller Law* VISIONARY—$500,000 TO $999,999 Dykhuizen Foundation* Chris Brennan and BMO Financial Group* Fondation Guy Laliberté* Stephanie James-Brennan* Cancer Research Society* Joyce M. Garinther* John D. Brulé Exactis Innovation* Nancy and Carey Garrett* Caivan Development Corporation* George Gaty* Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.* Michael Caletti Janet and Leo Lefebvre* Nita and Nishith Goel* Caravaggio Family* Gavin Murphy* Russell and Linda Grass* Bill and Tonia Damianakos* Michael U. Potter* The Stephen and Jocelyne Fiera Capital Corporation* Radiologists of The Ottawa Hospital* Greenberg Foundation* Harvey and Louise Glatt* Scotiabank* Avraham and Elissa Iny and Family* Gloucester Electric Ltd.* TD Bank Financial Group* Jan K. and Kerry Kaminski* Harmon Foundation* The Ottawa Hospital Division of Urology* Steve Kaminski and Claire and Peter Kruyt* Dr. Merrilee Fullerton* Laurysen Kitchens Ltd.* PARTNER—$250,000 TO $499,999 Gregory Kane, Q.C. and Michael and Elizabeth LeClair* France and André Desmarais* Adrian Burns* Marathon Drilling Co. Ltd.* Gail and Phil Downey* Lois Laquerre* R.T. Marr The Hanna Family & Gabriel Leslois Shaw Foundation Frederic S. and Ogden Martin* Pizza Corporation* The children of Charlie Logue* Paul McCarney and NAV CANADA Morin Insulation and Roofing Ltd.* Suzanne Farhat* Ottawa Regional Cancer Nelligan O’Brien Payne LLP* Merkley Supply Ltd.* Foundation Dr. Prem Parmar* The Minto Foundation* PearTree Financial Services Ltd.* Partners Investing in The Muzzo Family* Revera Retirement Living* Parkinson Research Gail S. Nicholls* sanofi-aventis* Ride For Dad Prostate Cancer Support Gisèle Savage* Robert Excavating* Group Ottawa The Ottawa Hospital Pauline M. Scott The Josette Robertson and Joan Riverside Auxiliary* Mark L. Smith and Johnston Family Foundation* TOH Department of Surgery* Lisa Mierins Smith* Ross Rowan-Legg and Kristen Keilty* Onnig John Tossounian* Steve and Donna Spooner* S & S Bolton Electric*

PAGE 22 *Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge The Sachs Brothers* LEADER—$10,000 TO $24,999 Mary Jane Manley* Carolyn and Rick Shelley* Abbott Point of Care Charles and Joan Mavor Jason and Jenny Shinder* Baker Family Dr. Michael W. McBurney* Shoppers Drug Mart Marion and Michael Balla* Debra E. McCann Valley Utilities Ltd.* BE Plumbing* Dr. William and Debi and Neil Zaret* Alexander P. Beaton Mary Frances McIntyre Paul Belisle, Belisle Holdings Limited* McPhedran Family BUILDER—$25,000 TO $49,999 Michael Bell and Anne Burnett* Kyle and David McRobie* Robert Ashe and Sandra Herrick Graham Bird* Robert and Susan Merkley Bassi Construction & Masonry Ltd.* Lyse and Paul Emile Bisson* Merovitz Potechin LLP* Thelma M. Beckstead* Margaret Bloodworth* In memory of David Millington* Elemer Bertenyi Ann Bolster Mitel Networks Corporation Byrd and Chen Boone Plumbing and Heating Dawn Morewood* Cityscape* Supply Inc. Phil Murray and Marie Egglestone* The Clunie Family* Norman Bowley* Nautical Lands Group* David Schaeffer Engineering Ltd.* Brian J. Boyle* Robert Orange* Jim and “Sam” Durrell* Louise and Allen Browne Ottawa Equipment & Hydraulic Inc.* Fisher Scientific John and Fruji Bull Jocelyne and Gilles Ouimet Eddy and Harriette Huang* Frank and Diane Cestnik* Ozerdinc-Grimes Family Iglesias Family* Greg and Lynda Clarke Donald Paterson* June and Bill Joe* Malcolm and Betsi Collins Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Arnold and Roslyn Kimmel* David Cork* Garrison LLP Dr. Jack and Lian Kitts* Grant and Karen Crozier* Michael and Melanie Polowin KPMG LLP* Kevin and Diane d’Entremont* and Family Leo Pharma Inc. Denis and Shirley Desautels* Jonathan and Joanne Ralph* Marc Lepage and Louise Huot* Desjardins/Heaney* John Riddell Hélène Létourneau-Donnelly* Dewaan Foundation Michael Runia* Micheline and Robert McElligott* Alan and Erin Doak* Murray and Aileen Shaw* Janet McKeage and Mike Pennell* Dan and Penny Dodge Ian and Randi Sherman* Merkburn Holdings Limited* EllisDon Corporation* William J. Siekierski Minto Communities* Peter Fallis and Linda Dicaire* Kevin Skinner* Chantal Murphy* Leonard and Barbara Farber* Kerry B. Smith* The late Herbert and Dorothy Nadolny* Dr. Wylam and Kathryn Faught* Cynthia Stewart National Golf Course Owners Dr. Alan Forster* Brian T. Sullivan and Allison Cooper Association Canada* Frank Family Foundation in loving John and Sunny Tavel* Novartis Pharmaceuticals memory of Margaret L. Frank Telesat Canada Canada Inc. Ruth Freiman* The Ottawa-Carleton Public Optimum Mechanical* Katherine Garinther Employees’ Union Paterson Group Inc. Anthony Gaston The Petman Foundation Todd and Tina Perry* Sandra Goldberg and John Jussup William and Jean Teron Foundation Pfizer Canada Inc. Kenneth and Jacqueline Guarisco* In honour of William Grant “Timmy” Leslie and Meredithe Rechan* Roger and Maria Guevremont Timmins* Jeffrey C. Rice Donald Hall Verval Ltée (Charles A. Turpin) Richard and Janet Shantz Usha Harwalkar* Hugh and Beverley Williams Owen and Judith Snider* HDR Architecture Associates, Inc. Michael and Jacqui Wilson* Dr. Duncan Stewart and Dr. Paul and Stephanie Hébert* Dr. James and Rosemary Dunne Homestead Land Holdings Limited Elizabeth Worthington* Farida Tavares Dr. Lothar Huebsch and TerSera Therapeutics Sheryl McDiarmid PATRON—$5,000 TO $9,999 The William Shenkman Mazen Kassis and Lyne Corbin Razek Abdelnour Foundation* Bernard F. Kelly Maureen Adamache* Dr. Alain Thivierge* Dr. Vickas Khanna* Paul Adams* Whit and Healther Tucker Jason Kitchen and Christine Aubry* Ion Aimers* Jean-Guy Rivard and Valecraft* Judith Elizabeth Kluke Akman Construction Inc* Valérie’s Flutter Foundation Jean-Luc Lavigne Aliferis Family* Wired Synergy Inc. Huw Leahy* Anne Arnott* Joseph Yuan LRL Associates Ltd.* Adam and Rebecca Auer* Pamela and David Malcomson, Carol Badenoch* Canadian Tire Kanata Ruby Barber Shawn and Louise Malhotra* Jean Barbosa*

*Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge PAGE 23 Rob C. Gottschalk and Dr. Sarah Viehbeck* The Guida-Nestel Family* Mark Gwozdecky* Stephen and Louise Hall* Danielle Hannah* Cindy Harrison and Don Whitney* Daniel and Hélène Harrison* Roger Hatch* Richard Hayter* Deirdre Hendrick* Adam Hendriks* Alyssa Herage* Barry J. Hobin & Associates Architects Inc. Lindsay H. Hockey* Mark Hogan* ▲ Swim coach Andrea Smith (left) carries the OlymPINK torch with breast cancer Ellyn Holzman and James Ursel survivor Andrea Douglas (right). Andrea Douglas’ swim club was so inspired by Dr. Jonathan Hooper her journey at the hospital that they decided to raise $10,000 with the first-ever Gordon and Jeannette Howarth OlymPINK Masters Spring Challenge. The event, at Brewer Pool on April 7, 2018, The Hutchingame Family blew their goal out of the water with 120 swimmers, including six Olympians, and Jo-Anne Ilkiw raised $19,000 for the Rose Ages Breast Health Centre. Inflector Environmental Services Investors Group Ed Ireland Joanne Batchelor John W. Crichton ITnet Eleanor S. Bates-Dunn* John Crupi* IUBAC Local 7* Fran Beach* John and Karen Davis Ken and Jessica Jennings* Kelly Ann Beaton* Gianni De Francesco* Jewitt McLuckie & Associates LLP Stefanie Beck* William Desloges* Andrea Johnson and David Little Bob Beiersdorfer* Danny Dillon James and Deborah Johnson* Subhas and Uttra Bhargava* Domicile Developments Inc. Kristine Johnson Hélène Biddiscombe* Dooclan Limited Ken Kaitola* Dr. Caroline Bigué and Linda Drainville* Adam Kane* Dr. Raman Tuli Roberta Driscoll and John Tawn Nicole Kean Elaine Bird* Andre Drouin* S. Khoury and Family* Johanne Blais and Dr. Robert Dales* Catherine Drouin* Christine Kincaid and James Saint* Robert M. Blake John and Catherine Dubé* Tim and Angela Kluke* Cynthia and David Blumenthal Daniel F. Dunlap* Kongsberg Geospatial Ltd. John and Leslie Booth* Eaton Industries (Canada) Company Simon Kwan Dr. Tanya Bracanovich* Electrical Contractors’ Kim Lackey* Ross and Corleen Bradley* Association Ottawa James E. Lahey* Charles Brophy* Mark Fazio* Robert F. Landry and Lynne Douglas* B. Brown Bill Fenton Philip Laundy* Kathryn Brown Peter Finnegan* Janet LeBlanc* Dr. Hans and Karin Buhrmann Whitney Fox* Alison LeClaire* Frank Cairo* Diane Fulford* Ronald Leslie* Calian Technology Ltd. John Fulton Marlene Levine and Andrew Siman* Doug and Karen Cameron Greg Fyffe* The Sandra and Jacie Levinson Capello Systems* Kirby Gallagher* Family Susan M. W. Cartwright* Valérie Gamache-O’Leary and Christina and David Lewis* Dr. Jean-Michel Caudrelier Mitchell O’Leary LiUNA! Local 527 Change Healthcare—Imaging, Gartner Canada Cameron Love* Workflow & Care Solutions Kelly and Jean Genier* Sharon P. Lubitz Claude Chapdelaine Geo. W. Drummond Ltd. Lupus Ontario Robert Chevrier and Francine Kelly Gillis* Debra Lynkowski* Mercier-Chevrier Karen Ginsberg and Ted Ramsay* Macadamian Margo Crawford* Jeremy Goldfarb* David and Elizabeth Mann Shelley Crawford and Graeme D. Gordon* Dorothy Marko* Mitchell Bellman* Michael Martin*

