Pope Defines Laity Position the Archbishop Appointed the Rev

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Pope Defines Laity Position the Archbishop Appointed the Rev a 3 C3 m --j o oj 2 -^ </) < -H m c=» 3 3 m X c > j> ni CD Full-Tim e o X <r <c o 1“ m c ; X CO X ) 3 Vocations dernier ^ catfwiiie OD —I a: o t ■ V :' Director fn o X o Appointed JO 3 As the Church in the modern world COLORADO’S becomes increasingly aware of its involve­ LARGEST WEEKLY ment with men, their concerns and their destiny, there arises a distinct need to recruit and trdin priests adequate to the task. THURSDAY, OCT. 19, 1 ?67 VOL LXII No. II Archbishop James V. Casey announced this week the appointment of the arch- diorese’s first full-time vocation director. ‘'Act in Union with Hierarchy^ Rev. David Mangum, 35, formerly assist­ ant pastor of Sts. Peter and Paul church. Father Mangum also will serve as as­ sistant pastor of Holy Ghost parish in his new assignment. Pope Defines Laity Position The Archbishop appointed the Rev. John Imesch, S.M.B., assistant pastor of Vatican City — The role of the laity a specially concelebrated Mass in St. Pe­ self. At the same time she notices his Chnstian and as such is called on to be St. Therese’s parish, Aurora, since 1953, in the Church is not only that of mem­ ter’s basilica Oct. 15. special character, which is to be part of a an apostle in the contemporary world to succeed Father Mangum at Sts. Peter bership but also of the apostolate. How­ The Pope referred frequently to the secular member or citizen in the world, and Paul. The Rev. Robert Banigan, ever, it must be carried out in unity and documents produced by the Second Vati­ to engage in earthly pursuits, to follow a BUT A T TH IS |x>int. the Pope said, chaplain at Veteran’s Administration cooperation with the Church’s divinely can Council on the laity, which, he said, profession in the world, to have a family an objection rises. "In fact, one may say hospital, was appointed to the additional established hierarchy. "has given the most fitting and richest and devote himself in every field to tem­ that if the tasks entrusted to lay people post o f assistant chaplain o f Mercy hospi­ This was the message Pope Paul VI definition of the layman belonging to her; poral pursuits and interests.” in the apostolate are so vast should it not tal, where he will reside. had for approximately 2,000 laymen gath­ she has recognized him as incorporated in Not only does the Church "proclaim be admitted that henceforth there are in ered in ^ m e for the Third World Con­ Christ and as a sharer in the priestly the dignity of the layman,” the Pope said, the Church two parallel hierarchies, as it IN S P IT E of a general decline in the gress of the Lay Apostolate. He spoke at prophetic royal function of Christ Him­ but it does so by the fact that he is a were — two organizations existing side number of priestly vocations. Father by side, the better to ensure the great Mangum feels that, "with a proper em­ work of the sanctification and salvation phasis on the motive of priestly service." of the world?” the vocation picture looks hopeful in Answering his own question, the Pope years to come. Faith Rally a ^Turning Poinf continued: Father Mangum’s role in the develop­ "This, however, would be to forget the ment of vocation procedures in the future structure of the Church as Christ wished Archbishop James V. Casey said this represented by special delegations identi­ IS a large one. and he speaks o f "sophisti­ He added, however, that the experience it to be, by means of the diversity of week the Year of Faith rally Oct. 29 can cated" programs. He hopes to establish fied with banners. A contingent from "should give those attending the motive ministries. Certainly the people of God. be a major "turning point” in the life of Fitzsimons hospital will march in the vocation teams on the deanery level, and and the courage to witness their faith filled with graces and gifts; marching the Church in the archdiocese. procession bearing the flags of all 50 more efTectively thereafter in their daily wants to increase the involvement of toward salvation, presents a magnificent The rally is scheduled from 2:30 to 4 states. encounters with the crucial social, politi­ laymen in the finding and nurturing of spectacle. But does it follow that the peo­ p.m. Oct. 29 in Bears stadium in Denver. priestly and nun’s vocations. cal, economic, and moral injustices of our ple of God are their own interpreters of Approximately 