If! ' >c 5^^eatherV * Finalnal * Mostly Cloudydy Ji!: Edition;tion T h e RIaeii 1^* Magic Valley Nc'vspapcr Dedicated to ScrvinR nnd Promotingmot ing theth Growlh of Nine Irrigatedrrig.'iled J Idaho Counties

~ ^ TS U w i.V-|V ~ FFAL A l Q .V A U ~ 0 ._ M u VI: U )A A Yv ,' ,'’.M ’M A Y _l'l,-iatil> ______------— ------^------— 'F kh n nI~c I’3 ^ — ___ f]nvoys“StrStrm n g - f e = 1 ^ ® ^ - h a ila iicf l i ti o M fS f i n i O To Get Lao^aotians t P 'P l f c '" To Parley'jy Table p . 5 Mla ai r in e s ,, W ill Get^ e t _ VIENTIANE. Uos. 'l-l (.T)—> Atucrii-:m diplomats Jlv,. to^]a^• to b rin tr th e warrintr w a r n n tr JacLiniis J in Lno.t to -. "conferJuci! table bul the fuudinf;fuudi pl-ince.s so fur GG re reater TJ.U .S . H ee lp lp ii ^nlrf-rot-nH«c-on_CQjnIjtiojia.foiu-c)jia.for_rc5umDtion..oLpcncc _____'V Rclinblc sotircea HiiKltlie. tlie _U. S,S. dipjom atic effort, :>I!INGT0N7Onrv l,| >^7:^Ti7iui;nr.l'm ilinr.l Iia.-*ha nui-.H'ii t.i a T l i i i i■r:s:c7.m n T S . 77.iTi:.: :.;” ,s:;7T^— ^ fd up bv /in Op.cmhow uf imlitnrinilit7if>"Tnipht^\vns nink=' B r i t o5 s 2 ± T ” v d i 6 — rtiii'>- T r iT rnim iiim i-'iT - »'Vr,illi fleel-aiid-will,«c^ill.ucL L rtil’lhurful L*. S. aul t.. .siim..M in,.. „„„ „ 1„.,1„.. • little hcftdwiii' lo.wnril jr,etLintr.ctLink' pro-commiinist iiiii,

Ktmtme"*”'' pciicc in M]V1 aryland ^^estigators MutMute ^ ^ n n n a Kreed. ljut only lr Baua Ouni Kiit a dcltfintloti lo 1Faces 3 C ( V oters After]ter Estes Parlejarley Jj d a mI.A.S..a s . 'I'.-x.,T.-X., .\ray l l i/l't — .^L-liatr e iia tr iillM'xiiL'.H.in in r .i ” Prlinor'y cllxtlons'w lll to Jield lu.'lTiuilffftriTiuiii?ft llU lrSul.'h.ste.s ~ VL•.^ll.^.!;.v• ti-.diiv- !lim. ,i:r~ ^ l;i Mnrj'hind, Pentviylranta nnd ,r. iiKhcai.d tli.i; m.uii clilivil to ,s;iv u lia Npfiriskii Tuc.sdiiy, cridlng cam* ^ :o .'ay u h a t th e |)Vuti1.il.T o f multiiiul1i.iii>.H,.r \v,i% l^• I’l,,- tl,.. ^ in deUvcrtnc lhe «elinn«- ‘'“Ijl"*','';,tjllstcrhiir. \ iiiul th.U tliivc u.mlil U' I H’lfor 'lUIlu- si-njiti- iiiv(-. I (••1 1 lhj'ou;:Ji lajidla jid purd) pun-ha.-^r.N Jl |/' l.slratlon. are p ru e n l In the IIODY < vpo""ri Reach, {-allf,. afler Pl'V;"''’:'! mlUU'n' " ;.s 1.1 .find l« tibroujht anhore al NrH-porl lleaci B y Sehofi5 C l l O t l C l t l "ibUltV u ' n t ' h " d PciyujJranla and Nebnuika elec- nine were loti off iliore. Six bndlrt,1, nnme mmani anjled by »liarln, Hcfa recovered el.hte, mile. aJf m l Est.-s h;id liinuer,ro ir Tlmlland. If Ihr TlulIV • 1 /~ t I 1 KOKTnnicnt ollidnlv In ‘ouch w ilh reUcl tlonii. ihore.■hore. (Al(Al* wlrephoto) In Ncbra-ika. Pred Seaton, f o r ------If 3f' * ¥ ■ lnvok.•ll1rS^,^TO I ' • O'Donnellcll ttiwwiw n.^k«J Bhrtlier rtdffutrter* wid kftdi-rs of llic ¥ M ¥ ¥' ¥ ^' “:„1?rt"£'S n?fe-A nd-tokiI-Vv-UlV^:rl------hr bcinsldcrrd lhe Enlrj mer Republican Kcnator and aec- -r t • ' lateral iiKreement :rrd lhe Enlrj llilrrvlfw >d-imlnB Pilhcl Lao uonicd - | /-N • Untii-d .Slates.siatrs and Tlnlland. ■ tm o caiidlilntes,nndlilntrs, TracyT Cokeri'ruiiful, ^ lhe sooner talks nel iinder rcury of 'lhe Interior In lhe El- I 1111(1 wnhowcr cabinet, appears aure Union Hca* g^j,! .'.ourccs .'.,\U1 "ai of now mui Keithh Schofield,Schofield. for1 the Re-1 -Tlint Iss .'tomethliis.■(Qmethliis uc« cannot U) win the Rcpubllean RUbenia- t Sharks Manglegle'bix i;is brrn na decision lo put.p„bltcnn nomlnntloiinomination forf the post j talk about,"It,'' 0O’D^ini-ll ’D(uini-ll rrpllccl. S-rrzxr,;E"S"..turriil numlnntlon. I ^ v s . Ir.iopsuops 111 I.ao:I.ao.r" jol rrprr.^cm:lllvl•anitaU vu IroIrom the sec-'-'All wc cnnnn Anysay U thut nc have • In Pc-tinsylviinla. El.-,cnho«'(T'a Lose Appeals j ^ move Involving the :iia-,oiid cimRre.\-.lohalirm lohal dwdl' rlcl .•.jmke'coiifrrrcd with E.MfsE.Mrs ai Mine || lioine Btalc. Rep. Wllllnm Scrnn- T I T iviii onVrod bv T're'liUnt (mi u«lnyf on ■ciiiupiilRii•caiupiilj h.-iUM, Itnuih," >c ttbels rciwrlctlly thrciilcacd Ity ns p.irt of Ills broad Cukcr inld a pro|Hk'^il »U!W all-oui offctwlve unlcw tun Ll niiuiln); for the GOP RUb- ' InIlkhCourt'll^1 1 | I 'f [n ^Boat Traged;gedy ■ sii'rii' d a proiHk'ol lhal south- o'D oiincllcll .-^ald.-said tuotwo lnH7cr.ila fur ^ i jdiilcil MUlemcia.ls-rcaclitU. crtiaiorlal nonilnatlon wlllj E l. ______* H - , vi,n<'i>nr> V ta ImlsU-r _aull^rn:nmv- {(ti_JUllUiLJlS-l!jd»<'iiUaLJM»wcr ndnilnLstratloiindn wereI pre.wpre.wtf ^ for UieI meet* Seven Dcmocrala seek t h e Tlien ie .Miproii.Miproinr court lurntt^ilown ■ .«ix »ieil,men, ■all hut one niiingk-il liyh y ssllItrk^ h a r k s , w en- rec o v - lu U v ) wa-iwas nimi-ilnlmi-d int crttlni: U,S, iimrkotlnRR nrea wmw u de.wrlbedd< to- 1,,^. Into podllon .for quick dny lu •'creeping socln Giui-ch T a lk s .Maryland Kubcrnnlorlal jiomlna- lodayloday appriilniippr. by t«o convlctid •ed ir<»nfrom ‘the wiiid-wbippeil nci'iinI'iin nearn e a r h e re .S unday, troops into po^iii :!-ccplnit soclalljm." ]nvc.-iilRiitorsivc.illRiitors foifor thr .lub- l|l *' Uon but the race hoa narrowed unlunjnlun li'iiiltrrs—DaveU'liili Deck, for- T hhree l'e c oothers th e r; .still were nii.ssiiiK. TlieT lie coa.st K uard c alle .l lniiTv..ntloniitlon In LacLaos It.'i'^f Miou'd .-n,e ih;hrrat rrat of crcrcepliiR so- committee! haveliave mademnde trip*, to Idc .Mich nctlon I* neccs- daiiM,, vividly flown lo llirce n ic n -O o V J, Mil- mer pn-sldipn-Nldcnt of lhe Tnunsicrs the_\\;or.Ht wor.Ht hcii IniKedyjii Southernulhcn. C Ca allfo n « .ands vividly clear todny pk o s. Estes'tts ' hometoivn,hometoivn for in- \ Inid—Tawp.i,- pavlntr coninielor union, and »d desirable------tn Idalio-wlUi.Uie.Ud;.wlUi-Uic.Ud.ill-Churdi- quiriM h iw EjiiM'-»»nir, A t « e l l - = H jnlon, and Maiirlcp A. Hulchco .n..yY)52’ ..Kwhcn fin eiRht per.iotis di.snppcnred.-S ^ Ejites’-alfulrs, O'Doii— -j-- GrurKe Mahoney of OalUmore &on.son. lirndhrnd of'th( c AFL-CIO c;ir- “ "V" tp c n re d .- S e a r c h e rs n lso l>ld developments, dcveiopii the mn- H(udliiK puMipuAh for BI'A,”B l'/ neirsiUd. J l ■ ■ • tind DavliDavid Hume. Tcxot-borii peiitrrs[leiitcrs union.unl' recicoveretl o v cretl aa.bait . tank and other debris frofrom the 2i)-fooL rinr detachmcnitachmcnl of 2 000 combat. erred to Uie DPA pro- , - . Ceremonies lawyer und M>n-ln-law ot flnBn>- ficck. h ..i. who^^.i, waa »uccccdcd as e aibiii b iii cruiser cruirte: on whiuh the nine embarkeiie m b a r k e d on a fish in jf ready menmen movrdmoved Into1 SouthenU p o ,^ supportedported by SenatorSe. Frank — - • ------• • eler Cyrua Eaton o f Cleveland. ream.iter ubos.^ by Jniiic.% U, Hof. expeditionedition eaearlv Satiinlay. AMan waters as P-'^p of " ftv - (.j.urch andind Repi, RalphRt Hnrd- XT -*1 VBfDELL, Mny 14 — Sen. Mahoney Mnlioncy hoa bid for Rovernor ra, wa.1 seeking rvverMil of hbi' 1 > | leet nlrcraft carrier Iwk Oracle pfPfost. Idaho INO» li tBl Churcli charged (rradUBlc.i or orscnnlor .icnalor In every primary alnc(; ’ . ,c , r u f t, ’ k now , , n a.s , b o th forcc.JoJlL *^oiherO ther el.-meiilseii'iid'-!i of lhe Dj,„ocrnta. InU:rior No. l f ^ I frund larccny conviction based l\OValtoyal C ouple So IHINGTON. May I t 1 tvodell hlch school to worlc 1050 IDSO'ftnd • and has lost every time. jn charReafi.nrL'M he Mole tlJlOO ln> J H n jip y Ja c k a n d ’ th e powerfulul Sevrnthsevrnth flen were g u ^ a r t UdallJdall^i.II^^^torderr^^aS has orderedordt a stud) ’ WASHINGTON. V ^ irtod build ft solid econwnl- aome.lmrs aomcllmcs by razor thin marRln.. Z v l T u M ;Iy. a p p a r e n tly .sw am p- .McaminRHR toward tthe crUls r.rra c llU i blasi of Uie, I wived-In the sale of a, union- \ P T ^ I • , o ,d m fa .c J E « » by " ^ , , U. S. nuclearluclcnr lesi lesl sei serlfs.la...; {( J teidtttlon under their llvt*’ rucl pucl wn.nun.i added to-an already owned>wncd CadiCadillac. W C C l 11 I cliopjiy sens and sank Sat> iinder orders ls.sue< ribia dolnB U»»y would be of «.ftnn cam: iV'ed in T w o y, till coait Runrd reported, Kennedy. eed.fora^nje »mwlT;» poimcal ponucal leader! Ju c t PollBck ^ Is, A’cre RUstJna up to JO The Preiftteiit near Chrlstmas'ls- '' 11 flHPi_ycAa_Jlmllacly_uclit:l{l_bi Coker said. land In Uie Pacinc. ll QkIt count*y, piuyvdplayed-fon fu( ieu-ainen-g-tnpff-Tt- I Uie Pacinc.______1 'I h e hiRh court. He had refused J U y U U . (outor Clmrch apoke Sunday J cordlns S u ].c he nlltnMly m.aroTn S ' foyous-R ites- "Eark.1 srlsf still thrnshed nboul united ^ ^States a t r s andam the Pi,clflc In Rupert.jcrt. SchnfleSchofield asserted n ie announcement from -j Mtor lhe 10(12 commcncetntnt jqss meetli o answer qucaUoiu at a hearing ^ tjortics whc(i Uicy were dls- urea. TlicI k alert wo.was reported far Uiat American:rlcan foreiRrforciRn aid funds [; the oWmtcimtc energy ccnimls-ca 1 1B58 meeUnir w ith TBwc.^. whom ^>f Uie acnnle labor rackets In- AATHENS. m E N S. Greece.0 May » «1 bodies whC(l cTlM II the hlRh achool au- he aupported;aupport AccordInK to Uie •ed by the flshlnR boat ,},ori oft the tj-pe of wamlnc th a t should be: -spent with more prud. ; ’ slon andnd Uie defensedefeni de- ■ -fcitlKaUon InJunc. 1058. Prince Juan Carlo.i of Spain J? '’"* '! “y urtnm In Wendell. He apoke tape, hehc Ravett Tawc.i «,000 for ve.’tlK«vUon ] id Princess Sophie of Greece lie. would be Riven to troops In the ence." partmentn t said It,It waswa nn- j tfcn t packed nudltorlum. election, etpcriseacti In return for a Beck's coconviction by a KlnB ire marriedmflrrled todny In two rc» TTicrehere w-ere were 1 so many shark.i event, ofjf war. UnitsUnr ilrrtert In- SchofieldId said said that th a t "In most fi other shotihot In Uie lotcrme-lot m « n tc stfd th a t In-order lo proniLie promLie th a t Tawca would name eouniy,:ounty. WaWaal,.. juo- was upheld :lous „rem ceremonies c a.i te w of mm en en nnd had to lower steel n,osethose of ll the new ctrlke cases I think It Is as foolish .'i dlatc yield'leld ranRc.range, arand Uia M bnuty lo their Uvea tliai Pollack’s pollack'a choice*< lo BaUlmore *>1'»ly a <'3-vo4-3 .vote. He wn.i sentenced thousandsousftpds ot GreeksC cheered. sirelchcrachcra inIn liithe water to fLih command,nd. which cnncn mo\'e swift- and stupidId for our fifederal rov- device w'os wns dropped from th e bodies,” said Deputy j,jp d „ Bdrali develop Rood readlnj city Judseshlpa.Judsea: K>0 not more than 15 years In Uie Tb~da,hlnR prince, groomed e event cf so-called bru.^h- ernment to continue t4U) spend our ' 1 “ ” alrplnnc.3lnnc. ,« lUU and cultlrate a tnste for , ------______slatotato penllentlnr>-.penli H e h a d , acnemlls,i»no ? K ranclsco nc Miller. >1,. u'nrars. ta* moncy■y without anany apparent ______: pad maile and Uio outdoor l»e. o 71 O claimedlalmed In lih appeal thnl Uie ^ lie sharks kept’ alter the Kennec^i"s.order xus ns 11 Is for an Indl------"■------• - anco lo occupy the Iomr va- ^ .evei irc'i''s.order lhat Ihe mill- benefit to u s ns 11 Is f Cbmh noted th a t th e prlv- colons opurn ; r ^ ; j u r y which Indlptcd him snwii.,i, , •s and several even Jumped , ike / •■nrecaut •'precttutloanr}' meas- vldual to■ continue to be Rcntr- r i l • fl» of llvliiit In n free country ,'4rTi<)v impartial and th a t the , 1 ' tlio stretchers al the victims ’ *-ns , de.ilsneideslsned tn lo put cai lontf after ttie sh ipi m m e e n n ts t s o f one ot the Rrrnlent llilnRa - / ^ | . riar lliclf Miould have been leri in his own fntth a f Uie Uiey were bel:i{. P^Hfd l)chlnd xj.S,- U,S.'dln1omillc rf- ceases to be ippre litf OKiird, He .siild tim t Amerl- Ooture . ^ O t l for ■ ~lOvcd cWwhere bccau.ie ot ad- jmun Catholic ^ calhsdral of St. rd." Miller 'added. 3 end jpeacefiilly , „ . , Ihe new compcnsntcd." a m iir f a t iKcmmc.U w m free, erac radio and new.spapcr pub- - • Tliee boat was on Us fl«;t vny- o„ibrr«k,k of the|he Lnoi1 flvtitlnK “To spend our tax under its ownrr. Cheater ,3, S cr'.!fS S ; S ugara r to ljU. S. WbttauM! It waa rlcli, Hc umrd J l niey rode tosethrr throuRh “in‘^V ^utchwnjvite^liklicttH^rtiti: , Bln. 4S, NQrw ali;,- , if „ ...... f..,.______hosUle. or pro»Sovlel>r'pro.Sovlet Is folly," A ■ T ...... publlo llte nnd uae thrlr riflht lo monUisaonths In JailJi und lined *500 for , rrernracpO T ■fdrmFlTIiKliIslop-min? =fi5^ianmr?tBtrmHr Iircre!fi^= me. WASHINWASHINGTON. May H O T - hLi1L1 rcfuanirctuaal to atkiwiT 18 acnatc r],cerlnt: thro X m en apparently ilrowiird. ind filplnm; dlplnmalle advisers "We aree frequently frequently I bUckmnlled V Thirtr-Mvpn atudeiiLt. *cre Tlie aenntc«enate lodny refused for the committeeommlttce quesUo;iJ, Includlns separated 'S's™ nnd s k bites could-have7 ; been nn g for 10 minutes,mini his third ln‘o nrantlnRitlnR forelRnforelRr aid with WASHINGTON..NGTON. May 14 Mv- pujmied durlnK Uie exercLics. arcond aecond limeilm lii a week 10 curb a wticihcr.'helhcr lie knew Jloffn. thes Greek OrOrthodox cathedral 1 cause of ‘death ot five of conferencenrr Onon the Uotlan sit- ‘he Uircata l ththal a l oUierBlieoUi the An agricultureJlturc departmentdepartr re. ’ j Southern talkathon acalan the _ ler will turn lb com- port ahowedved today thatth otlier Tlie comiiilllee waa invcallBat- for■ the OrthotOrthodox ceremony re- ''>* nen. hesald. ''c aald. [;rth?ec ,hrec davs.-da'v • blackmailer will turr admlnlstralloh'a vollnij rlRhU ^ suRar produclnRiduclDR natlonatloai have ’ HR the nlli-Red um of union q uU l r r e d by Greek law aud ' , • , ------; ----- . Undersecretaryrsccretary of of State Ceortte LateTicl^ ||Vbill bul a move (o slclctnick it unds to head.olf ® a lAke county. 'Sophie'sphlea faith,falih. |>»^1 p|- Id that a pMcrful jrtU?- , ^ 0 ow our,irlve.iounrlves to be vie* Increased their shlpmenshlpmenu to the 11 for the yenr ran Into Immfillaic funds to hci IntemaUonal blackmail United S tales.ales tenfold i since Uie I nd, indlcunent ol lluiclieaon tn popePope John iXXHI rsvc spe- id C hecks Is ,-as pOMlble It th f Soviet of .International liberal oppoKltlon, ^ would eooperatr. ImPnidenC-asnidenC-as al allowlnK our- door wa.i slammed oron Cuban jl . hlRhway scandal ca.se. dnll l npprovaj npprovaj of the Romans O I • Union would eoopei tThe clolure move wa.i beaten * ! “ * •eported the United .'States f ' ’cs to become victims vlctl of per- suRar In mld-isoo.iUd-1800. Tape E q u a ls " ".'”” Jn other acilous, llie court: O rt^io^x unloi 52 lo 42. Tlicn Democrntlc la d - " b uibiect b i e c i for ...r.ffSSr..:ed Russia to ret commu-' yanall." .1, . In 1059,', the report showed. I Grnnted a heorhiK to a Rroup ®F“ ' Id'added lhal hc did not foreign countries othi cr Mike Maiisfleld. Mont., moved Granted a Ildren'In her hu.\banil'i tnlUi. . , nl:.l-Mipported Path :ounirlcs other Uian II 29-YcarMark that uic_4aiale_takc.up..a_d1f-Uic^s of.1STf 187 NesrNegro aludenta convicted children In hei lhat the United Slates Cuba nnd the PtilllppljPtilllpplnts. fur* ,J 3hnrch bellJ-ninr. •arllllpry A r e a 'lV l ferent bill and thus rrturn the laslisl yeuryear tlilli Colun'ib’la .'s.' O ' for Chnrch - bell: ^•ea-M eetnig:f"'rS .K le-forelsn-ald but he nlshed onlr3ir3 per eentcent olof Uiena*------‘ NEW. YonK. Mny H W-Tlie votlnK rlRlita coiilrovcrjiy to ihc breachreach of thet pence becauac of RUiisns roared onout a salute and n *•’ ' do believe that billions Uon's totalII sugar need.1.neeli t o t market stiiKcd n recovery ^ennIe } " ^ calemlnr." le . nrin nnll-aeRreKaUon nnll-aeR denion.iira- socherfngIherfnc of JM roj-al (rucsf.-t xmclc Vattey fi of our UX money could By igoi. this had Incr CTlhl, atlrrnooti afler .utter- 0 e.ays. neitOratlon ot "''i-nL* *11 . this Jiad Increased to ‘ B u t. liberal civil rlRht.i *up* nonion onon the the statei capltol Rround.i. lookediked o a wllvi’llh exeltemeiit ns inw enforccmeni 1 cease-fire would le«d to have ^m spent .witti more 30 per cent.U. DurlnRDuring UiliUils period, ^ ^ c r e l.vva l.i a auntc .of porters p ^ n e ^ demanded-aliddc, won-B .-reed lo 1 prince. 21. and Uie princess, ji^ ir Eucchb C. 5fneR O tlatlonsfor#‘ROv- PfUdcncc^______-...... the. portionn of tlieUte U. S. m arket-— ,; roll call vote. This left thr.way Aarced _lo examine Uic federal jj’/tMtook k'l'h Ihelr e V ' vowa. ' ' . Adn county pro'ci w prtblems-of bad checks ernmentt 'ofof .nation nntlonnl imlnn* In ~ ------„— ------. supplied byly Cuba dftllndftllned from 'I Volume for tlie'Ouv wns e.ili* open own'^*or'c! for con.ildernble debate on Powerower commLislon'j comm new meUiod rw fla methe mmwt brilliant wed- dlscti.« prtblems n t lo wro, . ;i a w at " mllll.vi MiarM. com- the nip sldctraeklnR .idctra motion. off reRUlatlnRreRUlatlns rales of natural gas dlnicIR AUicns hnd .seen since durincR two meetlnRsmeet scheduled Lao’. B"”. '"I'' Sukarno^Esi w rt «ltli 4i l n’llllnn Friday. KcKardleJ phie's.parenU-Klnc Paul and for Twinw in FalUFalls arand Durley. ' ' Is the,Immediate U- rno Escapes ^s w“,cr„„which now share In i RcKardleM' of th is maneuver- produeera?*nrodueera?*Tlie method consists Sophie's pwenL Tiarket Include Mexico, •• Selllns ^nowb:lllrd to iiuch Injr, incr It n Rencrallyrc was believed , , ,, een FYederlka-were married 'Hie! mectlnRs wiltw be held at 8 Sovlrl Deputv f mportlon,i Uml the ticker tape .i,e bill wi f flxlna ceilings for 23 specified 1938 p ni. Wediic.nlayWednc.iday IIn lhe Nntlonnl J-iter Vnsily;,„S'K,,Sr„“;;: F. K 'lt Killer’sr’s BullBullets fS S Vmean iS Republic,rs a Peni, . ’ llic bill was dead for the cur- <>' «>' lo havr tnid the BtltI.ih ' SINGAPORE.?ORE. May May 14 Lft - Philippines.s. NlcarauRa, Nlcarauga. Haiti. F fW ]< mliitiiM late, t'qualliwt a rent scmlon.acaalot . ______■ . . * hotel. Burley, nnnd nt 8 p.m. ported lo have tnU sifklhal hnd »too-_ln_tlicalo>-_ln_tlie ldaho_Pawcr amba.vj»(lor._S[rulor. Sir FrF.-ank nobcrt.t. Indonesiann President Sukarno BrarJI, BrltUhrttUh We.*t We.*t 1 Indies - | n. 1933. ______autiiiorlumirlum . TwinTn-lr Knll.i, Iit Moscow«w-:£.^turdnr .Siiturd thilf IM ewaped-nnothernother attenattempt-on his British Oulnea.Jlnea. lodla, lodla, 1 fVsrmosi. ‘ I y when an assassin Auslralla, FrenchFrench West West Indies ; J filu ii-u ld ,U ie _ n u ic k c t^ ’iui SmIUiiU» will dls.dIscuM an effec- KremlinI sllllatlll wntilewanted such s rov H'f today when an nint UiroiKh n .sclllnir'tllmax. tlve pI-oRrnmiI-ORrnm f6rfoniirTtaiTctTSn TrTiSTent:------teH>lflrd ;Cith heavy volume. lavtcsMcs on hnhandllnR ot bad Bnll notedloled thnlthat underu: the lOM outdoor prayerJrayer mettlimeeting In Ja- Elimination:lon of Cuba asa: a U. S. W a climax wna rccnrdcd aa s. , nnd will explnln how SouU1ea.1t..It Asln TrciTreaty ernaiilrA- Iso has Increased the || Uic.cfforts.otjhIforta,o£_uie,.!aw..entorcci Uoiupocl.theJIniM-I theJInil-rd Siairs has JnkarU radio snldsaid Sukarno ^t*^ntal^rtPTctopinmt- that nHai7iadj3Ut:.miiLnK tba^s-of-dom- domealle eatle-gr. - growth - of - — J BidtrpSritiF mTtrket o u a n i a -B K W irlrj-C B n-be-foortl- ccnaln-tJeffJwedrtm^cblhMlons cblir in-th» tKancdJnHaniad bU' >nila:}ced I with mcrchant.i‘mer efforts area. Thailandhailand b ar member of rsons. Including two both cane sugnrsugnr and" and’ betbeet sugar. j : to materiallyitcrlaliy reduce the traffic the pact,t. and treatytreat pro'.ecllons nt officials, were In- In lOSO. thetie cano cnno area area supplied plutiKrd early In 'lh e P ^ S i Rhtly. The broadcast 0 per cent . of of the the U. U. S. S. market. • ’ In budd check.i of all types. Mn- drawn•nn.-n bro.idliirnidK- rnouch to J'“fed SllRhtly. The a.i Ihr m arkrfir nenroua- « h a d selied-Uie-gun. Last year- lt-»uppllcdIt-suppllcd Ba fper cent. CU KU Incrriiacct by the crlila y I iLied In Ilhe Bot-'e pro- jpyp,. ^^d som* lU oi S'- Rrnm will bebc shoshown durlnR the ,rie, tlic arra I reportedly waa acUng Tlie beet jiurotaucar share ahare li Increased I of (he Danil Islam durlnR thiss period period from from 24 to 31 tale 111 tlip M-s.