PAGE 24 *Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge Byron and Sharon Martin* Peter K. and Larry Aldea James and Dawn Maxwell Jacqueline Rowan-Legg* All Seniors Care Living Centres Brad McAninch and Rachel Rhine* Eric Ruhs* Dr. David Allan* Jim McConnery* Renaldo Saikali* Allergan Inc. Darin McCorriston* Chris and Tina Sarellas Frank A. Almeda Adam McIntosh Leslie Scanlon* Dr. Dimitar Altiparmakov In Memory of Lesley M. McIntyre* David J. Scott* Amankwah Medicine Professional Dedicated to Maureen McKinnon Dr. Fraser W. Scott Corporation Steve and Heather McLean* J.D. and Janice Sharp* Paul Amirault Susan McLeod* Scott Shortliffe* Anderson Insight Frances McRae* Siemens Medical Solutions Dr. Edward Anderson McRae and James Hendry Cindy and Nathan Smith* George and Janet Anderson Harry and Mimi Meredith May Lynn Soong Helen M. Anderson Margaret Meroni* Lesley Soper* R. David Anderson Stephen Mihorean* Sirius Financial Services* Stuart G. Anderson Gordon D. Miller* Kathleen (Kay) L. Stanley* Sibylle M. Anderton Jeffrey and Rhoda Miller* Allan and Billie Stephens* Frank and Angela Anello Mital Family Lori Stinson* Dr. Grizel Anstee Modern Niagara Group Inc Fraser Sutherland* Peter Antonitti Jane Moore Suzanne Swan and Brian Davidson* Lydia Aquino Ron Morrow Tag HR* Aragon Painting Inc. Beate Müeller-McManus on behalf Tom and Vicki Taggart* Jo-Anne Armstrong of the David McManus Private Donald Tanguay* Arnprior Lions Club Foundation Catrina Tapley* Anil Arora* Roy Nandram The Derick Brenninkmeyer Tony Arrell Florence Neidig Charitable Foundation Stanley Arron/On Call Centre Inc. Dr. Carolyn Nessim The Ottawa Hospital Family Jeanette Arsenault Phil Neveu Practice Partners Doug Assaly Nancy Nicks* Lisa Thiele* Linda Assaly Jim Noble Annette and Gordon Thiessen AstenJohnson, Inc. Dan Oakes* Rob Thomas* James Astley Kathy O’Hara* Christine Timbers* AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Maxine V. Oldham* Tomlinson Group Dr. Harold Atkins Robert O’Riley Ron and Amy Tomlinson* Robert and Mary Atkinson Barbara Orser* Uniform Developments & Nadine Audette Smita Pakhale Leasing Limited Margot and Duncan Ault Pamela Cross Law Professional University of Ottawa William J. R. Austin Corporation Stephen Van Dine* Brian Awrey Jason Pantarotto and Leanne Clare Jennifer and Michael Van Noort* Alfred Aziz* Parkanyi Family* Andy Veilleux B. J. Normand Ltd. Parkin Architects Limited* Rene Vermette* Bev and Dane Baily Pembroke Petawawa Lions Club Asha Wadhwa Sheila Balatti Marci Perreault* Christina Walker Helen Baldock Charles Perron Brian and Diane Wastle* Duncan Ball Dr. Desiree Persaud* Angela Wellman and Albert S. Barber Robert and Dianna Petrie* Mark Kwiecinski John Barron Kevin Pidgeon* John and Shirley Westeinde Andrew Bau Jo-Anne Poirier* Robert White and Nora Shipton* Dr. Hamid Bayanati Michel Poirier* Sara Wiebe* Bayer Inc. The Mimi and Sam Pollock Foundation Helen Wilson Tracey* Don Bayne Sheila Powell* Bruce Wolfgram* Richard Beardsley Priority Patient Transfer Service* Harvey Wong* Douglas Beattie Tim Pullyblank* Dr. Ronald and Helen Worton* Catherine Beatty The Honourable Michael J. Quigley Q.C. Dr. Homer Yang and Gabrielle Beaudoin Jeremy and Samantha Rakusin Dr. Kris Wilson-Yang* Michele Beck Douglas A. S. Rankin* Julie and Brock Beckett* Sheldon Rice* MEMBER—$1,000 TO $4,999 Dan Beer Judy Richards* Abatement Technologies Ltd Ethan Begun Melanie Riddell* Acoustique SM Albert and Carol Bélanger Robinson Consultants Inc. B. A. Adair Bell Canada

*Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge PAGE 25 Dr. John Bell Margaret Campbell* Lindee David* Bellai Construction Canada Building Materials J. Donald and Lois M. Davidson Anthony and Tamra Benjamin Kenneth Canam* William “Sandy” Davis David and Wendy Bennitz Cannonbye Construction Ltd. Peter and Carol Davy Jane and Frank Berlin Jean-Maurice Cantin, Q.C. Mary Dawson Chantal Bernier Tracey L. Capuano Dr. Ruby de Guzman Formoso Richard Bernst Kenneth M. Carmichael John and Gina De Kroon Stephen C. Bevington Brian Carolan Heather De Santis* Amarjit Bhullar Mary A. Cassidy Deborah Dearham Dr. Harold Rick Biewald and Michael and Sheila Castledine Steve deBlois Dr. Erin Keely Central Precast Group Angèle and Normand Delisle Paul Bimm Dr. Zave Chad Ariel Delouya* Andréa Blier James B. Chadwick Dr. Kristopher Dennis Corey Blundon John Chalmers Dr. René Desmarais BMR Group Christine Chang-Caza Margaret Dickenson Christine M. Bober-Kuzmin Robert Chaput Lorenzo Di-Fraja Foundation Chris Bockstael Raymond Charron Filipe Dinis* Bode’s Custom Cabinets Ltd. Chartwell Retirement Residences Judith E. Dinsdale Frank and Alexis Bone Joanne Chaters Brigitte Diogo* Mark Bonneau and Carole Chouinard Christian Dion* Anita deVries Bonneau Bruce Christie Richard Dionne Dominique Bonniere CI Investments Marc D’Iorio* Lynda A. Bordeleau Hope E. A. Clement David A. Dodge Helena Borges Rachel Cliff Dr. Michael Dollin June A. Borutski Betty and Jed Cochrane Donnelly Ford Lincoln Frits J. Bosman Jeff Cochrane Marilyn Donoghue Michel Léo Bourdon Cohen Steel Sales & Services Charles G. Double Claire Box Coldwell Banker First Ottawa Realty Claude and Jennifer Doucet Leslie and Walter Boyce Melanie Collins* Gwenneth Dowd David Bradly Colonnade Restaurant Ottawa Ltd. Ronald and Wendy Doyle Donald C. Brand Christina Marie Comeau Oz Drewniak Christiane Brasseur Comfort King Ltd. David Drinkwater Michel Brazeau Compass Group Canada Edward and Monique Ducharme Chris and Caroline Bredeson Mark and Linda Conley Linda and Klaus Duda Doug and Jackie Breithaupt Dr. Vladimir Contreras Dr. Nancy Dudek Keith and Alexa Brewer Brian Cook Blair Duffy Brian Regan Psychology The Cook Family* Melody Duncan Professional Corporation Donald Corelli Mary Joan Dunn Priscilla M. Bright Suzanne Corrigan Michael Dunn Joan Brodie Katherine and Jeremy Cotton Brandon Durant, CFP, CLU, CHS Jeffrey Brown Robert Coulson & Desjardins Financial Security Gregory R. Brown Joceline Cousineau Independent Network Joan Bryden Covertite Eastern Ltd. Michael and Katherine Durrer BTG Pactual Timberland Nancy Crain Josée Dussault* Investment Group Judith Cramer Dr. Choan E P. Bennett Buckland CRH Canada Group Inc. Kevin and JoAnne Easey Teresa Buffone John and Lucie Cross Matthew and Kelly Ebbs Patricia Burke Sean Crossan* Alan Echenberg William S. Burnside Patricia Cullen Dr. David R. Edmison Sarah Burroughs Cumberland Lions Club Inc. Leonard and Margaret Edwards Scott Burton Nancy Curran Diane Elie Paul Bush and Susan Martin-Bush Michael Currey John A. Elliot Jason M. Butchart Shane Currey Dr. Robert D. Elliott Annette Butikofer* Brad Cutsey B.M. Joan Ellis Karen Cahill Jacques Daigle Kimberly Elmslie* Jason and Rhonda Cameron* Dan Danagher and Daryl Webber* Enterprise Holdings Inc. David and Patricia Campbell Georges D’Aoust eQ Homes Inc. J. Neil Campbell DataKinetics Fairmont Château Laurier Joni Campbell and Chris Best Stéphane Daudelin Glenn D. Falls Krista Campbell* Robert D’Aurelio Ronayne Faloon

