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THABAZIMBI LOCAL MUNICIPALITY Tyfb 2017/18 – 2021/22 INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN 2018/19 - 2nd REVIEW Thabazimbi Local Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018/19 i THIS IS A COPY OF THE INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR 2018/19 TO BE APPROVED BY COUNCIL ON THE 30 MAY 2018 ---------------------------------------------------------------- Mayor, Cllr M Moselane Thabazimbi Local Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018/19 ii Chairperson of Council and custodian of rules and code of ethics For Councilors Thabazimbi Local Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018/19 iii ELECTED COUNCILLORS 2016 - 2021 Mayor Speaker MPAC Chief Whip EXCO EXCO EXCO Cllr M Moselane Dr LH Joubert Cllr G Gouws Cllr P Strydom Cllr L Mokgomo Cllr S Ndhlovu Cllr S Makhubela Ward 1 Ward 3 Ward 4 Ward 5 Ward 6 Ward 7 Ward 8 Ward 9 Cllr R Mokwena Cllr I Nengwekulu Cllr T Molefe Cllr T Ramoabi Cllr L Serole Cllr D Mampeule Cllr T Hearne Cllr F Kokonyane Ward 10 Ward 11 Ward 12 PR PR PR PR PR Cllr A Ramogale Cllr X Nozozo Cllr M Matshelanokana Cllr D Comakae Cllr Z Esply Cllr R Manyama Cllr J Moloko Cllr G Ntshabele Thabazimbi Local Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018/19 iv BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE COAT OF ARMS Description of the elements of the Coat of Arms for Thabazimbi Local Municipality: Description of the colours of the Coat of Arms of Thabazimbi Municipality: • The Sun: Symbolizes a brighter future for the municipality. Red: The rich soil upon which our livelihood depends that must be sustainable exploited for future generations. • The Density (horizontal w shape): This shape represents the mountain ranges that create the spectacular scenic beauty that characterizes the plains of Thabazimbi and the Greater Waterberg area. It is also related to the name of the municipality, "Thaba" Blue: Represents the ever important dependence on the water elements we find in meaning mountain while "Zimbi" means iron. the Crocodile River, streams and underground water resources. • The Hut: Symbolizes the need for unity and encourages all people regardless of race, colour and creed to feel that the town is their home. The Hut also represents the cultural and traditional life of the people of Thabazimbi. Yellow: Symbolizes a break with the past, beckoning a brighter, prosperous future for Thabazimbi and all who live in it. • Symbol for Iron: Representing the mining activities in Thabazimbi which are one of the major economic mainstays of the town. Green: Represents the natural environment. • The Leopard: As one of the Big Five animals that's found in Thabazimbi. The leopard is a strong animal. It's represents the collective strength and resolve of the people of Thabazimbi to build a prosperous town for all. • The Steel Wheel: Represents the strong agricultural pillar within the broader economic sector of Thabazimbi. • The Cycad: A unique species found in Marakele National Park and surroundings that represents the booming tourism industry from which all the people in Thabazimbi should benefit. • The Leaves: Symbolizes the natural environment and scenic beauty of the area. Thabazimbi Local Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018/19 v TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. SECTION A 8 1.1 LIST OF ACRONYMS 8 1.2 MISSION, VISION AND VALUES 10 1.3 FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR 11 1.4 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY BY THE MUNICIPAL MANAGER 13 2. SECTION B: THE PLANNING PROCESS 14 2.1 INTRODUCTION 14 2.1.1 COMPOSITION OF IDP STEERING COMMITTEE 16 2.1.2 COMPOSITION OF IDP REPRESENTATIVE FORUM 17 2.1.3 IDP PROJECT TASK TEAM 17 2.2 POLICIES AND LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK 18 2.2.1 LEGISLATION 19 2.2.2 LOCAL GOVERNMENT SPHERE 20 2.2.3. PROVINCIAL GOVERNMENT 20 2.2.4. NATIONAL GOVERNMENT SPHERE 20 2.2.5. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN 21 2.2.6. CONSTITUTIONAL MANDATE 22 2.3 MUNICIPAL POWERS AND FUNCTIONS 23 2.4 INSTITUTIONAL ARRANGEMENTS TO DRIVE THE IDP (ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY) 25 2.4.1. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION MEETINGS TO BE HELD DURING 2018/19 IDP PROCESS 26 2.5 PROCESS OVERVIEW (PROCESS PLAN) 27 2.5.1 THE 2018/9 IDP PROCESS 27 2.5.2. ACTION PLAN: TIME FRAME AND RESOURCES/FOR ALL THE PHASES 28 2.6. MEC IDP ASSESSMENT 2017/18 41 2.7. SONA 2018 42 2.8 SOPA 2018 44 Thabazimbi Local Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018/19 vi 2.9 ISSUES AND COMMENTS RAISED BY THE COMMUNITY 46 3. SECTION C : SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS 56 3.1 DESCRIPTION OF THE MUNICIPAL AREA 56 3.2 DEMOGRAPHICS 63 3.3 KPA: 1 SPATIAL RATIONALE ANALYSIS 80 3.3.1 SETTLEMENT PATTERNS / HIERARCHY OF SETTLEMENTS 88 3.3.2 MAPS: SPATIAL VISION 91 3.3.3 LAND USE COMPOSITION AND MANAGEMENT TOOLS – LUMS AND GIS 93 3.3.4 ILLEGAL OCCUPATION OF LAND / INFORMAL SETTLEMENTS 95 3.3.5 LAND AVAILABILITY 96 3.3.6 DEVELOPMENT NODES AND CORRIDORS 101 3.3.7 LAND CLAIMS AND THEIR SOCIO-ECONOMIC IMPLICATIONS 107 3.3.8 SPATIAL SWOT ANALYSIS 108 3.4 ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS 110 3.4.1 ENVIRONMENTAL LEGISLATIVE FRAMEWORK. 