■ A propo.ied.rCf lOOO Is Taken ■ Idabo deparUnrnldepartm ent of afii Laotiarotian Flag stillII FliesFlii as Troopso p s i on’ reta iling ■BTweiRiirwin'ai 'rom Bliss Inn I*'" " I 1 Ja.detalL ______- - m e e r e E F t) r c es— ^ D IN O . Muy M,— A b o W 'S l V '■ eH»acfcBeiorrGoi!rCommuiiist~Ft)rce - ____ulL B. .WU.WUsoa._execuUvt------R ,-TOrTONY-KSCODA VY -f« - - damas«JvbuUt-MuldbuUt-Muld not be de- Re said troo^crnmmeroopi-crnmmciLUiem- .! 'f»-tn-tit‘;wu-aa taken from V “ ’H i S z : MC------,^|^B - secretarya ry of of U« Uio Idaho Food JI 8 AI. Laos, May 1< termlned immediatelyImmediately whether selves into lUUc bbats- '* »l thr Y-iiin. DUaa. aomc- r / '• y « ' l^calersrs a.Moclatlft.Moclatlon. BoW. rc- HOUEI 8 AI. Lao.s it t>tUr, n 2 ni,d 7 a jn . Mon- k. :at B'AJ A Bfioit to rn to- ^*>e cause had been redre shells. • ly used hyy Uie Uie market market vendors / i « t M Mondny onday t|i that Information Sal b'm a gli :U ’cen Houel Sal and - 1 ' y ^ ' - on lhee rcRUlatlorrcRUlatlon Li belne dls- d^V foi^iowlnifowln^ a masmaM evacuation It was believedlellevcd Umt 1Uie cvaeu* ed to retailers now so lh a t Into H .allal territory by irovem- aUon hod been promptprompted chiefly Thai .borderborder town of« Xlens ■ trlbuted to retailc a communist offensive K hoang—lr»n efforts efforts lo lo r< reach Un «'Tr. nc. Mum ot forced >7< V It canI be dlscu.vdlscu.iacd UlotcURhly liw■oops- ps- anaand «civlllant laic by fear of a eommunlsi ^ nt<> it„. bulldlnR. The aale It, •- • ftftftlnst the’ie river towtown, comlns Thai side. ' i'T ■ ■ prior toto a. a hearli hearlnR June 20 in’ In^ *ee1t, •- • he knew of i t least “ Irom lhe bOlldlns to Tlie royalr9J-.l LaOtlnLuMlm r i.j .'till • » " 1“" >iti:,i| bulldlnR nbout 100 ;r Uie town's fort ftnd a ^ n a .' someio m e BO l l fm. mnw n” th! b o « wlU,vlUi 40 4o"wldl'et: soldier;! aboard ------flew over the town'. zed. Ke snld. howevef. [ovcroment troo(ki aim- Many of the 3.001 r. Ii'u i ■>rz L.r„ seen vzi no b o d ie s o f, It ^ iiirci'd open. ' • I SlavV SentSentenced le.wl}'. patrolled thetl deserted troops who fled Into ersons. The Mekong at. were reportedrted to haveh.ve tten nm- S8i» n,' ‘ ‘'^’'o r'fe d W . Is about half a mile •Irn . > •‘"’Pioyc «t Uic • By TitoT ito C ourt- ^ “MnW’Phouoy•Phouoy Chatamstt.C 8»frlsoa a fairly s»-lft current » u n .M,e came. t« vorK .!, , — .. .. b e i>.ORADE,o r a d e . VVuRMlavU. May bnck onI an It^InsDccilon M ' lo w of Tha and Muong Stns. ■ mldsucom;.■am;. • ■ n. MTa-'fie belleved-Uie betn-ovcmin by Uic c< — ------t* -LB-rMJlovan-'—M Jlovan' Dlllas former. town, wna he run by Uic communists wiedermlann, ann, ta OertnOertnmrsald I 'V ' . -- I ' ___ vice- prcflldcnt-tp rcflld c n t'o f YuRoslavia. neuresfmmain nln body ot pro-com- earner.— ------m a n y o rth SM BOTemment BOTemment toldltci------k- - - ' • •' - JKna^eonvlcled_t« rorccs was’OBout 30 mllcB ‘T h t eracaatlen-lntdleaatlen-lnto-Thalland who had -Mreamed-dmi :» . inR sta te secrtts lo-on^-tould-teltrhow*- -w as-svnrre(TTinir te 0 by ' KOTCdiiiiinir {H’e norib werv ezHaus ■ , ' - '------to nineic years’an( years’and nine months ever, howow close 1advance red troops lostt WednesdajWednesday and raa nid some of thtnfth tn f told 9f9 "many ^ faff ic Deaths I R I ' — j.- '---- of strlciI d imprison imprisonment. BUerrllla, clemcnC* r mfutit be. Utrough FridayWday Inla a-hatwhs an eye- bodlec” leftt Uoag ajontf the WJ-.v ^ J . 1 . ■ His trial waa held behind The to»-ntoa-n .Itself,Itself apparenUy *’ilneM describeduerlbed osas ’'two days AppamUyUy noDO more wiw u belp< ' M ogic. » ------cl(»Md door*.—• door*.— “ ■------hnH-nBrcr-been-er-been-oeaipled oca by Uie <>' hell.- ' made to «etlet up ne«new ‘dtfensei‘c uded ln hU~'p71«on“ «n‘i rear^ytwfc«iuf mmaa o f'tbbe e T o a DoolDoo1«7 roun* Bou.el SaI. knd ao 00 ^CROWNS ARE PLACEI^ ^ bw** loa* tba wyal iot-. 1962 n CROWNS *femony Meaday by K ta j P*b| of Greece.Greeee. CereCeremony w u »ee- which DJllos, 61,81, 1bad not w rred In* wm#•om» 'explocloas""e*p be* dattoa hoapttia•pltid la HouelB Sal. tonr how lo« tbe wr ...... 6 7 dortiif Gn novtment uroM the enu&sttt'a DHagi m wouldvould ecntlim*e la t Bom aa Catholia c eiensay eorllei-.orllei-. (AP wlrcpbote tU of • previousorevlou* senaenttnc# of nine fore the joKoreram T erao eat ferew aJd.lh« aovtment x ende ' alleropoa.alteraMO. IUttle vanaer toalxbt addS Toes- This X Springm ^reports Ray Thacker. Coniferlifer advancedRdvam officially to Uw above Of Big • Game■ u“U rry £ Hauber dir.-uv ■ Sets Program^ X C l I l l . day with oBtlook for Wednesdsr'edaesdsy Plpartly eloady arid a little wanner. ,, -Harrv AthUuc Camp, Inc, Vcradale.Uie. ra le W' «lne*day while aervlng r q i s i mreunir jn c»jc,. ^ ^y<; ■ teaipenitBrt wa* 40 with r«UUve boiaU;SSu> lir IMOEBMAN. W„ i<-IU,ry J™ tPrenchi-i F rauu » I n« With I*- UM oyne. llaierm an. wi-* ^ m W“h. wlthhWith heavy attack cquadnra IS at l A f A o - at 63 per"cenl: nooo, 61 and rtli rtUUre homidlty U per cent with J- ^U»eth e VWhiflbey Uland naval • air • i inlersteilon eu rom, .T* I rwIn-rslU-expertnjeot-itatieii teinpef»tar«--Mll^t„r«;j5fllmon_la*t week^and teportsl^ *“ arrow* ’ n y ln t afU r five apecles U j„ -OLGraduates^ barometer «f-t9.7l.—Twin-rsm- Sj ,h e T '“ *ln» "JUm)B.-“ *i«gbter-O-of f *UUoi*UUon^akJlMbor.JWBah _____ o t ^ , , tlce . . , .Marty Craniiiii I I noon; relsUve fantnldity O per centlit al I thath a t he has Just completed tliei — of bis gama an lm ala.d u rin s.su“ -■ l|„ff Ing laeiiiiiP,I'acm'ii «f i ^ , BUUL, u « y 14-.BAccalu(reftUiccalaureate ” * '-T; ” •*. J*" , Uke!Mr- ■n‘S at | clus of ttie BubI highI KboolKho^l WlUwtU TPMPPnATiinr ■A>-.jme-0L-a5_ci;?frt a t l^L=Hlim-by-thrTint-Na‘»MiBl-banWHHI'if“^ ^ H im ^ y 1 fltuitaULOf-Linne-d eo i- l." ° » ‘« ^ ana game deparUnent said to-|{^|t[n'|, 'c,, -hlfh-*chort-»an lotaloui” - ^ H‘"ton Is a Junior ma- lo addlUon. there will be “oe jrUge^'jT^J of th a local First -MeUwdUl Jorlng in speech and English at ’'''iria g e -records u* coui’. ' ^ ' ' 1 I lodayJn .upper iO's, low,ionlght upperper 20's on the1 lake. Jorlni ®‘ controlled archery hunt on |oai*.[.»,..*“ • office . . . ,Probate j,,,'- i. I • church. As Buc*t ip w ie r. ' " „ M „ _ a n d .b le h Tueiday mid-Ws,1.60-s, • PlPaul Brog. salmon, and ftindra ^ " 'swith r s10 pennlta available, and warbfwSShnub I Dr. D cniJd R W»Ucer,Iker, presi­presl- —----- — . . C aOadlente. d Pocatello, have com­ _■ Im eoriUonefl'elt-archerr'htmts‘‘ts iVway f ofo/ sji,.Mienltx otn.,. */'• I dent o f t^ e Idkho eiaiea te ColleiteCollege IIVE-DAYIVE-DAY FFORKCA.ST. plet'pleted houses on Uie lake t“ Ciore. ” '. *Ar* n » , I>1. L . . r a n , E . UUI. " ! WlUl SO permlta oa each htinU"• overhenrd:overhenrd- “Whc-ti „ ' a t PocUello. u-lll be feaiured Anhnal* available W bowmen e featured Temperalurti throughb K*turd*rKsturdsy win average a lltUe below'W norr and Edward VanOraafelland.rlland. bridge,brldg son of Mr. and Mr*. Law- M rs. vWlJbur A. Ulrich, route I. optiia Ilie door imu li. inv I •peiiker Ior commencement ex- period with »ome warming by week-end.. sgir *• will be deer, antelope. eUc. mOun- »m ent ex- mai, cooler a t flr»t of period wll ek-end.. Salmon, ha* constructedI the rerence n c e .E LUllbrldge, Twin Falls. T w in I Pall*. Is serving aboard the ° Into the car Its ' I • tre ltis a t 8 p jn . next Monday Jn (n rreclprution will (oUl •round arounil .tB .ts te .tS c f an laeh. eeearrJngring »»'■Mt fo„r foiindrtflon m d flooring for a haj been1 nulcned to Itir Uilrd tain goat and black bear. Archers n/uuai,,.. ttic h lsh Mfloor gymoftUum:------ig Ihe tlr»t portion of the week. jcjj,! tttuick aircraft carrier USS Sar*If. also may Wy Ihclr luck and-sKill„,y •' ^ ■ lalum:------seatlered ihoWen durjoi Ibe tint tcflbln on the lnke nhorr, InfanInfantry, division In Oeminny. ..oatoRa; ira' operating-with-the; »lxtbj“^ 'J ? ^ ...... T akln* p a rt tn the aenlce-Sun*enlce-Sun* : ...... t Hutrh Lymnn-nnd M-A.-cHri*. He-1* in thB jenerel bighorn-aherp - . ___ cHriJi- H t-la a driver in Ui* Uilrd bat- fleet in the •mtdlterranettn...... •'P '■ ' - . ' I erdecn; •n5%and 291 I - and*and Mrs. Hnrwood L Stowe, TwinWin day a t th e city hall auditorium A g c . i t ^ diction. ______tlons were 32 al Castlefurd. 31 at iho.” r-A -n‘«n‘«-oLlot_D*neri-*rtJW j^ " • deer hunts. 7 antelope. 22 elk,l 3! ^ a i n ; ------Blohar«l-MoN«w, o rgnnlUgnnlU,-*-lll ^-m at-ncxburcjind_QrivnKtvll1etvUIe for tlthe lowest ^epofie^^n^aah'o. •s-aref^wji.-ha**l«ned-for-ihc-*lrjorce • ipcnitum> ranBffd“ rroiirtni!-Tjppcr-M ’s-lo planning 1883 e o ^ c I ! ^ t . _ __ officer^fUce training school program^ ~AiSn¥r'*j/iFwinuen—orvii Alrm S h y thd*DrocfMlonal aiidand rrtcs-re to - \ ~Ve«terdny« htEh' tcmpcmtum> r The old Iron creek lirrdge, tor e Win Quffejrson-of-.M t'.'-and-Mr*. Ow r- trolledtrp'led archeryat goal h u n tt. three' flonal music. Th# hlith'lgi» »>chooT«ho51 Die upj>er HTKronUmu;rorrrand-Parm>-took-4ilgh Ote.; ard- tfmpfnuiir,, - 'ridge, to ^ eo lleg e gradua'ies. He. will Quffey ul uiilu for blftclrbe«r-hunt»r-and,|JEir£5ii3iali^| * i* V aortlng "^'hltill w u iiiuveU fjuiii lhe Iiuu "stTtlTtufiia me UTttniiig school-- ,»t t -••i-Oi-<»a»-Ouffeyr-lW»-Thlrd-*veiiu*-^-i2>: choir under the direction4on ot BillSill honors with ca. At 10 ajn.*jn. loday,today, most sutlons were reporting '“^T he iwo eolUrOHe"d~«TSmtin«n 1~ a1 0 1 ^ «d)ng* cro.tsln't lo llie Williamslllams Medli Medina airbase. Tex., for Uiree,ree eaat. 1haa been named United “ e two “ 1 ALOIEIIS. Mav U I- ■White, m usic director,, will sing temperature* in the M'»; but Burley had rcacfied oiiiy <3. RradJng* „ Archer* mtist carry valid hunt-«• Jen till ej„jchildren a err Bonnletne thi* ofternoon are expected:ied to ransrange In Uie W.v ^ lake ranch, has been Installedtailed monUismonU before receiving his com-)m- KlrigdoKlrigdom air force .wrestling , ------A«vLr^-K!£cU0M..|ind_Bgnnlef«c i j . In. and has shortened the trip W the mlaali ^ ing license* and tags as all o lh‘rr rr! m theirtiidr hehomM tociav H u n g e r , will sins aI goio,solo, ac­ac- "■Thb"10w prejsiurB 'm temtem'-over -over NNevada-U-«xpccled-lo.cnuac Jn ^ *hd to the mlaalon. He will enter Uie air >«hxmplfhajnploo*.ln Ui« undcr--Ull»J"“ i ^ S o'ver lake'by'ieverBl-rnlnutnf,------— torce- leal fround-claM,-He-U-»UUun*d-at ‘ companied by Judy Mathew*.sthew* creasing cloudiness and1 a itrongestronger-probability o{ showers over laxe ~ ~ torce—penonnel-fleld-techplcal pound- of the state. Temperatures tonighti t are AccordingAe to LeMto-ne. allII hutliul training-tralnl before n.sslKnment to an th e W ljoS-i"and"nrTowr-Jn~att-of-th(r-Tm-tu|-Ki!hc~TlU-lhri!llllirK'3~:nrrr';iuii^^a A rocol (election will111 be pre-pre* the touthe/utem p a n of Ihe sta general hunta. for tor the secretsec annv Ktct com- expccted to remain welll above freefreerJnft, «veiseven of the lake *hnr<- I h u i,ir t,l posed o t M arie Young. Elaine .Moslem ninld. ■ ”r*’ Wavne . AORICULTURALCULTURAL SUMMARY herber (of the view lois. further back Johnson, Jahet Ostler, Wnyne » Tliree EuropfiiiLs-ia .) fr'' Byron Ua'«Ulfd cool weatherr continuesconlinuea today'and » expectcd lo0 con- on thet hillside. ' Economy Lag “SSl" Jaeelf. S andra Ostler. ByrM J OJ anUn.bui,!!and n.bu»lne.s.vimii-ui rr irii- I nd w 2 ^ through Tuesday with Mm. some alight warming forecaat*t iorlor M. Melton haa a cren: ROrk-.SrV aUey^Tr^affic-sCourts . Munger. Rex Buell and Walter es have avcraBCd four to .'tx desree* below lng on-hUi w illiam s Lake lodge ed to tuve v;ini!.hicl in Harper. Wednesday. Temperatures have avei j w ’'j ‘ Darwin Wayne Huller. 31, 520 stispend ,»nt M »r. normal during Uie paat.livelive daya wWlUl four*lnch SoU temperAtures-Atures getUnggetU It ready for the June 1 520 stispended o ^ ^ln Fall. JufUce lSplits 5 0 l i Demos,, ill!”and auUioritle.1 wtd thr-.- sn^: ■ D uring commencement exer* , Hoybum avenue. west, was ar* of Uie Peace1 Robert E. Penee oni JT • ently were iplrlted auav'by f rt h B - « i. dipping LQ.thpjpper 50-s.I. Average 22<*hour non trmperaturea nt thc openingopen and fishing season. ------ClKTJmrBaOrwJB-BinrtheTmJ- ■en TwIn'PanfWTJfpm-srOuhl-eo.-Ciullet,------restea about J;io am. Monday’ at Jan.Ja n . 18. He waa first observed by / \ | — edlctary- addrett-aad-Joycc.Cox,iDvci- ro » four-inch depth have been Tirln'Pa lh'e'7iiter»cc(fon"orTenttrBvenuc patrclm . / nii.Ti,! ford'Stl. Wendell fli. Arerane;rage temporatur*tempo; a l Uie clght-inch. depth .-JJ 1UC patrolmen-drirtng wcrt-on-AddI*i’-GOPKaaers-iin - O 'v J tho aaluUtorlan address. Duane •f and Second nlrcei eiut and>nd son aveavenue east and was arrestedcd Mo.flem-Mo.^lem- 111line of n-.Mnniii l u l Serpa; aeoior class president,dden° tilwill l « “ degrees, 3u.^king^l: ‘ w'n»#.r Thinning, irrHmUon nndand cultlvnicultlvalfon ot /uRiir beet.* continue* 5 charged with drunk driving. i«- after a fte r Y he drtrve. over the curbrb WASHINOTCN.WASH! May H (fl -— !cratltlnB.,c4me cratltlnB.,cr to llshL aiif .B le(id tho class memorial; W alter I expected to increa-ie durlns the next five ^ pealed offense. When arrlRnedlnearicd n e ar thUi e Intersee'.lon of Secondid PresidentPrealdent Kennedy nnd hi* Re-1e-i predawn nnttnck on n Harper, president ot thc. NaUonal «’J£h ihlnnlBff operations expected n L m t h in to 10 days. Fields are beinglng prepareiprepared for planting beans, com and » before ;prln P.ilM PoUec JudgeJge street andai Tenth avenue e u t. Of. t- publican critic.*i ajrree tbe Amerl*1*iMo,slem i Moslem suburbansut comwuHjir lionor aoclety, will prewnt•sent non*hon* sw eet com plantingsintlngs havthave been under way since Maysf; 1 •Outer Space' ' Dale J. Adamson. HuUer requtat*at* ticera saidm Huller consented to .a.a can economyeconc Isn^t moving along'n•ig'n secret nrnrmy commnnijo ' or carda. fast enough. I Umt cau.se V, *hi. In *'«» su g g e rtd planUngs expected to conUnue Irfto the flr*t portion H *- ed a prellmlnnry- hearing. Tbe blood a:alcohol test----- . _ . fast enouj {that cau.sed an unc]cirrmi-/il Oene SchulU will Rive the In- 1 11,000 bond was not posted. ’ ' a pn III number of casualties. ' I Jm, of June, some garden seed«ed beap bean E plnntlng* have been completedS Military Ban A passenger In Huller'* enr,■r, But theythe allowed In vireek-end, number of vocaUon and the Senior1 c/aas but most bean acUvltles are eonflmconfined to Uie preparation of fields '-m Uer's license Io drive'wvas as Jamja /n eaes D.I corak, 29. roulc'J. TwinIn jujiatcmenl tc m e n b Ih a t tliry disagree,'eel Tlie EuroEuropenas used * \antiTl ------aon*-wUl~be-pre*ented-by-Judy month.------.-OEOENKVA,_May_M_uv-The- T h e=...... rrr: — ■ ------— Fnlla.PnlU. wwaa fined m and cost,* byly aliarplysliarply on’whatoi to do aboot li,:otll,;of nutonintlcnu^matl wenpons :ind i i v | B ag jett and Joycc Cox.< MuslwaMusical Uter-this-m cnth.— ------»-i— ^ unlUUnited SUles.today proe»ed lm* r Judge Adamsort for bclng drunk Tlcem.Kennedy, w d ouUlhlng hi* i.-i*l«adlly,-pau*lnR-only-t.>-«hJl selectlona will be a trumpetimpel trio ' id a HOflO TEMPETEMPERATURES medlmediate negotiations for a tnaiy ^ - ln -» n n u u j...... ■■■o proach'at roacn'at a‘DemocraUc-rally lninlNti-Onc.JlctiUjnct P ? ^ ”*-*5* ______I composed of Doug Kern,■n. BmesiEmcsf ,, ,1 1,,, m«, reir rw **•»- t"- totoproWWiWrtf pp w # K.IrtWi ------J* ■' R['■ V C ,...... — !■ !!;"■ , th e $300 bond .set by Twin FMIIs ‘ ;* iJlf building* separaiMJ by b o a B Proceaslonal and receulonalecesaional J ------i .ej i.i .. ence. Tliere wa* no ImmediateSS; On w l Programs nonce medical care for Uie elder-|;;“'Ifences. ■ I ' * rencUon from Soviet Delegateegnte ” - Justice of the Peace Robert E.l•j lyw by social™ii) security toxes. to aidd iI • ______■____ muslo aa well ns numberswrs Iromfrom li.ik*i ...... n « r> «vlel WASHINOTON, May M itrPP-i - Pcnce UM^ not posted Monday ^ - “Sound or Music” by RodjtersRodgers ■td«h« r » n * ..... ** ______!! K f .,,'* '- ''- - !!I «7,',Valerian A, Zorin. The Soviet WA£ ^ l^Bher educational lnaUt4lIon* . y - , I — ,..- unloiUnion has \urncd down severalveral Two inetwork presldcnU todayay morning.morning Hall w.is scheduled lo and to a » lst the farm'era. /V , J tn d Kommersteln. will be played on nppenr before Judje Pence Mon- „ . “ A. H. Severns, S|l S ‘lihrtrf NORTH lO A H O-Pnrtlyly cloudy todnyi through Tuesday, A few***' similar*inuiii American propoiuil* over denied chnrgea Uiat lelevWon nppenr I Kennedy defined the.se as te.it m ■ by the high school band under ly over the mountain.v Slightly warmer thp p ed day afternoon. » ^ a fte n io o ^ h o V r a ^ M tly over the i»i"'i"^ the past four years. procraproKrams were dehberalely laced day aft< , meajure* of Uie Issue "between J[ Q K C H th s dlrecUon ot BUI White. Mar* Monday. ‘ H r W r r ^ d a y 5S-6S. LowsLow. Monday night 32-«- Highs wJUi sex and brutality lo buildIld LeRoy Olsen. 24, 515 Bunea mewures ; Taken by Death I * Ityn Stevens will otter the bene* ‘ “ Stelte. deputy for U. 8, Am- *■!“ > » A thOAc who feel we should suind bofundorbaA.in A rthur H. Dean, sug. sug* up an.oudlcnce. VistaV ista d: drive, was fined »8 and tnw e wno d BURLEY. Mny It - AlaUtl diction. .The claas wlir‘V be prt pre- Tu'»0«‘y ‘ . ______gs costs anrt aaslgnrd SO demrrJts by„ sUll and-tland-tho*e who feel we should BURLEY. , r,p geated Uie conference shouldlould . ^ ' hearing* costs an , move ahead," Howard geverfis. .^fi. dfril .MoiiJW aented by Elwcwd Oledhlll,UII. Prln-p rin ­ w - »j it il KollnnHi. «»,. MU. Wti. B_y before the jcnnte Juvenile delln-n- Twin FrFnlla Police JudRe D*le J. cipal, a n d diplomas will be n .ill,. r«., liM.mi ______OS 13 .Ct.« draft d raft a trunty prohibiting , nny . at hi* home In Ourley loU nityl WlU be nuiion »■•>. rm. vii n ,n quency *ubconimltlce, Ji^aUoftaV:bV ^ R aobsoi m so n for rpeedlng in the 300 Vot'k”V—.lll-'.r** « .ei e.«arye.«an International c o n tI r r o o l l Hobert E. Klntner flaUy denied In K board. n the charge. ArthurA rthur - A. Herrin. Olenn* Ferry,■' credible xcxest" for- more executivee Nebr,,Nebr., Dec. 30. m i . ntid b f l lude J3ale ...... ______,;•*treaty, but- eould come into forceloTce ^ Columbia"Colui BrondcasUng Pre.sl-,1. wn*was fimfined 150 for violation off elt M. DIrksen,C Illlnol*. nnd M «, In Burl . Iln Atkins. Marilyn Nadine,lne Aut- c ------— «; tajy dent Frank Stanton took theie th e basicba*li rule. house RepiRepublican leader Charlf.sj*I Iterte Is ,nju n ’lvrd Iiv li.'s derhlde, 8. David Bablngton,sblngton. j; » r-r'Sllnj' S™ ------M « r before• the complex general treaty “O't * II il^id CM, “ hashas b been ftjlly drafted. • satne jsund". He *iiid the net-t -— ------A. Hnlieck.A. Hnlieck. ln d la i* n ^ ld c d Ken-• two sons, OeraldO' Dmn SfverAH Judy Colleen Oasgett, Sharon pp« M„in«------»« « lui . nedy In a Joint sUtcment Sundayy Swecthome,s»ecthome, (Ore., nnd nnu.iW L - I , K w ln ------« « .«i ■ ■■ ^ work's action.« adventure pro- T « "I Jeamu fiaggs. Edwin E^wln'd |T(ims "were not Jammed up with JLa u a Vern v Rawling, fer failure to produce the risee geneSevcrns.pene Sevcrns Knme.s. wasti.;caB Bartlett. Jean .Carol Baty,.ty, Oer- « “ mLV"s"ri„-,;Tz:r-« “« 1« Tr. tuWY-il*. C llrH ^ H M P O ' In Ute economy Uiey snld he had1 daushter. M«.M RobTt Sle*i-.B aldlne Edna Beach, Carolynilyn June iih ,.~.iuIu ------»s Tr. ».ii Potato Triicker E”’B ut chninnnn Thomas J. Dodd.a, jpromWpromLsifd d liin th e moo presidential) Burley; threethr brollicrs. Hl;;)! Bencken. Betty Lou Benson,ion, Rob- <■ ------JJ *i Last Rites Held D.. Conn.. dlsngreed. lie sold sub- Funerol service' fo r‘La Vern campaign. Sevems.Severn*. OaaOsallall.i. Nehr.: lUiiffB ert .Wayne Bonar, NoelI Hon>IdHftrt>ld iKtmH CIWV-:___►_.»■> tsii i| - 'DDies u of Seizure committee ?™“s flic* were fllletl wlUi ^ ------Sevems. WWaldren. Coin., c j l SrJiufn, PBtrJda A on Bm wn, i. ^ lUwllngn were held Monday ot Ba>»R, ’e«n'children, , battery ond carrying a concealed , .f •e.Porjl. ■ Mrs. Donald McKnlght. O. RU* M«- Florence Blehl. Mrs.'Earl Boone was sololsl and Mr*. John ““ttery nnd Funeral ser^-lces nre penillW Dennis Wayne Fuuell, Maude Jonjq jo h n»n.M rs.D on MatUiews, MohemI SantOs. Arihnndo Saii- K l ( * l * OlrreU wns orgiinl.'t. Ruwell weapon. wcnpon. PiPolice Judge Dale J. at MeCulloch funeral home iM Oalney, Karen Marie Oomtan, m Blacker. Mrs. Helene Wilkinson, to*. M im a Santos.- Manuel Sun-“ i Richfield * * Class • EH Oorman. ^rs. Con Devaney, Ruth. 011* Jensen dedicated the grave nl Adam.wn , ’set Holler's bond al Burlej'. _ ■ Joe Oano Haggard. Bonnlemie UUe e ^ Mrs. Theodore cnrrleo.-.Vh -I Willard” ’ Hayward, Ijrry Marlow, jn,’ „ 3/inla\ Mnrli Elrna ^ g g »1J0 on the concealed weapon Mr.v Wllllnm T . , d ^ m o n rnd i™ Has Last Party S'%'Tw in Fftlls cemeterj-. o” tl: Harp, Walter Oeorge Harper, jjcnryir cronklle; Mm. Hsrold . Pnllbcftrcr* were Roy LlifdeU, chnrge and JlOO on the battery William D. lUttleld. Jlmmle Rae w ^ Gabriel Xlendft. nil Rupert: Mr*. one brother.^ Ouillermo ce lo.; los WCHRICHFIELD. Miy U - Rich- , chnrBC. ' m f f l m e Luker and Mrs. Chnrle.t Wesl* yo • field's 10 eighth Rrotle grnduntes Ifownrd *|o“’ara Gillette. Kennelh John- chnrBC. Infant Dies \ lU rdlne. David William Helaley,HeWey, ,,^u, 0^, pnlU: Mn.. RalphB h ’• Snnto;Snntos. Rock Sprln;:*. Wyo,; field's 1 Police said Holler had a dLs*^ de held thclr final clns,s p.irty Frl-. Mon. ^1 Claude Wiley. Rlchnrd Pohce »al BURLEY. Mny H -K e ’ai SijH a nlly Boaal.e-lte Herzlngcr. Itaxwelf. ^ Buhrt-Mr*, Lionelil Sso-S « - three sisters, Mrs. Ro.vt S. de; held th , FrnzJrr and James Benhnm. ngrccmeninBrcement with EURcne T . Dc* BUIILEY. ,g .If . i)l*rrtfc«ed - ^ ruer.Rler. Mrs. Irene S. dr Fiirictsiictsj day e^■e e\'cnlnx nt the home of class" ______:______toiler abouttoiler about l i a m . In th e Blue Osleriiout.Oaleriiout. 3-dai^'Old3-.< rinuihtrraB -= f ^ -ch**=»ndiMWnrJohri-Lan8.-JJi _ _ mcmbcr Mr, ond Mra. .'?teve'n ~ P ca rl Hitchcock. Oene "LeRoy ^rome; Mra. John Hamby, Kim- ^ EroDt bar. 22i Shashone jitreet| Mr. and Mra. Hunt. Waynfl-Dale Jagels. Rleh- Z ; . , v A l l e n ahd aon. Mrs, Dannld Ege- mev)'m en. ;all ot Mexico, souui. Holler nppnrcntly followed '-n0Ul.'-BUrInT s. R ich- Lorry Ollrs. Burley. ^Ile ^lT^S^J{(r■t^!*^l^^n^d Conner.^-H-tlnb^lRTOsesSMi --M d Oscrtr Jartlnr, Mldj»r Lavem • - j}U m ruta ...... land and daughter and Mrs, t'Tcd • , rtouvry will be rcdtcd nl B p.m. ^ Delotlcr to the comer of Slio» Cn.i*la MemorialMemoi hos^ilt.il. ■ and elKhth-grade ln«niew r F. R. P m ^ h She H'fl.i born In Burlry una Johnson. Dennis Ray Jones. Dav- Mrs. William WaOion, Mrs.Mrs U nion"' and. daughter, all Rupert;{»*,"• M onday-nt the Wnlk mortuary :■ Project Subjects' *hono *treet and TTuck Jimc. She u'a.i bo. Jd Kendriek. Norma Krai, Phyl. ,, nnd Mrs. Aleen Adnm.^ Sublett. chapel. Funeral mn.« WlU be cele-. 1. DrlgRS nnd Mrs, nrlgRS ruper- where ho allegedly knocked him VtirvivedVurvived by herh parents jn d I, James Fltxpalrlck and wn. and T vised the wnflle supper, hike lo|3| DECLO.DECLO May H -Ju n io r Kinfty .lls Jean Kuykendall. ,, „ p., charlesW . Westbrook and Henry Birth* braled a t 10 n.m. Tuesday nt St. to th e pavement nnd beat him H.ster*. Lcrl Jane nml lta « B John Arlan lalllea. Belty Rus* ^ the airport end marsjw-.nilow» KKid* ids heldhek their *-ll club meet- “ Jl'® .P"' Joanni'. bolh Burley; patetTJ-B : T ? “iV SchuJlz. all Twin Fp IU: Mrs.rs. U - A daughter wn* tjorn lo Mr. ^Jleholnsyjiehol Cnlhslls church by Uie severely., Delor.ler wa.s tnken to Joanni'. bolh sell Leltch, Craig Wilbur Lewis, rofl^l. IncInc ErldiiFriday nt the home ot Uie afaelc'Vftlley MemorJaJ hwpllal, pr*ndparent*,w ndparent*. Mr. and Mrs. S lfiB I^oy Kohntopp and f.on. Filer; and Mrs. Earl Blicker, Ruperl.iPert- Rjiex. er. Mnlachyi, McNlell. ' : lender. Mra. Austin Wnlkcr. X '® Judy Lee Love. Jerry LaV arw jghter. and a *on- wss 'born to Mr. tn d Tlie cln.w :;rdup toured the leader. M. where he wa.* IrralcJ-'and re- Osterhotit.-BuOsterhotii.-Burlev. nnd ler M rs. Harold Atwell nnd daushter. and cnpliol In Boise wlth.Mrs, A. M- . "nieTlie girlRirls decided on prolect* ot Machftcek. W anda Marie Mnchn* Kimberly; Mrs. Bryan Harrisrl* imtl(mtl Mr*Mr*. Bert Hfgley. P.-vul. . ' Icn-sed. temnl BrnndrBrnndmothjr. Mr.s. D tJB Derr, wife of RlcUHeWs jchool1 scwlnir-sewlnir nndai Junior club leadtrs, Hull. Burley and tw'» ctk. Clirtord Allen Moxtleld,f Al- daughter. ~ Hanwn; LynnTljomp- Al the police alaUon. ofier Hol* Hull. Burley berC B ay Middleton.- le e A«en „ ijo'"!*' ' IvU!Russia Is Best, siiperrntendenl. | £ ; ’ ronducUm; the: M ernn.erna. VoyceV nnrt Ec'Jlh Mat- ler ^hnd ^been arrcaiod.. police grnndmotliers. grnndmotliera, Mrs. Ftjiic^ G ;H lunii *on. Buhl: Mr*. Rirhard Ennis, ( • lour ns one of Oie stntr’imisp re-• thew s willwll be Junior Icarlrrs frr , lo^, ___ Miller, W ada Anthony Miller, ”Rupert, , and Xir.r Oeorge Miller. found a loaded J5-callbcr auto- letle. letie. Burley, .ind Mis. .RogCT Lee N eftton.-M arr-Jean ^ TitovTit( Tells Reds• ■ ccpUonl.nts, Tlie studenis ^p^1ll I th th e e Declo Declo K untry Kids, Bonnie ntalle S pistol In one ot his coat Anderson. Declo,Dec N ipper,'G ary lAVerne OppllRcr.r p p S . ^ ------>'Mrs. Stanford -Miwrn, - KUill**; s; MOSCOW..iIflyMOS M tfl-Space-ce- consider considerable lime In the tcimie? WWnlkcr. nlkcr. Junior. lenilrr for the pockeLs. ' Holler's,in' atlomcy*askrd FunerJilFuneral srrvice.-isrr wlU be eo^-B JTonnld Dunne Ceierhoudt, Janet , „ri. « Mr*.. Howard St. Clair, palrlleld:leld; manmnn OhernianO Titov told thc S»-3»- with with M Mr-v W rr explatntnq law Dccloettr* Dceloettrs club and Ruth Ooett- Judge AdauiwiiaJL Monday morn- dueled- dueled nt 1 -a.m,•«. Turidav in Alelha Ostler. Jerilyn Annn P Pape, a ~ * Saturday b i r t h * Incluele a snrt Mr*. Olen McCleerv. Kingi:ing vlet vlel peoplep« today afler hL* re- procedureprocedui nnd nnswerlnT nues- ■ sclie.sche will will be junior lender v.ith im for u del Jaseph Payne Memorial c h * ^ r .n n .^ ' dauBhter. to Mr. and Mr.v-Gene lng tor u delay In arraignment. Jaseph Payne • Robert Vance Petersen, Kenneth r! turn from the United Sintf* thiuIW tlons.tions. Ju.sticeJu McQimde al.«M[K'ke: Mrs, Mrs, Fi'cd Fi'cd Prciton when she or- * ------_____ with Bishop Wllllnm K . - ~ « ^ . K Olenn. Twin FalK-nnd n son, lo , '■ ...... Uicro'*Uiero'* no place like home, lo lhe clns-vc - - • - Knnlzcs n new clu'J, . . • sOLDIER 1 Dale powers. Marvin Ue“ Reed. Mr,° \ and Mrs. Lionel S.-vnche*. SOLDIER LEAVES FOR BliTV aonson otflclnHnff,orflclnNntr Ui.-;t rite.s will ----- Candyco Jo Robertson. - - ilwn Joe Smlihbnuer nnd Dougins -pilov J o .!. Mr. nnd Mrs. V, R. Brls^^, Mr.v The KirKiri* will rlcct olllcer* a t haQER M held In the Oem Mnnon-H ■» tifth Jerome- Dsujfhlent w e r e Uwn iKlns „ o t c in Pravdn, the So- . Mr. nr HAOERMAN. May U — Pvt. held In the O Jerrj- William Rosecrantr. Rob- {J 5 : «»>'»• i»ni Ooooi,„. - ■ viei communist party ncw.spaper;e r-! | Lyle • D«Deeds, Mr«. Rajpli-jyiej'. Uia May 33} meelina. Rull> O w n - Dclmer D ei^er L,'L ' J PHiKsiair icffTfiura- den*.dfJW. Burley. JFriends mav c a U ^ yoflWTy to Mr. « id Mrs, John I Ir.. Mr*. Clifford Connrr. Mr*, sche will aattend thr club congreu (jny fur Ft. tn Dale Rowe. KenneU) Wade unR. 3** Jerome, and Mr. andJ Mr*. nifth* J -I"I rt returned home, heaved In n dny fur Ft. Gordon. Ou.. alter the Payne mortuarymor Monday fif-« Runjan.' Rodney Rex Ruiher* L. T. Sanders nnd Mrs, Odell shnhort o rt concourse ot Mo.«cuw June yipcndlng a ' nlng and until time of « n t " * S i M p h >M»w.ll. C M . »A son wa* bom lo Mr. nnd breaUiIbreaUiIul ot clear spring nlr, and h ;, ? spending a K-nve nt thc home nlng nnd unll lonJ. Sharon. Rae ScoU, Deknar Mrs. Howard .St. Clair. Fairfield, told ,i„the comrade* welcoming me, phnMChntfleld eh accompanied the group 17-23.______- , ■ . ot his parents,par« Mr. nnd Mrs. Tuesday. • _____ . ■ Jcan Scholl. Oene Allen Sc/iultx, . _ . -«r It ■ -ndnnd n anu«h!er w n * ''^ r n‘ to despite all the comfort* cf Amer- ^ Dclnier PJnkjiton. Pvt.. Plnkslon _ - - \ Darld Lloyd Shaver. Betty Jean fl a v Mr. and Mr*. Olen MtCleery,“«fy‘ lea.ic„ there,h, 1* no Und on earth ^ "T 'iwT-u ^ ^ ■ aM ■ y m wllt u k e a telephone mainten* | | | | t t ^ t P l Bbrlver. Bennv Rav SIlbftMgh.I g M agic V alley Klng_Hi!|. g;;;. ______M tc n j once And cominunlcntlon course. Don't U U l l I wCut l Corns I Pat Jean Snyder. Diane Judyth !ai Students JZreseat.____ /. S(julrw. Marilyn ElU Slcven.i, Sharon Rae Stewajt. Tljomasnfs . Funerals Cassin iVtpmorial Ttiovtiiov said he would never for- Snecial S n p p Program / i i y TIAIES-NEWfl ^VANT CallusesCallusesfWartM - -J o m ia .B u llK m Edwin Bvanc-vti. . Admitted get gel "the"tl friendly .%mllrs nnd -'RUPErtT-no.wy.-W lli .be re- .-MrfcNellle Vollm'r. Mrs. Rich-ICh- hearty.hnndshnkeshearty. of the ordl-?, SHOS*SHOSHONE. Mny 14-Student.s ^ > llseNewMagicRub01f| — Edward-DaleSwayu, Ri^aitLD. ,ii o f-th e-Ju n io r hlBh-*cliool_flnd . / , .. ALWAYS BU r Citfd ftt-rp.mrMOTd.irfoi'-Mnn-I-^ °”J1'nrd’5linmttrand-TvntT Frostrnil-naryrn ll- nary A m ericans.-w ho^re'- well '7f; the^.i liu.Kicu(liii Ie»o-." *'*th jrri JI»■ Renn, both Paul; . Elirabellai'li; Cedar Draw Sets5 Ichonw S number*, there were small - I Ooodmnn. AHi/ofi, r t Oerdon A. Welch. Cliarle.i Anih-A n X ‘ Oooc ' i!roup.s. vocal niiU piano solos and \ ;___ pny Willard. Stephen Paul Wll- ' , Concrete\^^iM - iL ^ “:i— HEYBURNrrFunrral. .rn’lce* Special Sunday ■ j Instrumentalhis mmc) numbers *i«»»rT” Ii'« »11.“ I lerTXaKur-Diln-WooarirrAlerL-f -Mr*-Edmu°'rc«vUic:ii_.Mr3. _ . 1> C e lts No Mor« i^ ;f.’ |fo r Mr*. SlRnom Thaxton will'M"*- “ff4-BuirLT-Mnr^»=MrmhtT*-of—P®' Of.— M axlne^ iam lgt Played a llute ' Ilm Rae Woodruft nnd U rry be conducted *t 2 pjn, Wednr.i-J *.1” AlfoiivJ nnlle!3«. K rnnrih Wh1t-i I), solo. Marva Broyles played the y j,, Dean Yoang. and Dcapn n^-«r.I. all Dur-. Iced.ir Dr.iw O rnnje voted to ol)-,*?''>• The future T f lhe twist ITI ThiirORDtNARY-ConcTBli- T hilT O R D dny a t Uie Heyburn LD3 eli*pel • -i.i'chromnjlc bells;. Marilyn Pear- ahaky. I' ___ lev: Mrs. L M. W hlt.ker. nnd serve ihelr « niinuni "Oq in cliurch!'^” ™ ^'’''' , wiU) Bishop Ralph McCombs n ... on Sunday" Mny 27 ni lhe Flrslr,. ;Son pinyed pluno solas; Mltil Van ------o n ___ nfflrinHnp i.nst rllc? Will be Mr*. Presbyterian c.iurcii m B uhl'P>‘=«•'./Dyke accompnnled boys who sang — Students-Finish- Sh^ld in Uie Riverside eemeteo' / ' b y playlnR the auto hai^, and nm- i^«v4s™cra!Maw-jaiDiU*”i:iv-r? and-Henry-Bratften^'^^ftrid^^^^ W ^ h e y l;i rejulnr srvslonJJ^j^*^lo»-w«r«-by-^ni'-SWr.* _ -^Theor^rogramm i l - ih e ^ c a y n r mortuary Tuc.vlny••'dny ■ , lllrth, . 1 BB— Eight electronics theoo'V *lu-*tu. afternoon, and eveninc nnrt un- A soison wns born to Mr. nnd Jtrs. _ '* ; Christopher MnbbuU wM an- Radio t^* t''"® *er\'lce Wednrsday.»y. John Otunnn, Haielton. A daurh-■*-|Rn?i::i\'e“Src S tr.:„•: ^ nouneer ^ nnd David 'Burgesj. nar- denta of the Maclc'Vallry Radio ' j r / l contest und cpeUlnit Dee. M r.v'rator . Amateura club w e cmduab-d _ _ ter w.s bom to Mr. nnd Mrs.)” ' rator. Friday evening at the Fitit Bap. M ■_1 Bradshaw, Rupen. /iT,hmec n tl H endrix'wa* wUi.ier. RI"'; e .., Accompanists-wereAccomp Mr*. Velma ■ , Highest Octane)ctane tl»t church. fS - •I'-*M. Neumann’s' Ire.shment* w rrr served by Mr.[Allenr. I Allen, whoWl directed Uie enUre nnd Mrs. John Krnl nnd Mr. nftdtprogram.« t program. Marilyn Johnson, Kar- Members who pv.ied their «x- |> St. Benedict’s. Jerom e, M rlo'' untnatlons were IJwold Crom-Crom. R iV ites A re H eld st. i e , Mrs. D.W . Rowe. The next m eet.,pnl ' erT Dlile. Joyce Hstmaker and in Townn a t J M l j M • well, Wesley Peler.wn. Vlekl FFuneral .lervlces for Mahlon J.T , Admitted , }«? ts ror .\f.iv J.V . ;Ca(herlne ^Catherine Etorrfeta. Johnson. Howard Marshnll,I, Roy NeuNeuma'nn were held Mondsy!'v- ntM ' Irvin Roberson, Shnvne lii-!~' In- LewU. .W allace Andcr.ionI and«nd WhiteWh mortuary chapel Ly lh lhe . 5ifram. ’""]; Mr*. Wayne Burke. M rs.' i Wayne Forrey. all Twin Falls, Falls. Rev.Rev Dirl W. Rlriille, pa.,tor, of Edwin ; Helnie, «IT Jerome:- Mrsr' , JCcUh Andrr.»fn. Mn., Charlr.iB .■ ,^ .Science Shrihkitrihks Piles ' and Darld KamloK. Duhl.------n r s Fir? l Melhodlm eliureli.' DISCOUNUNT i t " ; . Th« atudenu took courses*ea inIn TomT Holler wns orRnnist ' and „ . Hnnscn.'^Vftiuliv"Pftnkcr,oe\';-'Air“ 5^*., J \T 7 r; electronics theory and radio-tel-lo-tel- Rourrrok Vincent'wns Joloiii. Shoshone; Carl Robln.«on, Rich-?f“New JL l C W a y Witliouttliout Stirgery L - " - e«rapn“^«le-ana-wii-t>e-ellfflble —« , field; Onrv Bailey. Wendell: ' •llfflble — H onorarr-pm ibfarer.t wre-ATe-A . no nilio .n ' ■MeClure.- DlPtrtfh. — tc:rfcrtrii-thrlr-noricelamateur.nateuf. 3_Ander(i.on,-Kr^r-Oe«m-Fyed-Si!^a_ji rtdlD Uceiue from the Jedrral Har Pr” * T itrc-T « n n B — Brntiett, Tu-ln = O t ( federal Harder. Harold Stearly. « « « fvri Fall-r » Stops V . ItcIi^Relie’Reliev^e^PaiiT” " ~ I commurUcaUorLi ummlsMon.n .T The h e S.s Drake. Ou* C*Uen. C. P. ; T..V. .■«. Y. (SM *'*ii-ror lh« •e le tksroutksrough that lulTtrrri nada . H-week course was sponsored by. Bow ■ P- . Di«mlued ■ , . red by, BqwIm, Earl feck and D.• W. , MrMr*. Alion Millet, Jerom r;. ■ ffim " tim« iclcnc* hti foand a nrw ■itenlttilng »tenUtiln •lairrDfnu UVi "PlUa j tlJ ec lu b .. ' ziinDndemoot). 1 xfri V • kMllng «ub>t.nr« wlih (hr »-t«n.• b.Yehi-, P. Gun- Bailey, Wendell: M ichael' h h in r ability' (o .brink hrrar.r. The Th.<«er*t ll a new bralingiub* I wero B on Mauldin. Oeorge Jo h n -; buu " rhoidi.ll"’,"/ tinp itfhltiB, and r»ll.». .o n e . (D Joplin-j Butcher. Dean n te . a ilj C. C.'Robin Robln.ion, Richfield, nnd. M r.v. b i.» . ilBtie* (DIo-DynrBl^lxertry «f KUi, K enneth Stone, ' M.Irrm rrrlit t I atu< aiudyvln. Vemon Ahren*,- Enrl NorvliNorvin Worthlngion. Carey. f-’- • p..n-*ith..utn.re.rT. In7»> a unrlil.famnui»»rhl.f. retrirrh IniUiut*. -' BhotwsU. Pat Pawrwn nnd«1 johiJohn,ion and Bveretl Ahrf;,.v In f» « atcrr r».c. whlU gemlr T ill iul>ninr*lul i> now erfitt Borah. all Twin Falls,\ »ndand Conclu«'inKct r.les were hrld s t ' Dan Rfrlhi ; rel.eriri' in er ti'arMoai j-si-m W allace, Kimberly. 5u„ 1 /1 Daughter* were born to Mr, I IthtinV. Sunset Memorlil park. ,’ I »nd M Ir, j I»htinV»rtl tooV [iU«, unrffr**7hrunrirr Ihr nsmr J ft. , • I »nd Mr*. Edwin Helnie, Jerome.e. I ' • Ve.lama>lnK«(*ll-r«.ulU«

