France 法國 | 2017 | French DCP | Color | 106min

Director Bruno Dumont Original Author Charles Péguy Scriptwriter Bruno Dumont Cinematographer Guillaume Deffontaines Editor Bruno Dumont, Basile Belkhiri Choreographer Philippe Decouflé Music Igorrr Sound Romain Ozanne Cast Lise Leplat Prudhomme, Jeanne Voisin, Lucile Gauthier, Victoria Lefebvre Producer Jean Bréhat, , Muriel Merlin Production Taos Films, Arte France World Sales Luxbox Films

© TAOS Films

Jeannette, the Childhood of Joan of Arc Jeannette, l'enfance de Jeanne d'Arc 聖女貞德的童年

Joan of Arc, as Bernanos wrote, is “the wonder of wonders”. She [導演訪問] is the leading figure of French mythology, because no woman has 為什麼會想拍一部歌舞片? ever loved France so much (in the throes of the 100 Years’ War against the English), and France has never been quite so loved. 很簡單,想涉足我未拍過的領域。誰都曉得音樂的力 Like a sort of St Augustine, it can be summed up thus: If you don’t 量,我覺得拍一齣以音樂為核心元素的電影是蠻有趣 ask me what France is, I know; if you ask me, I no longer know. It’s 的。改編查理佩吉詩劇的念頭隨之而來。不過如果說詩 so difficult to express what one’s country is, yet we feel it perfectly 歌是文學最尖端的形式,那大抵與它的隱晦、私密、不 well, deep down, and how it torments us when our country is itself 可即有關,一言以蔽之,它的禁忌。我們都曉得詩歌是 being tormented. The question today of French identity remains 文學的花蕾,我們珍而重之,盡量避免摧殘它,不消說 unresolved, not to say turned on its head. Joan of Arc readily 要把它擲到現代性的垃圾堆裏。玫瑰無疑有刺,搬演詩 answers this profound question, simply through her existence. 劇易變陳套,這構成了處理此類型的困難。 Telling the life of Joan of Arc is quite simply saying and letting it 如何突破這個兩難?怎樣以佩吉的文本置入現代脈絡, be heard what France is. Barrès used to say that Joan of Arc is the 人皆可懂?缺乏音樂,詩歌大部份時間都會默默無 miracle of national reconciliation. 聞……歌曲令詩歌不致受苦,無法表達……音樂能給予 文本動力和生命,這太明顯了。音樂編成配樂,佩吉提 Bruno Dumont 供文本。一部歌劇電影就這樣創作出來了。

很多人拍過聖女貞德,你如何和德萊葉、布烈遜等前 人不同? 聖女貞德是神奇中的神奇。沒有人像她那樣愛法國…… 今天法國人面臨的身份困惑,我可以在貞德身上找到答 案。聖女貞德的故事也是何謂法國的故事。

Bruno DUMONT was born in Bailleul, France in 1958. A former philosophy teacher, he made his first feature The Life of Jesus in 1997. Other films include Humanity (99), Twentynine Palms (03), Flanders (06), Hadewijch (09), Outside Satan (11), (13), Li’l Quinquin (14), (16), Jeannette, the Childhood of Joan of Arc (17). 般奴杜蒙 1958 年生於法國伯勒爾,大學修讀希臘與德國哲學,卻立志拍電影,先後投身教育、廣告製作、新聞工作和電視製作等行業。 首部作品《人之子》(97) 奪得法國尚維果獎,其後作品:《仁啊仁!》(99)、《情色沙漠》(03)、《天人之戰》(06)、《戀戀耶穌》(09) 、《 魔 非魔》(11)、《卡蜜兒的最後歲月》(13)、《戇神探與小昆昆》(14)、《食人急轉灣》(16)、《聖女貞德的童年》(17)。