Last update: 12/04/2018 Amir Gorzalczany Curriculum Vitae Personal Organization: Antiquities Authority (IAA). Position: Senior Research Archaeologist and Scientific Processing Branch. Department: IAA Publications Department Address: 12 Lavanda St. 6602919 - Tel Aviv, Israel. E-mail: [email protected] Web: Orcid ID: Phone: +972-3-5414749 (office); +972-52-4284429 (cell) Place of birth: Buenos Aires, Argentina. Languages: Spanish (mother tongue), English, Hebrew, Portuguese (fluent), French (reading).

Education • Ph. D. Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, thesis topic: “Industry and Urban Planning in the City of : Economy and Technology in Palestine during the Early Islamic Period, ca. 634 – 1099 CE”. Thesis advisors: Prof. Yuval Goren, Prof. Moshe Fischer & Prof. Amikam Elad. Graduated 2015.

• MA Archaeology, Tel Aviv University, thesis topic: "Ceramic Industry and Foreign Relations of Selected Persian Period Sites in Israel, Petrographic Research". Thesis advisors: Prof. Yuval Goren & Prof. Ze'ev Herzog. Graduated 2003 (Cum Laude).

• BA Major: Archaeology, the Institute of Archaeology and Ancient Near East, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva. Minor:

1 Classical Studies, Art in the Ancient near East and History of the People of Israel. Graduated 1989 (Cum Laude).

• Two years studies in the Avshalom Institute. Focus on history, archaeology, geomorphology, material culture of the , botany and history of the settlement of Israel in the Modern Age.

Awards and grants • Israeli Parliament (Knesset) excellence award to outstanding students (1989). • Annual Excellence Award (Central District) of the Israel Antiquities Authority (2002). • Participation in the Scientific Exchange Program of the Österrreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften and the Israeli Academy of Sciences and Humanities (2004). • Annual National Excellence Award of the Israel Antiquities Authority (2010). • Participation as invited lecturer in the Raíces (Roots) Program, in the framework of the Cesar Milstein Subsidy of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation of Argentina, through a joint venture of the UCA (Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina), UBA (Buenos Aires University), UNLP (National University of La Plata), IMHICIHU (Multidisciplinary Institute of History and Human Sciences and CONICET (National Council for Scientific and Technical Research) (2011). • Head of the Israeli Delegation in the Mexican – Israeli Symposium "Archeology, Patrimony and Identity, Challenges Towards the 21st Century" organized by the IAA and the INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia), by appointment of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mexico City, Mexico (June 2011).

2 Professional and administrative positions • 2017 – Present: Scientific Processing Branch and Publications Department of the IAA • 2015 - 2017: Senior Research Archaeologist with the Survey Excavations and Research Department of the IAA • 2015 - 2017: Scientific Processing Branch of the IAA - Partial time. • 2009 - 2015: Academic Supervisor of the Central Region in the IAA. • 2001-2009: Research Archaeologist with the Central IAA Region. • 1998: Tel Aviv District Interim Archaeologist. • 1992-2001: Tel Aviv District and Sub-District Antiquities Inspector. • 1991-1992: Excavator with the IAA Excavations and Surveys Department.

Editorial work and professional memberships • 2015 - Present: Senior Researcher in the CEHAO (Center of Historical Research for the Ancient East), Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA).

• 2004 -2012: Member of the Editorial Board of Antiguo Oriente, the scholarly journal of the CEHAO (Center of Historical Research for the Ancient East), Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA).

• Researcher in the PICT (Proyecto de Investigación Científica y Técnica) Raíces 2011-0552 Project on behalf of the Agencia Nacional de Promoción Científica y Tecnológica, (Ministry of Science and Technology) – Argentina.

• 2013 - 2015: Junior Researcher in the CEHAO (Center of Historical Research for the Ancient East), Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA).

3 • 2007 – 2011: Member of the Program Committee of the MSI (Millennium Science Initiative Program) on behalf of the Ministry of Planning (MIDEPLAN), Government of Chile (Santiago - Chile).

• Member of the Middle East and Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI).

Teaching experience • “Archaeology of the Early Islamic Period in Israel”, combined UCA (Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina) and UBA (Buenos Aires University) post-graduate seminar carried out during April – May 2011 in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Varia • 2005 - 2015: Member of the Work Safety Committee of the IAA as Safety Representative of the Central Region.

• 2010: Basic course "Workplace Safety Trustee" (Institute for Safety and Health in Israel – Ministry of Industry).

Field archaeology and excavation experience

(Excavations carried out on behalf of the IAA unless stated otherwise).

1986: Participation as student in the Nahal Grar Project (Ben Gurion University of the Negev). 1987: Participation as student in the Tel Haror excavation (Ben Gurion University of the Negev). Research Assistant in the Ben Gurion University of the Negev. 1988: Participation in the Tel Haror excavations, surveying and drawing works (Ben Gurion University of the Negev). 1990: Participation in the Kissufim Road excavation.

