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fiatu^nrtnr Svratngi Ifnralli AVnUGB DAB.’T fXBOULATION T H E W E A T H M ■Ik e f . r. i»$s refseael at O.-S. Weatkar B m a,. Bartfsrtf Fair, warmer taalgkt, FrMay 5,459 deafly aofl warmer probably foOew- IT o f u m Aim it ed by rata ta late afteraesB er at THURSDAY, February 21st-Manchester’s Annual Great Winter Bargain Day! a lg k t e t OtrealaMoaa

VOL. U V „ NO. 122. (OaeaUed Adverttetag cm Page lA ) M ANCHESTER, CONN., TH URSD AY, F E B R U A R Y 21,1933. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Free Parking Space Free Delivery Free delivery dadly anywhere In town. Hears Hauptmann Voice Despair P irii your e «r la our fre« parkin* apace I f unable to abop In person, phone your HOT ARGUMENT irliUe-aboppln* In the atore. Room for order (dial 4123). CHILD U B O R BILL orer JOO cara. No reatrlcUona DAUGHTERS OF ENVOY HALTED IN SENATE DEVELOPS OVER REA^M ENT LEAP FROM AIRPUNE “Sale” or Inferior Grades State Democrats and Sociai- Standard itale Quality Merchandise At Special Low Prices Thursday-Not HOOVER PLEADS Controversy Between Select­ ists Unite to Delay Imme­ men and Assessors Flares Sale Of Needy Long . . Hemmed On Both Ends! . Our Popular M.K.M. diate Action on Measure; FOR RETURN OF IN A SUICIDE COMPACT Anew as Matter of Clem- hales V HALE’S ‘FINESPUN’ SHEETS ^ Pure Silk Needs More Study. G O L D S m A R D ,, >81” X 163” X 118” Two American Girls, Grief HOUSEWARES >72” X l O i W ' bsbaw Pay Is Discussed. Gulesian Is Believed This is a mighty big SALE for DOLLAR DAY! fin€spun Hale's "FINESPUN" cotton sheets In the extra long sizes you want—at $1.00! StaU Capitol, Hartford, Feb. 21. Would Restore Coo6dence m Stricken Orer Deaths of Guaranteed for four years. Made especially for Hale'a according to our STOCKINGS — (A P )— Socialists and Democrats The long-suetsUned controversy A Special Group ■peclflcatlona. Victim of Amnesia 5HEET5frPIUOIUCfHEI united today in the Senate to fore- between the; Board o f Selectmen and Their Sweethearts, Kill 88” z 104H’’ ...... 89e r v ' z l i a ^ " ...... $1.10 81” z 118H” ...... $1.W Dollar Day Onlyl Oar Carrency, Asserts “Wear-Ever” ' stall immediate action on the child the Board of Assessors flareo anew Hale*s “Finespun” Cases, 4 for labor bill aftei reports became cur­ lsu)t night in the regular meeting of Newton, Mass., Feb. 21.— (A P )— .Ifthe University Club in Boston Tucs- I Themselves in Sensational Former President — Also the Board of Selectmen when, in an Two sizes: 42xM and 45x36 Inchea. Same high quality as the rent that passage of the measure Three agencies of investigation— day night. attempt to determine a plan where­ ■heeta abova. ' The automobile in which he drove ' ALUMINUM pairs would be used os argument to by the Assessors may acquaint the Department of Justice, state de­ Manner in England; Father Choice of 9-lnch fry pans, * - tsaw At RALE’S Domeatlo Section—Main floor, left Serves as Inflation Check. from his home in the Chestnut Hill LtIZC <1.00 thwart approval of the child labor themselves with the Clemlnahaw tectives and municipal police— to­ section of Newton was found park- j quart utility pots, 8-quart sauce , Chiffon— methods o f asseuenent, during the day were inclined toward the theory pans with draining covers, vege­ Our owm popular MJC.M. Budget amendment to the Federal Constitu­ ed on Trinity Place, Boston, near | Is U. S. Consol General in 4 and 5 progress of the current revaluation of relatives that Moses H. Gulesian, the University Club, yesterday. ! table presses. ?1 Stockings, famous for looks and for tion. Tucson, Aria., Feb. 21— (A P ) — Dollar Day Specials In ^ x -XT X “ i Dollar Day Specials In wear—pure silk, FIRST QUALITT, with threads; Although starred for action on of Manchester property, dilffculty former wealthy realtor who has Mrs. Gulesian, the former Grace reinforced aolee and heele. Patented p 1 c o t the calendar, the Senate decided to Smashing bis self establlabed pre­ arose In establishing such a plan. been missing since Tuesday, Is a Warner, a concert pianist, first ex­ Naples, Italy. $1 Goods Values $1 Baby Shop TOE GUARDS for longer wear. Good tops. postpone consideration of the. bill cedence of silence aa a private citi­ Fay Stsrta II victim o f amnesia. pressed the belief he might be a Yard Goods range o f smart spring abadea. Sizes 8H which virtually would outlaw child zen, former President Hoover urged The svgument waa brought to a Circulars bearing his photograph victim of amnesia. She said he hid Girls' Dreaaea, to lOH. and a detailed description were sent been worried lately over financial 2,000 Yards! New Spring 7-thread; labor In 0>niiecticut. the reestabllahmen. o f the gold head wlien the pay of the J. M. By BURDETTE T. JOHNS 39o Rayon TsITeta, 8 yds. Cotton prints and wool, last night to Atlantic coastal cities troubles and she believed they prey­ Hale hem Senator John M. Taft, Jr., Social­ (fiemlnahaw Ctompany, deferred for (GopyrlBlit, 1935 by Anaoclatrd Pr«ii»> All colors. 39‘ in ch es'!^ Jerseys to cloae-out Val-. standard to “ restore confidence In aa fa r south as Florida and to the ed heavily on his mind. Hosiery—Main Floor, right. and fe e t ist of Bridgeport, asserted off the the past three months, due to the Upmlnster, Essex, Eng., Feb. 21 Wide, Our biggest sellcr\l ues to $1.69. 3 to 6 , floor: our currency" as a needed contribu­ fact that the appraisal company bad principal cities of the midwest. She was confident he would re­ There was no evidence, Investiga­ —Two beautiful American glrla, for slips PERCALE PRINTS years. Boys' suits. In­ "I’m not going to allow any one tion to real recovery. hot secured its bond as surety for turn in a few days hut did not dis­ tors said, to indicate that the 71- cluded in this sale. If the dollar were made converti­ the completion of the contract, came close the basis of her belief and she Elizabeth and Jane du Bois, tbe S9c "Everfaet" Suiting, to use this bill as a club against the yeai-old naan had met with foul Children’s Sweaters, A Value Like This Only ble at the present 59 cents of gold, up for discussion. The bills for a scoffed at the theory of a few of the only children of a consul general 8 yds. child labor amendment to the Fed­ pla> after leaving a dinner of the Boys' and girls’ slip-on • he said in a prepared statement part of December, January and part investigators that he might have A group of lamps re­ Guaranteed fast to sun, 5 yards $ 1 ,0 0 eral (Jonstltutlon. I f we pass this Sons of the American Revolution at committed suicide. plunged from an airplane to death Upright style electiio Bread boxes in aweatera In three-ply ( Happens Once In A Blue Mexm ! here last night, "It would tend to of February, amounting to $1,- square, roll-top and duced to $1.00! Choice washing, boiling, perspira­ A special DOLLAR DAT selling of 2,000 yards of brand new bill now, I understand an attempt today and friends said they started bread toaster. Guar­ yams very soft and, check inflation, replace relief with 861.50, had beert held up by the anteed by Hale's. Ex­ of boudoljiJnmpa, voile. tion.___A ifomi wearing -spring percales. Choose from plnlJa, e.hecks, florals)— the prettiest will be made to use it as an argu­ on their last flight heartbroken over d 0 u.h.l e compartment heavy. Values to $1.69. real employment and contribute Selectmen, pending the negotiations tra .Special, styles. Grcert, Ivory, Ity lamps. Complete fabric, too! range of designs we have seen for a mighty, long time. 2,000 ment against approving the amend­ 3 to 6 years. materially to general recovery." of the . M. Cfieminsbaw Company to tbe recent crash-deaths of two men yards— ovbc 80 different designs and colorings. O A ¥ CP Well Tailored ment.” $1.00 with shades. $ 1 .0 0 89c Rayon Satin, 8 yds. Part-Wool Union SoitB, In hia comment on the Supreme secure a bonu. off the Flying Corps. $ 1.00 S for I Senator Raymond J. Devlin, Make your own dra-' Quality Democratic floor leader, moved for Court gold clause decision, Mr. Authority o f Aseeaeora LABOR DISPUTE MEASURE They fell from a commercistl air­ With short sleeves and i plane speeding to Paris at an alti­ pcrlea from this rich, lus­ the delayed action. Off the floor he Hoover broke hla consistent policy The bills had been sent to the A s­ trous rayon satin. F u ll' Percale Prints, 6 yds. bodice tops, without ( of refusing to express hia opinion tude of 1,500 fee't. Horrified w it­ sleeves. 3 to 6. Close­ ■aid he would have opposed Imme­ sessors for their signatures. Feeling range of colors. 1,000 yards! Regular 25c grades! Soft-finish­ upon political matters—a policy he nesses, looking up, said they plung­ $ out group. diate consideration o f the bill until that there was a question regarding ed percale prints in designs suitable for aprons, 1.00 began when he left the presidency, INTRODUCED BY WAGNER ed to earth "clasped band In hand "w e find out what It’s all about." the authority of the Aasessors to 36-Inch Rayon Crepe, Rompers, Suita, Fiorkz, March 4, 1933. As recently as Mon­ In a last embrace." dresses, draperies. A ll tub-fast RAYONS sign. In view o f the fact that no 4 yds. t fo r ' Senator Cornelius Costello, Re­ day he declined to comment on the The girls’ father is Coert du Bols, definite check on the amount of For slips, dresses, un­ Close-out assortment of( publican o f New London, author o f gold decision with his habitual re- consul general in derwear. 30 Inches wide. ’ baby rompera, hand made* the bill and chairman of the labor noark " I ’m no longer In public life." work completed had been given, the Naples. Printed Voiles, 8 yds. committee which reported It favor­ Assessors sought the advice of the New York Senator Would PRESIDENT FACES Good colors. Specially dresses, and Bobby-Bov Gets Great Welcome A fter hearing Bruno Hauptmann despairingly brand hie case as "hope- London friends said the girls were ably denied that the measure was Selectmen to clarify the situation. priced for D OLLAR DAY! Close-out sale of 600 yards! Fast colored suits. 1 to 3 years. 69c Hla departure from his usual cus­ leas.” during a visit In the New Jersey Penitentiary at Trenton, Mrs. Anna grief-stricken by the craiUi-deatbs $ 1.00 Intended as one to sidetrack the Th e Selectmen aa a board, admitted printed voiles that will make stunning hot weath­ values. 3 $ 1 .0 0 tom came aa he returned with hia Hauptmann sought to arrange a truce among his battling lawyers pend­ Strengthen Enforcement TEST ON REUEF of two officers of the Royal Flying Three-legged style HIt-and-mIss colored Handiest kitchen re­ Main Floor, left. er frocks. Get bu.sy and sew them NOW ! Main Floor, left. child labor amendment. son Allan, from a visit to New that they had no definite knowledge Corps, February 15, aboard tbe big " I understand," he said, "that ing action on his appeal. She’s pictured leaving the prison with Murray of the amount of work done by the folding Ironing boards. rag rugs at a apcciul ceptacle. lO-quart size. We wanted to give our customers an York. While he repeatedly disclaim­ Adelbaum, representative of Edward Jay Reilly, defense chief. flying boat "Ace of Diamonds’’ in Choica there la some opposition to my bill, ed political implicatlona the titular appraisal company, and a call waa of Section 7-A and Clarify SIcUy. 48x12 Inches. Special, Dollar Day sale! 27x34 Cover raised with foot Girls’ Print honeat-to-goodneas rayon buy for DOL­ Inches. Special, lever. Kitchen colors. but I can’t understand why." chief of the Republican party was sent to the (hieney Brothers’ en­ Both Were Engaged Pure Linen 58-In. New Spring LAR DAY. We searched the markets of: $ $ CkMtello agreed to permit delay nevertheless greeted aft along bis gineering office for James M. Clem- A report from Naples said Eliza­ 1.00 1.00 $1.00 and we have here the rayon imderwear Vests on hla measure after a conference route by political allies and former Inshaw, president of the company, Industrial Atmosphere. Worried More Ahont Vote beth had been engaged to marry FROCKS with Senator Taft. Dish scoop o f the year. You’ll agree with ua Cuff PanUea officials. then at work on the Cheney Broth­ Flight Lieut. Henry Longfleld Beat­ \ Baa Open Mind ty, commander of the “Ace of Dia­ WOOLEN FABRICS Dollar Day Only! when you see these. Well-tailored, Flare Panttea Return to the gold standard, he DELUCA MURDER TRIAL ers' list. On His Proposed Plan The N ew London Senator said he said, would do more than any other Clemlnshaw Questioned. Washington, Feb. 21.—(AP)— monds,” and Jane had been engaged extra line ffuality rasroni. 84 to 42. Brief Pantlaa had an "open mind” on the child single action to put men to work When CHcmlnshaw arrived. Chair­ Senator Wagner (D.. N. Y.) Intro­ to Flying Officer John A. C. Forbes. Towels labor amendment and that he was SPECIAL! $ 2 for $ 1 ,0 0 Bloomers because people are beaitont to Invest man Aaron Ck>ok outlined the situa­ duced today his labor diaputca btU, Than Ahont Gold Dehate. Both were killed outright with 1.00 Rayons—Main Floor, right. Short Bloom­ studying arguments for and against their savings and take long term IS ON IN BRIDGEPORT tion and asksd him If he could give seven companions in one of the fly­ Trust Hale's to offer the season's favored woolen fabrics at a which would outlaw "company- Mothers! Don’t pass up ers the propoaal. He aoaerted that be risks because there la uncertainty definite figures on the amount of ing corps’ worst peace-time dis­ price YOU CAN AFFO R D for new suits, topcoats and skirts. this V A LU E In girls’ little had not discuaaed with fellow Re- In what vMue they will be repaid.” work already done by his company. dominated" union's, provide for ma­ asters. Beautiful range-of woolens In tweeds, plaids, check.s. A ll wool; pu)>Ucana the child labor amend­ Washington, Feb. 21.— (A P) — A 5 for $ 1 ,0 0 print dresses'-with matching A convertible gold currency now, Mr. Clemlnshaw stated that by the jority rule In collective bargaining Tbe Misses duBois, said tbs 58 inches wide. ment, T a ft during his conference public statement by Herbert Heavy, purs linen dish panties. 1 to 6 years. 69c he said, would help avoid the other­ end o f the month hla statisticians and create a permanent National friends, were often with the two of­ Fabrics—Main Floor, left. New Spring Fresh New with Costello told the latter: WitaesMj Say Big Dice ^ GERMANY PLANNMG Hoover on money policies stirred towels with colored borders values. wise inevitable budget deficits. Im­ will have completed the Cheney Labor Relations Board with power ficers when the “Ace of Diamonds" "Unless we have an amendment political echoes In the Capitol to­ In gold, bliio and green. Stock Main Floor, left. poverishing taxation and further Brothers’ mill li.st and would at that to enforce Its findings in the Federal was in Naples during January and to the Federal Constitution the pro­ courts. day, but the Administration stood up DOLLAR DAY at thU Neckwear devaluation or Inflation. ^ Was ia Progress in ' r u s s JA time turn over the complete list of the early part of February. Ash cans of heavy Garbage palls in the Hand Bags gressive itatea which adopt child pat on its program and Juat now was ColTec drip-o-lators saving! Extra Fine "False Prosperity" mill property figures to the Board He said it waa designed to make The girls had been living In a galvanized iron. 16x24 large, handy 10-gallon Dollar Day Specials In , labor laws are going to be penalized worried more by r e lit' funds than like these are values at Devaluation he continued X x x of Relief. He also stated that In the worker a "free man” and would west-end hotel in London for the Inchea. No cover. Dol­ sire. TIght-flttIng cov­ 2 for $1.00 by the leas progressive states which Norwalk Club at Time "clarify the Industrial atmosphere gold. $1.00. China pot, alum­ Main Floor, left. affects every wage and salary earn­ his opinion 20 per cent of the town lost four or five days, coming to lar Day. er. Now, inum drip cover. 