The Voice of Notre Dame

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The Voice of Notre Dame .....:...:_;;~· I i l i j 1 c ' News When .It's News .ce· of NOTRE· DAME Vol. 5,J~o. 6 ·; ;1 "i t ~· . (; .· -~ : '! .,.f.,· ' . ~: . ---. ----- ! Page 2 University of Notre Dame Tuesday, .October 18, 1966 Editorial· TRY A· VOICE CLASSIFIED A student whose intellectual experiences are fessors. The students are beginnfug to consider 5¢ p~r word maximum ~.$1.00 llrnited to the· classroom is wasting his time, these men as teachers instead of just lectur­ Send Copy ~_ith check to: THE VOl CE Out of the myriad lectures he hears, such a ers and this means a role outside of the class- . student will remember little. In order to retain room. .. Box 11 the knowledge that he is exposed to and. to im­ If this university ·desires continued steps in LaFortune Center plement it, discourse between himself and. other· this direction, and it professes to, then more , students, between himself and professors is a facilities must be made available, The Coffee Notre Dame University necessity, Hour, the Senior· Bar, and the homes of var­ . Notre Dame, Indiana Certainly it is possible to learn much from ious generous pr_ofessors reach but a small one's own studies, but to grasp, expand and proportion of the student body. · . effectively make ideas· one's own requires ar­ One possibility is to make a mid-campus cof­ . ticulation of them by the student. He needs the fee shop or lounge out of the soon-to-be-vacated ,. challenge and inspiration of a scholar offering Post Office. Or, considering the new orienta- . ;· what wisdom he has. · ' tion towards hall communities, perhaps the ef­ This was the motivation behind the Student­ fort should be directed towards. making within Faculty Coffee Hour in the Library. It's pur­ each hall a readily ·accessible lounge, with an pose. is to provide an informal atmosphere for atmosphere conducive to discussion between stu­ conversation between students and professors dents and professors. that is not possible in the classroom. To a Perhaps even ih such halls as Sorin and Lyons · limited extent this experiment has been suc­ where little space· is available, the little-used _ Choose from cessful. chapels might be an answer. In' any event, it The large majority o(students, however, have is evident that further steps must be taken to- · A Large Selection of · little or no contact with their teachers outside wards- solving the oft-discussed problem of lack the lecture room. Undoubtedly, much of this is of student-faculty contact. ... KAYWOODIE & ~. ~ due. to disinterest on both sides. There are Granted their new freedoms> the students professors who limit their teaching to the class­ themselves nrtlst strive for this educational right. .. YELlOW BOWL~ .. room, students· who are "just putting in their Whether in the hall or in the student senate, time. •• ·But the intellectual awareness and cur­ some action should be taken to increase the fac­ PIPES iosity of the students here. is growing, and in ilities for student-faculty meetings. And the time --~ . doing- so is putting greater demands on pro- to act is no"'. · Subscribe To The We carry a complete line Voice of Notre Dame of domestic and imported The · ·pipes and tobaccos.· · ·-v· o·-~·ce _of Notre t:dttoT •• ·••• d • .' ••••••••••• ~ •. • • • • • • • Steve Feldhaus · . · Dame Ed~torial _Boar • • • •. • • • • Jack. Balinslcy, Ray Faery,· Bob AND HAVE A BOWl FULL ON US" · Mundhenk,: • B!!mie MeAra,. Dick Veit, Joe Parilli per year $4 8 00 PHARMACY Associ~te Editors ••••• ·•• Don Leis, Julian Bills. Tim' But·· mailed Tuesdays RIVER PARK ler, Pat Collins."Dennis'Kem 2232 Mishawaka Ave( Phone 288-0666 and Thursd s Entered as Second Class Mailing, University of Notre Dame, ·Hotre ·Dame, Indiana 46556. Published Twice Weekly by The Student Governm'ent; University of Notre Dame, Notre. Dame, Indiana: Established March 1, 1963. Subscription Rates: On Campus Students $1.00 peryec~, Off Campus$4~00 per ·year. Meet 12th MARVELOUS WEEK Box office open d~ily 12 to 9 Plt0n1 onfen ICC'!It.lf 281·1481 llOBERT• ·.''*I WISE~~-R.ODGER.S~HA.\!MERSTEIN'S ·erf'J I -~.i•iJ:~·· .··. '. .· ·. .·· .·.· ... ··,, Kenneth L Liss, ·· . -~4i~"J'Aib .· Ji'/. <t: '! . ·. __ 'JJ COLOR . ~AAI~ll~'" .. .· /.'~ ··.... .• '!ll0().A()" / "D<lx\E . .:.I' lifi 'lii/6 · ...- •" ..._ ~·· : . ' · · · · · ·. AH Seat~ Resi~ed '' : \ Mati~u (Wed. and Sat.) •••• $1.50. ·, ~·. · · · .·. · · : .'!llatinll e:very.Wtd., Sat., Suri. 2:00 . Matinee {Sundays).~.;.:. ••• $2.00 :_.:· -·- __..... __,~.,.-;.,._.-.lvtnings ai 8:00 .;.....:~-- ~>·Evening {Sun.thrv lhun.) •• ~~$2;25·;.;..~, ·..c..: z .. Special Matintt-:Oct, 27 and 21 7:00 .hening (Fri. and Sat.) •••••• $2.50 .' Delta's new Get a group together and come out in a cab •. ·Special rates for JS or niare. ' ~ ' ' . ""-- . Campus Sales representative ·.:-This. Fall,. Delta .Ah Lines .. comes to Notre Darne· via Ken-· . ~ . : neth :. Liss!: 'A ·senfcir> Ken is . ·majoring ·.in accounting. He :.