. ' A.' I 'Mc'nd(::v,.Mclondev, Mov M, 1962 ;T m inn FaII>'T',Fall> 7 ,rn rncs-N cw ^ 3 - p^yObsemd I g I ^ H H i j FFAJ’A BarBanquet Is 1171 I Held?ld in OakleyC VKLKY. M,1‘ U —MIC annual m i and son.' t;sn«iiel , HaO P ^ : heUl Friday .v^. , I''"-' U J lor dming, djling,I. and dflyiciiiedflyln diversion tioujr:------'-“--DRESSES(C d d C d “ ^'\.Vendy-Woods'pretcnts-s-piire;cnts-s-piqunnt-group‘ ------i , c ^ ■.i. I’.ikcK \vni'nuu-tn ol of «iryiiry.,fashions fashion in e g jy mood. • Youu'li ll rc.»ilyrc.tily feettc hkc celc- :iii.iui.v Kmiis I’lckeit ___br^Iiug-iU-CU ‘i’!!- this groupg ro u p of S unirner Fcslival y Q ‘S v9riS ^^fez 4 0 ! 9 5 ^ i S 1 ^ I I Z 3 % ;v tr;u;iii(l In the South Fasliio'is ...... STtW* ? , ...i» " «-M Klven •“ .' . ('•,; .Sj«>P‘“ J,‘f-Ot»du#llon rraj'" H»'‘:.j,ll,l Jo tcm m on. ._ ^ ,;-u ./_ •A ii;;;>.-;« Mfir lii.MnlleH -Iilrnt.;.lrnt. 0.i;e Adam.v ,'ccrr-, IE b y KAYSER“ , p ' ' .*•*; t.irv. KiiVKliV p PirKl'Il, i: trra.sui*t, > • / • \ V \ T ^ 'ro S 'K ii ■ ' ■' '• . W * ■ >«=.»1I;J1 Mn-.ev. icpoitei, / ^ , '" . A \' Cl.ii'iOjOu'.. praciit.ll,aciit.ll, plc.m plci ’ng . . . ihp / ' • 'l \ l Oi,ilb.'liy WW fho.^^ll \ j ijeilcci gift, ne,line, ftcnch ftcnch l.ico, combined I i ; \ U I I ‘ '■^''1' ertsy Cfltof> nylon nylon Tricot Tri by Kayicr. I I ' ' * 1 ■5 ■'.ip:,,::: - \ .. ft| | }'■ ' ' '' " ” ^ ''’’'^^’'"0 Of or •ioprtrrtlo■loj'rttriiii p ic tc j...... /■|l ■ -1-' - ■ ,C J o;,,:^ \ ,i,i-:m„.|,,li iiii:m»ri,-.lilli nllaId.^ wcir 1 11 • . 1 11 llimiii.iiv awariLi »rjlt In’ f _ - s ;'-'l.i-v :,,; .... W h i l r l r v , Hatald h iM ^ r 'J Sitii'ii lliotln'i.1 company^ J - !y ■ SUPS ^ •'^ cGOWNS . _itotiiraAd^Kna- , „ .rt.nw Kiive ll>f «nlii- 4.00-.5.955 S.95-7.95S.< ', A rivrn by Evclyn { ■ ■ ' . ' i . . . . ■ LsiiUi' l’a.;kml^lJm’i'na alii sim k y .\Jylruic! . - A '. ' -...... Trnri-rni!:;;n- tni .•rni!;:;r- tn r-'^ H ,^ - Robcrl- *-i------lunlor lilRl* Klfl-' . i ^ B •liDuni, Cl;ii CUiirnce Matlhew.v, /r ^ T KAIF StlPS—S ~ pPAJAMAS— / \i - - j M(Jv fioly. S H Will;iul CMniicy nnd Bur- f 2 ^ • l ynnn 1 BM W M t-KA rllatiliT nd- _____ ^ zg^SSBosaEarm w - ■ 3 JltU 4 .9 5S 5.9A.7.955.! _ _ .y » - ^ . « i , J. uomoii ;.■« «» ^ ■ 8 VViiiic, cre.V'i, bluejiue grflu.grflsj. npriglo, 'nlfit. Sunnyiunny iSays: • H j'-

^'t,r «M V w enl'd n Rift b>‘ | ^ B from • the clo^i 0 : Tas.t([’as.te tiie . ^/^ - BLOUSIOUSES 4^ _ m Y ______- - ' T f *>...... : ;::£^ SUIin(urmy I ------Theyr areore HeiHere!----- ^------^"1" ' i^N', '"M morrnorniag r Ben Crtsey,rtsey, i.i/ Tflyior,T« r r s ; » CiJSUiil CIld ldisils. isils. t-Jcwt-Jc .tra f i H gtfS rS 'uS S r-' 4 '■®^^ibii. Davm-OlMmtr. - jl atal. flavolavoroL. | ' vi'| , I ooilc, Arlcnt Grldlpy. ' , - f c 2;93-3.9?3-3.9’s I] ^itm h. IHedeaWi . M ■ ^ t Ij5Hr-D0t!-Inflnffr“ J " c « ----- '.' ~ j ^ m m - Mi^chcnltq_l^------_V;______------9 ..______B • S t o ! DllUe Jo Lemmon. Al- • W j t d f ^ S n ii. S»m AfcAnuliy. Cal).- McNwlln. Rose Mlntird. V b m ?^n pMmef. David Plntsion. COLOR)LOR INI i l Ruutll. Jo>''' L . ' ^ ^ , . n o rr Shftller. Gcorce StO3CKINGS C K IN 1 W» Fntnl' Zoccone find Rny- M n | DcllKla In thele verve nnd rxcitemeiil 9 M ^Kid Zneeane. p i ; ^ ol the vciisou',-,on',-, new cicolor dlrei'- I, blnitl. cir cimtriiM to / | W m j n B r jom hcart-.i coniciilcoiilciil . . . hO choo.s# .- • ; Grade Scliool 8r^ M 0 'm ^estival iProgram s Set <_ \ ^ fFashions n s / i i o n 99c -1.351.35-1.50 - — STATK-TOI'S CLUJI WEIOJIT• QUKKS.qUKKS. S Mr*. W alter Heprlu. 61: Sixth avenue easl. ts croivnnl ^ Now every hy .Mm. Albert Mayer, who wai atate itale c|urrnc|Uff lant year. nirn. Ilepeto.n. »|idttliD loti’lo«l’ BB3'i Iioundu klncr i|L At F airfield Jolnlnc tlie local TOI'S club In January.lanuary. IOC1961. wa» named kiaie welRhi:lRhi quren idurlMC the »t.ile ® . , J PAIni’IELD, Moy M -Tlic RfV. T Oor.s rS (Take(T orr roundi Kentlbly)r) eoiivenllnneoiivenlli Satuntay in Twin Kalli.’alli. Samt 7175 delecatei frnm Rn V, Dunngnn, ptulor of llie lilaho TOI».STC clulw attended tht one-day Bmeellnc. (TImei-New* pholoiiholol f j wrii*ky in y If'itld Ccmmunlly ehurcU. will _ r ^ S c h e n lc y x» ______U w*»ff lOr t*'« elementary ■ « » | l!"5~ flKcdoTerS ------HANDB)IANDBAGS---- ^ gr»au»llon exercL^M nt jMalraux V l a U Met R'octeRockefEngine ‘ AwareAwards Given J H T yeara and I p. 0. TimrMlny .in ihc IiIrU PILEIt. Mny H -C n ro l Scluiy- ‘ blendnl wilh ew Arrivals! ' $ r *i*i nTnnwlum, U Ty Proyes Success r recelvrd thc Klwnnis awnrJ ir oiibiniiilink-chorus^ member IK g r e y s i™ TSq^afr / I , Palents.'alents. fapesfry,fapi ' r '' W triptikers uill be Ihe eo- XBy i V AKennedy : REDLANDS. Cnllf,. Mny H '^1 {“" ''‘" w " I nSalortuis. Donna Cox nnd J . the nidny evcnlni; 'prlnx U ^ ^ r T / j l morshmollow,shmollow, leoiticrs. .,.\I fr l if ’DciiCOJtclln «nd Mnke Coolt, W WASUIN ASHINGTON. Mny M til - “-T T*":’ h e lnMt«t’“’■K' solid fuel rocket inceri of the “"J biiiid nnd cliurus cnKlne ever built by llie Vi>h<^d 4 r t Allll p o p u la r i colors. . ' I j . nkasorUn, . Prcflldi-nl PriUK)nintai)ttR0cr. KSIM-Il nm\ / m ^ ^ Sundiiy. Immedlnlely bonrdert a buiiticrjulldcr oiof uthe etiKlne. .^nld ll wns Eugene Alexam ■r drive chalrninn. rcporU total BxB.ltinUltRClJici.iKimtMnsiwiti[T0if,n.,Mi. Regular length. • ||*Tli*'c!».« ttlll be pre.«ntcd by hellcoptcr for MlddleburK, Va„ :apable ' of produclns <00,000 cer drive clmlr m B k i gill en lh« go-ifld prtxlpnl Wllllnm E. Sttcet and helicopier [lounds or thrust, donation>natlon.i otot $151.70 Sl for the nrea. 0} button lengih.lei .h... I .r# o»«*»‘*« , AM Bwums oI hlRii school com- u?intretn .nppi•llpptnit. <:n)|)ptne or 3.98-4.98-5.953 .9 8 .4 .9 •WocenwnV the meeting »n i -wbeawinkf^llnttVePM jou ' T^m ------. Iwtponed one day. SupL’ Nlel .. putei. Tnu Pleuani powflfr si»»* » • SHORTS - 7® F^fj Tl'mw, Dltlrlch, will be BUtst:'h-m»rk«l>lo['rrmarkKbts aente of added cnmiort •Wkef. I tnd*nd nciiniMciiniy by noiomg bi>w> " o” liij'9* ^ 'C o 2.98-3.98 '. Q ; j i S m fH'i and second urndo room I S^r^■tnK.V^TTlt■*'^n^tt^un••cldl. ^ BcOitrj will ,icr\'c refreshmenU. I oo« u ir yA A u urram r r t at «ny dnji couaw. i l K K ' , JAMAICAS ' r^V v^ ■■ 3.98-4.98 V\ W ” . S H IR T T A N D W ______J ______SKJRI.SK IR T SETS______SKIIS K IR T 9 .9 5 ' ^ V ' 3.98-^3.98-4.98 ■ T -ro, O P S ^ : „ j i u ------— -sHii S H IR T ------— a.9a .9 8 8 -- -4 .9 8 ------^ ^ ------^------■I > in r. ' 2-98-;2 .9 8 - 3 .9 8 ...... _____ t ______Tw in FaU sj-ii; BEACHIE 5 .9 5 ■ ^ - y T ...... T7.,-t . - ^ GIRLS' JJAMAICA ; — 2 . 9 8 j . 9 s ______y ^ / ? : "Pi LOVELYiVELY ^ ^ - r — ^ GIRLS' CUT-OFFS A SP( . . 2 .9 8 ^ B e d r o o m ------— ------^ G- G IR IR L L S S ‘-< '-C A P R IS ------^ ^ S e t s J ^-gomeMiniz: o i ...... ^ 9 8 - : 3 . 9 8 1 ...... coMrott€OMtOtl - - fif ^ ■ i r - ...... L a r g e s t - SSelection e l e c t cash loans That'st's rightrig h t ComC e on in \/ \ I , ■i" the Intermlountain ounta Area for prompt cash y. Unexpected fifnergency? Call:all on us. Seasonal I f f l n n i J !—' ------^— wheneiwhenever you nd ed m oney. Unexpec Is are piling up. We . OVER 50 SETS TO CHOOSE CHO FROM expensexpenses get ahead of you?u? Let us \ help, ^laybe old bills are pllir f ■ ANttDUE TO VOLUMEOLUME BUYING I .. . make icash loans for any worthy purfDosepui - promptly. .Lump-um p yotJryotJ{ old bills ...... V ------W £ O3 F F E FR - E= R ^ ~ ~ ------togeTher a n d p ay th em olfilf with a cash lo ah ’Trorh' us.. Chances are your" i'l~ tmOTTES—by CoMcsB TDwn.-A-tup«rb C y blend ot «S«S% dacron. 33% c o U o! n ------8« : 9 5 ^ monthly cash.outlay.will’be: far lessjhanlessjh before. Try It andid 'see.-Gsee.-Go om fl-on-lnl-i-^ 3 -.' ------;: ~t01«ESTT PRICESPR r'" ’®25 TO «10000 ,. ...JnfiiAjft'fifetpfopfsi'i[ pcoptc ill toll! j ' ”^ 7 I IN 10 YEARS YEA

” CITY FINANCECE CO!COMPANY ( . / O t i 217 Main Avenue EEast \ t _ ^ A / i CLAUDE BRCDOWN'S ” Twin Falls, Idaho I w s ; : ; ' p Music Phooe; t733-8406 s r . v j ^ liffiiiij FURNITURE Ingdm i Mondoy, May 14, 1962. ■'SlATIONAL-. . — .. -““W W e eU . ,T ry l” COVERIIDVERING THE CAPITAL^PITALWITh 4 Twin Folts Times-New» WHIRLIGIG . PETER EDSGDSON WASHINOTOhASHINOTON. May 14 tNEAl 1, earniiigsrniiiRs in..Mfln..M f,, ' . BY RAT TUCMB • <=Tbert^laifre-ls-aJTOwIng ■ rtg realinllon overtime and tin.m WA8HINOTON, U«r I4-W .lkr P. lU uihtl. r'ylT ; Uiirtf-*ay-p««'tf-*ay-pwe3S>l_»ll U t» «un^)u*nd-ik»ltrtaT A MBMlUitlM at r*«. I. lit!, of Um IdiM Ei « Kllh be made in -h‘ boUilng a line" an hour.'Ur. Bureau of UUi- U IMt tk* T«lB t'tU iK ni MUk- - Iht Ubor movement todey. h u nat InflaUor. "frioge benefit" flgures-^tiI ru re*-: 11 ■-B - a t f• tJ t 1 g once *r#Jn .b w n hU dared smrplus. The Pocatello committcc hc^^ry u j ■fcderal-lnm tm cni In fleJenje prcductlonr w S w rd* lh a t these new frhige for paid vaeaiioiM aridi,;, ^ ! ^ i s would ad 5.4 cent* for hrnlih IcT •followed the traditional course of pulling onijr ;he U)tal eqiilvalrnt u a i a s m any political s trin g s as possible, so 8 ^E *■ cusTO>n:n. s o l k KMrLovKR — ai- an hour. ‘ many officeholders got in thc net. One Bppr«^ot?d.*Se^re»oiulioii ,o atiopiefl unsntntDtW ■rcsedlatlve Industrj- i«u of them, Governor Smylie, tried to steal mentby tho UAW reveals tlie iweep of the neutlicr ven In rounded numbeiu plan to force tJ)o government to take charge of ■ textiles•s 14H cent^^cent^ an lioii — ft-march'-on-overyono-lastjnonth-by-prei- xlJbe iUrwarjllilinBil‘*rtielowpro« uialcjj jq ' luniltur forthcom ing disputea. . J 9 B dieting the-Utah firm, Thiokol Chemical • in j ^ 9 n l ? ducUvityivlty Inertaw inertates a v e ra ^ g 3.5 printingng anda'nd publUhtugpubll;< ]i ^ corporation, would be awarded the min- f? It"P said, In cffeet, thnt “Uie govtrnmeiit If not cent a year for all U, 8. chlneryry 31, primaryprlmai n itu ii« only th o aole customer (of defenio Industries) Bile co n tract I t w a sn 't and thnt brings ..dcj «sto'. ‘. alUiough . S U.8, Steel and petroleumletroleum refiningreft: ii. but Ita solo employer as well." In other «'ord«. . IS lU increased steel lOTnage ^lie . Federatlonl- tho situatioQ practically up to date. tiiuReuther k< aays th a t unions repre.«cntlng defense L V ~ ^ If* lncrtas< . Federatloni.'t mstaiia told per worker U only J.7 per ^ ^ rrong \p ^^d add up an n,, Naturally, Democrats wlio plnyed a “employea P^i ahould deal directly wlUi Uie govem- r i^rrrgM’nnr7-rvr-f^-^,Tyi cent a yewye« aven average. , bencflU-and "claim ment rather than «Uh the ovnen and operators U -and claim ihui major role.in negotiations and purchase xxjbefic-jfliujla______lyway, this fringe benefit in- are receivingecelvlng fnr more' lvco ■‘of the plant wero-more than miffed nai , + l ^ p IV p WQ cr^'oa'top.ofle on. top .of a 3.5 per eent a ihan shown by ihIhe basic - In explaining the meaning of ttie resolution increase in actual wage rates. T lib Li siild i w hen Governor Sm ylle m ade a fllntcment *notiii Interpreting thellic l i e W o year Inaease ii Tlib Ll siild lo bc insit;. to re p o r u n . Leonard Woodcock, UAW vice pres- P O T ^ I n j ; under the existing contracl ale because.xause, "Much of the in i th at pau}d~haye-T'tolen~^emocrHHe-thun- ident. p u t It even more bluntly. He aald; « ■ .-.-.i.-..— I ' ' ■ iillTolilaury"* 3Jf per cenr Nntnt~T»ymemr-t~T»ymentr- arrTVnt der. So Idaho' Democrats and even a “D ^ l t e th e fact Uiat the goTemment plays ■aso. on principal t n i a of part of regular hhtiurly thU key role (sole customer as well a* employer). BY JAMES MABLOW ]y he h* (Theodore(Theoda Roosevelt) pu t Increase, on prln U tah Democrat have jum ped on Gov- canecii e presidency on the front page »“ «■• while olher oUier beneflibenel pay&a It prefers to remain as n ghost at Uie bargaining , WASHINGTON. May H (fl - Uie presidency addltlonnt arcurlly ande; ernor Smylie for his statement, using curenn S h o t s ^ J PrealdentP m id en t^Kennedy, e who has used of every newspapernevsp in A m erla." Thisis brought ddown the wrath niean addltlonnt arc Uble." le President on Uie groimdi exlra .hourlyhourly piiy." fluch terms as “unfortunate’’ and “with- a phrase or two from Thepdore All Uie prealdentxpresK since Roose- of Uie President NATIONAMZATIOfJ - Woodcock advanced _ Roosevelt In Ute pajt, Bounded a velt—someIt-aome morema Uian o th e r* - 11 might be inflationary, so T h bI Is of cmirjcuiirfr Minwitcj cut justification." ■ '------ve asserted some preskSenUal It wasaa withdrawn.wlUidrawi The increase for negotlntor.irgotlntoM lo urKue at another Argument for direct dealing with the . \ J ( ~ UtUe like him when be taJked U> have asserted ringe beneflU was not* In- bargainingnlng tlible. BiBut if thnu Aa a'political issue, th e whole business jqiLemmenij;n5h'‘r_uinn_H'llJuni'J>l!i?msntJic^ iiuure -I. RKAL >- HBLPFUL Uie United /A u U t a m a H M M Ieader*hipidershlp for U« general wel- jn fringe bmefit re recognulng a w onsU jlU ty naUona^r.snary, but the sutkiequent to be-anyany rvulLitlcrvulLitle hoIcltnR1 m Is without justification. It might belong ^ndquent a n d hciivy layoffs ot workers, he said. I t taU took.place the oUicr night Workeri.Workers. Tore,re.^ recognulnrecognumg a responsiauiiy Increase waiwas, if you gel the of prices,Ices, there mn u't n lij properjy in a Pocatello, municipal elec- result • Irom thc Pentagon's changes In dejlgn. during O t t a / -discussion of golf clubs. But K ennedy,to act. ncUon. some reallsUc holdholdlMK de*i; caneeUailon of orders and new- methods of pro- ^ 1-11 In telling t h e ^ ^ H ^ a | ButButitwatn1unUrm«—inUie it wasnt . tion but what’s all the fihoutlng’ about You m l ^ aay the discussion and taequenUy. American Iron curem ent. and for which union members are not its revelaUon. were quite ilium- UAW he intend- employmentiployment ai aet—that congrew Suteequenuy. on the state level? Had Governor Smylle comperuiated. mures e d t o b e a n a c U v e ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j H finallyuUiy u ld In so many words and Steel-InsUtute Steel InsUtu put oui fig- A morelore rcnllsilcrcnllsilc' ■ nppraial'j been correct in his earlier prediction, he •TTiB'government." he «aid. 'should reimburse laaUng. PresidentPre*ident a a n d thatat theUie gotemgotemment does .have a on- what average wage nnd fringe benefit co.’lu to cmplq| e benefit pnymenU are for i, consideredsldered one goodr plicf might have been in a position to point wecach ^ com pany for payment of such beneflta on . The distaff ' aide was cemploin- was acting (of re.ipoa-abllIlyipoailblllly ((«or the general wel- Insure — a t least supplement — an IndusUjTi-Ide ina alwul Rg Boll clubs and ciniflJ- Uiethe general,igeneral wel- A fare.re, U put mem «l of Uie.respon- tnUre Industry. - u m i. insteadInstead of iiiiisliig tlinst and claim credit, thus perhaps winning fund o u t 0 fwhlch such payment* would be {Rf jt (herall tool were so cld it’s a wcm- (are loIn opio p p o a - ^ J K K ^ sibllltyilllty for actionaetl on.Uio presl- . Theyey allow thalU » l average, hour- conccalII wage, ratiosratw s. a few more vo tes ia predominantly m rronu ade.- • der anycoe ^ could even piny wilh Ing IInflatloc n f l a t l o c u r y ^ ^ ^ H v ^ B denUnu • ------Democratic Bannock county. mtaiIn view* of the federal govenmienf* heavy. In- Ihon. you m Further, l ^ claimed rtic bet- price and ' w a g e ^ H ^ K > ^ ^ | 80.Bo. where theirt predeceawrs ‘ - ' 7 Tcsunent In production for defense, aa.well lu lu t i[. tr half, nvelatl the aituatlon had reached increases, .. w a had-lod-lo aasertassert rereaponslbillty under x -i _ • A id_now it’s q u ite'o b v io u s why all la y i n g d o w n Ihflrfir conMllutIconMllutlonal power*, ex- ...... ,V InUrest* In auch equally essenUal acUvitles ha a- potel wbcrc new clubs ■wcic „m eof hisi the Democratsi 'IncIuding Utah’s Sen. ttaniportAa t i d tlon of all types, the Implications of tome of bis philosophy about the pllelt,clt or Implicit.Impllcl Prcsldenu Tru-, World ' Cornersfners Frank Mosa, are jum ping all over Gov- the00 m R e u th e r plan's effect .are rm luUohary. I t •indicated Tbe la thc very near future. presidency. prt*id«cy. \ W hat he sold wasn't maR,-Elsenhow»n,-Bsenhowee-and-K«nn»dy cz> L -i :-zojes ertior Smylie. It’s tbe'old theory* that If would mediAt mean nationalization of labor-manage- ingWbcretipon al»ut thc Head e^ the new,new. or new (or him, But he did hudd congressionalcongresslo blessing for By PHIL NEWeOM demandid greater g r e a t e r freedoa i enough people holler loud enough and m ent relaU onshlps beyond the dreams o f New Fohilly{r» they started « figuring out loud manage tolo pullj a lot of plecoi actingling for Uiethe generalg welfare. By PHIL ^ Frontier planners and, perhaps, beyond their (j^rand anyone finally came- up with the togeiher.together. He said: While buslnebusiness and labor may u pr i Foreign hNews Anaiyil Uiouglit. long enough they’ll convince someone, foenvj moat audacious expc^laUons. ' , "I know Uiere are some people be angry al KennedyKe for butllng Oeneralissimoneralissimo IFrancisco Fran- A manifestonanlfesto LuLisued b; Ui In this case, th e D em ocrats are only elude 1 who,believe Uie President of tho I” o"on them‘J'*'" by telUng them to Iways hhas „ j t,t had trouble'v,lUi CaUiollclie AcUonAeuon WorWorkers liroOe. too eager to use any and every means to cuiEM a BAHRASSm o TO KENNEDY-Jt Is estl- b«« h t to , m l « II >'«■ Unlled fltale.1 ahould be honorary keepep doB-ndos-n pricesptlc and wages.’ he y ,. -belllousrebellious workerawo: of notUi- hood declareddeclared Uuit Uiat Spols'i d' discredit Governor Sm ylle. Their obvious m ated th a t th e federal govenunent spend.f-about chairman of a 'great fraternal couldaid have, but hasn't, pointed to ^ Spain. forts toto lift lift itself itself econamlc4 ago! . - .__, organliatlon 00 bUUo,n dollars of Iti annual budget for lm - “ organliatlon and confine himself wmeUilng elii » pmulinilM ,t ih. iBh hM laced u>.the heaviest burie m ediate o r potential.defenie needs. T h lt figure WhcreupcBut an orfsorlng quickly piped „to eeremonlaleeremonia function*. erpployment ac ' workers. un with. '•And_thcy_were..tecsfld >0 m n c o regime more Uuin «» ihe worker*. doea n o t Jnelude only the amount of fund* do- Family ata —i^I-dld-noMTin-for-Presldent-of- -2-U -cw n_set- l a t ago ’ W6 MilMflM ' 11 voted to foreign aid. for a great deal of this' an] luind flnalh cveiTOienl’' the United United £ BUles io (uifill th at economic advi/ d s U i k e s .U - ^ ^ H K B H flnanclaiiai subUsubUity,” ity,” the rf;cr, ■ The Democrat want a weak Ropablican money mi In spent In UiU eountry. It must also In- t_.ik .r ■},, . . . • office in thth* at way. I believe it "f(»mulaleffmulaie and recommerul nn- ' . . . b u t we demand Us elude billions fo r subaliUes to shipping, commer- „ mal economic policy to pro- Bomlneo for governor to improve what- ./ OAROEM FOR FREB . U J* the»>e businessbwlnt of Uie President Uon»l economl. in in the tho necessarycessary sncrlfisacrifices be eit:} clal ftlrUnes, reaeareh and many oUier aUlod Ite employment, production and L .! iver chances the Democrats may hnve wmeoao to use gar*n to concern himself with Uie gen- mote employmei category a sB H B b isfl dbtrlbuteduted ...... In m:many wayiii projecta. , . boufiht lh with, " Mr*. HarHtWer prnrtdency. pf«rt a BH nd, spaln has ru is opposed by two men In the June, G controveray. c*pi» position, n-as a steward of the January.nuary. IlIt didn'tdldi drnw much tti- “ ■“ 2 “ “/ pain has ru b lere d kt VfMAT'S NEXT position, wo* g h d o c k spectacularcular giiliis.giiliis, I Republican primary. Elvin A. Lindquist Uncle JSiun would beccme an economic die- .*?I people bound actively and af* lentlonillon at the time,1 ' and' George L. Crookham, Jr. He is not U tor. y o r if h e adopted Uie role Reuther would W “ flrmatlveiy itt*do nt! he could for Andtnd no one. needed,1 tn be sur- ,h . ^ I J h trie power nnd coal u Lied by Kennedy's Intrailoh in ^ production have loterf running against U ta h ’s Senator Mosa, letesforco iion him m the defense field, plain econom- you moke 1 the people, and not conient him- Pfl-'ed by Kenn ica would require him to police aU other seg­ self wilh Ihe .negative merll of the, slMl'dUpulstcM lspuls eve.n befofi Iho » 3. FertUlicr».-ceiiicnl tt 'Idaho’s Sen. Frank Church, Rep. Ralph m nedy» ents o f induatry. . were homeowners wfio lookw ai n inomle report came out, lils ner gobdi pour bul tm — Hnraing: Demodyatlc c andtatmrChHrlcr For ft labor bigwig who did 10 mueh lo e le c■ t" tliciii . . '^ll'i . v“ »y 0! miei- ^a napkin."napkin,- , uraing boUi ^ Herndon oFany other Democrat. President House Kennedy, not only in the automobile f ii: but they didn't-ealeh-wi-too .- ntLv- T O .r liili currcncy is sui>it.»S capital of Michigan but also tn several sU tes u Teases wa.i all .forejihndowed tected steei, hei • Those w orthies w ouldn’t bc so eager fa.it. But after a while, more and j,i„nceblance beiw beiw en. tlje iw o'm ctC Increases wa.i neu year the govemss where th e '‘Big Tliree- have branch plant* and more ». 1 ....people - started buyinfi.the b&tj, o l win speeches he made In th e 19S0 and electrical wo .to jump Into the picture on such a % both of, wiiom understood thek In speeches he to double inve.sunenu s subsidiary conUoctois..Reuth«r aeems determined power , ‘' ‘'i, “ mowers, "J maybe because inipoiunce-’lhipoilance-’t>f'slaying In the eiunPalC".UPalgB. beforebef he-' became and Oulpuzcoa Oulpuzcoa provinces p In the J S u ltSIture r e inand d tolo boostb Indiuvi phoney political issue aa the missile con- to dnmnKc > or discredit Uie idminlstmtion's pol- everyone ‘ir r t.l was geUlng too soft to publicpublic eye eye ti U) b^pc^suftalve•.•even cldeiit Pre.ildent. nofUiI arid and Uireatens Uirea to spread J K wJbllc c work*works InInvesimenuil Icies In th is im portant field, for President Ken- powered by 'tract unless they had an' ulterior pur^ pujh a lund mower. wllh ihtUie help of their fanilllM. AtM thar time he wa.i saylngi »UU furUier. to 25 per oer cent respecUvely.re*D( nedy would w ant no sueijpotfcr thrust'Upon him. were home In Uielr book-"Tlie Prc.ildency "WlihoylWlihoyl rejonreiorllng to the cjjm- ThUis is the areaarci of traditional , pose, namely, an all-out effort to beat O r- Um % o n * ewith- who objected to the noise summer, about elghl am­ I tw ld -get elertric-pcwered mow- Today"-EdwardKo 8 . Corwin and pulilonWon of wane or price cprtfrols. left-wing and con ourists spent around Smylie. * It i?n)y trj’l^j t? flrl*'t Ihe mftn In thft White UuLi W, Koenig In 1850 pointed the• ■ President ' Presldenl of th e / Unlled tion to m n c o , Candidates can’t be expected to keep House further to the left than he wanu to gol ^ I dollars in Spain, cut that "Roosevelt was the first SUieslies must activelyacll u-ie the pow- Barcelona whe .U1.C... * V u nn..",» in mind th e purpose o f prim ary' elec- of the ‘ alooR ^ mmodern ij^ n ^ ppresident T ^ of exploit fully ersI of leadershipleadersh In pursuit ot threaten,ilfn u-na was n a nrlnclnal r*. mUChmuch remallUremains to b« to xU 'roiUnff-suick 1* a a < . mowej- and In hardly anyUme ol Uie ^,8 p<»sifimiposlfiUllles of rallying pub- well-definedIl-deflned goabroi of price sUbll- publlcan^stronghicanlstronghotd during-Uie tions, so it’s- up to thc voters to draw being m ere is • shortage ci i the battle lines in such a wny that Dem- VIEWS OF OTHERS ; all.il.K c m ed virtually evoyone ut.opinlon-t>Uc.oplnion-behlnd hl»-pollele.i." Ity,. Por lh(»ethose powerA-ofp reason, war and ,n d has j,, remained a owned nt least one power mou'er. Besides all irnl suasion, and Inftirmed pub* center of underg I houses. ocrat opposes D em ocrat and Rcpublicnn VANISIilNO 'BARRICtLV piuh a luC Besides all Kennedy's personal mornl suasion, a ■.I of underground commu- nouses. T»er alnce the wnght brothers showed manI Nowadays jhese wh you see an occailoaal .sppeirance*appearance* o n . tcUvblon. a t 11c opinion, influencinglr public a \tiopposition. oppo.iitlon, - n»«ee-0 are fears IUiai gortf opposes Republican. L e t the Democrats bwrieihow to gel off the ground, aeronautical engineersI „„ijhomeowner riding around on a meeUnga, meeUnja. conventions,« p u b l i c oplnlon-haveInlon-have byI no means been ^ natural complacency and Intert U JJ,,, lh.L >1,. SSJrtSTSS".; choose their best qualified man while Iiave be rio< been fretting over •Uarrlers” which have• power „ mower. * When everyone gets place*, and-news eonferen«.i, the exhausted lo da ng could erase Sptf the Republicaris-are following a similar aeemed to Impede progrca.i'In the exploration ® i , , Kennedy elan sutys in n«ws and .. As\sfor.whaLJietoId.UieUAW-« for.whatJi £oTommcnl.■macnt. shouldshou blam e-the modest,.. itandarditandiird bfof living |ui of the ocean of air. B ut somehow these, upon picUire*. thalIt he intendsIntendi to be an ncllve strike} cnon communist*.commui • and leaveive Uie counlrcounlO' (a» beU« : whafs the next step? P’iimion R< uldcnt and nol Ju.it an honor- othersaers believe Uie explsna- Ka prosperouskipcrous neighbor*neigh la is being- approached closely, have been found to be mowej-There-s and an ejsy way It. end aU Cimion Raisller In his book. Prwldent and n And enough of such phoney Issum. nghi-Ifnaslnary, or. much-caster. to-sumiount- thaa aIl.lt..Hcn -The American PreMdency." aLvj ar^’; chairman chairman - hb campaign goes deeper. . Europeanan common imarket There's enough wrong with the stato atmctianyone h a d supposed. I ownedihu rtatus nt li seeking or whatever it in 1PM jp jj noted that "wUh the iu-lp specchcs■cches ot 1960IS abounded in leal . tolerance seems It . Is, allhouRh the Initial investment g, :h promlies. Preasures« u rea on PVanco com e PoUUcol .tolerance and nation to provide legitimate de- Back In the 30* and tar- • I|y^IIYMAN. M.U. trcaurientaurie'nVmay' may lesien the inlen- ' ' ‘I in Washington, D. C., already had given because m « th e ■ necessary strength, llghUiess and' theo1il. male yard Boston bul) being given Wrillea wrllieii far Newipaper slly,• of the lrInfjctlon. prevent '-^3swald“Jacoby, ‘3 »» C*. J, BriBridge o ut word of the te s t. 'Fhe test' wns con- heat resistance is obtained through a comblna-I away. .nd nalnt The I pooch Is dependable. EnieiEnierprlae Assn. complicationnpllcatlon andai keep th e dl- ■ ------r—:-LDlULi ducted underground, a type of test thnt -llOR-of-tHnnlum-and-honeyeombed-slalnleas-sleel p^obif, 1------\ ------TThe he nasal nasai passages of Infanta r.esscsc from .iproading.ipr lo other consunictlon. , ind young children - are easily suwepUblecepUble membersmt of Uie GUARD CONTRACT.:CO _ la heaitsrts-lf If he.can he can fm«**^ hns been reported d ifficu lt or impossible tns. hi All fo^-fcee is a 3-mriines v j n\> much Rreoter Marine Col. John Oltnn, the first American to away. The iiay be more thoseise you you buy cover ihe counter. South looks look* furUier he can » __ to convince the communists of the ex- pushaveIim th e opportunity lo find oui. say.i there’s no I wonder X if any of your readers. m. fuf itrnpi rnnlnln ii fntnhl. ' : - *~ L iwo-iurtulcksrtulck* in tli'Ui,e_»I^^ — ccllenee-of-Americnn-gKdget« fordetcc-' prot>leni. WelghtleuncM Is .a comfortable febi-: woilliTcomc'folhe aid ol a boys n'uij»nce.^ni«nnry r^p&•! r. nation;lon Of of drugs drugs lhat effectively XONORTHr: u All heem must ust dod o 14 I i tto o l e a d W -tio n -o f fttomlc-tesljtr-Yet-the-possibility tng. he say*, nnd spacemen can ent ham sand-. ciub-Wc-nccd.beci-ld-add-to —.i , r .m , our. elaltrlf-»be-Saltrlf-the^n-•5^^^^^- ahtlnt-niualji-Ink-nasal-niembran#*,—“ITiey.------. — ^ — twlea.-Thc-defcase.-Vm ^case..wlli..uk^ wlehea v m n a m s v f n n ir B m B i n jr K it jin ii f n n iF f r, woiii U« »w » > » « • ’ pped exactly the number of wnlracL free wOrid'inn>'" take i f n"« an IfulicaUon to ^eir HKLP TO ACED TEACHERS ■^(aUR somc'of Ihr BUL1.6UN BOARD fore,ore. are are not not aimed wholly h t / “" P P ^ exactly ■ * * k ! o .rhuoinlncl. Aj - Reader. HatdlMi, OlHi.Hid securmglecuring comf comfort for th t baby br p» your doctor has ordered,; , « ^ CARD'SENSE th at' th e U. S. still, leads in nuclear Mayor W ap ie r has asked the Rovernor lo veto iHnl mny I len thli 1,1 done, again place _ » o OT. CARD-SEN! pensions bUI.n lh a t would give additional benefits we folks rion'l wnnde tnow of .luch a ploce ehllUihllU with with ar an upp-r re.iplmtory 'y ’’'" “ '*■’ <<' .and--TUTOildn'i--prtnl=the-nnmf‘-or ntecUoa.-.Htev-mBy- also: tm ;rt-i ^■.e->o“n!fit«r.-a.-)-oungiUir-ao-hl*;#i(le;fOt^a.r lth_Weil ; NarUi-eut...... ’ ' to the city's teacliers. policemen- and firemen. ■ momcnt.i, l N.T..T.—Pa..- Pa»« .lK.T.Vp.« Q_T&'JiaarnrhairejiaaW i«*^S X -.-The UrsriciTd mayynot "prevent n u cl^ address if we ilid on na-ounio of ■ M ^ «»uu„. i., The governor's position In the pa.il ha.i properly Vhrii ytiu nre sure one side is a P a u ' . Noeib . East, S*< ” w arfare o r even a ssu re victory—jf there only » how lliM's adverlisins, Bul lh«, len-atlon of normal hMTinK- t been th a t the aUte ahould not require such ex­ «r. place the youngster on the Opening)penlng lead-^4lead- S ' i m . * can be victory—in such warfare, Neither penditures.^ which ought, to be dfterm ln^ bv the nexl time you're in toM-n, A. ciptnie' ^ ' m '.i I ■ Yeu. South, held: iar>' experne, have your dwtoc ec slile. That ^ Is to say with ______■ jloes a burglar alarm give assurance ciiZ.-'rhc.masoLia.oajound.ground-lf-fas.wanu —~fC,To—£miglil contact llie Salvation Army ij,e ' Reared pas.-iage down. Then ------»li *1 to delny acUon on pension* In general until all . “ a g ain st burglary> y e t it gives a sense lone y or Red Cro.«, Sorr)-. ^ ,,eni to have " weat theu>= drops.I 'w ^ in s thele conu-acLcontract, Afterj Uiat. you I S l i i a i w l j S u a i the factA have b ^ properly esiablbhed. eem to have nothing more than w ith 'both d ■ o f security,, even in th e ak-icnco of bur- helped /lUi'boUi pa.uagea cleared, can andad ahould Uilnkthi about irer- But theae consldemlloru do nol apply to the "on I k in ominary cold. Remember Uist P the child up In a aittlng tricks,, but not before,bei - ' fflara. ^ltcnM «' l^lll.'n>rbndinii:’iuppl«niAntiU~p«ntionnistp 'and.-ru-uuldnFAMOUS iJlSTJLINE mnany n r mmore-serious o ^ M lofections tje- ^ lU o n Brsure ' . . Th«s« fifei win’f blow d ,, with wha lUon. Be sure to prevent both SouUiIh can can count cour two hearts. ' J O0DAr« D A r t QU*a poim "'' „ T hat’s w h at th e U. S. nuclear ilctcc- to older, retired teachers. Tills measure, aould sdJrrM: if i :ln xvlih what anpean ta h? a overhcailngrhenimg and tn< xiu!flnrA.i- of three diamonds and■ two club* Your p a r tin.r n t r rrtbia^ only a tte m p t to give 10 these teachers a unall oyfi" hn«- th.iVs . I Wtmplf mple'muck niiaclc nf the sniffles, ihf bedroom bedroom -t by keeping ihe for a toUI of sev do you dd a®"* tion system amounts to, an c/fectivc GENTLEMAN IN THE j Such fnr exau toUI of seven sure tricks i p 'tft. w h at do you burglar alarm. Y«t:part of b e n e fit ntrearty enjoyed b>' other city nexl lime iuch for exauiplfl as mruhles nnd roomm temperature temperatu below 70 dt- a t hUI three no-trumpno-ti contracL 7 „ . ’ i employca who have rellrtd 'mote recently. _i„i„ FOURTH ROW SnIanWinfanUli paraiyiU.p « l a these grecs. He.hus twopoientltwo poientlai extra trick* Aa*wer N aiiN u J l I M . The pUBht of many of 4hese teachers, afier I? n^ i ^ . long years ot service. Is despemie. They must be £ helped, w ithout further delay. We therefore urge the governor.- In ihe lntere.it.of decency and „ hum anity, to Ignore llie mayor on IhLi L\.iue and . TF to acknowledge tlmi the Miicliell bill b nol Ju.M *“*1" . another peaMon blll.'li should be slgned.-New CE Vork Tim es ------^ ^ ------

