Folia Veterinaria
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KOŠICE E D I T O R I A L B O A R D Editor in Chief : Rudolf C a b a d a j Executive Editor : Emil P i l i p č i n e c Members : Baumgartner, W. (Vienna), Bíreš, J. (Bratislava), Breza, M. (Košice), Buczek, J. (Lublin), Bugarský, A. (Košice), Campo, M. S. (Glasgow), Cudlín, J. (Prague), Dianovský, J. (Košice), Huszenicza, Gy. (Buda- pest), Kottferová, J. (Košice), Legáth, J. (Košice), Levkut, M. (Košice), Lešník, F. (Košice), Mesároš, P. (Košice), Mikula, I. (Košice), Mojžišová, J. (Košice), Pistl, J. (Košice), Pogačnik, M. (Ljubljana), Rosival, I. (Košice), Šucman, E. (Brno), Totolian, A. A. (Saint Petersburg), Vilček, Š. (Košice), Zibrín, M. (Košice) FOLIA VETERINARIA is issued by the University of Veteri FOLIA VETERINARIA, vydáva Univerzita veterinárskeho nary Medicine in Košice (UVL); address: Komenského 73, 041 lekárstva v Košiciach (UVL), Komenského 73, 041 81 K o š i c e, Slovenská republika (tel.: 055/633 51 03, fax: 055/633 51 03, 81 K o š i c e, The Slovak Republic (tel.: +421 55 633 51 03, fax: E−mail: [email protected]). +421 55 633 51 03, E−mail: [email protected]). Časopis vychádza kvartálne (č. 1—4) a je distribuovaný The journal is published quarterly in English (numbers 1—4) celosvetove. and distributed worldwide. Ročné predplatné 200 Sk, pre zahraničných odberateľov 80 eur. Objednávky prijíma Ústav vedeckých infor mácií a knižnice for 1 year is 200 Sk, for foreigners Subscription rate Univerzity veterinárskeho lekárstva v Ko ši ciach (UVIK); predplatné 80 euros. Orders are accepted by The Department of The Scienti Národná banka Slovenska v Košiciach (na nižšie uvedené číslo fic Information — The Library of The University of Vete ri nary účtu). Medicine, Košice (UVIK); the subscription is accepted by the Bankové spojenie: Národná banka Slovenska, Košice, Stro- járenská 1, číslo príjmového účtu: 19−1924−512/0720. National bank of Slovakia in Košice (at the account number mentioned below). Tlač: EMILENA, Čermeľská 3, 040 01 Košice Bank contact: National bank of Slovakia, 040 01 Košice, Sadzba: Aprilla, s.r.o., Hlavná 40, 040 01 Košice Strojárenská 1, our account number: 19−1924−512/0720. Registr. zn. 787/93 For basic information about the journal see Indexed and abstracted Internet home pages: in AGRIS, CAB Abstracts F O L I A V E T E R I N A R I A, 50, 1, 2006 C O N T E N T S CABADAJ, R.: FOLIA VETERINARIA (1956—2006) .............................................................................................................. 3 Pástorová, B.: The effect of hormonal stimulation on catecholamine and monoamine oxidase activity in the pituitary gland of ewes ................................................................................................. 5 ZhELIAZkOV, P., KoruDJISkI, N., Galabinova, T., Chaleva, E.: Study of the antimicrobial activity of tiamulin hydrogen fumarate, against pathogenic micro-organisms isolated from animals ................................................................................................................................................................... 9 PICCIONE, G., GRASSO, F., FAZIO, F., GIuDICE, E., PENNISI, P.: Evaluation of some physiological and haematological parameters in the ewe: influence of shearing and sheltering ..................................... 13 ADEDAPO, A. A., OLOwOkERE, Y. O.: Comparison of the effects of ivermectin administration through three different routes on the blood profiles of rats............................................................................... 17 ŠEVčíkOVá, Z, LEVkuT, M., PuZDER, M., ŠEVčík, A.: Immunohistochemistry and canine skin and mammary gland tumors .................................................................................................................................... 22 MANDELík, R., MESáROŠ, P., CIGáNkOVá, V., SviatkO, P., VALOCký, I., hAJuRkA, J., Kremeň, J., POPELkOVá, M., POPELkA, P.: The influence of parenteral administration of zinc on the reproductive performance of boars ............................................................................................. 28 ARNAuDOV, AT., TZIPORkOV, N.: Immunosuppressive activity of fractions of Salmonella choleraesuis ........................ 3 3 CAPIk, I.: The cast metal crown with integrated post unit — the role of postlenght and stump bevelling on canine tooth stability in dogs ..................................................................................................................... 37 STEINhAuSEROVá, I. BOřILOVá G., NEBOLA, M.: Resistance of poultry, swine and human strains of Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli to selected antibiotics: A comparative study ........................................... 