50,000 are expected to IN P R A IS IN G the enthusiastic re­ Present plans include the establish­ time.” God’s word and ministers of His grace? attend the gathering in a mass demon­ sponse to his call for the rally as a signal The Archbishop said the event would ment of workshops "to train the clergy on That they can evolve religious teachings stration of faith and loyalty. observance o f the Year of Faith pro­ be "an unforgettable experience” and par­ the promotion and nurturing of voca­ and directives, making abstraction of the The Archbishop described the public claimed by Pope Paul VI, Archbishop tions.” We would hope for a more intimate ticularly urged the attendance of child­ faith which the Church professes with demonstration as a quite modern and Casey also pointed out to Catholics that ren. involvement of the clergy in vocation work,” authority? Or that they can boldly turn contemporary communications program attendance alone does not discharge all He added that he hoped all Catholics Father Mangum said aside from tradition and emancipate for the Church — a "spiritual happening Christian responsibility. attending would receive Communion. themselves from the magisterium or believe-in.” (teaching authority!?” ASK E D W H Y a full-time director of He said the rally is designed to show vocations is needed. Father Mangum who the unity and strength of the Church in A G A IN ANSW ERING his questions, has served as part-time director in voca­ this area.' tional work since spring, indicated that the Pope declared: "The absurdity o f these suppositions sufilces to show the lack of an organization as large as the Arch­ A R C H B IS H O P C A S E Y emphasized diocese of Denver could not well afTord to foundation of such an objection In ­ that in describing the rally as a "turning deed. no one can take it amiss that the ignore all possible resources "to present point” he did not intend that it be a cli­ the real mission of the Church’s to the normal instrumental cause of the divine max of Catholic development. designs is the hierarchy or that in the youth of today. "Rather, the rally could be the begin­ "We must use the most adequate and Church, efficacity is proportional to one’s ning of a new era of Catholic influence,” adherence to those whom Christ has modern methods possible in trying to get he said. "The impulses toward a deeper across the idea of .service in the Church,” made guardians to feed the Church of the Catholic penetration into the life of the Lord. Father said. community which could be generated by Commenting on the nation-wide de­ "Anyone w’ho attempts to act without this event could usher in a new era of the hierarchy or against it in the field of crease o f the number o f priests. Father fuller Christian commitment on the part indicated that there has been a failure to \ the Father o f the family could be com­ of area Catholics.” pared to the branch which atrophies be­ coordinate vocation endeavors on a national The Archbishop’s comments on the .scale, and that a decline o f priestly vocations cause it is no longer connected with the forthcoming rally coincided with a meet­ stem which provides the sap. As history could be the only possible result. ing o f more than 400 pastors and lay has shown, such a one would be only a chairmen from every parish in the arch­ trickle o f water cutting itself off from the S E M IN A R IE S A N D their role in the diocese at St. John’s hall Oct. 16 for final great mainstream and ending miserably vocation program were the subject of planning discussions. by sinking into the sands.” comments by Father Harold Persich, C.M.. Reports of the pastors and chairmen Union with the hierarchy and obedi­ rector o f the Archdiocesan seminary, St. indicated the attendance goal would be ence to the structure of the Church, how­ Thomas’. met. ever, does not mean that "the Church Father Persich, in a R egister inter­ wishes to bridle your generous inspira­ view, felt that many vocation programs T H E R A L L Y features a Mass concele­ tions,” the Pope went on. Instead the in the past were concentrated on getting brated by the Archbishop and a dozen Church looks to the layman for "substan­ "numbers” into the seminary. "In the priests on a huge altar to be constructed tial aid for the good functioning o f her past,” he said, "the vocation techniques on the stadium playing field. institutions.” Moreover the laity has a were almost an end rather than a Auxiliary Bishop James P.
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