HQ/nnirnl JO~ ' ~nl '!! 11" f.lU(/lN SlKitlJ ( 1987). 95: 155- 179

Invading at high altitudes on especiaUy in the National Park

J. H. OI CKSON, r .L.S.

Botally Department, Tite Ullivusity ofGtasgow G/2 8QQ


ICONA. Sall/(1 Gru~ de T elluije, Gmwry ' stallds

DlCKSON. J. H .. RODRI CIJEZ. J. C. & ~ I ACHAOO , A., 1986. lDv:lldial pllu.t. a t hil ta a1utudo o", Tan,rife, especi.Uy ia lb., T¿de Nauonal Parlo. F.ight)"'lhrtt Oo..-rring pl anl5 are' discussro aS succnsful. f"i la! or potential invaden of the Teidt· Nat;onal I'ark . Tencrifc. a caldera a. 2000 ni altitudc aud al>O\'e with a largel)" r lHkl11ic na.i\"( nora. T ..-o iml'0rla1ll melhoos of iu, ·; t ~ iv n arto considered . Fi l"$t ly. there "'as d i~lX'r'!IlI l by pastor:tl;sm, goa•• hcrd iug. au ande'll Vl':I.rtirr ... hieh slo l/11n! owr 30 )'e:al"$ ago. Sccondly. Ih e d ~\' dopm e:U1 of mass lournm in ,he: 1;lIt 25 )'ean has brought a rrrsh innuJ< or alien plaUIlI. Man)' or Ihe: 83 in\'adrn di :l(" u~ ha,'e: had onl)' Il':I.nsieUI oceurre:uccs. bUllO arto ",cll-nlablishrd. 15 bci ng gr:usc:s among whieh II,e... s fn:1"",,,, aud l'ulpin mJ~'eJ arto th e 1ll11$1 ahundant, CIr(n~potIi "m I'~h-M in and P IJII p,nlmsiJ ar~ ue'" to Te:uaire ;... d On(!JIi¡ tfO ", rrll/~ suo.p. Ir;SpnR;(Q i. ne ... 10 Ihe C,m:lI')" !sland •. Co'l' rol n":aJ,,rn are oUl lilll:« . Allrnl )lU han' alre:ad y l:>r" u mad,' 10 rolllain AIJnlIl bll,ba/II , /ArIM{tl snriolll a"d CJltwopnJ;~", slltt;n.

.... I)I) IT IONAI. IU;YWORI)S: AI;ell planlS - colI ..n ·¡¡tÍQ" l1Iea$urcs - disjX'n.a1 - TeurTire: t'lo ....


l"uOO"rl;on . J55 Calalogue ofin\'ading 5p«;(:s Origill$. di!iIX'TS.l 1 ,,,,ti IlItlUJ of.he iU\,:I(ling sl:>rdrs . 171'" Conlrol "rthe in\'3ding ' l't'Ól'S and cOIIst'r"alion 176 A ckno", lt:d ge: m ~ nt.s 177 Rcfcrtoncn. 177


The caldera of Las Cañadas al altitudes of 2000 In (6500 rt ) and abovc, has long bccn renow ned for ilS distinctivc nora consisting largcl y of cnd cmi c specics (Bramwcll & Bramwe ll , 19 74; l\'lachado, 19 79 a; Ortuño, 1980). Thesc

0024-4(174/87/010155 + 25 $03.0010 '" 1987 T he ullllfan Socic:I)' or London '56 J. 1-1 . J)IC:K SON EJ .rI.. gro\\' in a sevcrcl y ICSlill g hahitat which has cxcccdingly wcl l-draincd skclctal soils tllldcr lhe Slrong ul¡raviolcl radiatioll 01' a fi en cloudl css ski es, with low prccipita¡ ion and relali\'c humid it)'. The)' are subjcclcd 10 g rcal diurnal a!ld scasonal variatiOlls ortcmpcralurc (Fcrn adopullé, 1976; Ortuilo, 1980). Espcciall )' cole! Ic mperaturcs occur in Ihe lo\\' Iying arcas, Ihe caldera boltoms bctwcc n 2000 and 2200 In (Cañadas· Kaltscc, Voggenrciter, 1974). The absolutc mínimum rccorded by R. \o\'egncr in 1911 in Cañada de la Grieta (2078 m) is - ¡G.l oe. T he mean annual Icmpcraturc is goC and Ih e 30 year mean or prccipitatio ll a l halla (2300 m ) is 463 mm. Limilcd by thesc r:l clo rs, Ihe sparsc fl ora compriscs a largcly shrubby a nd masll y vcry opcn \"cgc la lion. Sparlof]lisus supraTlubius (L. ) Wcbb & Scn h. and Adrl/ owrjJ/ls uiscosus (\Villd .) \Vebb & Benh., IWO of lhe mOS I abundanl spedes, are 1cguminous shru bs. The former has bee n shown 10 ha ve N-fi xin g nodules (C. T . \Vheelc r, personal eommunicalion). It gi"cs ils Ilamc to lhe class Spa rlo0'lisdtu tlubigmi 01' Voggenrcilcr ( 1974), lhc mos l cX lcnsivc "cgclalion type wi lh up lo 25 species. Endemic annuals are absent, a lack characleris lic 0 1' Ihe whole Cal1 arian nora, ¡¡ lid hcrbs are few. OUlsland ing examples oflhe lalter are },:dÚUfII aubaimlllfll Webb & Bcrlh. OI nd Vio/a dlrimlllhijo!ia Hum b. & Bonpl. The ,'jo/a wilh onl )' one 0 1' two other species comprises lhe clo15s Vio/tita c/¡tiralll/¡ifo!ial' 01' Voggenreiler. A fe w springs and small streams are Ihe onl)' pennanclllI )' wet arc.u in Ihe Nalional Park. The)' SLLppOrl a vegelation in which Ihe large lussoc ks 0 1' Cart.\' calderat A Hans. and the tall M enllw 10llgifolia (L.) Huds. are conspi clI ous. Rocky 510pes locall y suPPOrt wildjlftlii Pears. ex l-l ook fi l. , found also al high alt itudes in Ihe T aburiellle Nalional Park, ( ~'ia c h a do , 19 79b). It forms giganlic roselles of narrow and finally 2 m or more high colu mns 01' thousa nds 01' red nowers. Carlc¡ uisl ( 1974) has drawn attention lo ils similarilY wilh Arg)'roxijJlt ill/1/ species 01' Hawaii; such lifefonns can be sce n as adapl alions 10 wilhsland Ihe rigours of high altilude Jife :11 low latitudes, Ihough no ecophysiological sludics ha"c bcen carricd OUI as rel on Ihe Canarian planls. Above 1800 m Pi,ms c(/}wrimsú C hr. Sm. ex OC has markedly Ihinlled out and 2000 m is about Ihe nalural alliluclinallimil 01' Ihe Ircc. In Ih e cad y 19505 Ihe " Palrimonio Portstal dtll:.sltldo" eSlablishcd several experimental Slands 01' Pi'lIIs species ancl other cOllifc rs wi lh lhe aim 01' a floreslalion in ami around Las Cañadas. Pimls radiala D. Don was selected firsl ¡lIId dllri ng 1954- 55 aooul I I ' ~ hce larcs were planled in Cañada Blanca and Cariada del Capricho. In 1956 CtdrllS allal/lica (End l. ) Carrierc, which lhrivcs, was pl anled al .. few localilics, and scallered Pilll/S rmltlriel/sis (approximalely 72 h) we re planted 011 Ihe easlcrn side 01' Ihe Cuajara Ucanca escarpmcnl; all Ihesc have now bccn removed bUI SOIllC Crdms allauli((l slill remain. The caldera and the lowcring peak 01' Teic1 e, reaching 37 18 m (12198 fi ) form the Nalional Park, eSlablished fi rsll y in 1954 wi lh an arca 01' 1I 685 ha ,lI1d re-eslablished in 1981 10 Ih e ex lenl 01' 13 571 ha (Fig. 1). They are no\\' rcad il y accessible by roacl and cable-car (opcralional sinec 1971 ). Aboul .. million visi lors eome caeh year to Ihe Nalional Park by ea r and bus, nrriving al aU scasons, exccpl when snow infrcquelltl y blocks passagc. Thcse numcrous \'chidcs and lourists come frorn Ihe low- rl ying arcas o f' T enerife ami Ol her where a lien planls abound as wccds, I'uderal s and gardcn planls. Propagulcs musI arrive frcquenlly bul inlrusive specics are, lo!' Ihe mOS I pal'l, , '" CANARY


