Borough Planning Officer Case Officer: [email protected] (020 8583 4967) Isleworth & Brentford Area Planning Committee 03 June 2004
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Report by: Borough Planning Officer Case Officer: [email protected] (020 8583 4967) Isleworth & Brentford Area Planning Committee 03 June 2004 1.0 LOCATION: 1.1 Land between Kew Bridge, Kew Bridge Road and the River Thames (a.k.a. Scottish Widows land), Brentford, TW8. 2.0 PROPOSAL: 2.1 00607/ P/ P10 Proposed erection of a mixed use building varying in height from 3 storeys adjacent to the river and 5 storeys adjacent to the Wagon & Horses Pub - stepping up through 4, 5 and 6 storeys – and rise to an average height of 7 storeys along the Kew Bridge and Kew Bridge Road frontages. On the junction of these two roads the height would rise to 9 full storeys with an additional 1½ storey penthouse on top. The development comprises parking facilities at basement level, commercial uses (B1, A1 & A3) at ground floor level and 250 residential flats on floors 1-10. 2.2 00607/G/L2 (listed building application) Proposed demolition of single-storey disused toilet block attached to Kew Bridge. 2.3 Documents & Plans: Drawing / Document Title Number Revision Scale Location Plan 21910 (02)01 1:1250 Basement Plan 21910 (03)-1 B 1:200 Ground Floor Plan 21910 (03)00 B 1:200 First Floor Plan 21910 (03)01 B 1:200 Second Floor Plan 21910 (03)02 B 1:200 Third Floor Plan 21910 (03)03 B 1:200 Fourth Floor Plan 21910 (03)04 B 1:200 Fifth Floor Plan 21910 (03)05 B 1:200 Sixth Floor Plan 21910 (03)06 B 1:200 Seventh Floor Plan 21910 (03)07 B 1:200 Eighth Floor Plan 21910 (03)08 B 1:200 Ninth Floor Plan 21910 (03)09 B 1:200 Tenth Floor Plan 21910 (03)10 B 1:200 Sections Sheet 1 21910 (04)01 1:200 Sections Sheet 2 21910 (04)02 1:200 Sections Sheet 3 21910 (04)03 1:200 Elevations Sheet 1 21910 (05)01 B 1:200 Elevations Sheet 2 21910 (05)02 B 1:200 Elevations Sheet 3 21910 (05)03 B 1:200 Elevations Sheet 4 21910 (05)04 B 1:200 Elevations Sheet 5 21910 (05)05 B 1:200 Elevation Keyplan NA 1:300 B.Malyan Urban Design Doc NA Planning Statement PDA 02038 April 2003 EPDM Ecological Assessment 03010/Reports/R030401a April 2003 PCA Ltd Archaeology Evaluation KWB 03 Mar 2003 WSP Transport Assessment 11140184TA/Rev2 Rev2 (Apr 03) CG Geology Survey Report CG/1389/Rev1 Rev1 (Apr 03) 2.4 RECOMMENDATION That Members comment on this revised planning application and that their comments be reported to the June SDC Committee. 3.0 SITE DESCRIPTION 3.1 The site is known locally as both 'the Scottish Widows site' and 'the Kew Bridge site'. The application site is a vacant piece of land with an area of 0.73ha (1.80 acres) in total, bounded by Kew Bridge Rd to the north, Kew Bridge to the east, and by ‘The Hollows’ towpath and the Thames to the south 3.2 To the east, Kew Bridge is a Grade II listed building, containing the South Circular Road (A205), which merges with the A315 (Kew Bridge Road) at a traffic light- controlled junction to the north-east of the site. There are a number of lock-up arches under the Kew Bridge, which are currently occupied by a car repair business, furniture restoration company and scout group. Another arch is used for public access under the bridge adjacent to the river. The existing footpath along the River Thames is owned and controlled by the Port of London Authority. The area to the east of Kew Bridge, bordering the river, was designated as the Strand-on-the-Green Conservation Area in 1968. Development within that neighbourhood consists of 2-3-storey terraces of residential properties. Fifty buildings and structures within the Strand-on-the-Green Conservation Area are listed, and the area is renowned for its panorama of picturesque Thameside views. 3.3 To the north, the surroundings are a mixture of residential and commercial, about 3-4 storeys high. Beyond the traffic lights adjacent to Kew Bridge Station, the South Circular Road becomes lined with various derelict shops – many of which are empty. Kew Bridge Station is a Grade II listed building. River House opposite the station is a substantial 8-storey building converted to residential use. Other buildings (Nos.56, 57, 58, 59 and 60) on the north side of the street have been identified as Buildings of Local Townscape Character. This area has been recently identified for inclusion in a new ‘Kew Bridge’ Conservation Area to complement Strand-on-the-Green Conservation Area and LB Richmond’s Conservation Areas across the Thames. 