Arctic Sovereignty Annotated Bibliography

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Arctic Sovereignty Annotated Bibliography Arctic Sovereignty Annotated Bibliography The Arctic Sovereignty bibliography is organized by topic and, within each topic, the articles and books are organized chronologically. Many of the articles are available on IngentaConnect, accessible by University of Washington faculty and students. The page was initially prepared by the course instructors and maintained and updated by the 2009 Arctic Sovereignty Research Team. Climate Change 2004 - Impacts of a Warming Arctic: Arctic Climate Impact Assessment, project by the Arctic Council and the International Arctic Science Committee, Cambridge University Press, 2004. (The report that startled the world regarding the impact of climate change on the Arctic in particular. This is the "plain language guide" to the report for policymakers and the general public, 140 pgs.) Natural Resources in the Arctic and the Race for Ownership / Access 2008 - Circum-Arctic Resource Appraisal, US Geological Survey, US Department of the Interior, (To improve understanding of petroleum resources in the Arctic. The USGS is the scientific agency of the US government that studies, in part, natural resources. Arctic assessment is within its Energy Resources Program. See 2008 "Fact Sheet" and slide presentation.) 2008 - Zellen, Barry, "As Climate Change Thins Polar Ice, a New Race for Arctic Resources Begins," Strategic Insights, Center for Contemporary Conflict, February 2008. 2005 - Nordquist, Myron, John Norton Moore and Alexandar Skaridov, eds. International Energy Policy, the Arctic and the Law of the Sea, Center for Oceans Law and Policy, 2005. (Fantastic document from the 28th Annual Conference of the Center for Oceans Law and Policy regarding natural resources and shipping in the Arctic.) Arctic Shipping and the Northwest Passage / Northern Sea Route 2008 - "Canadian Arctic Sovereignty: Time to Take Yes for an Answer on the Northwest Passage," by Franklyn Griffiths, pre-released chapter in Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers and Prospects for Canada's North, edited by Frances Abele, Thomas J. Courchene, F. Leslie Seidle and France St-Hilaire, Institute of Research on Public Policy, Ottawa, Canada, September 2008. 2007 - "The Law of the Sea Convention ad the Northwest Passage," by James Kraska, The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Volume 22, Number 2, 2007, pp. 257-282(26), Martinus Nijhoff Publishers. (Kraska is Oceans Policy Adviser, Joint Chiefs of Staff, The Pentagon, Washington, DC. This article suggests that Canada can best achieve widespread global support for managing its maritime Arctic by acknowledging that the passage constitutes an international strait and then working through the International Maritime Organization to develop a comprehensive package of internationally accepted regulations.) IngentaConnect - 1959-2006 - Breaking the Ice: Canada and the Northwest Passage, Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Digital Archives, 2006. (History with television and radio clips. Truly brings the history alive.) 1987 - Griffiths, Franklyn, editor, Politics of the Northwest Passage, Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1987. (Excellent historic overview providing the 20-year lead up to the voyage of the US Polar Sea in 1986.) Tourism 2007 - Polar Tourism: Research Directions for Current Realities and Future Possibilities, special edition, Tourism in Marine Environments, Vol. 4, Nos. 2-3, 2007, including, "Climate Change, Marine Tourism and Sustainability in the Canadian Arctic: Contributions from Systems and Complexity Approaches," "Working Towards Policy Creation for Cruise Ship Tourism in Parks and Protected Areas of Nunavut," "The Commencement of Regular Arctic Cruise Ship Tourism: Wilhelm Bade and the 'Nordische Hochseefischerei Gesellschaft' of 1892/1893," and "Wildlife Tourist Archetypes: Are All Polar Bear Viewers in Churchill, Manitoba Ecotourists?," by Raynald Harvey Lemelin and Bryan Smale. IngentaConnect - 2006 - "Sustainable Cruise Tourism in Arctic Canada: An Integrated Coastal Management Approach," by Emma J. Stewart and Dianne Draper, Tourism in Marine Environments, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 77-88, 2006. IngentaConnect - Northern