3 or $1.00 Pep up that old dark frock refuse to approve aueh legialatton.'' and reduce the likelihood of another In the Senate President Roosevelt er. Surely a sixty per cent coat of revaluation would be complete with England only a short time after the with crisp,, apring-y neckwear. Senator Taft asserted that ha faced a crucial teat aa a vote neared 6-cup S1ZC.S. TURKISH Drugs / Carry them now and through­ living Increase, already now In of Crime. the C!beney Brothers’ list In. conflagration of strife." funeral of tbe British crash victims $ 1.00 $1.00 Dainty models in crepe, ailk, wmuld oppose action on the Costel­ Union of Reich, Poland and Contending there had been on the McCarran amendment to re­ Yardlcy’s tTomblnatlon Seta, out the spring season. Brand Lrole Speaks Up.- in Italy. Their tears and hysterics pique, lace, organdy. A choice lo bill until he was assured that Its a "breakdown” of Section 7-A, the quire payment of prevailing local ...... $ 1.00 new 1935 styles! Now shapes! (Oonttaoed on Page Two) Thomas J. L e ^ e , senior member excited the Interest o f attendianta at TOWELS (3 cakes of soap and'box of New colors! assortment! passage would not mean the defeat labor section of the Recovery. Art, wages on all projects financed by tbe London hotel. of the child labor amendment. Bridgeport. Feb. 21.— (AP) — The Japan Is Hinted at by of the Board of Assessors, stated Lavendermeal.) Wagner said htr measure would the proposed $4,880,000,000 work- The girls flew out to death alone Housewares Main Floor, front Main Floor, front The maneuvering on the child la­ that he had no knowledge o f the relief appropriation. 50c Ipanna Tooth P aste ...... murder o f Patsy Deluca, 18, of “give notice to all the solemn pledge for, aside from tbe airplane’s pilot, bor bill waa one highlight of a day CSemlnshaw system as the appraisal 8-Piece W ater Sets, ...... 8 for $1.00 Norwalk In the Red Wing, A. C„ In Czecho Newspaper. made by Congress when It enacted It waa on Carter Glass of 'Virginia there waa no other person on the. 8 for $ 1 .0 0 that saw business In both branches ARREST ORDERED la being conducted, and he expressed Large, generous pitcher. 50c Prophylactic Tooth Brushes Norwalk on Nov. 11, 1934, Inter­ the opinion that he did not feel It 7-A cannot be Ignored with impun­ elght-pfssenger ahip. Tbe Misses 6 glasses and a round dec- Those extra fine, absorbent, perk up considerably. ity, and that a cardinal principle of (Oonttaoed ob Pago Bis) du Bois had reserved and paid for ...... 3 for $1.00 Here’s A BIG Saving*! LesMra agreed to take up the rupted a good sized dice game, ac­ was right to wait until the entire orated metal tray all for' double-thread Turkish towels 25c Rubbing Alcohol, 7 for $1.00 Moscow, Feb. 21— (AP) — The appraisal bad been completed before a New Deal for all and not some of every seat in tbe plane, apparently a dollar! every member of the family en­ Coatello bill next Tuesday, the next cording to testimony'offered Judge our people is going to be supported Sturdily constructed Handy three - piece •'Handy" top-of-the- $1.50 A garol...... $1.00 IN ‘HEXING’ CASE official organs of Soviet opinion up­ in order to be by themaielves on tbe joy using. Blue, gold, rose, legislative day. and preserved." channel crossing. card tables with green mixing bowl sets. 6, stuVe broiler. Broils 1 $1.00 Meritas Toilet Soap ...... Favorable Report John Richards Booth ’ and Jury In (UoBttaDMl OB Page 'two) Chair Seat Pads, 4 fur green and orchid borders. Hand braided Germany today with ac­ Sure of Support. The girls were at flrat believed to or red frame.' Black 8, and Id-Inch alze steaks, chops, sau­ ...... 3 boxes $1.00 A favorable report was made In the Criminal Superior Court today EMERSON DIVORCE top. Fancy oil cloth covered' size. (12 cakes IB box— assorted. SYL-O-SLIPS cusations of plana for aggression in Introducing his bill close upon be French because of their clothing, bowls. Set. sages. Special for the House by the finance committee by club members. chair sets. A.ssorted col- < 36 cakes for $1.00 while they but later authorities said they had Thursday, ors. on a bill which would allow Ansonia Woman Called to ‘‘Care” The testimony was offered in the both Ehistem and Central Europe President Roosevelt’s recommenda­ $ 1.00 $1.00 “Cannon” Towels, 6 for last.) established their identity “without a With 19-Inch to Issue $250,000 worth o f bonds for trial of Dominick Santella, 28, of On the heels of the approval of tions for extension of the National ATTRACTS CROWDS Kitchen Stools, 18x36 Inches. Double thread towels with tub-fast Main Floor, left. Norwalk, who the state charges Ihe London agreements extended by PUBUC PASSES BY Recovery Act for two years, Wag­ doubt" as the Misses du Bois. borders. Shadow-Proof Hem $ X # 0 0 the erection of a high school. The 25 inches high. Hard­ maximum interest would be 4H per Child Denies She Is WHch fired one shot from a sawed o ff shot Maxim Lltvinoff, commissar for ner told Interviewers be was "con­ Only Children Towela—Main Floor, left. Their father is Coert du Bois, 64, wood finished stools In' cent. gun Into Deluca’s back when an at­ foreign- affairs, on the condition fident" of administration support. maple. Ivory and green. A< Hot Water For DOLLAR DAY only wa are offeitng our The city will be given a site for Doctor; Her Statement. tempted holdup was frustrated. they are made effective in their en­ DHIINGER EXHIBIT The President, In hla message to a native of Hudson, N. Y „ but now bargain at $1.00! regular stock of higher priced SYL-0-8Lira at the school. It was explained to the The testimony offered by the wit­ tirety, the authoritative press pic­ Congrezs yesterday, did not mention Actor-Writer’s Spouse Tells with his legal residence at San Special! Just 100 Only! Bottles and thb saving. Better buy spring needs Thursday. nesses connected one John MazoIIa, tured the Nazis as hi'stgty for war by name Section 7-A or tbe Wagner Francisco. Hla wife was tbe former Mlaa Margaret Mendell o f Boston. Serving Trays, These slips have a generous 19-lnch double ahad- (Oonttaoed on Page Two) who has been indicted for murder under the disguise of "diplomatic bill. He merely recommended that of “Wife-Swapping” Epi­ They were married Aug. I, 1910. One group of serving owrproof panel all the way across the back. WUllamaport, Pa.. Feb. 21.— (A P) and Is now a fugitive from Justice chattering.’’ "the rights of emptoyeea freely to Syringes Pnhlic Enemy No. 1 Quickly The two daughters were their only trays reduced! Glass hot-' They’re form-fitting, sleek and wrrinklelesa. —Four Investigating agencies unit­ with the attempted holdup. General display was given charges organize for tbe purpose of collec­ tom with nickel guard and ! CHINTZ PILLOWS Straight and V tops; tailored and lace trimmed. ed today In a new drive against tive bargaining should be fully pro­ children. The state also today further at­ by the Czechoslovakian newspaper sode; Describes Party. '. Keepa out rain and $1.49 popular new Wliuiu of a bargain! handles; also all m etal' Few dance sets and cbemleea Included In this dol-1 "hexing” In Central Pennsylvania tected." The plane they dropped from be­ tempted to connect the gun from Narodnt Politika that Japan. CJer- Forgotten; His Death Mask aleet: prevents copper tea kettles that 27-lnch willow clothes styles; fiber trays. 2 for $1,00 lar sejling! FEELING INTENSE aa authorities, stirred by the butch­ Tbe Wagner bill la a redraft of a longed to tbe Hillman Air Service. which the fatal shot was fired as a many and Poland were preparing draughts. 8 inches are so voguish today! basket iuid 100 feet of Guaranteed two-quart hot Slips—^Maln Floor, rear. er knife slashing of a baby boy, de­ for war against the Sovrlet Union. measure which he proposed at the The pilot apparently flew on for an Vacuum Buttles, for 12 guage gun owned by a Norwalk Los Angeles, Feb. 21.— (AP) - high, adjustable to 33 No. 8 size. — both for 4 $1.00 water bottles and fountain clared ancient superstition preva­ Draws Few Persons. last session o f Congress, but which hour after the girls fell to their Pint size vacuum bottles* resident and lost by him while he The courtroom of Judge Ber Undsey inches 4 ji-l QO (29c each) ■yringea. Regular 7Se lent in Lycoming county. was lost in the closing legislative deaths without knowing of tbe fate with aluminum cup cov-( AT UQDOR HEARING waa occupying the same house In (Contlnoed on Page Two) offered a big attraction for divorce $1.00 $1.00 apiece. . Choice—2 for $1.00. Latest victim of the strange Jam In the face o f a nation-wide o f his two passengers. ers. Guaranteed to .sat-^ Cheery printed chintz and Two-Way Stretch practices that have survived Norwalk as Santella. court fans today with prospects of Out over the English channel he Isfy. cretonne pillows are VALUES Main Floor, left Washington, Feb. 21.— (AP)— assault from industry. through vigorous campaigns by the Expert Test In placing the bill before the Sen­ further amazing revelations In tbe looke'd back into the cabin saw tbe at this price DOLLAR DAT! Walter R. WItzel, ballistic expert John Herbert Dillingcr is losing his tangled love affairs of two ultra- girls were missing, and that a door I Griswold Griddle $1.49 Clothes Dryers, state la elght-moni -old James Le­ public. ate, Wagner charged It had been the WThlle they last only at this 500- Package Many Speakers Argne On roy Fritz, in a hospital here with of the Remington Arms Co., of this SETH PARKER NOW sophisticated Beverly Hills couples. was ajar. and Folding type to stand* price. Girdles, Now Today only one regular customer target of "misleading propaganda" deep gashes In hla head. city declared that a wad from a Stories of alleged all-night "wife- He immediately notified Croydon on the floor. Stands 321 KLEENEX N o bones, no hooka, smart little stood and studied* his death mask. that it would create a "labor dicta­ District Attorney John M-. Young- shot gun shell found in ' the club swapping” affairs, gay beach parties Airport of the passengers’ disap­ Inches high. Has twelve* "two-way stretch’’ girdles. Small, Control Act at Capitol — The plaster cast shows clearly where torship.” $1.49 c'.. .i.iie table Syrup Xiving Room Pillows, 2 for 3 pkgs. $1.00 man says the cuts —ere inflicted by room a week after the shooting was and "surprlae” visits, by one o f the pearance, then streaked back to the 27-lnch bars to hold medium and large alzes. SAFE IN HARBOR a bullet from a gun of a speoial Favors No One. ware reduced. Includes Kapox filled living room plUowrz. Covered with 800 aheeta In each box. 1,8M the infant’s brother, John Fritz, Jr., from a 12 guage shot gun. He denied the measure would fa­ husbands have been told In the case Hillman landing field at Romford clothes. . Girdles—^Maln Floor, rear. agent of the Department of Justice augar and creamer Pitcher Jacquard rayon In green, rust, gold and rad. sheets for $1.00! Chnrch WeD Represent^ five, after the older boy had been Patrick Ruta, 20. of Norwalk, vor any particular union, create a before Judge Lindsey, himself of Airdrome. ■eta. bonbon dishoa, BasemettL pronoiroced "cured by faith” o f a manager of the club, testified that plowed through his cheek. Just below marriage problem fame. Seen By Workmea PUlowa—Main Floor, left Mala Floor, left the right eye. closed shop, or force any employe to ’•spell” for which hl.s father blamed one of the bandits armed with a re­ Join a union against his wUl. One quadrangular-marital mixup Tbe death plunge waa witoaosed $1.00 “unfriendly neighbors.” volver and wearing a black mask Radio Star’s Ship Towed In­ •Tbe neat display case In which by a group of workmen who gianc^ Hartford, Feb. 21.— (A P) — The One major change bi the measure case was started when Walter 4 A Special Purchase! Arrest of the woman “healer" was Mazolla and that he could this plaster cast la placed la one of up Into the sky at the sound of the lO-lnch cast F public earing on the Liquor Oin- many In the reception room of the A Special Purchase For Dollar Day Only! (Oonttaoed on Page Sis) (Continued On Page Six) plane motor’s roar. Iron griddle with trol Act la. over, but Its memory (Ooattaned on Page Tea) to Port by U. S. Naval Tog director of the Division of Investiga­ Just as their gazes went aloft, will linger on for a long time. (Ooattaned on Page Ten) glaaa ayrup pitch- tion. When the Department of Jus­ they say two objects which at first Cheery New The seventh week of the General tice moved Into the new seven-story they did not identify as human, Assembly wms concluded today with — in Ribbons. structure, crowds flocked there to hurtling down at the ground. 200 Pairs! Airy, Springlike hearings on an act concerning In­ see tbe exhibits. 8 Feet Tall, Weighs 390, Remembering the recent .exper­ terest on delinquent taxes, a meas­ ience in the loss o f bar gold from a HOME FROCKS ure on the regulation of hours and Physician Revives Man "W e had to organize regular TutuUa, American Samoa, Feb. Hillman plane flying from Paris to Sale!* ‘Sandura” wragee of employment of minors tours," a pleasant stenographer ex­ 21.— (A P )—With bedraggled sailing England, the group rushed to the Cushion Dot RUFFLED CURTAINS and several acts concerning regis­ plained. "Many were interested In gear from her maats and her pumps H e’s Only 17 Years Old ■pot expecting to find strongboxes. tration fee-; o f motor vehicles, ‘Dead* for Five Minutes the fingerprint section and the labo­ working continuously, the American Instead, the men were horrified to Floor Covering 200 patrz! Full width, fine quaUtj ruffled curtains! Juzt received-la Special! $ 1.00 among other actlvltlea. schooner Seth Parker anchored at ratory and of there always see the mutilated bodies of the two Green and brown fln- But today wma more ur less of an Pago-Pago today. are some curious persons." (AP)—Rot)--activity of the pituitary gland, a Ume for D O LLAR D A T ! Airy, spring-y cushion dot ruffled curtains A brand new selection for DOLLAR DAY! Alton, ni. Feb. 21.- girls. iahed fiber ferneries. antl-clima:: li. contrast to the Tyler, Texas. Feb. 21.— (AP) —XaUon alone.' Hla pulse waa un- The little , whose dis­ A polite young man appeared. Me biggest cU I-' Uny endrocine gland at the base of with wide ruffles. Priscilla tops. Full width and length. So come Caieery new prints in stunning styles trimmed with ert Wadlow, AUton’a The girls were tbe only pss- Inside galvanized box. seanea o f yesterday, when the larg­ Ufe that apparently left him for stesdy and very weak. tress calls 10 days ago echoed started down tbe long corridors filled ! the brain. in to our Curtain Section Thursday and buy your spring curtain needs I aeU-collara, organdy trims, buttons, pleats. Styled' zen, will celebrate hia aengera in the plane which. In addl- WhUe they last— •quart est and moat demonatratlve crowd five minutes returned elowly today "H e waa placed on an examining around the world and brought the with hundreds o f filing cabinets. seventeenth physical progress has necea- and tailored like home frocks selling for Iota more. to attend a public hearing at the table and bis head raised to a semi- third son of King George to her 160 Experts n ere birthday today. ' sitated larger clothing and shoes. , $1.00 yards $ Sizes 14 to 50. • t o 71 year old W. A. Strang. (Contlnued On Page 8U ) T present aeasloB Jammed every avail­ sitting position. He stopped breath­ aid aboard H. M. B, Australia, was "There are more than six million Tbree Inches taller than a year Last year he required a alze 35 At RALE'S Curtmina—Main Floor, left Dr. Howard Bryant, who revived able inch o f apace In the hall o f the ing and hla heart stopped. towed into port by the U. 8. Naval fingerprints on file here," be explain­ shoe, but now he takes a aise 36. He Pair the former Smith county sheriff by ago, Robert meMUfea 8 feet IVi House to debate scores of proposed " I told bis w ife he waa dead and tug Ontario. ed as he pointed to 100 men, all Inchea from hla toes to the top of i Is not sure Just what else suit he ’TREASUBY BALANCE The guaranteied floor!, Injecting adrehalln Into a stilled Print Blouses, »i amendments to'the Liquor Control she called an undertaker." Although not badly damaged the Identification experts and moat o f his head. He can only estimate hla - wears. covering with Sanduralac A c t heart after he had folded hie pa­ Crisp, aprlng-y prints In 1935 styles. V JL Dr. Bryant said he tied the man’s craft on which PhilUpa liord, mas­ tbe!m young, busy opening mail and weight—be hasn’t been able to find j Robert doesn’t expect to celebrate Wssbington, Feb. 21.— (AP) — lacquer surface which re-, tient's hands In "death” said The Interest In the hearing be­ hands together and covered him ter and Down East radio character classifying prints. scales big enough to find out ex-{ hla birthday, being too busy atudy- The position of the Treasury on slats wear. Good pat­ fore the Judiciary committee on liq­ Strang's chances for complete re- terns. Women’s Apparel—Main Floor, eenter. with a sheet but instructed an at­ known as Seth Parker, hoped to Here are the inked fingerprints of aetly. Ing for hla classes at Alton high February 19 waa. uor control, a subject o f conalder- cov

