LAMBETH Demographic Factsheet May 2015 This Profile Aims to Bring Together Resident Data for Lambeth to Provide Standard Statistics
LAMBETH Demographic Factsheet May 2015 This profile aims to bring together resident data for Lambeth to provide standard statistics. Key facts Lambeth resident Predicted population 9% increase 321,984 in population over the next 10 years Young Predicted population 30% increase in Black Other population Ethnically diverse over the next 10 years population Deprived population Densely populated 29th most deprived High local authority Turnover of the in England population 9th most deprived 4,589 borough in London Live births per year, 2013 37% 1,384 of Lambeth live in deaths per year, the most deprived 2013 LSOAs in England Copies of this profile are available from the Lambeth JSNA website web address for download Population Structure Lambeth resident population 321,984, evenly split between men and women Younger population, 44%, aged 20 to 39 years old compared with 35% in London and 27% in England. Smaller population aged 50 to 64 years old, 13%, compared with 15% in London and 18% in England. Smaller older population aged 65 or older, 8%, compared with 11% in London and 17% in England. 4,589 1,384 Live births per year Deaths per year HSCIC, 2013 HSCIC, 2013 Copies of this profile are available from the Lambeth JSNA website web address for download Population Structure – Ward Estimates 2015 Ward population structure – counts and proportions Town Centre Ward 0-19 20-39 40-64 65+ Total Coldharbour 4,245 7,116 4,967 1,052 17,380 Ferndale 2,168 9,166 3,755 945 16,034
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