. -v_ • . 1. - . .• ',.^1 • ^ > 'in r fiatu^nrtnr Svratngi Ifnralli AVnUGB DAB.’T fXBOULATION T H E W E A T H M ■Ik e f . r. i»$s refseael at O.-S. Weatkar B m a,. Bartfsrtf Fair, warmer taalgkt, FrMay 5,459 deafly aofl warmer probably foOew- IT o f u m Aim it ed by rata ta late afteraesB er at THURSDAY, February 21st-Manchester’s Annual Great Winter Bargain Day! a lg k t e t OtrealaMoaa VOL. U V „ NO. 122. (OaeaUed Adverttetag cm Page lA ) M ANCHESTER, CONN., TH URSD AY, F E B R U A R Y 21,1933. (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Free Parking Space Free Delivery Free delivery dadly anywhere In town. Hears Hauptmann Voice Despair P irii your e «r la our fre« parkin* apace I f unable to abop In person, phone your HOT ARGUMENT irliUe-aboppln* In the atore. Room for order (dial 4123). CHILD U B O R BILL orer JOO cara. No reatrlcUona DEVELOPS OVER DAUGHTERS OF ENVOY HALTED IN SENATE REA^M ENT LEAP FROM AIRPUNE “Sale” or Inferior Grades State Democrats and Sociai- Standard itale Quality Merchandise At Special Low Prices Thursday-Not HOOVER PLEADS Controversy Between Select­ ists Unite to Delay Imme­ men and Assessors Flares Sale Of Needy Extra Long . Hemmed On Both Ends! . Our Popular M.K.M. diate Action on Measure; FOR RETURN OF IN A SUICIDE COMPACT Anew as Matter of Clem- hales V HALE’S ‘FINESPUN’ SHEETS ^ Pure Silk Needs More Study. G O L D S m A R D ,, >81” X 163” X 118” Two American Girls, Grief HOUSEWARES >72” X l O i W ' bsbaw Pay Is Discussed. Gulesian Is Believed This is a mighty big SALE for DOLLAR DAY! fin€spun Hale's "FINESPUN" cotton sheets In the extra long sizes you want—at $1.00! StaU Capitol, Hartford, Feb. 21. Would Restore Coo6dence m Stricken Orer Deaths of Guaranteed for four years. Made especially for Hale'a according to our STOCKINGS — (A P )— Socialists and Democrats The long-suetsUned controversy A Special Group ■peclflcatlona. Victim of Amnesia 5HEET5frPIUOIUCfHEI united today in the Senate to fore- between the; Board o f Selectmen and Their Sweethearts, Kill 88” z 104H’’ ..........89e r v ' z l i a ^ " ........ $1.10 81” z 118H” ........$1.W Dollar Day Onlyl Oar Carrency, Asserts ' stall immediate action on the child the Board of Assessors flareo anew “Wear-Ever” Hale*s “Finespun” Cases, 4 for labor bill aftei reports became cur­ lsu)t night in the regular meeting of Newton, Mass., Feb. 21.— (A P )— .Ifthe University Club in Boston Tucs- I Themselves in Sensational Former President — Also the Board of Selectmen when, in an Two sizes: 42xM and 45x36 Inchea. Same high quality as the rent that passage of the measure Three agencies of investigation— day night. attempt to determine a plan where­ ■heeta abova. ' The automobile in which he drove ' ALUMINUM pairs would be used os argument to by the Assessors may acquaint the Department of Justice, state de­ Manner in England; Father Choice of 9-lnch fry pans, * - tsaw At RALE’S Domeatlo Section—Main floor, left Serves as Inflation Check. from his home in the Chestnut Hill LtIZC <1.00 thwart approval of the child labor themselves with the Clemlnahaw tectives and municipal police— to­ section of Newton was found park- j quart utility pots, 8-quart sauce , Chiffon— methods o f asseuenent, during the day were inclined toward the theory pans with draining covers, vege­ Our owm popular MJC.M. Budget amendment to the Federal Constitu­ ed on Trinity Place, Boston, near | Is U. S. Consol General in 4 and 5 progress of the current revaluation of relatives that Moses H. Gulesian, the University Club, yesterday. ! table presses. ?1 Stockings, famous for looks and for tion. Tucson, Aria., Feb. 21— (A P ) — Dollar Day Specials In ^ x -XT X “ i Dollar Day Specials In wear—pure silk, FIRST QUALITT, with threads; Although starred for action on of Manchester property, dilffculty former wealthy realtor who has Mrs. Gulesian, the former Grace reinforced aolee and heele. Patented p 1 c o t the calendar, the Senate decided to Smashing bis self establlabed pre­ arose In establishing such a plan. been missing since Tuesday, Is a Warner, a concert pianist, first ex­ Naples, Italy. $1 Yard Goods Values $1 Baby Shop TOE GUARDS for longer wear. Good tops. postpone consideration of the. bill cedence of silence aa a private citi­ Fay Stsrta II victim o f amnesia. pressed the belief he might be a Yard Goods range o f smart spring abadea. Sizes 8H which virtually would outlaw child zen, former President Hoover urged The svgument waa brought to a Circulars bearing his photograph victim of amnesia. She said he hid Girls' Dreaaea, to lOH. and a detailed description were sent been worried lately over financial 2,000 Yards! New Spring 7-thread; labor In 0>niiecticut. the reestabllahmen. o f the gold head wlien the pay of the J. M. By BURDETTE T. JOHNS 39o Rayon TsITeta, 8 yds. Cotton prints and wool, last night to Atlantic coastal cities troubles and she believed they prey­ Hale hem Senator John M. Taft, Jr., Social­ (fiemlnahaw Ctompany, deferred for (GopyrlBlit, 1935 by Anaoclatrd Pr«ii»> All colors. 