4 1991: Participation in the Horbat Gelilot (Herzliyya) excavation. Area supervisor in the Tirat HaCarmel excavation. Area supervisor in the Jerusalem Third Wall excavation. 1992: Area supervisor in the Caesarea IAA Project. Participation in the Tel Hefer excavation (combined IAA – State University of New York project). 1993: Director of the Kh' Hadra excavation. Participation in the survey and excavations of caves in the Northern Judean Desert. 1994: Director of the Kh' El Ajjuri (Ge’alya) excavation. Participation in the Jaffa excavation. Participation in the Modi'in IAA project. 1995: Director of the Sarafand el-Kharab (Nes Ziyyona) excavation. Director of the Ramat Aviv (Tel Qasile, Hellenistic site) excavation. Director of the Nir Gallim excavation. 1996: Co-director (with Jonathan Rand) of the Tel Michal (Northern Cliff) IAA excavation. Director of the Habanai St. (Holon) excavation. 1997: Director of the Sheik Muennis (Tel Aviv) excavation. Director of the Ramat Aviv (Tel Qasile, Hellenistic site) excavation (second season). Director of the Ramat Aviv (Tel Qasile, Hellenistic site) excavation (third season). 1998: Director of the Shoham excavation (C Hill - burial cave) Director of the Or Yehuda (Kfar ‘Anna) excavation. Director of the Rishpon excavation (burial cave). 1999: Director of the Ramat Aviv (Tel Qasile, Hellenistic site) excavation (fourth season). 2001: Probe excavation at Castra (Haifa). Director of the - Ramla aqueduct (Qanat Bint el-Kafr) excavation. Director of the Na'an (Cross Israel Highway) excavation.

5 Director of the 'Einot Shuni (Site 18) excavation. Director of the Horbat Bareket () trial excavation. Area Supervisor in the 'Einot Shuni Quarry excavation. 2002: Director of the Horbat Bareket (Regavim) salvage excavation. Director of the Horbat Gilan Quarry (Tel Assawir cemetery) excavation. Co-director (with Diego Barcan) of the Holot Yavneh excavation. Director of the Horbat Kosit East (Site 9 Cross Israel Road) excavation. Co-director (with Ahmed 'Ouda) of the Nahal Hedera South (Site 10 Cross Israel Road) excavation. 2003: Director of the Horbat Kosit South excavation. Area supervisor in the Jaffa Excavation (Ganor Compound). Director of the Rishon Leziyyon Sands excavation. Co-director (with Jacob Sharvit) of the Horbat Gilan (Tel Assawir cemetery) excavation. Co-director (with Martin Peilstöcker) of the Jaffa (Ganor Compound) excavation. 2004: Director of the Hashikma St. (Kfar Saba East) excavation. Director of the Jaffa (Ganor Compound, Area D) excavation. Director of the Horbat Ptorah (Area G) excavation. Area supervisor in the Horbat Burnat (Modi'in Industrial Area) excavation. Director of the Mahane Yehuda (Petah Tikvah) excavation. Director of the Ramla South (431 Road; Areas A, B, C) trial excavation. 2005: Area supervisor in the el-Khirbe West (Na'an) excavation. Director of the Palmahim (Chalcolithic Cemetery) excavation. Participation in the underwater survey of the Haifa Bay. Co-director (with Gerald Finkielsztejn) of the 'Ein Tut excavation. Area Supervisor in the Gan Soreq excavation. Director of the Ramla South (431 Road, Area C) excavation. 2006: Director of the Horbat Hamim (Modi'in) excavation.

6 Director of the Ramla South (431 Road; Areas B1; C1, D) excavation. Director of the Jaffa (Ganor Compound) excavation. Director of the Ramla – Gezer aqueduct and cemetery (Qanat Bint el-Kafr) excavation. Director of the Gealya (Kh’ el-Ajjuri) trial excavation. Director of the Ramla South (Matzliah - Road 2, Area D) excavation. Director of the ('Ar'ara) excavation. 2007: Director of the Gealya (Kh’ el-Ajjuri) salvage excavation. Co-director (with Martin Peilstöcker) of the Jaffa Batei Gan excavation. Director of the Ramla South (Road to Matzliah project, Areas E1, E2) salvage excavation. Director of Ramla South (Matzliah – Road 2 project, Areas C1, D) salvage excavation. Director of the Ramla South Matzliah (open public spaces project, Areas B1, C1, D) salvage excavation. Director of the Azor salvage excavation. Director of the Ramla (Ta’avura Junction) salvage excavation. Director of the Ramla South Matzliah (Bridge 2 project; Areas G, H) salvage excavation. 2008: Director of the Ramla South Matzliah (Road 431 retaining walls project, Areas H1, I, I2, J1, J2, J3, K1, K2, K3) salvage excavation. Director of the Ramla South Matzliah (Road 431 slopes, Areas P, Q, R, S and H2) salvage excavation. Director of the Ramla South Matzliah (Road 2 slopes, Ministry of Housing, Area T) salvage excavation. 2009: Assignment as Scientific supervisor to the Central District of the IAA. Co-director (with Miriam Avissar) of the Lod Mosaic excavation, restoration and exhibition project.

7 Co–director (with Miriam Avissar) of the Lod trial excavation. 2010: Director of the Palmahim gas pipeline development survey. 2011: Co-director (with Amit Shadman) of the Rosh Ha'ayin IAA excavations. Director of the Palmahim (Chalcolithic Cemetery) excavation, Desalination Plant, second season. 2012: Director of the Beit Dagan excavation. 2014: Co-director (with Yitzhak Marmelstein) of the Tel el-Hashash excavation (MB II cemetery - Areas A and B). Director of the Lod Mosaic excavation. 2016: Co-director (with Yitzhak Marmelstein) of the Tel el-Hashash excavation (Hellenistic area, columbarium and well - Area C). 2017: Co-director (with Itai Elad) of the Ein ῾Esur (῾Ein Assawir) excavation

Publications Excavation reports

1. Gorzalczany A. 1999. Hellenistic Period Remains at Ramat Aviv. ʽAtiqot 38:25*–32*. (Hebrew, with English summary pp. 222–223).