3.4 To the west, the scene is dominated by the Thameside Business Centre a complex of office buildings 4-5 storeys high with pitched roofs. Beyond lies the former BT Exchange converted into the residential ‘Regatta Point’ (6-storeys and penthouse). Appearing above these developments is the Grade I Kew Bridge Steam Museum stand-pipe campanile, and in the distance is the backdrop of the 22 storey high tower blocks at Green Dragon Lane. From the south bank of the river, and from Kew Bridge, these various buildings produce a vigorous and at times somewhat inharmonious landscape. 3.5 To the south lies ‘The Hollows’ footpath and the River Thames. This footpath winds down from Kew Bridge Road to follow the River Thames, eventually rejoining Kew Bridge Road just east of Victoria Steps and Waterman’s Park. There is also a link underneath Kew Bridge to complete a somewhat disjointed access to Strand-on-the- Green, past the complication of a slipway, which is also a public right of way. On the south bank are the tranquil approaches, via the towpath, to the borders of the World Heritage Site of Kew Gardens. Brentford Ait, with its large trees, is visible to the west. There are a number of large houseboats moored along The Hollows. 3.6 The site is an important and prominent landmark site on the River Thames, at the junction of the North and South Circular Roads and is the first major site travelling into the borough over Kew Bridge. Kew Bridge Station forms part of the SWT Hounslow Loop Line, with links to Waterloo, Clapham Junction, Hounslow, Feltham, etc. There are a number of bus routes, including Routes 237 (Hounslow to Shepherds Bush), 267 (Twickenham to Hammersmith), 65 (Ealing to Kingston via Richmond), 391 (Richmond to Hammersmith), N97 (London to Hounslow). 4.0 HISTORY 4.1 Historically important transport routes lie within the proposed conservation area: a Roman road; and the River Thames and one of its traditional ferry crossing points. Kew Bridge Rd, Chiswick High Rd and the ferry are all shown on Rocque’s map of 1746. Lionel Rd South appears on the 1865 Ordnance Survey, suggesting it was developed with the railway. Kew Bridge was the site of a market until 1893, when the market moved to a purpose built site at what is now Brentford Fountain leisure centre. Kew Bridge had become a busy junction and there was no longer room for the market. However, the drinking fountain, the centrepiece of the market, remained until 1974, when it was moved to Western International Market in Feltham. The first Kew Bridge was completed in 1759. When the current bridge was opened in 1903 the King was given a mallet and trowel, parts of which were made from the old oak piles of the first bridge. 4.2 Planning permission was granted in 1989 subject to an s106 agreement for some 5,332m² (57,400ft²) of office floorspace in a single building to replace the demolished Kew Bridge House. The permission involved a six-storey building (18.4m high) with a three-storey element (15m high) fronting Kew Bridge Road. 122 parking spaces were proposed and the legal agreement secured financial contributions for improvements to the adjoining highways. 4. 3 (P1-P4) - Duplicate applications approved in 1991 subject to an s106 agreement for demolition of all existing buildings and structures and redevelopment to provide: two B1 office buildings, relocated public house and restaurant, boathouse, boat store and workshops, sea scouts accommodation, small craft workshop, improved pedestrian access with associated parking and vehicular access. (P5-P8) - Duplicate applications (two for Scheme A and two for Scheme B) for an almost identical development, which excluded the six northern, arches under the existing Kew Bridge were resolved to be approved subject to a Section 106 agreement in August 1992. Scheme ‘A’ Proposed some 11,000m² (119,404ft²) in 2 separate buildings. One building was proposed to front Kew Bridge Road on the corner with Kew Bridge with a second linked building in the centre of the site. The proposed buildings were both 4 commercial storeys in height (22m – equivalent to 6/7 residential storeys) reducing to three storey to the west and south of the site. Both buildings were to have pitched roofs with overhanging eaves and strong horizontal emphasis. The south-east corner of the site was to be dedicated as open space. With regard to 'Scheme B' the main difference was the relocation of the Wagon and Horses PH, which resulted in a slightly reduced amount of office floor space (3,472m² - 37,383ft²) for the building fronting Kew Bridge Road. 4.4 (P9) - Renewal of permission P8 for the demolition of all existing buildings and structures and comprehensive redevelopment for class B1 business public house/restaurant, boat house, car parking and access arrangements was approved in 1997.