"2~::)¡I----..,jLT EIDE NATlONAL PARI(


0, __'~ '_--,<30 1- I I 'm

Fi¡;(II'" l . ~ I " I ' uf T"II,',"¡!i' . 10,,,, ¡n!; ,hr 1


_ _ Moon toad ---- Ousl rood --- --Cable car - Pork boondory

o 2 3 km I I I

To V, loflor

Figurt 2. ~ t ap or th¡o Td(k N:uiom.1 Park. rornmolll y rererrro 10 as "Las Ca.ñadas". 0 111 )" lOme ("O!lIours sha.. ' n. T ht' swdin:l localilio are nutllbc:rm as rollo..-•. 1, Montaña dd Alto. 2100 m. 2, Bar d I'ortillo, 2050 tIl. 3. Q-nlro de Visilanll'S. 2050 m. 4, Ca.scrio dd I'ortillo, 2 100 nI . !J. La Forl:L laa. 2 100 tIl. 6, ~: I Ca.b<:zon, 2 100 111 . " Momaña de Di ~o Hcrnanda, 2100 tIl. 8, Roco Verde, 2O!JO rn . 9, Fuente dr la Grirta, 2050 m. 10, Topo dc la G ricta. 22!JO m. 11 , C... ilada dd ~ l o ll1 on d~ Trigo. 2]00 m. 12. Fuente dc G uajar:1 1. 2400 tIl . 13. Fu¡o nt c dc Gujara 11 ,2400 111 . 14, .\Iin:.. d.· SanJO$C. 22!JO m. 15. Base dd Tckrcrico. 2300 m. 16, La R ~ mblcta , 3500 111. 1,. ¡'amdor dc T orismo. 2O!iO m. 18, U. Azul.jos, 2050 m. 19. Llano lit- Uellna. 2000 m. 20, Roqua de G~rcia. 2O!JO m. 21. B.--.rralleodd Riachudo. 2050 m. 22. Ca.riada dd Capricho. 2 I !JO m. 23. lIoca de T auTe. 2000 m, 24. Los Conll.". 2000 m. 2!J. Cariada de Chal'ao. 2000 m. 26. Ll ano dr la Santidad, 2000 m. 21, Fuent e del Ctdro. 2 100 m. 28, Cono del '¡'cide, 3700 m. II\'Vt\D II\' G 1'1./\1\''1'5 0 1\' T ENER In : ' 59 is impon am for show ing what species were present when goat hcrding was sli ll practised extensivcly. These are species perhaps disperscd by pasloralism, eonceivably even by Ihe very a neienl husbandry. However, in lhe absenee of -bearing archaelogieal deposits there is no way of doing more lhan guess al whieh species ma y have been preh islorie introd uelions. T hough herds of goalS are no longer fO ll nd in Ihe National Park, rabbils, inl rodllced sinee lhe Spanish conquest in Ihe la le 15th cenl ury, are widespread, a nd Ihere is also a small population of mouffion, established very recenlly (Febru ary 1971 ). T he greal inll ux of tourists began afte r Sventenius' work in Ihe 1940s. Lid's records made mostly in the 1960s and Hansen's records made in 1964 and 1965 rcfer 10 tbe ea rl y period of mass lourism while Ihose presented in lhis paper apply tO Ihe presen l, long after Ihe abandonmenl of pastoralism but wi lh cOlllinuing effecls of lourism. As ea rl y as J 8 J9 Buch, in his lisl of ptants for lhe Canary IsJands, ind icated 126 introd uced species including somc, especia ll y orchids, which now wou ld be regarded as natives . For many non-end emic Canarian plants beeause of a very sparse palaeobolany, which is uninformalive, a nd also a lack of pre- 1800 bo tanical literature it is even more d iffieult to disti nguish nalive from long­ established alien Ihan it is for lhe British fl ora (Webb, 1985). Many laxa are listed in .he nex l seclion as "Native or 10ng-eslabJished alien" because Ihere is no sure wa y of making the choice. Bunbllry (1 856) was aware oflhe problem, as was Lems ( 1960) who, neverlheless made lh e distinction. Sundi ng ( 1979) eonsiders thal sorne est ima tes of the numbers of illlroduClions are too high. Hansen & Sll ndi ng ( 1985) in their check list of Ihe Macaronesian fl ora did nOI indicate status, apart from endemism. Some of Ihe plants discussed below may be indigenous in Tenerife and natural colonizers 10 abou t 2000 m. Vulpia "!Juros (L.) C.C. Gme!. is a eogent example. Stace & COllon (1 980: 156) sta te thal lhis grass is "afien casual or naturalised ou tside its native arca, lhe precise limits of which are obscure"; anolher closely similar example is Bromus {ec{orum L. (Smilh, 1980). Both Ihese spccies are common in the Nalional Park. Thal they ca rry no indige nous insecls, but suPPOrt alien Hemi ptera and aphids, is a subsidiary reason againsl aecepling their native status. A few other species (examples are Spergula penlandra L. , M)'osolis ra/1/osissima and Aslerolinon linum-slellalum (L. ) Duby) may be nalÍves just reaching lheir uppermos l limils al the edges of lhe caldera, or even higher in lhe case of Cnaphaliu/1/ tllleo -albll/1/ L. Howeve r, for lhe mosl pan, it is clear that Ihe species are recent invaders of lhe Naliona l Pa rk or ils immediate surroundi ngs, whelhcr nalives, long-established aliens or modern introc!uclions 10 lhe Canary lslands. O nly one cndemic, Urllea slaclwoides Webb & Ben h. , is considcred as a probable recent invader of the National Park. Thc landscape is ill ustrated in Figures 3 & 4.

C,\TALOGUE O t" INVAO ING SPECIES Therc follows an a nnotatcd list of species ce rt ai nly or probably alien in the National Park or adjaccnl arcas at and above 1800 m. NluTTubium excepted, delibcrately plantcd, mostl y woody species (in the vicinity of build ings) are nOI listcd; nonc shows signs ofspreading. Thcy include Agave americana L. , Aleta rosea L. , PrltllllS urmeniaca L. , P. domestica L. , P. dulcis (Mi ller) D. A. Webb and P)'TllS cO /1/munis L. Nor is there any discussion of the purc!y ephcmcral oceurrences of 160 J, H, I)I C K SO~ ET , 11..

Fi!:un·l. 'I .. itl.· rmm Los Azul ..j ..!! , 18. Fi/t. 2 "i,h Ihe huild iu!:, uf 1'"r;l1' ,h.· riglll.

F;t.:uro· -l . " ;0'" 10 Ih,· ..... ulh from ' ... ar ,r ... '

¡/II/(lf{/II/Ims II)'bridlls L. Tt:St: RIH::: Long-esla blished alieno Widespread weed al low a Itilud cs. ¡';,\TIO;'¡A L PARK : 17 Ha nse n, 1970.

AI'IAC EAE T orilis Itl'lol,lv'//a (L.) Rchb. fi l. Tt:St: Rl fE: Nali"e 0 1' long-t'Slablished a lien. Widt'S p read weed a l lo\\' 10 modcra le a ltiludes. NATIONA L PARI';': Fuente de la Pied ra , Svt'l/lt'l/iIlS, 1944.21 Uodriglll'Z . 1984,.

