U.S. EPA, Pesticide Product Label, TUFFCIDE 960S, 07/22/1985
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I _, J-I I·f!-t~· "J PROPOSED LABKLING (FRONT P MEL) (50s L()G(\) TUFP'CIDE'I'M 9605 FUNGICIDE AND MARINE ANTIFQOI.AlfT FOR MANUFACTURING USE ONLY For Por.ulating Anti.ildew and Antifouling Paints. Controls Mildew on Paint and Stain Fil.s. Protects Against Algae and Marine-Fouling OrganisaB on Antifouling Coatings. Active Ingredient: Chlorothalonil (tetrachloroisophthalonitrile*). 96.0' Inert Ingredients:. • 4.0' TOTAL: • 100.0\ ( *Covered under U.s. Patent Nos. 3,290,353; 3,331,735 Keep Out of Reach of Children See side panel for additional precautionary statements 50s Biotech Corporation Agricultural Chemicals Business Painesville, Ohio 44077 EPA Reg. No. 50534-117 EPA Est. No. 35982-TX-1 . ~ . , .. " . ,. ,. .,.. \ .1.-' I.; (LEl"'1' P ANRL ) TUFFCIDB':I:'M 960S PRECAUTIONARY S'l'ATEMRNTS Hazards to Huaans and Doaestic Aniaals Danger Corrosive, causes severe eye damage. May be c potential skin sensitizer. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on cloH.ing. Wear goggles or face shield, rubber gloves, long sleeve shirt, and long pants when mixing, loading and applying this product. May be fatal if inhaled. Do not breathe dust. Wear a ~ask or pesticide respirator jointly approved by the Mine Safety and Health Administration and th~ National Institute for Occupational S~fety and Health. Harmful if swallowed or absorbed through the skin. Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. First Aid: In cas~ of eye contact, flush eyes with Io.ater for 15 minutes; get medical ~ttention immediately. In case of skin contact, wash exposed areas of skin with soap and warm water. This product may produce temporary allergic side effects characterized by redness of the eyes, mild bronchial irrilation and redness or rash on exposed skin areas. Persons having allergic reaction should contact a physician. Note to physician: Persons having allergic reaction respond to treatment with antihistamines or steroid creams and/or systemic steroids. In case of irlhalation, remove person to fresh air and get medical attention immediately. Environaental Hazards (c Do not discharge effluent containing this product directly into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans or public waters unless this product is speci.fically identified and addressed in an NPDES permit. Do not discharge effluent containing this product into sewer systems without previously notifyin" the sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance, contact y' Ir State Water Board or Regional Office of the Environmentdl Proteclion Agency. .. , ... \ ," ',. ..... .~ '., ... ,~,'.r. .- ( LKl"T PANEL) TUI'FCIDETK 9605 PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS Hazards to Huaans and Do.estic Ani.ala Danqer Corrosive, causes severe eye damage. May be a potential skin sensitizer. Do not get in eyes, on skin, or on clothing. Wear goggles or fac€: ".hield, rubber gloves, long sleeve shirt and long pants when mixing, loading and applying this product. May be fatal if inhaled. Do not breathe dust. Wear a .nask or v( pesticide respirator jointly approved by the Mine Safety a.nd Health t Administration and the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Harmful if swallowed or absocbed through the skin, Remove contaminated clothing and wash before reuse. rirst Aid: In case of eye contact, flush eyes with water for 15 minutes; get medical attention immediately. In case of skin contact, wash exposed areas of skin with soap and warm water. This product may proGuce temporary allergic side effects character ized by redness of the eyes, mild bronchial irritati.on, and redness or rash on expos€:d skin areas. Persons having allergic reaction should contact a physician. Note to physician: Persons having allergic reaction respond to treatment With anti.histamines or steroid creams and/or systemic steroids. In case of 'nhalation, cell\ove person to fresh air and get medical attention immedlately. Environaental Hazards ( ( Do not discharge effluent co~taining this product directly into lakes, streams, ponds, estuaries, oceans or public waters unless this product is specifically identified and addressed in (In NPDES permit. Do nol: discharge effluent containing this product into sewer systems without previously notifying the sewage treatment plant authority. For guidance, contact your State water Board or Regional Offlce of the Env'ronmental Protection Agency. j GRHBRAr, DIRECTiONS j inconsistentIt is a violation with its of labeling.Federal law to Use t;;5..3 product in a manner Note to UseI': Technical chlo.othalonll llIay produce temporary IIllergic j side effects char !lete ri :zed by redness of the eyes, llIi Id "ronch ial irritation and redness or ras~ on expOsed skin arellS. Persons having allergic reaction should Contact a physician. j DIRECTIONS FOR aSE j efer to PrOduct BUlletin PAD-98 for Use directions. 