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1816 1914 4's THE CAMPUS yv OF ALLEGHENY COLLEGE VOLUME XXXII.—NUMBER 16. MEADVILLE, PA., FEB. 4, 1914. DR. C. B. MITCHELL FORENSIC ACTIVITY WASIIINfiTON AND JEFFERSON FIVE FRATERNITIES WILL TO PREACH, SUNDAY AROUSES INTEREST BID NEXT SATURDAY Alumnus of Allegheny Here for Col- ARE DEFEATED BY GOLD AND BLUE Changes in Ong nal system- Wakefield Contest Will Be Held Next lege Sermon. List of Bidding Rules. Thursday—Rochester Debate. The second in the series of college Close Guarding Keeps Score Low Throughout Game—Cox Excels in At a recent meeting of the Interfra- sermons will be preached on next Sun- As announced in the last issue of ternity Council plans for bidding day day afternoon in the Chapel by the The Campus, the Wakefield Oratori- Shooting Goals From Fouls were presented and discussed. As a Rev. Dr. Charles Bayard Mitchell, '79, cal Contest will be held next Thurs- result the program used last 'year will of Chicago. Dr. Mitchell is one of the day evening in Ford Memorial be continued with minor charges. If For the first time in a number of Blue would be given a close run by the marks of the Freshmen are corn- best known preachers of the Metho- Chapel. The annual contest is one dist church, and will surely have a years Washington and Jefferson sent the down-state five, but after Dunbar piled in time the regular bidding day of the most important of the college vital message for the students on next a basketball five against Allegheny in had opened the scoring with a field will be next Saturday, which 'is the Sunday. It will be remembered that year and to be the winner of it is the local gymnasium, on last Saturday goal atter about four minutes of play, day that the by-la.ws of the Confer- he preached the sermon under the aus- considered among the highest honors evening. The result was that the Gold the tide commenced to 'turn in favor ence describes. pices of the Y. M. and Y. W. C. A. last one can earn. during his entire and Blue again added to her excep- of Allegheny. Dunbar quickly repeat- Probably the most important change tional basketball reputation in this ed the scoring, making the count 4 to commencement and the impression he course. Each year there have been this year will be in the method of made at that time was one which the section of the country. When the 0. Brady, of W. & J., made a nice sending out the bids. Every town man a large number of entrants for places hearers will not forget in some time. final whistle blew on last Saturday goal from the center of the floor for who is to receive an invitation will be Dr. Mitchell is especially fitted to on the program, so many that last evening the score was 29 to 6, over- the visitors' first score. Cox made a notified that he is .to come to Cochran speak to a college audience. For this year it was necessary that some be whelmingly in favor of the locals. W. pretty basket, only to be followed by Hall on Saturday afternoon. The reason he is often called upon to fill eliminated. Consequently, when plans and J. came to Meadville with a rep- Brady with another long shot. Cox members of the Conference will meet the college pulpits of various institu- for the contest were announced this utation that made them look like the missed a foul, while C. Nuss made one at the hall and present the bids to •ions throughout the United States. winter, certain restrictions were best team on the Allegheny schedule for the opposition. This made the the 'Freshmen immediately after the Those who wish to hear one of the placed on those who desired to try this season. The down-state five had count 7 to 5 in favor of Allegheny, the lunch hour. Every man who receives best sermons of the year will be given for the prize. The result of this ac- already victories to their credit over closest score throughout the game. an invitation must answer it by three a rare opportunity on next Sunday. tion on the part of the Oratorical As- Penn State, the University of Pitts- Dunbar and Cox did all the scoring o'clock and return it to the fraternity It has also been decided that next sociation Board has been more than burgh and Grove City, besides a num- for Allegheny during the rest of this committee. However, there will be a Sunday will be considered as the col- wa.s expected, only five men present- ber of smaller teams. They failed, half. Dunbar made two field goals, space left for "remarks" in case any lege day of prayer. Although this is ing orations to Professor De Grange however, to show 'the necessary class while the rest of the scores came as man desires to make any explana- not the usual date its seemed wise to last Saturday. When it was realized against the local quintet, so that at no the result of the foul shooting of Cox tions. make such arrangements this year. that the number of contestants was time did the Allegheny rooters have and a field goal of the horse shoe va- The reverse side of the invitation The opportunity which the presence so small, plans were broached where- to fear for the outcome of the con- riety by the same player. The score will be given over to a list of rules of so distinguished an alumnus and a by another chance might be given, test. The game was much better at the end of the first half was 17 to 5. as printed below. There is little speaker of unusual ability affords but owing to the limited amount of played than the contest with Geneva Throughout the second half both change in this list with the exception makes Sunday an excellent day for time it was decided to let the matter two weeks ago, for the team showed a teams slowed up somewhat in their of a clause which aims to do away this annual event. The committee of stand as it is. In consequence, when -considerable improvement in both team play. This was most noticeable with the use of undue influence by the Y. M. C. A. is already at work and the .affair of this year is held next team work and shooting. The close on the part of Washington and Jeffer- Freshmen upon other members of the Thursday evening, the smallest guarding made the game an interest- son, who only scored one point in the class. It is hoped that as far as pos- number of participants probably ing one to watch, as well as keeping entire period. Allegheny added 12 sible, each man will 'make his own de- since the foundation of the up the excitement of 'a low score points to the total count. These came cision in answering the invitations he Wakefield Oratorical Prize will game, although not a close score as the result of the good shooting of may receive. take part in the contest. Of the game, Thonuis, Dunbar and Graham. Cox The face of the invitation will be five inen who have signified their The Allegheny five easily outclass- made four points from the foul line. as follows; intention of con•esling, three are ed Washington arid Jefferson in team The visitors still continued to play In order to further the interests of ex rl ene Pd , having taken part work, and this, combitied with the their close gthaPdbag ;Amp, and almk-v44 Allegheuy College, the Fraternities in the contest of last yaar. These visitors' inability to find the basket, took the defensive during the entire and yourself, the are Elarackman, '14; Nielol-s, '34. gave the locals the advantage through- half. The interchange of Braden and Chapter of Fraternity and Flick, '15. The other Two out the game. The field shooting of Brady considerably strengthened their invites you to become one of Its mem- men, l'armenter, '14, and Hart- Dunbar was easily a feature. Alle- defensive work. Substitutes went in bers. man., '15, while they have never gheny's new center distinguished him- for both of the forwards, but could do Answer Remarks tried for this honor, are never- little damage against the superb theless experienced public speak- guarding of the Allegheny defense ers Signed and will no doubt deliver men. F. Nuss, who was spoken of as strong orations. an "All American" possibility at the On the reverse side of the invita- The matter. of judges, as an- forward position, failed to show up tion the following rules will be print- nounced in the last issue of The well under the guarding of "Puss" ed: Campus, has also been changed. Thomas; in fact the Allegheny guard This invitation must be answered Instead of there being seven scored two baskets, at the same time by "yes" or "no" on the reverse side, judges chosen from the faculty, holding his man scoreless. Dunbar and must be returned to the frater- the old plan of having two sets, also proved his worth at the center nity committee in Cochran Hall by 3 one to decide upon the compo- position. Coach Hammett has certain- o'clock. In ,case of no answer by 3 sition of the oration and the ly found a fast man for this position. o'clock this hid is automatically with- other upon its delivery, will be The close watch kept over Cox hin- drawn.