PAGE 26 *Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge Gaston Faucher William R. Graham Beatrice Hunter Denzil Feinberg, CFR, R.F.P. Maria Grant Grant Hunter Elaine Feldman Robert L. Grasty Elise Hynes Anne and Andrew Ferguson Maurice Graveline Innova Medical Ophthalmics Inc. Duncan Ferguson Greely Lions Club Inspiration Medic Ferme Hesnoda Inc. Peter Green Iroquois Matilda Lions Club Dilhari Fernando Mary Griffith Rosa and Carlo Iuliano Susan Ferrier Bastian Groenweg Sydney E. Jackson Fidelity Investments Canada ULC Andy and Nora Gross Leif Janichen Ambrose Field and Frank Gualtieri and Canopy Anna Kelly Janigan Mary Evelyn King-Field Insurance Services Agnès and Rémy Jaouich Filles D’Isabelle #1352 Don Guilbeault Jennings Real Estate Corp Finch and District Lions Club Gilles Guillemet Grahame Johnson* Margaret F. Finlayson H. (Vic) Lavictoire & Son Ltd. Brian P. Joynt Anne and Pat Finn H. H. Angus & Associates Ltd. Carman M. Joynt Dr. Cora L. Fisher Don Habbick Dr. Alan Karovitch Karen E. Floyd Carolyn Hackland Kavoliunas Consulting Inc. Harold Floysvik Linda Hahn Larry and Lynn Keen Ella Forbes-Chilibeck Dr. George Hajjar Medicine Linda J. Keen Donald and Helen Fortier Professional Corporation Keller Engineering Associates Inc. Paul A. France Ron Hallman Kelly Santini LLP Rocco Frangione Suzanne Halpenny Marc Kennedy Andrew Frank and Lori Steele* Todd Hamilton Audrey Kenny Marie Fraser Harley-Davidson de l’Outaouais Bob Kenny Lise Fréchette James and Melanie Harmon Jim Kenward Norman S. Freeman John M. Harrington M. Joy Kingsbury Nicolette Frosst Sean Harrington Will Klein-Swormink Fuelled Networks Evans Harrison Joanne Klineberg Karin Fuller Michael Hartwick and Carolyn Knobel* Michael Furtner Pamela Cameron Koskie Minsky LLP Dee and Yale Gaffen Siobhan Harty* Rajiv Kottomtharayil Mike Gagnon Victor Harward Peter and Doris Kouri Philip Gagnon Paul Haskins Michelle Kovacevic* Joseph G. Galon Malcolm R. Hayes Gwen and Wally Kozar Paul and Ghislaine Gareau George and Donna Haynal* Sharon Kozicki George Gargarella Michael Hayward and Erica Clapp Joyce Ku Dr. Kenneth Garson HealthCareCAN Joanne Kydd GasTOPS Ltd. M. Gwen Hefferman Raymonde Labelle Gregory Gauld David W. and Nicole Henderson Tammy Labelle* Jacqueline Gauthier James P. Henderson Arthur Labrecque Richard Gauthier Bert Hendriks Jean-Marc Labrosse GE Healthcare Ian Hendry Labtician Ophthalmics Inc. James Chow Gen Joyce Henry* Mary M. Lacompte Alexa Gendron-O’Donnell* Vicki Hersey Lafarge Canada Inc. Gerry Crepin Cartage Limited Patricia Hewitt Diane Lafleur* Peiman Ghamari Steve and Lynn Hindle Joan Lafrance Annette Gibbons* Edward Hitchcock Taylor Lamanna Lorraine Gignac Family and friends of Dermott Hodder Dr. Jacinthe Lampron Pemi Gill* Peter J. Holmes Ohanelle Languedoc Mara Giuseppin Margie Hooper Jean Cathleen Laprade Nancy Gleeson Ruby D. Hope Latcon (2009) Ltd Gloucester North Lions Club Kiran and Rashma Horra Shirley Ann Lavoie* Bernard Gloyn Sheilagh and Ed Hoskins Jack M. Lawlor* Gwen Goodier James Howden Nancy Laws-Lepage Goodkey, Weedmark & Associates Ltd. Kenneth and Raymonde Howes F.J. Lawson Lori Goodyear* Margo Hoyt and Glen Orsak LA-Z-Boy Gore Mutual Insurance Company Richard J. Hughson Jean Lebel Foundation Marjory Hum Gregory Leblanc Jacqueline Ann Goudal Ann Marie Hume* The Honorable Marjory LeBreton, P.C.* Kelly Goulet June L. Humphries Conrad L’Ecuyer

*Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge PAGE 27 Mary Ledoux Terrance and Judy McGrath Lorne R. Nelson Marc E. Leduc Nicholas McHaffie David Nevins Lee Valley Tools Scott and Michelle McIntosh Ha Ngo Alice S. Lee Louise McIntyre Ly-Chou Ngo Cyril Leeder Robert McIntyre Vinh Duy Nguyen Renée Légaré* The Families of Dalt and Edith Charles R. Nixon Karen Leggett McIntyre in memory of Mary Geoffrey Oakes Marc Lemieux* Fran McIntyre Nancy Oakes and Ernie Sherman Jennifer Lemke, RN* Sheila McKeage Dr. Michael O’Connor Patrick Lenouvel Andrew McKenzie Erin O’Gorman Dr. Brian and Patricia Leonard Willis and Susan McKeown Franz Ohler Mary Leonchuk David McKinnon In memory of Alfred Rudi Olberg Micheline Lepage Levesque Robert McLean Kevin Olesen David S. Leslie Patrick and Nancy McNamer Monica S. Olney Michael and Suzanne Lewis Harold R. McNeely Patrick O’Neil Sabrina Liguori* Anil Mehta Lori O’Neill* Lions Club of Gloucester François Ménard Maureen O’Neill Lions Club of Perth Diana M. Merlini Mabel Ong Rose Lipiec Montoya Mario Meroni Orleans Lions Club Jennifer Little and Chris Weekes* Georgina Mertikas-Lavictoire Robert Orr Dr. Catherine Lochrin Metcalfe and District Lions Club Donald Orth Lodestar Security Solutions Inc Louise Metivier David E. Osborn and The Logan Katz LLP Dr. Thomas Paul Meyerhof Honourable Monique Métivier LOGIQ Global Partners Patricia Michel Dr. Dennis and Anne Osmond Margaret Loney Curt Millar Ottawa Construction Association Peter F. and Sabina Leona Long Ryan Miller Ottawa District 1 Masons: “The Claire and Andre Lortie Jacob Milosek Water Buffalo’s” Hubert Lussier* Marcellus Mindel Yuying Ou M. Lwow Paul and Mary Mirsky Michel and Susan Ouellette M Con Products Inc Modern OT Occupational Jan Ovens Nick Macaluso* Therapy Services Joyce Owen Dr. Pete MacEwen Dana Mohr In loving memory of Dr. Denis Pagé Todd MacFarlane Paul A. Monpas Dr. Giuseppe Pagliarello Caroline MacIntosh Mike and Joanne Moore Sunny and Nini Pal Allen W. MacLeod Robin Morash Palmer Rapids & Area Lions Club M. M. MacSween, C.A. and Dr. Scott Morgan and Elspeth Tory Dennis Paproski Fiona MacSween Morneau Shepell Robert Parton Dr. Samy Mahmoud Claire M. Morris Jean-Nicolas Pasquier Nick and Vivian Maiorino Wayne Morris Dr. Donald E. Patten Diana Mansour Alex Morrison* Daniel E. Patterson Manulife Financial Major James A. Morrison Jim and Patty Paul Valérie Marcil Reginald S. Morrison PBC Real Estate Advisors Inc. Rennie Marcoux* The Mount Family Major (RET) G.L. Pearce, C.D. Marel Contractors (Ottawa) Mountain Township & District Jane Pearse Alain Paul Martin Lions Club Liliana Pecorilli-Longo Wayne E. Martin Liza Mrak People Corporation Sumiko Matsushita Marty W. Muldoon* Mark Perlman Mattamy Homes Michael J. Mulhall Giuseppe Perone Joe Mayda Urve Mundi Greg Peterson Ronald and Norma Mayer Shirley N. Mungall Viet Pham James G. McCracken Ross Munro Calvin Plett Sheri McCready Linda Munroe Cecylia C. Podoski Kathryn McDade Margo G. Murchison Mary Pole Dr. Joseph O. McElligott W. Ormond Murphy Sandra Pollack and Margaret McEwen Dr. Allan Murray Dr. Steven Poleski Dr. Kathryn McFarland Stewart R. Murray The Pollard Family Dave McGahan Bruce and Nancy Myers Joan Pollock Kelly McGee Dr. Vimoj J. Nair Roberta Pollock J. Gordon McGibbon Navan Lions Club Chuck and Malca Polowin Jim and Dorothy McGill Cristina Necsulescu Erica and Glenn Posner

PAGE 28 *Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge Rick Potvin Leslie and Derele Scharfe Prescott & District Lions Club Denis Schuthe and Lynne Dubeau Prestige Design & Construction Ltd. Sheridan Schwartz Prevent Cancer Now Greg Scorsone Jean Joseph Prevost Brian Scott Jacques Quesnel Roger Scott-Douglas Robert Quesnel Zvonimir and Sergine Sebalj Elizabeth Quigley Dan R. and Erma Seekings Rehana Qureshi Sega Electric Inc. Christopher Rainer Stephen M. Sekerak Ronald Rathwell Kathleen M. Shaw Darryl Ray Lola Gibson Shaw RBC Foundation Matt Shea Dr. Mark Reardon Mohamed Sheibani Reid St. Amour Consulting Inc. David R. Shelly Linda Reid Sriram Shiva Benjamin Remy Robert W. Showman Pierre Richard Q.C. Laurie and Lorne Shusterman Matthew Rinfret Brad Sigouin The Honourable Mr. Justice Gerald Darryl Silgardo ▲ The Golf Quest 4 Clinical Trials and Mrs. Brenda Rip Harini Silva organizers (left to right) Greg Moore, Thomas Owen Ripley Paula Silver and Family Larry Kelly, and Ryan Kelahear made a Rivard Mechanical Inc. In honour of Norman Sim commitment to raise $10 million dollars Adam Robb Stacey Simard in 10 years for clinical trials. They are Dr. James A. Robblee Geoff Simpson well on their way—their second golf ARJ Jacqueline Sin tournament on June 27 brought their Benoit Robidoux John Sin total raised to over $282,000. Hélène Robillard Doug Sipolins Walter J. Robinson Jan Skora Rockland Lions Club Patricia Smart Alexander Struthers Pierre E. Roger Alan Smith Jim Stubinsky Allan R. Rosengren Douglas A. Smith Maurice A. Sullivan Matt Ross Heather Smith* Dr. Patrick Sullivan The Rotary Club of Eganville L.C. Smith David A. Sutherland Ronald L. Rousseau Lucas and Renée Smith Julie Swanlund Guylaine Roy Pattie and John Smith Elsa Swedko Royal Canadian Legion Branch 625 Marguerite L. Smith Dr. J. Robert Swenson* Richmond & District Phil Smith Systemscope* Dr. Fraser Rubens S. Lenore and Fraser Smith Kanwal Talwar Aaron Rubinoff Lynn and Les Sones Edward Tamagno John and Jennifer Ruddy Sorger Family The Honourable Mr. Justice and Ruiter Construction Ltd. Clifford Sosnow Mrs. Louis Tannenbaum Dr. Roseann Runte Tony Soulis Theo and Saloma Tannis and Russell Lions Club Dorothy Speak family Susan R. Rust Jean Spicer Yanxia Tao Mary R. Sabiston John Spicer and Patricia Trott Debra Tattrie Dr. Rajiv Samant Isabel M. Spurr James and Mary Taylor Bill Sammon Matthew Sreter Merle Taylor Marc Sanderson Richard J. Standish TD Insurance Home and Auto Murray Sang Anne Stanfield Tektam Integrations Inc Brenda E. Sangster and Nancy Stanton Jo Terris Michele E. Gosse Stantec Consulting Ltd. Hillary Thatcher Cesare Santaguida Ruth and David Steinberg The Glen Scottish Pub Stittsville Eric Santor Denis Stevens The Lake Partnership Inc Taki Sarantakis Sandy and Heather Stewart The Mr. Gas Foundation Dr. Francine Sarazin Tom and Heather Stewart The Sahara Foundation Linda and Gary Saunders Angus Stewart-Guthrie The Tom and Gail Kaneb Family Sheryle Saunders Stittsville District Lions Club Inc. Foundation David Scarlett Gary Stoddart The Wesley and Mary Nicol Mark Schaan Strong Bros. Charitable Foundation

*Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge PAGE 29 Theberge Homes Vincent P. Colizza Architect Inc. Borden Ladner Gervais LLP Richard Théberge Charles Vincent boyden Tony Graham Automotive Karim Virani Bytown Water Charles Théroux Lakshmi Vishnubhatla CAA Rev. Dr. Daniel M. Thomas Elisabeth Vitanyi Cable Public Affairs Canada Jody Thomas Tim Vizena and Erin Comerford Calian Health John Thomas Jacinthe and Danny Waldron Canadian Imperial Bank of A. L. Thompson Bobbie Jo Walsh Commerce Claudia Thompson Darcy Walsh Canadian Medical Association Thomas M. Thompson and Barbara E. Neville Ward Cetaphil A. Brown Daniel B. Warren Change Healthcare—Imaging, Lillian Thomsen* Wayne Warren Workflow & Care Solutions Stephen Tierney Mark Waters Chef’s Paradise Toban Electric Inc Judy Watling Cisco Systems Canada Co. Melanie Tod Keith C. Watson Claridge Homes TOH Civic Campus Retired Watson’s Pharmacy and Coughlin & Associates Employees Assoc. Compounding Centre Dan and Denise Carruthers Eva Tom Nanci Jean Waugh Deloitte W. Sam Tom Sheila Waugh Dentons Canada LLP Bruno Toneguzzi John and Arlene Weekes Desjardins Ian M. Toth Irit Weiser Discount Truck & Car Rental Dr. Claire Touchie Dr. Philip Wells Doherty & Associates Ltd. Jocelyne Tourigny Jennifer Wheatley Brandon Durant, CFP, CLU, CHS Trez Capital Paul G. White & Desjardins Financial Security Trinity Development Group Shelley Whiting Independent Network Charles Trites and Susan Cameron Susan Whitney and Dymond Storage Stefania Trombetti Professor Norman Hillmer EllisDon Corporation Kim Troutman Thomas Wileman Emond Harnden LLP Shawn Tupper Kenneth and Isabelle Wilkie EY Elaine Turcotte Meg Wilson First Avenue Investment Counsel Francois Vachon Andrea Wiseman and Sacha Singh Fisher Scientific Robert Ulmer Dr. Ray Wiss GGFL LLP Phui Senh Ung WMC Water Management Goodkey, Weedmark & Associates Unico Auto Service Ltd. Patricia Wood Ltd. Unifor—Local 414 Sherry Woodburn The Wholesale HazloLaw—Business Lawyers Unifor—Local 462 Outlet HDR Architecture Associates, Inc. Unique Home Inspections Carole and Lee Workman Honeywell Marilyn and John Upper WSP Canada HSBC Bank Canada Darlene Upton Caroline Xavier Peter and Kelly Hudson Urbano Inc Jianzhang Xiong Hydro Ottawa L. V. Ursel Jing Yang Inflector Environmental Services Valcom Consulting Group Inc. R. Yorke Investors Group Jean-Guy Vaillancourt Jamison Young JB Holdings Inc. Julie Vaillancourt and Ross Campell Wendy Young Jim Tubman Chevrolet Paul and Sylvie Vaillancourt Joseph Zadzora Johnny Sweeping Sharon E. Vaillant John Zarecky Kelly Santini LLP John Van Den Ham The Zed Family Kichesippi Beer Co. Richard and Jean Van Loon Arnold Zeman KPMG LLP Kristi Varangu Linda Ziegler Laurin General Contractor Gary and Rita Varsava Liquid Gym VCL Construction* SPONSORS Making Dreams a Reality Financial Velocity Media Accenture Planning Gordon Venner AstraZeneca Canada Inc. Mann Lawyers LLP Daniel Verreault BMO Financial Group Mark Motors Porsche Martin Vervoort Beacon Light Mattamy Homes Juana Vethamuthu Bell Media MBM Intellectual Property Law Peter Vice Beyond Yoga Studio & Wellness McKinsey & Company Canada Anthony Viel Centre MD Financial Management Carmen and John Vierula Boone Plumbing and Heating Merkley Supply Alain Villeneuve Supply Inc. Metroland

PAGE 30 *Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge MNP TC United Group Eli Element 200km Bike Ride for Modern Niagara Group Inc. TD Bank Group Brain Cancer Morguard Telesat Canada EllisDon Bonspiel Myers TELUS Emilie’s Fundraising Event for Blood NAV CANADA The Minto Group Cancer Research Nordion The Westin Ottawa Emond Harnden Fundraiser for Oberon Capital Corporation ThermoFisher Scientific BHC Ultra Sound Otsuka Canada Pharmaceutical Tomlinson Group Faraday Street Fundraiser Inc. Trinity Development Group Ferrari Club Ottawa Business Interiors University of Ottawa Faculty of Fun Day Picnic Ottawa Citizen Medicine Fund Friday Pamela Cross Law Professional Waterford Property Group Golf Quest 4 Clinical Trials Corporation WCPD Foundation Hair Donation Ottawa Jacob and Jeannie Polisuk WestJet Helen’s Boutique Pomerleau Inc. Michael and Jacqui Wilson In Memory of Frank J. Licari, “The Prospectus Associates Yoga on Tap Champ” Québecor Jeff Campbell Charity Golf RBC Foundation EMPLOYEE GIVING CAMPAIGNS Tournament RBC Phillips Hager & North Abbott Point of Care K.C. Jones Memorial Fishing Derby Investment Council Inc. Calian Technology Ltd. Karaoke for Cancer Awareness Regional Group of Co. Century 21 John DeVries Ltd. Fundraiser Rogers Communication Inc. Brokerage Kidney Research Centre Golf RBC Royal Bank DataKinetics Tournament Renaldo Saikali of Scotia Wealth Gartner Canada Lexi & Zoe Bake Sale Management GasTOPS Ltd. Lions Club International District A4 Scotiabank Innovapost Little Angels Cross-Country Shaw Communications ITnet Ski Fundraising Event at the Soloway Wright LLP Kongsberg Geospatial Ltd. Gatineau Loppet Spectrum Cannabis Macadamian Technologies Inc. Machghara Benevolent Society Sporting Life NAV CANADA Annual Golf Tournament St. Joseph NavPoint Consulting Group Inc Make Waves Starbucks Telesat Canada Mark Lindsay Memorial Golf Stikeman Elliot LLP Telus Employee Charitable Fund Tournament Sun Life Financial The Ottawa Hospital Employees Myeloma Walk Superstore ThermoFisher Scientific OlymPINK Masters Swim Meet Systemscope OMA P.E.A.C.E. Memorial Golf COMMUNITY EVENTS Tournament #StuStrong Once Upon a Time 100 Women Who Care OTLBC Staff Tennis Doubles 5th Annual Cure Diabetes Golf Ottawa Carleton Male Choir Tournament Ottawa Celebrity Sports Dinner Agostino Monteduro Italian Night in Ottawa Ice—National Ringette Support of Kidney Research League Alive to Strive Race Pad Man Event All-In For Arthritis Poker Night/The Rebecca & Mackenzie Cancer Arthritis Society Fundraiser All Saints Annual Buyout Basketball Royal LePage Breakfast ▲ For a decade, employees of the Tournament Sons of Carpineto Romano high-tech firm Kongsberg Geospatial An Evening with Michael Bonacini Share the Hope have been committed to raising Bake Me Happy Cancer Fundraiser Sleep Walk money for cancer research at Blackburn Hamlet Cancer Chase Spadinaween X The Ottawa Hospital. This past year, Bowling for BJ Stittsville Childcare Centre Annual through payroll deductions, BBQs, Brian Renaud’s Fundraiser BBQ & Raffle and a host of team activities, these Brian Robinson Memorial Golf Sunshine Poker Tournament/Najah generous employees raised $26,885.29 Tournament Ayoub Foundation for REaCT cancer trials. This means the Cruisin’ for Cancer Tee it up for Cancer tech team’s total giving over the last Daughters of Penelope Fashion Walls and Ceilings Contractors 10 years has surpassed $400,000. Their Show Association (WACCA) Golf philanthropy has made a tremendous Deloitte Easter Chocolate Raffle Tournament difference to cancer research.

