1 Issue: 1 Year: 2019
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Volume: 1 Issue: 1 Year: 2019 Designed by Müjdat TÖS Acarological Studies Vol 1 (1) CONTENTS Information on AS Editorial A new inspiration for acarological life: Acarological Studies ............................................................................................................. 1-2 Salih DOĞAN Articles A new species of the genus Zercon (Acari, Mesostigmata, Zerconidae) from Kastamonu, Turkey ........................... 3-10 Raşit URHAN, Mehmet KARACA Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) infesting some wild animals and humans in Turkey: notes on a small collection ....... 11-15 Adem KESKİN, Ahmet Yesari SELÇUK, Haluk KEFELİOĞLU A new species of the genus Ledermuelleriopsis Willmann (Acari: Stigmaeidae) from Turkey ................................. 16-19 Mustafa AKYOL, Melis Pınar GÜL First record of the rotundabaloghid mites (Acari: Mesostigmata) in Sierra Leone with the description of a new species ........................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20-22 Jenő KONTSCHÁN The prevalence and intensity of Demodex folliculorum and D. brevis (Acari: Demodicidae) in patients with ocu- lar dandruff ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 23-43 Yasin SARI, Erhan ZEYTUN, Salih DOĞAN, Yücel KARAKURT Short Notes Two new records of the genus Hydryphantes (Acari: Hydrachnidia) for the Turkish fauna ..................................... 44-47 Yunus ESEN, Abdullah MART, Orhan ERMAN New occurrence of the mite genus Columbicheyla Thewke and Enns (Acari, Cheyletidae) in Turkey ................. 48-50 Salih DOĞAN, Sibel DOĞAN, Burcu KABASAKAL Acarological Studies Aim and Scope script. The editor will decide the acceptance or rejection of the manuscripts according to these referees. However, The aim of the journal Acarological Studies (AS) is to pro- a manuscript may be rejected without external review by mote acarological research worldwide. The journal is the editor thinking it as unacceptable. A manuscript is international, peer reviewed, open access, on-line and it rejected without peer review if it does not comply with has no publication fees. AS publishes high quality re- the instructions for authors or if it is beyond the scope of search papers on any aspect of mites, including anatomy, the journal. Throughout all entire processes, editors fol- behaviour, biodiversity, biological control, ecology, medi- low the code of conduct and best practice guidelines for cal acarology, morphology, phylogeny, physiology, sys- journal editors designed by Committee on Publication tematics, veterinary acarology and zoogeography. The Ethics (COPE). journal also invites the submission of case studies, mono- graphs, revisions, reviews, catalogues, checklists, descrip- Publication tions of taxa and nomenclature for consideration. Formally, accepted manuscripts for publication are sent Types of Papers to the language editor to verify the spelling. Only spelling checked manuscripts are proofed. Before publication, the Based on its length and scientific importance, two catego- galley proofs are always sent to the authors for correc- ries of papers are considered. AS publishes full-length tions. If necessary, you will be prompted to register your research paper as Research Article. AS may publish Short paper with ZooBank at proof stage in order to validate Note such as interesting field observations, case studies, electronic publication of your article. After publication, reports of pre-studies that can pioneer further studies, you will need to amend your ZooBank record of your faunal records. The papers being less than three-four paper to reflect the date of publication. manuscript pages are generally considered as a short note. They should have the same structure such as full- There are no page charges for publishing with AS. length papers with an abstract of no more than 150 Work Containing Nomenclatural Acts words, and no main titles. The editor reserves the right to decide or convert that any manuscript be treated as a The requirements for electronic publications are that the short note. AS also publishes review papers. The editor work be registered in ZooBank before it is published. This may invite review articles concerning recent develop- is a recent change to the International Code of Zoological ments in particular areas of Acarology. Nomenclature (ICZN). The papers published in Zootaxa and Zookeys by International Commission on Zoological Submission Process Nomenclature (2012) explain how to do this, to make the Manuscripts must be submitted to the journal AS through new names available. Here is the web site for registration the online system of TÜBİTAK-ULAKBİM JournalPark, of your paper in ZooBank: http://zoobank.org/. We re- which provides online hosting services for academic mind you that the data entered in ZooBank are your re- journals, at http://dergipark.gov.tr/acarolstud. Other sponsibility and we thank you making sure that the in- correspondence can be made to the chief editor: E-mail: formation provided is accurate and complete. [email protected] ICZN Code – Article 8.5.3. To be considered published, a All authors agree to its submission and the corresponding work issued and distributed electronically must be regis- author has been authorized by co-authors. It should be tered in the Official Register of Zoological Nomenclature declared that neither the manuscript nor its main con- (ZooBank) and contain evidence in the work itself that such tents have already been published or concurrently being registration has occurred. considered for publication elsewhere. The authors should Open Access Policy comply with ethical rules. The authors are encouraged to follow the ethical guidelines of Committee on Publication Acarological Studies provides full open access to acarolog- Ethics (COPE). The copyright release form must be signed ical information. by the corresponding author on behalf of all authors (click Privacy Statement here to download the copyright form). The names and e-mail addresses entered in AS site will be Peer Review used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal All manuscripts submitted for publication in AS will be and will not be made available for any other purpose or to pre-reviewed by the editor. Manuscripts that fall outside any other party. Responsibility for technical content and the aims and scope of the journal, are inadequate in terms for protection of proprietary material rests solely with of language and writing, not original worthy or not the author(s) and their organizations and is not the re- enough for requirements of a scientific study, will be re- sponsibility of the publisher, journal or its editorial staff. jected or may be requested some revisions at this initial All papers published in AS are licensed under a Creative stage. Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives4.0 After initial evaluation, the manuscript will be double International License. This license is allowing others to blind peer reviewed by at least two independent expert download your works and share them with others as long referees. If there are inconsistencies between the refer- as they credit you, but they cannot change them in any ees, more reviewers will be asked to review the manu- way or use them commercially. i Acarological Studies Archiving following order: title, abstract, keywords; introduction, material and methods, results and discussion, acknowl- AS uses LOCKSS system in order to create a distributed edgments, references, tables with captions on individual archiving system among the participating libraries and to pages and figure captions. The figures should be saved provide a basis for these libraries to construct permanent separately from the text. The file of main manuscript does archives with preserving and restoration aims. LOCKSS is not contain identification information about the authors an open-source, library-led digital preservation system such as name, e-mail address, affiliation and etc. (click built on the principle that “lots of copies keep stuff safe”. here to download template file of the main text). Information for Readers Abstract We encourage readers to sign up for the publishing notifi- The abstract should present the general scope, and give cation service for this journal. Use the register link at the summarize information on the main results and conclu- top of the home page for the journal. This registration will sions of the paper. In the manuscripts written in Turkish, result in the reader receiving the table of contents by the abstract in English must be included in addition to the email for each new issue of the journal. This list also al- Turkish abstract. Any new names or new combinations lows the journal to claim a certain level of support or proposed in the manuscript should be referred in the readership. See the journal's privacy statement, which abstract. The abstract should not exceed 350 words, and assures readers that their name and e-mail address will not contain citations. not be used for other purposes. Keywords Information for Librarians Keywords are used for indexing purposes. For this reason, We encourage the librarians to list this journal among it is better to give keywords that are not present at the their library's electronic journal