·: ·· has· been ·active· in. ·student ·. : : . : affairs ••• serving in: the Stu- . ·~ · · : dent Senate 8.1\d in Hall Gov­ :: . .. : ; ~rnme·nt. In addition, he. was . Junior Prom Business·· Man- ~ . ager. and helped to organize ·. · ' · . Junior Parent ·Weekend. Ken _,..• also interested in sports, coin collecting· and, of course, air . travel. Last summer, ·he worked 'for Delta uhder a spec.; ial training prograrn. As· Delta's on~carnpus :repre­ sentative, Ken will be ·spread-· ing the · word about Delta's . StudentPrograrn, featuring the ..,., ·only · 1/3-off, Reserved Seat Youth Fare •. He'll be happy to . give you a student' s-eye view of. all Delta services • • • in·', eluding jet schedules arid·. fares, ,. So before you make reservations for a holiday or' a week,;,end .. trip, call Ken Liss at . 289· 5122. Or drop by and see him . · at 25 SOrin Hall. · -~-·~: .. -. If _.. I. -~''' ) ·~ . •.' ··.·,·. .. ,I ,.' ;., .. '·, l •I~ .~. - ' ~~- CEL.TA.:.<\' :· '• ... B~~~ thing t~1at ei·er';j,t~~-v.el .... : .; " . ' .: ..":"; ' ; ~ I • . :- , ,. _' ... '· _', : .... , ·,_·. ' . ·: ' •. • i;·_. ·~ ~-. > .. ,,·,' .·.... ' ' ' ' , . .. I ' --- h-•·-~•, ,...~--·-w ..,...., •. ,.. ..,- .. - .. .-•.._,...".~ ••~-~-,-.-••·--..-··•~··-.-•~~··-·~·~ ,.,., ..,..~---·-">.,.~ i ; .~-.J' J -- _j - Tuesday, October 18, 1966 U n~verssty• • of .,o"' t re· Dame . ·Page 3_ ...: Pope Honors Prof. Gabriel··. A unique academic honor has ments w1ll be available to Amerl- Muratori (1672-1750), the famous been awarded to Prof, A. L. Gab- can scholars in the Notre Dame Italian historian, who discovered riel director of the University Memorial Library. Prof. Gab- the earliest know canon. or list . of Notre Dame's Medieval In- riel is a Corresponding Fellow of of books of the New Testament stftute at the personal request the French Academy (Paris) and in a manuscript ·now called the of Po~ Paul VI.. · a Fellow of the Medieval Aca- Muratorian fragment. Prof. Gabriel was named the demy of America (Cambridge, 'first honorary Doctor of the fam- Mass.). ed Ambrosian Library in Milan, The Ambrosian Library· was Freshman Program Last Friday the French film ·Italy at a special convocation founded in 1609. Members of its· Continued from Page 1 BREATHLESS was shown on cam­ territory, to be aware of danger, ther~ recently. Word of the new College of Doctors have included Thus far the program has neen pus •. The film is stlll full of in­ to take risks, to be afraid ....The honor has just come to the recip- Achille Ratti (1857-1939), who be· labeled'a success by all those in­ novations for the normal a..udience; cinema is not a trade. It Isn't lent in an official communication came Pope Pius XI, and L. A. volved ..due both to the efforts of · but at its release date ifi the late team-work. One is alway,s alone from Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, PROF. CLAIMS the advisors, and to the ready while shooting, as though facing a Vatican Secretary of State, Continued from Page 1 acceptance of the progratn by the fifties the film was shocking. blank page;'' Godard says that f h A · th Director Jean.;.Luc Godard began he .•wants to make a "research Cardinal Cicognani told Prof. lasted for six years and was.. then res men.· s e year progresses the New ·wave with this' film. film in spectacle form." The spec- Gabriel the degree of Doctor . abolished; no one at that time an evolution of the role of the ad- · Godard, who is blatantly existen­ tacle in BREATHLESS is the main "honoris causa" was conferred on really cared about the Negro, and visor to strictly a counsellor and tial, gives us a portrait of frag­ characters obession with Hum- him because "His Holiness wishes Reconstruction was a hollow farce friend hopefully will come toget- mented life, More than any other phrey Bogart, the research is in thus to recognize your achieve- . doomed to-failure, her with the gradual asswnptlon director Godard has achieved a · · ments as director of the Medi- But with the twenties came· a of the entire responsib1lity for the synthesis of style and theme. The the documentary·, almost care":" development of the section by the lead Jean-Paul Belmondo plays less, styJ.=; and the penetrating 'evai Institute of the University great surgeofnewknowledgewhich section's own residents. Thistran­ camera which .never leaves the · of Notre Dame andfruitful colla- threw out many old theories, In sidon w1llhopefullyleadtoamean­ Michel Poiccard a completely Po1ccard. The main character _ boration in the University's Am- particular, evolution became so ingful hall life for all freshmen amoral young Frenchman whose has only one afffable character- · brosiana Microfilming and Art sophisticated tha! it was ope~ly . and an end to the unfortunate ten­ life is a series of lies, deceptions, istfc and that is his humor:. Project... Your expertise in the proclaimed the !:!egro was not·in· dency ·to tum inward after the - and robberies. Godard tells us This characteristic is what Godard field of the history of universities any way inferior.
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