*Indicates donors who have chosen to make a multi-year pledge PAGE 31 REPORT OF THE INDEPENDENT AUDITORS ON THE Summary Financial Statements 〉〉〉

To the Members of The Ottawa The summary financial statements and the audited Hospital Foundation financial statements do not reflect the effects of events that occurred subsequent to the date of our report on Opinion the audited financial statements. The summary financial statements of The Ottawa Hospital Foundation (the “Entity”), which comprise: Management’s Responsibility for the • the summary statement of financial position as at Summary Financial Statements March 31, 2019 Management is responsible for the preparation of the • the summary statement of operations and changes summary financial statements in accordance with the in net assets for the year then ended criteria disclosed in note 1 in the summary financial • and related notes statements. are derived from the audited financial statements of Auditors’ Responsibility the Entity as at and for the year ended March 31, 2019 Our responsibility is to express an opinion on whether (the “audited financial statements”). the summary financial statements are consistent, in all material respects, the audited financial statements In our opinion, the accompanying summary financial based on our procedures, which were conducted statements are consistent, in all material respects, in accordance with Canadian Auditing Standards with the audited financial statements, in accordance 810, Engagements to Report on Summary Financial with the criteria disclosed in note 1 in the summary Statements. financial statements.

Summary Financial Statements The summary financial statements do not contain all the disclosures required by Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations. Reading the Chartered Professional Accountants, Licensed Public summary financial statements and the auditor’s report Accountants thereon, therefore, is not a substitute for reading the Ottawa, Canada Entity’s audited financial statements and the auditor’s report thereon. May 23, 2019

PAGE 32 The Ottawa Hospital Foundation The Ottawa Hospital Foundation SUMMARY STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS as at March 31, 2019 year ended March 31, 2019 2019 ($) 2018 ($) 2019 ($) 2018 ($) Assets Revenue Current assets Donations 22,883,723 27,988,561 Cash 10,110,508 13,051,630 Lottery 923,676 780,556 Accounts receivable 1,033,015 1,030,058 Investment income 2,472,109 4,014,016 Prepaid expenses 255,827 224,729 26,279,508 32,783,133 11,399,350 14,306,417 Expenditures Investments 92,061,305 88,531,997 Direct fundraising 1,519,424 1,426,901 Capital assets 158,103 146,121 Other fundraising 3,890,620 3,600,784 103,618,758 102,984,535 Lottery 471,477 415,130 Liabilities Administrative 1,790,961 1,583,989 Current liabilities 7,672,482 7,026,804 Accounts payable and Excess of revenue over accrued liabilities 1,306,492 1,592,745 expenditures, before grants 18,607,026 25,756,329 Grants payable to Grants 17,489,129 17,676,560 The Ottawa Hospital 2,638,085 3,046,805 Excess of revenue over Grants payable to expenditures 1,117,897 8,079,769 the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute 7,426,510 7,215,211 11,371,087 11,854,761 Fund balances Unrestricted fund 3,917,961 3,348,063 Invested in capital assets 158,103 146,121 Restricted fund 18,385,792 17,122,023 Endowment fund 69,785,815 70,513,567 $17.4 MILLION 92,247,671 91,129,774 transferred to the hospital for 103,618,758 102,984,535 research and care (2018–2019)

1. Summary financial statements: (a) whether information in the summary financial statements The summary financial statements are derived from is in agreement with the related information in the complete the complete audited financial statements, prepared in audited financial statements; and accordance with Canadian accounting standards for not-for-profit organizations, as at and for the year ended (b) whether, in all material respects, the summary financial March 31, 2019. statements contain the information necessary to avoid distorting or obscuring matters disclosed in the related complete audited The preparation of these summary financial statements financial statements, including the notes thereto. requires management to determine the information that needs to be reflected in the summary financial statements Management determined that the statements of changes so that they are consistent, in all material respects, with or in net assets and cash flows do not provide additional useful represent a fair summary of the audited financial statements. information and as such has not included them as part of the summary financial statements. These summarized financial statements have been prepared by management using the following criteria: The complete audited financial statements of the Foundation are available upon request by contacting these organizations.

PAGE 33 Committees 〉〉〉

Volunteers on Board Committees President’s Breakfast for Bryan Allsopp Adam Kane the Public Service Volunteer Stephen C. Bevington Ainsley Malhotra Committee Michael Brennan Rebecca Tam Thanks to the leadership of our President’s Breakfast for Brian J. Cook Paulina Yee the Public Service volunteers and to the generosity of Michael Gagnon their guests, $361,255 was donated to patient care and research on May 8, 2018. Gala Committee 2018 Rennie Marcoux, Co-Chair Wendy Hadwen Whitney Fox, Co-Chair Cindy Harrison Marty Muldoon, Co-Chair Mollie Johnson Greg Kane, Co-Chair Randy Marusyk Anil Arora Greg Kane Nicholas Allaham Micheline McElligott Stefanie Beck Robert Orr Roxanne L. Anderson Michael Naufal Susan Cartwright Lisa Setlakwe Hugues Boisvert Ian Sherman Ariel Delouya Shawn Tupper Katherine Cotton Chris Vivone Kevin d’Entremont