39‘ in ch es'!^ Jerseys to cloae-out Val-. standard to “ restore confidence In aa fa r south as Florida and to the ed heavily on his mind. Hosiery—Main Floor, right. and fe e t ist of Bridgeport, asserted off the the past three months, due to the Upmlnster, Essex, Eng., Feb. 21 Wide, Our biggest sellcr\l ues to $1.69. 3 to 6 , floor: our currency" as a needed contribu­ fact that the appraisal company bad principal cities of the midwest. She was confident he would re­ There was no evidence, Investiga­ —Two beautiful American glrla, for slips PERCALE PRINTS years. Boys' suits. In­ "I’m not going to allow any one tion to real recovery. hot secured its bond as surety for turn in a few days hut did not dis­ tors said, to indicate that the 71- cluded in this sale. If the dollar were made converti­ the completion of the contract, came close the basis of her belief and she Elizabeth and Jane du Bois, tbe S9c "Everfaet" Suiting, to use this bill as a club against the yeai-old naan had met with foul Children’s Sweaters, A Value Like This Only ble at the present 59 cents of gold, up for discussion. The bills for a scoffed at the theory of a few of the only children of a consul general 8 yds. child labor amendment to the Fed­ pla> after leaving a dinner of the Boys' and girls’ slip-on • he said in a prepared statement part of December, January and part investigators that he might have A group of lamps re­ Guaranteed fast to sun, 5 yards $ 1 ,0 0 eral (Jonstltutlon. I f we pass this Sons of the American Revolution at committed suicide. plunged from an airplane to death Upright style electiio Bread boxes in aweatera In three-ply ( Happens Once In A Blue Mexm ! here last night, "It would tend to of February, amounting to $1,- square, roll-top and duced to $1.00! Choice washing, boiling, perspira­ A special DOLLAR DAT selling of 2,000 yards of brand new bill now, I understand an attempt today and friends said they started bread toaster. Guar­ yams very soft and, check inflation, replace relief with 861.50, had beert held up by the anteed by Hale's. Ex­ of boudoljiJnmpa, voile. tion.___A ifomi wearing -spring percales. Choose from plnlJa, e.hecks, florals)— the prettiest will be made to use it as an argu­ on their last flight heartbroken over d 0 u.h.l e compartment heavy. Values to $1.69. real employment and contribute Selectmen, pending the negotiations tra .Special, styles. Grcert, Ivory, Ity lamps. Complete fabric, too! range of designs we have seen for a mighty, long time. 2,000 ment against approving the amend­ 3 to 6 years. materially to general recovery." of the . M. Cfieminsbaw Company to tbe recent crash-deaths of two men yards— ovbc 80 different designs and colorings. O A ¥ CP Well Tailored ment.” $1.00 with shades. $ 1 .0 0 89c Rayon Satin, 8 yds. Part-Wool Union SoitB, In hia comment on the Supreme secure a bonu. off the Royal Flying Corps. $ 1.00 S for I Senator Raymond J. Devlin, Make your own dra-' Quality Democratic floor leader, moved for Court gold clause decision, Mr. Authority o f Aseeaeora LABOR DISPUTE MEASURE They fell from a commercistl air­ With short sleeves and i plane speeding to Paris at an alti­ pcrlea from this rich, lus­ the delayed action. Off the floor he Hoover broke hla consistent policy The bills had been sent to the A s­ trous rayon satin. F u ll' Percale Prints, 6 yds. bodice tops, without ( of refusing to express hia opinion tude of 1,500 fee't. Horrified w it­ sleeves. 3 to 6. Close­ ■aid he would have opposed Imme­ sessors for their signatures. Feeling range of colors. 1,000 yards! Regular 25c grades! Soft-finish­ upon political matters—a policy he nesses, looking up, said they plung­ $ out group. diate consideration o f the bill until that there was a question regarding ed percale prints in designs suitable for aprons, 1.00 began when he left the presidency, INTRODUCED BY WAGNER ed to earth "clasped band In hand "w e find out what It’s all about." the authority of the Aasessors to 36-Inch Rayon Crepe, Rompers, Suita, Fiorkz, March 4, 1933.
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