Daughters of Envoy Leap from Airpune in a Suicide
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. -v_ • . 1. - . .• ',.^1 • ^ > 'in r fiatu^nrtnr Svratngi Ifnralli AVnUGB DAB.’T fXBOULATION T H E W E A T H M ■Ik e f . r. i»$s refseael at O.-S. Weatkar B m a,. Bartfsrtf Fair, warmer taalgkt, FrMay 5,459 deafly aofl warmer probably foOew- IT o f u m Aim it ed by rata ta late afteraesB er at THURSDAY, February 21st-Manchester’s Annual Great Winter Bargain Day! a lg k t e t OtrealaMoaa VOL. U V „ NO. 122. (OaeaUed Adverttetag cm Page lA ) M ANCHESTER, CONN., TH URSD AY, F E B R U A R Y 21,1933. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Free Parking Space Free Delivery Free delivery dadly anywhere In town. Hears Hauptmann Voice Despair P irii your e «r la our fre« parkin* apace I f unable to abop In person, phone your HOT ARGUMENT irliUe-aboppln* In the atore. Room for order (dial 4123). CHILD U B O R BILL orer JOO cara. No reatrlcUona DEVELOPS OVER DAUGHTERS OF ENVOY HALTED IN SENATE REA^M ENT LEAP FROM AIRPUNE “Sale” or Inferior Grades State Democrats and Sociai- Standard itale Quality Merchandise At Special Low Prices Thursday-Not HOOVER PLEADS Controversy Between Select ists Unite to Delay Imme men and Assessors Flares Sale Of Needy Extra Long . Hemmed On Both Ends! . Our Popular M.K.M. diate Action on Measure; FOR RETURN OF IN A SUICIDE COMPACT Anew as Matter of Clem- hales V HALE’S ‘FINESPUN’ SHEETS ^ Pure Silk Needs More Study. G O L D S m A R D ,, >81” X 163” X 118” Two American Girls, Grief HOUSEWARES >72” X l O i W ' bsbaw Pay Is Discussed. Gulesian Is Believed This is a mighty big SALE for DOLLAR DAY! fin€spun Hale's "FINESPUN" cotton sheets In the extra long sizes you want—at $1.00! StaU Capitol, Hartford, Feb. 21. Would Restore Coo6dence m Stricken Orer Deaths of Guaranteed for four years. Made especially for Hale'a according to our STOCKINGS — (A P )— Socialists and Democrats The long-suetsUned controversy A Special Group ■peclflcatlona. Victim of Amnesia 5HEET5frPIUOIUCfHEI united today in the Senate to fore- between the; Board o f Selectmen and Their Sweethearts, Kill 88” z 104H’’ ..........89e r v ' z l i a ^ " ........ $1.10 81” z 118H” ........$1.W Dollar Day Onlyl Oar Carrency, Asserts ' stall immediate action on the child the Board of Assessors flareo anew “Wear-Ever” Hale*s “Finespun” Cases, 4 for labor bill aftei reports became cur lsu)t night in the regular meeting of Newton, Mass., Feb. 21.— (A P )— .Ifthe University Club in Boston Tucs- I Themselves in Sensational Former President — Also the Board of Selectmen when, in an Two sizes: 42xM and 45x36 Inchea. Same high quality as the rent that passage of the measure Three agencies of investigation— day night. attempt to determine a plan where ■heeta abova. ' The automobile in which he drove ' ALUMINUM pairs would be used os argument to by the Assessors may acquaint the Department of Justice, state de Manner in England; Father Choice of 9-lnch fry pans, * - tsaw At RALE’S Domeatlo Section—Main floor, left Serves as Inflation Check. from his home in the Chestnut Hill LtIZC <1.00 thwart approval of the child labor themselves with the Clemlnahaw tectives and municipal police— to section of Newton was found park- j quart utility pots, 8-quart sauce , Chiffon— methods o f asseuenent, during the day were inclined toward the theory pans with draining covers, vege Our owm popular MJC.M. Budget amendment to the Federal Constitu ed on Trinity Place, Boston, near | Is U. S. Consol General in 4 and 5 progress of the current revaluation of relatives that Moses H. Gulesian, the University Club, yesterday. ! table presses. ?1 Stockings, famous for looks and for tion. Tucson, Aria., Feb. 21— (A P ) — Dollar Day Specials In ^ x -XT X “ i Dollar Day Specials In wear—pure silk, FIRST QUALITT, with threads; Although starred for action on of Manchester property, dilffculty former wealthy realtor who has Mrs. Gulesian, the former Grace reinforced aolee and heele. Patented p 1 c o t the calendar, the Senate decided to Smashing bis self establlabed pre arose In establishing such a plan. been missing since Tuesday, Is a Warner, a concert pianist, first ex Naples, Italy. $1 Yard Goods Values $1 Baby Shop TOE GUARDS for longer wear. Good tops. postpone consideration of the. bill cedence of silence aa a private citi Fay Stsrta II victim o f amnesia. pressed the belief he might be a Yard Goods range o f smart spring abadea. Sizes 8H which virtually would outlaw child zen, former President Hoover urged The svgument waa brought to a Circulars bearing his photograph victim of amnesia. She said he hid Girls' Dreaaea, to lOH. and a detailed description were sent been worried lately over financial 2,000 Yards! New Spring 7-thread; labor In 0>niiecticut. the reestabllahmen. o f the gold head wlien the pay of the J. M. By BURDETTE T. JOHNS 39o Rayon TsITeta, 8 yds. Cotton prints and wool, last night to Atlantic coastal cities troubles and she believed they prey Hale hem Senator John M. Taft, Jr., Social (fiemlnahaw Ctompany, deferred for (GopyrlBlit, 1935 by Anaoclatrd Pr«ii»> All colors. 