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• • • NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST GENERAL CONFERENCE lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll February 23 195 6 Uh!f Word f}iveth c(i9ht to <7ftl ! Bible Day, 1956 I ndgan Reserves of Canada And Ge>d Gave the Increase gellcal laymen's assembly, has been set for August 8- 12 in Frankfurt. The ~~~~~~ last pr evious meeting was held at BAPTIST HERALD Leipzig, in the Soviet zone, in 1954. To a greater extent than formerly the CONTENTS 1956 meeting will stress ecumenical relations with Christians all over the ® A total of 12,284 refugees were re the scenes were filmed on a sound world. About 4,000 visitors from Volume 34 No. 4 churches in other Western countr ies settled in 1955 by the World Council stage to permit authentic "live" di February 23, 1956 of Churches' Service to Refugees, and alog between teacher and pupils. The are expected to attend, as well as peo some 25,000 more will be aided by it film title, "Champions for Christ," ple from behind the iron curtain and in 1956, Dr. Edgar H. S. Chandle:-, ·.he ties in with the Olympic motif used from Africa and Asia. Reservations Why Not Try Bible Day? • agency's director, reports. Some 2,000 as the promotional theme for the 1956 have already been made by a group were helped to emigrate during De All- Bible Vacation School courses of 500 Scottish Christians. Because so many of the guests will be English HE OBSERVANCE of Bible Day on the second Sunday in March cember alone, more than in any other produced by Scripture P ress. Slated is gaining in favor with our Sunday Schools and churches. It is Cover . ... ...... A. Devan ey , Inc., N. Y. month of 1955, he said. Ab::>ut 1,200 for release February 1, the new film speaking several sessions in English 'Th y Word Giveth Light to All" March of Events . 2 of them went to Australia. Although will be used largely in conjunction are being arranged. Reinold von Ta North American Baptist Sunday School program that has been Thadden-T rieglaff, president of the observed annually for years. to the fact this date is Baptist B r iefs . 2 more than ha lf of the December total with dealer workshops on Vacation 5p B u~ du~ t~a t Editorial emigrated to Australia, Dr. Chand ler Schools. K irchentag, says he hopes at least virtually unnoticed by other denomi~at10ns and also ~ m~e D_niversal " Why Not Tr y Bible Day?" . .. .. ... 3 said, the United States con:inues to 15,000 r esidents of the Soviet zone of " Indian Americans. on the Bull R eser ve" Bible Sunday is widely celebrated m December, this inspirational R ev. R einhar d Neuman . ..... 4 be the leader among countries r eceiv e The date for the 1956 K irchenta.~ Germany will be permitted to take in Germany, the great German Evan- part in the F rankfurt meeting. program has been sadly neglected by some of our churches. " Bible Day, 1956" ing refugees. Australia a nd Canada R ev. E . J. B aumgartner .. .. .. .. .. G follow in that order. Let us enthusiastically revive the Bible Day program for Sunday " B erlin, a City of R efuge" Rev. William Sturhahn . .. 7 March 11. Rec it~ti:ons and dialogue material has been sent .to all Sun~ " Whit e House Conference on Education" e Madame Chiang Kai-Shek and her day School superintendents. The four -pag~ progr~ms with an ap Mrs. Fred L. Paul . S Women's Prayer Group are establish H. " Happy Lives for the Ha ndicapped" ing a medical clinic to meet t he .needs propriate song by Dr. von Berge, responsive r e adn~g and the story Miss Alexzine L. Gr enz 9 of the poor people of F ormosa. Stat how our Bible Day offerings are used have also been dispatched to ou "And God G ave the Increase" churches. The entire worship hour or a few minutes at one of R ev. B erna r d L. Edinger .. 10 ing that the purpose of the clinic is th~ "Sh ow Me Thy G lory" two-fold, physical and spiritual, Ma·· services on that Sunday of March 11 .can pr~fitably ?e used to call R ev. Ernest L . Sitenh of . 11 dame Ch iang remarked that "to meet attention to the impor tance of the Scriptures m our lives and in our Engagements . 13 Roger Williams P r ess News ... ... 13 only the physical needs without meet missionary outreach. ing the spiritual needs would not ac Co '.leges and universities related to Baptists throughout the nation R ev. D an iel F uch s, Evangelist .. .. .. 13 e e "\Ve, the \Vomen" complish the purpcs ~ of the medica 1 the American Baptist Convention r e will be interested to know .that Dr. Recently Billy Graham, the evangelist, made a revealing state Mrs. Thomas Lutz . ..... ... 