oy. May U. 1962 Twin Foilsalls Times NewsNi 5 ' Assem bly fo r W ^cague P ic k s A w a r d s G iven * "ommissioncr - eek Blaine Dcmocratilocratic, JM ^or Baseball Illty Commissionern er PPo o st FILER. May 14-Fraiik Cir.-r. ' 'i'. M.IV 14 l-'ii\ir im-ll Ilr ll.is bum bUIll ilifIlir ,Moir builfl- ihe_ Dlla intiv ninl ,'i'irral -iiiii. '— mLnl'onT-of'Lislonrr-flf-the-Maclc-Vallcv—:— l )uih B.*.'»ball league.. > > |g K , J F i ll, iiii;en»'ri«~rirsr- ...... - j l M V T ^ - rr r r^ T '—CTTViiVi-^'rr^-Hr-tn-r-nprmrcn -^m vrorn ujuj/-Kf>i’H------. coiiimU'IciiicrnimU'loiier 1in charRC of ruli-.' , '.Ii.ilnl l>v 1!-.>..,I1 K*’ik 'l”l''■ ."liur -'liur HUT'I'nT •. . I5i, C*“ \voo(J..Juiy TMhjin- . J l t . id will be a.'ststcd by com nili-. g k lil|> ...... I.' Uiir M-rklii;; IlriliMl. -'llil.x if ---- trec inrpbrr*t'nrpbrr* CCarl Kelly. Kilen:- . Hi,Illll,' Kt-s ■'^lUll>..hi- wili In.-1».- I),-I1.1.-1 1(1lo'plra:r pll :i:r Touehette. Filer., ulld Dim' DnhLlw oretehen Dd- ^ tt ^ 4 y C>rll Toiifhett' 'Mill' I'liii.;, .Ii'tm [; lr.^l(1nlt•. I'f iif m.iiiirlll,,iiir I'li'.iiilvn,;ii .Iiirl ■ ' Aniire«f. Hazel '••ii'i'h iiul Oil.i Hk'i:^.•cll;l(l^lct ll"'■ ..I'liiii..i.iiili bu.Miu.'.-bu.M in ? l i : W\ RnucTi'RnutJI HandHandock. Sho^hnnr.; h .. lii.mu iMUIilv ii-l.'n ii rri’noiiii-.'.ii m.iiiiirr. ■t srconii:' .i ■lniiiilin,r'lln’ ■n>'«‘vli>i>:in: Mi'lm'ciiniMill,11 ci.mlMn'.' a- i;iri>. Filo; Lfonnld 1'riri.Mni. ■ r - • • t ,'iiil IJiMUK'i.inijiiiiiliiiiilc. Ill'lllli' ii .u vhii'i> ;I(>;t!ii,iu ' ^ i a - « n '‘ln.''-B“?^lCrKSl- MM f e Kliiilicilji”iiib<-ilj."and and 'C inuac' RtiRiT.'^.------.(■•r ^(n!^•Mtm^•lll■>l>,T-jIor'thr JtirK-K"r.iV''!|;!’,p’'l.,ir;„;i'', ' FTP.hl l.llllr LenRue Irnms will il<‘ liuliAay ,'li(i|).. :iv i'i Sl« in^ P^* br 'loiinrdloiinrd nnd al.%>< eit:li( i’oiu : 5 - ^ lhe tlub* mc«ibf«, I l ( t t irnms. Ttircr Anirriv.m '.iiul i>ir,.:ilriii III 111.' m;i.sii'r jii,ili.mifI'li.iiiif fur luuIum 'r.ii.A, ir.im* vlll be Indudi'd ^ ,.l i l a l i i . M.-tc- •h;.-.i..i a.a, VII,1 toin 4u -^ f‘T i , « Clide AllfH .prtwiueii _ liUm\ ^ J U . Pep ^ub... Ih-Kiciri.. - . . I OiM.iliouv v lu :r hr i,r..;;ur j.lay - r ttt- O n n iT ^ r ------' . V ___ ..y ' -Rniri> Wd 'siitM 7 «clv: g n . *' / ' i“‘*' ..S b i dfanmlle » t> ld c n t g t - g j lill Ihr Ihf f^r.^tflr.^t nf Aueum. All' T O T .'y».vJ! I'liH-lina' »'.thv limr.vt lo ^■Mliuni.ai: tu iu 'n ;.* !'^ ii[.i.uloiiin. .' Dile Zell«r *'><1 ^''idu • i t i M «)uri)anirniiiiriianirnij \will i-tmclude In '■ .llw niuipini'iitinnit Ml'hnr. H.' hv. I hrld Ih:.^ tcctlvcd »>e c‘»«n»Jilp > ^ S | 3 thee niMdleml,Idle of AurujI. Tounm -- .• irtrH. • • *■ t J J P nlcni">ilfs;nr>ilfrwin-tie'aRtTmjnmi-nf win ------'■'.J. ilr'i.z 'il' ji! iihlfUc prwcni- a l.itfr tlnir.tlntr. • !• V. . i fiiiir In ir 111 Itu-r.iilv ' Hirl;,* saj.s.U.S. 1 li.iif U1, rn i;,. ^ 1, me bo>-5’ »>id ElrU- bttMcci- . Cl.iuilr R Rosers,or Eilfii. will c ." ■ y f t I «;i.\ 11 i)ii.'ini'."iiiaii in si,.ll |„n »l..iiii'ij|,,iii,' n-uii;'..i imii .,i„l ^ (eiiM. the roocbnl] tt&m. srivrIVC nsni chnlrrchalrmnn of th f tou;- liiir lini.i.'Mvlulmi: lal»l'„„^„ •d n ir U'ui', U.S. lllanir ^ (be tract team membcr.i. n.unrnlinrnl fommluee,fomm: a.-LslMfd by; i\ V,'''raiJj ;iK raltk-m Ihr Slalitim ^..,|„,Vlinl'ir. [I u.n, h.iu- Mrw'il lf»der . »«ni “» ILUJSTJIATI.VO ILLtJSl ON rAfKIl Uie kind »rc lirliI(F llial Wllllnmilllnm Baxter Baxter, Buhl: J’pici.-on. I , ’ ■ 'm -hiiiI ti'riinriM M Hl.iinr m,.inr nmiuy ^ Greet). Llndft Oravej ond cnntlructed M nttructi over Salmon FalU creektek iirarnrar ('Cuntlrfiiril In I50K It Klmljrrly,.mljrrly, and Wllllnm Oakley. ; :.lH'...U'd a uanmr ^ l l l u,.,,,.,crimec fniiimilln'fiiiiiinilln' rrlialitjian . I S / Bleelr. ^^rs• »««ry Nte- W. w . >t.M. 01(1>.O: Otd> »as commlulanedmed Intci buildIjiii tlir brldsr afir/ Ooodln:.wdln:. UT -I.-i II yraiA. This :,ii,l l.nir.-.n-vi'.UN Hl;ilni S p rfs * n l« d commercial h hijh ith flo» , r. uiKl Iln n ci)iv.--liui'- ,• l ain well.('11 »«,uc ii«.uc tliiiltlial 111.' I.i\ efiswa Scholflslle flw tlrd ^ the ,he hrldjehrlil* wa» under eon'iinicllon.n. OldxOld\ i>»tiller lielprd the mall lnclu|l!duilt Buhl, ■ Kimberly, Pller. -X V. v / ' Iioli «»rk. l-'iiiiiii"“ un I'.lll to luia hu luitd ii|i>iii-y , t’l cmiir ^prtwnwi^y-RCddlnstotLl'l -drivet-acj.<)rivec-auuft^tbc.river-.aud.sani£_Umtiiatcr U m cilltrr -:is>N lrrt tliF I' S | Fdeil.len. IlnZcHolIlnzclton. ShoiJiont .and :r.T.v ' . i V. . :«TV.-(t in till- MMlj.r.. 1XI1U.V:. If fIrcU'd n.v j5{Tin Drown, vftlediclorimi. m »nlull — ■ ’''■'‘‘‘'LL— . 'I n . Mv t>(ilu.v:. It f ir manhall in arrestlni the man ai a train robher.ro tTlm rxN rwi Oooduig.XKluiR. vVv*.^ ^—[” T li'” |>''''!*1G''>Tnr.<-n.'..nc v n r-n tn in T n jffi, ■ rnuiuyTiny c c-iuiiiL-—iTc=r--rn'iiuiiil-''Ih ------S Urty Lynch. snUitnloriaii. ^* * * * — J in the cmi'lfUcUiiiin^lnll.'Ullll l>ii-ii.-'lllMS and'!,,,. t„,„ o( «jlnctrjleeonimiy. n c lrjl econm Wllll sateen »tudenu made lioiior- . [* * * * ——S— ii>:x smiiTs 1ivn.i.iAMV1I.I.1AM v u i m i o e UhriK CoaMruciioiii,III cvfr>i‘n f.. I am re- . . fiiur fiiaine ciiuniy men who >er&k (IirOir Demo,»emo«flUe nnml- (ilrijii; Iroinm Bun Viil'jrvViiDrv oprj-.-i. r.r;if.A«o".?'r CoiiiC o u n ty H isto ricial a l GGi r()u i) Sets Manikm Mai Iim (nr third ilM rlcl toiinly enninti*«lnnrr.iti*«iiiner. TIThey are Ihe . thrIC .‘.lalr*lair* hr will Iry lo fol- „oa^. nflerT 33 jrar*Jrar* ol .srrvkr, trlduil Mhlellc »»Rrd« wcni to .'.nine polu-u-.s ot econ-'^,.,,, ,|, ■ T T - \( a • NASHVILLNASHVILLE. Tenn.. May f r^ndld.te. ranilldalei hjtlnK compclltlun luu Ilie June 5 primary '0“' 'h f .'nini' polli-ir. . and shall Ihcn hiur 14 i,|\-Pollce rushed to the rlfrllon.•llan. Thry »rrk, the po»l vacated f>jIn HaN»elln a » cll 1Dt3nken«hip. "niy in ndinintoicruii:ilmintoicruii: county nl-f„„,p,5 ,i,„pu(« loto dcvouiiicvou. lo . Uie . . gs,£: ItsIfs FFirst SummerirJl'icKl Fie Irip janks ot lhe Cumberland . I n l>. rrllrinc afler a tunr period of pxrvlrr.irrvlfr • Mlr* which:h Blnnkni.''lininiikni.iliip. rcllrtnR|jj,„j,., Dlalne j„„ntycimnty coimhls- wns pulh-a Into the nuollcn. river after *a caller reported ^ ^ ------'-.------coumiK>ioiicr.nur fiir f(ir dh dlMricl three., i .^.. . ______Hr«t n . . t 11,1field trip ot tlie 'summer It »as pulh rxrntcd over his lonx ^ . : ------. «ftsonjjensonulll will bc tnken by member* fwu l flowingflowing. Mrcam, Tlie Jinck «•'*'’*weing a-woman'*‘ -won; body floal „ .Hid muffins, which wrre “'e r of Oiff Ta')ii~ n UJi'COuntpWir^’^ninrrd T rrf ovi.i-ovi'i- nnrf-orei-ln-tht-w B - —uadcrneaUi_ajridrrnfaUi-a.hrldg^ U l t n g y a m ilerTlcr. i , , c t togram-Held-bj^rriSs:;;:.r_icfrc*hmcnu. _____ l P £ l ^ r~de5crt[TeT^Wm.'r)/—flA- T h..,,.. ------L cclicrSJw l l c l ' —SJlDJi p______Hc^lieme STStorlc.ll snciPty on .S u n d a y to te;r. r. biincliiKbinicliii nRnlni.1 'llie Ice, AJ».l A boat wns... kuncnca. . IC Walker, J ; » » - r 'l i - a < l e r * ; ; ^ ^ V , ^ " ; r ^ the B.Unnccd Rock area near Finallyinally u wasu pulled lo shore (hche "body""body cuiturned out t£> be a flp/>l/k J I A all trades', Hc ha.* S r r r i r r A lilt B.Unn leparimeni store m anikin. l ^ t Liclo I U 44-H - 1 Club u.,l«nmenu* for I i^c ne; I a Mirchniiic, has work- oScrvicc t r c t c o Ca.illcford. nccordlntf lo Helm andId the m;iilm;ii driver hitched up deparlmcni st For Program Porterfield. fS iS , proRrnm chairman, nnd:id dcp.uicidcp,uicd. '• ______DECIO,CCIO, Mny H -D em oiutrii- d con.Mruction nnd doiiei oirrcl Malttall Adverli.sinAdverli.slnR . . . '* tlmu. -ucip n e «lvcnKivcii hYl.lny afler- ' ilrtR. lie w;l.^ in the' Miimillhlnging . . . PersonalizedPersoi MLns l^rtcrfleld snld 11 1.^ an- TJieTlie mnn rr-rn ie rrd Oldv life business Jn ihr Ban' I.eVcrs,.. ,. , AddresiitAddres:,ing and llclpnted W orthy M. Oldi. pi- «hcnhen Ociic :Mhv. ihcn U.S. mnr- V Q h I a c U s e d by M IA '. Solosobal Is •and La* AiiRde.* nrrasi Mailing •SerYlceSerYlce . . . Photo- oncer of Jlils nrca who now-re- Miniml ftlM Uuhl.Uiili cftlled upon Olds » • O U lU O I ycnrs before coining j Copies . . ,- ^,rd^^ nl mo Second nvenue west, nnd■Id nnotiiir iimii, fV.ink CluiLf. r I t T » * .i Ip.idrr.MlA. Au^l I'wln FnlH, will be tour lecturer, toI accoiiipniiynccoiii|>;iii lilni lo the Buhl l U(onored j i l U r c l . at Kite n.i. D..rnnRio, pnrchB.Mng the property, u titj r a nw in A .Society mcmUerA will meet nl hold nnd ni Ihc North Fork ilbre.i lllLLo:s UtOF lUAIDAHO" Did and nrir.si n mnn wanted auPERT. Mi :w ia Couniy 4-H mem- u-, ,„i|m north or I the bandshell In Ts'ln’Palls diy forir train robberyro nenr Omaha, jgr Valen r ^ rM U prnperly p e r i y " rel a mble. olhfr C w la Couni s north or Ketclimn Is annit T n u l Bldg-733-4563Bldg-T sriT :r.r5 'z pnrk a l 1 p,m. for the trip. Wesr .MnyIny conianedconianj OUh becna^f Olds ppijijrnicdebraied by Ithe Rev. Malachy _Mt.v.t.N. Walker Walkei^e denion.slrnted bat- bers Junenc 31-24. Ilocnlfd, I P lUke Mr^ dfttice P.-iilnv end mcmt)c\f-'should meel th& pavie.'^stdi«r.'.sed n loiiK barrel .41 re- McNldl Siilurd ’^lUlJieMurtutJlfhwnrd LDS g„up j„ , :Nldl Saturday morning nl St. Kroup In the ccnter ot Cftstlc- volvcrjlvcr nntlnnt! May^ wanted the biR- fjieuoin.,choln.* CnliioCalhollt church. nctttlon hftU. - ...... — rord-ftbouirord-ftboui. 3 i>jn.-Plcnlc luntli- rcsI handuu Ksl hanilKuiJ *ln tovin when lie opjilil>e.u;r .in ;« .r.. -.a'ere~£!tdero~nol. dance or- evenL* evenLi thnttht . happened nround nolol nfrnld "of" m nn or beast." Frank Jouglard. Jose UriRuen K {hetr»' tap d u n c e , l i r e - of exeessivexces-iivc water. Hlfth water ley were.laklnK " i„ lhe mnn to Jail thee Ruperv ceicemetcrii., » < r^tiTU m nce Tolman »ndivwjttj^jtithad waahed ovit the brldRe In ^ «> r t K l i ^ o n . Old« snld even rock ° Idsf lenmed ^ Ih n t ihL* man wa.* ISKi Ejberl. . ^ ihc'flllijon le driver of th e mall hack thnl walledilied unlll mimornlnR,' • ' I !■) ■;,£ A Ita »how directed by Mrs. nbiiunentsnbuunents were washed away. f /'''* ;" .' Jack Henih wns commissioned erowca•owed incth c 'c re c k enrllcr. Winterswinters wallwaited uiMlI .the p n l r j p ; , • R.-pfWsian, W1S presented by JMk OIiL* rcculb nnoilicr inclrtcut d awakened Rnd then cnptur* 1 Buh Uintii. Curtlx Morittn. to w replace ihe abutment*. Olds ‘0111* rccul Uiem aJiDe Ihcy were '»ash- : cirr-imtfn tffn n fth Huffman. look the ”mcn.*urement« and scl while the lir tof i™for breakfast. H< brouslit Uadi R»s, Sidney K beri. Lyn- m x n e r' mcm w uu m ucUmi- atBke:— ^------l*mi«t«d^-4a The wooden bridge was con- roadIBd work nndi brldRC building d on horse bnck. Tliey were ^ 6 Stutnr;Dou8lM Wall*. Ilene ere camped in tenU In lhe “"“ / 11''®” * W*to, noRer Tfllmnn. Jr.. Irene alructed fi™ ' *? ’In inke-down wctions were campc e r taken lo Carson City for ^ In Buhl and the plan wns to hnul canyon.myon. A bb< e t developed between al. ' Winters ® persuaded h i s B l i P B ^ ^ H K^ler. Terry Cummln.i. CarDl ‘‘"J arl Hopkliui and Ralph Weaver m n . Brent Stastny, Carol the Mcllons lo the craulnR and Earl Hopklu; )lher, Frank Winters, a prom-J ^ aisemble thenj' over the river, and^theMi the loser10s< hnd to swim. .Uib la a . Donald PerWnj. Janet V -creek However. boU> men :nl Nevada pollUelnn, to try. L '. Stanford W»lUi. Mary “ '?. , Old.*.two men to help.' endedided up «o awlmmlng lhe_ereck. b m im e ^ 7 ~mj F iteiwen and Darrell 01- °oJ,',pr „ij inmeof-huyouth. T liflboyI»T _^^H | Olher men from the toad de- Charley VWinter.*, whom Old,* pardoned. partment were pul to. »ork-on jwcrlbeducrlbed as a rounh mnn, w;as AtxordlnR^ccordlnR to Olds 'the bridge I ToturtJler carry out lhe Ifle# I’hri-Md^Rrthe road sm de. The crtt'.vliii! wa.v,oad,ad boss. Old.*< iccnils. an In- U h t cgp.,[,coivnructed ncro.u U i e l B B ^ H ^ M rftheUieme. refre.*hmwLni!rv- j„,riyfairly Imi„,po porUnl becauM li .w asjciaenldeni conccrnini;conc Winters, A :ek ,.awas j u.i^fu.*ed ior aboui « «fe SpudnuU, space candy p„on thei^e atnRejuii line from Uuhl to joodK)d many hor.*^ In the area irs and therthen It was replaced i«d plinth. XIr*. Burl Eaberl. jnrljldgeJarlildge. w'erctrc ml&slncmlssinc nnd W i^^^k- 'a modern *: structure. . T fM ' Jia. Urrence.W ard. CInr- Accordlne Accortlint .to , Old-’, . * “''gqnieil-innny.Lmnny. OJLoc tiir peopTT- w - ^ r ------.------ntBirkri andMni Ed Stastny and irnllctirallcr were secuied Iromi^jjldnodRc tolo sinklnKri. him .'on th e " li------•fft In ch»rE»-of th i retruh> Pearl pearl Merldlth.Merl a contractor onWombeombe ULha tiv l.h e would . irackll ' f M l »«<*■• ------thethe Ra^ewcRg^ewortli project, and ihe,y]oa-niwn Uie horseho thieves, Wlniersll < V A I f K T . - [ m B/flwllfllfw »'«t gtf>n hy 1 lny>1 jKidBtt-»*a»- brl(*H* linilly(i m -Uif-nw ukuceewiceewnmy-irw im tyH « w =«WNG_CENTE^_iE M U r , \J _____ rtiR J31da_rcca the building of tht. bridge . r 'r \ r . » r 1 that 'I'f figured *>'> later In his life.' U fm t — 314-am ^ 2LDS W o r k e r s xAlUr-the-.flr»t-.beam_KlU_la1,d _ K ______across lhe creek the slage drlv* n er between Jarbldge a iid Buhl Diein-W reek— . er beiween mBOURKE, AUJtrnlla. May appeared. , I m -T w o younc American He orlRlnallyoriRli^ planned to'camp “racfl mLviionarles were kill* bn lheUte faifar aide of the Hver. « Eunday u^ep « train hit Uiclr However, hehi decided lo crau. He TmT i l e To Starian His. GROWI')W TH Account!u n t ! car at t croulnR near unljllchedun'hllched the hor.ses'and t h e y ^ ^ ^ H ^ "Wlori. 100 mnca wmV of Mel- «»amswam aero*acroA.*. Oldi nolM lhal at. H r There is ' this lime ot the yearjhere w ere.^^B T__. A sovjngs occouht of RlsIs own, .at-at First Federol . . . "Wt;___ ;______- thislanje lime chunks oi oflceln D inrtctr^M ^ » w Steven l^m ar Den- lameThe driver cKunli Uicn carried the bar-^ ! th(s best woy to encouraac~Jh“c“^ cn h “c“ HQbirof~thrlft-t'hrDughoulHi ------^ J l . nl Blackfoot. Ida., and The driver jhtwt------heasfs and the mall acrtv« I h e '^ Vf NO shortage. g e < en "nneoning to" start your ^ ••TJn niomas John.'or), 31, o{ hesjes -and his life! If you hove t>c^ "mcon beam* to the other side. A rope » ^ ^ Cllv. Utah. They uere beam* lo th n^ — . ^cbiicchlM's. moko o resolution?n to do Iit tomorrow! First ^m.'lJiilly: ^ | wftA hooked Federol accounts currentlyly corn 4°4 96 dividends compounded •' I ------TWtCE’each-ycorro'rote-thof-CKte-thof- OOUBLES-money-in ’ ------^oftgageMoiiMimeyti—™... ..^.jusPia^cO rs! Sovings”aro‘INSUR□ro'INSURED for cdfTiplete ^ F l f * protprotection while they corn,]rn, by o permanent cgcncy of ^ E C O N W U , Ihe U. S. Government. d t F irst Securityrity .^ank ■ ihs

PROFESSIONAL ^ k V o u r FHA or BANK LoamLeant . ^ ------c h o ic * . - to. lult^youLlndlviduoI{(vldual nt«cn i« d t____ START YOURrOUR CHILD'SCl ACCOUNTr NOW . '.. SAVE budget , t rtqul/vminii. ' 1 ^ ‘ BY T H r20trtrE 2 0 tlir A R N DIVIDENDS•s FROM-THE FROM 1ST.,______------■ dry c l e a n in g I

•P^fcssional Cleoning^tM.steaming ming and gencrot ; . . . No/tSr^rg or finishing.- ( S O c MfnfrTjumrqum OOfderl' rd —— !5T FEDERAL/ ^ C L O T H I N G S A V I N G S / 4B tOAN AS'SOCIATIQN # B A B p a S C L I N I C W I H O FnW M f A m . f • 7 ^ M«iob*r fa ^ ril D«p«tM |ai«*ftl«.C*r^»l • BUBLEY BtANCHi OVUUND!*WND SHOPMNOSHOI c i m n 222 M«}n A vtT?-$o. S e. . I . ■ ■ News Around Aro Idaho0 JjjjjllljM POCATELLO. May M Ul—Mr«.Ul—Mr> E iu nlddle Iffi, 37, a pioneer resident or PocsUllcr and wife'ofwlfe'< one of th e founders and early edkion of the Focattllo:]lo Trlt>unt Tribune, predecesapr to lhe Idahosho Statssta ts . Journal, died Saturdayay In Denver.Dent Mrs. Ifft. widow of the laisIsts Oeorge Nicholas Iffc.. wssftss born In Kansas In 1870, and1 came to Idaho wlttv h u h^ist>»n&nd In IB92.tS02. WILHAiiMA and ~ IDAHO f-A tLsr;»s>y 14I t irt^Dale Oll0B.-blfhep ef>th»-I7tb.«ard17tb.ward ot the ehUKh. «ai namedmrd SsndaiSnndar aa president of tbe Northrtb Idshe Idafie u fh h fre. Named>ed eoBB»eoBO* - selors wer« R«r T. Trtec’rtec and GeraldC K. Rogcri. bolta of~ldabeofTcIaF# ~ : ~ ED LEAB yaUaJrica li ilaL.conaKlal^iBliselpr. Boftw. second counselor.______EA R Y S^ WALLACE, May 14i (^OT-More M o re than 300 Rolarians and th«lr their wlvci attended the annualnnual dniricidiilr conference' of Roiaryry Inier-Inter- . -natlcinal here over ihe'week-ende'week-end.-Among speakers-were.Leonard . D. lu b /, Cour d'Alene,e. on lumberlumtx problema: V. C. Wsnsborough,sborough, *..'. ' Toronto, on th< lead-tlncUnc industryInduiir in C anada; C. E. Schwab. Kel*Kei* ■ ’ logs, prcsldtnl d{ B unknker UlU Hill cos company, on th e d o o u tlc lead*s;ne lead*x;ne Indtulry, and Jiaurlce 9.5, Dunn, Beatile.C chief of slfejclural>1 labora- torle« of BdelnK eompUi)'.'"'u f y . ' " ' ...... ^— ^■•■'— r ------