..-t-' - w!*™


students won't havs to taka the oath raetoratlon o f prosperity by ratura- ing eggs and keeping them for win­ held because o f school vacation. All Thomas O'Hara, (^ im lr Cleciiow- land, of the Improved Order of Red will meet at the home of Mrs. Sam­ Why should you bs disturbed?" ing to the gold aUadArd. WHEN WASHINGTON WAS PR ESIDENT ter use for food. the Scouts are requested to meet ski, Paul Gcblcr, John Corbin, Men will broadcast fbom Station uel Simpson ,thls evening at 8 "Wo know that well enough," re­ Tha only really interastliig thing NORTH POLE TRIP An Eskimo lives until bs dies of on Saturday at 10 o’clock Ip the Michael Potfay, Erwin Davies, WJZ on Friday, February 22 at 12 o'clock. All women of the communi­ Armory for a dress rehearsal. Tbe ROCKVILLE Adam Heubner. Thomas J. Byrnes Is o'clock noon. He will have as' his ty who are Interested are invited to plied tha girls, "but what has that about tha Hoover propoaal la In tha old age, which Is t bout 90 years. He is not buried, but the body is placed meeting closed at 0 o’clock with the to be the intericrautor and Joseph subject, "George Washington and attend. Mrs. Sumner Simpson will Evergreen Lodge of Mssrsis oi-' to do odth the subject? We’re attanUoB It calls to the dUUnua TOLD TO FIREMEN on some level spot and covered with clostog formation and the singing of Bouchard stage manager. the Improved Order of Red Men" he in charge of the meeting. South Windsor will hold Its n ia ^ thinking about somebody besides thla country, more or laea unoon- atone, There is no marriage. They •Taps."' Stamp Club Exhibit wlilch will be of Interest to ail tribes annual George Washington d y n w . Scribe, Louise Chambers. of the reservation. District Deputy Grand Exalted tonight at the Wapptng Communl^ just ourselves—we're thinking about sclously, haa traveled away from have no religion. UNITED TEXTILE GROUP The Rockville Stamp club of Ruler Harry C. Smith, Connecticut Troop 0 Engagement Announced house. C. Vlnvton Benjr.mln, chair­ all young people—and their right to gold-atandard standppUam since Mr. Finding conditions as he did Mr. We held our regular meeting on which Herbert O. Clough Is presi­ East, accompanierl by hie esquire, L. man, and hts committee are leav­ Relnarts said he would not have Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. Arena think. We happen to think about Hoover was president of the United John Reinartz Describes Ex- February IS. First we had the Jap­ dent, will hold its annual exhibition H. C!hapman of thlc city, attended ing nothing undone to Insure a Best «e* Msviea>« them changed. They were happy TO GIVE MINSTREL SHOW of stamps Friday, February 22. of Maple avenpe, Ellington, an­ the banquet in Bridgeport last eve­ this country as a whole and its peo­ Btates. Three yeara ago probably anese dance pnd then Mrs. Supre- pleasant evening for all attendiniL. and content In their way of living nant coached tbe girls on the Washington’s Birthday in the Fried­ nounce the engagement of their ning in honor of the Grand Exalted The Temple Serenaders will provlda ple as s people. And, belitvc It or three-flftha of the people In tha BEGIN HEBE TODAY peditioD at Annual Ban­ and should be allowed to continue song. Girls who did not have to sing rich Jewelry store on Ward street. daughter, Mildred Ruth, to Gordon Ruler Michael F. Shannon of Cali­ aweet," she said. "I thought If 1 Jhat way. Dancing Will Follow Perform­ music and will give a concrart at not, wa believe In real democracy. country took It for granted thaV the GALE HBNDiaMNj^jpf^ retired to the basement. Mrs. Per­ Because of the extensive display to Harold Dlmock, son of Mr. and Mrs. fornia. 8:30 p. m. *». works------la b_ silk______could get acquainted with aome Claude H. Dlmock of Main street, What light have you to make a law gold atandard waa tha only poaaibia glrla about my own ago at first quet of Hose Co. No. 2 . Sends Messages kins read the notices and Mrs. Mill ances at Sykes Auditorium be made by members, it nas been bar Ifl-yTtaf a a ri^aid bmtiMr, n o u He told of his sending messages took the tenderfoots and worked Saturday .Afternoon and decided to omit the children’s ex­ Ellington. almad at ^ p l s who go to tha Ool- thing on which to base a currency support their lavaUd M h u . that would be the easiest way. You Notes must know some of them, don't to different parts of the world, re­ With them. Mrs. Perkins super­ Night. hibit this year The exhibition will lege of the City of New York Just system. Now Mr. Hoover, in ad< ■nVB MTBRfi. Who ports to the United States navy and vised tbe g.imes which the ^ rls be open to the public. The Ladies Ala society of the MKHBBR or THE AtSOCIATCD works la the MU, asks Gale to you? Will you take me to the mill John Relharts, formerly with PRRSS because they can't afford to edme to vooatlng retrogression to that ays- vtllMe and Introduce m e?” Che messages, he said, came played. We then came upatalrs The members will show a number Rockylilc Metlicdlst church will marry him. She promises to give Cheney Brothers In their electrical The first public theatrical per­ Th* AtiMUttd pr»M It •xelutivaly Vassar?" tsm stands out as conspicuously aa a "There's one girl," Brian aatd through. It had proved that the and had patrol com :rs in which wc of rare stamps in addition to the meet Friday afternoon at the home •ntltlad t« tht a«« tor rapublleitlon him an answer In a few days. took dues. We had a good-night formance of the textilo workers of o( all B*wi ditpatehat eraditad (o It alowly. "I might take y u to see department and now employed as a low wave radio sending was ot commemorative issues and new of Mrs. CTiaries Prellc on Progress The senators haven’t gotten over white blackbird in a flock of a Gale goes ekattog, bieafcs circle. Rockville will take place Saturday THIS W SPECIAL 6r BOt otharwiaa ..raditad In fhia her—’’ research engineer by the Radio value and was one of the steps that stamps. The ever changing drama of avenue. Basar and aiaa tha local nawa pub* their bewilderment yet. They were thousand. through the Ice and is reeeued by has brought it Intc present general Scribe, Nellie Burnham. BRIAN WB8TMORB. Whose fa­ Vicky’s eyes were watching him, Corporation of America, was the evening in the Sykes Auditorium Europe's politics brings out many A number from this city attended flanad barain. thoroughly accustomed to lobbyists narowed, cat-like. 'Then iUs set- use. Troop B new stamps, and a number will be the meeting of the Tolland County All rlghta ot rapubllcailon of ther, BOW dead, bttUt t h e mllL principal speaker at the banquet of Our regular meeting opened In under the auspices of the Minstrel apaotal ditpaiohaa taarain ara alao ra of all kinds and to all kinds of peo­ Brien bee oohm home after two „tlcd,” she said. "When can w t go One young man who was with a u b of Local 2021, United Textile displayed at the exhlbiU-.m tomor- Council of Parents and Teachers taraad. ______—tomorrow?” Hose Company No. 2 of the Man­ him on his trip' North when Com­ the banquet hall. Some time was Observed lOlst Blrthduy held last evening In the Grange hall ple urging or opposing legislation— RAPACIOUS years la Parle to eater the mlU. spent in rrhearsing our song and Workers. Following the evening per­ GRUNOW RADIO "No. not tomorrow. I could take chester fire department last night. mander Byrd waa a member, was in Stafford. There was a supper at rull aaraioa cilant o( N B Gale dltoppears before he cea folk dance. We adjourned to the formance there will be dancing in Mrs. Mary Brigham of 49 Brook­ lot, Ino. ______but always people who were looking The hundred and tan thbusand leern her aame. you Tuesday.” The banquet was held In fire head­ in the party that’ went with (Com­ the Town Hall. Memo lal building. lyn street observed her 101st blrth- 6:30 with a meeting following. Mrs, “ What time shall ws g o ?" tower room where patrol comers for some bensflt for thsmselvus. dollars a yaar that tha Board of VICKY THATCHER, daughter quarters at Main and Hiiliard mander Byrd to Little America and A matinee performance will be given day yesterday. In her hono- a parly Wat.son, state legislative chairman Pdbllahai^a Rapraaantatlva: Tha "It will have to be Tuesday eve­ now on the return trip. He could were formed and dues and attend­ Jullua Malhawa Spaclal A aney—Naw Here was a bunch of young women Milk Control takes from the llcen.'-ed ROBERT THATCHER, general streets. It waa attended by mem­ ance taken. Captain Sutherland Saturday aftemoon at 2:30 o'clock was held yesterday afternoon by the of the PTA spoke on the subject, Vork. ChlcafO. Detroll and B«aton. manager of the MU, sehemM to ning. I'm busy ail day, you know." see much In the future of radio, members of Burpee Women'.s Relief "The I’TA on Capitol Hill" speaking putting up an awful squall and milk dealers ot the state i.s, to be "I can hardly wait." Vicky told bers of the company, honorary read the notices ,and discussed the at which there will be no reserved Ul')’. \iite Brian. especially on the low waves and it seats and children will be .idmittcd Corps of thi.s city. Following the re­ on the bills before the General As­ MEMBER a u d it DUttEAU him—and meant every word \t>t It. members, district and fire depart­ rally. By the way, all girts who light for an abstract Idea, for a sure, only a bagatelle compared to Gale and Hleve quarrel, later had proven what a hobby can do. ception a supper waa enjoyed. Al- sembly in which the or^janlzation Is C1RCULATION8. "I can hardly wait until Tuesday!" ment officers. did not make returns on the rally for ten rents. Every seat in the hall sheer principle. It was outside all tha million and a halt to throe mil­ make up. Mr. Reinartz answered several tickets remember Captain Suther­ will be reserved for the evening per­ tliough Mrs. Brigham's cycsiglit and interested. Mrs. Helen (jutnn of Tha Herald Printina Company. Inc., Sunday Brian calls and per­ A full course turkey dinner was questions asked by those present hearing are slightly Impaired, she Rockville is presldcm of the Coun­ aaaumaa no BnanolaT raaponalbillty experience and tha senators have lion It takas from the oontumara of land must have either the tickets or formance without extra coat. To as­ suades Gale to eo for a hike. Gale looked at the dreeses hang4 iservedl by Osano and his assistants, and was given a rising vote of takes an active interest tn the events cil. for lypodraphical crrora appaarint In been practically seeing stars over the state In excess retail prices, but Ijond waa one o f the usual fine din­ the money no later than Saturday sist in this the box office at the High advartlaamania In iha Manohaaiar They stop to rest and auddonly Ing limply in the clothes closeiT thanks at the conclusion of his most morning. All glrla must be at the school will be open Friday after­ of the day and her mind .s most Everett H. F. Felbcr, Barbara C. since. it might with aome reason bo ex­ ners that Osano prepares. Evanlns Herald, Brian takes the girl la his amai. There was very little choice—th^ Interesting talk. Armory at 10 o'clock Saturday noon. February 22 from 3 to 4 keen. Hayward, Marilyn R. Wetstone and pected to be sufficient for the ad- ' I:')’ h« iD.i-.- (uT. On Uie black dress witli the red buttons or At the Head Table Mrs. Jacqueline D. Sykes of Rock­ THURflDAY, FEBRUARY 2V The New York bill Is aimed at At the head table was seatpd. in morning for the dress rehearsal. o’clock and in the evening from 7 to She was bom tn Lebanon, (3onn., miniatratlon of Its system without way home they see WALLY CAR- the blue with the lighter blue col­ Scribe. Phyllis Barrett. 8 o'clock. on February 20, 1834. and has been ville have been on the Honor Roll at keeping Communists out of College 'lEit, a trIend ot Brian’s. Lnter addition to Mr. Reinartz, William lar. They were the only two that Troop 11 There will be six specialty acts a resident of Rockville since the age the Connecticut State College. of the City o New York. It is the coming to the Legislature with a thnt night Brian onoounters WaUy could be considered. The old brown Knofla, who waa the toastmaster; LIQUOR HEARING Chief Edward Coleman. Assistant We opened our meeting with a which will include dancing by the of 12 year::. She wa.a married to The Child Study club of Tolland kind of s bill around which the su- roquast for an additional $20,000 out again. Vicky le present. Wally crepe was bopsloss since the rent discussion of the Girl Scout rally George Needliam Brigham, a captain If you buy NOW! says, "Brian, who waa that enap- Chief William McGonigal, Leroy Maricy Family, Martin Laubscher, At the much touted bearing be­ of the general purse of the etate. had come Into the skirt. It bad and the Mickey Mouse show. A ftir of the 14th Regiment of Connecticut cslled "patriotic" societies generslly py number 1 saw yon with this been, mended so often there was Griswold, Harlowc Willis, former Girl Jr., with his dog will give his old fore the Judiciary Committee of the If the Appropriations Committee Chief John F. Limerick and for a that we practiced the dance and time Canadian wood chopper act. Volunteers of the Chvll War on This beautiful kitchen.bed- rally with a whoop and happy ac­ afternoon f nothing to be done about it any song. We had the guitar with us Lose Oeneral Aasembly yeaterday argii* knows of any $20,000 now or likely NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY longer. > time Foreman Fred Sankey. The The Loom City entertainers, made November 27. 