Copy of KPCC-KVLA-KUOR Quarterly Report APR-JUN 2013
KPCC / KVLA / KUOR Quarterly Programming Report APR MAY JUN 2013 Date Key Synopsis Guest/Reporter Duration Does execution mean justice for the victims of Aurora? If you’re opposed to the death penalty on principal, does the egregiousness of this crime change your view? How Michael Muskal, would you want to see this trial resolved? Karen 4/1/13 LAW Steinhauser, 14:00 How should PCC students, faculty, and administrators handle these problems? Is it Rocha’s responsibility to maintain a yearly schedule? Will the decision to cancel the winter intersession continue to have serious repercussions? Mark Rocha, 4/1/13 EDU Simon Fraser, 19:00 New York City is set to pass legislation requiring thousands of companies to provide paid sick leave to their employees. Some California cities have passed similar legislation, but many more initiatives here have failed. Why? Jill Cucullu, 4/1/13 SPOR Anthony Orona, 14:00 New York City is set to pass legislation requiring thousands of companies to provide paid sick leave to their employees. Some California cities have passed similar Ken Margolies, legislation, but many more initiatives here have failed. Why? John Kabateck, 4/1/13 HEAL Sharon Terman, 22:00 After a week of saber-rattling, North Korea has stepped up its bellicose rhetoric against South Korea and the United States. This weekend, the country announced that it is in a “state of war” with South Korea, and North Korea’s parliament voted to beef up its nuclear weapons arsenal. 4/1/13 FOR David Kang, 10:00 How has big data transformed the way we approach and evaluate information? What will its impact be in years to come? Can this kind of analysis be dangerous, or have significant drawbacks? Kenneth Cukier joins Larry to speak about the revolution of big 4/1/13 LIT data and how it will affect our lives.
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