2. Gorzalczany A. 2002. A Baptismal Font from Nir Gallim. ʽAtiqot 43:


3. Gorzalczany A. 2003. A Hellenistic Site on Shay ʽAgnon Street, Ramat Aviv. ʽAtiqot 44:5*–11*. (Hebrew, with English summary Pp. 273–274).

4. Gorzalczany A., Rand J. & Ben-Tor D. 2003. A Middle Bronze Age IIb Tomb at Azor. ʽAtiqot 44:171–178.

5. Gorzalczany A. 2004. A Site from the End of the Byzantine and the Early Islamic Periods at Sarafand el-Kharab, Nes-Ziyyona. ʽAtiqot 46:37–47. (Hebrew, with English summary pp. 130*–131*).


6. Gorzalczany A. 2006. The 1966 Excavations along the Northern Hill at Tel Mikhal (Tel Michal). ʽAtiqot 52:1–19.

7. Gorzalczany A. 2006. A Lead Amulet of Nefertem from Tel Mikhal (Tel Michal). ʽAtiqot 52:109–111.

8. Gorzalczany A. 2007. Survey and Salvage Excavation on the Menashe Spur, Near Horbat Bareket and Regavim. ʽAtiqot 55:83–107. (Hebrew, with English summary pp. 59–61).

9. Gorzalczany A. 2007. Stone Quarries at Horbat Gilan, the Menashe Hills. ʽAtiqot 55:37-44. (Hebrew, with English summary pp. 55–56).

10. Gorzalczany A. 2009. A Site from the Early Islamic Period and Cemetery from the Ottoman Period in Hashikma St. Kfar Sava. ʽAtiqot 61:83*–96*. (Hebrew, with English summary pp. 139–140).

11. Gorzalczany A., Barcan D. & Ichie L. 2010. A Site from the Persian, Hellenistic and Early Islamic Periods at Holot Yavneh. ʽAtiqot 62: 21*–46*. (Hebrew, with English summary pp. 171–172).

12. Gorzalczany A. 2010. Baqa el- Gharbiya Area: A Roman-Period Cemetery and Other Finds. ʽAtiqot 64:105*–136*. (Hebrew, with English summary pp. 161–162).

13. Gorzalczany A. & Sharvit J. 2010. An Early Bronze Age Tomb of the "Common People" (?) in the ʽEn Esur (ʽEin Asawir) Cemetery. ʽAtiqot 64:85–112.

14. Gorzalczany A. 2011.The Umayyad Aqueduct to Ramla and Other Finds near Kibbutz Naʽan. ʽAtiqot 68:193–219.

9 15. Gorzalczany A. 2014. A Section of the Gezer-Ramla Aqueduct (Qanat Bint al-Kafir) and a Mamluk-Period Cemetery near . ʽAtiqot 79:213–230.

16. Gorzalczany A. 2016. A Mamluk-Period Settlement and Cemetery at Geʼalya, Near Yavne – Final Report. ʽAtiqot 86:69–110.

17. Gorzalczany A. (forthcoming). Final Report of the 2005 Salvage Excavations of the Chalcolithic Cemetery at Palmahim (North): New Evidence of Chalcolithic Burial Patterns from the Central Coastal Plain of Israel. ʽAtiqot.

Articles in scientific journals

1. Kletter R. & Gorzalczany A. 2001. A Middle Bronze Age II Type of Pottery Kiln from the Coastal Plain of Israel. Levant 33:95–104.

2. Yannai E., Gorzalczany A. & Peilstöcker M. 2003. A Group of Coastal Vessels found in the Coastal Plain of Israel. Levant 35:101–116.

3. Gorzalczany A. & Gestoso Singer G. 2004. A Lead Amulet of Nefertem Found at Tel Michal, on the Coastal Plain of Israel. Antiguo Oriente 2:113–118.

4. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Shuni: A New Middle Bronze IIa Domestic Site on the Northern Bank of Nahal Tanninim. Tel Aviv 32(1):32–49.

5. Gorzalczany A. 2007. The Kefar Saba Cemetery and Differences in Orientation of Late Islamic Burials from Israel/Palestine. Levant 39:71–79.

6. Gorzalczany A. 2007. Centro y periferia en el Antiguo Israel: Nuevas aproximaciones a las prácticas funerarias del Calcolítico en la Planicie

10 Costera. Antiguo Oriente 5:205-230. (Spanish, English summary pp. 205– 206).

7. Yannai E., Gorzalczany A. & Saed K. 2008. Some Jugs and Juglets from the Syrian/Lebanese Coast, Imported to the Land of Israel during the Middle and Late Bronze Ages. In Sh. Bar (ed.) In the Hill-Country, and in the Shephelah, and in the Arabah (Joshua 12, 8). Studies and Researches Presented to Adam Zertal in the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Manasseh Hill-Country Survey. Jerusalem. Pp. 115*–133*.