1879 and went to live room or living room com­ claim. Uut maybe there is somo- Scout conIght. Following this we all en­ in the house she still occupies. to be in tho state treasury for which CHAPTER XXXI latter did not remain for the dinner, up of Frank Cratty, Alex Brown, pact but powerful Crunow menta were beard on aome half hun­ thlng to the Vassar girls' point of Gale took out tho blue dress and being unable to stay because of joyed a very nice party given to Democratic Women to Meet us by our captain and lieutenant. Herbert Hunnlford, Louis Laub- dred liquor control meaaurea. So view. there Is no more -urgent demand, it Brian, lighting a clgaret, did not held It up before tbs mirror. It death In his family. N e w A meeting of the Rockville Branch railio. Finished in bealutiful waa older than the black one, but Scrtlra, Marjorie Mertena. Bcher, Carl Goehring and George far aa la diacovorable not a alngie postibly might do better by banding answer Wally for a moment. Then Satemis will give a number. Little of this Federation of Democratic For instance, how largo a percent­ he said, "I supose you think I’d really more becoming. Yes, it had Others who were present were: pure white lacquer, with one of those btlla waa drawn by a It over to some first class Investigat­ Donald Willis, Karl KeUer, Bert Miss Priscilla Turner will give an Women will be held this evening at age of Americans could have taken give away my secrets to a gay dog better be the blue. She'd rip off the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. pearl finished dials. Decor­ person or an organization whoae ing agency for a report on tho ac­ like you? Not likely I” that collar and baste in a fresh Gibson, C. B. Loomis, Lester exhibition of tap dancing. A big fea­ New Jad Method Takes Off without serious mental reservations, Rogers, Lee Thrall, Newrton ' Tag­ ture will be the appearance of ten Burke of Village street. Pound of Fot a Doy for 2|l a Day ators recommend ■ spot of purpose waa to manage the distri­ tivities of the Board of Milk Control A girl with pels gold breids white one. The annual Girl Scout rally will WALL ST. BRIEFS three or four years ago, a hard-and- gart, Jr., Harold ' McLagan, Mark be held at the State Armory Satur­ young women and men of the After the regular business meet­ white for any room in the and their effect on the milk pro­ wrapped around her heed like e She hunted for needle and thread, Hanna, Francis Limerick, Joseph ing, John F. Dugan of Wc.st Hart­ Now If you are fut you can cat your bution of alcoholic beverages in the heio cried, "Wally Carter—of all day night. February 23, at 7:30 Ukranian Dancing club of Hartford fast oath of allegiance to the Con­ cheeks flushed, eyes shining. There Limerick, Harold Sankey, Harold ford will address the gathering on a (III and yet ktow thin— by the new house. This radio “ fits in” moat orderly, edentillc and civilized ducers, the consumer publio and the the nerve! Maybe Vicky le the o’clock. All . Girl Scouts and New York, Feb. 21.—Business In who will appear in native costume, .lrtil-Mt*t-hod of rcdticlriK- Indeed you stitution of the United States while was plenty of time. Brian wouldn't Clemson, Andrew Clemson, Joseph subject of vital intcre.”t to all. A manner compatible with the rights profits of the local subsidiaries of GEORGE WASHINGTON—SANE BALANCE WHEEL prettiest girl In the room but do come before eight o’clock—eight- Brownies will be admitted upon Wall street will be suspended to­ Friberg, the Costumer, will furnish can loac no much na reven full pounds for beauty, and besides that Instrument explicitly outlawed Pohlman, Paul Cervlni, Allan Coe, showing their plnS. A dress re­ morrow In observance of Washing­ the costumes for the production and social hour will follow and 'cfre.sh- thv first woc-U and look pounds tight' of the Individual citizen. Not one. National Dairlea. AN EDITORIAL BY BRUCE CATTON the rest of us have to hear about thirty, more likely. And yet her cr from the ver first day. brings you all American liquor? How many thinking people John Merz, W. W. Robertson, Henry hearsal for ail Scouts taking part ton’:' birthday. The holiday will be special electrical fittings and designs ments will be served by the ccmmlt- it ail the time? Give us a break, fingers were awkward as she tried Wilson, Samuel Trouton, Horace Just take a little new Condensed Every bill under considtratlon, and Back in George Washington’s day the cnl and conservative elements perfictly; and can't you?” in the program will be held at the similarly observed by Important se­ are being prepared by William tee in charge. a Jud Saits in a gin.ss of water before broadcasts with pure liv­ are there who entertain no pet to slip the thread into the needle. Miller, Arthur Seymour, Robert tlM arguments of every, pleader be­ words left and riglit had no political conno­ we add “ First in peace" to that familiar tag, "Aw, now, Madge— 1" She bad to do It over and over be­ Arnory, Saturday morning at 10 curity and commodity exchanges Richter. Of Interest to Red Mi-n ^ I'rvakfaBt nnd make two sTnnIt clmtig^ ing tone. Gets amateurs, tbsoiy^ss to some very badly needed HOLDING FAST Templeton, John Robinson, Samuel o’clock. Glrla please be there. An throughout the country. Banks also Arthur Stein and his band will The Great Incohonce Arthur Ru- cs In your diet as explained in tlie fore the committee were predicated tations. If you were a con.servative they call­ because he did the same thing as president. "And only last night," put in a fore the thread waa eecure. Kearns and Robert E. Camey. folder tliut comes with the Condensed aeroplanes and police, too. change in the Constitution—and contralto voice, "bo was tailing me account of ail money and unsold will remain closed. furnish the music for the perform­ on one of two purposes—to help Tennessee, there she stands I With ed you a tory, and if you were very conserva­ That was no easy thing for him to do, any There wae a knock on the door W. W. Robertson Speaks .lad Sails pnekago. Now try this bow can anybody like that take a about my flewleee beauty. Wally, and her brother opened it. rally tickets should be made to ances and tbe dancing. Max J. quick, easy way of taking off fat. somebody make some money out of her feet firmly planted on the Book tive you were an out-and-out monarchist: if more than it is an easy thing to do today. On With the dinner over ’Toastmaster January production of polished VOirLL .SAV IT’S WONDKHKITU 30- castlroD pledge of complete loyalty Wally, you’ve ruined my faith in "Gale,” ho asked, "could you loan Knofla called oh' William W. Robert­ Mrs. Robert Hawley on Saturday Smith, well known soloist and old the liquor traffic or to snipe vin­ of Genesis (English translation of a you were radical you were a democrat, and if the one side were powerful influences which men!” evening. plate glass by member companies time minstrel man, will be in charge Pay Supply costs only 60c at all drug­ to its every letter? And anyhow, me a dollar?" son, president of the Eighth School of the Plate (ilaas Manufacturers of gists. Ucinemher— Condensed Jad dictively at the right of the citizen hundred recompilations of Hebraslc you were downright Bolsheviki they called you wanted the new nation contaminated as little "But listen—give me a chance—" A claae of training for leaders o f the production. Salts Is tirgefl ns n pnison-bantshlng She took her purse from the and Utilities District. CITilef Edward will be held In Hartford, March 12. America totaled 13,365,188 square BRONCHIAL why discriminate against the users a Jacobin. The god-netured bickering went dreesing table and opened it. There Coleman and Karl Keller for Those in the cas.' are: soloists, agent—to eliminate body moisture A Sensational Offer to buy a drink. tradition) and In uncompromising as possible by this pernicious democracy busi­ The subject will be camping and feet against 8,389,979 in the preced­ mid unhealthy bloating—not ns a re­ of state-aided colleges in contrast on. Only Vicky said nothing. She were three crumpled dollar bills In marks. Lillian Abrahamson, Concetti Car- defiance of science and omnipresent But whatever the words were, Washing­ ness—some of them, indeed, wanted a new sat, very still and whits, looking tne speaker will be Miss Sinnett ing month and 7,607,199 in January, ducing.— A mob of tavern keepers—a great to the motorlst.s who u.se state-aided the purse and some silver. She The toastmaster next presented 1934. The January production was daiico, Mrs. John Poggle, Sophie Special Agent You want the finest refrigerator, of course. ton had the .same sort of problem that any monarchy over here. On the other side were down at the silver bracelet on her from national headquarters. This Schaeffer, Ullian Welz, Priscilla COUCHS many of them people who never roads? fact, she stands by her guns of fun­ held out one fo the bills. to Chief Ckileman in behalf of the the highest of any month in the leader niii.st face in time of social upheaval— wrist. Angering the bracelet me- same training will Ira given In Wil- Turner, Max J. Smith, Herbert Hun- You’ll be proud of your Grunow, especially could have obtained a license under damentalism and steadfastly refuses the ultra-radicals, who wanted their democra­ Phil took It. “Thanks,” be eald. company a present. On opening past flve yeara. There may be more merit tlian the job of steering a fair cour.se between the cy made as absolute as possible. rhanically. The voices of the others 'I’ll give It back to you on pay limantlc on March 14. More details niford, Edmund Smith; the ends, .lust a Few- Sips ani]— WELDON DRUG CO. the pre-prohibition system— howled to discard her famous "monkey flowed around her. Vicky did hot the package the chief found that it later. since it not only protects health and food but demerit to this "student's oath" extremes demanded by different groups of his day." contained a toy fire alarm box with Mary Matyia, Stephania Ya.iishcw- law." By a better than three-to- aeem to hear them, to know they Orford Chapter, D. A. R„ has in­ Like a Flash—Relief! for the light to sell any kind of in­ measure; It’s Naw York's dish, not fellows. "That'a all right." ' the No. 24 aa the station indicated. sky, (Charles Sweet, Robert Davies, will actually save money on your light bill. And Washington listened to both sides— and were there. vited the Council members to an ob­ Alex Brown, George Gakelcr. toxicant over their bare; a privilege one vote her House of Representa­ When he was gone the girl oat Mr. Relnartz’s Talk servance of Washington's birthday CURB QUOTATIONS Spend 49 centa today at Arthur Oormecticut's, and wa don’t know. He was urifiuestionably a conservative at made both sides work together for the coun­ Brian asked quietly, “Why so for a moment, staring at the floor. Members of the chorus; Lucille this offer makes it a very easy matter and a which would not be a restoration of tives has rejected, after a thunder­ ellont, Vicky?” John Reinartz was well received at the Center church, February 22. Drug Store, 849 Main street, or any But one may nevertheless glory in heart. Ho was a landed country gentleman— try. He teamed Hamilton and Jeffenson to- Oh, Well, there was no use worrying when Introduced by the toastmaster. Brown, Alvina Tennstedt, Anna Ges- drug store for a bottle of Buckley’s JOE'S the old saloon aystem but the crea­ ing dclmtc, a resolution Introduced She raised her head then, met about Phil. Not tonight, at least. The speaker will be Robert Deming, very definite reason why you must buv now. tha apimk of the Vassar girls—and proiiably the richest man in America, by all gether in his cabinet, which would be some­ Mr. Reinartz told how as a boy supervisor of adult education ot Amer Clt Pow and Lt •say, Genevieve Delucas, Barbara Mixture (triple acting)—take a tion of an unshackled saloon system l>y. a youthful legislator repealing his eyes. “ It's—my head,” stM eald, Tonight— Zagora, Nellie Klncman, Lillian GARAGE particularly in the fact that the accounts-^and lie was an aristocrat by birth thing like grouping Ogden Mills and Norman frowning sllghUy. "It’s aching fear­ back in 1908 he started the study ot Hartford. Asad Gas and Elec . . couple of sips and sleep sound all ten times worse than the worst we the anti-evolution statute under fully." Gale began basting the white col­ radio. It was a hobby and he gave Troop 1 Amer Sup Pow ...... Brown,“ Maxwell Lambert, Archie night long—your irritating cough of Cor. Center and Knox Sts. spunk It displayed In behalf ul and training. Tliomas today. He steered a way straight lar into place. Even Phil's myste­ much attention in his spare time to ever expertencad in pre-probtbttlon which John Thomaa Scopes waa "Shall we leave?" Our meeting Friday was held at Blue Ridge ...... Hewett, A. Gebcler, Earl HelnTer- bronchitis is under control. aomabody batidas thamsalvas. That down the middle. rious absences, his frequsnt need of it. In this work he found that there <3an Marconi ...... dinger, Roger Tansey, William Buckley’s now made in the U. S. GRAHAM days. fined $100 for teaching high scho >l Vicky heeltoted. Then she eald, money didn't eeem ao alarming to­ Captain Smith's house and fitting it an extraordinary and hopeful Yet he was a rebel, too. To I'evolt against Hamilton got much that he wanted, and so "I believe I’d like to if you don’t were other amateurs interested and costumes and shoes was the chief Cities Service ...... Richter, Martha Zinsser, Gertrude A. is by far the largest selling cough SALES AND SERVICE (ht/y Qjutnirw students that man did not spring night. For two days Gale had been much enjoyment was secured in the Hotel keepers appeared, demand­ manifestation. the king was no light thing, in those days. If did Jefferson. What the country got was p mmd ” business carried on. The troop com­ Elec Bond and Share . Drenzek, Bernice Mamuszko, Stel­ medicine in all cold Canada—one Into being, ns Is, in the Garden of living in a dream world. She had early days. At different hours of mittee helped us with our cos­ Maria Bottling A .... la Ortyl, Helen Kalina, Sophie Kali­ little sip and often the ordinary General Auto Repairing: ing spectid privllegea not to be ac the revolution had failed, Washington would solid beginning on which it was able to con­ "I’ll drive you home," he said. gone to work, cooked mcala, washed the day and night there would be Eden, but came along by the path Five minutes later they were out­ tumes. Patrol comers were held Niag Hud Pow ...... na, Benjamin Wilson, Rich.ird cough Is quieted. Use 2 or 3 days A Bargain! ra ^ e d to other sellers of elcobol. unque.stionably have.becn hanged, drawn and tinue the great exiieriment in self-government dishes, made tho beds, and meas­ picked up conversations between and B few games weira played. We Penn Road ...... Brown, Fred Young, William and often you'll hear no more from of development from the wriggler, side. Brian helped her Into tho ured out her father's medicine other radio enthusiasts and' it was Graham 6-68, 1st Series, ^Package atore men wanted bar THE WRONG ONES quartered in the tower of I-xjndon, and he for many generations. coupe and she leaned back, breath­ popped com and had a Jolly time United Founders .... Zinsser, Joseph Bouchard. Sam Har­ that tough old hang-on cough that like the rest of the animal kingdom. knew it as well as anyone. The man who led without really knowing she was their work, started os a bobby, that till the meeting ended a t,8 o’clock. United Lt and Pow A rison, Mary Panic ko. Helen Kawa- nothing seems to help; If not Joy­ 1933 Sedan. estabUabments prevented from It isn't precisely easy to un­ The middle course is never very jiopular or ing deeply. The fresh, cool air doing any of those thlngi. started In 1921 the radio listening Well, Eva Tanguay used to insist the colonial army im l776 must have had a struck her face. Vicky closed her Those :n the dance will meet F ri^ y UUl Pow and Lt . . . lec, Helen Jaklel, Mary Natcwlck, fully satisfied money back. SAFE spectacular. But it seiwed the country very Selling off-premlsca liquors. Drug­ derstand why so many people are throughout the world. It was Inter­ morning at the Center dongrega- that It was "great to be crazy,” and eyes as Brian shifted into first and gists demanded that grocers be good streak of the radical in him somewhere. well indeed, as Washington applied it, . Might There were times when she esting In many ways, as a person tional church at 10 o'clock. so horrified, not at the execution of the car moved down the driveway. seemed to get to know others In all kept from sslilng slcoholic bever­ on that basis It must be wonderful In his own character he balanced the radl- not the same thing be true today? Presently she opened them again. couldn't believe the glorious se­ Scribe, Peggy Lee Woodruff. two women in Germany for betray­ parts of this country and In other Troop 2 ages. Prohibitionists shouted to be a Tennessee fundamentalist She said, “I feel beter already. It cret locked away in her heart. couptrics. ing military secrets— for such was so stuffy at tbs club—" There were times when the told The meeting was opone,- by Cap­ against any "liberalizing'* but o f and to know that, now that W. J,* Government Interested things are to be looked for in Htt- summer while Lynn Fontaine, his son why he should not marry when Brian nodded. "Yes, It was," he herself that was a dream. tain Durkee. We are sorry that fered n6 solution of the problem, Bryan is no more, only the crack­ wife, was hoeing the potatoes. recovered. In 1923 the government became Lieutenant Greer missed our Val­ lerland—but over the circumstance agreed . “Are you sure you're warm But it wasn't—It wasn't! Brian more interested and gave to ers and hillbillies of that state are Health and Diet The factor of climate Is not as im­ enough?” Westmore had said, "I love you. entine party. There waa a prize only seeking to make the legal pui that'the method of putting to death amateurs the low waves, to experi­ Fear "Pastures" Ban portant as it was once thought to Gale. I think I’vis been In love (riven to the girl who could tear the chase of either hard liquor or beer right about things and all the rest "Oh, yes." The collar of her fur ment on BO as to leave the air clear waa by beheading, the ancient way Threa new European plays are Advied be. Mild cases of tuberculosis may coat had slipped to one side and with you from the very first time best heart from a piece of red crepe as tmcomfortable and as squalid as of the wrorld hopelessly, irrevocably for commercial and other radio of tha and the axe. England, being imported . . . '"rhe Green By Dr. Frank McCoy be cured In any climate. Serious the drew It into place. She said, I eaw you—" paper, Doris Apel won the prize. and wickedly wrong. broadcasts. Wo took the word Valentine to see possible—playing unconsciously the for some Incomprehensible reason, Pastures," returning to Manhattan cases need expert care no matter In "Let'a not g o home Juac yet. This He had said that and he was for a flfth-birthday festival, haa v.