^ BOffiS; May U C h a l ^ n 'jArtie, ^ohrjaoi). Uolie,- said-.Sundayd'Bunday - th a l the llsh and gamene commissioncommiM will nam e a director)r ofOf the SICK VRBUTIAT iA .------Idaho /Uh -and'kame-departmen■ department late ih u week. The post hss [ “Adventi{ f i f e s MRS. W. 8. IIAEMAN . . . 0bo«faone h (fb(ch whoolaebeol IKen raeant since B o«;s Leonard resigned to aeeepj a position as MBS. KELLV JACKSONI M RS. LEE McVEY islUon as tiiree Candfdateaa i« rtinnlnirannlng for ItrpobUcsn BomfoatlonUon for coucounty elerfc la Jerome eoua* ■tadeni, wtao wM ctectcde e te d s«tu- tu - ijipervlsor of wlWllfe Measareaa undtiunder JurlsdlctioA of the U. 8 S. . navy. .. ji.m ia n haa been JtiiUce ol nlsslon considered applicants ovrr the week* • ien JusUce of th sl peses l«r Ibe Jerome lBb eonntrcounty e.cast end. Mrs. Jackson hssas Acnt boAjr pK aiaeatI lofor r nextn e * t Johnson said the eommltslon eonf M lace in the «-eek to finish ths ;ob;a«d. Jf.1 “"*<1 M bothI the rccordrecording and aodlUag departtPenUm enu underunde Mrs. Mable Beveredge. 7 « r . Il« If .Ui* w n o#f f Mr.Mr anda n d end and will reconvene lace in te e McVey haa had &tn« je a n -6boabM *r~ > dlrfCtOf. ' ___ I slat jeaia of npeiUaet as a eaontyIty deputy. . ______* - * *■■ •*______— roCATKLLO. May 14 -•— DjDomTBiHo~CuM«.-Portte»», wa* f f reeletled pmldeni of lhethe Idaho Federation1 of. P.01UI Clerks at a I S M e n K UX le lC d il three.day eonrtnUon hm.here. Th# eohvenllorr ended fisndaj. .r; Alsq T liree W omlen en AskA^ Clerk Post ^ Twin Falls, vfce pfCTldent. Dgtph ^ iUleuoan. MoanUht Horae,iforae. wstw»s elected a ec re ta^ 'tre aio re r aiRT "f In AccidentsJ l l l S ‘ pBrl Edwards. Boiie. *»»«as elected editor of th e bi-monthlyi ^ paper « i r € O P T icickerfoi'iferome k e r r^-G---- ( riincl^■ - O t publUhed by ttie poiU lI elerlit eleriia.__ _ jJEllOME. May I*—Three* can- and capable peo^' - — ■ djd didates are running for Repub* Mrs.M Hsrman fleaged lo e u r y , ENOS TUESDAY ’ <^^ound State B018P. May M l^MMrs! rs! nIluih u ih T hayer Ilnvenicrott. genealoRlslnealos^l n^j Ucan nomltiaUon of county clerk o u t )tate . Colo., will address n dinner opening itie |„ y clerk o u t a three point program It i (from Colorndp BprlnRS. Colo., wll ling £iie |„ Jerome county. Mrs... Wes elected,eleci of Intesrity. economy N Br The AttocUled^ rrw . . annual Idaho OencnlORlcalllcal converconvention here next Friday. Business jj,, Farm and highway accldenU Business jjannan, Edei'i. Mrs'. Kelly’ Jack-Jack* ondand full-time service W all of“« the GARY T cUtmM two UvcA tn IdahttIdShtr ov«o?c^ sessJans wljl bfjin Saturda)-^turday.___ _ tonson and Mrs. Lee McVeyey are peoplepeoi of Jerome counly. the wKk-end and a boatlns mU- competing agalnsi each other. 85^ ^ e has tnuRht school for ... one COOPER oatlng mta- , d a h o FALLS. Mayr «H lt^^-Two ^ T ' more appUcallons foror flood ^ H w m an haa been th e Jus- 5^*^ h a p on a High m ountainLin lake le left ft j,,,* approved•ed In BonnevilleBonn county, Lewis C. II t t ^w . Jr-Jr» ., lhse , lus- at. Buhl and h u had (ourfour I IN ONE OF HIS __ one mnn Hrnd nnrt ftnoUlcr mlM- '» «w t years of bookkeeping and office, 0U)CUDl«i BonnMllU couiityjailUltltDSt^dlf! appiiea- of Jerome county for » year, -rtjc '»'« BIGGEST! Ing. » y W- CXDcrlcnce m sfl_cmpjoye of ihe [ ------tlpni w«re ihoM ol th» Idabo In « “rman ' sftUrTedcfal SS;, ^ a? n e Dolwm. aboutIt 46. BBoise,oIm , lhe paplsr j/rifsllwuUaUJtluuitl to Uihe.amoont-of.MM-The^defense • ?W *raI N orui Bide Ncas. . . I • ■ ICI waa tound dead near an over­ :t appHcatlona for th e elly of Idahot ^ FalU m a»‘> eneroachnjents upon r an over- jirte lo r said lh# project appHcaU' Ml -5 lofkl government have become“P®n a Mr?. Kelly Jackson servedr a j s ' ~ turned boat In the Pnddockddoclt V Val- al- ,n a the ’tHUi * «t a have '** been relarned from the officeilllee otof . (jnnuer to thinking '®” Amer- ® “ deputy ^ In both Uie recotdlBg a n d ; *1 .Jey raKrvolr, about 3o mlJM w t r addiUonsJ Inform ation. Amer- au^ntjnu depirUnents under Mrs. I • I mlJfs east cmercency planning Ur addWonsl (c«ns. TJie county otllcts non- .j .u SJj THE WEST" or Welier In WuihlnBlonlion coun-coun* ------* Mable Beveredgs. Mrs. Jackson,tson, ____ J ty. BOISE.’May M un-The•The Idaho Psychological avw iallonInn «mwill .c»l»unce also ,,0 clerked Uie district court H«rM. upon the elccUon ot fluallflcd ^u,,, ourt 8:00 Ptm OlTcre refumed a neofcharch today conduct its annual mfellnseeling herihere Saturduy. Dr. Larry HaRcn, W during Ihli tl-.ne. She hss worked:kcd f------.. — — , ^or hla ttahlns companion,nlon. MMar­ ar- president, aald lhe agendaIda will Incinclude dlscuwlon d proposed*ed leg- . ^ _ in‘n « Uic department of public as- p jsychoiORisis in ' ldahorreH C W -or“m o m '- ■O: ShowSchedi vin.U angtim , nLio abouttoul 45.45, ofol ulatlon Ior licensing psycholORl*! * *■# stsunce.- -M rs.-Jackscn'“~-Uvcs:iVC3 -JE*, fxp osiva Comei/r I chedules.*; wi^-nrfuriona for certfflcatlonation Otot «Kh'ool psychologUls and reporU O . r northeast of Jerome. . PBiiFcTSy-brTaBnir-stntr-conege-win-bs- w n i - b'Smoky'Bear s ^ ------Ci Vemon WWHakcr aoldM liei,e went« e n t on rwc^lTDr. JamerBarcTSri ------8hp-n8ird-that*“ll“l-Teeelve] ------■wlih Uic olher iwo menen .to to .th th e WiWUed « pw W fnt.»ndind other officers' will be elected for ilie p 1 the nomliiAtlon In June I will; V^NErWO- -• Lake Sattinlay aJtemoonnoon Snd and lAM'M y « r . _____ P ra n k Itd Js> Swork . with dl/lsence fo-w/n th e / -•-Fridayr8T0Orl;O:GOrW:O0rl-^QO- they went out In Hie aniall- a lu ­ general cltciion In November.S I THREE" minum boat while heT remained lln e d BOISE. Mar « t^v-Abovs'norrAbove'normal lemperalurts In April .re- | ] nlso p'.edse to the voters of Jc- ■ ST A R R IN G A )f Idaho range raS M s. Ihe C^. H. depart- U cn the shore. SundayI morning inornlns I •“»** >" “‘5? ” "i«: U. S..Marinee Tomt ;E couiny that, if electcd. I, b(Sv were ment of agrleuilore reports.orla. The i report aald summer feed pros* ^ i; JAMES CAGNEY - [ I • Saturday, 8:O0,!:00, 10:00, ]( the boat and Douwn’s.body were I d pros- WASHINOTON, May 14 ,» M^-A i will conduct a courteous, effl-'ffl- I I peels are much belter thanhan a year ago and livestock are in (oed Jound near Uie «hwe. Pranlt Involving a Papler mache d e n t office of which Uiey. can ' Manitum'* »fc prwerver-r„.r »nHand eondWon l^ w t a«»«.•. The itp- report said calving wm well■«” »•*'ad- likeness of Smoky the Bear,r hB«haa “be Proud. ■ •' 9 ‘4 0 O ftir lo,m . artlclca of cloLhlns were<™ loS /ound ■rmal losses weris reported for new latotisiIatot». In dcaUi for a marine.I - Mrs. Lee McVey hna hnd nine _ 12:00,2:00 o.m. In the water. i years experience as a counly dep- ■< IDAHO FALLS. May W tf>-c6n. A The victim and a lellow A a- * ^ ■ An airman from the Mountain U tf^-Concem over brInRinj 35,000 more ' uiy. 6hc sinUd Uial. "As a coun- IH M ountain m «, producilon andid water exexchange problems were thehi. nrt.pri- fine I*’’® kidnaped Uie M oou 6-lncli.-incJi. ,ly /o Offlccr t I feel'Uiat I-will be I I Home air force baae died and reasons the onny■ corps cf engineers board of rivers P'rt and 7S-poand ;“:P figure Friday night A, I Wotor-Vu ’ • Sunday, 5:00,) 0 , 8:018 :0 0 , 1 1 : 0 0 able to bitiig about some changes | y o-PfL,Tipfin1in^, -iLkm. -Ijoapltal- hntpltttl^ harboTs-deferred-wilon-on-tha-Lot iiln), R from "Storybook-M nd.“ a chll- on-thj-LQH.'er_Tem ti dom, Hep. Ralplj R. '/om ®'*“* U nit'w ill serve the purpose.'of Ised after their car rolledoiled over Harding, D...Ida., said whilehlle inIn Ida!Idaho Paila Sunday; The congress* drett'* ‘•rfn amusement park near “ J ■3 ■ . i aanral times On atnt« highway ' K ; Woodridge. Va.. 25 miles so«U» Uils office In many wnya." 'Mr.i.">■ |DEBORAH KE,RR ' « 1 highway „ a n n o » d the .board dida not eiplaexplain the officials reasons for the McVry stati'J lJuit sh r n'JJJ ulw 6S, a miles north ot Mountftln Mounlftln deferment bui that ho gleaned ththese views In talks -with1 some Of Uie tl capiul. -pav, Home. -have full time to glve to tlie • Monday, 1 Show COnly, at ot lhe arm y engineer!, TheyTl hid ll a t Uie Washingtonngtoa Mtvlcegcrvl. of piuons." \ "THE GRASS 7?!# rJctlin wafl A 2/cl /d SBryan ry ^a ' - marine barracks until early su Sun- n . ------IC h . Brewer of the ninthtb trana-trw u - -BOISE, May » • W l-The7^6 MorrUoMorrlson-Knudsen company aaldnW to* dasday roomtog. when Uiey tried to porUllon squadron. He was a IS GREENER" 10:00 I p.m. lo w as fc day It h a s rteelvtd k »«A33.1»M3,100 tcontract m i for construction ot % 160' 100* perchperc: It atop a flagpole on'X the EatiiDegres- son. of Mrt. M»rnretrt tol-oulee u lM fflJiB stretch of electflcaf:{ {ransml*(rarumUslon lino In w utem Colorado,jlorado. frontfnm lawn ol fhom e lor vettr- _ PLUS U tm t. Corlnne, U ta h .. The contract »»» awardedded to thethe.worldwide construcUon Ilrm ans. Two stutlents from Magic V al-' n Ilrm »ns.. . VUL BRYNNER ■ • ' Bosplt&Ustd were Airmenrm en 11/cl /e l w ith h tad<>\iMKts hew by the th a hmbureau of reclamation. *'___ With ^ ajlnal tug on the rope „jj Ity WlU itttlve dsRiets trom Car- • Tuesday, 9:00,11: , Robert ,R. yilcs. S3, thene ddriver, r lv w ,------U^e.bear-fktwi-*he 30-foot ■ flag- roll collfge. Helena. M ont, at " 00,11: p.m. snd Airman 5/cl Ow«n t . Velen- _ 1 — pole Jell U) Uie gfbund. •pinning commencement exercUcj whed-3 "SURPRISE bers, 30. Another paasenser. Air* W alters Hits.,I^its I^gHt to Work;i r K l S Cpl. Edward C. Kaiienbadi. 33. “uled _ May 27. ' D m an S /d John H . stAnlk. 30. ■“ Erie, Pa. Kaltenbacb died ol a• Becflvlng BA degrees will b e _____PACKAGE"■ • waa Utfcled lo r m inor injartea » t ^ J brain hemofrhage, apporcnUyJ - R a .l c 3, t ^ L, Mien. Filer, m«1 Joseph • Wednesday,, 9:00, n.-OO . (ba ,bas« hospital a n d released. Smith Termsns FcFoes ^Amusing’U jy caused“ when a metal spade In .------Damalawskl Jerome O ihB Uured l“ ~ • ------• vaifcnnii'aesQ'Tiear'hu-tiMUffi • >reai_. 1 anew a t T w in Polls -Impliedled^l that J u 1 pwotured ‘ B» had been cleanlnr »- dJt«h. J (^ n w S tM ^ ^ ^ ^that l a n iri f i ^the court waa partisan lil ItfUF. I • Thursday;9:00,•0 0 , 1II 1 : 0 0 p.m. Ftuklln County Bherlrtriff RayBay he. U elected goremor he wlUwill cl clslons a n d favorable to whateverh^vCT qu,. ^ “At’Amlefsow lumberCmberCKTNOWTTT- ~ said the tiuotot appeartdappeaxtd veto any right 10 work billII passed ththe goviy;nor desired." X ^ was felled by Uie flagpole but . to Itan orerturaffd oo.hlaxhlax *• hr the Ifglslatore and beB thln)uthin)is Janjes Annest. Burley, called was n o t Injured, He Is beln« __ «jy other Democratic governorfovemor or on Orval Hansen. Idaho) Palls, held “under admlnlsiraUve re« jq hs LOOK FOF . .pmiM ti^ rtn ta same, in-tfii hny_he stands on Ultthe stxletlon"sulc at the martnt bat- ____ : FOR THIS Man yuestionedI l l 6 d • ”Th# P «P ie WshoB ro«droWd questionqi o f Sonneviiie power e iiJZ tc u penaing > J l down the falsely named right to sasales in southern Idaho andnd fed------^ ------&ALA c o t issi—flU iuiuiiL In Girl’s Deathi t h work referendum lour yearsirs ago."ago," erera) aid to education. w) reOtOR^me- ^cniM -ffli crsiiip'lip UfU iU n llltp IDAHO PAUJ3. May U; W -A . !ssld WaJters. *The Democraticnocratic Annest sald^two olher candl- Kussians JKI Lead } plaUorm con«nUon In Uwtoton da • l».year-old Indian girl from the ^•Iston dates for the OOP-nomination p i from th e „ ,ffirm e d iu.{,pposlUon to any fo:for conBTca.^. John Sanborn and V /I ' AND $AVE F b rt BaU ZQdlaa reserraUonlUOT was g<,.caiie. a-ftu-Ttt-o Ruaslslw. Paul Kercs I every TuesdTuesday! ‘X "There Is no quesllSn In'm y po . FalU m an for questlonlAff th is ^ In my power. .' i„rt and .TJgram Petrosjan, were tied i / mind th a t any, Democraue-gov.Jft.gov. .Meanwhile. Hansen described ?” °ti nornl&K.' crnOf « would have Ui veto alright scribed u,e lead with live gamw^asik. ^ » ^lltht hidden federal Uxes as a "darker'darker the InUmaUonal chesT tour. pftllM f fe ilf * » lirt> in * n i tour--j c ...... i-B B i M B ' nttniT’ nsme/il here *11^ inr-wjnwj “ -r 1 NothingWo to buy.y. JuslJust iregister. . Idwuned as C. T. Thomas,Mmas,. a i lature." be:ber of' our nuclear warheads." Jtegro In W* 40a. waa plckcdlicked uup p Earlier Wallers said that Ite> . hcads.” round loday; I - •od held for queiUonlns.g. ■' publicanj oppoiiUon lo low-cosiowJ ml „ Job- Uiey,ey areare Ke Keres had one adioumMgame , - found In power haa blocked developmentoo^^eni Hatxflng.'mr D D, . to playph and Peuosjan haathree. i A caliber gun was iound In t a W t Pctro.»Jan won his eighth-round j h is car. police said, and; the th e BlrlBlr< of^ eastern Idaho phosphate beds M'** he regreLi he won'l Pel m 3 f o Clip This Check Ched and *j)d construction ot the« Jllghi i i S p^,be able to spend more timee csm-cam- game from Mikhail Tal, anoUicr j was klUed tiy a JS. ° ,2‘ pafgnlng in Idaho -before fhe ijm I a s B er- Mounialn Sheep dam on lhe •e the RuMlan.R I s'ho reifgned sfl^ r the The Blrl was idcnlitled a s B e r- » June 5 prim ary. 30th20th move because of a mlsUke. 1 .tha Monshoup.'•. • *snake,- , ■oner D r “DeveJopmtnt of Idaho'so-f re-I t . , 'Harding aaid he will be- vu„ busy Ketw 5 “ ^' defeated Myroslav PlUp, a . Cash If for n*1.00 BonneviHe County c oroner Dr. Crech. In 37 mores. DavW Bm »h said th e clrlbW wasw aa sourcesa and the resultant growth ‘J* W ashington with congressional ju r'* !! dutie.1. b u t will make two brief _ In *n all-American game. ! _ i ^ Y S i . ahQt In the chest. She wasM ffound o ^ >» “ >6 ?H - trips to Id a h o before the elecUon.«Kfln»‘*by Plschtr dtjwud Paul 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I ■ ■ I - In an old. Utlle-used buHrtIng ftt J3 (niinn Bsnko in 39 moves. Benko.missctll ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ' UiB rear ot a TcsVdtnce in ^'^r^'ft^^mith.-m canwhlieinwhlie K ardlng-rcturned to Waahlnglon Uon of nddrBs.iln(r high schoolJIkS w opportunily' for a drawi by: f V e sKciAt tm IW li. “ ■ J u id "lhe obvious desperauon of t tow PRICB S_ C A C T U S PETE'S=TE'S SASAND I _ m r five planless ZJemocfaUc■ocfttUc •‘''"o " Sunday at Malad. perpetual cheek. i Victor Koftchnol of Russia, , , BUbematorUl opponenu In thisUils Rr epublican senatorial candU * » u s la | ^ O N EVERY V E R TAqi| C !| BANKOFTHEDESt■HE DESERT J | t h struggle lo r second' p<^tionlion is datdate Jo h n T . Hawley. Boise, said was thU ; d In th e atsmCUntt w ith Negro in-North j e. »*“> four and one*half games and one I Jackpol. Nevadsi, Wedneaday,dneaday, May IS, 1H2 2 _ becoming amusing."' • neh e Ll shocked by admlnUtmtfro adjourned. EwIlm Oeiier Of RUS-; - ■»K He spparenlly was rankinganking reqreque.iUi fo r 48.147 more employes IsSeeldngJob ^ PW«» ll* wu fourlh with tour and £-|one., ■ ——. : « » rfi himself as the-likely leaderder In In Its propoaed budget forir the p m h e r and Benko wer« Ued at s p H n g sa le !■ P*^ RyANNTS. M oss, Way' U W — the u primary election. If no,0 can-can- nej next fiscal year. d a t' ■ £ THE bearer_$i.oo e a re r 3 David HnrtU. a Negro cook sent Uir« and one. pillp had tto and M so* sent •jiia.te wins 40 per cent of the ______ND NO/l'eO,..,_.t)OLLABS to cape -cod by a Uttlele Hock, n ock, ygiey, the two leading vole-getiers one-half and ons and TU.badS3i .K,K*fg23|.W> on qniilht/ i J g “ NE AND NO/l'ttt^ getters HOME ON LKA%T5 . two and» three. Bo Ark- CItUen* Council, goes-foes- JPhSPo willw go into a runoff. . , _ icki' rr.u.t bt I iiuntlna today, ■ Btate Itep, C, « . 1»8W.. Em- E m ,i' "B m iL . -jAitj 14-Anihony R. M*tihco M 'tiints ■ * .n of 6« l P-m. •«) p.m. - flafila. O. lormtr armyny m » e «a a s „ another Democratic candl- Zomlk. “ O* 'aon of Mr.-and ‘^Lf« Mrs. ___ TOKTO BI1AKEN IS ------tergtantrhad-an-appolntment.at n ^ M TOKYO, TUesdsy. May JS t n dn«id*y. Nuy 16 - I'" " «« I ment.nt dats-for. gavcaiar_sald_Idl>hoJdtth? 4*1, Zom ik. Buhl, fs spending ^ 1 J' JS 'C j. ^ a n d other j*. S # Mtton py»r 31. y**'! o( tS*- g the Maasachusctts employmentloyment n«da'tederalni aid to ■ educallonicatlon^*'^*'**-'y^f®’^"'r*th~nts-parwits ^ A 1 ■to. meet public school needsIs andand!«*‘" f ‘“ completion of recruit train-™in- J*®the Tokj-0' area early today.; lioniB— ^ ty-CACTVS-RET£^ Saturday.ay. His ^5 ,ro ld ^ state laxboost. . (lng ^if, at the naval training center™j„ nier* were no reporu ot anyw ' e.gulortMSgillonR, «tt-paltt -TJui~H«p«nr>na-C{" •■RIPCI ...... , 7':00-0;i5 ■ : Child«.--Adg!ti 1.00 f "TW O RODE S O U t o g e t h e r ^' 10 WONDER IT’S THE O i (Aaus 1PEIE'S PETi - Jomes Stpwort,. Richord 1 t STARTS-FRIDAY - • | ' V^idmQrk,ShlrJey Jones WQRIO'S • ARGEsfsiEST SELLING VODKA[ "Thundert Rood" 1323rilSt.W. ' '7 733-2910 Fun fun: Spol South oftheofthe BlBorder! Ni«iBrea.ioruiMBHaiAcia.riaanmiii.«tBaaooMawr.omt»u*jwniM.eD».:jH, , "M a g n ific e n t. 7 " ' > . W- Awards Given ■ / ■ . f Waiters Wiix Hot 0 \ e indoy, Woy 14, 1962 ------: All's 8 m .f l®;“f FolK Times-Ncws 7 ^iM urtaugh I D'XLi^a, May u t n - A 1 WVliile lu lc Diiiiicrs Grow ( ►rrniaij fi-aflju: (> rci'vri nt , ;roM' C ooler i Atlaslas ExpliExplodes r,j n p n ln id mrelinx in Tyler, j NKW.•K\V YORK Y'ORK. .M,.v 14 T -I)ln - hic dliinfr. A m master of cere.- » 1 m , m In C erem onyr If 'M ■ ' TcJU-Cur:T ol.- curwii-Uie-u*ct-cud jcia atat llie lhe Wo WoIdoiJ-.Vton.i hotel .iioiiicj. p.voed un Toi- I k f { iiM'd ll fjiliiT direct ap- ( w r rrr ru u n Ithout h o u ts srrviiT ri,cs. At Test lest StandSll ™ '^ ip I A i pio.ich pio,ich to mil iiiirrru[iUoiis. [of hnur.'hour.' Sundi Sunday ni-:iK vhile, the ieM u m «ltm in , .m |,,f c:nberanrH o,H : : Diiuic), C.,iitc.iiit.. ii..v M .n U»e W*t «tW*ic nwardvard ■ I .. . >VjJ r^BG^KHM 29^9 ‘ th r ^rrH v Dallii.' I’oi; Trib- Ininiiniirinentnn.einent ft nnd <;.0 «,.ii.TMir- „,ui Club ciuu KniplKnipbj,.,' loc.ll t. All,IN i.ivu'.iii;tn(niiil b.iU i nuoL. K . - . ------.S.J— __X ^ . une rrjv.rlnl. gued•d m in iHr the X iil fh - n aUoiil up*. ,*;i„tcdfed i: prr criicent of lhe bill ni:''ll' lj;r,v ''nil Ui n lc„t lj ^’^ . ^ a u e l S4turtL»y iitgmilsht ■ ■ / ^ - ^ & 3 - B ■-^Vhv.. Ihr- inIrniii>rions i ' ' I ’hr;’hr—princlpnl—inc»iiTmimee-a —prlncll tiprTTifyirTnf5-fU!wefl fUirx* ine iiunaKer-**^-“-=‘^‘^ - — ,— krpikrp[ upUl> thetll .vcrrl.iry hraded <-'5>erlrin:iJl rxperlrnced bv l.roo grandim n,.'t »,u,tcilwnnicil tiltin'the to pa.w tlic " lie UOrl*«.iUOrli-ii ^aiKl.M.ind. m iiliKh lhe __ :m _iu.r - h.,,. ...r t 'tjalirHom nur.M • ® .f3 S *« preunted the; the WT ly».m ; for-B-hm. Ihrv rculrl crt Mil-Mlr tr.)irrrr< n.r ."i.inurt______bMt ai*artl,',ard,’ Mft Ml Mml. 'S o stiu peoplr won't ' ' ' i Thele Mfliicrs,Mflllcrs, uho» claimrd it trsl o:: It'ciuin. lls ciuini !.. •^a.Mlc.-inncd.•*; Kliyirwrliliit re«ived the' TO ; t 1 I'lih? WliTC.U uiy------_H! .r.f-TKI>L l.fT K l TII til I'H-f Miiv cu,'rninrr,lBU.'tantefil tnt. n rc~rct» L . h1m[]-.- -iMHl-n mih n nmnliriiuiiilir.- iic.irliy ]ona H B v ^*'’"1"' • . • .SIICX'^IIONEjllOSllONK, Mav 11 - Jdhn bllr.ilKiiiilKin decL'loii,decL'lon, roI the i : ix r Iu<-1 Miiiiu,'.I'liiui' i,niki>i.inki' Theie Mirt ^ wluuLory «wprd. H '111'-iiuiliencr i;ol \ i (itilrl. Aclkin>. .son 7- plii« a signed siaiemrni no ceixun-ii;«nli.s uairlirx tickiiiK, henrw bern•n rlreted elected ,p ,prrs'A K ‘- I..cm • 1^'” ^poke.^nllln\ ...1,1 K l -'^iMie-rc«iwnle*.d«reu w ni :.-.rrvrvvrv all nil nMtlM lt i>nw,iI'Clu^oi >,.,r ir- 'CMrnlnverilnv lli.itili.it ththr ^ I:it>or fm lrr.i.. ■ . .aJM J£FTC« ooodmnn. Judy Murt'frl VISION- i ) i s r r s s i : n ■ ' ______“ lii liclii Alrjeiiii Miideiii.'i a i_ D, r . ENOKLKINO UtANK C llt’KCII AIINOAllNOLt) WII.I.IASIS ------■ in Ihu eounir)- i W Nebelcer. Unda Button , , hu eounir)--oblaln a u m i n r r j B B ...... ire unnppoitd Demoerallecratle InrumlirnUInru In Ihr June S Idaho prlmar] iliilL :iU.I*-Dr.r.J.rhv- U.SF:TIMES-^if: TIMES-NEW S WANT-ADS emptinmrnl.Ii'vmnu^ ______I " •! laho primary elecJlonvCbureh l< D'li. ,IJulii fijiioinetrlsl, >hoi>Cil Jrrtlitd the CrMo award, lerklnf a srennd lem H- i>-S. lenalur »enalor; Kncrlklue i« IncumbentIt tupcrinlendenltupcrinlei of public In- i m V I HUh »cliool aeadcitiic nwnrdJnrds iiructlon. and William* li irrklncffklns a,.cci>nd■ .» term a . .ecrrtary ofif •lale.lU le. All will » hare eompetlii.,II uml »yoke cf r h i i d r e n 's '^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ to J*y Mo)M. Den Per'Klns,<1’>’' i„In ,hIhe November ftn era l election.ction. ,. • iiMi'u rtiiriiii: the Uuhl Itotary' • ! S o k ( Ilirt7 . Stephen Morcnn.■can. . ■ -— • ■ _____ • , _ '-lill)i llll) llinctird limctiecm InreiuiK Tliursday w»rri. Marvin Orcco. Nn- nixiii Ul liic H and II ciife. j III A oWlMm-. IJniJtt Duane JR E E I f c j ^ -«ir*h»U. Mike Du«l. RoRcf_Tol. z: WaltersUnitTn^■ “Twir-T w rG raduated-L | ------^ K»rl Kllenkopf. DoubU.,™; ' - Solution^:— - DECLO. May li- n ic h n rd .1. ■ . LEICESTER. England. May A r C carol Lemon. Mary ^ , Area Organized nfJf'iSiDlske and Qary Schmidt, ikim I J inin ^ 'fl^ n o n fiarlow. 22. hasL _ ,.A a c'''”"'ll''‘eJorJll(LClccliottQLJ3tdia_Ji’« cn. LiJtclfi, ,wm,, »mn:ig_Ilvt—mea. ------S ^ l l Olsen. J jn Mcnwr. Bon- “ *oU'ed”hU "eom m ulinj prob- J^hnJohn 0c . Wiilier>. Boise, as nemo--«r»(lii.iilnc• vradiinlJns from lli» Knll f.ake t H i E l curlls Mortt«n. D.ina5.ina ^5' running lhe ocven,' . crnllccrnilc aovcmor.i haa been,rrgan-.-, Electronic school on Fridav. (C g‘ miles to work e^eo' mornlns . Urd in (CHANNEL 11) ' v i ' " JL e r. K«y CalJrn, Z-Jnd,i Biix- ,7""; t . Urd in .Mngic Valley wiili ■I’ommy . In lc.M Umn «5 mlimle.i. Wiilkcr U tnH are eradJiaic.i ol the Vrc- ^ P , u U StotM. Monn ru lltf. ' ...... 'lu hii:h .-^hool and Bl.ike i> the 1 1 1 He Mid ll take* a bus-rid- Oq lhiIu m- (in the commiiire arelM juoIM r i i p i i > «lUi Christensen. Honald Qum- hiB , neighbor Just under an ^.| c I w n of Mr, nnd Mrs. Lloyd Uliike. . LATEL A I SHOW \ S „ a Kcnnc-Jl W,I.IU. « , ’ Joe Clcintnls, Mr.^, Clriur Pal-• nndn.,i] SchmUli's yc(„r parcnjs nre Mr. jtmlor h lg h 'K h o sl academicrmlc rick, riek, i.ndi.i LeGrnnd.- N cbm i.'all,Il>and Slid Mrs. Ray s. Schmidt. i / / r i b "I «¥trtU *w e prcMntffd lo Mnry.tnry - T^sin Fait.; *■ Pcic Shnwvcf, M en, ______-I PLU"fir/N G DOWN ^ , le s m Dennna E;tt»rt. Roimlcmile nnd “«<1 Wurii-nW Tckuii. Filer. • ----- STAMPS Q f/i a Waikcr iald, DODOY, 1 KILLKU j .STA Silver^’ Jnn"t;;S Communist C O I Chinai d "Tlir -.i:',; obvlwN’ miiJor Lviic uf .thbi.-i NEW YYORK, my H Wl. - ' *rom" ^ntieuijlge J, J caiw^Kn IS Ilie economic well-• Alllcnr Alilcnr Hi Hcrnnndez. 3. fell irom ______Ffcd Ff Aslaice ■ STRAIGHT being nninA ’sHTfir^uFMaTeninss 'llir fop ontT)UnirBcaTfS’'Tttitr;of ------J"; jtombardslslandBoi S S __DflnuPie]n_Eieiier:s_ ^-kem?cENTUCKY5*v'=b"o BOURBON------TAIPEI. Formo.in. Mny H ^ “‘"‘'.'‘‘JliiRKrd behind niMl of the resl.1 whllL- whllL- pin plnyint! 'anrt wna killed • . HUh *1 Al Their dincing ii teptl ^■ ' vN iAS rOR LKSS1 agAGED e d 6 YEYEARS rfl Junior With school bar.kciballlb.ill Tlie C hlnc'c communlsta ahelled1((1 of * Ihe We^t tlurhit: the iitul de*. whrn Khrii lie lie Jiluniied throuiih an , cade, which lia.i seen great npnrtmcntnpnrtmcnt wlndov.- and fell six »Addi.onA.e.Wea.Addiion A»i | biiermffi « « !.««)!» Andfrwi).■WM). lheihe MawuA J*)nndj Sunday Jor " ‘“y; >jf^X. i - V T IJ “*® uifk Cummins, Sleveii Orivfl.rivfl. lhe lhe firsi f Ume in almosi j 19 9 Bro^-Jh evtryttherc.but here. floorsfloor.t to tn i the Mffet. ______y g "lhl,i clrciide nl economic de- Ktnnelh IIIkH. Kenneth IlGriilarii months, month the nntlonnllsl defense cadence hn.V beetj presided over •^Urrr Larwn. Ocry Lee., F,d Kd m mlnLU n a r y ______cnUrdy _bv. Jtcpublicans...ftJVd .. -UiltWU-'MlKc. Loye. P?‘il Mw-.lor- Tlie Tlie mlntMrj' snld the cotjimu- nin,,!,. • - ,in Normnn Murphy. Cory..ory nlau rilau Jlred J 22 round.i at-tlie Hllle mostly. : Jlobcri .'Smylle. To. B e t______^ , Idaho ninvmg, Ihls man mu.^t be ~T M I _jj;«oM r ftnd Leon Wrlitht. Islands island) ftl the northern end ^ of defeated." ______B ro ^ rrK cn n c th Wrl3hl.'’ Do'n —^ -n fOWUfUL H£W nUNCDi ttlAM I - II •nlmsn. Kellh ChrWcn>.en, RO" Ron Kenj^en Huffman.H M ao' Chrfateu.wn. I ■ ftitwell. Robert Marsh. Dave Mnrlan ^nrlai Cooper. Curth Morjan.l r i r WiDt«r. Lnrry Wrlshi. Rocerocer Kenny G raff. Bonnie WrlRht. CLOCCEDTOILETS „ II Tolman. DousIm W rlsht. Knrl^nfl Ruthr u Ui Moye*.1 U rry WrlRhf. Don-,n . I'n ° jiffyt Ql Hflflkop/. Tlm Quewell a and n l aid Tolmftn.Ti K rllh ChrUlcnscn — Dd-it-yourselfrself laundry andind cleaningi BrUn Ward. ondand LlUnd.'i Buxton. 1 4 I!l*r school foolbnti lellermeiiJ'®” Junior , , high r^rhool pcrfect n t- J W»r^’ln OWO- E'”' " ' tendance tendaii award* went lo Joycc ' y riitlL Brian Wiird. Terry Cum- Vliteloe, Norj#ian Murphy. O ao ' 1 S niK en Huffman. Karl Klein- Lee. Leon WrlKhl, S h a ro n 'F ete r-1 / tool Jerry Lee, Tlm Qur.>Jiell,” son, • CftiDy _ Qu7snell. Pnul W ar-i V llTed Syversoti.’ R o jrr Totonn., , nell. David, Moyes, and ■ Mary / a n ei w w o n e s t t o p c oa m n v e n l ee n n c c e ! ; " dw Wagner. Douahn W rklil.• Lemon.^jnjon ' U Alan ward. Douitla.^ .W.itls. Cur-''17 The bnnauel wa* served buffet / m tij Uor«an. Ronnie U p h o'1 ff , ,' style'by meniber* of the school ( ■ , Kf)lh Chrl.^lenrl(k f««tlnB Tta Oreco. Stephen Morgan. Alnn.I ^See Them : whinysurtslUtovvtflaw* OlfBfW. Duane Mftr*littll ond and T C Brtia w ard. TOILArLEX; ■ Ptj club membcru rcetlvlnR; inrii were llene Nebeker. Irtne.s; All on Tollal Toll Plungar ilna' , Ordinary plunten Juat don't k«i i jttWer. enrol Nebrkcr. Nina' H inle' _ _ I ptepctir, Tl»)r permit compmicd . Buic. Bren'la Hft^ie. Donnie •Ir ta i irilcr te ipliib Utk. Thut • g,ifM Tfi"? >^i.ilen. Rulh.Moyeii.' ____ I I feu rwt only h«vc * mfli, but you - Jluj Chrl*t«n»en, Paula s'wEeT I - ■ !■ KS-}hr\^-pituiuryeiraet4vs ----- ^ p r u l UneU Mathew*. • ^GABIiE^ ' ckutheebuuttloa • Cbenleader nwarrt* -were pre-jre- . ~ — ^ ^~ i' wraT“WltT’Toilafla", apreulrdolcned — inltd to Carol Lemon, Fat Stas* ■ lor tsl1et>. no •!» or wiler c u (»• Mp».Th*lullpto.urtplo«iihf«*t> H ■■ tor, Birbara Oolt. Bonnie Marah, 1 th« clouini m*.i .nd i»»bo> ll 1 H^ I 1 Jf-J _OtetUa _BenkuU and Dana ,Xur------,g ------VISION ' Idown. C«n't mlMt______Rith ichool perfect atlCTidnncenee * QHia' S{51omS“io ' in n lt weni lo Mnrvln Grcco. . .. • ctMitni iTiiu, cAM-T tKie «*ouHa Alt networki plu* th* • •'*«" TAK>tB tail «m> Aia tiSRi nr H . I Dusne Turner. Alnn Okelbtm'. I Edncj Esbcrl. Alien Cummins, S , .*du»tlcn.lch.nn... „ h Uiif Duel. Danny W nmer. RoBcr . ' I w Hiiiioy»*ie siom s [y» twhiiic V TWnian. Tlm Qu^.mell. Jerry Lee,


» • £ ■

C onfrolrol weeds whw ith ^ , M t t j f t . I

______^ _^S

: E p> i ta mn * ' S W EE V'Z 7 5 %^ S AWETTIME V I /I E n s ON DRYCteVCLEANINGrt DO YOURUR LLAUN DRY,y, tTOI o o l I

CLEAN A BIO3 LOApLOAP 1FOR ONLY...- ____l i c i - B^ E E iA N S ______^Whllft'our •ulomallcautomatic drdry'deaneri M g M M ^ ■^l^'oif^ii'finij^oiintiTjl^ciintinrnihor-'-- :.'.ii :iL— % ------do-your dSSHTfljrOft-yjssHTflJtroft-yourlamily------\— ■ s . • ouflhly and quickly.'. Most garmonlsoarm' F !■ 1 ^ 1 ■.■- <' IsundryatthasamttimeihesamttimalUteour M ■ ■ __ ^ nood no pressing. W ______newest automallctomallc washerswasi and W ■ ■ ~ Ohoload'of elonnlnonlng IncluttoiInclutSarw— * F — ^ ------• • dryeritorlhsilnost.-whilisilnost.-whllestwistil'------9 * j Pacific Northwest:hwest growersgn solved some of their toughest many as 9 drosses. or4 mftn'smen's IIsuits, .. ■ ' o t r l l b or 12 iwoalors or 2! drapery panels.par . >oid A LOAD ■ . I wccd.problems.inms in 19(1961 with an applicationon of EpEptam im- mcdialcly priorrior 10lo planting.p Eptam controlsitrols watergrass,wa • wild cats, quackgrasiuackgrass, yellow nutgrass, rcdrootjrcdroot pigweedv . - ■ ! lam bVquarters,ters, hairhairy nightshade, and a numbern u m b e r o f o l h e r ~ • g r a s s a n d ' b rroadlearw o a d le a r ^ eedsr~~'------7 - S ' r —^ ______Eptam cana n rcpa; repay'several times its cost in reduced C l r ^ ' i weeding andd cuitiva cultivation, more ciTlricnt-yse-bit-yse-bf-w ater; ------=------r a 1 8 1 C 3 hcalthicr"plants“andantS“and-hcavier-harvcsts.-Many-a !M any-^-gtowcr ______J______Lookfor tht sign of tjoR&CLOR, lhi~ - - reports: ‘‘WWithout ithout Eptam,E 1- \youldn’^veven-try-to-farm c n - try------^*— — t^* in7pUT»rotJoTifr»rtl8anlnti *olu»- ______LAUNDRY.jibR Y A N D CTTEAIvllNeWIN 6 ------' ‘ - tlen made (o NorQO's ■^tflcitiomWClficitioni ...... - : . ■ . . •• -----1 this land!” by lh» Dow Chamical Comasny.naany.Your- Your- X / ■ ieak- CC a-'H 3---ie-^ ■ - ^ a*iurance ol tafa, thoroucn,Bh. yetvet gen-een- ** ataviet UAMK Of TMa HOMCworn onnaiON O' TMa aoM wAANtaA*HCa cojwom.CCJWOIlATlOM .' { ; S£E' rOUJim STAVFFERSTAi DEALER FOR EPTAMEi tl* clianlng. Exclu*iv0 wlihvllhNofflel. Noroaj. “ . “ ■ '1 D ON 'TT JUD1JUDGE SELF-SERVICEE DRYCLEANINQDRYC UKTIL YOU'VE TRIEONOAGE •tfm» U » *•M •Mr* U IW r.»— iMr.0^ iMf•'< Kig.TM-M *• UtM ., S,


II IAN FIANCltCOlANCWM'i. 1.1 CAlW. 10$ ■ BilM " 1—^ ---- •----- >'<* i OlKmit ______t £■ ------NO«TH POITWNO, i S ■ r. 0. lot u ^556^Matn~Ave;“Aver^North—7~;*— ^^liynwoojdl30|d S h o p p ih jaX eMe M eJ i L -. 7:30 A.M. tta a 111 1 P I . M . ------8 AA.M. . M . »te a 10 PJ«; WEEKDAYSDAYS 7 D A Y S; A A W WEEK E E I 7BAJH.fo 0 A J H . f i 6 P.«; SUNDAYS)AYS

' * . r * . '

