Found in River in Miss
w Q 10lt war Th13 Artie .bIt. 01 prop burg to «'-I OILY Columbus IT ur the Unill A IrOup C ~chlll)(.'1 6c &orfal prim, ,I·'!l·" enaaaPd COl ,1 Quae cnd t Per to" 'tills ,,'m Q' 'tta.I. test m· ~, putttmc [q I, NUMBER 102 BIRMINGHAM, ALABAMA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 19S5 PRICE SIX CINTJ.' :.. , ~-~ __ .!!i' rb~eal ==:::::::.:=-:------_ ..- indicted thr =~sc0, OUND .t:'~~tl~ !C:";n hl .;..uttaUOD 0 TOWN ti'o IIIabUw BATTERED Of 1e1U')'. But' BODY lOY. 11 lone to hls rARTMENT ." the W·fflte( lm~('hmel Oi back the ChIldren', J ceased operaUO!!. aprang up for using :~I~::'~~ buUding. None mol- 1nte~pUnr Ito lo~ ",I( 11 It. J5 being heard II lS before the City COlored Women', r.;:t~ out the IN 100M! on U building . • FOUND RIVER IN MISS. of the Int.erdenomI_ wrest the ;en An1aT.ce was '" 11&.... rosy to renew Its ap. n'WU a Two He,ld In Connection effected. in mploymenr. of Negro England May over certal: llrm1ngham .,. the effect " (lJ1.ny). Chambers With. Chicago Lad's Death liven "to H over 0. ruliJlg made wquJd be w; by the YMCA In· Get NAACP ~I'\01'U JJ League. Joe YeJ. GREENWOOD, Mill. - fsNS) - Poulbl. murdorcharg" a:. ~rOr nl prL'lclpal of Hudson h,ld up today while authorltl•• make an offartta·dottnnh;' ei'WaikteDt. F. In selma. He hsd 'f recreation In Uta' Organization in which county a Chicago N.gro youth w .... ,,"ovodlr ,'~~P ",alk.d ugly" 'a a while woman- was killed, ..
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