8. Gorzalczany A. 2009. A New Type of Cemeteries from the Late Mamluk and Early Ottoman Periods from Central Israel. Levant 41(2):223–237.

9. Gorzalczany A. & Rosen B. 2010. A Possible Alchemist Apparatus from the Early Islamic period Excavated at Ramla, Israel. Antiguo Oriente 8:161–182 (with Spanish summary).

10. Gorzalczany A. 2012. A British Mandate Military Bonnet Badge from Archaeological Excavations at Lod, Israel. Strata: Bulletin of the Anglo- Israeli Archaeological Society 30:37–45.

11. Yannai E., Gorzalczany A. & Peilstöcker M. 2015. Narrow Base Dipper Juglets (NBDJ) Imported from the Syro-Lebanese Littoral to the Shephelah and the Coastal Plain of Israel. Antiguo Oriente 13:183–198. (With Spanish summary).

12. Gorzalczany A. and Rosen B. (forthcoming 2018). Tethering of Tamed and Domesticated Carnivores in Mosaics from the Roman and Byzantine Periods in the Southern Levant. AIEMA –Journal of Mosaics Research 11.

13. Gorzalczany A. and Torgë H. (forthcoming 2018). Islamic Tombstones

Reused during the Early Islamic Period from Ramla, Capital of Jund

11 Filastīn. In A. Petersen (ed.) Death, Commemoration and Memory in the

Islamic Near East (BANEA Monographs Series). Oxbow Books. Oxford.

14. Gorzalczany A., Rosen B. and Galili E. (forthcoming 2019). The Marine Scene in the Lod Mosaics. AIEMA – Journal of Mosaic Research 12.

Books edited

1. 2015. The Roman Manor at Lod. In The Lod Mosaic, a Spectacular Roman Mosaic Floor. Scala Arts Publishers and IAA. New York and Jerusalem (with G. Avni).

Chapters in books

1. Ben-Shlomo D. & Gorzalczany A. 2010. The Petrography. Chapter 15 in R. Kletter, I. Ziffer and W. Zwickel Yavne I: The Excavations of the "Temple Hill" Repository Pit and the Cult Stands. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis 30, Series Archaeologica). Fribourg. Pp. 148–166.

2. Gorzalczany A. 2015. The Roman Manor at Lod. In G. Avni & A. Gorzalczany (eds.) The Lod Mosaic, a Spectacular Roman Mosaic Floor. Scala Arts Publishers and IAA. New York and Jerusalem. Pp. 38–49.

3. Gorzalczany A. 2015. Foreword. In G. Avni & A. Gorzalczany (eds.) The Lod Mosaic, a Spectacular Roman Mosaic Floor. Scala Arts Publishers and IAA. New York and Jerusalem. Pp. 6–11.

4. Gorzalczany A. 2016. Reconsiderando el paradigma "centro" y "periferia" en el Sur del Levante durante el Calcolítico: el cementerio de Palmahim (Israel) como estudio de caso. In R. Flammini & J.M. Tebes (eds.) Interrelaciones e identidades culturales en el Cercano Oriente

12 Antiguo. Instituto Multidisciplinario de Historia y Ciencias Humanas- CONICET. Buenos Aires. Pp. 71–124. (Spanish).

5. Gorzalczany A., Marmelstein Y. & Segal O. (forthcoming 2018). Un Cementerio de la Edad del Bronce Medio en Tel Hashash, Tel Aviv. Chapter 10 in I. Milevsky, L. Monti and P. Jaruf (eds.). "Si un hombre desde el sur..." Šumma awīlum ina šūtim… Escritos sobre historia y arqueología de alummnos, colegas y amigos en homenaje a Bernardo Gandulla. Universidad de Buenos Aires. (Spanish, English summary).

6. Gorzalczany A. (forthcoming). The Gezer Aqueduct to Umayyad Ramla. Chapter 7 in D. Pringle (ed.) Ramla, City of Muslim Palestine ca. 715– 1917; Studies in History, Archaeology and Architecture. CBRL. Oxford University Press.

Petrographic research

1. Gorzalczany A. 1999. Petrographic Analysis of the Persian Period Pottery, a Preliminary Report. In I. Roll and O. Tal (eds.) Apollonia – Arsuf, final report of the excavations, Vol. 1 (The Persian and Hellenistic periods). (Monograph series of the Sonia and Marco Nadler Institute of Archaeology No 16). Tel Aviv. Pp. 185–189.

2. Gorzalczany A. 2004. A Cultic Iron Age Stand from Horbat Rogem, Petrographic Analysis. In R. Cohen and R. Cohen-Amin Ancient Settlements in the Central Negev. Vol. II (The Iron and Persian Ages). (IAA Reports 20). Jerusalem. Pp. 29*–30*.

3. Gorzalczany A. 2004. Petrographic Analysis of Persian Period Vessels from Horbat Rogem and Horbat Haroʽa. In R. Cohen and R. Cohen-Amin Ancient Settlements in the Central Negev. Vol II (The Iron and Persian Ages). (IAA Reports 20). Jerusalem. Pp. 31*–34*.


4. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Petrographic Analysis of the Persian Period Pottery from Yavneh-Yam. In M. Fisher (ed.) Yavneh, Yavneh-Yam and their Neighborhood – Studies in the Archaeology and History of the Judean Coastal Plain. Tel Aviv. Pp. 209–216. (Hebrew, English summary).