-bat climate they may live. When air seems to be Just what I needed. coming tonight. There were so Being deprived of the unlimited how many words we could get out game of the speakeasy and the boot is reported to have been almost hys- toured practically all of the United a case has progressed too far for Let’s drive out on the Morlcy many things Gale should have wave lengths they had started with, of it In three minutes. May Gris­ legger. terically affected by the thought of States. Yet no company has bought TUBERCULOSIS REQUIRES Road." ' done. Her father, of course, would the hobby seekers went to work on wold won the prize with thirty TREATMENT home care cr whore suitable advice the low waves and soon were get­ The only slightly encouraging a chopping off of beads, a practice the movie rights for fear it might cannot be obtained locnlly, it is, of Brian turned the car at the next have to know. She should have words. Evelyn Getzewich had the aspect of the situation lies in the riN be banned in some parts of the comer and soon they were travel­ thought how she waa to tell him, ting unusual results. It was while next highest score with nineteen. out of vogue in that country for two Did you know that at some time courm', advisable to siend the patient engaged in this work that the Mac­ fact that the Judiciary Committee country . . . Helen Broderick's to an Institution, sanitarium, or doc­ ing along a country road with level how she was to make Um under­ We practiced the Italian dance un­ hundred and fifty years. The Lon­ friends say she has quit the stage In y o w life you have probably been fields on either aide. Moonlight stand how really fine and elncere Millan North Pole expedition of til Mrs. Oliver came and presented will undoubtedly scrap every one cf tor where he may receive tlie prop­ 1929 was looking about for a wire­ don newspapers have been quite for good and all . . . Florence Rob­ infected with tuberculosis? Practi­ er attention and care. shone down, casting a silvery magic Brian waa. There were things her badges and stars to ' e girls. Mary the bills and write a measure ot Its NEW inson's first stage Job waa testing over the ground. Lights from farm father was sure to say—objections less operator. Mr. Reinartz was Leone and Margaret Ruflnl received sUrred up by the affair. In Eng cally everyone becomes tnfecteo with selected. He was called to Washing­ own; and while there has never been the flying apparatus by which Eva the germs of this disease and some house windows sparkled (n the —and she should have thought how badges and gold stars; Edna Weir, land, they hong them, you know. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS to meet them. She liadn't been ton and there met Commander silver star; Olga Brozowskl and an expression from any of Ita mem' Le Oalllonne flitted about in “ Peter inflammation follows, which the distance. Bams aau clumps of Well, we have no yen for being a Pan." trees were black, mysterious able to settle any of those things. Byrd, who was to accompany the ex­ Lorraine Coleman, observer’s hers encouraging to the hope thmt It body Is strong enough to cure by (Floating Kidney) pedition and try to fly from a base witness of a medieval axe execution, IL • BMMM^SiBvlCSWCYORK The great Bergner, who’s being sbadewf. She hadn’t been able to plan any­ badges. We congratulate these will evolve a good law, It may. It compared to Duse and Bernhardt, means of scar tissue, so thst you Question: B M. Y. asks: "What thing. Perhaps ' Brian could help. In Greenland by plane over the girls. The girls wish to thank Cap­ but if we had the hard luck to be may have a slight touch of tuber­ North Pole. may be that there are enough mem­ By P.\UL H.VRRiaON isn't In the least imposing in shape of belt would be the best for Wind whipped Vickey’s hair back Of course he could. Brian could tain Durkee for the nice party she the victim of one wo’rc not at all stature. About flve feet tall, and culosis which geU well without your one to wear v/lth a floating kidney and a :andt1l of it blew against do anything! Opinion Asked gave us. The goodnight circle was bers of that committee who are tin New York, Feb. 21.—Mcander- knowing anything about it. Especial­ sure that we wouldn’t as soon be Ings backstage: Pity Melville sort of elfln. Shy, too. As a kid and should it be worn through the Brian’s cheek. He asked, "How’s The collar was in place now. The navy department was inter­ formed and w« sang "The Golden cerely Interested In the well being she was even afraid to get up in ly those living In' crowded cities night as well as throv,gh the day? the head?" Gale laid the dress aside and stood ested in the work and wanted Mr Sun" and "Taps" played on the led to the block as to the average Cooper. Mr. Cooper Is a comedian Relnartz's opinion on equipment of the tUte to a liquor con­ In the cast of "Laburnum Grove," school and recite . . . Roland have been exposed to it, but of thla Is taking hah a wine-glassful of ‘Much better.” Vicky was silent before the mirror. She brushed bugle by Lorraine Oleman. Girls! gallows, and the beadsman's axe la large number very few ever develop that could be carried to give in­ trol law that will put good order, and during every performance he Young has returned from Holly­ brandy a day any harm to one with for a time. She stole a swift look her hair until the bronze hlgh- Don't forget the rehearsal at the scarcely more dreadful to contem­ hea to eat four bananas. On mat­ wood. And is welcome. His prin­ the disease known aa tuberculosis. at the yotmg man beside her and Hghta in It flickered like gold, tier formation on the result of the plane Armory, Saturday morning at ten good habits, good sense and the lib­ a floating kidney?" trips. He devised equipment that plate than the electrodes of our inee days he has to eat eight bana­ cipal enthusiasm Just now concerns Most people ore ablg to resist the Answer: I have attempted to raise then plunged. He could not see Cheka needed no rouge; the Ivory o’clock. infection successfully. The one most could be carried and it was sub­ erties of the individual—which arc nas. The play ran 436 perform­ a new bronze penguin. He collects floating kidneys through the pres­ that her eyes had darkened, did skin glowed with the fire beneath Scribe, May Griswold. American death chair. Beheading likely to develop tuberculosis is the mitted to the secretary of the navy by no means incompatibilities — ances in London before it, together them. sure of belth but have never been not notice the faintly perceptible It. She touched her face with a Troop S is certainly a short process; the vic­ patient with an undeveloped, flat change In her voice. powder puff, studied the effect. She The weight of the transmitter was The meeting of our troop waa ahead of a piggish scramble ^ e r with Mr. Cooper and bis' appetite, able to do so with any success, al­ about five pounds and this was con­ tims don't writhe. was brought to Broadway. And so A great many people svlll be glad chest, poor breathing habits, who "Brian.” Vicky said, "I’ve been wanted so much to look her best held Monday at tbe Nathan Hale rum profits and equally ahead of haa been living on the wrong type of though sometin.es the patient feels tonight. sidered out ot the question as the school. The meeting wras opened For that matter what great dif­ Mr. Cooper wlU soon devour his to know that Flush, Katharine Cor­ more comfortable when the belt Is thinking about things." diet and who allows himself to be­ •What things?" The blue dress went over her one being considered to place aboard with patrol comers. Then we play­ sour fanatldim. ference does it make whether tho two-thousandth banana. He still nell's cocker spaniel. Is about to re­ worn. Most people do not have any the boat was to weigh five tons. looks surprisingly well. come enervated. Tuberculo8l» does ■Oh—everything. Tm so u i^ of head. Yes, the white collar did ed several games. One was in or­ If the Judiciary Committee should sume Ms stage career. He’ll resume symptoms from a floating kidney, It was about 600 miles from the decapitating blade Is swung by an The Shubert b»'ys. of whom little not develop overnight and there is doing the same things— shopping make it look fresher. It' was a der to review our tenderfoot knots. rise to such heights of sanity it la it where he left off. in "The Barrets and the majority of patients ex­ base In Greenland to the North Pole expert axeman or comes at one’s has been heard of late, will have of Wlmpole Street." a Broadway re­ always a long period of enervation and playing bridge and going to cheap little dress, one Gale had Tickets for the Girl Scout Rally our sincere belief that the bill it amined are found to have at least parties. Seeing U\e same people made herself. She thought of the and the planes of those days did not were given. The girls will meet at neck down a timber slide? Yet wc a new ZiegfelU Follies ready for the vival. Miss Cornell will be In It, and general run down condition pre­ one Kidney lower than what is con­ have so great a flying range. A 100 spring . . . Charles B. Cochran. ceding the actual development of and hearing them say the same frock she would like to wear to­ 10 o'clock Saturday morning, at the produced would be adopted by the don't hear general protest over the too. sidered normal, a floating kidney mile trip wEui considered a good London's greatest showman and the Recently there have been some the diseaae. Because the germ does things. You think I’m Urribly friv­ night, the sort to be seen In shop State Armory to practice for tho Legislature. Perhaps It will. This fact that France cuts off the heads would not be harmed :by brandy any olous, don’t you? I’m not—I mean windows at the other side of town^ Jump, but Commander Byrd waa of rally. The meeting closed by sing- man who brought Elizabeth Bcrg- malicious rumors about Flu.sh—that not ordinarily produce a very viru­ |the opinion that be might fly 200 Is a period of many strange hap­ of tier capital, offenders witli tho ner to the.se shon's, haa manage»d few that have. “Merrily Wo Roll disease is to cure. One with this It waa prepared waa described. He HAROLD T. WEST, INC Lunt playing the accordion In tein (meat) or starchy food (pota­ them. I'd like to — well, get ac­ The regular meeting came to or­ 1 TJbere was no escape; the senators Along" brought a cool $79,000. trouble should be very careful not to felt that the Eskimos believed that $9 BIssell Street Dial StOt clare that the right thing to do was Noel Coward's "Point Valsine." infect others, using every sanitary toes) by those in good health. This quainted and see If there aren't Chicago—The gunman who robbed der at 4 o’clock at the Hollister Itad to UsUtu "Anything O ^ s." the top musical, Dr, Waddell Hunter was po'ite about what they did, no matter what it to return to the ancient practice of Accustomed to the half-hearted pre­ will command something like precaution. Is an exception to the genera) rules ways I could help them, little street school Monday, Feb. 18. The /A n d n n o rs bewildered lot of things I could do.” it anyway. WPS , was right and when they went f f bleeding the patients, what would be tenses of most stage musicians, who $100,000. "Dodsworth" may bring The question of a tubercular pa­ regulating the use of proteins and entire meeting was practically de­ '1 think that's a great Idea, When his pistol waa accidentally hunting or fishing for food they voted to a rehearsal for tbe rally. THIS OFFER GOOD ONLY 10 DAYS! ; tten never was, aay- bring forth lovely music without as much. EX'en "Page Miss Glory," tient marrying often comes up in starches. the general reaction to such advice ? Vicky!" discharged, wounding the physician took what they wanted and left The song and dance were practiced "Why.'* they exclaimed, even pressing down the keys of a which was .not the best of tha sea­ the letters sent In. One with this what they did not want. Such a recommendation wnuid be piano, I was skeptical about Mr. “ Do you. really r Oh, Tm to in the leg, be said; thoroughly. Announcements re­ son's comedies, was worth $72,000 trouble should not marry imtil he Ducks Easy to Cateh law caaT affect jsml Your Lunt and his accordion. He really The Glendale, Calif., airport haa glad. 17100 will you help me with "Say boss. I’m sorry. I didn’t garding the rally were discussed. CHET’S - RADIO Benson’s • Radio exactly comparable to Mr. Hoover a to Hollywood. has been entirely cured. One who He described the ducks that were v t ntste-eldj*^ Vassar plays It. though. Says he learned “airplane crossing" signs posted It?" mean to do that." Patrol comers were held In whi.;h Dial 9191, Open Evenings. Dial 8779. suggestion that we proceed to the 1 really must try to write a play. has tuberculoids can usually become along tbs road which runs close "O f couraa 1 will.” to be found and how easy they were up at Gennessee Depot, Wise., last It looks so easy. Dr. Hunter was taken to a kospi- dues and attendance were taken. 89 Oaltland Street perfectly wsU, and them Is no r«a- to tha landing field. Vicky touebed hie arm. "You ara taL to catch, alao the method of gather­ Next Monday no meeting will be IMetAMr 9TARTIMQ INSTANT CUBRICATION , , . AT NO EXTRA COST MANCRES’nSR EVENING HERALD. UANCHBErElt OONN. THtTRSDAT. FEBRUARY 21.19SE. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. IIANCTIESTEH W NN.. THURSDAY, FEBRDART 2l. ISSBL DIPLOMAH DAUGffTERS Body of Kaminski Passes EXPECT TUGWELL ABOUT TOWN GIFT REMINDER OF Salvation Arm y Organizer Wild Ducks Divide “WAPPIN’ WHARF Manchester ROCKVILLE HOME LEAP FROM AIRPLANE Mrs. Pauline Barrett, who Is tbs Obtains Nursery Job Here Date Book fn i§ r ^ATiOJVAi f r o N t f Through Manhunt Section TO RESIGN POST owner o f the Ladles’ Shop, now FIRST FIRE ALARM Nation Into 4 Parts located la the Farr building on Main IN A SUICIDE FACT ; WELL RECEIVED GUTTED BY FIRE street. Is to vacate March 1 and will T on igh t STORES OPEN A LL D A Y FRIDAY FEBRUARY SSnd A small man, gray holrod an d, Jt t*aa a eoinddcnc* that tha bodyatha body went tbrcugh Manctaetter reopen a store In the Johnson block. branch o f the Solvation Arm y in ' A t the state theater, "Biography (Ooatlnaed Frosn Page One) Manchester. Waahlngtoa. Feb. 31. — (AP) — and the Mlsilmipppl ducks will re­ « f A lan n d er Kamlnald, who was put TTuesday night.______In making this change she returns Box at Pine and Wahnt slight of build, was a possthgar on'f of a Bachelor Oiri" with Ann Hard­ President’s Chief Aide Coo- “ You must have been well ac­ The UnltSd SUtes has been divided turn to the iwamps o f Mlestaslppl. Hoi idol I ? ’ tbs building where she and ner a cor from Hsu’tford oiiivtng at the Play of Bloodthirsty Pirates ing; shown at 7:00 and 10.00. "Ths Blaze Destroys House in Sr: to death In the electric chatr early tion, carried only 40 pounds o f bag- i quainted In this town at that time," Into four parts by Its wild duck .A wild duck, Lincoln said, keeps slater first opened a store in Man­ Bond Plays On” with Robert Young ^nsesday moming^. ebould be brought New Britain, Feb. SI.—(AP) — gage. Center at 13:07 this afternoon. He ' the motormon remarked. family, the government has learned, tq the trodden paths of its ancestors siders Quitting Position in chester 35 years ago. After occupy­ Streetx Originally S ^ d - back to bis former home in New Money continued to pour Into the Death must have come to the girls was from Springfield, he said, and T ''c man was Just Stepping from and n o tb lv can persuade a duck and even If food la scarce along Its and Robbery on. High and Betty Fumese shown at 8:37. home of Mr. and Mrs. John Kamin­ ing the store in the Johnson building A lto Indoor Ctrcua, North Metho- Which Former Tax collec* Britain over roads that had been within IS minutes after the plane waa looking for tha office o f the the trolley cor with hla tronster In from one section to Invade another. fathers’ route and Is plentiful in an­ closely gxxarded by police of two ski today as donations were made for several years, Mrs. Barrett mov­ ed in September, 1898. took off from Ronoford, for Uproin- uui uonu os he said: " I was. I These four skyways o f the ducks other eectlon, the duck etlll keeps dUt church, auspicea Booster club. Agricnltural Dept. ed to the one story building erected Burr Nursery 'company. '' i states when he es^ped from the toward the exy^ense of the funeral ster la Just about that fl^ g time wrote news and pulled the first proof are said to be as exclusive as to Its own ancestoral trail. Seas Is.Presented- Also Surprise supper and enter­ tor Ropprecht Lived. Sprtailield jail last SepUmber. of their son, Alexander Kaminski, by E. J. HoU at the Center. The next from the airport. The motormon, not knowing the of the Mohehester Ehrening Herald though the nation were divided into Eheperiraenta In banding, carried tainment, Second Congregational The undertaker who brought the who was executed Tuesday at the move wax to the Farr building. church. Washington, Feb. 21.—fAP)— When (^lef Edward Coleman of Were IJSOO Feet High location. Inquired from another! when It was printed In Rockville." four ears by fences a mile high. on over years, bs continued, have body from Boston to New Britain Massachursetts state prison for the * Tomorrow Rexford O. Tugwell Is considering the Manchester fire department was It was believed thst the distance passenger, who by chance was a I He was gone before more was "Three faroillee of California proved this. Difficult both to act and direct Speela] to The Herald murder of Merritt W. Hayden, a Feb. 23—Radio Revue Benefit came by way of Union, Stafford resigning as undersecretary of agri­ The choirs o f SL James church last night preaentsd with a toy fire of the fall was about 1,600 feet, for Herald reporter. As the car camel sold, but later it was Isamed that ducks may nest In the same marsh "Naturally and over the ages," was the Manchester Community Rockville, Feb. 21.—Fire com­ 0anUiS*Springs and Vernon »aiaa*v»»a into Monches< ----, ggw——guard --- at----- the- Hampden county Jail will combine to present "Y e Olde Into Uie-eenter the man remarked Troops 4 and 7, B. S. A . High school. culture, but possibly may take an­ alarm box with the No. 24 painted that Is the normal altitude of the his name woe J. Edward Fletcher In Northern Ckmada In summer with ■aid Lincoln, "the ducks have di­ Players’ February vehicle, "'Wappln’ pletely gutted the home of Francis tar, south on Main street to the Cen- at. Springfield, •U^44C1VS« Time School.” at the High School Hillman planes, when they croes that he was not unfamiliar with and that he now Uvea at 55 Andrew three families of Mississippi ducks," vided Into four groups, traveling Also annual Father and Son ban­ S. Rupprecht of 10 King street, for­ that Represent Of the thousands who have passed other government post. upo!]^ It, the presentation was made tar and then towards Hartford. It r ,t th,. th o u , auditorium Monday, March 18, un­ over Upmlnster^ the location os In 1885, under a tree street, Springfield. He la to be em­ F. C. Lincoln, naturalist of the U. back and forth In tha four skyways W harf," presented last night at the quet at C2>ncordla Lutheran church. mer city tax collecto., at 9:80 the bier, many have dropped coins The noted Liberal—sometimes re­ as a part of the fun at the Hose was over these roads from Stafford der the direction of Organist Company No. 3 banquet It now de­ that stood In E.'Ut Center s treet; ployed as a nursery salesman for 8. Biological survey, lald today. — the Atlantic, Mississippi, the Hollister street echool under the Also Firemen’s Night at East Side o'clock last night at a loss estimat­ and bills Into two baskets placed ferred to as the President’s Number A shattered wrist wratcb engraved Springs to Vernon and through and One Bralntrustcr— has been unde­ Charles Packard. This will be a velops that the presentation to the where the present triangular plot It | the C. R. Burr company, having "But when the southward migration Central and the Pacific." sponsorship of the Educational club. Rec. ed at about $4,000. No on< was at near the casket. The parents say with the Initials "J. du B.” was along the roads that the hearse cided about his counie o f action since musical farce replete with hllulous chief may be Of more significance foimd near the bodies. set off, be bad organised the first *signed the contract here today. ■tarts the two groups will not (ly This habit of the birds, he con­ It tells a story of piracy or robbery Also M. H. S. vs. Middletown at home when the fire broke out and that BO many pcr.sons offered them moments that will keep the traveled that police watched night February 5 v/hen one of bis assoclr tban was Intended. The full name of the HlUman together.” tinued, means that along each of on the high seas, a fruitful subject Arm ory in season’s cage , finale. tbe flames gained considerable A SAFE PLACE and day last September.’ From, the money that they put the baskets audience In gales o f laughter from SAYINGS ates, Jerome Frank was ousted os rtae records of the South Man­ The California ducks will return these skyways, sportmen must pro­ for poets, authors and playwrights. This Week headway before firemen arrived on there for the convenience of the opening curtain. The scene Is service is. “Hillman Saloon Coaches TO SHOP AND SAVE time that the body arrived In the general counsel of the A A A by chester fire department ehow that changes which suddenly brings to the lowlands o f the golden states tect their own birds. Centuries ago few countries board­ Feb. 23— Girl Scout rally at State the scene. friends. A woman deposited $27.53 an old country school and is con­ Aid Airways Limited." It opera as town of Vernon and through there Chester C. Davis, farm administra­ about death. ering on the oceans ware free from Armory. The fire started In the basement which she said had been con­ cerned with the antics o f the stud­ the first alarm o f fire In the South passenger services between Rom­ and out of the town limits ot Man­ tor. MELLON’S ‘SHADOW these buccaneers. The American N ext W e ^ and worked its way Uirough the tributed by workers in a Hartford ents. Manchester district to be turned In ford and Clacton-on-Sea and to BROOKSIDE chester, the road traveled was at no Frank was named today as assist­ over a fire alarm system was from Parl.i. It has been suggested that a sud­ colonists refused to tolerate piracy Feb. 28- Ex-Service men’s Rec partitions. The alarm was turned factory. There were several bills of time a quarter of a mile from the ant railroad counsel of the RFC. Box 34. The alarm was sounded In Pilot Kirton was the same man den rise In the blood pressure, although it lingered on the coast of N ig h t In from Box 37. comer of Grove $5 and $10 denomination. BUTTER , Fine Creamery section that he so long, hid out, Tugwell was represented authori­ On St. Valentine Day, 40 members the afternoon of late September, who was flying the London-bound because of excitement or some sim­ MOVIE DIRECTOR foot Welfare North Carolina until 1718, and In March 1—“Set That To Music,” and Fem streets, by neighbors of Kaminski's funeral will be held SALES’ ARE PROBED where he committed at least two tatively today to be confronted with of the Manchester Sub Alpine club plane late In January which spilled ilar reason, may overwhelm a heart London, where "Wappln’ Wharf" a comedy in three acta, given by the Rupprechta, but so sw iftly did tomorrow, having been jjostponed 1898 for a fire on Onter street FINAST SLICED different thefts and where he was the problem of deciding whether he went to Rockville and took part in The box from which the alarm $lir,ooo worth of gold bars out on already crippled by disease. It may was an actuality, records have It John Mather Chapter, Order o f De- the fire spread that II efforts of the from today to permit Visitors from also be that some sudden spasm of C A U ^ F F D U E B A R N E Y W IO H M AN, D. 8. C. firemen were unavailing. Tha entire SUGAR CURED lb 3 2 ^ near the many police who were look­ can continue to function as under­ a masquerade party held In that was turned In was at that Urns lo­ the French coast. The gold was lost that five pirates and freebootera Molay, at High school hall. other cities to view the body. the blood vessels, associated with contents o f the house were a total RINDLESS ing for him. It was about 9:80 when secretary anu carry out his liberal place. Several of Uie prizes were cated at Pine and Walnut streets. during a stiong gust of wind. It met death on the gibbet or gallows Oe^ng Events BACON nerve stimulation, may be respon­ Secretary of Former Tbs sock, worn as a direct pro­ loss. The firemen .emained at the policies in the face of resentment won. by Manchester people. On All five comMnles of the South was found subsequently by search­ on the wharf, and their bodies al­ March 4 — Annual Masonic Ball sible for sudden stopping of the tection to the ekln. Is made of wool, scene for nearly two hours to guard and opposition to his ideas from the March 2 there Is to be a masked Manchester Are department re­ ers. # lowed to wave 1.1 the wind as a at State Armory. party at the Sub Alpine club on heart. Tells Seconds of French R ^ cotton, lisle, or silk and while we against spreading o f the fire. conservative elements in the De­ sponded. No. 1 laid the first line of An official of the Hillman lines have thus a variety o f materials warning as late as 1864. Mairch 5— Annual turkey supper Eldridge street and at that time There are also cases in which tary of Treasury Teshfies Henfield Selected CHURCH INDOOR CIRCUS partment of Agriculture. hose and Edward Brooks, a member said Kirton was an excellent pilot from which to choose, we have, The Plot and entertainment, S t M a ^ s ASKS RELIEF BILL Ilaa Three Courses. there will be present many o f the and has a distinguished record for heart blocking occurs with failure porter That He Does Not The plot of the play deals with a EGGS of No. 8, suffered a scalp wound 3S^ with rare exceptions, only one style members of the Rockville organiza­ of the heat of the heart to be car­ church by Qlrit’ Friendly society. He was said by friends to be con­ when a part of the ohlmney slid negoUattng rough-weather channel m Tax Investigation. of sock available for the general group of pirates retired from active HAS MANY ATTRACnONS tion. A special program of enter­ ried properly from one portion to March 8—Annual spring musical sidering three courses— continuing dowm the roof and struck him on crossings. public and for all shapes o f feet. In duty, who elect to keep their bonds HIGH’S SWIMMERS For Baking tainment Is being arranged. another. O f late, .nony sudden Believe In It. in by dousing the lighthouse beacon, o f Cosmopolitan club at Center i CUT TO A BILLION In his post and fighting a battle the head. The house was gutted. It Police rushed to the spot where other words, we have one standard­ church house. against heavy odds for his advanced the bodies lay discovered a wom­ deaths have occurred due to the whose keeper "P etey" is In league and Frying p !<3^ was owmed by James Egan. sudden blocking o f the bleod ves­ Pittsburgh, Feb. 31.— (A P )—The ised pattern In socks that Is aup- March 15 — "Pomander Walk", PURE LA Canvas Canopy Over Sawdust years, resigning to return to Colum­ Star o f the East. R. B. P., will an's handbag and several articles of with them, and setting false lights sels o f the heart. government sought today to tmfold puaed to be suitable fo r all feet but Sock and Buskin club. High school DEFEAT BRISTOL bia university or transferring his ac­ hold Its adjourned annual meeting clothing a short distance away. Paris, Feb. 31.— (A P ) — The duel to lure ships to tbelr doom on the Ring Gives Proper Atmos­ There bos beeu some discussion which, unfortunately. Is not correct hall. tivities to the problems of relief and Saturday night at 7:30 In Orange details of one of the alleged "shadow rocky Devon coast. RICHMOND Senator Hale Says Govern­ phere; Splendid Entertain­ as to whether coronary thrombosis between Bertrand de Jouvenel and for any foot. This fact has Jong March 16—Boll of Ancient Order social security In another branch of hall. Officers for the ensuing term STATE SENATORS DISCUSS sales" of stocks which :t charges been recognized and attempts have One interior scene, the cabin on a KYBO Ib tin 27e will be elected and installed and Aviation elrciea sUll are debating or sudden blocking of the heart Is Julien Duvlvier, was called off to­ cliff, Bufficed for the entire play. of Hibernians at Country Club. ^^<3 1 9 ^ ment. the government the mystery of the death of Capt. Andrew W. Mellon made It. an ef­ been made at different times to COFFEE JOHN ALDEN Ibpkg23e more frequent than formerly. Some Also 32nd anniversary celebration As an economist and sociologist members of the preceptory are day. The stage'and properties commit­ Gain Decisive Victory in ment Should Economize— Alfred Loewensteln, the intema- Investigators find that the condi­ fort to gain deductions from his in­ popularize a more correctly con- of Daughters of Liberty, No. 125, L. he leans toward the latter course, urged to make a special effort to LOSS CAUSED BY DEER come tax report. Duvlvier, motion picture director, tee, Walter Henry, William Ingra­ tlonally - known Belgian financier, tion occurs In younger Individuals ■tracted lock, but they have never O. L. I., at Orange Hall. Mrs. C. Homer Ginns, Leon and baa written for years about tha attend. waa quoted by bis seconds as saying met with great sueceas. ham, and Miss Gwen Prescott, as­ m who disappeared July 4, 1928, from no wit days, but most doctors assert Howard M. Johnson, Mellon confi­ sembled on Interior entirely In keep­ March 17—Open meeting for Meet at East Sido Pool AT OUR M EAT DEPARTMENT May Vote On It Tonight. Holmes and their assistants on the necessity for the Federal govern­ a passenger airplane crossing the dant and secretary, was on the wit­ he "doesn't believeJg'dutillng.’’ Ih soldiery, where foot efficiency A son was born last evening at Discussion Causes Laughs as that It occurs In those past middle De Jouvenel, JodiAllst, said it ing with the story. There was noth­ Catholic Women, afternoon, St Boned end rolled if deihed decorating committee have been ment to take tht Initiative In work­ English channel. age. and that there are more cases ness stand for the third consecutive o f the highest degree Is o f the ut- ing out these problems. the Meriden hospital to Mr. and “Dear” Is Mixed Up With was "deplorable" that an adversary ing missing, even to the parrot In James’s Hall. Ih working for the past week on the Mrs. Clifford F. Beebe of that city, Short stories, novels and motion because more people are living day at the Inquiry by the Board of moz: Importance, the lack o t varie­ its cage, the glowing fire on the March 18— Y e Old n m e Sebol, S t Yesterday Afternoon. Washington, Feb. 21.— (A P ) — Loyalty to President Roosevelt pictures have been written around Tax Appeals of Mellon’s disputed In­ refuse "satisfactory arms." ty in the shape o f socks has been 1 6 ^ details pf the Indoor Circus, which formerly of Manchester. Mrs. “ Deer” — Measures Killed. longer. The controversy arose froia the hearth, the window giving out on the James’* choirs, at High school boll. LAM B FORES was said to have kept him In bls’ that mystery, for an investigation It is conceivable, however, that come return tr 1931. more keenly felt than elsewhere Asserting the "credit of the gov­ opens tonight'and again tomorrow Beebe prior to her marriage was Joumallst’e resentment o f “ineultlng Illuminated lighthouse. Miss Helen March 19, 20, 21, 22 — Herald While Meely present post during the past three failed to disclose Just how Loewen- new conditions o f life and industry Questioned by Attorney Robert and In some of the European armies ernment demands-4he utmost econ­ Miss Helen Stavnitaky. remarks” be said Duvlvier made Estes, whose duty It waa to make Cooking School, morning at 10, Two ichool records were broken night at 7 o’clock In the vestry of v/ceks. State Capitol, Hartford, Feb. 21— stetn could have opeued the door of are responsible for new types of H. Jackson of the Internal Revenue this deficiency has been met by the omy In our appropriations,” Sena­ Close advisers believed he was after De Jouvenel had written un­ up these pirates, succeeded beyond State theater. by Manchester High’s mermen yes­ LAMB the North Methodist church. The, (A P ) — The subjects of deer and Introduction o f the foot cloth, a The Women’s League o f the Sec­ the plane while It wa In flight. stress and strain, -.vbich carry re­ Bureau, Johnson testified the form ­ expectations. They were arrayed In terday oftemoop when the Red and KIDNEY LAMB CHOPS 39^ tor Hale (R., Me.), resumed the de­ being held in reserve for a position dear gave Senators a few laughs to­ favorable eritlclam of an unfinished square piece o f canton flannel that March 25— Educational C3ub lec­ committees on the various booths ond Congregational church will Experts at that time said that sponsibility for heart disease of er Secretary of the Treasury sold tattered if colorful clothes. The In­ White swam to decisive victory Fency Milk-Fed bate on the Administration $4,880.- have cooperated with the general In the Federal Relief Administra­ day. film directed by Duvlvier. la neatly folded around the foot and ture at Hollister street school. serve a surprise supper at the two men together would have been this kind. 123,000 shares of stock In the Pltu- evitable patch over the right eye ot over Bristol High at the Blast Side Ib 000,000 relief bill today by advocat­ decorators and have used. Imitation tion after passage of the $4,880,- As fast as they were read, sever­ The director's seconds met with worn instead of the sock. March 26—Annual concert of O church tonight at 6:30 and follow it unable to open the passenger door burgh Coal Company—described by one of the marauders was the only Rec pool, winning by a score of 53 ing the reduction of the appropria­ awning cloth on their booths to give 000,000 work-relief measure, or in al bills propostug to reimburse those o f De Jouvenel in a cafe to­ W e have one right foot and one Clef Club at Emanuel Lutheran VEAL LEGS 2 3 < with a humorous play and musical against the "slip stream" from the the witness as the "largest bitumi­ barm he had suffered physically, al­ to 22. Manchester captured all but tion to $1,000,000,000 and limiting the effect of the stands that are al­ the new organization to administer motorists for damages inflicted by propeller. day to talk over the matter and the left foot and we recognize this church. Fteih — Rib or Loin End — Any Welfhl numbers. nous coal organization In the world” though he lived in abject fear of the one first place In eight events, set­ LEGS Its use to "direct” relief. social security legislation. deer were killed by the Senate. In when constructing shoes, but this is April 2— Formal ball of knights of ways In evidence at an honest-to- Yet Captain Loewensteln disap­ DEPICTS MOB’S SIDE to the Union Trust Company, a Mel­ duel was cancelled as a result of the gibbet. The hook bond and peg-leg, ting new marks In tbe 160 yard re­ lb Administration hopes o f reaching Tugwell was Instrumental In per­ not a consideration In the manufac­ Columbus. got^ness Outdoor circus. The canvas the midst of the proceedings. Sena­ peared without a trace and nothing lon concern. session. always adjuncts of such a show, lay and tbe medley relay. a vote by nightfall on the McCar- suading I rank to remain In the Orford Parish Chapter, Daughters ture o f socks, which are made to be April 29 — Tenth annual concert PORK LOINS canopy over the sawdust ring gives tor Taft, Socialist and Senator more woe beard from him. Duvlvier had refused to take the were naturally used after consider­ It was the second time this season FANCY SPRING ran prevailing wage amendment government and acc.pt the RFC of the American Revolution, is ar­ OF FRENCH REVOLUTION While making this sale, the testl- worn on either the right or the left of Beethoven Glee club at High Fency Milk-Fed — 3-3^4 lb tri the proper atmosphere. Balloons, Brennan, Republican, chairman of matter very seriously, saying able practice. that the 160 yard relay record has were dimmed when the Senate lis­ |)oat. This was regarded as the ranging for the open meeting to­ mony brought out, Mellon retained foot. school. banners and electric bulbs brighten the claims committee asked "Can earlier: “The custom is stupid which Davis Plays Part Well been broken, two and one-half sec Ib tened for an hour and a half of ar­ strongest Indication that he would morrow evening at 8 o’clock In Cen­ his Interest Ir two other coal con­ An Imprint o f the sole o f the foot things up in the proper style. There the Senator cite one specific case compels Individuals to caress each Whiskers and other hirsute decor­ onds being shaved off the mark set 2 5 < gument stirred up by the gold will be attractions galore. not drop out of the government en­ ter Congregational church, when the that has come before the committee | cerns whose ’ properties were, by shows us that its Inner side Is FOWL Rulers Are Villains In Story of other’s sides with the point of a ations disguised the dujie (Arthur in a dual meet with New London standard statement of former Pres­ The entertainment at 8:30 will tirely. guest spe^er will be Dr. Robert where a deer actually ran Into an comparison, not nearly so valuable straight and'that a line drawn over Fency Yeung — 8-10 lb evg ■word. I f I must take In hand a Davis), so that his closest friends CLAUDEHE COLBERT Bulkeley. The new standard la ident Hoover. , feature the well-known dancer and No Connection Doming of Hartford, supervisor of automobile?" Daily Health Haitian Independence, by as Pittsburgh’s Coal’s. the tips of the toes forms a gentle Ib blade of steel I regret In this case hardly recognized him. He had the 1:24.3 as compared to 1:26.8. In "1 believe," said Hale In his first Instructor, Miss Peggy Larkin, who Resignation yesterday of Victor adult education. His subject wUl Senator Brennan replied ‘It la Red Russian. The government, seeking to collect curve that swings from the great being unable to film a scene which most difficult part of all and sus­ the medley, one-fifth of a second 2 5 ^ TURKEYS 3 5 ^ floor speech this session, "that we with her brother will appear In A, ChrlstgaU as assistant AAA ad­ be. "Let Us Celebrate the Tercen­ $3,089,000 from Mellon, has charged toe outwar(\ and backward. An ex­ IN ROMANTIC COMEDY hard tsi get anyone to admit that he won’t lack buffoonery." tained it throughout. One o f the wa.s cut from the old record set by have reached the point In govern­ acrobatic dances. Patty Dowd, one ministrator had no '’onnectlon with tenary.” The Trade School orches­ was parked when the deer ran Into S ervice previously that Mellon retained con­ ception to this latter le noted In FRESH — DRESSED AS DESIRED n FRESHLY SLICED ^ ^ De Jouvenel, however, was eager most ftmuslng scenes was his JosUn, Treat and Cowtea In 1932, ment expenditures where the credit of her pupils, will tap dance; Dave Tugwell. Christgau came to his de­ tra will furnish music. the automobile. It is especially hard By BRUCE CATTON trol of stock which he reputedly those feet alone In which the second for battle. He even suggested that love-making with Betsy, (Flor­ the new time being 1:15.6. Man­ Ib of the government demands the ut­ Morrison, tenor, will' sing; James cision without consulting others, to get them to admit that they were Almost every self-respecting ■old. Including deals in Pittsburgh toe Is the longest. Will Be Seen at the State Thea­ The Ladles’ Aid society of the be fo re g o the privilege o f choosing ence Spillane) the slip o f a chester meets Crisby High away this HADDOCK 0^11 STEAK COD 10^ most economy In our appropriations; Wiggin will represent Houdinl and after being shorn of moat of hts parked where there were any ‘dear’ SUDDEN END MAY COME novelist has had a crack at the CXial stock on which a capita] loss The difference between the shape ter Three Days Beginning that as far as possible appropria­ duties under the reorganized A A A . Swedish Congregational church French Revolution, ind the affair arms and said pistols would be satis­ girl who repulsed his overtures be­ Saturday. Conrad and Campbell, local around." FROM SLOW DISEASE o f $3,800,000 was clalmeo, Tha of the foot and that of the sock la cause she was In love with Red Joe Sunday in "The Gilded Lily.' tions should be limited to what will For almost .. year he has opposed will meet tomorresv evening at 7:45 has been served up, fictionally, with factory to him instead of swords. not generally considered of much The summary: comedians, will contribute several of Senator Eccles an ardent sports­ revenue bureaus contends that In­ (William Davis). The latter, a new­ enable us to function efficiently as a the Administration’s milk policy as with Mrs. Samuel Johnson of 122 all kinds of emotional sauce. The director’s seconds, however, Importance and yet It is one of the 160 yard relay—Won by Manches­ FRESH FRUITS and VEGETABLES their side-splitting skits, Mark man remarked "If we disallow these Unexpected Stoppage of Heart Re- stead of taking a loss, Mellon profit­ comer, and a pirate without a pig­ "The Gilded Lily," the new government and furnish food and administered by A. H. Lauterbach, Maple street. But basically the attitude of all declined to consider any armed greatest. If not the greatest, single ter (Starchewski, Koehler, Krajow- Holmes, who Is chairman o f the en­ claims maybe fellows who carry sulta Usually From Oraduolly ed by a capital gain o f $6,360,000 In tail or the vile language which Claudette Colbert starring vehicle shelter to such of our unemployed chief of the dairy section, under tht these noveli is the same; the terror­ meeting. The Journelist’a seconds factor In the creation of toe de­ ski and McCormick). Time, 1:21.3 tertainment committee, has en­ guns can get a chance occasionally Growing Obstruction of Blood the year 1931. The testimony was marked these sea robbers all over which cornea Sunday to the State as it may be found Impossible to conviction that It was playing Into A regular meeting of Nutmeg ist and the unwashed mobs are the then drafted a statement of "de formities and nail disturbances In (new school record.) FRESH gaged a Hill Billy orchestra to pro­ to shoot a deer instead of having all Flow In Arteriee. largely tecimical. the world, in tbe end proved to be theater, is a romantic and frothy care for through state or local agen' vide music each evening. As previ­ the nands of milk distributors and Forest, No. 118, Tall Odars of villains, and the victims o f the fault" by Duvlvier. children. The downwardly curved 40 yard free style—Starchewskl, STRAWBERRIES 2 m ;. 2 9 < of them go to the farmers." Mellon was again present, this a spy and a member of the' then gles.” middlemen. > Lebanon, will be held In the Ma­ nail is so conunonly seen In the comedy that boaata a totally new M, first; Valentino, B, second; Dal- ously announced. Miss Anne Strick­ Senator William C. Hungerford. By DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN guillotine are the heroes and hero- time wearing a different suit—a reigning family, a man in a velvet and unconventional approach on the Hate said he preferred the com' Ou one occasion Christgau prO' sonic Temple tomorrow night at young and a goodly portion o f the ger, B, third. Time, 21.4 seconds. land will tell fortunes. Republican of Watertown injected Editor, Journal o f the American Uiea—with the Little Corporal cloak—the Prince of Wales! CALIFORNIA SUNKIfT mlttee provision, allowing the Pres­ tested bitterly against a speech 7:30. 'T h e Rangers will hold a drill brown one. The financier claims the "Ingrown” naila on the Inner side of romantic angle. 