('all'lld/lla an'msis L. TENE RlfE: N,uivc 0 1' long-es lablishcd a li cn. Abuncla lll weed and rudcra l al lo\\' 10 mocl crale altitudcs. NA TlON AL PARK : 23 Dickso ll et al. , 1983.5 Rodriglu<., 1984. Dillridtia viscosa (L.) C reuter 'rt:NE RU'E: Nati"c 01' 10 ng-csla blishcd a lic n. Abllnda m rlldera l, eX lending ¡!lIO ba rra ncos and on slopes, a l lo w 10 modera le altitudes. !\'Iap in Voggcn reiler (1974: 656). NATIOS AL PARK : Cañad a d e la Pila, Svtl//mills, 1967. 18, 21 Dickso rJ el al., 1982, 1983. OUTS ID E NATIONAL PARK: 13 Dicholl e l a l. , 1983. UN LOCALl ZEl>: 2250 m Lid, 1967. Filago pyramidala L. TI::NI:: Rln:: Nati ve al' long-cstablished a lien. Widcs pre;:ld w(~cd at lo \\' 10 Tll Od CralC a lt itud cs. OU1'5101:: NATIO;'¡ AL PAR IC 27 Svtlllenil/s, 1956. I Rodrigl/f<.. 198 1, Dicholl CI a l. , 1983. GI/apllalil/m II/Ito-albl/m L. n :NE RIF E: N:lIi"c or lo ng-cstablishcd a li en. Widesp read a l lo\\' 10 moclcrate alti tudes. NATION AL PARK : 9 Slltlllenills, 1944. 16 T ll flltr & Rodr(ftllt<., 1983 , 1984. OUTSID E NATIONA L PARK : 13 Dicksol/ ct al. , 1983. Lile/ura strriola L. TENI:: RIFE : N ative or long-csta blishcd a lien. Ab und a nt ruderal a l lo\\' lo modera le altitudes . NAT IONA L PARK : 7 S/!enlenius, 1948. 17 Hallsc ll , 1970; DicksOll , 198 1 85. 9, 18 Dickso ll el al., 1982. OU TSID E NATiON AL PARK: 4 Dicksoll el a l. , 1982. Log{t(l galilea (L .) Cos.... C erlll . TI::NE R1F E: Na li "c or long-esta bl is hed a lien. Widcspread wC('d a l lo\\' 10 Tll od eratc altiludcs. OUTSWE NAT10N AL "ARte unloca lizcd 1800 m. Lid, 1967 . ", J. H. D ICKSON ET AL SOl/chus ole,aceus L. TENERIt"E: Native or long-es tablished alien. Common wccd al lo\\' 10 m odcrale alt it udes. NATIONAL PARK : 17 Dickso1l el al., 1981 - 1983. Tragopogoll porrifolius L. subsp. auslraliJ Uord.) Nym. TENE RIt' E: Tentrift: Nativc or long-cstablishcd alien o Camman rllderal al lo\\! lO modera te a h.iLudes. NAT IONAL PA RK: 5, 7 Fuente de la Piedra, Svmlenius, 1944. 23 Lid, 1967; Dickson el al. , 1983. OUTSIDE S ATIOSA !.. PA R le Cord ill era Dorsal up to Vis ta Valle O rolava 2 150 m Lid, 1967.

BO RAG INACt:At: M)'oso lis ramosissima Rochel T ENERl fE: NaLive or long-eslablished alien o Widespread Illostly a l m odcrale altitudes. N AT rONAL PAR);.: 7 Svtnltll;US, 1953. 9 Svtllltllius, 1944. 2 1 Dicksoll el aL, 1983, Rodriguez, 1984. OUTSIDE NATIONAL PA R K: 27 Sumtmius, 1957 .

BRASSlCACEAE Capstlla bursa-pastoris (L.) Med. H .N ERIt'e: Nativc or long-cstablishcd a licn. Widcspread "'ced a l low to modcralC alti tudcs, NATIONAL PARK: 10 Svenlcnius, 1946. Sisymbrium irio L. TENERIFE: Nati ve or long-established alien. COIllIllOIl ruderal al low lO moderalc altitudes. NAT IONAL PA RK : 17 Dickson el a l. , 1983- 85, Rodrigutl., 1984.

CAM I'ANULACEAF. Campanula trinus L. TENERIt' E: ative or long-cstablished alieno Common in dry habitats a l low alti tudes. NATIONAL PAR K: 5 whcrc " Escasa", Svclllc ni us 1946. Scgunda M uralla two plants a l roadside, Machado , 1979.

CAR YOI'!1YLLACF.AF. Ctrastium glomuatum Thuill. T ENER l fE: Nativc or long-cstablishcd alien. Widesprcad \\leed and rudcral at 10\\1 to moderate alti tudcs, mostl y in rorest zones. NATIONAL PAR K: 10 Svclllenius, 1946. Mothringia penlandra Gay TENERl fE: Nali vc or long-established alien. Widcspread wecd at low to moderate altitudcs. OUTSID E NATIONAL PARK : 12 Svtnlenius, 1966, Dickson ct a l. , 1983. Ptlrorhagia IW1/ftuillii (BUril .) Ball & Hcywood T F.NER IFE: Nali vc or long-cstablishcd alicn. OUTSIl)E NA1" IONAL P ARK: Unlocalizcd S\\1 T cncrire 1600- 1800 m, Voggenreiler, 1975. I NVAD ING I'LANTS ON Tt:NERln: 163 Sagina aptla/o Ard. TENE RI"-E: Nativc or long-established alien. Widespread al low 10 moderate altiludes. NATIONAL PARK : 10 Svenlenius, 1946; 9 Rodrigut?, 1981 ; Dicksoll el al. , 1982, 1983.

Si/tfI~ gallim L. TENER lfE: Nali "e o r lo ng-established a lien. Widespread weed and rllderal a l lo,," 10 moderate ahiludes_ NATION AL PARK : 17 o lle plant o nl y, Dicksoll & Rodrigu~?, 1985. OUTSIDE NATIONAL PARK: 4 o ne plant o nly, Dicksoll & Rodrigu~?, 1984.

Siltfl~ vu/garis (Moell ch ) subsp. ,ommu/a/a (Cuss. ) Ha)'~k TE NE RlfE: Native or long-es lablished alien. Widespread weed a nd mderal al low 10 high altitudes. M ap in Voggenrei ter ( 19 74: 673). NATIONAL ¡'AR K: 5, 10 Sl'tn/mius, 1944, 1946 "escasa ". Las Caiiadas 1000 m, Larsen, 1960. 18 Sventcnius, 1946, Lid, 1967, Di,hon el al.. 1982. 15 DicksOIl, 1980-85.8,2 1, 23,24 Didsorf et a l. , 1982.22 Di,ksorf el a L, 1983.20 Rodrigut?. 1984. OUTSIDE NATIONAL PARK : Enlre Arenas Negras y El Portillo, SVtll/' lIiIlS, 1966. 4 Di,ksoll e l a L, 1982. UN LOCALlZEO; 2250 Ill. Lid, 1967.

Spergu/a ptll/andra L. TE NE RlfE: Native or long-eslablished alien. Widespread weed al low 10 mod erate altiludes. NATiONAL PARK : Montana Cuajara, Svmltnius, 1944. 27 SI'~1I1t' 1¡j/lS, 1956.6 /J ickson el al., 1982.21 Rodriguez, 1984

Slel/aria media (L.) ViII. TE NERl t-E: Native or long-established alien. Widcspread arable weed at low 10 modera le a ltitudes. NATIONAL PAR"": " Quelle der Angoslura im CirclIs am Pic.", Buch, 1825, 17 Sv~nl~l/ius. 1953. 23 Svel/lmius, 1956. OUTSIDE NATIONAL PAR le 2 Dich oll el al. , 1983- 85.


