CFCU Contracts-1998-2006
Phare 1999 Programmes Implementing Agency - CFCU Type of Contracted EC Paid EC funds Contracted BG Paid BG No Beneficiary Contract number Contractor Country Description contract funds (EUR) (EUR) funds (EUR) funds (EUR) BG 9903 Preparation of Transport Projects Technical 1 BG9903-01-01-0001 CARL BRO International a/s DENMARK ISPA Applic. for Waste Disposal Sites assistance 99 958,00 86 979,09 0,00 0,00 Technical 2 BG9903-01-01-0002 COWI BELGIUM Evaluation Plovdiv-Svilengrad assistance 7 000,00 7 000,00 0,00 0,00 Technical MRDPW, 3 BG9903-01-01-0003 CARL BRO International a/s DENMARK EIA for Sofia Waste Management assistance 99 955,00 94 189,06 0,00 0,00 MoEW, MT Technical and others 4 BG9903-01-01-0004 Agrifor Consult BELGIUM Evaluation for Sofia Waste Management assistance 4 102,00 3 915,90 0,00 0,00 GREAT Technical 5 BG9903-01-01-0005 PB Kennedy & Donkin Ltd BRITAIN Plovdiv-Svilengrad Electrif. & Upgr.- II Phase assistance 1 998 399,00 1 607 911,95 0,00 0,00 Prepar. of ISPA Appl. Form for Sofia Waste Technical 6 BG9903-01-01-0006 INITEC SPAIN Managem assistance 489 970,00 428 846,53 0,00 0,00 BG 9906 Sofia Water and Waste Water Project Technical 7 BG9906-01-01-0001 VAI VA - Project AB SWEDEN Supervision for Kubratovo WWT Plant assistance 600 000,00 578 692,09 39 978,00 38 555,39 SWWTP Rehabilitation & Upgrading of Kubratovo 8 BG9906-01-01-0002 VA TECH WABAG Kulmbach GERMANY WWT Plant Works 17 299 950,35 17 298 686,88 0,00 0,00 BG 9907 Integration of the Roma: Promoting the Integration of the Roma TA for Urbanisation & Infrasrt.
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