Ave maris stella no. 2.

Toledo, OH: Ignaz Fischer, 1899 https://digital.library.wisc.edu/1711.dl/PDKHPMD5VBXNC8D http://rightsstatements.org/vocab/NKC/1.0/

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ae Es SS} Be Vy Z , p : fa g V ‘ t n Y l | ee" ee i eS) FISCHER'S EDITION A ; > No. m~ Aor 1099. Haec Dies; for Male Chorus . j ; 2 : ec eae i ny ar hi. \ 1120. Exulta Sion; for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass % +25 iN Wd 1150. Haec Dies; ‘“ fo ee bs eee z Saige) 2 y) ry 1230. Hymn for the Silver Jubilee of a Priest; Chorus 3 225 > 1239. Vemite Adoremus; for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. .35 \ B a 1244. Salve! Mundi Domina; Duet for Alto and Baritone . “75 A 1264. Christmas and Easter Carols; Unison or 2-part = «20 Vi CMO 1326. Hymns to the Sacred Heart and Holy Name of Jesus . 40 .@ [7 1355. Regima Coeli; (A) Soprano or Tenor Solo e : «#50

y 7 ) \ 1359. Lucis Creator; (B flat) for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass .20 hy 4 1360. Alma Redemptoris ; (A) “ ve & ss oes -20 Soy y 1361. Ave Regina; (A flat) ‘ es i uf ESS 15 ea fe i 1364. Regina Coeli; (F) aa a et eae eee 4 os, By A f 1369. ; (F) “ =“ a aE ed orale 4 | 1370. Terra Tremuit; as ie € ss eee -20 Ney == Z 1371. Alma Redemptoris ; Soprano or Tenor Solo . je z -40 1395. Ave Maris Stella; (G) for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass .12 by) 1396. 0 Salutaris; (F) te et eats aap ore eer )\ Gy (CA see 1397. ; (A) ee ce Soe eee enTO) v Gow 1398. Tantum Ergo; (G flat) ‘“ ae iz ue nee 15 WY (US i 1420. O Salutaris; (A flat) for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. .15 4 1421. © Salutaris; (G) ‘“ a Soom ces 10 —, 1422. Tantum Ergo; (F) “ i ae Se eer 10) Ve 1423. ; for Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass. .20 1424. Jesu Dulcis Memoria; *‘ ey Se setae peel 5) Vd G 1425. Placare Christe Servulis; ‘ e pre ie e | bS 1426. Ad Regias Agni Dapes; ee ee CI LAOS Nea | : 1427. Haec Dies; (G) No. 3 ‘ et es Ps eet en ge eo ~ Dive. 1428, Regina Ceeli; (A) No. 2 a es ect en <7 cole

i a Published by 2 | 3 oy, J. fischer & Bro. ‘ New York Ignaz fischer ------Toledo, Ohio Van a) @ ee ~ ag a — 2? : I> € Seeaes > SF Cs i

NO 2.


VICTOR HAMMEREL. Allegretto. = A _ Sopran. | (ee

[A ___ Alto. ee ee a ceased cepuce dees tgemaleahes omic eat eh Ean enai Rtee ee E gg Teor. _— | eee

cN B SS eS —— — ES ee a3. |e ee

Allegretto. = a pe Ee ee 4 f 7? ; we eae

aT | py r=) = pe eS ea SS eee reat a es Se ees

Ais d?. es ee. ——————— er

Ass= Ve; Mai-= * risi=—stel-= iy Dee a1 Ma_ - ter SOlas==_ve= “vin- -—— cla— -T6, = eae Ss Pro - fer lu - men Vite = 20 sin, pu. la, -* ris, Ine = _ter O = anes

Gaggia ee ey ——— | SS as ee Se SS ee ee See » eS ES ES er ee (Ae = ve, Ma 9-7 ris) = Stel = alas Denali Ma - ter Soll = sve= vin. ela re = Eas, Pro. =— fer lu - men Witze= 70 — sine cue la = Tis, ins — ter Oo - mnes ee SS

SS i ee ee ee 4 Se aa eee aa pe Oe tee et eee tt eet Ot ete eae et Bee Re ek dn ee ee ee ee = eS as a) eles line

J. R&B. 1395-2 Copyright, (899, by F. Fischeré Bro. : 2

nf = ee ROS = ee Ee ee al - ma, At - que sem-per Vir - go, Fe - lix coe-li cae - cis, Ma - la no-stra pel - le, Bo - na cun-cta mi - tis, Nos cul-pis so- lu -_ tos Mi - tes fac et Ae mf 7S ee a Ss Sa a ee ae ee ed Sees eens oe! ee SS Se SS i