Ch~lIopodium a/bum L. TENERlfE : Nativc or lo ng-eslablished a lien. Widespread weed al lo,," a ltiludes. NATION AL PARK : 17 H a nsen, 1970, Dickso1l el aL , 1982- 85. OUTSIDE NA TI ONA L I'ARK : 2 Dicksoll el al., 1983- 85.4 Dickso Tl e l a L, 1982- 85.

ChmolJOllill1ll ambros ioid~s L. TENE RIFE: Long-ctablishcd a lien. Widespread weed al low allil udes. NATIONAL PARK : I 1 Dicksol/ et al., 1982, 1983.

Ch~nopodium murah L. TENERn'E: Nali vc o r lo ng-eslab lishcd a lieno Abunda nl weed al low a ltiludes. NATIONA L PARK : 5 SV~ lIl e Tlill S, 1956, Rodrigu ~?, 1984. 23 Lid, 1967; Dicksol/ el al. , 1983. Chellopodium vu/varia L. TENE RIl'E: Rare alien. No previous occu rrences. NATI ON AL PARK: 15 Dicho1l, 1981 - 85. 17 Dicksoll el al. , 1983- 85. 16< .J . H. IJICKSON ET AL El"I'HORRI,\CEAE l~'III)I/O rbi{/ St'gl'lfllis L.. TE;'¡I:: Il.lI'E: Nativc or long-cswblishcd alieno Comllloll weed a nd rude ral mostl y a l low altitudes. N,\TIO"AL I'ARK: S Svelllellius, 1944. 7 S¡/trllenius, 1963. 8 RodriJl,IIt'<., 1984. J/ercurilllis amuw L. TENI::RI H,:: Nativc or long-cstablishcd alieno Abuncla nt weed a l lo", altitudes. :\ATIONAL PARIC 5 " mas o menos escasa", SVClltCll ius, 1946.

!lslm/IIt/1I1II hiluminosu/1/ (L) . Fourr. n : NERIFE: Nativc 01" long-csta blishcd alieno Abundant, v e r )' variable rud eral from lo\\' to high altitudes. C uhivatcd as a roddcr pl a n!. NATI ONA L PARK: 5 " Escasa", Svclltcnius, 1946.23 Svmfenius, 1956. [8 SlIe/llellius, 1967 , Dickso ll el al. , 1982.5, 21 Ditksol/ el al. , 1982.20, 25 Rot1rigut<., 1983. T rifoli ulII flrvtllSt' L. TE NE Rln ;: Native or long-established alien. Common weed al low lO moderatc altitudes. NAT IONAL PAR te 21 Rodriguez, 1984. OUTSIO E NAT ION A.I_ PARK: Cordillcra Dorsal 1800111, Lid, 1967. Orotava 10 Las Cailadas road 1900 m, f) icksoll ct a l. , 1983. TrijoliulII glol/lt'm/ull/ L. TE NI:::Rl n: : Nativc 0 1' 10ng-established alien. Widcsprcad weed at low 10 lllodcl'atc alt it udes. OUTSIOE NAT IONA L PAR K: " Unler Ll nnos de I;I _~ Relamas vor dem Panilla", Huch, 1825. M I. Amarinja 1800 m, Lid, 1967.

n ; ~I ,\K [,\ CEr\E

FIIII/ar;" /l/11m/á Sondel' ex Koch subsp. IIIlImlú TENER IFE: Long-establishcd alien. W idespread weed at low tO modera te a h it udes. NAT IQNAL PARK : 5 SVe/l/ruius, 1944 " i\¡l uy escasa" and " in fi ssuras rupiulll umbrosis" No. 2076. Svelllenius publishcd his 1944 mate rial as F. o./ficillalis L.; Nos. 2076 and 14219 wcre re-determined as F. I//um/is by Santos & Fernanclez ( 1978). FI/ma ria basltaJii Boreau TENE Rl n :: Long-esta blished ¡¡ Iien? Status poorly kn own. NAT IONAL PARK : 5 SVe/llt'lI ius, 1956 " ± cscasa" nlld 1963 " Fissuras humosas de las rocars y al pie de ellas. Bastante escasa" . 5 Rodriguez. 1984. Sventeni us' Nos. 142 11 a nd 14214 were determincd Ienta livcly as F. baSlardi; by Santos & Fernandez. M aterial which may also be Ihat species was gathcred by Rodriguez wha also round FIIII/flr;fl pl a nts, as yet undetermined , al Roques de Garcia. Voggcnrci tcr ( 1975) rou lld unspecifi ed fimwria in southwest T enerire belwecn 1600 ami 2100 m.

CE KAN Ii\CEt\E Erodillll1 cicll/a,illlll (L.) L' H ér. TE NER tF E: Native or long-esta blished alien. Abu ndant at low to modera le alti tudes. NATIONAL t> ,\RK: S"cnlcni us, 1946 " Mas o me nos abundante en INVADING !'LANT S 0:-: TEN ERln: 165 lodas Las Ca i'iadas"; Fuenle de la Piedra, 1944; Entre los Roques y Fuente de las I}iedr¡l, 1945; 18, 1966. " Cañadas, waysid c \\'ced, 1900 m", Larsc n, 1960. 17, 23 Dirksoll el al., 1983 85. Cordi llera Dorsal 10 1800111, Lid, 1967. 'l· Rodri.t:lu~, 1985 .

.I/ arrubill/ll lIulg(l(t' L. n ;:-a:I{l FE: Nati ve 01' lo ng-cslablishcd a li en. Common mostI )' a l low altitudes. NA'I'tOl'A L I'A RK : 23 Dicksofl e l a l. , 1983 85. A'Iarrubium gro\\'s abunda ml)' in rront o r Ihe cottage or Sel;or J uan Evora \\'ho Ill a)' llave pla nled il miln)' years ago ror it s supposed health giving propertics.

:\I .....L VACE.. \E

.\/(1/1'(1 P(lTl:ijfQ'(I L. TEl'ER IFE : nati"e o r lo ng-eslabl is hed aliell . Ve r)' abundanl weed Olnd ruderal a l lo\\' to moderatc altitudl's. NAT IO NAL I' ARK : 15 Dirholl, 1981 , n O! secn 1982

ONAGR,\CEAE C/tllllll/fII''¡UIf flllf,flllifufiulII (L.) Sl:Op. TE:oIE RI FE: Poorly known a lie n. Un rccorded rrom lo\\' 10 moderate a ltiludes. :oIATIOl'AL I'AR K OR OU TSII> E: Bo lle, 1861 ; Schenck, 1907. T his specics was repon ed by Bo lle (186 1: 22 ) rrom Ihe '; I-I o llell Wuslen" and pro bably mercl)' repealed by SehCllck ( 1907). Nobody has ever secn Ihis uncxpectcd specics again. In Ihe abSC llcc o r confirmation somc doubl musI attaeh 10 Ihis rccord or a spccies which has no olher occurrenecs in ~ I aearo n es ia ill1d is r¡¡re in soulhern Europe a nd ver)' rare in Norl h Arriea when: ¡here is 0 111 )' a repo n rro m M ol'Occo ( iVlyc rsd o ug h, 1980).

OXAI.II),\CEAE O.\'alis comicu!a/a L. n: :oI ~: R I FE : Lo ng-eslablished alien. Abundant \\'ccd a l lo\\' lo mode ra le al tiludes. OU TSID E l'ATIO:li ,\L I' AR K: 2 whel'e ·'Escasa". S\'elll cnius, 194 6. O,m/itl IJts-coprat L. TENERIFE: Recenlly cSlablished a lien. EXlrcmcly abunda nt noxious weec! all(l ruderal al lo\\' to moderale altitudes. OUl 'smE NA T'ONAL P,\RK : " IJicksofl & Rodrigllf'<., 1984 85.

