TTheThehe PPHIPHIHI GGAMMAAAMMAMMA DDEDELTAELLTATA VVOL.OL. 112727 NNO.O. 2 SSPRINGPRING 22006006 llearningearning lleadershipeadership ffromrom ccorporateorporate eexecutivexecutives LearningLearning LeadershipLeadership atat FijiFiji AcademyAcademy p.p. 3434 CAREERCAREER LINKLINK RevivedRevived p.p. 1616 Who’sWho’s SupportingSupporting thethe EducationalEducational Foundation?Foundation? 20052005 HonorHonor RollRoll ofof DonorsDonors p.p. 4343 The Phi Gamma Delta Spring 2006 Volume 127, Number 2 Editor William A. Martin III (Mississippi State 1975)
[email protected] Director of Communications Melanie K. Musick
[email protected] Circulation 51,756 155,197 men have been initiated into the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta since 1848. Founded at Jefferson College, Canonsburg, Pennsylvania, on May 1, 1848, by John Templeton Mc- Carty, Samuel Beatty Wilson, James Elliott, Ellis Bailey Gregg, Daniel Webster Crofts, and Naaman Fletcher. Phi Gamma Delta Web Site For all the latest information, updates, and anything you need to know about Phi Gamma Delta, log on to our updated web site. Change of Address Send any address changes to International Headquar- ters by email to
[email protected], by phone at (859) 255-1848, by fax at (859) 253- 0779 or by mail to P.O. Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40504-4599. AtAt RightRight A perfect example of “Not for College Days Alone.” Tau Deuteron graduates from the University of Texas annually trek to south- ern Texas for the “Stone Ranch Reunion.” Pictured L-R: Bryan Stone (1980), Kevin Snod- grass (1982), Bill Campbell (1980), Bobby Orr (1979), Carcy Clinton (1980), Jack Womack (1978), Jeff Webb (1980) and DeWitt Walt- mon Jr. (1980). OnOn thethe CoverCover Jack Creighton (Pittsburgh, Ohio State 1954), Ro Parra (Maryland 1982) and John Edwardson (Purdue 1971) take time out of their busy corporate schedules to share with brothers at Fiji Academy in St.