PART IV) (1850--1859)-Section 2
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16 SINGAPORE MEDICAL JOURNAL Vol. 17, No. I. March, 1976. THE PAUPER HOSPITAL IN EARLY SINGAPORE. (PART IV) (1850--1859)-Section 2 By Y. K. Lee In May 1855, Governor Blundell who had just tatingly subscribe a sum of money fully equal to succeeded Major General Butterworth, paid his first the exigency of the case. The Committee of official visit to Tan Tock Seng Hospital.' The Assis- Management cannot complain of any lack of tant Surgeon in charge of the hospital brought to the money support but they are certainly entitled to notice of the Governor that there was no quarters for expect that the subscribers will at least once a the Apothecary as the house had been occupied by year personally identify themselves with the in- the Apothecary attached to the Seamen's Hospital. terest of the Institution and exercise that jealous Dr. Cowpar also pointed out that the hospital had care of its management which alone will ensure no suitable accommodation for what were called Po- success. The meeting was adjourned sine die." lice that he no means of Cases and had securing the The Singapore Free Press was more charitable: 4 persons of prisoners who were sent to him for medi- cal or surgical treatment. The Governor's Secretary "A meeting of the Subscribers of Tan Tock Seng wrote to the Resident Councillor: Hospital was called for Saturday last, but owing to the paucity of attendance, no business was "It seems to the Governor that both these objects transacted. We are certain that this proceeded might be attained by the erection of a suitable from no indifference on the part of the com- building on the vacant ground to the left of the munity to this most excellent institution, but Seamen's Hospital, and he would be obliged by simply from everyone relying on his neighbour in your directing the Executive Officer to submit a a matter in which there is no difference of Plan and Estimate (by convict labour) of a Build- opinion. It should be recollected, however, that ing conformable outwardly with those on the the Gentlemen who so generously devote same hill and frontage and combining accommo- themselves to the management of this Charity are dation for an Apothecary and his family and a entitled to the countenance of the Subscribers ward for Police patients." whenever it is desired, and we hope that they will However, when the plan and estimate were sub- not again ask in vain for a meeting of the suppor- mitted two months later, they were rejected as the ters of the Hospital." sum of money and the large amount of convict la- In his annual report for 1854/1855, the Senior bour involved were out of proportion to the objects Surgeon complained that patients who had run away sought to be accomplished. A more economical plan from Tan Tock Seng Hospital were arrested by the was suggested and that was to alter the Apothecary's Police and sentenced to the House of Correction Quarters to accommodate two families! 2 which, of course, involved their immediate admis- sion into the Convict Hospital. The Governor decid- The 4th Annual General Meeting of Tan Tock ed that "this practice is one that should not be coun- Seng Hospital was called on 30th 1855, June but did tenanced" and he instructed the Resident Coun- not take place as there was no quorum. The Straits cillor: S Times commented: "Any individual taken up by the Police for vag- "The annual meeting of the subscribers to Tan rancy or even for the committal of minor crime, Tock Seng Hospital did not take place on Satur- and who is suffering from disease without any day last as previously advertised, simply because means of relief, should, I opine, be sent at once to the friends of that excellent did charity not mus- the Pauper Hospital, there to be cured if possible ter in sufficient number to enable such of the before being taken before the Magistrate for Committee as attended to proceed with the cur- trial, and more especially should this be done rent business. Such indifference on the part of the when a person so taken up by the Police is known Community is very discreditable and highly dis- to be an escaped inmate of the Pauper Hospital. I couraging to the gentlemen few who really request that measures may be to secure take adopted an interest in the Institution and devote time the Convict Hospital from having to receive and attention as Visitors, Secretary, Treasurer, pauper patients for whom another hospital is pro- etc. to its concerns. If pecuniary assistance was vided...." requested, our liberal community would unhesi- The adjourned meeting of the Subscribers took place on 24th July 1855.6 After the Secretary had Thomson Road General Hospital, Singapore. read the annual report, several motions were put to Y. K. LEE, A.M., M.D., F.R.C.P. Lond., F.R.C.P the meeting and carried: the election of a new Com LL. R. mittee of Senior Physician, Management, thanks to the gentlemen who had served in the past Committee as the Honorary 1976 MARCH, 17 Secretary, Treasurer and Medical Officer; special the public justice. To remedy this, the Superin- thanks to Mr. Tan Kim Ching "for his liberal tendent of Public Works, Capt. MacPherson, has charity in defraying the funeral expenses of all pau- proposed converting a part of the Left Ward now pers who die in Tan Tock Seng Hospital"; and that occupied by Dressers and as a storeroom, into a the new Governor, Mr. E. A Blundell be invited to ward to be so protected as to prevent the exit of be the Patron of the Hospital. patients and the intrusion of those who have no right to enter " The annual report was quite a cheerful one. With the exception of the high mortality rate, the Com- "The tablet in Chinese commemorative of Tan mittee were able to report that 6 Tock Sing's and his son Tan Kim Ching's libera- lity has been received from China but has not . Since the additions and improvements been placed have been made in the Hospital, the Committee in situ until the arrival of the English cannot suggest anything further that they would inscription which is expected daily." 6 deem advantageous to the destitute sick. In December 1855, Mr. Tan Kim Ching once The main building and right ward are ad- again demonstrated his generosity by giving each in- mirably suited to the class of patients that occupy mate of the hospital four yards of thick cloth "from a feeling of compassion towards these poor people them and the ventilation is as perfect as the site of the Hospital will allow The average number who were suffering from the cold weather conse- of inmates during the past year has been less than quent on the long continued rains.". 7 the two previous years and much less than the On 26th March 1856, Mr. Thomas Dunman, the hospital can accommodate, so that the Commit- Sitting Magistrate, wrote to the Municipal Commit- tee can congratulate the public on having an Insti- tee bringing to notice the lack of hospital accom- tution capable of administering in the full extent modation for sick females: 8 to the wants of the in destitute sick this increasing "Repeated applications have been made to me The Settlement.... Committee have much plea- for admittance into the Pauper Hospital of sick sure in testifying to the constant cleanliness of the females, in many instances in the Hospital, last stage of the perfectness of the ventilation in the disease. Others have been found during the night main building and the general absence of foul by the Police in the streets, the friends of the sick smells except such as are unavoidable from put- women being too poor to them, rifying support knowing sores, while the appearance of the inmates that the Police would remove them. Some take denotes more comfort than is to be found in the this mode of saving themselves of trouble and same class out of the Hospital At the sug- expense attendant on their sick companions. gestion of the Medical Officer in charge, the daily These applications have been obliged to be re- allowance of animal food to the inmates has been fused, the females to the doubled, for who have been sent and beef has occasionally been substi- Hospital have returned to the Police Office tuted for pork been with a note from the Surgeon in charge stating The mortality rate was 43.16%. ".... but the there was no accommodation for females in the same cause still exists as in former years in the reluc- hospital. Here we have a hospital supported by tance of the paupers to enter the Hospital until they contributions large enough to accommodate 300 are moribund, nor can the Committee suggest any men while the wretched women I speak of must remedy for this. A gradual enlightenment of the almost die in the streets. natives to the advantages of this establishment If the Government supply medical aid, will affords the only chance of remedy From 1st the Municipal Committee go to the expense of a June 1854 to 31st May 1855, 691 paupers have been small ward to be attached to the Pauper Hospital admitted, including 157 remaining from last year. -a small room would be sufficient The total number of treated is cases 848, of these 249 This matter was discussed at the April meeting of have been discharged, 366 have 91 have died, the Committee who concluded that although they re- absconded, I has been transferred and 141 are on cognised the need for hospital accommodation for hand.