42 VáLkOVá, V., SALákOVá, A., TREMLOVá, B.: Sensory, textural, and physico-chemical parameters of heat-treated durable meat product Vysocina ............................................................................................................................... 46 POLACEk, M., BILkEI, G.: The effect of dietary amoxycillin on porcine proliferative enteropathy (PPE) ....................... 52 C h R O N I C L E : Prof. DVM František Hrudka, DSc .......................................................................................................... 54 DVM Michal Breza, PhD ......................................................................................................................................................... 55 FOLIA VETERINARIA PUBLISHED BY THE UNIVERSITY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE K O Š I C E, THE SLOVAK REPUBLIC Folia veterinaria V o l . 50, 2006 VYDALA UNIVERZITA VETERINÁRSKEHO LEKÁRSTVA K O Š I C E 2006 FOLIA VETERInARIA, 50, 1: 3—4, 2006 FOLIA VETERINARIA (1956—2006) The anniversary of the 55-year existence of our alma mater antireticular-cytotoxic and antineural-cytotoxic serum on the (in 2004) touched all areas of its life, including its scientific development of infectious process at porcine encephalomyelitis periodical – Folia Veterinaria. In that year the 48th Volume (In Slovak), Vet. zborník 1, 1952, 10—27; Sokol, A., Rosocha, of this Journal had already appeared issued because its first J., Špeník, M: Additional study of immunogenesis, pathogenesis Volume was published in 1956, seven years after the establish- and pathology of porcine encephalomyelitis (In Slovak), Vet. ment of the Veterinary College in Košice. In 2006 this Journal časopis 2, 1953, 201—216; Hovorka, J.: Epizootological survey celebrates the semi-centennial of its existence. of equine strongylids and Parascaris equorum in basins of east What has caused this apparently considerable delay in is- Slovakian rivers and their relationship to colics (In Slovak), suing Folia veterinaria? Personal observers of the process of Vet. zborník 1, 1952, 51—78. building of the first veterinary education institution in Slovakia During the fifty years of publishing the Folia veterinaria and information provided in the jubilee publication “55 years journal there were many changes in editors, editorial boards of the University of Veterinary Medicine” (1949—2004) – UVM and contributors. The first two Volumes (1956 and 1957/1958) in Košice, 2004 – explained the situation clearly. Fifty-seven were prepared by Doc. MVDr. František Hrudka and MVDr. years ago the Veterinary College in Košice was built “on a Michal Breza – who held the posts of chief and executive green meadow”. Because of this the young teaching staff which editors. After that, before issuing the 3rd Volume, these posts formed “while marching”, had to concentrate on facilities were taken over by dep. Doc. MVDr. Jaroslav Oto Vrtiak and where individual disciplines had to be taught and on teaching MVDr. Ľudovít Slanina. Later on, members of senior academic itself. The success in training new veterinary professionals in personnel held alternatively the posts of chief and executive Slovakia was documented by the first graduation of 62 veteri- editors of Folia veterinaria. One exception that should be nary surgeons in the Fall of 1954. mentioned was the long-term involvement of Prof. MVDr. Jozef At that time the research activities of the staff had reached Arendarčik, DrSc., who held the post of executive editor for a stage of full development. This is witnessed by papers a number of years. Since 1993 (Volume 37), these two posts published chiefly in the nationwide journal Veterinářství (its were supplemented with by post of technical editor. This post first issue was published in 1951) and in Veterinársky zborník has been held by MVDr. Michal Breza, CSc., who has retained (founded in 1952) published in Bratislava, renamed later as it even after retiring in 1993. Veterinársky časopis. Prof. MVDr. Ján H o v o r k a, the first Up to the 25th Volume (1981) of Folia veterinaria, the rector of the Veterinary College in Košice was the Editor-in- contributions were published only in Slovak. However, the Chief of both Slovak journals: summaries were in foreign languages, namely in Russian, Ger- List of published papers: Bartík, M., Zwick, K.: Polarography man and later also in English. Even in this form the papers of blood sera of farm animals based on Brdička reaction (In raised interest abroad, which is witnessed by many citations Slovak). Vet. zborník 1, 1952, 40—43; Breza, M.: Poisoning of in papers published in this field at home and abroad. Start- farm animals by fluorine compounds (In Slovak), Veterinářství ing from the 8th Volume (1964), the original form of annual 6, 1952, 62–63; Zvick, K.:Study of bond of formaldehyde with collected papers was replaced by individual issues (1—4) or proteins