5. Gorzalczany A. 2006. Petrographic Analysis of the Pottery from Nahal Tut. ʽAtiqot 52:191–195.

6. Gorzalczany A. 2006. Petrographic Analysis of the Persian Period Pottery from Tel Yaʽoz. ʽAtiqot 52:39*–44*. (Hebrew, English summary pp. 204– 205).

7. Gorzalczany A. 2006. Petrographic Analysis of the Tel Mikhal (Tel Michal) Pottery. ʽAtiqot 52:57–65.

8. Gorzalczany A. 2006. Petrographic Analysis of Two Ballast Stones from Tel Mikhal (Tel Michal). ʽAtiqot 52:67–69.

9. Gorzalczany A. 2008. Petrographic Analysis of the Persian Period Pottery at Horbat Malta. ʽAtiqot 59:81–86.

10. Gorzalczany A. 2012. Petrographic Analysis of the Persian Period Vessels. In A. de Groot & H. Bernick-Greenberg Excavations at the City of David 1978-1985 Directed by Yigal Shiloh – Volume VIIB Area E: The Finds. (Qedem 54). Jerusalem. Pp. 51–56.

Refereed conference proceedings

1. Yannai E. & Gorzalczany A. 2007. Cypriot Grey Lustrous Wheel Made Ware in Israel in Light of New Petrographic Analysis – Typology, Provenance and Chronology. In I. Hein (ed.) The Lustrous Wares of Late

14 Bronze Age Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean – Papers of a Conference, Vienna 5th – 6th November 2004. Wien. Pp. 197–205.

2. Gorzalczany A. & Amit D. 2014. The Early Islamic Aqueducts to Ramla and Hebron. In C. Ohlig and T. Tsuk (eds.) Cura Aquarum in Israel II. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering in the Mediterranean Region, Israel. Schriften der DWhG, Band 21. Siegburg. Pp. 71– 80.

3. Gorzalczany A. 2016. The Manor from the Late Roman Period at Lod - The Magnificent Mosaics Discovered during the 1996 – 2014 Israel Antiquities Authority Excavations. In A. Shavit, T. Daʽadli & Y. Gadot (eds.) Lod – Diospolis - "City of God", Collected Papers on the History and Archaeology of Lod. Vol. 2. Lod. Pp. 81–104. (Hebrew, with English and Arabic Summary).

4. Gorzalczany A. and Salamon A. 2018. Archaeological Evidence of a Powerful Earthquake in Ramla, Israel, During the Early Islamic Period. In B. Horejs, Ch. Schwall, V. Müller, M. Luciani, M. Ritter, M. Guidetti, R.B. Salisbury, F. Hoflmayer and T. Bürge (eds.) Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East. Vol I. (Vienna, April 25th – 29th 2016). Wiesbaden. Pp. 601–614.

5. Gorzalczany A. (forthcoming 2018). Early Islamic Industry and Urbanism: The Site of Matzliah (Ramla South) as a Case Study of Reciprocal Influence between Production and Urban Planning. In K. Cytryn- Silverman, K. Damgaard & D. Whitcomb (eds.) Recent Advances in Islamic Archaeology (RAIA). A Seminar on the Archaeology of Levantine Society in the Islamic Periods. (Jerusalem, February 7th – 8th 2013).

Entries in encyclopedias


1. Gorzalczany A. 2008. The Ramla Aqueduct. NEAEHL Vol. 5. (Supplementary Volume). Pp. 2010.

2. Baumgarten Y., Gorzalczany A. & Onn A. 2008. Petora. NEAEHL Vol. 5. (Supplementary Volume). Pp. 1995.

Newsletters and Communications

1. Gorzalczany A. 2015. The Late Roman Lod Mosaic. Damqᾱtum (The CEHAO Newsletter) 11:7–10.

Divulgation articles in popular journals

1. Gorzalczany A. 2006. A Cemetery from the Chalcolithic Period at Palmahim North. Qadmoniot 39 (132):87–94. (Hebrew).

2. Gorzalczany A. 2008. The Umayyad Aqueduct to Ramla. Qadmoniot 41 (135):11–16. (Hebrew).

3. Gorzalczany A. 2008. Excavations in Residential and Industrial Zone of the Early Islamic Period at Matzliah. Qadmoniot 41 (135):30–34. (Hebrew).

4. Gorzalczany A. 2012. Archaeological Evidence of the Presence of the KOSB in Mandatory Palestine. The Borderers’ Chronicle 2012:72–75. Berwick-on-Tweed.

5. Milevski Y., Baungarten Y. & Gorzalczany A. 2013. Horvat Petura: A Large Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age Settlement in the Shephelah. Qadmoniot 46 (146):66–71. (Hebrew).

