• • • NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST GENERAL CONFERENCE lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllllllllllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll February 23 195 6 Uh!f Word f}iveth c(i9ht to <7ftl ! Bible Day, 1956 I ndgan Reserves of Canada And Ge>d Gave the Increase gellcal laymen's assembly, has been set for August 8- 12 in Frankfurt. The ~~~~~~ last pr evious meeting was held at BAPTIST HERALD Leipzig, in the Soviet zone, in 1954. To a greater extent than formerly the CONTENTS 1956 meeting will stress ecumenical relations with Christians all over the ® A total of 12,284 refugees were re­ the scenes were filmed on a sound world. About 4,000 visitors from Volume 34 No. 4 churches in other Western countr ies settled in 1955 by the World Council stage to permit authentic "live" di­ February 23, 1956 of Churches' Service to Refugees, and alog between teacher and pupils. The are expected to attend, as well as peo­ some 25,000 more will be aided by it film title, "Champions for Christ," ple from behind the iron curtain and in 1956, Dr. Edgar H. S. Chandle:-, ·.he ties in with the Olympic motif used from Africa and Asia. Reservations Why Not Try Bible Day? • agency's director, reports. Some 2,000 as the promotional theme for the 1956 have already been made by a group were helped to emigrate during De­ All- Bible Vacation School courses of 500 Scottish Christians. Because so many of the guests will be English­ HE OBSERVANCE of Bible Day on the second Sunday in March cember alone, more than in any other produced by Scripture P ress. Slated is gaining in favor with our Sunday Schools and churches. It is Cover . ... ...... A. Devan ey , Inc., N. Y. month of 1955, he said. Ab::>ut 1,200 for release February 1, the new film speaking several sessions in English 'Th y Word Giveth Light to All" March of Events . 2 of them went to Australia. Although will be used largely in conjunction are being arranged. Reinold von Ta North American Baptist Sunday School program that has been Thadden-T rieglaff, president of the observed annually for years. to the fact this date is Baptist B r iefs . 2 more than ha lf of the December total with dealer workshops on Vacation 5p B u~ du~ t~a t Editorial emigrated to Australia, Dr. Chand ler Schools. K irchentag, says he hopes at least virtually unnoticed by other denomi~at10ns and also ~ m~e D_niversal " Why Not Tr y Bible Day?" . .. .. ... 3 said, the United States con:inues to 15,000 r esidents of the Soviet zone of " Indian Americans. on the Bull R eser ve" Bible Sunday is widely celebrated m December, this inspirational R ev. R einhar d Neuman . ..... 4 be the leader among countries r eceiv­ e The date for the 1956 K irchenta.~ Germany will be permitted to take in Germany, the great German Evan- part in the F rankfurt meeting. program has been sadly neglected by some of our churches. " Bible Day, 1956" ing refugees. Australia a nd Canada R ev. E . J. B aumgartner .. .. .. .. .. G follow in that order. Let us enthusiastically revive the Bible Day program for Sunday " B erlin, a City of R efuge" Rev. William Sturhahn . .. 7 March 11. Rec it~ti:ons and dialogue material has been sent .to all Sun~ " Whit e House Conference on Education" e Madame Chiang Kai-Shek and her day School superintendents. The four -pag~ progr~ms with an ap­ Mrs. Fred L. Paul . S Women's Prayer Group are establish­ H. " Happy Lives for the Ha ndicapped" ing a medical clinic to meet t he .needs propriate song by Dr. von Berge, responsive r e adn~g and the story Miss Alexzine L. Gr enz 9 of the poor people of F ormosa. Stat­ how our Bible Day offerings are used have also been dispatched to ou "And God G ave the Increase" churches. The entire worship hour or a few minutes at one of R ev. B erna r d L. Edinger .. 10 ing that the purpose of the clinic is th~ "Sh ow Me Thy G lory" two-fold, physical and spiritual, Ma·· services on that Sunday of March 11 .can pr~fitably ?e used to call R ev. Ernest L . Sitenh of . 11 dame Ch iang remarked that "to meet attention to the impor tance of the Scriptures m our lives and in our Engagements . 13 Roger Williams P r ess News ... ... 13 only the physical needs without meet­ missionary outreach. ing the spiritual needs would not ac­ Co '.leges and universities related to Baptists throughout the nation R ev. D an iel F uch s, Evangelist .. .. .. 13 e e "\Ve, the \Vomen" complish the purpcs ~ of the medica 1 the American Baptist Convention r e­ will be interested to know .that Dr. Recently Billy Graham, the evangelist, made a revealing state­ Mrs. Thomas Lutz . ..... ... 