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Oe an nn ee es fa eS a ee ee ee (od —_ L | bo | La

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oY eS ‘ fore —— ye

{) | {Ee Vee a SS SS SS ee SE ee |, SSS Fe - lixcoe-li por-ta. Sumens il - Iud A - ve Bo - na cun-cta po - sce Monstra te esse ma - trem, Mi - tes fac et ca-stos. Vi-tam prae - sta pu - ram, i

a Bh age eel ree ecg epee need oeenceaseieeenenisinneaeibaoras eee eee eam [2 == 2 Sis ee = = Se ee Oo ee ee

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J.F & B. 1395-2 3

pt ee ee SS ee a | Ga - bri- e - lis Onee= cee re. Fun - da nos in pa - ce, | Su - mat per te pres ces, Qui pro no-bis .na - tus I - ter pa - ra tu - tun, Ut Mi -den-tes=- Je -- ‘sum A eee ee ee

EI yee eee Oo ee 7? Ga - bri e - lis 0 - re, Fun - da nos in pa - ce, Su - mat per te pre - ces, Qui pro no - bis nas- tus Te = Her= pa, ra tu - tum, Ut vi- den-tes Je - sum a SS ee

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ao aA SS SSS ee ee a ee ee ee ee ee Mu = - tans He - vae no - - men. Tu - lit es - se tu - - us. | Sem - per col - lace - te - - mur. 1 4 4 : na i ee ey eet & - a

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t Fischer’s Edition, No. 1326 Fischer’s Edition, No. 1350 Bymns to the Sacred Reart The Roman Vesper pet P Psalter CONTAINING and ‘The Plain Chant of the B. V. M. ‘The Vespers for the Sundays throughout the Year The apes of the Dead Doly Name of Jesus As also the Principal Vesper Hymns (Gregorian) | ALL WITH ORGAN ACCOMPANIMENT. Composed by | Aside of this, the Psalter contains all of the Vesper Psalms, without any musical notation. A separate card with the eight Gregorian tones will be enclosed in every VICTOR HAMMEREL beak: Bound in Flexible Cloth, 60c., net Oratda of Sb Jofin’s Church, Providence, R, L From above work we publish the “ Vesper Psalms" (without notation), separate. : : — PRICE. 9 -. = = 10; Cents 40 Cents, net | A MOST USEFUL BOOK FOR SANCTUARY CHOIRS A collection : of entirely ; new hymns for unison 5 or two-part chorus, | And ‘Afternoon for all Services other Choruses, of the Church. for the

Fischer’s Edition, No. 419 Fischer’s Edition, No. 420 Catholic 2 Douth’s , thymnat | HOLY FACE HYMNAL | A COLLECTION OF : Popular Sacred Melodies for Church and | Original and Selected Hymns and Private Devotion | AS, ALSO | , Vespers, Psalms and Hymns, and Gregorian ARRANGED AND COMPILED WITH A SPECIAL Requiem and Libera, with Organ Accompaniment VIEW TO THE WANTS OF JUVENILE CHOIRS, Designed for the use of Juvenile Choirs, Sodalities, Congregations, CONVENTS, ETC. Colleges, Academies, Etc. BY Arranged and Compiled by the B. HAMMA SISTERS OF MERCY PROVIDENCE, R. I. New and Revised Edition 60 Cents, net Price - - - = 60 Cents, net

Fischer’s Edition, No. 329 Vol. I Vol. IL Fischer’s Edition Fischer’s Edition NEW AND REVISED EDITION No. 575 No, 576 | The Catholic Chorister fischer’s y; Catholic - Choir _ Book | A New Collection of Sacred Music for the A collection of easy Morning and Evening Service of the . i MASSES, VESPERS, REQUIEM, OFFERTORIES, Etc, for | Soprano, Alto, Tenor and Bass, with organ accompaniment. | Compiled by B. HAMMA | Price - = - $2.00, net Cais Vol, I contains three Masses (by La Hache, Cremer, and Battmann), two ‘ontains Masses by Requiems and Offertories...... 2+c+sseserere teres teeresenenesM€ty $1-50 Wiegand, Battmann and Gounod, Gregorian Requiem, and a very Vol 77 comers Org oes ol Vesree Chnnce the Vere ee good assortment of Offertories and pieces for benediction, making pieces for Benédiction...... s.cssssseee ssseaneedsaess Nt $r.25 a serviceable collection for any choir. Both Volumes bound in one...... sssssesseeeceeeeeessesss eeeeeee Met, $2.50

A liberal discount will be allowed for the introduction of any of the above works PUBLISHED BY J. 2FISCHER: & - BRO. The Largest Supply House of Catholic ° Church Music ° 7 BIBLE HOUSE - - - NEW YORK