Preliminary excavation reports


1. Amit D., Wolff S. & Gorzalczany A. 1993. Jerusalem, the Third Wall. HA 100:68-71.

2. Gorzalczany A. 1995. Tel Aviv, Kh’ el-Hadra. HA 103:52–53. (Hebrew).

3. Gorzalczany A. 1996. Ramat Aviv. HA 106:77–79. (Hebrew).

4. Gorzalczany A. 1997. Ge’alya. ESI 16:89.

5. Gorzalczany A. 1998. Nes Ziyyona, Yad Eliʽezer (b), ESI 18:74.

6. Gorzalczany A. 1998. Ramat Aviv. ESI 18:54.

7. Gorzalczany A. 1998. Holon, Habanai St. HA 108:78. (Hebrew).

8. Gorzalczany A. 1999. Nir Gallim (North). ESI 19:55*.

9. Gorzalczany A. 1999. Tel Aviv, Sheik Muennis. HA-ESI 109:144. (Hebrew).

10. Gorzalczany A. 1999. Ramat Aviv. HA-ESI 109:75–77. (Hebrew).

11. Gorzalczany A. and Rand J. 1999. Tel Michal. HA-ESI 109:69–72.

12. Gorzalczany A. 2000. Shoam East (C). HA-ESI 111:59.

13. Gorzalczany A. 2000. Ono. HA-ESI 111:53-54.

14. Gorzalczany A. 2000. Tel Arshaf. HA-ESI 111:43.

15. Gorzalczany A. 2002. Or Yehuda. HA-ESI 114:51*.

17 16. Gorzalczany A. 2002. Ramat Aviv. HA-ESI 114:52*, 58–59.

17. Gorzalczany A. 2002. Tel Yavné. HA-ESI 114:72*.

Articles in the Web

1. Gorzalczany A. 2004. ʽEnot Shuni. HA-ESI 116 (12/05/04).

2. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Kefar Sava.HA-ESI 117 (07/04/05).

3. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Horbat Bareqat. HA-ESI 117 (18/05/05).

4. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Horbat Castra. HA-ESI 117 (20/03/05).

5. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Naʽan Reservoir (East). HA-ESI 117 (21/03/05).

6. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Qanat Bint el-Kafir. HA-ESI 117 (08/05/05).

7. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Horbat Petora (North). HA-ESI 117 (02/10/05).

8. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Petah Tiqwah – Mahane Yehuda. HA-ESI 117 (28/11/05).

9. Gorzalczany A. 2005. Horbat Gilan (South). HA-ESI 117 (18/02/05).

18 10. Gorzalczany A. 2006. Palmahim. HA-ESI 118 (02/02/06).

11. Gorzalczany A. 2006. Ramla South. HA-ESI 118 (01/05/06).

12. Gorzalczany A. 2006. Map of Rishon Le Ziyyon [73] Survey. HA-ESI 118 (22/05/06).

13. Gorzalczany A. 2006. Horbat Kosit East. HA-ESI 118 (10/09/06).

14. Gorzalczany A. & Barkan D. 2006. Yavne, Holot. HA-ESI 118 (03/08/06).

15. Gorzalczany A., Inbar D. & Abbas J. 2007. Horbat Kosit (South). HA-ESI 119 (12/06/07).

16. Gorzalczany A. & ʽOuda Ahmed. 2007. Nahal Hadera. HA-ESI 119 (17/06/07).

17. Gorzalczany A. & Sharvit Y. 2007. Horbat Gilan South. HA-ESI 119 (16/10/07).

18. Gorzalczany A. 2008. Horbat Hammim (South). HA-ESI 120 (13/02/08).

19. Gorzalczany A. 2008. Qanat Bint el-Kafir. HA-ESI 120 (29/05/08).

19 20. Gorzalczany A. & Spivak P. 2088. Ramla (South) – Preliminary Report. HA-ESI 120 (16/07/08).

21. Gorzalczany A. 2008. Ramla (South) – Preliminary Report. HA-ESI 120. (04/09/08).

22. Gorzalczany A. 2008. Yafo. HA-ESI 120 (07/09/08).

23. Gorzalczany A. 2009. ʽArʽara Southwest HA-ES 121 (12/03/09).

24. Gorzalczany A. 2009. Azor, Ha-Histadrut Street. HA-ESI 121 (12/03/09).

25. Gorzalczany A. (2009). Ge’alya. HA-ESI 121 (05/05/09).

26. Gorzalczany A. 2009. Ramla, Taʽavura Junction – Final Report. HA-ESI 121 (09/07/09).

27. Gorzalczany A. 2009. Ramla (South) - Preliminary Report. HA-ESI 121. (01/09/09).

28. Gorzalczany A. 2009. Ramla (South) - Preliminary Report. HA-ESI 121 (16/11/090).

29. Gorzalczany A. & Marcus J. 2010. Ramla (South) - Preliminary Report. HA-ESI 122 (01/02/10).


30. Gorzalczany A; Yehuda, L. & Torge, H. 2010. Ramla (South) - Preliminary Report. HA-ESI 122 (12/05/10).

31. Gorzalczany A. & `Ad U. 2010. Ramla (South) - Preliminary Report. HA- ESI 122 (14/06/10).

32. Finkielsztejn G. & Gorzalczany A. 2010. ʽEn Tut – Preliminary Report. HA- ESI 122 (14/06/10).

33. Gorzalczany A; Dayan A; Dagot A. & Ashkenazi H. 2011. Palmahim – Ashdod Junction Survey – Final Report. HA-ES 123 (25/10/11).

34. Gorzalczany A. & Lester A. 2011. Holot Yavne, Bedouin Jewelry. HA- ESI 123 (27/12/11).

35. Gorzalczany A.; Winter-Livneh R.; Dagot A. & Shustin V. 2012. Palmahim (North) Preliminary Report. HA-ESI 124 (13/09/12).