1',\1'.. \ \ ' ERAC EA E

Eschsd/Olúo mlifomjm Cham. TENE RIFE: Recelll ly established a liell . \\'idespread ruderal a t low 10 hig h a lt itudes. OUTSIDE NAT1 0NA L PAR K: Road ¡i'om Esperanza to Izaila a t 1700 m, 166 J. ~I . D ICKSQN ET 111•.

S/Jenlenius, 196 1. Hcights of Ayosa 2000 m roadsid e Dicho" e l al. , 1983. MI. Arm unija 1800 m, Lid, 1967. Papover somniferum L. n :Nt:RIt' E: Nati vc 0 1" long-cstablishcd alieno Common wecd and ruderal al lo\\' to modera te altitudes. NATiONAL PARt;.: 19 Svenlenills, 1950. 17 Dickso l/ e l al., 1983- 8S.

¡'LANTAGI NACt:,\t: Plallfago major L. TENERIFE: Native or long-cslablishcd alien. Widespread bul scldom abundant rudera] al low altitudes. NATI ONAL PARK: 9 " Observados pocos ejemplares" Svcntcnius, 1946. OUTSID¡.; NATIONAL " A RK: 2 Dichon, 198'L

I '() LYGONACEA ~: Po!;'gotlum QviclI/ore L. TE NER IF E: Native or long-cstablished alien. '<\Iid cspread weed and rud eral a l lo\\' 10 m odcral C altitudes. NATIO NA L I'ARK: 17 Rodriguez, 1984.

I'R IM U .....' CEAF. Anagal/is arot1lsis L . TENEKIFE: Nativc or long-cstablished alie n. Comman weed ". low 10 modera te alti tudes. OUT SIOI:: NATIONAL PARK : 27 Sven lenius, 1956. Aslero/blOTl /inum-slellalum (L.) Duby T ENERIFE: Native or long-established alieno Widespread al low 10 modera le alti tudes. NATIONAL PARK: 21 Rodríguez, 1984. OUTSIDE NATlONAL PARK: I Rodriguez, 1981.

RF.SF.DACEAE Rueda /uleo/a L. TENERIFE: N .. tive or long-established alien. Common ruderal. NATI ONAL PARK: 14 O ne planl onl y al roadside, Rodriguez, 1983. OUTSIDE NATI ONAL I'ARK: Road between El Portillo and Casa Fores tal , Svenlenius, 1956. Izana 2200 m, Rodriguez, 1983.

Ca/ium aparine L. TENE IUI'E: Nali"e a l' long-established alien. Common weed al low lo modera le altitudes. NATIONAL PAKK: 13 SveTllellius, 1956. 7 DicksoTl el aL, 1983. Oulside "alional park: Rq . Pedro C il , 1800 m, S"elllenius, 1963. 2 DicksOfI e l al., 1983. Ca/ium parisiense L. TENEKIFE: Nativc or long-establishcd alien. Widespread al lo\\' to moderate alt itudes. NATIONAL PARK : 21 Dicksoll el a l. , 1983. OUTS IDE NATlONAL PARK: INVADING I'LANTS ON T ENERIFE 167 Agua mansa, 1800 m, Svtl/tm;lIs, 1945 (prcsumably above Aguamansa which lies a l only 1000 m ). 1 Dickson e l al., 1983. (,'a/;uIII scabmm L. ... .,;N";RIFE: Native or long·eslablished alien o Wides pread al low 10 modera le alti l udes. OUTSIDE NA TIQ NAL PARK : I Dickso1/ cl al., 1983.

SOLANACEAE So/nl/lIl11 nigmlll L. T";N";RIFE : Nalive or long·eslablished a lien. Common wecd at low a ltitudes. NATION AL PARK: 20 Rodrigu e;:" 1983- 85.

UR TICACEAF. Urt;m sl(/dl)'oides Wc bb & Herth. TENERm,:: Endemic. W idespread al low ahiludes. NATIONAL PARK : In small cave near 20 Rodrigue ;:" 1984.

Urlica IITeIlS L. TENE RIFE : Nalive or long·eslablished alieno Common arable weed a l low 10 modera tc a ltitudes. NAT IONA L PARK : 23 Dicksol/ el al., 1983.

VAU: RIANACEAE Central/llllls calcilralJa (L. ) Ourr. TENERIH: Recenlly eSlablished alien. W idespread a l [ow altil udes. NATIONAL PARK: 6 Svcnlenius, 1946. OUTSJD E NAT10NAL PARK : Near Izaña, 1900 m, Rodrigue;:" 1984.

J UNCACL\E ]/mcas buJonius L. TEN";RIFE: Nativc o r long·es lablished a lien. Widespread al low 10 moderatc altitudes. NAT IONA L PARle 21 DicksoTl el a l, [982, 1983.

Ll LIACEAE AsPllOdelus (/estivlIS 81'01. TENER IFE: Nalive 0 1' [ong·cstablishcd alien. Widespread weed a t low to modcralc a ltitudes. NATIONAL PARK: 22 Rodr(gu e;:" 1983. 17 Dicksol/, 1983.