Dimensions of Foreign Policy International May 2008 - The Ilulissat Declaration, Arctic Ocean Conference, Ilulissat, Greenland, 27-29 May 2008. - (see recent articles, right column) 2008 - "Warm Waters and Cold Shoulders: Jostling for Jurisdiction in Polar Oceans," by Rosemary Rayfuse,University of New South Wales Faculty of Law Research Series, 2008. (Rayfuse challenges the legal rights of the five Arctic nations that signed the Ilulissat Declaration.) University of South Wales Faculty of Law Research Series Articles - Canada 2008 - "Rethinking the Arctic: A New Agenda for Canada and the United States," Donald McRae, Canada-US Project, Blueprint for a Canada-US Engagement, sponsored by Carleton University, 2008. Centre for Trade Policy and Law, Canada-US Project, Carleton University - 2008 - "Canada and the Changing International Arctic: At the Crossroads of Cooperation and Conflict," by Rob Huebert, pre-released chapter in Northern Exposure: Peoples, Powers and Prospects for Canada's North, edited by Frances Abele, Thomas J. Courchene, F. Leslie Seidle and France St-Hilaire, Institute for Research on Public Policy, Ottawa, Canada, September 2008. 2008 - Canada's Arctic Interests and Responsibilities, by Franklyn Griffiths, the Honourable Paul Okalik, Suzanne Lalonde, Rob Huebert, Whitney Lackenbauer, Behind the Headlines, Canadian International Council, Foreign Policy Conference of the Canadian International Council, Toronto, June 20-21, 2008. 2008 - Arctic Front: Defending Canada in the Far North, by Ken S. Coates, P. Whitney Lackenbauer, William R. Morrison and Greg Poelzer." ("Arctic Front confronts Canada's longstanding neglect of the Far North and outlines what needs to be done to protect our national interest." - publisher) 2006 - Canadian Arctic Sovereignty, by Matthew Carnaghan and Allison Goody, Political and Social Affairs Division, Library of Parliament, Parliamentary Information and Research Service, 26 January 2006. ("To provide information for Committees, Members of Senate and the House of Commons." - site) 2002 - European Union-Canada Cooperation on Northern Issues: A Progress Report, Canada and the Circumpolar World, Foreign Affairs and International Relations Canada, 2008. 2000 - The Northern Dimensions of Canada's Foreign Policy, Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, prepared by the Communications Bureau, 2000. (A framework to promote the extension of Canada's interest, values and responsibilities in the North.) 1997 - Canada and the Circumpolar World: Meeting the Challenges of Cooperation into the Twenty-first Century, Report of the House of Commons Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Bill Graham, M.P., Chair, April 1997. 1997 - Griffiths, Franklyn. "Environment in the U.S. Security Debate the Case of the Missing Arctic Waters," Washington: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 1997. 1992 - Griffiths, Franklyn, editor, Arctic Alternatives: Civility or Militarism in the Circumpolar North, Toronto: Science for Peace, 1992. ("The conceptual and practical problems that must be resolved if the peoples of the Arctic countries are to develop their region away form militarism and towards civility." - website) +in+the+Circumpolar+North&source=gbs_summary_s&cad=0 1988 - Griffiths, Franklyn. The Arctic as an International Political Region, Toronto: Science for Peace, 1988. 1964 - "New Perspective on the North," by Trevor Lloyd, Foreign Affairs, January 1964. (Reexamination of the premises of the Arctic as a focus of military strategy rather than cooperative inquiry.) United States 2008 - US Arctic Policy, Oceans and International Environmental Scientific Affairs, Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs, US Department of State. (Margaret Hayes, Director of the Office of Oceans Affairs, announced in Alaska in August 2008 that a comprehensive report on US Arctic Policy would be released in the fall. - NF) 2008 - "Arctic Meltdown: The Economic and Security Implications of Global Warming," Foreign Affairs, by Scott G. Borgerson, March/April 2008. IngentaConnect - 1981 - "The Arctic: Last Unmanaged Frontier," by Lincoln P. Bloomfield, Foreign Affairs, Vol. 60, No. 1, Fall 1981. (Discussion of how the Arctic is the only region left that is not included in existing or prospective international
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