14 clinic." The Women's Prayer Group ceived $9,lP.0,400 from t he Ford F oun Paul Dudley White, recognized world ment in LOOK magazine. "I seriously dou~t," Bil~y. Graham wrote Sund ay School Union has pledged thousands of dollars for Miss R uth B athau er ...... .. ... 15 dation December 12. The 22 schools heart specialist who attended Presi "if the average American realizes how relig10usly illiterate he is. I~ the maintenance of the clin ic. World benefitted are Bates, Benedict, Bishop, dent Dwight D. Eisenhower as con December Contribu tions .. ..... 15 a recent Gallup poll in Canada, it was found that only one out of ten "Sunday Sch ool L essons"' Vision has agreed to supply all the Bucknell, Carleton, Chicago, Colby, sultant, making several trips to Den R ev. B r uno Schreiber .. ..... 16 medicine needed and Orient Crusades Denison, Eastern, Florida Normal, ver and Washington during his illness, Canadians could give the names of six of Christ's apostles; only t wo \Vhat•s Ha ppening .. .. 17 will provide an evangelist. Madame Franklin, Hillsdale, Kalamazoo, Keu is a member of old Dudley Street out of ten could name any. More than half of the a~ults did not know Our D en omin ation in Action 18 Chiang has requested prayer for the ka, Linfield, Morehouse, Ottawa, Red Church, Boston, Mass., Rev. P ercy G. the name of the first book of the Old Testament or m the New Testa Obituaries . ... .. .. ..... ..• . .. ... 22 provision of a "completely Christian la nds, Shaw, Spelman, Virginia Union, Beatty, pastor. His father, Dr. H. ment." This woeful ignorance of Scriptural facts and truths is just as medical team of" a foreign Christian and William J ewell. Warren White, was a life deacon of apparent south of the Canadian border. doctor and two nurses. the same church, and the son, P aul, • 9 Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Johnson com grew up in the church a nd was active The observance of Bible Sunday in your church, in addition to © In Israel the government has re pleted 25 years in the pastorate of the in the Sunday School a nd yout h or similar programs held throughout the year, will help to dramatize jected an offer made by David L. Sar Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo., ganizations, and later in the famous Bi-w eekly Publication of the noff, the American RCA execu tive, to on J anuary 31. These have been won P age Class for men. H e was at one our Baptist position that the fundamental source of our faith is the R OGE R WILLIAMS PRESS introduce television into the new slate. derful years for pastor and people. time p resident of the youth orgniza authority of the Bible. In the preamble of our North . A~ erican Bap 3734 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio Professor Benjamin Aktzin, lecturer )n Great auc:Llences wait on Dr. Johnson's tion . He now lives a considerable tist General Conference Constitution, we affirm our faith m this great Martin L. Leuschner, D.D., Editor social sf'ldies at a J erusalem uni preaching. Ministries have mu:tiplied. distance from the church, but still re Baptist principle: "the inspired authority of the Scriptures in matters Rev. E. J. Baumgartner, Business versity, is a determined oouonent of The church edifice has been almost tains his membership there. television. It would be disa;trous, h :? of faith and conduct. The songs and recitations of the children, the completely remodeled to meet th e -Watchman-Examiner. Manager feels, to introduce TV into Israel, need of the expanding work. The dramatized dialogues and even the . decoratior:s at such a Bib~e Day where money is urgently needed for Third Church is a great host of de C Dr. E. McNeill Poteat died Decem program can colorfully and clearly impress this truth of the Bible as • development plans and where none voted. Christi an people who have ber 17 in Raleigh, North Carolina. H e the infallible guide to God. can afford to be idle. Professar Akt loaned their hard-working pastor to was 63 years old. He was a member THE BAPTIST HERALD is a pu blication zin argued that television has "com Likewise the observance of Bible Sunday should dramatize the of the North American Baptist General many denominational minislries. of a family prominent in North Caro Conference with headquarters " t 7308 Mad pletely changed the face of American - Watchman-Examiner. lina Baptist circles. His father, Dr. missionary ministry in which we as North American Baptists, through ison St., Forest P ark, Illinois. It also main society, causing millions of person> Edwin McNeil! Poteat, Sr., had served our Publication Society, are ardently engaged to send the Scriptures tains an active members hip in th e Asso to become lazy." The government, ap ciated Church Press.