I'QACEAE Agrostis cas/ellana Bo iss. & Reul. TENER IH : Nativc or lo ng·eslablishcd alien. Widcspread a t low a ltitudes. NA Tl ONA L PARK: I DicksOIl, 198 1, 1982, disappeared 1984. OUTSIDE NATIONAL PARK: 2 Sventcnius, 1946. 13 Dicksoll el a l. , 1983. 168 J. 1-1 . DICKSON ET . 11.. Aira {'{/'J'oph11üa L. n: ~E RIFE : Nati\'c 0 1' long·cstablishcd aliel1. Widcsprcad ,11 low 10 modera te alti tudes. NATIONAL PARle 6 2 100 Ill. Sl't'l/lrl/ills, 194'L OUT SIDE NATI ONA L I'AR": 27 S¡'(!/I1flliIl S, 1956. ¡\!tu Armal' t1 iga, 1800 m , Vista V:llte Omlava, 2 100 m, Lid. 1967. 1 Rodriglll'{, 198[ , Dirks/JII el al. , 1983 . . 1t't'1/0 barba /a POtl . ex Link 'l'ENt:RI1' E: Nali\'c or long-cslablishcd alien. \\'idcsprcad and a bundan! wccd rrom lo\\' 10 high alt itudes. NATI ONAL I' ARK : Las Cañadas 2300 m S¡·rlllfllills. 1944. 23 Lid , 1967. 25 Rodrigut<. , 1982. 5, 6, 18.21 Ditksoll el al. , 1981. 20 Rar/rigll re. 1983. OUT smE NAT IONAL I'A IHi. : 13 and OrOlava Road, r. 1900 111 , Didso// el al., 1983. AZ','1f/ s{,,¡lis L. TEl'E RI FE : Nali \'t' 01' long-cstablishcd alien. Widcspread weed, especially al low altitudes. OUTsmE Nr\TIO:"'A I. PAR,e 27 Snmlrl/ius, 1956. /JrOI/lUS II/fldri/msis su bsp. klll/krlii 1-1 . Scho lz. (Brollllls rubrlls auct. cana n CSIUIIl , no n L.) TE NERln:: Nativc 01' long·cstablished a lie n. AI I the C anarian malerial of /J . rllbms needs I"evision in the lig hl of Ihe wQI' k of Sd w lz ( 1981 ). ¡; 11. mbms" is e0l11 111011 fi-olll lo\\' 10 high altitudes. NATION AI. PARK : Sutrl/mills, 19 ' ~6 Las Ca liadas, labclled B. T rclorum var?·'. 23 Lid, 1967 as B. rubt rls. 9, 8, 2 1 Dicksoll el a L, 1982. Near 7 Dicksoll el al., 1983, OUTS IDE NAT IONAI. Pr\RK: Orotav;! road, r. 1900 Ill, DirkJO II e l a L, 1983. A II Ih e galherings made in 1982 and 1983 a re /J.lI/lUlri/ensis SUil p . klll/k,l;i. S\'cnlellills' a mi Lid's malerials (sub no men B. /rr/ol"llll/ var? ami H. rubrlls) are a ll is taxon which Scholz ( 1981 ) Ilas arg ucd may be a CillI ¡.¡ riall cndclllir (o lll ), CO llfirmed frOIll T ellerife ami so fin) 0 1' lhal il Illa)' be fou l1d clsewhere. An obviolls place to scarch for il was nonhwesl Afi-ica ",here it was found in 1983 (Seho lz, personal collllllunicalion). Tho ug h Ihe va lu e 01' Ihis laxan is disputable (P. M . S mith, pa sonal cOlll lllunicalion). it is olle 01' the mo re eonspieiotls grasses in Ih e Nationa l Park whcrc "Iypical" 11. lI/od,.i/l'IIsis has )'et to be {Ound. Bromus lIIadri/tnsis L. subsp. /1/fldrirfllSis TENERln:: Native 01" lo ng·cslablishcd a lie n. Abundant \\'eed a low to modera te altitudes. OUTS IO ~: NATIO:'\"t\L PARK: Vista Valle OrOI;l\': " Hohen \\'ustcn," Bo lle, 186 1. C/¡joris Irul/cala R. n. 'l' ENI::R lt' E: Rcccntly esta bl ished a lien. Littlc known fro m low a lt it udes. NAT IONA !. PAR lo{; Las Cañadas, c. 2200 Ill, Ha nsell, 1970. C)'lIodoll dac/)'/oll (L) Pcrs TENER ln :: Nativc 0 1' long-esta blished a lien. Widespre¡\d weed at low 10 modera\(: a lt itudes. NA'I' IONA L I'A RK : 17 Dic/isoll t t a l. , 1982, 1983, 1984. C)'I/OSUfUS eellina/us L. TENERIt'E: Nativc o r 10 ng-t.'S tablishcd ,ali ell . Widcspread weed a nd rlldera l a l low 10 moderate a lti tudes. OUTSID E NAT I O~AL PARK : 1800 m unlocalizcd, Lid, 1967.4 Dicksol/ & Rodrigue?" 1984. Dad.y/is g/omera/a L. subsp. glomaa/a L. a nd subsp. Itisprlllica (Ro th) Nyman. TENE Rl fE: Recently established (?) a lie n. Rare a t low a mi high altitudes. NATIONA L I'A RK: 2 SlIenlel/ius, 1954. 17 DicksOIl , 198 1 85. 2 1 DicÁ'sol/ el a l. , 1982 1985. Im presscd by its a bundance in Mo rocco, Stebbins & Zobary (1959) ('o ll1m cllI ed 0 11 thc absence 01' this polymo rphic g rass as a nat ural inhabita nt 01' a pparently sui la blc, "ocky slopcs in th e Cana ry 1!l lands, whefe il is iI ran: gl'i1ss. LCllls considered it an escape rrom cult ivation on T enerifc and Hallscn (1973b: 39) tho ug ht that 0 11 Gran Canaria it was likely to ll ave been introduced with lawll g rass seed. At Pa rador de Turismo, D. ¡:/omerala subsp. g/omera/a g rows in thc f1 owel' beds alld so is very o bviously a wecd, a long wilh sevel'a l o thcr specics there. Howcvel', the oceurrcnee a l Barranco R iachuelo is difl'c rent. H cre in Dccember 1982, there was a sta nd , c. 1.6 x 0.7 m, of several dried up plallls up 10 0.7 m ta ll (infructesences) o n a boulder-SII'Cwll slope of 2000 aspecl al (.2130 Ill. These pla nts arc referable to D. glomera/a subsp. Itis/mnica, new to the Cana ry Isla nds. /)(/clJ'Jis glomeffll(/ is known a l higher altitudcs in North 1\ frica, 2400 m (Bellows, 1959) ami in southern peninsular S pa in, 2900 III (Tutin, 1980).

Gas/ridium vtn/ricosum (G oll a n) Sehinz & Thcll. T ENER I~'E: Nati"e 0 1' lo ng-csta blished a lie n. Wides pread a t lo"" 10 modera te a lt itudes. NATIONAL PAR K: 20 Suenlenius, 1944, Dicksol/ & Rodrigu e?" 1984 5, 2 1, 26 Dickso/l e l a l. , 1982, Dickso/l e t a L, 1983, 22. OUTSIOE NATIONAL PARK: 1 Dick$ol/ el a l. , 1983. No/cus ImUl/us L. 'I' J,:NER lfE: Na ti\'c 0 1' long-cs ta bl ished alien. Widespread but 100'a l (?) al 10w a lti tudes. OU TSII)E NAT IONAL PAR K: 17 Dickso1/ el a L, 1983. Nordeul1I l1Iurinum L. subsp. leporitl/ll1I (Link) Aseh. & G raebn. 'l'ENER IF E: Nalive 0 1' 10 ng-eSlablished alien. Widespread, abunda nt rudel'al a l low to modera te alti tudes. NAT IO:-'¡A L I' AR K: 17,2 1, 23 Dicksoll el a L, 1982, 170 J. H. DICKSQN liT Al.. 1983. OUTSIDE NATIONA L PAR K: 1983, 2, 3 Dicksof/ e l a l. , UNLOCA LlZEU: 2200 m, Lid, 1967. l.amarakia aurea (L.) Mocnch TENERln:: Nalive o r long-eslablished a lien. Widespread \\'eed and rudera l at lo\\' to modera te altilUdes. NATIONA L I'ARK: 5 Suenlenills, 1963, Rodriglle{, 1984. 72300 m, Suenlenills, 1944. 20 Rodrigll ez, 1984. Loliu", perelllle L. TENE RU' E: Native or lo ng-eslablishcd a lien. \'Vidcspread al lo\\' 10 mocl eralc a ltitudes. NATIONA L PARK : 17 Dicksol/ el a L, 198 1- 85. In Ihe Ao \\'erbcds al Ihe hOlel some planls a ppcar 10 be l •. perenne su bsp. mullijlofllm (Lam) H usno t a nd o thers 10 be L. ptref/1/ e subsp. ¡merme. Pllolaris cal/ariensis L. TE NE RIFE: Native or long-eslablished alieno Widcspread weed especia ll y a l low a ltilude. OUTSID E NATIONAL PARK: 2 Dickso1l, 1984. Piplalllerum com¡{esw/S (Desf. ) P. Beauv. TENERIFt:: Nalive or lo ng-esla b lished alien. W idespread a l low 10 high a lt itudes. NATIONAL PARK : 20 Suell (trI;US, 1944.5 Suenlenius, 1963; Dickson el a l. , 1982. 6, 18 , 19 and 23 Lid, 1964. Canada de la Pi las, Rodriguez, 1981. 22 Dicholl el al. , 1983. OU'I'S ID E NA'J'IONAL PAR K: Christ, 1888 " reg su balpina probe chasna 1882 in V. Askcn". El Portillo- Arenas Negras, Svelllenills, 1944. Vista Valle Oralava, 2100 111 , Lid, 1967. Pi"lalherum mi/iaullm (L.) Coss. TENERIFE: Nalivc o r long-cs lablished a lien. Widcspread ruderal al low to moderate altitudes. NA'J'IONAL PARK : 5 Suenlenills, no dale. 18 Hansen, 1970; 17 Dicks01l, 1981 , 18 Dicksoll el aL , 1982- 1984.

