Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGIONAL OFFICE V SCHOOLS DIVISION OF NAGA CITY April 12, 2021 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. ________134 s. 2021 DATA ON THE PREPARATION, DISTRIBUTION, AND RETRIEVAL OF, AND STRATEGIC INTERVENTIONS ON QUARTER 2 SELF-LEARNING MODULES To: SDO, CID, and SGOD Personnel Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All Others Concerned 1. This has reference to DepEd Order No. 12, s. 2020, Adoption of Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan in the light of Covid-19 Public Health Emergency, DepEd Order No. 18, s. 2020, Policy Guidelines for the Provision of Learning Resources in the Implementation of the Basic Education Learning Continuity, and Regional Memorandum on the Distribution and utilization of the regionally-developed Self- Learning Modules, which mandated for the monitoring and evaluation of the self- learning modules and continuous feedback-gathering on its implementation from the ROs through the CLMD, the SDOs through the Curriculum Implementation Division (CID), and the schools. 2. In keeping with the said issuances, hereto attached are consolidated significant data gathered from the monitoring and evaluation, specifically showing the quarter 2 preparation, distribution, and retrieval of modules of DepEd Naga City public elementary and secondary schools. Also attached are consolidated lists of strategic interventions utilized/implemented by different schools/teachers which are deemed appropriate to diverse groups of challenged learners, and can serve as good sources of information/ideas/strategies for school supervisors, teachers, and other decision-makers. 3. For information and dissemination. MARIANO B. DE GUZMAN, CESO VI OIC, Schools Division Superintendent Address :Roxas Avenue, Triangulo, Naga City Tel.
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