36. Oren E.; Gorzalczany A. & ʽAd. U. 2012. Ramla (South) Final report. HA-ESI 124 (31/12/12).

37. Gorzalczany A. & Jakoel E. 2013. Bet Dagan Final Report. HA-ESI 125 (11/12/13).

21 38. Gorzalczany A., Avissar M., Torgë H., ʽAd U., Jakoel E. & Elisha Y. 2016. Lod. The Lod Mosaic. Preliminary Report. HA-ESI 128 (09/05/16).

39. Marmelstein Y., Gorzalczany A. & Segal O. (2016). Tel el-Hashash (South). HA-ESI 128 (07/08/16).

Inspection communications

1. Gorzalczany A. 1999. Mezad Hashavyahu. ESI 19:107*.

2. Gorzalczany A. 2000. Gedera, Bronze Dagger. HA-ESI 111:59*

3. Gorzalczany A. 2000. Rishon Le-Ziyyon, Sarcophagus. HA-ESI 111:102*.

4. Gorzalczany A. and Teksell I. 2001. Tel Shalaf (Northwest). HA-ESI 113:73*.

Presentations and invited lectures abroad (selected)

1. Syrian Imitation of Cypriot Pottery Imported to the Israel Coastal Plain. 3 ICAANE, CNRS – Université de Paris, Panthéon Sorbonne. Paris, France. (15th–19th April, 2002).

2. New Data on the Grey and Black Lustrous Wheel Made Ware in Light of New Petrographic Analysis – Typology, Provenance, Chronology and Distribution. SCIEM, Austrian Academy of Sciences and Wien Universität. Vienna, Austria. (6th November, 2004).

22 3. Chalcolithic Burial Patterns: New Evidence from a Site in the Coastal Plan of Israel. ASOR Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, USA. (18th November, 2005).

4. Revealing the Dead: Chalcolithic Burial Practices on the Coastal Plan of Israel. The Museum of Man, San Diego, California, USA. (24th June, 2007). (In Spanish).

5. Centro y Periferia en el Antiguo Israel: Nuevas aproximaciones a las Prácticas Funerarias del Calcolítico en la Planicie Costera. CEHAO - Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). Buenos Aires, Argentina. (14th August, 2007). (In Spanish).

6. Centro y periferia en el Antiguo Israel: Nuevas aproximaciones a las prácticas funerarias del Calcolítico en la Planicie Costera. Millennium Scientific Initiative, Santiago, Chile. (3rd October, 2007). (In Spanish).

7. Orientation of Late Islamic Burials from Israel/Palestine: A Matter of Seasonality? 6 ICAANE. La Sapienza, Università di Roma. Rome. Italia. (7th May, 2008).

8. A New Type of Cemetery from the Late Mamluk and Early Ottoman Periods from Central Israel. 7 ICAANE. The British Museum and the University College. London, England. (12th April, 2010).

9. A series of Spanish lectures in a wide range of topics related to the archaeology of the Southern Levant carried out in Buenos Aires (Argentina), in the following institutions: Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA), Buenos Aires University (UBA), National University of La Plata (UNLP), National University of La Matanza (UNLM), Argentine Friends of the Ben Gurion University of the Negev Association, the Ethnographic Museum of Buenos Aires, the Multidisciplinary Institute of History and Human

23 Sciences (IMHCIHU) and The National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) (April – May 2011).

10. A series of Spanish lectures related to the IAA activities and the current Israeli Archaeology in the framework of the Mexican – Israeli Symposium "Archeology, Cultural Patrimony and Identity, Challenges Towards the 21st Century" organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the IAA and the INAH (Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia), Mexico City, Mexico (June 2011).

11. A Laboratory and Instruments Related to Chemical Arts Dated to the Early Islamic Period Discovered at Ramla. 8 ICAANE. University of Warsaw, Poland (1th May, 2012).

12. Early Islamic Industry and Urbanism – Rescue Excavations at Matzliah (Ramla South) and the Surroundings. 9 ICAANE. University of Basel, Switzerland. (9th June, 2014).

13. New insights in Early Islamic Industry and Urbanism in the Light of the IAA Excavations South of Ramla. ASOR Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. USA. (18th–21st November, 2015).

14. El Mundo Privado de las Elites Romanas en el Cercano Oriente – Excavaciones de los mosaicos de la Villa Romana de Lod (Dióspolis), Israel, del Siglo III D.C. CEHAO - Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina (UCA). Buenos Aires, Argentina. (3rd December, 2015). (In Spanish).

15. Evidence of a Powerful Earthquake in the City of Ramla during the Early Islamic Period. 10 ICAANE. Austrian Academy of Sciences - OREA. Vienna, Austria (25th–29th April, 2016).

16. Islamic Tombstones Reused during the Early Islamic Period

24 from Ramla, Capital of Jund Filastīn. 11 ICAANE. Ludwig Maximilians Universität München. Munich, Germany (9th June, 2014).

Presentations and invited lectures In Israel (selected)

17. The Amphitheater of Herod in Caesarea. The Nineteenth Archeological Congress in Israel. Hebrew Union College. Jerusalem, Israel. (25th March, 1993).

18. On Pottery Kilns in the Middle Bronze Age II Israel. The Twenty- Seventh Archeological Congress in Israel. (Bar Ilan University. Ramat Gan, Israel. (2nd April, 2001).