■ iG lenns F erry U P ( I M onday, Moy \A.4,1962 1962 BlindB l D ote Is ‘ * ^ 8 Twin Foils Times-Newsm es-N ew s ' U nit M arks 23rdj ' H - S t tart for H iger, . A n nniversary n i s S e t H Political W dmani S i 1 Xi Omegas Set L ■ GLENNS FERRY. May U - ■ ■ ■ B ; EMMETT. jjjy'H '!,*’—A -b U r td j- ^ B L,"? . I SpccfalSoccfal ClcuM ti B f a pari'- U?ldId II Mrs. Mortenson- n s o n ' date to attend a President t by^Lhe Union Pacific Old Timer# j M f •• •* FrarFranklin D. Roo.\evrll birthday'day) club 11'^ W ' ' ~^AsNew*l;eader-a d e r — ball-ball-a~Quarter-«<-»-^nuir¥-ago _____ - BURLEY. May 14-Mf».-Mrs. A. J. led to marrlsse far nne cf Itf.i-t<<^- 4Jto’«-496i-^andldaiMw's- fnr i r MorUtuon wu liuiauedilied presl- prctl- L-- ’ ' of the XI Omuftgg chapter.chtpur. f^^^^^^^SpT^ebr.'Nebr. - ' 1 J YS T ! Bcu BismjT'i’n irin aintitr .11.. Unll niilriririn nrnf-'m1'. ' iffiiftp ^ ' '9.”*l..H0kI. wife, the *for.Ter-Jem W»nt-| lot the general oommittee of thele ^ ; n 1* Other oniccrs Intulleditalled are ^ v worth, tin t met b n 'th e -b lln d ; ) ‘?M ’ Old Timers auxiliary, and Dick* \ n ^ Mrs, iftehne) NotomI, TiceTlce-prest- -presl- - viliiP^B '^ai! * | daledale.'T heir romance blo,^;flmed| i erson. Sprlngville. Uian. " ...... '.''i dent: M rs. J»cK Mawn. record* r«ord- . - ^ ^ H j T JM ' and they were married July 14,1 W ^ M ! Th'e dindinner held al city hall . . , Ins M crctnry; Mm. Robert,obert, WoUe.Wolfe, a a ib38.lP3a; at BoUe. ' i •i was in honor of the Ruesu. the ^ > trcMurer; Mra; oifn\ TJiufjion,TJjufslon, ■■ Now Hlfrr. sn sttomey ind; ; correspondlnt; eeereUry, tind Mrs. ^ post prtJiaenU of the local club . ry. (indMrs. C ^ \'. /..j B i f i stale representalire Irom Oem! and ailxUlary. and the 23rd an* r ' •' Joseph HudMbee. dtyy repreten.rtpreten- |H Bwiiii I I K l a l .l ! ...... -- councounty, U one of ilx-Democrata: I nnlverwry l.c ru n of the club. • . J • ‘tallve. S 3 s ' seeking the nomination for gov-i I ■ “ Mr*. HueJcatjw. outjoinitjolnit prwl*presl- ’A 'l: BH o}i 1 Joseph Doyle, club .president. - . ernor. snd hU wife Is. his active:live! BHIHiiBIHHiL n»rftrt»f»d F rank. Redford, mas* dent. WAS InsUlUnj otflctr.officer. R S fc iJ ' ' r. 'supp ] I. Mrs. M ortenvin esvc & Mim- 5 ® 'supporter, ~ i; , .MR'fi':.MRfircLABENTE'imKiKR- ter of ccremonicfl, ’ !. m try o l th e seccmpJUhmennUhmenti otol . ' . . ' ■ nlkw ti2S ^hl^he Is travrluig wllh him part'part' . . . , , Emmett, whose buib^nd'■ Oue*ls Included Mrs. Sieve,e . MART MAI M,\D»l.N ■ the chftptcr during thcIC past )-ear. ' lS b . of thr Ilme n* he r.imc2i:ni overj)ver( llli a Den)eeralieC eandii{a(e for'■| Parry, auxiliary president, and ^ ' i t 'M rs. Thurston tftve thele FounCtr's • |I I M p t i j ' a tSM B H the *Ule, bui f^he l-i c'olnii no| lovemor.goTem .. IparryiclulI Parh-. club secretary; Mr.1. Ralphs * * * • 111 day pledRc. »nd Mr«.. U?rtn ? rt Wll- 1 - S f f? (q a In f B n publ:public speaking o,i hli hehiilt.*,a U------Clark,“ Clark, vice vice president of the auxlt* -7 1 — »on-«(fCT«d Uie-B«U-6l*m#-Phl-6l* m a -P h l----- ^ I r n l l ’ . MI B B She' Is helpln-;, h,i«exer. "(o the; . . ian' .!>d Clark, and Mr.r Jweph'h M /V»UI ary / M odden,. » . BTfcce. I SB H B ™ ~ exleiexlent Ihal'THll^'tSTrfn yO-'-ttHogBrrnoii-FHA- N t T? k . te Doyle, 'le ? a auxiliary u x se^reury. .~ ] H n r n c * Quests were Mr«. Dean Dcon Van g f c B tm ■ ------f lj ^ n R P'*pif 'aiid^vUll.’' ' . Mayor Harry Bergstrom spoke.e. [ H ■ lUI^J.C a r p e r b l a t e | i ' Enselen. Wra. Herbertrt NiiM^en,Niir.sjen, ' lEa;^ ‘j^^B An aeJ/ve eJvif -n-nrker-../'■r for, H f eof i ! d s in stalled .\fr*. Die Dickerjon and,Folda gnve j j ' 'M rs . H. E. NuM?en tn>nd d Mrs. A. ■.. ' msnv'veiir.1, Mn. Hl.’fr IS servlnRi I '. r* • I r» • I short talk. ''June 16 Services H H her., her-seeoni lerm at » member ofj Ij-i C ^ ^ ; H H Musicsi g.', t s SKAMOKAWA. k a m o k Waah.. M.,.,- n ' li X I Omecft chapter 1» Is tlie,ex-tlie.rx- N a - the-rcnool-bOTnl-fgreenool-DI*- In H I ^Speciol Rite. I I ■ em p ltr chapter tn Burley.jrley. Mem-Mrm- - M?'A?.\*«Kg ^ ..I - ^ B S1 a^ trlrt NO, 231 st F.mme-r. She al%olal'«>l HAOERMAN.HAOJ May H-lniliil*v,JyiI'-'K ast. V«c^ Becky Alllion. Ruby Dew* “ ’ ' ’ fulfill four hns been setlvr i'l pol,‘.ici, having,■In?, latlon cot Futui'e Homemaker* of / '* djfu. Skftmolittivn, Wn.-.h. Jn! 1>erB MO required to fultiil four 0' ey, K-y Ahschlnger. ^ d y King nounce the eiisa'.;cinriii nj ii„|f :• years Jn a ritual of jeweUeweu ciinp-clinp- a ;..:: .1 xm 1 ^ 1 srrved fl cninr-.- c»nl-,it com-]im-] ftmerlcftftmerlci officers w.-is held In «,nnd a,,m'jj Uj^.,un una Beasley. di.uzhter, M " . t t r before bMomlnt elimble for mltteemicti chilrni.ifi ««'^^•’*1 rojes I ‘^” lro>es, held.eight white candles, jone.i:'a .g Longview. W jsh. ' ■ cultum l. social and servlc*. llil" TV rotiRA PinCA L Al’XIMARY AtlXIMAII OFFICERS Initalled at Ihe hemehom of Mr*. G eorie Crowstr>w**r enrh ns p^e.iUlfnt of the Fiv.melt, representing.enrrse, the elsht purposes paied of [I], was the 31st annlvenary■sory ofaf the II, Mr*. Fred Frith, new prt«|denl. and Mrs. HiHarold Sampe. rcllrlng preoremus.cSremus. Delore.i Smlt^i a n dd -nie"nie'wedding wedd Ii ^rt for-Ji,np |< nlo and strapbook prescnUUon to the oem ll nt iH. Ro.\e C.illio!lc clu,-fh. J, .eroup. The tinlon auxIIUryUry No. 05 planned lu annual plrnlo and Kri ' the Oem l•Oun^' De-nrcratlc Women..'""J Colcen sugar, retiring presl*>1 Judy Clark,Clarl played ••Sentimental nt iH. Ro; I'j*' Active charter membera, all »jlc Valley MemorUI hospital. ITlmei-New-.Imes-Nen-i phola)pi She alM hns Iwh'presU lrnt of . . d Journey- and •'Deep Purple.” ^nsvicw^n;vlcw . lUiii-oi-jew*I 1 » . i eblW------rrn’s. ward , . -— »1----- Msjic------, Valley ' - tm n s le r s frw n-the rlluiil-r’n,Bn.*f>^man. rendrt qualifications tor Jun-n-Richard Richard 'Coon. Mrs. J o a e p hh - - • I t r BtrDiinniirBDTlfyT-celtbreted- I_____ Society of C hristian-ecrylce a t .'' n . p.r msrTlfne ahe WB?,a.|<'r<5 a. Irtf-«nrt -.m rhnpter degrees, Dlxle[nnv)|»,r^ v lf, MrMrs. IJoyd Biffgesj.Jtfrs, I II h e r 80th birthday anniversary “ »»’eelInR n l the home of ^^fs^' the Rlctitleld Meihc'dlst" cliurcli.aiurcti. bookkeeper tor Idnho Power winega S S p r in g d a l e - ) ± D S — ■ daue^er. Crowser. Mrs,, f'rith also Wlnegflr and Ruby Braekett were Harry B« f'l tt the home of her daushur. W th also Homemakerskefs h-JM»■)» . »lMr.i. Ted Vawre oS circle> lyiv o comteompfiny.' jubmlltjubm llted /o r the Junior decree, Westoverlvf«over and Mra. Ralph Lar- . , ;! / • Mrt.- Clyde Mnnnlnit, Sprlns- nre W s "'^*1 “ I 3 p. m. Wednesdayaday atal gnvigave a report on quilt project*.eet*. A*As the prlnclpAl Issues in Ihls ,n(] Dettyp j Irving. Shirley Miller« s gen.e n . ^ „ W o m e ; i | | dale. Other-hosteMMN were ^ ' h herc r * O th tf* '” ew” offlcers nre W s. ' ' W o m e n Q u ilt Mfttlliews Johnson, first viceIce nresl-presl- ' Lough-Lough* irinsullatlon of otfleir.i u-nivi!\ held year'syear' election campnlgn she ItsLi «nd „nd Pennypei Strange for the chap*J* ULetters tters were rend , from Mrs. ,11 dauRhter/i. Mrs, John Mntiliews. Monrsec- n’ lllc''. A lcs.ion will be glveriilveri on wiyiwiy Mrs, d . M. Pridmorfi as In- "an economic administration-of jeg Stanley Ma.vicy and” Mrs. J. L. SPRINODALE. 8PRIN0D May H -Qi,llt* m Hunter! Tliomi»on. sec- ' '■®‘ ter degree. Stanley N r- Ing and other hnndwork -*ni Ill ! Declo. a n d Mr*. Fern Hunter, Mrs' Wes PhoioRniphy:-membcrs nreire ask* ,jwi wiling officer. stnte government In lieu of new Colecn . Sllgar presented ‘ thew Sumner. 1Mrs, P a rry also pre- lm: and ol ,'*l Rupert, All her family_ wfts pres- pfg,. ond vicc prcjildent. nnd Mrs. Wes 1 s. done nl the all-day work mrri. n dsvlord Pctn-son, secretnry^tretuurer,Aurer, ' bring Ihelr cameras.’■ ■ New officers are Mrs. Jo.stphJo.scph taxe;taxe.i. and_a itrong opposlllon’ ‘to symboU. denoting their acliieve*^ .enled a gift to Mr. nnd Mrs. done at tiie -• i ‘ ent except for a Mn. O.ylord Dlckeraon In behalf of the auxU-[. Ing^^^ of of theUie^ Relief society. Mt;<. ' ’ Mrs, Prlth presented Mn. Hnr- Seward, presldenl; Mrs. Max Btimi Larrld Burse.'i was In rhatsc.- y -I. Hilt, Seattle. •______------' old Sampe with a pnst pre.ildent's 1 Rex " ehe'Iwiik.1 her hu.ibanfl Ii (ju»I- | Behr. vice. prMldeni; Mr.i.C Rex M Ifled for Ihe Job he «eks "hy •hu hls CharlCharle* Zn conne. Robert'*^,2 ^*Doyle presented Rlfla lo pa.illl A demon.itraIJfin*mon.iU mis glvrn on ^ M other's D ayy IsI S Flnvel, secreU o’: Mrr. C ..M . If'cd r, concentrated organic cleaner.'. * i,;!.; M arian M□ artin r t i n '’'aii'fl (troup dlwiLvifd-"EqualI-•'E qual _. . , . ' pri(j n U .: experience In th i legislature and„nd Adolph Adolph and Jeff Olaimer play^^ pr^dcntT pre-ildcnu of the club and lo Mr. concentraiec . ' Prldinore. treasurer; Mrs. R lrh- **P* I be and sang, accompanied on the ftnd Mrs Folda. paat.presldenus Prayers werew offered by Mh. . pny tjlll for 1002.“ HR 10220: It T o p ic fo r M agD Q ic I C "rd-rd McOotfIn, children’s work- work; because« « of hli great de.tlrt to be and sa n was decided to write Idaholaho con­ con- f~ . .M rs a n *oI of sen-lce to Ihe average Idaho*.ho* guitar guitar ftnd i ta n jo . attending w e r e Bid GrltflUi,1, Emma WorililnRtonWot nnd .Mrt, ® . Mrs, Albert Pelley. C hristian so- of o* »■ Ralph Larj.cn. Richard Coon.1, Carl A, Rasmus.ien,Ra.i ^ gressmen In favor of tlibi ls.iue. i P V ”^ relations, a n d Myrtle Rllcy,lyiev an."nn." •*„ Instnllnllon Instn: was' conducted by jmiph U ■Qje annunl jrroup picnic‘.uc“ Is set«t C h a p te r P arley '' ‘‘ii se a e - As for her part. It her hus*ms* Miss Miss sugar. £ New officer* are« j,jne_iMiles MUMiller. H arry Bergstrom. Mra, WlUlWlUlam DarrlnRtnn. Bur**| * Christian publication nnd secre- As V W. Campbell Fi-ank RedfordS je,. ; ----- for AuB,-8, ru rtlitr p1nn.iw wiJlvrlil be Molher'B-dny-wns obserred by i„rytnry of promotion;...... ------bandband-U-eIccUd.sli!_i'"l'*;j:'n!«Tt}e Penny, Penny, Strange. prfHOenU RuW w. Camp Jey stflke Relief viocJely' prtM- , wife of the governor of Idaho has Bruckelt, Bracket vice president; Vlcklu *ndin d HarveyHorve W ilt. dent, wns a guwt. • A m ade-nt the June meeting.ilng. ] Magic chapter No, 82, Order ot IJnt, Ourider Fiveland, past ?"** M A report on committee nctlvU ; the same role a i.n n y * lte- - t to o Behrens. Behrcn, sccreUry; Joan Bom*1* Art HerronHen allowed self-edited4 Tlie.-nic. lesionlesioi on ’’attlludc.i and :e nctlvl. Eastern Siar,'nt a meetingg atat|,he the pj„ident, was Installed In chtvgi ties waji Riven by t ^ union label ] ma^B home a desirable place: toU) boy., boy., parliamentarian;. p Yvonne« film fUn, scenesjcem In Callfomla and“ manners"manners’' waai given by Mtj. lion label Masonic temple, Jf*;of spiritual life: Mrs. C, M. Prld- J' ^ and public relations, chnlrmnn.;hnlrmnn. a reading. ,"Whnt A Mother „ " ’ rt I tome to and-tb be ever rendy! to Engels, Engels, degree chairman; Laurar» DlsneylancDisneyland. ^ p.P. d D,. Pace. “ “i l T more, student worU; Mrs. O m e ^ — ;— Scrapbooks to be pre.ientedled 10lo Uie Benilyi Is." was Riven-by'M rs, listen and help when needed,*,* Lemmon.' Lemmo treasurer, and Terrirl -Tlie servingsen Uble waa centered ______J ■ children's wnrd ot Majic;lc Valley jnm, es Caflerson. worthy matron,I iFaddu. ? “ supply 'workrond'\ .Mrs. Asked-what rhangcs « e mightight Lftrson. Larson, historian. - b by y a cake baked and decoraUd ly fay .Mr. and Mrs, Claude Sttenl- W a | m a J Memorial hospital will be com- ]j^rs. Richard Kevnn sang ^"Mom."m ST' . • ■ mak,moke In the Rovemor’s residencenee . -n,jy-n,fy escorted by Betty by Mr. an u ter. It WAS decorated wllh a H U IIIQ ■q O'JA P k led ftt the June meetlnR.^”*0 , . nccompnnled, hy Mrs, Pranknk IMii-Pon- ' *'*’>' ^ ''o '“f‘d announced^ the Jfjj herj,, husband Is chosen to oe- ,jn-lng..In-lng. and presented a rose. Mlu ter. It w ; Woman Tortured R e p o r t was given oq Uiethe Gold ^, pro(program. cupyeupy 11. »ht replied: ’'i t would , miniature train In front of a de- i i i . Sllgar read the duties nnd pre- miniature , gmite ^oup jivlngs program prognim awardedswarded PiPoems were rc.ad by nosalleRosalie be mostw presumptuo\u of anyone, g^ntedsenied the i.-avel to Penny pot. ;; byAgonizinglTCH V and Identification cards were ; :.’• and nt this time, eYen to think of gtrangt 8,d 1V»1 ... d.«n„>iyftgO a proficiency ccrWlcate and In*. BehBehr, “I Lova You, M other.” and nt t Strange d “latdrijiltbiJuJtalh - \ ' - • Riven to several m embers.^ nda wot by Mrs. Seward. "M other's Day.- Day.” charchange* In a .house th a t u the gheShe ,nlso presented each out*». ilialrman.ihalrmw. Tables were decorated •'IntiHjiiibi ^ stnlle^l M artha. An addenda was by J ,d with flower arrangements and y\!l,,4n.n,nlf«u«J4 i o Y - ■ . . I ?ave b a home b f.a veo’ eha^n'ng l>er- ifolnir , officer wJih a rose, and with flow * * * presented Tiy (he sta r poInUolnU Inin MraMrs. Buffcne AJexander Rave hom. ,r colored candles' by Mrs, Ed Giles,'s.i ntwntwte« teftA0afrm»if.f^«u-g rn - j n V honor of Mr. and Mr*. Robert rentreading. "W hat la n Mol|ier?'-|ier?" son. Changes would be the least Betty ,Irvlng gave MU* Sllgar colored cai iy\ Friendship Day■'‘^ 7 W; atson. Junior post patronron and Mrj,m Flvelnnd save a mother’sother’s of m my concern," .. ^ a -ift gift | In behalf of--the chapter, 5P Penny Strange led tha code, ^ - m atron. ■ pra:prayer.' "U ght These Candlc.i“indies” t!:!.?'.” !f‘Rnlnh 51* ^ CA N T OET ' s l — ^M eld-by-Rof-t-^^— ^ :it(a ^ = wa-n ft 8lflt~tiFBtniW Tiy’T-trs,'T rtl -raw ^ — tWTO-INS u RAWGE?- 4wiHKhUj»«nMr^»^ - 1 “ - P m nance. M ilto n Ballard.d. Mra. vnnce.v m Mrn. Dorothy Reynolds.yii^dB. DartS iftl'M : Nathan, ll, a n t l^ " v /Mr*. a F ^ WlllInnT Slranga and Mr*. I I 5 ,§ 1 River LDS Units'nlT S ^Rfllph Poley and Mn.. Jnmes ^jrs, Ida Lemmon. Mrs. Oene K"- !*• ' „ • '' George Lemmon. ^ | y/g We ^W ill Insttre Yonll ’ ^rm^lWUNAWNE,VhW M . \ MALTA, May H —Fancyicy work. work. M ; iller;, relief. Mm, Jamesles Cat- pRddls. Mrs. O under Flvelund.«lund. - * 1 * , BefrcshmenM vere sened by md foods te ru n . Mrs. James Stokes and Penny Strange, Joan Boroboy. Tot«r Td!»ICr ^tf\A\ r sukehouse.akehouse. vlslUns.-Mrs.' Alton Young. Mrs. Relreshmenta „ were se n ed by | c 0 Hulmt. I______^Ad..Pilich^t >“\"VA In charjre of arrangementslenU was Douglas: Kramer and Mrs. Fred- „ Is D anceTlnem e Mrs. Pridmore. Mrs. Carl Paul- r- ______) 6 \ 4 V U>e lUver staks Relieflellef so- erlck, McCoy; ESTARL. Mr*,-Jack. #on. Mrs, Pelloy and Mr*, Ralph d D i im iC K . May 1 4 -"I L.ove o « Q j V clety.W aeslln.,Mrs. Clyde Monlgpmeryilgpmery p^^,,PflrJ,i In Uie «prlnetlme" was the - - t ‘ M playeded inuslc. andi June McCoy, n 'J B l^e RTQup sang "If There'sire's Sun- Sun- EducaUon. Mn. James ratter*Catter- / Mrs. Seward, Mr*. Vance and then l l ^ M i «in and Mrs. J. S. McIntosh were mem- Junl ^ Q ------py Mrs, gniest-Reynolds-Nonei^i_2^D :------A Y S OhU.OHLY «*y_UlK-l4lh ------fi based .on theology.andjlogy.and Mlllan; condolence. Ur*.:”S Mlllon . “ S J l h o w e r r S t p g e d — ons. r • A social aclence'work. Ballard. M n David McCluskyIcClusky CAOTLEFORD,^ May 14-Ml_M rars, h I "Builders of the Kingdom"dom" was ntid Mrs. Darrell Jensen. pj,|phllllp Edwards.. Marslng., was , ' . s'hadwSl of pink were used for r ff B B*” ” '’y pdbby .Jean Christian^Jhrlstlan^ Ways and means, LloydI Mason,Mason. honoredj,oi a t a pink nndl ' blue the eolor scheme. .The Rrnnd " ! I k i i '" 4n flh "fl Mrs- Heber 'eolllugcr.igcr, Mrs. -Mrs. Richard Kevnn, Mr*.tr*. Bud ghoshower a t Uie home of Mrs.S. Mel-Mcl- >""f'march was led by Miss Rolce and r J* ^ David FOnnesbeck, Mrs,s, Wnyne Tnjxeit. Mr*. C, R. Ftox.3X. M ilnm .. vlnv ln 'Moore. Mrs. Robert.NMellon, elian, LanyL®” .Anderton. . . | I: W hitaker and Mrs. R. M. Kcl- Clyde Oreen af>d Olen McCoy: Meridian,Me wns co-ho.ite.is. 1 sey, . . reporter.-Mrs. Jawph McMillan;cMlilan; oc itts were placed In a baby _ The ciit ot "The Ploce ot flowers.. Mrs. Jnmes" Pageage and crilcrib which wai a gift from Mrs. i f . m f t Women In the Gospel Plan" Ih- Mr.v Floyd Bandy; diningIK loom. EdiEdward.i" parcnt-i. M r.' a n J Mra. N e k t t o ' 1|CV»|VH eluded Mr. nnd'M rs, Ephraimphralm S. Mrs.* Gordon Tobin: historian,ilstorlan. stesieve Foukal. | s • . . MUlcT.-Jnnlce Hawkiai andm d Oleen Mrs. n . O. Sevcrwn: llght.-Mr«::ht.-M r«:'-T - q he honoree-w as assi.ited In­ \ i r j 5 ...... LUCKY HNDro W arr. Roberl Blnck: ho^plUllly.ly. Mrs. opeopening Rifts by h,cr motJier*in- IN * 8ew-lt-ln-a>dsy dreuess —_ no T he Almo ward presentedaented a jioward Wl.wman. inil dinnerdlnner lawlaw. Mrs. Jack Edward.i. I Dlcl- i- j PfANOTS... ' ■ waist scftins. fitting problenuiroblems or skit. "Listen to the Wor^,"ir{l." PPor- ar- ^nd banquets. Mrs.. HuaoKo .Hot* Hot* rlclrich: her mother, and DarleneJarlene D • y t }! S details. ChMae a cheery.cheery, tlclpatlng were Mr, andmd .Mrs. Mrs. kneeht. PoiPoukal, her slater, N i m waohable print to wear”ir’at a t home William Tracy.-Mrs. Curtii’Dur-irU-i-Dur- . .out-of*town Rxiests wereere M rs.'" CGame p r l i i c s were won by i r n l'“* 2 - « ‘ »hopptnff,— ...... fee, Mrs. Leo Parkinson and Mr*. Ei,ie-potter.-Alice-Sweaerljert snd MnMrs. Jake S tahlecker. Mrs. -/ ANNUALi L ' , 5 Printed patUm 6238;>238; Hair William Bruesch. Marie BradJ5ur>'. Florence- chap* ChjCharles Conrad. Mrs. Frank VI- ...... :0 'i. 32'.i, Mrs. Afton Nye pUyed an ac- Uk. Mrs. fra Walker and -sirs. ■ll tltea M S . 104, iB-j. 20lnch fabrics. • ' woa In charge of retreslimeiiLvshm ^L v MacMulleii. grand repre.ienUitlve,enlrttlve Edwards. Ed' ' • ' . TRADE-IN-IN ' l I p g K II;;. 2 _ _Pltty__eenis in coinsIS for this Pm yers were given byBy Edwin Qf prnnd Jurisdiction ototFlor* Klor* / Mrs. Sid Edwards, Dietrich. / 111 ■ pattern — add'lO centaTorlaTor each Paskett nnd Mn.-Trtni-Daker.-I Baker. ldarMrs7Ru««ll'Uinen,-rcrre'1,-rerre* aUo ^ was-a-guesi------— . ^ D I p a ttern for flrat-clsas mall. Bend ^ sentatlve for_.South. Carolina; M » to M arian Martin, c/o'Jo Times-Tlmea- PlCNJC PLANNED ^ „ Mm .-C. n. Fox. mrmbrr of the V 253 W est nA Q ERMAN. May H -C a th - - S i ^ L EEl ! ‘ T t ilVJ -fg -d.entlals commlltee: Mr*. Rot^ I _• r i j ; N.Y. 61ir~A7tar~MCiriy met a t the g:|YOirEARN M L--— — ^------) ' >• P rin t plainly name, addressddress with home of Mrs. Candida EIorrlaRa.Elorrlaga. w aiw n. chfllrmmII of tbethe | m M . ^ ■J |! rone, size and style number. P laai wera made for r church a churcn committee of the.e grand ^ ^ W j T> ^ f c T > ■ E xtra! 'B ttra r Extra.i.b We le »um- picntc.-w tth the Wendellell Rroupgroup J,, jdjno. • ^ ^ W A L L S A T M 'l '|. U * t n e r pattern catalog—over-o v e r 100 Invited. I t will be heldcld atterafter Refreshments were Kerved by |f .: w styles lo r all slses, oeea^lons. oce«lona. moM-May 20,s l the Hagermanjagexman MncMuHrn. Mr^. Rlcliard j |J - send 3ic. city park. Kevan. Mrs, V/Mter fsiaughter. j —■ Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Fonda and ■ m t m , Mr.-ftnd-Mri.TlBTTy Light.^-—« v - - - a I * 5 0 I : " Food for JAmericans^ '• USE -nMES-NEWS WANT^ADS t o )-'W ^ r. By/ GAYNOGAYNOR MADDOX '-•^1*° ■ # 1 % n I ______-_VACUUM-CLEAKERS.. : ■ ALLOWMCE_vcE ______S l i . - riN O E B FOODS PROVE fore eacli a silver servingIg tray obf; f; Repairs All Make*-8upplles‘ ! ^ T t o r m e I l i l \ ; EASIEST jla.vies. I HOOVER AND FILTEXs " I ♦ W FUR STOR TWiirSi X" recepireiT^nnnjuBe-to”m n a e - t o - ' T tic fuwl.- Tlilnlrsllce&-iz E t» - I—— ? - - I ------— - -j._._._fQL-Xa.ui_Qld_jcgj_old_«oL_ sAfE_,NsuR illH.** be. or even for the brlde bride and brea.%t atid tlimly sliced Holland' Corner Btiie Loke* ond E ^ I N S U R E D ------p _ - ’ !TifiS'eroom7"»houId-l>e-ilie“ie“ DcctWorrDccimorr ■hamrwrvea-on'IsiCT silver p la t- ' Jnd>»,'iE;PI.;733-102r Ijjj 9 l i i ______REGAL ______^ ■■ •hbward^-the purchaso-of-c h a so -o f-a ------!______U n '« f o r sociability wlUiouiut ten.ilon,Italian. ters. ALvo platters of crusted, for proper fur ifOfoge,ifofoge, r*Jy o" * H U « cave a reception■n lor-lo r our f>ench orend. some .. WALL SATIN' - KJaada'a-flM W .befort.thehe weddlos«,‘eddtoe lerod,. othcr:i unbuttered1 for our - mognificent fur foshion.fashion. j Dupler'i furjiertier know-how . . . bated | i ‘1* to Introduce her tb our friendafrlendi calorle-con.^ctolii' guest-i.' Ample ! s a v i n g s ^ lATEXWAaPAINTI Rr ’ f. and relatives. I l w u» dljmlfled.dlcnUled. crysul bowls held Iotkc ripe and — -• ,on yeori . ofjf •xpcritnct experienct^.tiondling | It m'l RECEIVED % roR iNTtmon uac t l . " warm and amiable, green -olives and mixed;d saltedwilted 1 THE GLOBE + Ifi Ih* fineit fun.furt. BfingBilng In you; I , li • Here’s how we manosedlaged It for nuu. On a turrguoL^e greenjreen ce- <. JEED & FEED CO.:0 . -J.J jga . BY. THE ■ s ;ti; • » 4 0 w ithout exhouiUonm or frei- ramie nnilque dWi there were piece*, Oik viUl obovloboitl outour eftlujive B ■» Truck Isn a , Twin Falls,.11., i - M 20rH EARN ■ ■ t U Z various'dishes•dishes on three chre/M uith silver cheese RIZING,; REMODELING | : 9 »• the buffet colplalned only fingerIlneer knives—Brie. Bel Pae.ie and in- Will H .« . Ill ^ B f r o m ' t h e , TRADE-IN HOW!/! WWMI k lla HOLIANOERIZING,' REA JB t preventfd prfvcntfd dividual MrUngs ot Qruyerr. A li _nn2 ie_ _ . .ond.REPAUlNGiervic*,...INGiervice,______I _ .. confusion, also lorlss droRilnRoromilnR silver compoie of yellow)W inlllts mints — ^ J m ■ . I . _ __ j | l •• from la ;» to rvs. Coffee wa* aiid ttlrtf dU.liM ot ctinm.nmpacne. pacne. 'H ^ ■ ’ i = - ptices-are aflhoii'iowesiii'low esl! :-"V™ ™ ====--‘"” = I I • passed to thc Kue«UI on trny.i.trny.v wafers and peili four while).; s : i V ; »>-a z e u u a l i ■|R 'I ------^-Tne-jrap.tu hflpea'themselTea-icmsplTta- -Top QuoIity-AlwiyiTr^t. RJ 'i K *' tflble,'S'i■ freifeei by »t**>4.tio turkey and h^n; plaelnR - I ' M , ------r - ^ ------A-ifBollA Smell Oapoiil------;------w : • feet, waji placed atroMia the win-win-. bn the ihliily slicedSSS' French WARBERG'S | ^ '"'AiusAT?' . ( . h »d.jL-iubsunUalJinKcr-JoodU • No InfirMli IR D M Tlie drapes were drawn.•n. We used S6w ere the olrte.v the S nuw S nnd i -— 7 3 3 -7 3 7 1 " - - m “^ATE“IN^HE ------n •>"' U l| ; a .'double lensth embroidered■mbroldered tlre\chpese. the waters and thei iCT * No Carrying Cho'rg*’" - >9i w white linen clolh, ann heirloom petlts fours. All they iiefded were 1 * U 9 'HI , *• w llh th e family iniuallal ,a.a ti each bread aud bulter-slie platejW « . and'n d ! ^ ...... I.; Al, t.-i l.k*W I* >»'• I'w end. yeUo« roses moiKd aw ed'lri lri a napklai. . ' <„.IT •« - . 9 'lo h an d so m e c o ita l bowl,i-l. and two We fell this wa.i one of ouri IDAHO SAVINGS J rm p L d t:;Impt'tilmp»»t»* l»'«- ' * | . ; u i l silver caBdlMilcksCS bn each mosl succr-wtu! large p.irtlcs.- Af. 3 MINUTE SS VOLCO !|i»a]de of the rosw. lourr cathedmlcathedral tor the Rueits—well. Uic Invl- and LOAN ASSOCIATION < 'WN BUILDERS SUPPLY 1 # ''Slewfth Ivory-candlti •in■in all. AlAt intloiM read Irom < inr,.'S 7, Tlie ; CAR WASH , m SH O S H O N E S T . k. ! { £ - " e a c h e n d .o r the tablelie stoodMood a la.".t of them le ftg t 2 am ., hnp- . Jwffi f,tt, *• t».l,r ■iffi ;j"*U ver champign# coolerler and be- py and for from hunjry. '*' • i M l SIAIS AVE. SOUTHH [ ___UTH } TWIN FAUS______. ■ . . '1 ' \ Mond.if,ondoy, MiMoy 14, 1962 9 i g o f f b o y s Beat ] Bmsf c 7 - 3 , ^THE r/AiFS-A/m ^ew t C ar te rr"W "W il ins ? .;