Pon 0'111110 L. TE NERIFE : Native or long-established alien. \Videspre

ORIC I NS. D I SI'ERS,\L A N D STATUS O }' T H E INVA[)[ NG SPEC I E5 Omilling some species he had already galhercd, Svenlcnius in 1916 plI blishcd aboul 76 species comprising Ihe fiara of Las Cañadas. In 1980 Kunkel lisled about 94 laxa for Ihe same arca. Reslricling cO l1 sideralion 10 native species, OrlUl-lO (1980) lisled aboul 57 vascular p1 anls as the fl ora of Ihe Teiel e Nalional Park. AH lhese figures were undereslimales. The 10lal vascular pl ant flora , bolh nalive and alien, as recordcd from 1819 10 Ihe present, in or ncar Las Cailadas, numbers about 125 speeics. In Ihis paper, we ha ve lisled 83 spcries ofwhich 69 have more-or-1 css slrong cJa ims to be considered a1iens in the Nalional Park. Four other alien species (and one subspeeies) have been recorded in arcas al ar ahove 1800 m oulside bul close 10 lhe Nalional Park . The majoril )' of lhe invading plants are ver)' succcssful wel.."ds in Europe. In lhe Medi terranean arca many are abundanl, conspieuous ruderals, good cxamples bcing Cafelldllla aruensis, Diuridúa lliscosa, Aspal//¡jum bi/llmillosum , Avella barba/a and Pi/J/f1//¡erul/l mi/iactum. In th e Sahara sll ch spceies as l,ynodo1/ daclylo/l , Gllapltalillm lu/t'o-albllm , JI/I/CUS bufonills, Pip/a/herum coeru/esceus , PolypogoJ/ stmjutTliciffa/us, and SOllchu.J oleroct//S are more or less widespread (Ozcnda, 1977). SOllle of Ihe invadcn; are specics which have been sprcad IhroughoUI Ihe World by Eumpcans. Al leasl seven of Ihe alicns in Ihc Nalional Park, or surrollndings, grow on Mauna Loa, Hawaii (Mucllcr-Dom bois, 1981 ; Muellcr­ Dombois & Bridgcs, 1981 ) where Holcu.J lona /us and C)'1Iodoll dacl)'Ion rcach Iheir grealCSI abundances in lhe montane parkland belween 1500 and 2000 Ill. No lcss Ihan 22 of lhe a liens diseussed in Ihis papcr are specics whieh ha ve reaehed Ihe Trislan da Cunha islancls, one of Ihe mosl remOle archipelagoes in Ihe 172 J. H. I)ICK SON I:T tll.. World (Wacc & Dickson, 1965; Groves, 1981 ). An oUIstanding cxamplc is C/¡tllopodilll1l n/bu"" one orlhe fi\'c Illost widely dislribulcd plants in Ihe World; il rC

'rabie 1, Status 01' the Invadi ng Pl ants in lhe T eidc National Park and surroundings abovc 1800 m

CROUI' A. SUCCESSFUL INVADERS X+ I' .Ii.o (a~,'Opkl'lIta .'\ + T lAr/uro St"idla X + I' f ,bpallhium bilumino5um X +?IYI ".' l.nmarrkia au"a .'\ + 1' ,Il'tna barba/a +1' ,lIn,rabiam l'u(~a. , X+ l' H'om~J ",ad,i/,nsis sul>SI), A'uuk"i¡ X + I' ,\I)'dwlil 'omaúnin", X+I' /1 , rigidul X+1' I'ip/alh,rum (Nru/,srrnJ .'\ + 1' 11, I((/o'a", .'\+IY!" 1', miliarram X+T Chtnofmlium album X + T l'ofJjHJgon fuga,\ X + T C. mUlo/, X + T 1', ,iriáú + I'?/T f)O(!J{i> gl"m,'aI, subsp, hisf>imim + 1' Sagina ap"olo X+ T Oill ,irhia ,iS'OJ6 X+l't Si/m, ,u/garis X + 1'1 t.',oJium ,ifU/miam X+l' S/,,'gula /"nlallá,a .'\ + ?1'¡T.' EupflOlbia stg(/a/is XI'!" To,ili, f,Plophl-lfa + I' !T~ Fumo.ia has/mdii X + 1' Tra¡:o""gou p;,rri{ofinl X+ I' (;Bil,idiam u n/ri(osam I' I? I'ulpio bromoid'j X+I' r;II"ph,,/ium lul,/NI/bum X + 1' r. m)'Ur05 X+ T Ilold,ultl mll ,inum

CROUI' ll. RECENT Dl SCOVERIES, TOO SOON FOR ,\ SSESS:'IENT I'?T "bphoJrlu,' a,slil'M$ "f I'on onnUII .,. , bltro/¡~on (i"u",·sl,lIa/u", .,. 1', pra/rnsú Ir!" Calt"d"fo an'tnsls .,. l'o(I'X0llam a";(u/arr .,. Chmopodium nmh .osioid,s .,. Nrsrda /u/r% .,. C. fulm.in .,. Si/mr gal/i,a .,. ~\'II""on darO",o N .,. Sis¡-mhriu", i,io .,. /JO(IJ'fj¡ g/o"'rTtl/a suhsp. g/om"nlO .,. !;oían"m nigmm .,. Unfi,,1tI pa.ilir/IJ-' .,. 36nrhaJ o/"arru$ .,. Jllnras bufonias T T1a'ItJ'aia "ula(h)'n T !.JJ!iIlNl I""nn, T T ,i{o/i"m an'tnJ, T ,I/all'll parriflora I'?']".' Ur/ira J/arhY'idu T ,\/, mirortoui5 U. arras T l'haln.is (nna,irnsiJ "

GROVI' e, I'OTEN'I' IAL IN VADERS T :lg1oJ/iJ rn>ltll"M T l/o/,us Innll/as T Auagaliis arIVllsh .,. l.ogfta gal/i,a ,. .. k mll J/,ri/is T ,.\IMh,i"gia /"n{nlldra .,. /I, 01n1l. mlld,i/rn,-!s

CROUI' D, FAILED l NVA DERS T .-lmnr,,~lhuJ hrb,idus Fumar ;a mura/is IYI'S Cm"pauu'a ,;inus n s" Ga/ium "p",in, Caps,lIa barsa ' pas/~ r is .Ilrr(aria/is "Nnua " Cm/,on/hus ralti/."pa I'I'S" I'apm'rr IMlnij"um " etras/iN'" g/om",,/um /'l"n/ago ",ajo, " Chaltlllmrrion auguI/i{"'iu", T" l'on ltiriali, T" CMo.i, /"mra/a I'I'S S/rllaria ""dia