110 3.4.2 DEA REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EVALUATION OF IDPS 112 3.4.3 STATUS QUO REGARDING THE ENVIRONMENT & ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES 113 3.5 KPA- 2 BASIC SERVICES AND INFRASTRUCTURE 120 3.5.1 WATER 120 3.5.2 SANITATION 129 3.5.3 ENERGY AND ELECTRICITY 131 3.5.4 ROADS AND STORMWATER 142 3.5.5 EXPANDED PUBLIC WORKS PROGRAM 145 3.5.6 WASTE MANAGEMENT 146 3.5.7 SWOT ANALYSIS 150 3.5.8 REVENUE ENHANCEMENT STRATEGIES 150 3.5.9 DISASTER MANAGEMENT LEGISLATIVE MANDATE 151 3.5.10 PUBLIC TRANSPORT 152 3.5.11 SOCIAL ANALYSIS 157 3.5.12 HEALTH 161 3.5.13. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT 164 3.5.14 SAFETY AND SECURITY 165 3.5.15. EDUCATION 168 3.5.16. SPORTS, ART AND CULTURE 172 Thabazimbi Local Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018/19 vii 3.5.17 POST OFFICE AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES 175 3.5.18 LIBRARY 180 3.6 KPA 3: LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 181 3.7 KPA 4: FINANCIAL VIABILITY 218 3.8 KPA 5: GOOD GOVERNANCE AND PUBLIC PARTICIPATION 250 3.9 KPA 6: MUNICIPAL TRANSFORMATION AND ORGANISATIONAL DEVELOPMENT 266 4. SECTION D: PRIORITIZATION 287 5. SECTION E: STRATEGY PHASE 288 5.1. STRATEGIC ALIGNMENT 289 5.2 STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION 2018 ACTION PLAN 291 6. SECTION F: PROJECT PHASE AND BUDGET SUMMARY PER KPA 303 6.1 SECTOR DEPARTMENTS AND MINE PROJECTS 303 6.2 PROJECTS PER KPA IN MTEF (2018/19) 310 7 SECTION G : INTEGRATION PHASE 337 7.1 SECTOR PLANS TABLE 337 8. SECTION H: APPROVAL 338 Thabazimbi Local Municipality Integrated Development Plan 2018/19 Page 8 1. SECTION A 1.1 LIST OF ACRONYMS ABET Adult Basic Education Training LDP Limpopo Development Plan AFS Annual Financial Statements LGSF Local Government Support Fund AO Accounting Officer BEE Black Economic Empowerment KPAs Key Performance Areas BBBEE Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment MDG Millennium Development Goals BNG Breaking New Ground MEC Member of the Executive Council BTO Budget and Treasury Office CIP Comprehensive Infrastructure Plan MIG Municipal Infrastructure Grant CFO Chief Financial Officer MIIF Municipal Infrastructure Investment Framework CMIP Consolidated Municipal Infrastructure Programme MOU Memorandum of Understanding CoGHSTA Co-Operative Governance, Human Settlement & MPRA Municipal Property Rate Act Traditional Affairs CS Corporate Services MISS Management Information Security System CBD Central Business Development/ District mSCOA Municipal Standard Chart of Accounts CBP Community Based Planning MTBS Medium Term Budget Statement DBSA Development Bank of South Africa MTEF Medium Term Expenditure Framework DWA Department of Water Affairs MTSF Medium Term Strategic Framework EAP Employee Assistance Programme NDP National Development Plan EPWP Expanded Public Works Programme NGO Non-Governmental Organization EEP Employment Equity Pan NSDP National Spatial Development Plan FBE Free Basic Electricity NYS National Youth Services FBW Free Basic Water OTP Office of the Premier FBS Free Basic Services PAIA Promotion of Access to Information Act GAP General Accounting Practices PED Planning and Economic Development GIS Geographical Information System PGP Provincial Growth Points HDIs Historically Disadvantaged Individual PHP People Housing Process ICT Information Communication Technology PMS Performance Management System IDP Integrated Development Plan PPP Public Private Partnership RBIG Regional Bulk Infrastructure Grant IFMS Integrated Financial Management System RM Records Management INEP Integrated National Energy Programme SALGA South African Local Government Association ISHS Integrated Sustainable Human Settlement SDBIP Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan Thabazimbi Local Municipality IDP Document 2018/19 Review Page 9 IT Information Technology SDF Spatial Development Framework LED Local Economic Development SDR Skills Development Facilitator LPSDF Limpopo Province Spatial Development Framework SS Social Services SONA State of the Nation Address SOPA State of the Province Address TLM Thabazimbi Local Municipality TOR Terms of Reference TS Technical Services WDM Waterberg District Municipality WSA Water Services Authority WSP Water Service Provider WSP Workplace Skills Plan WSDP Water Serviced Development Plan Thabazimbi Local Municipality IDP Document 2018/19 Review Page 10 1.2 MISSION, VISION AND VALUES VISION “A leading eco-tourist Municipality in the provision of sustainable and excellent services” MISSION “Promote, co-ordinate, implement the financial and environmental growth and development through a committed staff and partnership with communities and stakeholders” VALUE STATEMENT 1.3 FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR Accountable, Transparent, Community Centred and Honest Human capital Thabazimbi Local Municipality IDP Document 2018/19 Review Page 11 1.3 FOREWORD BY THE MAYOR The last few months presented a very challenging, yet revealing experience for myself as Mayor, and the rest of Council as we engaged with stakeholders, to whom we represent on the issues and services that matter to both you and us. I travelled across the entire Municipality affording me an opportunity to view the impact and difference we made as collective also getting your view on what works for you and whether our level of service is acceptable.