Place Names Beginning with the Letter G
, ·,,~ .' V GADBERRY (Adair Co.): ~hae~/b~r/eil (Columbia). All that .. »J~ " , ' , remains of this hamlet on KY 704, less,than 3 air miles s of .. ,J, , '. " "7- , F Columbia, ,is the Smith Chapel Church. Before, the Ci\til War , ..; , , , " a community here is said to have been called Butter Pint. Joe Creason' relates the tCl.le of a small boy who "had been ·, ;.. " sent to a neighbor's'house to'g(3t butter. 'H ow much do you' ,J '!! . ,.' ~~ . ,'.:: want?' he was asked. 'Oh,' the boy replied, 'I gl,less about 0' .• '. , , ~':~'-: ', .. ,.. , .:, a pint. '" The post off5.ce. was established as Gadberry on .~ .... :. ,', ~ ;:-" Sept. 24, .1884 with Finus Hurt, postmaster, ·and named for . " "" pioneer settler Jalnes Gadberry. The community failed to .. ' ., .... ,_. ,;- survite the closing of its remaining store shortly after the ,," Second World War though the post office continued until 1958., (Joe Creason "4th Plas's' Post ·OfNce· Going, Going ••• " LCJ, l " , , 6/29/1958, Sec. 4, P. lll-~ 3..-"1. i " .'. ~ ~., . t . s, . , , ~ .. '-',~ ~ , " , . • . " " " "'" , , - \\ . , , . :. ..;.;.; , " . • ,." . " , " " " , , , " ~ .. ,~ ·t , ., , .. '. " ! ;. , 'r; • ''<' - .'~' " ,: :.;? ~\: 'I; , j., ..:1, •••• ., , - '. ~INESVILLE (Allen CO.)I [ghanz/vih!1 (Scottsville). This community with extinct post office on Big Difficult Creek, 4 miles s of its union with the Barren River and 5~ air miles n of Scottsville, may be at or near the site of a log home built in 1814 by John Caruthers. From then nothing is known of the place until 1846 when Samuel' B. Gaines, a Virginian, arrived from nearby Port Oliver where he had a store, On July 1st of the following year, he established a post offfice and founded the Gainesville community which he named for him- self.
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