39‘ in ch es'!^ Jerseys to cloae-out Val-. standard to “ restore confidence In aa fa r south as Florida and to the ed heavily on his mind. Hosiery—Main Floor, right. and fe e t ist of Bridgeport, asserted off the the past three months, due to the Upmlnster, Essex, Eng., Feb. 21 Wide, Our biggest sellcr\l ues to $1.69. 3 to 6 , floor: our currency" as a needed contribu fact that the appraisal company bad principal cities of the midwest. She was confident he would re There was no evidence, Investiga —Two beautiful American glrla, for slips PERCALE PRINTS years. Boys' suits. In "I’m not going to allow any one tion to real recovery. hot secured its bond as surety for turn in a few days hut did not dis tors said, to indicate that the 71- cluded in this sale. If the dollar were made converti the completion of the contract, came close the basis of her belief and she Elizabeth and Jane du Bois, tbe S9c "Everfaet" Suiting, to use this bill as a club against the yeai-old naan had met with foul Children’s Sweaters, A Value Like This Only ble at the present 59 cents of gold, up for discussion. The bills for a scoffed at the theory of a few of the only children of a consul general 8 yds. child labor amendment to the Fed pla> after leaving a dinner of the Boys' and girls’ slip-on • he said in a prepared statement part of December, January and part investigators that he might have A group of lamps re Guaranteed fast to sun, 5 yards $ 1 ,0 0 eral (Jonstltutlon. I f we pass this Sons of the American Revolution at committed suicide. plunged from an airplane to death Upright style electiio Bread boxes in aweatera In three-ply ( Happens Once In A Blue Mexm ! here last night, "It would tend to of February, amounting to $1,- square, roll-top and duced to $1.00! Choice washing, boiling, perspira A special DOLLAR DAT selling of 2,000 yards of brand new bill now, I understand an attempt today and friends said they started bread toaster. Guar yams very soft and, check inflation, replace relief with 861.50, had beert held up by the anteed by Hale's. Ex of boudoljiJnmpa, voile. tion.___A ifomi wearing -spring percales. Choose from plnlJa, e.hecks, florals)— the prettiest will be made to use it as an argu on their last flight heartbroken over d 0 u.h.l e compartment heavy. Values to $1.69. real employment and contribute Selectmen, pending the negotiations tra .Special, styles. Grcert, Ivory, Ity lamps. Complete fabric, too! range of designs we have seen for a mighty, long time. 2,000 ment against approving the amend 3 to 6 years. materially to general recovery." of the . M. Cfieminsbaw Company to tbe recent crash-deaths of two men yards— ovbc 80 different designs and colorings. O A ¥ CP Well Tailored ment.” $1.00 with shades. $ 1 .0 0 89c Rayon Satin, 8 yds. Part-Wool Union SoitB, In hia comment on the Supreme secure a bonu. off the Royal Flying Corps. $ 1.00 S for I Senator Raymond J. Devlin, Make your own dra-' Quality Democratic floor leader, moved for Court gold clause decision, Mr. Authority o f Aseeaeora LABOR DISPUTE MEASURE They fell from a commercistl air With short sleeves and i plane speeding to Paris at an alti pcrlea from this rich, lus the delayed action. Off the floor he Hoover broke hla consistent policy The bills had been sent to the A s trous rayon satin. F u ll' Percale Prints, 6 yds. bodice tops, without ( of refusing to express hia opinion tude of 1,500 fee't. Horrified w it sleeves. 3 to 6. Close ■aid he would have opposed Imme sessors for their signatures. Feeling range of colors. 1,000 yards! Regular 25c grades! Soft-finish upon political matters—a policy he nesses, looking up, said they plung $ out group. diate consideration o f the bill until that there was a question regarding ed percale prints in designs suitable for aprons, 1.00 began when he left the presidency, INTRODUCED BY WAGNER ed to earth "clasped band In hand "w e find out what It’s all about." the authority of the Aasessors to 36-Inch Rayon Crepe, Rompers, Suita, Fiorkz, March 4, 1933.