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1 Issue: 1 Year: 2019 Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Year: 2019 Designed by Müjdat TÖS Acarological Studies Vol 1 (1) CONTENTS Information on AS Editorial A new inspiration for acarological life: Acarological Studies ............................................................................................................. 1-2 Salih DOĞAN Articles A new species of the genus Zercon (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae) from Kastamonu, Turkey ........................... 3-10 Raşit URHAN, Mehmet KARACA Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting some wild animals and humans in Turkey: notes on a small collection ....... 11-15 Adem KESKİN, Ahmet Yesari SELÇUK, Haluk KEFELİOĞLU A new species of the genus Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann (Acari: Stigmaeidae) from Turkey ................................. 16-19 Mustafa AKYOL, Melis Pınar GÜL First record of the rotundabaloghid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) in Sierra Leone with the description of a new species ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20-22 Jenő KONTSCHÁN The prevalence and intensity of Demodex folliculorum and D. brevis (Acari: Demodicidae) in patients with ocu- lar dandruff ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23-43 Yasin SARI, Erhan ZEYTUN, Salih DOĞAN, Yücel KARAKURT Short Notes Two new records of the genus Hydryphantes (Acari: Hydrachnidia) for the Turkish fauna ..................................... 44-47 Yunus ESEN, Abdullah MART, Orhan ERMAN New occurrence of the mite genus Columbicheyla Thewke and Enns (Acari, Cheyletidae) in Turkey ................. 48-50 Salih DOĞAN, Sibel DOĞAN, Burcu KABASAKAL Acarological Studies Aim and Scope script. The editor will decide the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts according to these referees. However, The aim of the journal Acarological Studies (AS) is to pro- a manuscript may be rejected without external review by mote acarological research worldwide. The journal is the editor thinking it as unacceptable. A manuscript is international, peer reviewed, open access, on-line and it rejected without peer review if it does not comply with has no publication fees. AS publishes high quality re- the instructions for authors or if it is beyond the scope of search papers on any aspect of mites, including anatomy, the journal. Throughout all entire processes, editors fol- behaviour, biodiversity, biological control, ecology, medi- low the code of conduct and best practice guidelines for cal acarology, morphology, phylogeny, physiology, sys- journal editors designed by Committee on Publication tematics, veterinary acarology and zoogeography. The Ethics (COPE). journal also invites the submission of case studies, mono- graphs, revisions, reviews, catalogues, checklists, descrip- Publication tions of taxa and nomenclature for consideration. Formally, accepted manuscripts for publication are sent Types of Papers to the language editor to verify the spelling. Only spelling checked manuscripts are proofed. Before publication, the Based on its length and scientific importance, two catego- galley proofs are always sent to the authors for correc- ries of papers are considered. AS publishes full-length tions. If necessary, you will be prompted to register your research paper as Research Article. AS may publish Short paper with ZooBank at proof stage in order to validate Note such as interesting field observations, case studies, electronic publication of your article. After publication, reports of pre-studies that can pioneer further studies, you will need to amend your ZooBank record of your faunal records. The papers being less than three-four paper to reflect the date of publication. manuscript pages are generally considered as a short note. They should have the same structure such as full- There are no page charges for publishing with AS. length papers with an abstract of no more than 150 Work Containing Nomenclatural Acts words, and no main titles. The editor reserves the right to decide or convert that any manuscript be treated as a The requirements for electronic publications are that the short note. AS also publishes review papers. The editor work be registered in ZooBank before it is published. This may invite review articles concerning recent develop- is a recent change to the International Code of Zoological ments in particular areas of Acarology. Nomenclature (ICZN). 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