14 clinic." The Women's Prayer Group ceived $9,lP.0,400 from t he Ford F oun­ Paul Dudley White, recognized world ment in LOOK magazine. "I seriously dou~t," Bil~y. Graham wrote Sund ay School Union has pledged thousands of dollars for Miss R uth B athau er ...... .. ... 15 dation December 12. The 22 schools heart specialist who attended Presi­ "if the average American realizes how relig10usly illiterate he is. I~ the maintenance of the clin ic. World benefitted are Bates, Benedict, Bishop, dent Dwight D. Eisenhower as con­ December Contribu tions .. ..... 15 a recent Gallup poll in Canada, it was found that only one out of ten "Sunday Sch ool L essons"' Vision has agreed to supply all the Bucknell, Carleton, Chicago, Colby, sultant, making several trips to Den ­ R ev. B r uno Schreiber .. ..... 16 medicine needed and Orient Crusades Denison, Eastern, Florida Normal, ver and Washington during his illness, Canadians could give the names of six of Christ's apostles; only t wo \Vhat•s Ha ppening .. .. 17 will provide an evangelist. Madame Franklin, Hillsdale, Kalamazoo, Keu­ is a member of old Dudley Street out of ten could name any. More than half of the a~ults did not know Our D en omin ation in Action 18 Chiang has requested prayer for the ka, Linfield, Morehouse, Ottawa, Red­ Church, Boston, Mass., Rev. P ercy G. the name of the first book of the Old Testament or m the New Testa­ Obituaries . ... .. .. ..... ..• . .. ... 22 provision of a "completely Christian la nds, Shaw, Spelman, Virginia Union, Beatty, pastor. His father, Dr. H. ment." This woeful ignorance of Scriptural facts and truths is just as medical team of" a foreign Christian and William J ewell. Warren White, was a life deacon of apparent south of the Canadian border. doctor and two nurses. the same church, and the son, P aul, • 9 Dr. and Mrs. C. O. Johnson com­ grew up in the church a nd was active The observance of Bible Sunday in your church, in addition to © In Israel the government has re­ pleted 25 years in the pastorate of the in the Sunday School a nd yout h or­ similar programs held throughout the year, will help to dramatize jected an offer made by David L. Sar­ Third Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo., ganizations, and later in the famous Bi-w eekly Publication of the noff, the American RCA execu tive, to on J anuary 31. These have been won­ P age Class for men. H e was at one our Baptist position that the fundamental source of our faith is the R OGE R WILLIAMS PRESS introduce television into the new slate. derful years for pastor and people. time p resident of the youth orgniza­ authority of the Bible. In the preamble of our North . A~ erican Bap­ 3734 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, Ohio Professor Benjamin Aktzin, lecturer )n Great auc:Llences wait on Dr. Johnson's tion . He now lives a considerable tist General Conference Constitution, we affirm our faith m this great Martin L. Leuschner, D.D., Editor social sf'ldies at a J erusalem uni­ preaching. Ministries have mu:tiplied. distance from the church, but still re­ Baptist principle: "the inspired authority of the Scriptures in matters Rev. E. J. Baumgartner, Business versity, is a determined oouonent of The church edifice has been almost tains his membership there. television. It would be disa;trous, h :? of faith and conduct. The songs and recitations of the children, the completely remodeled to meet th e -Watchman-Examiner. Manager feels, to introduce TV into Israel, need of the expanding work. The dramatized dialogues and even the . decoratior:s at such a Bib~e Day where money is urgently needed for Third Church is a great host of de­ C Dr. E. McNeill Poteat died Decem­ program can colorfully and clearly impress this truth of the Bible as • development plans and where none voted. Christi an people who have ber 17 in Raleigh, North Carolina. H e the infallible guide to God. can afford to be idle. Professar Akt­ loaned their hard-working pastor to was 63 years old. He was a member THE BAPTIST HERALD is a pu blication zin argued that television has "com­ Likewise the observance of Bible Sunday should dramatize the of the North American Baptist General many denominational minislries. of a family prominent in North Caro­ Conference with headquarters " t 7308 Mad­ pletely changed the face of American - Watchman-Examiner. lina Baptist circles. His father, Dr. missionary ministry in which we as North American Baptists, through ison St., Forest P ark, Illinois. It also main­ society, causing millions of person> Edwin McNeil! Poteat, Sr., had served our Publication Society, are ardently engaged to send the Scriptures tains an active members hip in th e Asso­ to become lazy." The government, ap­ ciated Church Press.
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