220 yard free style—Frost, M, The committee on freaks, Howard the only serious note Into the dis­ Medical Association, and of Hygeia, emerging occasionally as the Instru­ Tied to a chair by the pirates wbo lirge ident to pay "security” wages on made by Lauterbach In which the after the regular meeting. government owes him a refund of WANT TOWN-OWNED the great toe caused by it. The rea­ Assisted by Fred MacMurray and first; Orfltelll, M, second; Brandt, Grant, Sr., chairman. Includes the cussion. He expressed tha belief the Health Magazine. ment of divine Ji’stice. .8i,8<> nno for overpayment of taxes suspect him, he Is released by Betsy, Ray Milland in the principal sup­ GREEN B. third. Time, 2:46.6. size emergency public works and to in­ following members; Howard Grant, latter declared that Administration Lhac the General Asembly should H. O. Wells, In his autobiography, We get a new slant at last in sons ‘that It is so largely overlook­ crease them In localities where they difficulties with milk distributors George Smith’s banjo and guitar In I93L and shoots off a gun in time to warn porting roles, Miss Colbert is cast 100 yard back stroke— E. Werner, LEMONS dot Jr., Earl Grant, Corwin Grant, set a new precedent and that motor- mentions the very interesting fact "The Black Ckmsul," by Anatoli! ed aa a deforming element Is that Control of the stocks, the govern­ ELECTRIOTY PU N T the doomed ship of impending dan­ as a pretty stenographer who Is B, first; O. Leary, M, second; M orri­ affect the prevailing scale, because Fred Juul, Walter Schober, St., were at an end under the new milk classes will give a recital Sunday Uts claiming reimbursement for that hts grandfather, his father, Vinogradov. This author Is a red Its texture Is believed to-be suffi­ FANCY poll'-y. ment claims, was retained by Mellon ger. The nearest approach to mur­ dead set against m arrjlng a million­ son, M, third. Time, 1:12. bchi It would be "more economical” than W alter Schober, Jr., Robert Shaw, afternoon at 3 o’clock In the Hollis­ damage Inflicted by deer should be and hie brother all died suddenly In Russian and hts sympathies are with ciently elastic to conform without BEANS CALIFORNIA through their transfer to the Coal- der during the course of the play Is aire. Her Idea o f connubial bliss is 100 yard free style—Krajewskl, Carrots the amendment of Senator McCar' William Shaw and James Wlggln. Jesse H. Jones, R FC chairman, ter street school. All those Inter­ given some consideration. the same way. He says; the proletariat. Rc'iesplerra and resistance to the shape of the foot. 2 t S F ran (D., Nev.), requiring payment said today that Frank would suc­ ested In stringed Instruments are e.sced (Company, a Mellon family That this is not the case Is proved In the scene where Patch-Eye and a husband who la poor and strug­ M. first: W. W em er, B, second; F. FRESH Judging by the size of this com­ The General Assembly for many “In 1910 my father woke up very Marat are bis heroes and the men Petition for Meeting to Vote the Duke hold a dirk over him and CALIFORNIA of the prevailing wage. ceed Alex Koplln, who died recently Invited to attend. holding concern.” by the radiographs of the feet of gling, someone whose hardships she Leaty, M, third. Time. 1:03. heedi mittee great things are cxi>ected. years has disallowed virtually all briskly one morning, .delivered a and women they killed are the vil­ are about to plunge It In hla heart can share. Lettuce ICEBERG Mrs. Thomas D. Smith and Melvin In Chicago. The corporation now such claims. children which show the toe bones Diving— St-tchliolz, M, first; Gard­ 2 1 5 d careful instruction on the proper lains. when the officers enter and arrest She thinks she has found the man FLORIDA Cox are looking after the refresh­ has about 100 lawyers. Chairman Another big crowd Is expected to Hungerford argued that since the way to moke suet pudding to his on Proposal Is Submitted to be bent and In which deformity ner, M, second; Majewski, B, third. dot Jones said Frank will be Just "one The tragedy o f the affair is seen them. of her dreams, but, when he turns ment concessions. 13ie circus Is con­ ottend the setback party In Orange state protects deer It should assume housekeeper . . . glanced over the the shoe as a factor could safely be Points'54.7. lerge EMERSON DIVORCE of one hundred.” not In its terror and bloodshed, but She Shows Her Love out to be a wealthy English noble­ 3 2 5 ^ Oranges * 22 33* 2 4 9 d ducted by the Booster club. ball tomorrow night. Winners last SCHOOL EQUALIZATION eliminated. I t Is an Insidious men­ Breaat stroke— Stechtaolz, M, responsibility In merltorlus coses Dally Chronicle . . . and prepared In the reactions that brought the to Selecmen. Winston Bendall did a surprising­ man traveling Incognito In the wreck were: ladles, first, Mrs. V. for damage they Inflict. to get up. He put his legs out of Directory and Napoleon to power. ace because o f the mlldnese o f the first; Coburn, M, second; Bergeron, Uniwutiuned M pressure exerted against the tips of ly good Job in hla characterization of United States, she drops him In a B, third. Time, 1:20.4. Ull ATTRACTS CROWDS Johnson; second, Mrs. Runde; third. bed and slid down by the side of The novel la chiefly concerned Eveporeled ajji Hni BIG CONTRACT SPURNED Mrs. Delphls Jarvis; men, first. Max TAX ACAIN COMES UP the pirate Patch-Eye. Mrs. Mabel hurry. The resulting publicity Evangeline Milk 25* the bed a dead man. with the revolution In Haiti, where the toes which, while constant and Medley relay—Won by Manches­ Schubert; second, W illiam Eagle- A petition signed by several hun­ sure In Its deforming effect, is pain­ Potterton as "Darlln’ ’’ their house­ splurge brings tbe obscure little MIRABEL BORDthrS — KALECT lell "There is an Irregularity In our the black slaves beard about liberty ter (G. Leary, Cobum and McCor­ CARNATION — VAN CAt-in fOontlnoed From Pago One) PRESIDENT FACES son; third, James McCollum. Pro­ dred persons, asking fo r a vote on less because it la elastic. keeper, In volumlnoiis skirts, kept secretary Into the limelight, makes Milk UNEWEEUNCO EVARORA1ED tint COAST TO COAST MARK family pulse. It misses a beat ever and fraternity, pushed tbelr French Selectman Bowers Instructed mick). Time, 1:15.6. (N ew school 20* BY HAUPTMANN JURORS spective players should be at the the establishment of a municipal I f the great toe were not muscu- them supplied with grog and "pig her the most sought sifter woman and again and sooner or later It masters Into the ocean and, under record.) 25 Ib Emerson, actor-wrrlter, sued Jane hall early to be sure o f a table. . to Confer'With Town Coun< electric light plant In Manchester, larlV as powerful as It really I t , . It that crackles” and at tbe same time on two continents. PRESERVES TEST ON RELIEF rnissea more than one and that Is Toussalnt L ’Ouverture, eatabliehed' showed her love for the duke who For tbe while Miss Colbert basks Scratch Feed leck 5 9 r Seholtz Emerson, former Denver IS SMASHED BY FLIER sel Hyde on Old Matter. was read by Secretary 8. G. Bow­ would Indfced be far more affected There were no poisonous snakes STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY Hold Meeting and Decide They the end o f us. an independence which has been spumed her. Lawrence Scranton, socialite, for divorce, and named hla ers of the ^ard of Selectmen last by the shape of the sock than the In the glory of her new position. originally. The poison gland of 25 Ib "M y grandfather had leaned over maintained to this day except for as the captain with the hook-hapd, Then she goes to London where she APRICOT PINEAPPLE ftek former close friend. Barton Sewell (Continued From Page One) Will Return to Their Normal Secretary Sherwood O. Bowers of night In the regular monthly meet­ smaller toes, but because of the re­ the snake is but a modification of Egg Mash <2.39 6 3 < the gate to admire a sunset and occasional United States marine and Miss Olga Enrico as the gypsy meets the nobleman again. When wealthy yachtsman, as co-rcspoml- Way of Living, Not Go On HOSPITAL NOTES Leland S. Andrews Knocks Off the Board of Selectmen waa In- ing. The petition waa signed and sistance that it can offer to the de­ the normal salivary gland. BLACKBERRY CHERRY 3 Ib then In the same fashion ceased to corps Interludes. fortune teller, were both excellent in ■he tries to renew the romance, she ant — Mr. Roosevelt’s “unreconstructed Stage. Nearly 38 Minutes from Doo­ live. This last spring as I write s;ructed by the board last night to submitted by Joseph Trotter of forming tendency of. the sock, the White Spray Rolled Oats 2 pkgt 3 3 « Mrs. Emerson fired back, seeking rebel”—that the Administration The book, then, le the story of confer with Town Counsel William 465Vi Main street. latter. In a measure, is compelled to their parts. The naval officers were suddenly retUlzes that the only per­ little’s Record. (1933) heart stoppage came also to this remarkable n egro,' Toussalnt, Joseph Giraitls, Earl Werner and son she loved is tbe boy she has left SB 01 $250 a month alimony, custody of leaned for aid In defeating this William H. Moore of 117 Cooper H. Hyde regarding plana for set­ The petition requests the Select­ conform In shapq to the poritlon of 2 VI: 3 3 d New York, Feb. 31.— (A P )—The my elder brother; os he got up and of Robespierre and Marat. Alec Dickson. White Spray Wheat Cereal pkg the three Emerson children, and plan. Hill street, Mrs. Clarice Crozier of tling the equalization of acbools tax men to call's special town meeting this toe; it stretches and Its center. back in New York — her regular ^5* Hauptmann Jurors . "returned to Newark, N. J„ Feb. 31.— (A P)— from hla breakfast, be reeled and The Community Players have Thursday night date! Reipbeity or S Ib naming Mrs. Sewell as co-respond­ 16 Flower street, were admitted I I t becomes a bit dull In the mid­ question which has been pending for the first of. two necessary votes Instead of being over the middle of Secretary Morgenthau said briefly their normal way of living" today Leland S. Andrews, In a slnjfle feU dead.” produced perhaps a dozen full eve­ Stiswbciry let ent, Mrs, Sewell’s answer wa.s a de and John Smith of 69 Hamlin dle, because the author Insists on for nearly three years. The board on the establishment of a municipal the foot, after the sock Is pulled on, Wesley Ruggles directed "The 3 3 ( BAKERY DEPARTMENT that the Administration was "satis­ after having decllneil largo salaries motored monoplane, today set a new ning plays. This is the first time Glided Lily” wMch waa taken from nial of all allegations. street, Mrs. Clara Reynolda of Death due primarily to sudden quoting verbatim, for page after last night received a letter from electric light and power plant, aa Is found to be more nearly over the Fresh Daily irom our own Bake Shop fied"' with - Its. money policy. This for a vaudeville tour. transcontinental transport record, they essayed a piratical comedy, an original story by Melville Baker .Agreeable to Husband Rockville, and Mrs. Jeanette Mc­ stopping of the heart occura under page, from revolutionary speeches Mr. Hyde outlining possible ways of required by law. It Is expected that great toe. Its shape la altered con- was In reply to a request for com­ Samuel Burger, theatrical pro­ covering the flight from Los Angeles j and the director and performers and Jack Kirkland. C. Aubrey RICHMOND Mrs. Emerson yesterday cqjmly Intosh of 69 Pearl street were dis­ two different circumstances. First, and documents of the time, but In settling tha matter, but further the apeclal town meeting will be aidcrably thereby and Instead of Its Peekege ment on Mr. Hoover's ouggestlon moter, disclosed that ten members to Floyd Bennett Airport, New. were warmly congratulated on their described asserted Intimacies over a charged yesterday. when a'heart has a prolonged strug­ the main it Is a tragic and moving consideration will be given the plan held some time In May, being curved equally to the Inner Smith, Edward Craven, Donald el Sis that the government return to a gold j of the Jury met last night In Flom- York, In an elapsed time of 11 hours ' success. Meek and Grace Bradley are cost Raipbcrry or 4 Ib A A u Cup Cakes long period of time with Sewell— MIsa Dorothy Turklngton of 30 gle against overwhelming difficul­ book well worth reading. before any action will be taken by Section 523 of Chapter 33, Gener­ and outerslde of the foot from its I S d standard os a recovery boost. Ington, N. J., to decide whether or 31 minutes and one second. Home made candy waa sold to in the supporting roles. a ffa ln which she declared were Ford street, was admitted today. ties it generally plays out; second, PublUhed by Viking, It sells (or the board. al Statutes of 1930 provides that center. It now shows nearly a Strawberry Jam i*r ^ w r Nomination Bid not to accept his offer of a ten He knocked 37 minutes and 59 holp swell tbe Educational club’s etch agreeable to her husband. A son was born today to Mr. and when the heart, while still' perform­ $2.75. The letter from Attorney Hyde "Any town, city or torough may, straight line on the inner side of the Among the hlgbspota of the pic­ Polltlcally-mlnded observers read weeks’ contract to appear In thca- seconds from the previous record, dental hygelene fund. The High Coffee Rings 1 5 d "Go ahead and live your life as Mrs. Alton Lathrop of 114 Summit ing lea work, suddenly stops. stated that it was possible for a under the limitations of this chap­ foot and from the tips o f the great ture is Miss Colbert's singing of a In the former President’s utterance ters and auditoriums throughout the school orchestra, directed by Harold $ 1.fS Value For 2Sf you wish; I’ll do the . same," Mrs street. set by his brother-in-law. Major Playing out of the heart after a citizen tc bring a suit In the H art­ ter, construct, purchase, lease or es­ toe, runs ob ^ u ely to the fifth or new song by Arthur Johnston and a bid for a second nomination. country. POUCEMAN HELD UP. Turklngton played during tbe acta. All Verlellei Ibt Emerson said her husband told her. Mrs. Lillian Carlson of 17 Cum­ James R. Doolittle on Jan. 16. severs liffectioua disease, as pneu­ ford County Superior Court aaking tablish, and maintain, within Its small toe. This causes pressure Sam Coslow, "Something About Finast Cookies^ Some Republican stalwarts aided Charles Walton, Sr., Jury fore­ Andrews landed at Newark A ir­ limits, one or more plants for the Romance.” Asked If she told her husband on man, presided. berland street was discharged to­ monia, or as on Infection o f the for a w rit o f mandamus against the against the tips of the other small RELISH DISH with Hoover’s suggestion, others port at 2:35 p. m. New Haven, Feb. 21.—(AP)— town demanding the settlement of manufacture and distribution of gas toes which forces the ends o f the The co-feature will be "Red Hot to ot the occasion of each meeting with "Walton told me that they decid­ day. heal. Itself, is an easily under­ ' Deep Luiler Chromium were non-committal while demo­ The 42-year-old American Airline When policemen are hold up victims or electricity for furnishing light TO SENTENCE MILLENS Tires" with Lyle Talbot. loei Sewell, Mrs. Emerson replied; ed to return to their normal way of standable condition. However, the the school equalization tax matter. bone toward the Inner side of the Cracked Wheat Bread 9* crats and progressives generally pilot lowered the record despite the — that’s newt. The Selectmen frowned upon this for municipal use and for the use foot and backward and this may re­ with uech purcheit el e peekege "Not In BO many words—one living," Burger said today. "I was cireumstancea associated with sud­ Dedham, Masa., Feb. 21.— (A P )__ While Breed to os flayed the proposal. MAY BE IN FLORID.A fact that he landed and spent 14 Patrolman Patrick Brown of the kind o f action, and suggestions of such o f its inhabitants as may sult In permanent inwardly deflect­ doesn't do that, you know. But he going to pay Walton $300 a wreck den stopping o f the heart in the The Millens, Irwin and Morton and Sliced Only leef knew.” ^nald R. RIchberg, director of minutes at V ’asbington, O. C. midst o f apparent health aroused Cedar HIU station, one o f the oldest were made that the matter could require and pay for the same. Such ed toea and hammer toes. Biiqukk % "’29t New Long Loaf the Emergency Council, rushed to *200 Worcester. Mass., Feb. 31.— (A P ) men on the force reported to his su­ Abraham Fahrer, convicted killers Tells of Beach Party He was flying the same type of much curiosity and Interest. possibly be cleared up without re­ plants may include suitable lands, The correctly shaped sock must Capitol HUI deUlled recommenda- “The tour called for ten weeks’ ~-The possibility that Miss Ettle periors today two young men took sorting to court action. structures, easements, water priil- be correct In outline, must conform will be sentenced here next Tuesday ANOTHER Ib Milton Cohen, Emerson's attorney, plane— a Vultee all-metal, low-wing­ Usually there is a disease of the bulk tloos for carrying out the Preal- ‘^ey might have made a Riel, reported mUslng may be In heart muscle and obstruction of away his gun last night, while be There la but a difference of $40, legcr, stations, gaaometera, boilers, to the shape o f the foot. It must be a year and a day from the date of + F R E E + Chocolate Fluffs quieted her at length concerning an ed monoplane— na that used by Doo­ I 9 d dent’s request for a two-year ex- 8o®