The Ottawa Hospital Gala President’s Breakfast for the At the Gala on October 27, we celebrated the Community Volunteer Committee achievements of three incredible researchers whose Thanks to the leadership of our President’s Breakfast work is transforming health care. volunteers and to the generosity of their guests, $807,000 was donated to patient care and research on Worton Researcher in Training Award: Dr. Kristin Danko September 12, 2018. Chrétien Researcher of the Year Award: Cyril Leeder, Co-Chair Nancy Oakes Dr. William Stanford Janet McKeage, Co-Chair Mohamed Sheibani Grimes Career Achievement Award: Dr. Fraser Scott Mark Bonneau Ernie Sherman Jeff Clarke Ian Sterling Ian Hendry

Sovereign’s Medal for Volunteers On behalf of the Governor General, the Right Honourable Jean Chrétien presented these outstanding Foundation volunteers with Sovereign’s Medals on for Volunteers. John Cardill Nancy Oakes Albert Lefebvre Frank Tierney Paul McCarney Whitman Tucker James McCracken

◄ Drs. Fraser Scott, Kristin Danko, and William Stanford

PAGE 34 THE OTTAWA HOSPITAL FOUNDATION Board of Directors 2018–2019 〉〉〉

James K. Harmon Subhas Bhargava Susan M.W. Cartwright Jeffrey Clarke Managing Partner, Community Volunteer Commissioner, Public President and CEO, Boyden Canada (Chair) Service Commission Inflector Environmental (Secretary) Services

Bryce Conrad Kevin Ford Whitney Fox Sandra Goldberg President and CEO, President and CEO, Community Volunteer Community Volunteer Hydro Ottawa Calian Group Ltd. (Treasurer)

Mitchell Kurylowicz Michael McGahan Dr. Pradeep Merchant Natalie Raffoul Founder, Project Jenga President CLV Group and Site Chief, Division Managing Partner, and MAKE LUCK HISTORY CEO, InterRent REIT of Neonatology, BRION RAFFOUL The Ottawa Hospital

Ross Rowan-Legg Michael Runia Tina Sarellas Bruce Wolfgram First VP, Portfolio National Managing Regional President, Principal, Proveras Manager, Investment, Partner, Deloitte Private Ontario North & East Commercial Realty CIBC Wood Gundy (Vice-Chair) Region, RBC Royal Bank

PAGE 35 Starting the Day with Hope 〉〉〉

Seventeen years ago, The Ottawa Hospital Foundation hosted the first President’s Breakfast. Three hundred business and community leaders gathered to hear hospital President and CEO Dr. Jack Kitts talk about his vision. Three patients described how The Ottawa Hospital saved their Ellen Ottens lives. Their powerful testimonials filled that hour-long breakfast with hope and compassion and inspired the guests’ support.

The annual President’s Breakfast has now raised more than $11 million for The Ottawa Hospital. From funding research, to building the cancer centre, and purchasing state-of-the-art equipment, the breakfast provides crucial funding to help improve patient care.

On Wednesday, September 12, 561 guests were as inspired by the testimonials as the guests were at that first breakfast 17 years ago, donating an astonishing $807,000 to patient care and research. Four powerful speakers told how their lives changed in an instant and were saved by the expertise and world-class treatment at The Ottawa Hospital. Here are their stories:

PAGE 36 Jeanette Cheng Spencer Ottens Twelve years ago, Jeannette Cheng headed out with Ellen Ottens’ four boys had had their fair share of friends for a white-water rafting adventure, but ended bumps, bruises, and broken bones. But when she took up in a serious car accident. Jeannette, the most her teenaged son, Spencer, to the doctor about a critically injured, was airlifted to the Regional Trauma strange bump in his nose, she wasn’t prepared for the Centre. She had multiple operations to repair broken diagnosis. He had an enormous tumour in his head. bones and damaged organs, and spent four months Neurosurgeon Dr. Fahad Al Kharayf and ear, nose and recovering in the hospital and rehabilitation centre. The throat specialist Dr. Shaun Kilty performed an eight- compassionate care Jeannette received inspired her hour minimally invasive surgery, removing the tumour to become a nurse. Today, she works in the Surgery through Spencer’s nose. Today, Spencer is back playing Division at The Ottawa Hospital. his high school sports.

John Chafe Adrian Molloy John Chafe’s plans of working in the financial When the blade on Adrian Molloy’s power saw partially sector were sidetracked by an aggressive form severed his arm, he was rushed to The Ottawa Hospital. of multiple sclerosis (MS). One day, John heard He was one of the first to benefit from an initiative neurologist Dr. Mark Freedman on the radio talking that extended the time from 30 to 60 minutes for an about a groundbreaking study he was working ambulance to head directly to the Regional Trauma on with hematologist and scientist Dr. Harold Atkins to Centre at the Civic Campus, bypassing the nearest see if an innovative stem cell transplant would halt an community hospital. Trauma staff worked quickly and aggressive form of MS. John volunteered to participate saved Adrian’s arm. Adrian is back on the construction and, in 2001, he became the second person in the site with full use of his arm and enjoying every moment world-first clinical trial that virtually eliminated any with his wife and three children. new MS activity and stabilized his disease. This winter, John skied with his wife and eight-year-old daughter.

PAGE 37 DANCING WITH THE DOCS Events April 7, 2018 $446,242 raised 800 guests 8 dancing docs 〉〉〉 Total raised since 2017— $780,000

"We can make every step really count, by tying our running goals with fundraising for The Ottawa Hospital." - Sindy Hooper

THE RIDE September 9, 2018 $1.1 million raised 700 riders Total raised since 2010—$13 million RUN WITH US. MAY 26-27, 2018

RUN FOR A REASON REGISTER TODAY May 26 & May 27, 2018 RUNFORAREASON.CA $310,000 raised 438 runners/walkers Total raised since 1998— $11 million PAGE 38 RUN FOR A REASON AT TAMARACK OTTAWA RACE WEEKEND Thank You to All Those Involved in Our Events!

55 Community events 4 Gourmet dinners

Tournaments: Fashion shows golf, ringette, 18 tennis, curling, 3 bowling, poker

15 Walk/run/ski 1 Karaoke night

BBQs President’s dinners May 24, 2018: 10 2 180 guests October 11, 2018: 175 guests

The Ottawa Hospital Bake sales Gala 1 October 27, 2018: 5 676 guests, 59 sponsored tables

PAGE 39 ▼ Nursing staff, General Surgery, Civic Campus Left to Right: Camille Roderiguez, Christine Jacques, Stephanie Soucy, Alyssa Grimberg, Joe Bothamley, Vanessa Okoboh

Cover Story: Joellie Qaunaq sits in front of a photo of a Baffin Island landscape, similar to the land near where he lived. Read his story on page 7.

737 Parkdale Avenue, 1st Floor P.O. Box 610, Ottawa, ON K1Y 1J8 613-761-4295 | Charitable Registration Number: 8690 42747 RR0001