19. A Type of Pottery Kilns in the Middle Bronze Age II in the Central plain of Israel: the Workshop at Tel Michal as a Case Study. Middle Bronze Study Group Yearly Symposium. University of Haifa. Haifa, Israel. (February 2002).

20. A Group of Vessels from the Phoenician Coast Found in Excavations in the Coastal Plain of Israel. The Twenty-Eight Archeological Congress in Israel. University of Haifa. Haifa, Israel. (24th March, 2002).

21. The Aqueduct of Sulāyiman Ibn Abed el-Mālik from Gezer to Ramla. Conference on Water, its Sources, Installations and Uses. Yad Ben Zvi, Jerusalem, Israel. (13th June, 2002).

25 22. Imported Vessels from the Syrian-Lebanese Littoral in Israel. Ceramic Advanced Studies Conference. Bar Ilan University. Ramat Gan, Israel. (2003).

23. The Umayyad Aqueduct to Ramla. The Twenty-Ninth Archeological Congress in Israel. The Van Leer Institute. Jerusalem, Israel. (13th April, 2003).

24. A Cemetery from the Chalcolithic Period Discovered at Palmahim (North). The Thirty-First Archeological Congress in Israel. Tel Aviv University. Tel Aviv, Israel. (14th April, 2005).

25. The Excavation of a Unique Late Chalcolithic Necropolis at Palmahim. The 2005 Joint IAA – Tel Aviv University Symposium. Tel Aviv, Israel. (27th October, 2005).

26. An Iron Age Administration Center Discovered at Nahal Tut. The 2005 Joint IAA – Tel Aviv University Symposium. Tel Aviv, Israel. (27th October, 2005).

27. The Chalcolithic Cemetery at Palmahim Coast. The Interdisciplinary Seminar of the Centre for Maritime studies, Haifa University. (30th June, 2006).

28. The IAA Excavations at Matzliah (Ramla South), the 2004 - 2008 Seasons. The 2008 Joint IAA – Tel Aviv University Symposium. Tel Aviv, Israel. (12th June, 2008).

29. A Summary of the IAA Excavations at Ramla South (Matzliah) Between the Years 2004 – 2008. The Thirty-Fifth Archaeological Congress. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Israel (2nd April, 2009).

26 30. A New Type of Cemetery from the Mamluk Period from Central Israel. The 33rd Congress of the Middle East and Islamic Studies Association of Israel (MEISAI). The Hebrew University. Jerusalem (20th May, 2009).

31. Ramla as an Urban Phoenix, Reborn from the Ashes. The Concept of Urban Change Research Group International Conference. Cities in Change: Decay Destruction and Rebirth. The Institute of Advanced Studies. The Hebrew University. Jerusalem (3rd June, 2009).

32. New Insights on Mortuary Practices during the Late Islamic Period in the Central Coastal Plain of Israel, in light of New Excavations. The Thirty Sixth Archeological Congress in Israel. Ben Gurion University of the Negev. Beer Sheva, Israel. (25th March, 2010).

33. A Laboratory and Instruments Related to Chemical Arts Dated to the Early Islamic Period Discovered at Ramla. The Thirty Eighth Archeological Congress in Israel. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. (4th April, 2012).

34. The Islamic Aqueducts to Ramla and Hebron. Fifth International Conference on Water in Antiquity – Cura Aquarum in Israel. Jerusalem. (15th October, 2012).

35. Early Islamic Industry and Urbanism: Rescue Excavations at Matzliah (Ramla South). Recent Advances in Islamic Archaeology. A Seminar on the Archaeology of Levantine Society in the Islamic Period. Albright Institute and École Biblique Archéologique Française de Jérusalem. (7th– 8th February, 2013).

36. Evidences for Damages Caused by an Earthquake in Archaeological Record? The Excavations in Ramla (South) as a case Study. Current Research in Geoarchaeology. Prof. G.M.

27 Friedman Seminar Day. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem. (6th June, 2013).

37. Industry and Urban Planning in the Early Islamic Period: Ramla as a Case Study in the Light of the Excavations Close to Moshav Matzliah. Pottery Workshops and Ceramic Industry: Archaeological, Anthropological and Technological Aspects. Joint Ben Gurion University and IAA Southern District Congress. Beer Sheva. (16th January, 2014).

38. A Manor with Luxury Mosaics from the Roman Period at Lod –The New 2014 IAA Excavations. The Forty-First Archeological Congress in Israel. Bar Ilan University, Ramat Gan. (1th April, 2015).

39. Tel Hashash – A Cemetery from the Middle and Late Bronze Ages. (with Ytzhak Marmelstein). The Forty-Second Archeological Congress in Israel. Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv. (20th April, 2016).

40. The Manor from the Late Roman Period at Lod. The Magnificent Mosaics Discovered during the 1996 – 2014 Israel Antiquities Authority Excavations. The Second Lod Congress. (19th May, 2016). Lod.

41. First Archaeological Evidence of a Powerful Earthquake in Ramla During the Mid-Eight Century CE. The Forty-Third Archeological Congress in Israel. Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Jerusalem. (6th April, 2017).

42. First Archaeological Evidence of a Powerful Earthquake in Ramla During the Early Islamic Period. The Forty-First Annual Meeting of the Middle East and Islamic Studies in Israel (MEISAI). Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Jerusalem. (19th June, 2017).