X, \\'itl''S]Jrt''ad: +, ",di ·"M:, hlishn!: 1', probabl)' hroughl hy 1':U'or.llisn¡ (m'>sll r I'n'·(950): !. ,kdillt-d s i natu re of lhe terrain st rongly mi li ta te against widespread fi res, natural or man­ made. Another specics considered common by Svcll tc nius (1946: 170) was RllmtX bllupholophorus L. subsp. cOllorimsis (Stei nh.) Rech. fi l. He sta tcs ';Bastant c abu ndant e en los lugares humedos de lodas Las Cailadas". Searches in wet placcs It ave all proved negati ve. A d raslic decl ine or disa ppearance seems 10 have lakcn pl ace, for which there is no obvious ex plana tion. Many of the invading species are strongly or cxcl usivcl y connec ted with disturbed or tota ll y artificial habitalS. Al Ihe Parador de Turismo tbe fl owel'beds support 17 species 01' weeds, eight of which occur nowhcre cisc within the National Park. QUlsid e Ihe National Park , al Caserio del Portillo and Bar El Portillo, th efe are concent rations of in vading pl allls. Wilhin lhe Park lhere are eoncenl rations, apart from by Parador de T urismo al Ihe basc of the Td fcrico and al Los Az ul ejos. The arriva l of many of Ihe species is clearl y conncctcd willt devclopment of lourism. If 110 1 in nowel'bcds, lhe majority of the invading specit'S occur a l roadsides or by buidi ngs where they have not onl)' greatest chance of arriva l and survival in sheltercd condilions but also, in Ihe case of lhe hotel fl ower-beds especia ll y, of growing on enriched soi ls. En ric hed, sheltcred habilals also ex ist away from habitations and roads. Solmllll1l nigrllll/ has onl )' olle locali l)' in Ih e Nalional Park ; a fe\\l planls grow at Ihe moulh oC a small cave wliere Ihe grolllld is heavily manu red by pigl.''O ns (ncar 20, Figure 2). Similarly Ur/iea sfacl¡;'oidts, an annual, weed)' end ernic of 10\\1 altitudes, occurs in an even sma ller cave (a lso near 20, Figure 2) on moiSI organicall y rich so il (enriched by hunters ami their a nimals?). However, of the 83 species of vascular plants, no Icss Ihan 30 have been reporlcd onl )' al single localilies. Fourteen species can be readily accepled as r.'l.iled invaders (T able 1). This is cogenl evidence for greal difficult y of surviva l and spread , even for shorl periods, in Ihe National Park. This is hardl )' su rprising because of Ihe ex lreme environlllenl al conditions 10 which onl y a slll ll ll Ilumbcr 01' species, moslly edemics, ha ve adapted over long peri ods of ti me. However, 29 species listed in T abl e 1 are well-establishcd, in most cases a t widely spaced localities in 0 1' near Ihe National Parle Sorne, notably grasses such as /J ro1/1l1s frrforum alld Vulpia 11!)'U rOS, a re abundant we l! a\\la)' fro lll Ihe grosses t human disturbanee. B . Itcforu/1/ is a na li ve oflhe Medi lc rranca n arca and also of lhe wcstern Hilllala)'a (Bol', 1960). In EgYPI il occurs in \\laste places, alollg walls ami on roofs as well as in Ihe descrl (T ackholm & T ack holm, 1941). Like lhe other BrOl1ll1S species disc ussed here, B. ltclorum is an int rodUClion in the Uni lcd Statcs where it is widespread " A long roadsid es, banks a nd wastepl aces" (HiIC hcoc k, 195 1: 56) It is abundant in Ihe grasslands of Ihe inlcnnontane I'cgion 01' Idaho where il o Lt sled Ihe native Agropyroll spicafllm, formerl)' domin ant (J-I arris, 1967). In thal st<1 tc it reachcs 2750 m (Klcmmedson & Smilh, 1964). T his wecd which is difficu lt 10 conlrol (Young tf (11., 1969) ca n bc have as an cphemcral 01' a sumrner 0 1' wi nter annual ( ~ofa c k & Pyke, 1983 ). Vlllpia m)'lIros was know l1 10 Such ( 1825) in Ih e pi ne forcslS " Auf der Cum bre von T enerin"a nich t sc lt en". Sourgcau gathcred il and V. bromoides from Las Cañadas in 1846. Ceballos & Orwño (195 1) referring to Ihe Spartocytisetca nubigeni, I'ccorded V. "!)'lIros as freq uem. Though pel'haps never as abundant as Br01/1IlS ftcforllm, il is almOSI as wid espread as th al species in Ihe National Park. Svc nlenius' locality was onl )' abOll l 70 m bcJow Ihc sUlll mi t 01' Ihe island. Finall y, cOllsid eralion can be givc n 10 spccics (C ro u¡> e of T

CONTROL O F THE tNVADtNG SI'ECtES I\ NO CONSER \ 'AT tON The Convention of Ihe Conservalion of Europcan W ild life and Nalural Ha bilS (Bern Convention) includes under anicle 11 .2.b. Ih c following general provision " 10 conlrol slric ll y Ihe inlroduClion of non. nati"e species". This is a n inl erna liona ll y accepted polie)' 10 be applied 10 natural ell vironments, and especiall)' 10 areas Iha l have been sc1ecled for long lerm eonservalion, sueh as r¡¡Hiullal parks. This polie)' is b"sed on sound ecologieal rcasons. Thc profusion whieh alic n speeics ean altain in new environmenls is fam ilia r throughoul Ihe World, not least on oceanie islands wilh nOloriously unsla ble and vulnerable ecosyslems beca use of Ihe simplicily of Ihe communities and gcne lie povert y. As is consistcllI with the philosophy of Owens ( 1972 ), the principal aim ofthe managemcnl of the T eíde National Park is Ihe maintena nee of lhe nalural ecosys lems; this demands pl"oteclion of the landscape, lhe indigenous fauna, nora a nd \'egela lion, geology, waler a nd air. A subsidiary goal is Ihe resloration of cOlllllluni tics altered by mall. The master pl a n for Ihe Park (ICO TA , 1983) ineludcs the Policy "Elimina r las especies vegetales exóticas en el Pa rque". In 1983 al sevcral loealitics wit hin the Park alien pl a nts were removed manuall y ami hurned; species in volved were Avtl/a horha/a, BromllS species, Si/me vu/garis, l"1I1/ú(l III)'uros and cspeciall)' ClltI/Opotlil/m species ami Lll ctllca u rr;o/a. The planted conifcrs do nOI mercly have a visual impacto SlIpporting a n alien cllIomological fauna, Ihey ha ve now largcly been r'c movcd though PiulIs {{U/ar;t'JIsú nceds Ircatmenl wi lh tr"ioxonc beca use 01' a n ability lO eoppiee. As )'et few of Ihe "lien hcrbaecolls specit.""S prcsent serious problems though Broml/s 1((lorllll/ OInd I"lI lpia "1)'lIros a re so ahunda ntly eS lablished and widesprcad as to be be)'ond a ny fea sible control measures. No simple managemenl strategy can be developcd for a ll the alien plants in the Park; each case shollld be a nal)'sed separatcly. Nevcnhcless , SO IllC general measurcs can be suggesled . ( 1) No cultivation ofpla nts other Ihan cndemics al :lny pl ace in 0 1" near tHe Park. SOlne endemies nOlably lhe speclacular 1'.:c/¡il/Jl/ wild/lTtlii a re already INV¡\DING I'Lt\NTS O N T t;N ERln: 177 culliva led al the Parador de Turismo or al Ih e Caseri o del Port illo, and olhers, cspeciall y ArlO'ralllllfmlllll Imeriffáe I-Iumph r. , /:.'IJ,simlllll sco/Jf/ riulII (Brouss. ex Willd. ) Wenst., S/)(lrlof)'lisus ancl Pleroce!Jl¡lIlus lasiospermus are "cry auracti"c. !-I ence Ihere is liulc a l' no !leed for imponalions. (2) Frcqueil t monitoring 01" roadsidcs il nd tourist arcas ",ithin lhe Na tional Park ami in arcas clase by, and of roadsides of the main roa ds leadi ng 10 Ih e National Park. Spccial cmphasis sllOu le! be dc"oted 10 wcl J-knowll pOlclllial ly aggressi\"l: spccies. (3) Eradica lion of a lien plants frOIn infes tcd arcas which act as disperal centres. Active control of aggressive spccies a nd cli mination of Tl ew irnmigrants befare successful eSlablishment tak es place. (4) Promulgalion of Ih e National Park rules prohibiling Ihe introduClioll 01' any kind 01" propagllJes of alien planls into the arca. The reasons 101' lhis mcasure shoul d be given as par! of lhe inrormation .

..\CK NO\\'LEDGE"-I ENTS J. H. Dickson is gratcfu l to ICO NA for permission 10 work in lhe Nalional Park, to Dr A. Santos of Instituto N,acional dc In vestigaciones Agra ri as, La Laguna fo r access la SvcntcnillS' spcci mens and to Ihe la le Professor Brcnnan, Dr M. Dakcr, Dr A. Hansen, DI' R . Mill, DI' M. ?" (ull in, DI' N. K. B. Robson, Professor 1-1 . Scholz, Dr P. M. Smi th, DI' C. A. Slace and Profcssor G. L. Stebbins for discussions 01' taxonomic problems. Dr C. T Urller a mi ~ ' I r A. Fairweathcr gave va luable hclp during lhe ficld work .


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