1fOTB': Formu .-tOl; of antifouling coatings are responsible for obtaining necessary ·,formation to register their paint formulation. j j , I. I I j \( j ; j i, j ij :j \ ----- j j . -.:~""''-Y , . ,. ~,, (RIGHT PANEL) STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage or disposal. Open dumping is prohibited. Storage: Store in a dry place. Pesticide Disposel: Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, pesticide formulation or rlnsate is a violatiun of Federal Law. If these wastes cannot be disposed of by us'~ according to label instructions, contact your State Pesticide or Environmental Control Agency, or the Ha'7,ardous Waste representative at the nearest EPA Regional Office for guidance. Container Disposal: Triple rinse (or equivalent), Then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or incineration, or, if allowed by state and local autho. ities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smo~e. NARRARTY AND LIMITATION OF DAMAGES Seller warrants that this material conforms to its chemical descrip tion and is reasonably fit for the purposes stated on the label when used in accordanc~ with directions under normal conditions of usp and Buyer assumes the risk of any use contrary to such direct!;:,,,::;. Seller aakes no other ezpresll or i~lied warranty, including any other ezpress or i.plied walranty of Fitness or of Merchantability, and no ag~nt of Seller is authorized to do so ezcept in writing with a speci fic reference to this warranty. In no event shall Seller's liability for any breach of warranty e~ceed the purchase price of the rn~r~rial as to ~hich a claim is made. Made in U.S.A. \ nJFFCIDE\l'I 9605 Fungfcfde and Marfne Antffoulant 50S SIOIKII Corpor_ ... ' MIl.,. Cft,,' $ lueIn ... 7528 "uOum Road, ,. O. Sox 3.. Product Bulletin P.'n ........ OhIO '4411 PAO-98 W •• CIDC '608 is a broad-:tpectrull !unqlclde and marine antl!oulinq aqent. It can be used by the protective coatlnqa industry in manu !acturinq mildew-resistant paints and stains and in manu!acturinq anti!oulinq marine coatlnqs. l.... aNICAL DATA ComPOSition TetrachlorolsophthaJonitrile Actlw content, 'I, 98 F'ttyslcal state 3-5 mleron mlc Structural formula CH C'~CI " ,~:I~;r~': ~dd •. elV CH ·1· ' .. '.', 0:. : IIe><1p.nlH.idc Act. C J l. ':I:":'.'~t:rl. lot thc!l resticlde Colour -Nhlt.,'IOht g~ ~~~c" ~~'!°.Jc.'}Jt7'~7 Specific gravity 1.8 MeltinO point. 'C 250-~1 Vapour presaur.. mm HO. at 4O'C <0.01 at 170'C 9.2 ilt 190'C 17.4 Stability Thermally Itable under nann.. tamperature. Ch.mlcaUy stable in alkallo. « pH 9) and acidiC aqueous m«2IL Solubility at ~ 'C: In water 0.8 wm in xyleM 8% wIw in acetone 2% wIw APPLICATIo.S {iEST AVAUABLE. CUPf 'I'" Major apc>llcatlons In IJcottlcttve coati~ .,. p, • Control mould Orowth on 1IqU«)US Of ~,t baNd exterior palntL • Control mould Orowth on aqu.aus Of ~ baNd lIa1nL • ·t •• • PIt,."t fungal growth on masonry paint.. , . • J>rt\eht foullno of mario. coati nos by aIgM. bemacl.., tubewonn .. muaMIa, hyrlrolda. lu!',ca'.. and bryazoML ........................... ,....~ .... ~-..... c.......-." .............. so ....... ,..........,.,.., .. ~ ...... ef' .................... ~ •• ~ ........... ..,.... ......... ~ ...... IIO'If ___ ........... -"'e_.,....,\IIM........,. ...... ..--... ............ .-................. .......,.~ ...... ---....... ......,.--... ....................... ... ................. .-:....... ..-..--..... -.... ,.~. ............... ~-...,. ........ ........,-... .-.~ ........................ --- ........ ,.... \ TUFFCIDB 960S hap. s~veral desirable properties for use in these ap~li cations: - low order. toxicity. - hydrolytic stability. -, extremely low water solubility for better control of leaching rate'3. - low vapour pressure. - fine particle size allowing higher loading than with liquids. - pH stability. - stahle to UV radiation. GENERAL DIRECTIONS It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Note to User: Technical chlorothalonil may produce temporary allergic s.1de effects characterized by redness of the eyes, mild bronchial irritation and redness or rash on exposed skin areas. Persons having allergic reaction should contact a physician. uIRECTIONS FOR USB E~terior Paints and Stains TUFFCIDE 960S is compatible with a ilide variety of surface coating resins, such as unmodified or alkyd-modified acrylic, vinyl acrylic, polyvinyl acetate, epoxy and polyester resins. The selection of the proper dosage is dependent on the length of time mildew protection is desired, the mildew incidence in the market area in which the paint will be used and whether zinc oxide is used in the paint. Generally 200 to 500 grams of TUFFCIDE 960S per 100 liters