g t o n d er r MMisses No- iuW -A m ateui-T5 U F - T 4 € e — I '^0-Hitter;. ^ { fH I.. .Ma,v I-f— X i'W t C a rU T , th e I!oi.«e 1 ', th e I!oi.«e KolfinR vet* 11. raninu-'l homo a liinlit- imllU on 1)11 thoth o fir.fir.-ets t H t Montanja n a ^ rip ^ ^ — ■ * ------i Buhlhlumiutuur-KolC-clumpjoii.-ihiii. umiutuur 11. CCarter, a rte r, w ho lia.« w on_____ K»l .'vi’l-.v iKilfink' lillt' ill liu-!<■ >tith'>ti,li- iuulam i lia.s In-,.it a uaudct-Joj;t-hifc4;o-hiUi'r-nnil ahuloiil:. 'lin an t l»h1i' fiLMin* f u r ’______by thenlen aa he hurled the Ma(rlc Vallcy Coi U llc y C ow boys p ast th_c_Iliii8e' PlayoffSel—•*■ ------Close ^— 'BillniiillingsdHiis—jiiiaiivUV y .v(’ar,-J, i'ar.^ Mipiicd H i i h r s 'Q , , U 1 , , r . . . rcmooii. The \‘fcl^ry“jruve'llrcTowbT); rcTOW boy.s ;i i-ro;iM »\vci‘|) 0 . •' ■:— rocATtrxon.tsrn-t.r~ 'w T r'i— ' rUTr:rtnitr?iTti ilt_LakeJli;i;s ___ i:., »h»e-K8ine scnea andmd raisc<«r:.tc-llo. Hr inUv-d n IllllluBS opriiril up It.i b:l;v^.^t'ixi'lll'iii-'.iii„ii.« 'ira c ilicme 01:1.'; irasiIrasiif but the S r. ' : iK-rfrtl ^c.,fr of 3M by irftv. ‘ yDUihUi! Johnny i’oil "<•)■ oni; l>i-rirtt m 1(1 Uic I'ieiK-rt i/'.u'ue ,-i;iccj Or.r. -■ - “■«--leplnontil.la« l^iy i“ij Uir I ” Bothered by ■ I 1 today ‘0ta .vjuare u llltlr iimli.-i nf » »>« ,iy J ii,-> tiir fii.lii-tuiiiiln,! Mu.h-, l.',aL^. ili iM.iuling li'iuling ctliiinjiKin, w 111) i lKliin ofl “-'I'- ii'j.v lumped un M.ilm i-'iilb> furlrm lni ilir (ir»t ■•'I I'"' tn»‘ day onr nii.k.-i -n,,iir__ Uuh.m,UL.ih,m% 1madr ll two IhrUli- Mu.Ui»4u,uuo N au o iu rrn v iu n (|ii;ir----- he-younsM 'ih^*un.-— J k b rVni„i^;mii -..i"I lli>;Hi>- plnrr, iiml —TTT” '------7^---- unm cAUhcr N 1 > < ear M iss'^ CJollOulMuur louniaiiieiil. . 1, »' in 'I"' Ul. ninih grade, w..n liir. *1’,ai p Uolne dropiwil a 7-3 i1c'i;l- 1 blr« .Suiul.a iin ittht OVil bunt I Mii-,:,r.i evfiit In tin' .'Inli- „ , M ade .Siiiul.a Iind »llpp.d til f ' " ?l>"' I S rtT w a o n fr Uid down » bunt I’.ilmrr. Ill one of hu rtri' koII* ! ii i ' ' ii;i I.. >tuRle Vdllvv .simtl:u. | n,. I.n i.„ li.uilli!„u,ui aund.T.d.T. u-io.11-10. nnrt(ilirt S-3 *lu> Sr- Losing t no-hltur *hrn. fttl W tM y JuH lor fjw,iple«l.)p at ' ^^Tbe»t It wC for * L a liiK laiuoi. nrceullalrd an IK-iioIr; o r •fllr Blfflnw Ml Kin Jiiui thr ' H.iT.>t ,. .M:u.Nh,ill.M:,i.Nh.ill, UuL.r. claliiirtl ,itttr■ iloMiinfil<.M;irdlta«.iii ita« i K -S a n d ll. | | | erptned the B al« lorr lhethe »«m(eem , rtl nlm’‘'V0(f when. he bonird lu o or; ^^►-lowi.,Knvf nilUii;;.'. a ihu.i >mi1i ;7R » I - . ^ tri'* Iwwgdla^iyItlelv bothebother Cowboy rlRhUinnder Jim I; Uirre g.imfcv ‘ ll 'Mill t*R ii lillr Don Kiinpp. 4. ...lh ; iMt thri-p.holf.vSundnv nml, g'" iiii|. !rad. DnCk'«m..Nln? Util-. h.iil „il 171)ITS ntid look fouuli]^ ___ t»o ind > ^louder biindny '■tIerno<:iii:xrur'HB mtvrd a 12-foot biioie pun £-Jolae-Br»vn hltieaton _8«'iii-. Iiil a _p<:coii(l_nl_H?^i:sin_±M--. (ircoill nl_ " ^ J S in “w«tofl wtr« U>e ren- -It ' i Polt. with ft one.under-par C3. loi ▼▼ l i l i hoiiicr in tne 1 f m m T. Stouder l»d UU no-lillifrHiller wtirn * h rn th n l bunt wcnl for t hit "i I | / l n Jiiicr in iR rbofioiu n! ilu- irnllf i,.’[ii7midpriimidpr lUyiCiy iiluTi'Otxlii chuim-n j move from tevcn tiroltcs b.ici: Ij /-V _ • ./-I liniiiis." h ‘S. thirdd ni I.'.:,I.'i2, fnfi)llo«('(l. by 'I'nm JK _ X T r «vcn lull inilnM. n ly . he h e tinted .i, tf ie r the gnme. "I r e tl - k ' 1 All le tm t trp idle .Mmiii».v . ri« tourih.mrih. porUportnnt ihinK. nnywny." , ' J- • : an (IWL-n(loii-n fcrlI of ihc-cup n.^ I'oii ' ^^,.“'7," :ln, Klko, Mini Ihc tlllr n flrr ^ wnichcil from the clubhouie bill-;, a .suililni (lr,ith pUjoff gave YiinKre pllcln oSblno (oot.« r bnl "I know 1 had H «o)ns."' he ^ w-niclicil 1 -.^Jk'kr.i' W iieiit the Women'* tUe Itm a t i 3111K Kni McClain. T u in K ilU ^: a l e "n d a r :• K m McOnrrty or, lhe uKorl M.orl .»m iiald ^ in nnsw rr to s que$tluii.1. "I"1 lU'im A WKSTON ‘•'“'1^' - W c.'iirnWc.'ii Ol rn Open Golf chnmploruhlp foUi>UI uratherweather forced iHwijnJiic- . .I pl;iyo1f.' / ,, n , ir iwo tu rn Imd uiiii ir.i« 111 ihlrd »pot wii.s g ftlnnyi hnve n preliy Kood Idea . . . CuwUir xrcuiiil buem an,1, Uul But tlic llie pull roll(^l lo Uir (ti;;c I ■ ., and a J bl|; b«ii.-.l in lirr drive m rni of the ■■**Vf«lon eenLflUUtfd ■ nifty on on he how I'm doing out Ihrre, DUlDUI rnjoyirnjoyfd t rre a t d a r with theIC of liie-c; of tlie-cup.tuul-dleu. niirl—lu»wHfd-»-«t4Uul-*Uin---- OrBat Kalla..t II t>^lv Hurley, nt 156 fol- , Kb of I’ve * « n loo many Cf liie*« flove rdliv iinotfM M n c h n crk rB u h l,------U »„« ine-hMd. one-hand »t»b of I’ve IlCM flove ana bat Sund:>v a s M adeIc luoKinCl luoKlnc aoiriewliut ttunro-d.• i;ol_ T h r birdie on Uic final liole of l*ocutcllo .....( third Uilnct llk c 'n o -h ittert ruined In Vallr; 1 Jerry Ciu--'r. I'w in KftUt. M t g S . rW im pbM i lin* m the Ihlrd u.lnK i In Vallrv topped ltui»e 7-3 and.(1 iinoUitr uiiollier chance to poekel H i'',,,I Uir fuiirih. .1 rciund-aundny tied <10 innlngai. r-niM tnd Medl/n rtecd Info0 Ifft (fi? (fitf frbottom o f (he ninth »llh two camp;complelfd » iwrep of a (hree-> SIOM. 77i 77ie rtiitner-ui, c fti .C.500..I Cilnmo. WIIIInnu>'nnif Brvrh..'*'"' , f f l S d to nnil • line thol by ouiaj Mlv-. WrlKhi at 2D5 with defend- Cilnmo. Wi ot by oitLa gone. Ju n t otk Weber (DeeDcc rarnerarnc nerlei. W oton nude two0 Kven mmore woeful ih tn Pulinrr I lng champion Mary U na Faulk Colpninn.olpninn. Spamixvlck.Spa Knilrc and; M'l^dhird fli;htflight hhonors were won U flairw rUht oK hl.i thpe topt WcbcWeber. Cowboy pitcher). He had elrtun ralrheo. tiwted a nifiyy wiui Bruc WlUl Bruce Cmmpton. nnInf Srs f.'lnnd. fla. Bolh parred Heiird.piifd. IH lf f ll - J o n e s 2, Brnrd,;l'>- VrtnVrrn KllK,Kill-., ililuhl. who curved ^ the tlxlh. In the Mventh.enth. one s going lltee th n t Intl yrnr.**. doubldouble play and w u llirce-for-'• roliigi;oltig AuJiralinn,Aui who nhould ut-l, ,„p ear*. »n '•'»iriD to K“Kalil n flvc-.-itruke wuion-tlnpped tnoihcr tlioi "W ; Uie fir.M ttirer *uddrn death Searj. tiiol "W hen thnl. bunt went for)r ■ fl»e-»fl»e-al Ihe plmtc. (Time*-Newi" Uicihc hard.luckhard- trophy 6f llie 17Ui j,,,,,.,iKili-s, but MLv< Pnulk mi.wed the Idaholaho F'iilLs.002F'lilU.t 030 020- 8 12 a 'l'llK''II- '“ovrr rr ninn.ninner-up Olllc Liir- r-!^S^«lo«d-h«nd.Bndc*U5htlusht hll X felt a. lltlle.btd, turt.^buiJiui, phemphfltni ...... • _ _ nnniml,o;ent. nMniml,r Kn-i-DttlthKr.-ri) ttlth her drive on the short Bllliiiiui.Illliiiui . ... 1001 033 I 3 \ - n s ||M'li,, nuhl. ilowhrIlowhrd Ilopkliw. Bulii. c o n i f t e t in. ■ .Vfi-ii btrehtndetf u Jt popped1>I>«d Jj pwlly-waan't-expeoUngrw ft n». =— Tfhlrd nf. J « «ftcr .j0.^lfi(c,* ' 3 on ot a ,,” c t me Timet-Newi .11 “ ■ ■ ...... - —Cniiflpi —Cmrtpionr trailing'Pnlim-r iiy llourth—— o u r t h - ^ ------_Kanyha;.Ili(Kanyha;.IliC«irtlo. l.Ufricro nnd n n Sale* .flepartfflecti-te-.- JK .» •,< •!<» rliht. hitterhitter. I t would have been nice n . _ itirce tUokea t a U»e flnnl round Mb wriiWright, who had 4-oi'er- Crobvrrbv Crctnri Crctnra, Hendrt;.(ni, Wnt- l''-'V>''’,urf-|,.-7.lr--,rirnlld ■'> l!I-'I.flllR ^ S e ■ b“3ita u ^ur-tnere-iT«-ioa-7niiny-thtnB* n ji ,„ ir n,i i^nnn.p. Innil Wftvne H;itHiirvrv. ~boU) Tw in eoroplet® advertl 5 tatistics-in ^ bciian. wnt cVHTTWrThrmizn Tnir'TC p7ri- 7c in [jthe fotirUiTmmarpicktd *«iir—wild,—t O a W ed nt ICrnnd 'IM, re- -®f-yow-^«m-tal■ynur-Jarm. ittlii; hini< hill. | i /Mci> *ere battU« lhe Cowboyifboyt thfttthnt cnn hnppen.” he ndded.■ 71 hole* I n-Whlttaker. 71 hole* and eould hnve won lii.s up 51,200si,:00 for hrr victory, .MLs^ n n -W_ h______lttak i specliVfly. wspaper coverage {oiw 67,- ^ . eommtndln* letd, Wr»tonr»ton •■Everybody •■Ev In the dugout tnew *• fir,si tlllt th li year by pnrrni;; r tu ik , who Ingle nbout it nnd they neemcfl a little 1 . 0 ; r tu ik , who clo.sed uiili a 7S. won — > rt*t!tn In Hagie VtUe/l, > . i,f alt the tamt with t slnttle nbout ' UieJSlJi. ■ iDiO. ■ Kored on H tn t Alien's hlRhhigh icn.-ic. icnsc. nol wanting to tnlk much." L eague Sliow - T m ' k-nnce blliing, Aii a tcn e ip e- Uul lie Alammed liLi M-cond H<-rH«'-r Wc.MWc.nlern triumph puLi Mlw V[lalifofnia / m i l O f J Dog ■,; uSSTi.™ X " i ;i,r w m w w ''‘w h ^ 1 low rate. Every tale ll*ted ' h ^ l n g tingle. In the w nnU:nnU, , he he ncknonletigcdncl the old *upcr»tl- T ir * * r n * 1 l)'i''ee t,ecl^c Urcdllrcd a 174 to Hike ‘ ‘i^ , ^Ct iiolce tli Mtyn m entlanlnt a no- l l i f .ihot Into the water on thr Irli ■ W rlnht iuitfwnylu home in her I n Uilt Farm Ctlendtr for 10 Such Ilred on t fleideft choice UJITI IqurM for n 19G2 grandslam in TV U i o 111 rumicr.upiicr-up honorhonors. In th ird wan .fly . before ttie i -Indian Edge aide £H of the green nnd waa lnKU\-‘' iVmS m Trials Hull. Tivm Falla, nl 176: r* before oeiore ut ie ^ a t oo coiU u>d Kored on WetWn'4 hll. hitter hitler ruint one. ' I women'a golf, BLACKFOC 1 in tht fourlh. Pred U nninR-ling- Breaking Bre; Into the convcrMtion, r - wlih ft penalty airoke. He put women'a gt BLACKFOOT. Niay 14 '-P - - „ c^h I'on- ny The A««el>t<-d Pre** hLi h[“U fourih n b thot five feel from thc PnUby IBerg, St. Andrews. III.. Cnilfomlnnllfomln dogdo| won the nil "« « irs ShlPlcLv Jr., Buhl, hnd 170. t h*zn iired on *n error and rode WeberWebe .viJd. " I IhouRjjt ywj mlchl Paul Shrum, Glenns F e ro '. Mfiy M fiy 1(5 borne on couch't third homerunerun gt,^, gt,^, [i„vt one todny. Thote gujt A >'year ngo about. Ihlt timene hole,hole. thenDiet inLwed U»e putt that nft *tvm* tvni-t(r -t(nie We.stcrn champion, xtnkenke h rre SuSunday nt the Sniike n- would luve given him ft tic. Imd a 75 and 200 nnd tied for fjvrr retriever 179. ALBCRT ALBKRT WILKIS'S W 1 (Cowboy flelden) were making Clcveiiuid rightliuider Dlclc Don- would lui vrr relrievcr trhiLv ------,»------Idvertitemenl! Advertitemcnl! May J l- ll. fl( tbe lenton. iCowl ■jjj.j, ovan hod n pitching pfrcent4igc Ti,p ^ 9. third with RuUi Jrven, Seattle, n 'm ie e dog. IDairy Hlll’.^ Night “— ------m gic Vnlley Iced U In the great great plnyn behind >-ou. Tlinl> ‘ W -nir double-bo«ey alx, hL^ * r c 'h ‘rd with noiSK niAS WIS.S Auctioneer*;ctloneera; Larttn U r i Edlo* i letenth Uinimt when Slouder■tnd tn d w* h hat a t you hnve to h t « to get of lero 10-5 for V^nthlnglon).» • ondgnj at, , 18 in two days, gnvc him who elo.-iedclo.-ied with a 77. ' Cup,lip, owned ftrand handled by And- BOISK ^1, borengh cu< A. -Jonca. Hlll.sborough, SPOKANE.POKANE. MtMny 14 (^»-R obcrl back no-hllter* bccaaie 1ft Imposlble Cleveland f , second biusemnn Jerry ft ^ 74 and third plnce at 282. two —— ' ■ ' ■ — rleu< A. *Jo ‘ Weston led off with back-to-btck no-hl WIN NET TITLES . Calif,.allf,, U nA blblock U brador. Sec- Copsey»ey of DoUe edged Al'Jo E l------ilnilei. Rulino taerlflcetf themIhem «, [0 to 80 out there for nine inning*l„.^ XIndnl] R'tn batling zero <0 for• 5S o oirr , „ p „ p toto nharc nhare u top p r iu .monev BALE KAU J Ctraia Kcrtd when Ttmton1 de- ny fly i, baiia. The* leam came up “ f®, * :iie Inland‘Iirmplre irnptho<)C. ' ‘ AdverUjtiBetil: 72-66.7G.28i: Bniee Crumpton, held the topt titles today In the Dogt panicpftrtlcipaied from Utah: 1" Inland'B SdvertlMBetil: May 15-11 I | Urered t long double oft the i-jth*-,th four or five greal play* and W** '''Ofl' * • 72-66.76-; - • 'Auclitneer:clitneer: .Delbert.Delb) AleiaBder jRh, Todav, Donovan lentb ail pilch-h- »2,»0.« , » 0. 7I-70-67-74-282:1 J a c k: Cftllfornia xlftle tennl) Urnmft- Oregon,regon, MontMonUma, Wyoming nnd ------I tlioughl th n t m ight be enough. Toda ^ •nMES.NEWS WANT ADS ftnd ftnd tjl* LyU S hiief . !■ 1 V ”If you would have. It wouldiuld ern min ifie AllTerican league withth NlciUauj.Nldtinus. 12.000. aC-71-74-es-2fi3; menl. m enl. Idaho.ifthO;______TRY -nMES-NE 1 0 • hare been the fifth bo-Mttcrtter t• «-0 record. Kindnil U battingng Jim Ferree,Pcrr $1,780, 71-73-71.60- I I t I'rc teen in two and one-htifhtif <3T}.377 bbut J04 In seven same*let M4;M: Gay Brewer. *1,750, 70-76- tiira If » » DUiifti Ib *I J" 1 I yearn In pro bnll. Mve no-hil-hit- agnin.’slagnin.’st the Ynnkeet nnd the In-n- 67-73-2e4;Bo 67-73-3e4 Wlnlngcr, 11.550, 08- Isht dlnn.'i hnve t»nlcn the worldrld 73-73-7U285; 73-73-71-; Doug J^ird, S1.550, _ _ s s s ’ rf I i f a ' i ' i i1 ?I IIll* ler.V’ " -" W tber ndded. "I might dlnns >uuri< < iLtitwii »)• <1 * i» ijtvehave BOtlen mine If thnl umpireplre clinmpclinmploM five of i^ c n . CS-T3-C9-'C8-72-C9-7a-28S: Doug Bandera. M I ItfMf I 4 It «' n ? 'i ttOUld would have given be Hint curvem e TlictTlicte ttnlistla more lhan nny-,y. liJMSUM, , '77I.71-72-72-J88; O a r y M l ‘ * ball. It wAji a good one. rightItthC Ihlngthing eke explain why the In-n- Player. Player. n,3&0, } 68-70-70-78-28C: B U S r ' i : : over S S tlie corner but he wouldn'td n i dlnnt are In flrnt place, 11 halfalf X-MeelX-Mcel In 18-hoI» pinyoff B V Vhrttk I 0 '0 _ give II to nie. Then lie got game In fro n t of^ the Ynnkee.iJcs Monday Monday.______■ M T-.I. ' • n i ’J Tnuu Ir■ 7 11u thethc hhil. Two outa In the ninth,-th,“ they whipped« In botli end.n ot n — Tt-** tjff ended tossewhAt rJitfuIJy. 8o»d»;Sonday doublehender 6-4 nnd 8-6. NOWMM O R E A i ^ i ------1 ------....______------WitiiWith only g little more Uion ilF a f lgll gure Skating ___ : MILEAC ; 0.-7o*T7' ~ y ^ • jaonthjuonth of th e ccason gone, tlie 1 I 'l Indlnn.^ under frc th m tn m an- ijl U G ] ,“s; rin so n G iven 1? Chief Elected I r i * * ager Mcl McOftha, already' have gSUN in i vVALLEY, ^{lly 14 ICTD-P.! r-10. ixirw-noiM 4. y.ii*^ t. “ TomrouRourpREStirorai«fWfffl“A= be*len the V anie« more, times[“ lUtterShumway,niiier Kh Roehetur. N.V, ! !!c^A'.'^'(3iTiSwIl!». ■* wr~i*"ix«k. P j Uitn (hey did all latt year under'®f wa.ii“ “ -J; reelected prc.itdenl of (he P raise A fter ■ mtnagep S Jim m y Dyken, In 1001 , . IP It n j;n tm so I”* Unlttd SUles Figure Skatlngl . .. when lhe Indiiui.? flnlahed flfUi, nw«3elntlon at Uie annual m eet-; ■ M l ! i Sunday Game 30V. gamc.1 behnd th e Y arkcet.” • hig iwr* over the week-end. ' H U ► S , ^ i l 1 ! 1 Sll they won only 4 of 18 from New Tlie 1963 nntlonnl figure aknl- MM J if Tbe AtsocUtrd Preii I - in* ciiauiplonslilps were awarded ■ M hJ TlfnnMo'ui. vying with Cleve- 11 9 9 6 2 \RBURETC r ' to the Arctic Blades Pigure Skat- ;- CARI ETOR I ■•Anything Wlllle M tyt u n do, , “ "J" NEW ( s Standincs I "An -land for the No. I nurprUe in th e ~ ( PIONEER i-EACtiF. , Vndn Plnaon cnn do a.i well." American.\° Icogue. clung to- third lng club ' of Paramount. Cniif.. | ...... w I. i-rt. ' »f tJie San .2 ond__ vice presldeni: Spencer, Prnnclnco-Olanlt. — llmQi’«>-nlppod-WiithIiigUMi-3-2 ojiS__ Prnnc i„, and Detroit edged Bo.Uoii 6.5, ■cfanrcicVflimarinira-Tics-prw- p /" ? ''•''i ------M«!f v.ii,r 1. noi~ » VndVndn hnd anotlirr producllve,,h Tlie Indiana pounded Whitey5_ identi.Jni d e n t i . ^ i P. Oroden. Lcxing- IEVIU.OVILWPRICESCES^ I 7. (;m i r.ll. • (1« Inn. -ATONES ifiernoon Sunday witii lil* lllh J ■ Trtra and four more New York 'O'*-lon. NiSSr. i.fcreliry, and Carl Kllllnn Jl. IdiW VilU « (.^anilrronil homCIhomer and u triple t-« Hit Ited* pKcJim for two dozen hilt, in- °ram,Oram, tit Ne»' York Clly, trea.nurer, | |.wn^, ciJf , won won theirI fourth In a.rov. beat- eluding four honieruna. Cnichcr Several clubs were admltied as ■ ; H o w m u c h c c a n y o u s a v e o n G o a ; s a n d M o n' e e y y ? ? J SATinNM. rtA tjint i»K >»K PIlt-iburRii'sP' fnltt-rini! Hlralei probationary m?mber club-v ^ w fin 6.4. Cincinnall-t unbcaUii Bob,„h Johnny Homano had a thrce-run pro^oni w I. i- Checkthis.cl ur present m ileage. AnifW ____ 5« »j .. llr*l game contributing largelyly three-runIhree-nin homer. HU came In- this.chart with your pre: 3 e . II »I. t..u i.______>7 n t ner with I * nblc relief h.lp, to Pord't tecond defeat of thele the fo|Jrttifoiirtl lnnlng'«f the tecond! _____ 14 Ji .tw II • . Met MeoJiwhlle. e rtn with Mny» tetton, ^ndsll also l u d »ft gtgif, off rooltle Jim Boulon.__ Mii..utph!,------11 H .«« ’•i I 'i conUnulng 50nUn hit tlump'Kilh nn ,{i‘ O-for-5 pcrformnnce. the 01nni.i !S ;. .— i: '! .!.i GGallorti allorti Average G o i . SI liM H had had I lltlle trouble romping over ' ------n R . K f Y(..l . • ... , 7 U . JIO iJ 13t» ti Jloutt- .jioutltxn 7 - a .a n d holding onio Miles for 1,000 Coit ■ C o tt f a r JS o Y v in i n i g t . " RnalO ,1, • *4. rr*«l.M 7. Ilnntnn t • • their ^ four-aam e lead. Per Gallon MiletM ile t P er Gallonn . 1,000 Milei ' 4. KU J £Siaewheftf b e in Uie Ntllonal n-jfinn.u I, ‘ ieaffueleague J u t A ngelrt Ietp>frogged I ' «>>ruVM;rh^.>1.7a , ov^iover SS(. Loult Inlo tecond place, « 1 0 1 , 0 0 0 _ $370.00 . edging th e CnrdinaU 4-3: Ciiltaso 1,000 37t _ AMMllCtK LKACIIK ^nnedenned out of thc ceilnr In double- 17 li u# ‘ hendcr hendc iw ecp over ptiiltdelphip. 8 3 > - 37c ^ $308.21 $ $- '■» Schuitr. winning both gtm u: nndI ' -yQ' ■. Milwaukee dumped New-Voik------7 1 4 37c _ _ $264.-18 $105.82 $105.) ^ il - il-lii -I-I'.i MiS inlo latt. trim m ing the Melt 3-:, 14 714 I - Ani.lM ____IJ \% .M» I'.i Into iJ l) i Piiiton took over the mnJor / ’ Ictgue lenderahip in homeruM _____^ 6 2 5 37c ____ $231.25 $i38.i$ 1 3 8 . 7 5 , J»ii H’hen He «ocJcV. « tripled **» UV. __ V V Sf.of Uie Inning- and rode in on i - S^II* — r m " - ^1 , prankpran k Robinson't homer, T.i c in c in n fttlje g n n lrflh t nitd tn T ' — t ‘i"a------” ” ’ ’’ C ' — W 11 i’ lhc tltlxUi when Leo Ctrtennt l. ^ =AVERAGE“PRICt1»RICtTOR NEW 1962'62 MODERNMO CARBURETOBURETOR^— u '. -an iuld«d-anolher-xun.ln-U«.elClllh' ------o u n ‘*wv71U"------'Sl“j{—«5i5‘’ **'■ on two error* by Dick Orott. a f. Siii^^BBore ore^^ T . . .,-T-$T4;95Ti^$2i:5dT~ .^$T' ; 5 d T ^ - • .ui;..u i Mcrifi tacrifice and » pinch *lnj1e by f ] Joe aainet. ^ f.; * ___ *•*. 8*" oi>«» ».«■' oM r it - Orhtndo^ ^ ____WALREBiS ______Two Borere ...... $T$19.50 to $27.50 . iMiiyj^rrr***"*'**^" p o « » •50 ------hand«r-jack.-aantcrd-h^j)l!j}’e L ____ ■H'ttKEgLS- - -n ^ ------3 A tupport in th e OianU’ runaway t ------:— FourBofe“»re T~ ~;-~$39.50~to-$69.00— . -$3S . 0 0 ------= I ^■RaysofMinoso So y ______!|~D i EEU X E-2 Reveal Fracturefi f-f ' . — j I Ask ycyour mcchjnic tl^^fferenciUfference in the cost of Rebuildinglebuilding your present CarburetoCarburetor, com- ^ ST LOUIS. Mny U W»-Mln-:,n. -. SJGNSI UP NOW fOfi ■ ?f ' rhe ctegani tiral^ht bourfcon me Mltioso frtclured hU right c | i «rui ax w(i] u s; SUMIIBER lEAGUE j | th a ii aged m ice a< lung M j ■■pared pared Ito a MODERN N EWEW 1962 1962 CARBURETOR: as MMAN A N U FA CTU REDIBX-CATtTER”' BY.“CAl ^3 nMdlonK Uftsh inlo a concreU I X-rtyt-dU-!iJSi OPENINGS! I fc\ aialotoroihen.EnjDy H . .. ‘'ROCHESTER” ... "HOELY”‘‘HOEL’ oV “STRO.MBEEG.”ERG.” , . / . eiovd 8undn>', __ ...I MONDAT. *!« P-W- jI ( ^ t lI extra jc«r» o f mclhwnesM ^-D r. -8i»n-London-**ld -there;^.?i — — ,ME^^S^^MANTEAM— y X - J i i ’, -'1° » « “ “«■ on . MlDoaVt ] ■ino'ciVra TOfl. ~ . I ^ ~ ' br» n but the fmcturo w u neut t l TUE8DAV. -----f e \ - •blood vejuel whlch^xould exert;cri WOMEN’SWC 3-MAN -reAM V. \ “ ^ ^ Disri)Disr/6wd"/n”7llogic~Vo(/eyr V t t l k r b y ------Pftwure nnd require nursery. WF.DNEISDAY. 1' t \ - ^ AFTEfiNOOIrf-TtA-WAOWKA m - ..WOMEN'SJrEAW.I-EAOUr_____ ^ - PISTOL PACKIN ------TaUHSDAV-FItinA^- V -• ------MAMA ------.g ? m MAOKUM _ 110.00“ MDCED LEAObE p i N C CWT NICKtwun _____ *4.M , • r w w MwoiiiBianm n s i t ■ ■ *eof» tfattcA r______» .* j I I- " i Call'733-2566; U n i t e dI AI u to mm i o t i v e , ■ ('t..cl.l for f»i Oil.) ' 'W CAM SHOOT ir fOR HER . . . . - UUIM SOttaat.ftow is . ftOM. .li//#' V f Vf.lt your Yl MAGIC BOWL I '-i ’ ■ ,, , 733.73?2 : WEST .5 POINTS ■ *" flriBncUy ( a v * m Twin FdJIs . -- * Phone 733.73: .DON7 IKJRCET THE^BOWt. gORTlNG GOODS5 |I ,,;SS.AROUNP HAWAII TOURNAWWT . - d U T ^ M » y j

' ■ '■'..1 J - ■ - . ^ i _■ Li'I Abner - W £ COME TO TAKE C:AR£Cf'>o;) A RE Cf'>0, />o'wouLi>rr \ / waT • S0n>^USAMEAL,WASMOURVASMOUR V l oOCH/' DASr } ( “ A tl j ^ O N s T ^ - ____^ ' * ' ^ I I ] [^ *K* m L£S,An THEN V TREAT ME / L x ' I ESELFA


- V A»(a5»»™T5»»«0Iw”WirfiO5I)S5lCF.M;i(i:WOCTlCF.M’hWiSoiPi WjTir:?*^'' IrtSUkr .Wetoum. 'n * A R l(^ - < W >J UPUPlU IU BfBfAUMGhlW AUM J ' ]78elir UI iUteimtn■teiinin UWrjIIni io ari».) t.t P^CRuoM M 'OMCutcd1‘roMcutcd InplemcnU 431>mr , a i f i u ^ n c k ejMr.r. Skelioo ^ le jeu m y 4J.Wtnl by »»i Captain Easy »e*t»ed '^'2lVi>«a «G »rm inf»»r DOWN U Jicob'iion ^BKotdi ! U U bm *. I Comnuadfdimnuadfd 3STlm« lonc by iOAuilrallin f j l siilweo iDwSSu^ U){-thip«me «ltn ’ 30Slron|bo( MNetlof' f ' I r i J ^ ______, » 6 w _ y tlcl« 7D4n|iflier t f . 31 AI**M phtiunU -— #t flp r^ rto tlir-fts Henott------.4lNoiW»h*d eT«rSyrty . •~ • ~ 3Sl/nuiuil M BoSyput ^ tfc W OWMtJ-KEarw^- 1418uiHn» TolM 10Pr«y«f*ndlfl|tytrtndinf 3

irr— — — rr^— [T- ir--— .

nrj—— — IS-- r? PTY W ELL O O ir THIS WAY- I I "J Luocy LAus' 'S p ie c e ! r MGAOS, ITS MIME / ■/ Ta il s ITS Toufes/r /,/.. ' \ .' . 9^<- — "■I — n .t a " ~^1 ^ ® rJ'v— 1 ...... ^

r r ST ^ Q ' i BI r . * I-I — --V ' X a PIPTY V ' ' H er. , ) y C E M T PIECE,' “I’m nfraid I couldn’tIdn’l pass nn aptitude test. I’ve ^ - J ' l o o k ^ ■ - — , .never cvcn had a courecourec in il!”i

~ Cornivol ' ______

^ | r m r - + i ^ ^ T D L r ^ G

C s - 1 r ^ liij.it'tf s'V^'aybs a cne.A ^ I f That, Y A re n 't~ i^ '^ (;:^ |( ' ^ ------f e ~ | a : ful dau H? J I have to bs st:th trs s I f gives L« S T ~ 0 three./ J 3T Hoji*. loc<*.h3/ ;0J like to take Donut stop tJjthreey s r * " — S3------r “ f f i l ^ Gaiofin* Allay

> Mnlof HoopTt y y beuutiful day. H 1 " lce«TAINLV;«K.30Nes'cei?TAlNLYIINLy ' ' p — - — ^Y , _ . (sF j n ~ l U BE irJ iHYAf4Tlcao6 , - ’irtUJWrtJORfMMBlS ^-Z JC '- ] a ndg^t^alt I • LONGFElU>W30NeS,PRODLlCCJjV Jfl i }PTH6*A«XWDTOWNtViH0W?; i f t t : WWR0,Wfl.30NES.rr5AfvcA 7 / \APP^^l^iT«E^^TWlTH—AH- AH— ■■S5^^iSLAl -j— wtrepiwsuRBTDcoMveRsey-iw w cra } - / A VlSlTlf46.DlPiOMflT. 9i;T-; ------f^lTH VCO— 1/« AN A RtD%^/ D E lW Z H6W0MT/HIND/N p y i n i B M ' , ~ ^ a c w i h e i 7 o e YooR- ,|g ^ *^--»WAITlM6— j AH HOUR J T T T f r I Tf iNTEiLecruAL Visits v

j I'.U B lf' WHAT's'^ I ^ ' l AtWAVSAVS WAV6 A i IK/JU u ' ' ^ BIT OPF TROUJie ^ \ v ^ r FINPtk'SJSTHESANfiE TUESAN6E \ ^ OM AWJ'AYMOfi.'J^ B u a s B ^ n y f C ^ ‘ [j(TW?ISTH'BUILeiN''\^ W lsl I - £ S ______' wniE SUPPOSE? T' !• KNOCI<£)OWN!GET/yA ‘ \ft, “ImaRinel Orbltinjrnfc the EarthE three times in' | '' ■ five hours! Why, a mnn couldcouU make the trip while. n his wife was dressinR}’’-.inK f" ' . ■, • . L ^ Sweeh'e Pit ^ o a ' „ , ______U i 2 _____ WFFV I

“ 1 o w . o m n t f 5 \ % O u h O u r W o y •\ KHOiKrr o ff.v m ,t&T«.A!!r!J!IlZw.rA.POMT ^ . _ WMUCH» I DOTHXT-TMeypil - ir e s c u J V humamb ' ^ U HwaTO \ / soDsry \ |~i ' ' ' ) I WICLTAKE J lisil 1— THAT T I CAKBOfTfr//——— j ]

Jr - v ( • ■ n j a a i g r j a ^ - a z ^ ' ^ <-.pjCS


A lls y O o p r / (you HAD NO ^ T H 'H K M O I^T /H E K _ ri CAUUTO 0 0 7 THAT TIME-AWCHINE C

_ . / ' '' BCtW ...... “LiUcrbugs:iitlerbuBs.r______

\ ' Mortha Wayn«• “D iiv^r.uwB^TMy-ViDJ I i' hi«.d :-« umiitcCIS is X-VI I F(Y'wc'gcjMiuiatiiMRXiiitQwuM.Bp I KinvLsw.-iMm.-H&'s-N,: M2<.tVS5Tnr«OT^“ f ^ >MyuFE/ r0 D i£ 0 i;u trmvKCDf-iCiCWfeAuoi

Dixie Dugan

A UKE*-roroME>fl ------A r ~ , - - ' S

M u sa E s ?

w B \ i h W B B I ^ D o n ald ^ D u c k .T aILTH’W««BUU/ 1 | thmthcvb8^0(T our !* '(' UNW rtsu^ |S:Stt^»'?.“SgS w lSi'?t?£ ^^^5to w " X * 5 ± ^ ! m 5 ? ’ '|sS .’A'fES‘-P“ SS?£-sa*iKSi. iSo*S!to ...... S * A . ^ / ^ { ‘■\ ^ ^ D q n 'l H a lo F 4L~<-:---- ' ^ ' '"■ ' ------M MAvefDNWFSEU momvouMUCT.1. mamaumna-oovt. SMv®own.v r ooAm/-Pi£Ase/

■, ^

<■ TS AND FINA INANCE BtBusiness MirrMirror Usele TTimes-Newsews Wont^ AAd d s ! .; • * * - MARKE' * * . * * n y SAM DAWSON ;»li.if,\ br^t\jcr.l for bUsllir:J,I ---- ' — MARKETS AT GLANCE _ AP lludnea* Nc«i Analt.t I -'ilirtr- mrn *rl .NKW_Y(lllK,^M., !• ,4^- p/■■X » ' Ar lludnew :mCAQO. May 12 l»WAcIlun,l(,irrr.., of Kuvrmm ™S5 ' CLASSrl'lEDASSIFIED INDEX Help Wonted—Momted—MoIb 19| ' Moy U14-15, -1 5 , 11961 9 6 2 jlj: s t o c k s - ' : IVingl ■- lmiUHrlf - to»»i'|''n t ^ __Grams ta lk ,'ip ira lu 'lou'd to Clu-.tr> ii,u;co;c nk’utiivt ibis liusliie.M on .rjr.mr.,! irrit.w ii-f Twir< FoNs> Timcs-NewsTlmcs-Ncw: I J 1 | -Clln:Aiiu._ii.j_i4_m_wh,.;_»i4 c»go_bujineMmo_bujineMmen. ''rirminl Irtihn, lronl^ »ui suclrki inlHriLM ANNOUNCES,NNOUNCES!E.VrS ■ ' ' Uru!^'"'S' ■losi of lhe t«p rxKUttvrs or bloaing lUJcatloa 1 ihroasn 10'.. s .-’h - f j ••Vi Si Ila SVo -**'*^' i 'k t “J.", "!n"’;h 'V-T •'* "'-I M oJi'oM tJri , or blodting mrriTrr,-. CUialXicaUoa 1 ; Work Wontcd r»d,. tith., ..r,,,, V'l*»ntlrwrd*lrwrd in a m v e y ol Mid- .Jl,. miiiid; • iiu.^ ntcd ______M aililid; ' llwlne.''S ^llould be .' O I'IC U ATO U S An-.;.;o„,.siM' ,.., I li‘^ «'.l.r*in'’'r^...I,r In mi.H .ir.im„, ’|«*iirrnilrrn ihlnkth in k -y r :U-Il aiuripaluiir lu «,oi»ork out lU o«n KMPLOVMKNT KMPLOVM ('A T OIMCUAl ------“ ilJ.-Jlliti ______,WhuiL^i«» l.ANU LKVELISG V'’"' wT»‘^itJ'ihrousn itraost• .s„,i..t lu firm; li*ti \ u, ------. C!»»tlflca!1on.l;.ufi«ii«in.:r-ia:Msh^i______L°|y,:A.s_u_^ .1-^ .llL.Z2il. ______C 'i‘.' - bu^mea h.d •"'I Iliumm..! i.id i,fi Miiccn [ »I»nmi..| li.m OOCavlNSTHfCrtON------‘’^ ,f,‘rra■orA'' T E m n x n llrv T ’ «'«k m li'ls hl5 ‘^ a.vuranc ^ u r a i i c - 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ £',| j •Iflcatlon 40 lhroiijU.45 wiiiij; giglTiTn'I'irii.ss ai.u u ai' 11) ’ W.Vl'KK U'KLI c«m.;i..i..n u , i „ « he L-in'i anti . iTiu.\yc^ir ~ ~ i^rinTiTgnT^)^inKM')ci'pciiiiig~ ' ||. g H S w H l i ' .m ibr flff-;!,,.. r.,„.„d bW^lIlf6^. BU lu'-VufWinK nEAL ESTATE Y. P . RANC : 'Livestock in J- •‘•'■— ‘ lir With fe»,,exckp 'ificatlon 60 throagh 6: , •nJSCAnORA. Nt OliOKS PM'“ . »»n*litt -i-.-l^ »h-.f* riBht and Ue.M rARORA. NEVAOA luUMlonon and UomfUumeiiic ||] L“^ “ ®"* thry-qUBl . OctlKK. IU, U * - (DHDA) - ...... ''.'.Tt’*]!" : s i r » u»t . i »»» ■...... RENTALS RE^-'TA -----^ RALPHI! SltW ART.A R T. JR. •., ■r.r. pi...ih, i.|, .h ..i i„ r..i... lb. by cirinK"^decds cliinc deed ...... ' ' ’’fi'.*’''[ aH-. .‘‘■I'ln 1‘,'n'iii^ ClaNMficallon "0 i iienila U>ai b rin e .llie m up;.'"-*,"’-', '" 'r'- VANT-ED— . ______Wri. l^-'l M-t i*'e llie crmtNc ot the ■ AOJllCmAGKlCUl-ruUE .' i S ' ^ ■ it'* one thing to w y the nd- ":1|>, c.;'lviiit:;iiviii conu-iids, ^C!:i!Uficatlonijficatlon BO through >8 GrHj'a^•a CQiiiblnoConiblnauon,. .. HON'r[' PH ’ IT COFF ______Uie »ctlpn tmr LJ I^ m"*:!,::; “*ri!i "s‘ rt^.Tlr‘'.r,!}^K'V’™ ^ mliiwrriitinins-iiWrriitinins-Tiot ntmtni»inrwr: - r- ,i|.'..i,!i n'.im '-nnttr-Msn------— — — (‘-(‘Al.lia i.Ii u U.s.s ------■t llolierL E. Brookcr. uliu l>m>L.llil,ti’ii:;il' S’-ii ’Viiiiii»;iiiv__nUlcil ______—LIVESTC LIVESTOC K ______'______IXJU _ _ ; ‘‘unTTi^:,I/X.l ...rr. .l,,k . f,t| iu.r.,0 l,,.h,l. ovff■r IVi prwidcntpiMldcl ot Monijomi'n-'lJiifX.. .1 III.-lii<- pilcc hike, dLs- . C!a.'viificnfion 100 i*®2JSi.u« luddtn rfcovery .,„t c.mn,, ficiiflon 100 liiiuiiiih 116 sj.j,.SKE _■- ■ (ll.l fr.,!,,, tholf* (St Ib.' rinhr ^n!ni n i ’ MiX'iJ! Iii' >!' iK .'* i " \ f ’Vi'i '•Varilrrd lll^tlust fall,fall; "B ut tim t t n i mii.i.-.r.-. Vllh viiii .v.iiir.vuiir uf the nii-illods . I L ^ ^ « r i y Mii'nif :«r»»rlinit ri IT'": (Ixii :».38; chulr« MT Ib. |i,hi„, ( ^ | f n | «i»t lhe 1M2 down- b.> h. hihr,,! for ...mr vtiyy convincinjconvmcms if "l the ».rm.' ilir :„i;„inisL,ruc^ulii.inhi^imoii Is UNtiii: in .%nsCELLAI S SfSSl iKcn conulned nnd: ?« ...«n, •. i«g 0. 1. .I l.r riffiir.ir» »uh itniele variousvarloua Itli^lcrat asi-nclr.\ nr iioUci:.,;111,; biLMiicMUiwiirM and labor. But. CU»Mticatlon j:o ...... i■AR.MKilS S S ” lj' lurtmrnts are W klns-actiuii»;iiti!irr- miiii> of ^ “^ren ed . . h liu ir •I'utk «*vn*n*l'”nl»bll«h-J; i»t"r .'Mln*. '• “•"I dcpurtmrnts ai • r- mail) of llir oihfr,\ hr ,' Simp Korcninii ■ It harajs .biisinrM. , ii nni.-. t|!.' k"vit ....l.,n, .11 t;,... ot f,rlA ' *'jW*"|-*'V»m»Il*ii7i?IU*i« n>r lutuira iiiiini «Ub.uh>r. fi.iu . that hara»s ..biia i.'. III.' K'’‘‘'rnmtnl lia.\ thr AUtl-JlAJTn,»,-r AN „„.„s ■ Ouui.i. m.rkcr.^-«,». "ManyMany reatflreaulctlvc rules keep n^nt: In'i„- M'tm i forth(o;t the lulional Clj;M!lcatli/.T lt>5 J a - r i from w«k'«nd uorsen. , ‘ ^pins u p .T he trouble wl.irKi-l>- i and ,id» r i-aM Service lu n u /;k.«iv poppins up. Thi '' I and .idvl.x* both *Ulrs U NIOON N MO'MOTORS ...... G;ill Coliict UoU«n sliuntlon nnd a lo»rr level than llie pr>'M- m v;:,.u; i.n m of DCoalble. economic li"". CIIICACO, > ur'i< m <'.-h irtln at a tower leve I.mis n.^ lo uhiil 11 AUTO.MOTIVE AUTO.MO' T ain•’•■in Kalis. IdIdahn . —>-'y?i-_if?LjiiiS_fiutill-i!dj_____ **«k•ir...... j . .-..I. - . .... ____ dfiicy.icy. Official Offlclalt who. are anti- ililn;,,1.. ^.iiiur Urbr bb.id for (he pub- ciassillcationllcatton 160 IBO inimich :00 GEy' SlMt.\VlNGS lM t.W lN Mo. 1 k.iu. hri.i i ^ i i . W i i i f ^.1IH!>.< i . ^ ailO--linBmr~ Ht?lCnryt-WBr^t<- 1,1 .-rnrnit— = ' (•.■rn ur.'htrrtfd lu hiith'i: N... t makeke-thTfulerund me rules ri.'icuIution5.-;iirltl.,i.!~~rFp^i.-,r^c.l-im ^ Flofilt, ^ my trend toward more fedriiiliirri-;,ni'.'11'. I.iu,:.,i.m:., noml Mimildj bc tom - _ _ _* ______^ _ INTERVIK'S’TERVIEWS ■ * S ’otuener» considered lhe ' V.iu* i' iiV'VT* ' n*''’* ulatlon mual bc hallitl, in till' iK'Uni..1. n> Iiccplmci'P' "iiie Kcvern- ■jii)ii’i I'l" 1 n ' "- N.. i TrM « I i> tesulatlon muat n,r"i'k.^i‘'»rr:n“ „.',''* c■ONDUCTKD o n d u c t j . Buii^^r* OpportuniVic S «d tethnlcnl tn nacure. Tlie hrii .U Si ..m'|.> >!;.l. >.11... I.IQI,. vlc»'*■ ofuf JotiiiJollll E. Sft'CiiniitUll.'iiitlr;• '■ V lll'-iv • 7 , |„ , Ibiui 'Opportunitiei "30 n c « or influcn. ■’ll.';; un.h.nr,.l I.. 1' I,. N„ 1 Pr'-'-'l'lcnl,.Mdciit,of of SI Jjtandard Oil cuiii-| M.i^; „i»! uni-'rIhii-'r llllervlr»cd1 Mild I'h...., Momlay.Jiitlay. Ma:May M im .o i.- W . fhiiif. Vlir.l.osi' lu. ’si.oo-n.irt, ,ir.' h r.., -hiu S.' I ,?lr. P^nyly iliidlunniiliidlttnni. He Utlnka k‘' v-_»ich-• l.i!.;si.,;,;s Ullllmm nlh'Ti executives . licit, l.i-oo; ,„>r ..In Urro*. .nd f"'*ir.rr nii»r.| K.», ? .Itr. crnillCIttiiiicnt l5Is U]upplylnB iKilitiU.'-'. in ih,-Ill- MirlMi^icrMld^u•.^lerll iirra showed KCSOft»* ____ ^ ^ uUiury-briikcs to bunlncM iii.^iii ■ unmiiiiuni'iiimous oppuj-Itlon u a u -sa i,. ij.. .i ni :a«.:iO |l..^l«.‘o.lUO; ml.rt W lv«. *’7 " ny im portant waya; •'fn trtr'rtr' iiu'ilKuliIiii-lli(»li (he f'rcslaenc /iu-'.'.:,' V'-.Vr.ui“/.w! » i.m tl . ih!.'''h:v.'''rh!'v,i^’.'''rb.'fMiu.',Iini'”JufiuT<'."- — v .‘ ...rnln.i, ••{Jusiiiriubusiiiriu l)l«lbiiltliiK hfis becoiin-'iLi'd tn m lidUliiKii;:luini: the steel price !«.. t.,r Mull-„.r,.t. M.t *‘i^hr,p |',ii‘i]o; n.ii wl.Lll.hKi. '"’pTjl'iV; m.i -l»P«lar,:-a-*port,I_iic_Cuil-.irLM:____cvtii-aim .t.l..M,,i|.,l. In fiKwl rm.'li- rxia (..,ni'.r,t,E yi3^£2'F .n ..(.( . iJ ■ d*''r'i'l , lOO-l»P«lM.:-a.------:------:------(^llllTlf*Alj--’'—*-r-TT-mnc,- N-, Miu,- tend.-..dj. iilidiifiiiI'lii th-'lh.' hil;'ehll; m.elf would rnnTiJkNj!!'^»!r/'u''°Ari lUnfi-M ,t:S0.11', ; .11 irork I'hlcli.. Aiii 10 10 KOVCrill Kovcriiment intcn'cniinit-n.iv,. UHnrunww.- u.rirunw w ...... Penonoli-Spcooioli-5pccio1-No(icei 9 !«• ,„ 'j,— i,.,r| t1,l.i« . 'h>f ih.n mr ...Iw .,1.1 4 .Ini.r. H.- ’JACKI’dT, Nr.xla, .h..|>i.lr « r e mixed wilh Senrj ^ T .'.7 s‘‘ . lunptipt by steel cconipimlc.i. Swi iir- yi-.-.s tiiiidm iid ,'ptcadinic.'ptcndi ainonit their Nicf...... tv-.m «i l.if ..Kan.rmrnl, >;ki.T.i.rir.il viH-,.t>.r » ilh ..,.., ...... cn ,,old«holda tillh a t prlcea for uii:coiifi,rr\ uUhoiii jrfBtlac its bis loM on ncwa ot t> ck lerrs, althOllEh only a few i U-^AT COiljjAhV, /'..™!.!.!. ■ hi. f.-ff,.f Imrrlmmr mcren»c--ulincrenac—ullhough I rccoK-.brancli.cl, f,,r |-.|.»rt_ayrnll<.n. -totnt-th«-JMUM-«PPflUlriK,.,..l.!|.,;i', e—thal prlc c - inerenBes l>«v*— 'ruradarT-What-:rsdar7-What-bu.'’ln«*Hhlnkj* , H ^ ir in tho plia column were ijVr.'n.|'':'.gV. u ; i .n.i : lW*lVll.‘*''* r^'*™ TT I ,,p |. I , . ■ , TiiiE ' that prtei 8hr.p l,o«; f»« loll cMfMllmt j„Z[,*’ " ' :, i,.-. ; not , been been a a po popular aubject in ilir adminUiratloii' adminl.iiratli should do ^ c ,n ',„ V r ss:' siuJiT. Si'^cn: i '■'— ...... s s ^ i s % s MB8l-Mre«.- * * - d l v l d e a d . rpi...... i.i:r. i . n ', I.n*: i.ir rcecntc'nt R-cct:*." R'ccfcs." • ^ r ^ n w . j^m-mr.______rilNTAIjTi n.^l>.ni,l . SullaU*. fot-BwiuB-'wUh___ ft W itr 0»ti, Reynold* Tobncco. .„,.n „ :.rtn . 1.::;, i.ii -, i.s: i,:j‘; Another Cll ; Bstousla, Electric SWrane Bi.t- E .wk. '“> . . j = 'sri’'£ ?S K I V li” l" « n a''j.|lij Ib. II.H. Hi”■i,'" '" ..1 .- I ' ■!.• -ri; n»t r lo r bo Identm1 . s .l e g; a l l ta d v e e r. t Ts e m e n t s urr Ctfialn-Teed. N s l l o n a l IS.Ti; ,L‘,, ’ t» n ulllllr.«o™l,J.»H. vu OCTim and PhllodelplilA nnd > • utr - . 'II'. -T"*. '.70*4 company,ipnny, waa waa more emphatic; ~ M kotick lTuT«M (ik .irm .S(; ci'l’lKor»ACTlV''n^»: iTsiXnA ...... '"' ;.r "Evrn'cn bjiforebefore PresidentP. Kennedy 'iunu,l? m ’Nr.‘r'r'wMh^: Hdp— M.^oiror*Fcmole^O ^iror^Fc r*''Slr~t'” lr'Tfi,l’:ur‘, ™°a,ir'.rll. "win. K r KelloUK. Unlled Oas OMAHA. H .r'u iji-nj.sDA)-c.i. “7;, ,iri,,,‘'!ul;rj^,‘r7i(.im .*"nJ^ • . c,—I liu.Inr...nn., Il'.CtOIM.tDO «in»I1 hur lol. taafltfmenl. Foremosl Dnlrto, i7;, 1. movedvcd aculiwi aculiKi tlic a lert firms. ,,rit!r*;Iiit! .Ti'iril’L tl. m.uhl; ralrri 1:4; .liUfhUr >Wr» " R>.o ...... lltcrere wa-1wa-1 everyevery aliin of cmnlty to ..i ih.'i>»i>.rim.ni ■ irlunilr. Ae. B.alljr TJJ. «X Kni’porl New. Ohio Ed- ku„i,'kuxir l‘i. / : » i U»rr; li.irin KMdr In v .. ' — o pE e Nn INi n gG sS FO R ' ’ ;;•( :5 hirlirf: r""<»: jt,|!■y i tng builncsibualncii aj oa aucJj ajjions n i aAwocl»Kd Dry Oood».'Alr j'.'f'-'V, - I F IE D P E O P L E blirLKX; 0 .«..r an.lu— TOlMls Mid a few other Issues , L' I 1..1' I I . i.ts-L; wa.^hlnslfln.^hlnstan bentbc on decldhiK •ir..Ni.icr., r/n.ir^rVii ^ ~ ‘bijJr“ m.'I* lWr«‘^ m ’ B-ttoed wMtantial Iwera. up^, In'hrn*'* "‘iitilV.M'id" M hX" s t r i c ttly l y C oonfii n fid e n tia l kI?rhtnT"u’>.lh h“^n and T « itaraf. a r.« In .arh a .':" ; r . i : ; ' . ' S J S ; X kr tiounuin Ilnllr. 711- 'll.^‘.,*t'u!*(u. No. : Presid'resident of :!’r.*'i!^;^£r!r.''.iiih-'£-£^^ inT-Vi?;.” 'Trip's.";.'T“« ^ r . Thur^_d.»_ ar>d OprrM„r------CaflM it Thf Hi'"!'!’s']',*'mitol x lih t an.l fr.cl. I J IM-ttO , , n, , l,,, (. .aMiiablr p r i e d . foo4 \„iuu ii.ii. 1^. :)■.. ii.7t.ii.:s: ; l-l .uto«. j|i; ' Philip]liilippiiies S;riS;a ” f!ir'Vh.^Umllr.”‘^:;'»S'rd Wom.n fumpanlon,fumpanlon. 7.T..p .lUrr, Trlnllr ».5*14'. ° " " " JliV'!!_»:.t 'n u x tA T r Ilri.arlnr»nl^irf^lllih»it«. K.l.f. ^.a«, wn^ld ^wl.l. M» TORK HT01:K EXCIIAMiE (;niCA(io .Whn.1 I.I.1 t.r .r r l .. ir..krt, ^o. 1 MANILA.lUNILA. MayMa. 1< President i.i.i..'.' .mi‘ fr"iJi"ll,i‘n. Anrllm^Anr- I'art-llm.“ «man cackliUc « k u u -:rir«walli .. ]|l(h>.r Vl.»1, 0-n.r 0»n.r I- oin <.in I lra,l« for Ii.rj IW wini,ri.Oniin.tT :.SI; ludefliiltlyleflnlily becaiue bcci of Ihe V £ . r...i. i.. .w .S ik'S S T .?;;,f.'s;,".'-.-!:,':. r or ..11 na food tartti.. £ “ nl- llmr,‘It ‘o'l r t.lllnf. Ill h.allh. Call ii S u ri'w h if. l i . r r t f 'o X . i V l.. houseise of Of rcprcsenlatlvc.V repre^ reject- j ~ lll» H..I. ti..f ».nir vid yir- It.ad»-l~W»ar 8al«woi r. Bhoahona I O r rK.ipt.! wh.*i 41: btiirr >*: lon ofof ft a long-pending lontc-p Philippine -n,';' ,i,bi i. r... 'u*.’p;ir“iii*m;k«.“ ?’;pVu«' ^C.WI.^n.WO: f»l»« IMi^lMihl.r /iouVj»r.^ looJ cittCAno rtllerfllJngtrrfltJjjj m y gratltud? for lhe •'rrrmp.niH i.r .n r FOR SA LE ■mnrt fholf. H.OWS.M; rood ll.OMJ.Ui CHICARO.citiCARo. Mar i« cn—rouuMi'i InvlUiUonItaUon thailh a t the American Vr *h.' m h.in riri:i":b:r,''.'‘p.i«* 3R. LEASE______ill h3?m ijUl U. H. tlittni«nun3TlT~Tnm~»f PrtJIfltntTOT:!‘iia tn n o ti n f f iy c x w n a ta to ih?T;..-.Ki&i.-TTi!rr ------inniiJrcssTJiWi2S5TJ5Wircin-nT;Kn irt ------O R . L E A S E . i m r «rMl drmind™ . ibIik I . 3 X ' S : 111* with t ^Soloni • ^ »>«u.,H„ll,D ml.ford, 0B« la D«II«tu^ Track lalM (100 lha. II. 8. IA urIm tUn constrained COnstrftlned to postpone the ,J„u'i.7».i.‘irTn"'TTMir'i'rTn" "i"h" " .« r ‘ m.n‘r''of B«a“hr Soloni t T " " ISi* «•: uimi» 'nd «m m .«unulu .h.nrl.* “ Hat.H)i '** ' w « t.n i ni.wU U l, e of the vUlvUlt." ' iii.h -.,., ,.r a n.i.i ?2».'‘'^h'"localioa» .l.m^,,OM.M; Or«n« r«..«a b.V.r. r»i’.'^Cn‘t7^aw'M*' ios“^ n h A g e n t* -S a le im e n 3 1 op«raUeB at a reaaoo- w i Jit; ^ ^ShMp L r \ % l.!M; .horn, iUuiSl.r UnU lie Prcjldent pul off lhe visit , jl'f'*Jt," rT*lL‘^B!lfiV'‘tfn‘i".r^.tt.”'i.'l' , |L k, Av..'y.'w” '? ‘ri,"n* .Inint tn tS hithtr; .l.iiiht.r ««n K.v noKIrm , Wwt. Thnn. l»47;a, SALtaMAN W AtJim; N..; tiu in « : A rri«i.‘ii: im V Jl; -aehedulcdcheduled forfo nc.xt m o n lh - Ibiar.l „„p, fiffpl on prnlwU In. iiAlHCUTTiNli.TTiNli. hair (trllns. UdUii(. frtntat rrgulrad. (Iro Itll such time a.^ the circum- »i.ivin»,r j..iei.iJr>l»l.l »im.fi,n.U. Th. .ucfM.Jirl |',nnan.nu from IS, CALL ‘lm i’’ wlih''N^“'5\!fdS*'’W’i'.°'^M^ •uhpIlM Illht: r „n p-»t |!al.,r>. 13S U.ln A> ;.n ,! ^ l UI)I^ DafU.Dafli, UubUUuhU tU-tU-4tU M , g5iB:;sr' !K a■.■.it“,^'':i. »n»d wilh lin. * iwtu-Tf-Itnr-)l.«0: 4 Yi”“ irrida i ‘^ I M jTo":H aUnce*nee* will permpei it me to go on ’A;.a*u’:'‘^;L!!'v»’: :rpl!^^'m.nlx?^r•ff-o.,.nl-hall .H-OKt;.------, JW-OUI ' full In r-wl '.horn il.uihi.r l.mU 'onlon.'i -Arr late visit, which would bt most .,u i. >ih OhIom'i -Arrl..lr««: li.tk M; .up- a Slate Visit, wh l‘ .*ll“w ma.'if. M p'u.ldHi °ln ; .,!t,V.i t-r>.rrK bcuiri.^ur> ..n it, br ad-W o rk W/anted o n te d . 24 oOR r WRITE ■ . ,|| JIOm II I) rrtrel »!S IO.OO-l«.tO; ■ 11.. mr>Jfr.t.I i.manil ir«.\: miik.l pit^jftnl.asant. becauseb « a i ' 11 would be »‘..i-.fiio«i.i0MJfllon lOMJ ..r.,t ilh. Idaho SlaiuUiJ .'•‘' r ' f.lT~Uf « • ; '*f..r • - " lw )o mr horn.. ' - - Bar t-.»-t/o-Tl».-HMl-t/o-Tl».»-H«.»------ill ".X .'.i«i T,.a. r.ii»- trMn.1 accepUbleepUble lo our01 people." '’‘^hf'A'/r.'.Vrrl'ti T»ln rjiiimi.«o. Macpaitallacpagal exj explained lhat “the p,, ,„l |„,l- i ,h.„ fh/n Th. itnlT m -.^2 I « Main W-C. ?«-. J^nu ru»m«r am- I n y e itm a!!!: n ti______n S'!. iF"""' ir* U Utilis nlisted-Stocks ”sS ’;t' ling of resentm ent nmonjc our i.i.. ..r. >vnn »M iiHerrXhtid Corn 16 Bior«‘.nrrton.. rbon. .t •»'/. rM ^ mur™ »lua 111 a Vw.M u ‘rf / * i« . »” !!.« of re^en ;',;Uin;™ior.‘‘’in.i '"bid"‘;ro*,i;;V Boby Sltter»-Cht twrtauplnr. VlMUT' »aich- W 'S , Slrrl.l, on. S.j; . OVEIOVEB Tin: rouNTKB r,"no"1.4;.no I.IT* r peopleiple nnd the nttlliide of the I,"?' 1.1.. >111 b. m..l. a P.TI uf lh. IIK1.IAIILK cbll.l rar. ".v.-ii.'-si'; '■ r. W. C.Bp.nr J conitreMgrew of theth UniiM State* irl „„„i„, ..,«rln» ,b, Ih. pr..i.Tl. n.f.rm rr.. I'hon. Hand. Hnllor. ;ate the aimo.iphere of good ,ff.lr ‘if l.al->rU w Sl.n.lar.t.i An d «iurl«r. Ai.ncr. fm.Wiitkl IJ W»n Oil TOIIfimiTWifiim AirAininr*-—..:.'..-«iii i i«'i * .... n i.^ r.,.,... huiiA !h. r„. i~ jo "^.,.*‘".'1' mr hi.it>.. Hr hour or iMicr :(i; Hlin.ntI wlihwiih rnwlr™-i n.n.lrutllon, N rr-. THK ’••Iton-wp" Chli. I aharta. I'boD* 4S»^»7i Id goto Uie United Stales and *•" n.(.r..i >n ar- fItaO Kl'Iri" Mr«. HB.^71li.°sTn^7Mi.%^n;^s” 7S*; u?s.'- “ *•’ » wml and jj nnHh. Paul. Luirllri«*!V; Hlmri^on Jf.'N ‘ll~v - ...... — f „ j „ i ij could RO tn Uie 1 ..... win U ln.UI.4 upon. 7».sa7C. nr .rii ..:...... :.«• M l dwell!ll onon tho the nutauoject of good, will, ‘ n “„i h . / io im; ‘L " ' ” T " T ' " " i t *c ?n ift-7Mi.''y.;hi.’^~*"» ti. lliihl.______Monev to ILoan Loon______^ '!] this present moment, the word n, jmri' nKNN>:^ S' :| El5?v __ ------At this present i “ ■’’nI‘’iiiiriH: Employirtentfirtent Agencfei Age 17 ciiktuu manur.nanun h.uimhaullnxi and p.— . ------1 . .. ,. , Bound empty." isii.ti.h: iur%‘'.*i).' ^1N(;!I al_-l-.rv>r.n.l Umlc^ Sr^J-jlV'^^l'ir j “ n A. W?lf.. r ^ £ T 1 iE C L eadp v c j f l s F i : ‘«Dtmbi !»>; TrilBin M i lii aecT Knns, ’•Vi^m"^:«-iits. •rh.m. :«-i; " iNTtUdoii ;i;3and ITiTiaiurlor lonlrarl '*!'.p' J"L'lta ":! V »*•«». i? Ua^« J- II In JIS, ^l.iV'il anr, MiSo M*So^I'o«r I'o»»r I’M..... ' ‘ OO ri... ay ‘fc.S,llty. 7J>4M1. — “ Inij 'OlVcfM^roi S s‘ “rr:r'i| ';;?x|ooslioost^ Tests MiddleMiddle of Road T ^ L l "' INCKU •.allTf*. .anlnl. RaM W m i UO'fJEy for «oll."iyiLZSiti! Muile Icuonitiont ■. 40 I SHTDOYOAN. WLi. May Nn phon. cIli. Appir la »«r- h.iu.rastk. Irenlor, .Ic s z ' i r t i;i WASHINO 4 and n lia r lMaonarX«M ' ™ Z S ^^'X L ^. 7. £1 fflff-state = S young Republl- A K I^W :NCKU w.lirm >.nlH. foil WK CAN b«lp""•"I you...... caub.. „■— i. titudlo. 7aM94i. n v llninn 1‘arttis III I'aciiu ru llu iniirInwr JJS ' .i« - Chairman .0 ms .lorl of kept: In Uie.mld-. , ANSWERS! ^ T» , ;urc» V ,ya IndlcaUona are the gov- die:c of of thethe road roar at their con- YoI Vour Tire Troubles-—‘ H.^.r.o'n:^'7-:;-fft^^s'hVn" v«tf— shnn I rMik BatloMt Ooll*£* ^H[r< i.n Iln I'otp H HV>BKt intlon, ■ WANTKl):,! l.ntal .Mrrur,..Mrri K.p.il.r>c. I'AlNTlNr.; b o u ^ ..t.i gva,.a..Sia;BU lWiW-it«.J«fOB»a. '.IV.,r 111- (In rrull » 'l Si.rr» Uf.U f ,...... Jfl.iii) . I!.t0 eflnmfnlinment la la k netUnB the Informa- Delegates ■ .yesterday „ voird p^f.rr^l.,1. bulh„i ^ «nu,lr>. .n u Wrll. Doi Alb«t Sill > tnl/it i n ' tj K C.rHlim >1 Sl>r«-lr*Siwlr. Mirl M.rt ...... *.l"> ‘ JO. ifonSn U SOUIIaounht In the current ^ Delegates y >wn a resolution which •X. (U ^ IK |-lr...J « kI.'.!!* '‘‘t'ou 11< IM rlea of nnuclcar i testa I n ' the down a rex. UIIMIIINATIIIN^friim "f.-*k «-^k“ * and ».lir~.. L>.T -k~n»»lM iy=Ln7..-c‘r r" 'H « llirrrc St ’ U S nuVh.r *»■; IJ»« les over the Pacific, -hailedilled the the extreme cxi right aa - iitih ^Jd r 'M akle* over th '.■‘Sitii?' 1"oS' “ m :": ^ w .« Co..t AiiiihM ...ii.7» w.ti Except for reedom fighter*" and an- *.Tn« YiSi'ii;,” "* n 't;: Jli: Except for thb. remark 6ea: her thal called nn GOP « was aa Ught-llpped Sunday >erali lo refute ^ their close A A E L K ti s t i s an Interview wltti Sen. Ken- lAGEL TIRE '= l p ‘' S . i S U S it” >i - B utteru t t e and Eggs joclaUon wlUi Utc.ldcology ' ” « ' * “ *■ hool if.rlu.u or moTfc Wrll. TKU: TOITIKK and t»BK nliy ...laB. V*. n*rrdri*.. || -COMPANY -M. r.« Tlm«.Nr«.. r«iloB«r«mte«.~r»n’ l ^ S . "0._*llllUJ'alUltt I K S » l!l in'; W™i llnl'in l«'t, .. li'l/nV SilS?’ h « ”hc^‘ “ ' the oppoaltlon party.“ COMP^ niuiAco. ihe_K0»emn womKN ncdfl n^dfl Inin 7-*0; knn(. uuiounclnffmounelns firing of the testa. KD S175 , ^ wb ss'*'" i:;- , — W hn«r»» W..VI,.».»vir. C.flC. avrr*(« UO- Al.l. TVrtSi a.«)nt ant ««-.har.lwp. Vi. r«nl»- ]. T},»40th-P>cUlc-«ploaU)a-g aa ------■ ■------— ...... ------« >Boof.x£CHmufjiuiaanr f ju « o is m ci>. icmsYiLLL KY. n«^eM^fr. f ^ lUwlrlfh^tW- C^lUB iw .^ ^U ra^ h ^ iiuitrr! .siNdy, tl •<.><* 4:<« = •> announcMinounccd BSaturday. It wai de- tesCTTX^TT:’ CD*i». I).n.fr. Coiota,lo,C.>li CUhTOM fftminc, man< * iy ; M .N.r. u>i; •• *cribedrlbed aa anat air drop of Inlef- Ba®iwr3']% S K '.“.7toai : ; : ° sgi c oMET m e t :$1795 c.rV.:«».I Si..df. Whli. Urii. .'I ... equivalentulvaient to 30.000 . to l million 111 I; Help Wonted—N Ur.llM. ,.nl.n ^ ; S S»!ilBh.dl.n«-«lt.iTT’Vn»rtl...nelo.. ,tUniUnl | | T r u s t F u n d s luiiced an underground te jt of BOURBON J j U U K 'T' yearss old— o l d ^ - - — — -^?.'fii.'‘;j'i ; " " w ,i ''. nOTO-TILLlNlaoTo-TiLLiNfl o«« term edlate yield a t the Nevada >b4 lawRi. Atlut-tltl.r. CUUI'U oving ground, th e Mnd tn that r- -^ar_lM-a.a/l,Aalt7_lam. _.*^711^!. *- _,._W 00L__„,„r^ YMOUTH-^8695----- TOIIi.1.^ ►•und. . ..: '!m ------y«j: leTiei:------.„a «.ua) f?r«i.h,d. * v r ^ : r . I'hon. iU-S7St. *’‘‘*‘1'Buhl,______^ l.wl.r upn *_luI!i.BuAZu;i»r; Mir i:;.M!T.i.' TT?7*r« ".k I n d i a n i ■.iSrjIrom?'ir?-/o''i7 ...... t r e e T O P P r n^mis_Insta;ll :NCk1» t.rtn''h.ad and' ini- ,d REMOVEREMOVAL jtt^ CJC K K $895 ------■^«’tnrl‘^'8«ir#Im'l&:Small famllr. Jolia C«-*.r; ' 71341TI - (if------1 Ma.Irr : iloor^. lUrJtop. IJ '"i"**!" ~ - *'* *•** N e w J 1 -W N-..-rrrrTvn ------^i^lUni^k,?.i.po-.rr.L (t^- 1.11- 9 NEW DELHI ~Tlre success oH he-^es"— "'nn.ral - ‘ ® a '! : r . .? £ i - E : i S ! S -NEW DEL md. marrlM or .ln»l« (i»d lawin,U.«, a«raa.a«ra«-. T.rJ ~ N-r ^ - H i >2, ;;1"V.i.»-Un,-Hp«.-Hi.- ii" J -I.i»------*.*» Sarvepallirvepalll - Badhakh*hnan._74F ------<.,t>nlr< roU-tlllM. ■ ' L"i'j>Lr'. I I |-"ir r ™ * ~ ~ * —''• I* .—ivod-boinr,-1.»i -I.‘»»acK1.So£lICK POOLER------gbii:;!;;:: a : !i i| j ...... 'M! ;• ?J took5k the the ooath a tt Sunday as India’s t.r*ian. KI Z !IT »'o» ri» second» n d prealtprealdent and called on fiAN" ih^TBKKKT^n'BKEEfKoTTESI^riMn; r______T11-07I ilj*t.^ull,~,'J3RCIA LS- _ II '•'r.ii.1.. KJ ______»,1J Ml her r m m mJtll million people to aeiUe “i U M ^J'll n k’ D a i n K i m itOO t«r »#.k. SoiarU liOTOTILIJNlItOTOTILIJNO on Itlih.aT »' Coloring-Contest « S i | fir dlffereneea J)ver reUglon, _ 3 'l “ 4 (I V4 ^ fc I C ^ T 3 f f # S tum U M . Will «7.l» «im taJ U m rrH HVin —i n Wi f ; ?215 ------nit 'm j Ihelr dltferei M T ^ >fi for Ip"' *a> IbSb.i.^^1^ Uwa naJ Um K»r.i«ii. J l r:Z Z ''^ U l «« laniuageiguage and o th tr lasuea. " . k ^NNTO?"DAVIS n i 3 t ? ''d a v”l« u’utkK*’'k»p- , • . *• ';°n by Students- K.it,K MFtinii .-.-...-.r.-rrr: n .*i— " itit —BgaUaHTlttiwntAkKaliuair'Iiid urved~is ...... ,. — . r.._.'_r::rr ^UAunmi, ..^rat, A».n«. Eaat 71»-3M» Tai.Snn.______:e p rald e n t fo r 13 years. He U ' I n n t vorklnt5 S ln r« csrtdlll ” ill in t .ITut !»: » » »■»> g“ « “w l<-«l«phtn Wr- “ o ou u t in g 11EI.D J t aurmnc. paid t.callQi J -named to the figurehead ri>nu«l C*^.c ll. 'smhh."'ii‘ Sjl'^. Rni aHw t r e e s EcH n i . r ^ ^ ‘" ‘ P'*“ ^'■* MMaa l lt ta a, , Mny 1*-Jay ColUe SAYITAUm Ji TREES ‘SFSiFr. j^-*Kicimrd^on won third place took took his his aemlnary * sludcnls of •aldeney by parliam ent' and r. a»4 (lh Ar.no. Wcl.___ bbuilnMi, u .b - .,. .nni ml a ald.lln., •capr'.I. .prlokllixS i ‘ . . ?225 K«p idftiio orceii" <;oIor- Raft R ail River River high achool to In- thet a ta u legUlalurea after' alllns mjendra Praaad decided to re- A c m I/n K g|kv- E^kPERICNjiPERIENCED t,.rniutEa» Frldny. Both are -third P a r t s M a n ______------:------* M'^M^lSat. 7*»U*7M Idaho Bln *I^^I^' Twin Falls MarketsMari | /j S m - s s ______lI l IU M j I l H w ' chairman of ^— - - Uyhojiillnin ' .■Writ. r,oV n«i Ym Twi. rail., ■ uvfrouL tit ...... [ i S f i S l h ^ e,^iJ"'“L_Chamta_oI_C5mi -. ' ' - ____J ..—..r ,n-,.,‘a‘ ______1 V -/1 ■ nur«a.^tt p«r ksar. t t 0-1^.'’"“’ “ inuaj “Keep Idaho ? , ' . ' S ' r = TH1§-— E WAOTEtJ*; VUBTOM a jf^ifaU» » arovalai arovBiJW. AtM . |, a«B>-nalab.d taMBML « n .n^’^ " ' " - wW lhf! win- c .i.,7 ,.T r: „ . r - ^ O j K lN------, u>a n.M »loirlB«.bknrlB*. B Ba«»im.bl^m * ta « . a L hun. WDI Moaldar«ra»Mir trW*1 j1 havit^'’ .“I'lr barcnta will b« b»«*t.ii?" ------*'* — ^ 11 ^ m - . b Experienced T ™ H.t»aji K*>lppa. i w t*ot»«Bfcoix TU-IWO^ woatrr fc«M•M «ilkwitk HWU •«»UU *' * '’“yeee meeUns In s ^ } . , - r ^ i l i u r I, • II public llbrap/ on Atay & J w f f Combinenblne ScrvliScrvlce Uan PteM i:s;i"..Ji;,r:R aTi^ !!.- .vT»“U ?7 l»«- MUlte n«sta««.pi««. »««iJST taw;tawfc j ; WILLIAMSJ A M S 'TTI R A C T O R H a 'tt'J ''* lhe non of Mr. and jjli*’iA»V J,: • : , p i,„ IJarrlnaton, Arnold coupA N - R i th j^ ^ ' Mr. and Mra. Ruben 'fc ]•il ' » n v s tfxiM Startingg PointP for>r IHouse ClecCleaning —- SellSi Unusedised Itemss With Want^a n> Ads /knimol Breeding 100| ApplioncctA p p lio n c ct _52 Buiinen Property______556 6 AA'p~^miiinfi==Fun»tiWed--70|R portni «oon^JIOflm:_& »oB ^- .Board 76 Animal Bn , Moy 14.J5. 1962i Homei For Sol* 50 ^ Fofiwi For Sola 5 2 B u iin e lu h»_\jiinii, ..7',T;;>— LOW DOWN P .,»n.. Sn..M » ! • UVK Ul't: TO ]I.LNI:K8. »u.l mII cr Irvl. > r'.'T '...... i-i ■ 1 2 Twin Foils Times-Nffws• N ,» s “ « I* JISI “ .irlib I 1 brfroum b»iM. Urn. pularf.tar<. l«ilo«« prr.i.rt7. Ml AidiMB W .,1. -* L j» J — • lUnrha Vliia—dMicntd tvr lb«•« «llw.•IIW- 11 7».ao«l: in#r I,______1'b.ic 73».;w>.______, J lltLltO W.n.UII- ______A v'Kli-cinr, ------1------^_ • I’t M for UUw *alu« fcr o-i.tr, pj-jr --- * “i^ -? V “ K‘mw“lr. l-jM.o.*«2rr»4. UACIiitLyll UOKtiAN-AKAIIIA.N fl ituj, .ir.l- Ktl.l.ro 'iil •:. H o n m f o r S o l t . 50 * « n .i“ w'^.'r. OOther th e r Real Estate 60 toiv^u' Lrn( y,OWNE»i ( M m a boa..• bulIU> SOLO OOT ■ ------■ WKLI. iX>CAnU> bulUIUK IM la 1 K00KUOM& M8. H MMobilo obile riHomo Porkmg 79 Hr~^. »— ______:______: »l».->i UP. w,. w lw n. t «rpn «Bil 4r*M>.. 1»» OHE or-THK riNT-ST COWW Klmhrilr.Ktmh,. CUi xnd » » .r aral^tbW. logvlr* lltUhTKUJ^^ "'"'ll-KUIIIIII.K MAIM>IAIli ___ ; 0^ Ur— Trfm. If dnlfri. rilMr., ^ -T^ - V* '■ •- OJ-EMNOorg..».;,._»... la y.ii.T,.ii.,c..,. ^ ^ ? ‘,!‘,S , m..lc-J, iluii .... . '*'j*^ ^ . WIU, KtLL w U r Ib Ihrw fcotu>. b»« WIII mrrrgi P*l»r •• J->-B p.»-|»- l^lmi-,1,- ^ ^ ■______HLfwi. fiiff. tu»iaa _ « ;CUUNTUr ; g i g r iCUUIira. tb« trram u( marr. mllJ.'^’u^ubli U»ubl»:«4vMa, ',------______LIHTTOLIlJ-llOrEimrJIKOWI CA —tS» OMUIII. I^UI llir nmrtamar; Jrrmrr— 'fsrr- CALt ■**t fumuSd* <•«!? lUwii. ~^,1|<;«ll ur-IM-iMt. .______U»;OlaTfcUfcO" ‘■urniturc— HbuibW^ ■ S S I m . -^V s'iiST M rai !w7u!a " , ii>!"• *r* two bnnM • . b l.. >"■: Ull. JERO.ME'r e a l t y ‘ JiMirt.,'* JLWoVillh'or » »0^ OKNIliHtU « > n •(.•MoiJii; fi.r r»»(; iwi- ~ ■ T brr IIIM M> •l*>rni>;ii UJ4tU. ' ■JJ IIKUflOOM, t iMlhj, urprlijd ,L « w r. Inn. 4#l :»4-JU;w«.Kofth. B BuiinCf»-< u tin e ts-^ H ie e R e n to lt 80 tl«rkln(< iTJBi bUi». I>ll r.roi4 li>- Ki. «i i, Sti. r^iiiUtJ, . 0i/i«a:^:^M . |U l£ ilt OM'NKKi 1 ~Mn»ni ?I _ 3 ^ '_ r . W>T»4i. MUIIKIIM fllurKSSlUHAt. idO bulbni ofriM ‘‘“l'" ,j,^ o V u LI.NUU.~I ------< tanitluw bouM. lD«ult< 2fl Ith * u “ ti*«l'"jrv unlu! Itfl .p .« , I’U.. f»r »-I.r»i.I„, w»d. “ 7* Awbui >>.1.______*“ *“ *16,000. »' ___ l-b.". THJro.' ‘______»jn»rv<'«r» Mruiffl iHiuM’ *"«n J'.i 3S i tOtOllOnM. ..rpHM ll.Ixr nfm . ... ti'r^*.h.ri'.'Aii___• ■tm In (iiy llnli>. CLm m;o Khwi (srif.. «■ I'UICK IIKDUCIIO TO '*“ I'-, Al'II^lH .Itli « tini.h'.l and X fiitranr. tn.ni:. ' ' '■ •• >■:• i:0» .(tn^ ''''.!f'^''. "ii'T.ki • HAMLETT REALTY A.,.in.r Ito ^ ■ I'iiONE :ra-5ii;i> ’K 'ii; HI ______VALUE PACKED “T 7" NEARLY TIME ^ s « HOMES S S i ; ------^— m g y t f f r s ; « S 'S — --- i; s SS ;“s£s=-- ".MERV"■■; .TONES Lv'iV^ REALTY h r — i j m v e ' e s ------—. 1 ^= : REALTY ” EH S™.‘' T^iirrE u ------:------|* '.w p i« LIQUIDATION SALE — MOVING? ■


— TIEnT;^YSTEifI ------1 " J T ’™ , , ; ; * ™ . . , ' i ^ £H''a fg« s g

■ ^ B S S ' ■ " l i i ■ ' b S- ACK REALTY ^ L J : s ~ M " -i= ° l in.li i , i ^ p 5 *- BILL COUBERLY ______B E A L E S T A T E ------: M CK’S U-MfVE’ « ------P I I O N E - 7 3 W 2 M ------J»/-TniTr.r i £ g i g g i ji!;;— s r ? - ' ! r 5 r/oi.*’* DISCRIMINATINO j------s ^ ^ S i l R ' EXECUTIVE 1-OtiLot, .nil Acr..9. ~ M C.'l OONEY. HEALTOR a-M g j i i t f p p “■' KARL C FREEMAN ;™ >i B l i

g —

' E. W. McROBEBTS S '" ' ! l FARMS ■ * O STR A N U p NCY S .SJi! “Tj k s s ' DBEAM HOME OUT o r THIS WORLD,D |" - a S

I | | H ~ kS2 j I a ' J S I E l g s 5 : l g ^ DRAKE REALTY * USED TV .SETS ffillSTSSP™ -. ■■ ^ ; S ? £ S - ■ ia S . r ...... r . ' , : ; = ^— -K fiSfW O OD ------no VHAII.HU1 J . r r - «'. ll \.„X. ,.; ------^ C T O R Y R A D IO iTV KEEP COOL ■ _ REALTY ™ : g p !54 l C. LOONEY REALTOR - » A

g e n c y ^ " ° ™ "*^° CONVEYOR SEED SPUD Sheep i ; v ' " “ | ? p - s s j s S s ^: - I f . r T MIDDLE BUSTER BARS ^oby Chicks

' Use this handymdy DirectoiyDin as a guide to dependabledepen i' b a l e d -] r .MAGIC VALLEY" “• BALED -HAY LOADERS REALTY » ( ; servicevice Tod, Today '. . - and every•y day , . ■ u.. PAULp a u l ^EQUIPMENT SS L "'" ■ isr.vs5i;i;s..,.„ 2 4 H o u r . , I : ■’ ' 2^

• S H S S i S H;S ' Taylor Agency' A n ssw w e ering. i Service' v i c e ...... USED HARROWS . • Any,Adycrtiier in Thii Directoryodor, l»I. NofI An,w,rod, ■ w;ti r ^ond r p oPet i Supplici ~ 110 , ■"~- '''*“’ & » • • i i '-■■ "coS^;:"'=“- ,: 3 . ■ u h u------UrsaWr.MulllcU.J.lHlE. ..5 - - K o v A r ts ------lln .^ on. n.o-nlh. cnlM M B ■ l l i k f ”" ss; *1 ■ Good

M O D E R N • Tt Rr Aa C! T O R C E N T E R '■•ir ..u,’-. isr- “•- gssE I Z3o"Si.JonLS=m co ______S i S S

T ^ r , y " : a r j ' - ”• w^o a ^ s m e^ ^ b I I . Sewing^ Mochines___

■' ~T^bl^CM ^~sT~Rerm^

■“ ■,.. I— Z !;."i^i., Toltphoi g S i I j S f i ^;iai^flon..-B oiaJI

______^rci •UOWTIRIN s ^ ^ f c-! 5 Poinling ______■ ?1.25. ,o»ock Wonled IM ___ '

For Prompi V/EGETABLE.PLA® E G E T A B L - ^ i S i N l i REMOVAL i S t t i l S o f'D c a a 'and UmIcu '• 8 9 c D( _ ..;';>oull,y Processing L IV E S T O C K , . PLASTIC HOSE :i - T ra s h H o u lin g [ ‘'I’i, ri. fJrS S S K K ,.,,., ------p l a s t k i f c i g i "’“ " '^ c .r i c d eI p .;. s ' 5 ^ g sn- Icnflltt* *i" ■ ____------IID D A A li li O J M D E '* ' _____tJunrantfci__ -auiironiecd 10 yeV' J______: . j « " Tn?rn;r;;:T-™ i—vT^Ti;;^ - ^ Kir . SH S H E L B Y ’S M A R K ET ■ ■ “'''K.Jir'”''■ '■ 1 ' i S ^ f c S I ^ R eM STATOJlEA^y^ ?" lii' i.w r i..^ . (.., lt.7j^AII.'i:rm.i W, Wolor Sollc.crs . ' IS S'.n S ■ il5 SS '■ ™ . . 'S'. i T 'e L g i S ’s'g a g yyhat Sprin;ring Promptspts You to3 TlThrow AwakW^ Sell Instinsteod theB W d n t AdWay d SN I ------i------ll«, ^jfloots For Sate 169|I AutomohAutomobilei Fot Solo ' 200, Automobilekutowobilef Fot Sole ___200 Automobilctitom obilct For Sole 200'Automobilei>mobiIei ForFi Solc_ 200 AutomobileiTiobilei For S q[o 2 0 0 M,iuv uv 1.1.15, 19621 •• • . -all', limcvNcws 1 3 ||j «A<;1U VAU.i;V> ! , , , , , , , , I'GH nOING'.S 1^™ ''°""''™ '-' * • " ^ J I ____ TKAIilNi; I'EALLII___ -■ - I H h l t c h ’G H g ( ...... ISOATS _!THEISEK".S- lobilcs For Solo 200 - RICE'Sr i c i c s IN-JEKOMl-J ' -...... FTXirr-ARsyxS'T- ’ " ;‘{ lUtirc.IlA.N'AD'A ‘J8 •'lobT ' iASV IN AX _ .LKQ RICE hlOTOH CO. . MKr!L'Ul jiP E E T T : T T Eii i i m : v s ■ . ------A-I------■‘'S 'V j-rTy-;'-.:; _____ - ■ ■ Ji,r.,rr .vli'i-liii.-. lU.l- i;v;iNm'in, 151 ■ S E U J i m ^ K ! ------RT^ilT _^.t:.;.;^,. >.,„^.______._ _ __ ^ r uuihMUi.u 1 ^ - l . V ...I.,.. ^W h rth rr ...... ; ; = — = = = « li-f-:::.; '“^BLAIR^S ■ BL ^ : cH>:VROi.irr n w :, ci.a,",n '-ur^ha? x.s Mi:i()lD O DG E .i : i ' a r t .m i-:n t •"ir - c u m m k WH uow^,,.. SS»Trri:!).;.-, ; .i.J!i>, JiraiiT, l"'i'!i ruFivnoLi-rr sih^s 3 ------— - 1 ------. - .V.U.v.u.i.a C.-VRLKSON'S J.n .ii n.uii t - , Vrry tti*’ i|i-,nH l-MKVHOUKr cuKVHOl - '1 ^ i-'ORU '• , ^\VVTKi{ S K IK B S ...... '" ...... ‘ ...... : ■ (tr.VM'jCJl'AI.ITV i;l FiSHKRMKN ’.V.l CA II>; ! u itn 4 .i..or VH ^vllh .M ACH' A C H ''' V A I.l.K V . ■ iiiiiii KORii^ ^'si r.i.-. j ' ’ ’\V "'.“ ,’„ MOTORS , ,_’C0 FDiU» s K iN D iV K R s f " ; SV! ...... ;:.■;$!?!:« c\i:s..i-T\l:.''^Vl^l■TR^(■K;^ ii • 7. 0 M i \ f . . , ' x ^ ' .•!■-----j_____ '•, ______>-J t.■rn.^ ■' '^rrnv '■ T>^'.',Ti-Anii.i.A(; >'A siiiiij ,r KVINnUDK nntl MF.nCOnY . , ,,, •j.. M K ranruv Miniii-n-v <• • ::::"-' * lHi;i iwi KORDm S2I3.-I ■ .sAi-'E-nuvs '.->1 ,;:.'ir,.f^MC ■ SliiO.'. . **"•' ’ '• •- ...... lI.MlIn, liralrr. S A F E - ri.\ i:\ t- 's:l rAlili.l.Al' ?5ii5 ------S i>. iV.is ------Ill.VlMiM 'l' sr.;'-.. 105Klo r .s ('■IIIn iK V .^ ^ S l i w li" <:i m y ‘"osrvM 's; ■!» j'OiiiiF o m i ^ ‘ sinr> Vl'V.',. '5fl \'() I A '0 ■ .'?l(ll!-1 ‘

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