ANNIVERSARY ISSUE Nonito “The Filipino Flash” Donaire AP One Year Has Passed Since the Inaugural Issue of Photo, Eric Gay Waves

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ANNIVERSARY ISSUE Nonito “The Filipino Flash” Donaire AP One Year Has Passed Since the Inaugural Issue of Photo, Eric Gay Waves NOVEMBER 2013 Vol. 2 No.11 Eternal rest grant unto their souls Photograph: Ryan Lim/AP/Malacanang Photo Bureau A PERFECT STORM By a. f. soriano Yolanda's aftermath: Death and Destruction Cyclones (called typhoons in the Murderous typhoon Yolanda (code tropics and hurricanes in the west- named Haiyan) was not only a mass ern hemisphere) are measured PRES.AQUINO DECLARES killer or a powerful destructive through a universally-accepted sys- monster of a weather disturbance tem called the Dvorak scale wherein STATE OF NATIONAL but is considered by weather ex- a cyclone is measured from a low of perts as the “Perfect Storm”. 1.0 scale to the maximum 8.0. CALAMITY By Waves News Staff Hours before it made landfall in The day before, Florida meteorolo- President Benigno “Noynoy” Aquino the state of calamity will remain in Leyte and Eastern Samar on Novem- gist Brian Mcnoldy tweeted and re- has declared a state of national ca- force until lifted by the president. ber 8, scientists and weather au- ported that Haiyan (typhoon Yolan- lamity in the aftermath of the death Yolanda cut a wide swath of de- thorities monitoring via satellite the da) achieved a rare mark. and massive devastation brought by struction across Eastern Visayas storm’s movement, reported that super typhoon “Haiyan” or Yolanda. “Haiyan” (which means seabird in including neighboring provinces in the disturbance has gathered con- Speaking on national television, the Chinese) has achieved tropical CY- Western Visayas with Samar, Leyte, siderable strength and power. president said it was necessary to (Continued on page 3) Capiz, Iloilo, Cebu hardest hit, as “expedite the government’s rescue, well as faraway places like Palawan, relief and rehabilitation efforts in Surigao, Aklan, the Bicol region and Relief aid continues to pour in provinces devastated by Yolanda”. some parts of Southern Tagalog. The international community has and extended his sympathy through Proclamation no.682 mandates that responded quickly to the succor of this message: (Continued on page 3) typhoon Haiyan relief efforts with “Michelle and I are deeply saddened about 33 countries and organiza- by the loss of life and extensive dam- Donaire TKO’s foe: Dedicates win tions pledging financial and materi- age done by super typhoon, al aid to the Philippines. to hard struck Philippines ‘Yolanda’, but I know the incredible President Barrack Obama has sent a resiliency of the Philippine people Former world champion Nonito contingent of marines and sailors to “The Filipino Flash” Donaire dedi- (Continued on page 7) help out in search and rescue efforts cated his victory to the Philippines after stopping Armenian fighter Vic The latest Typhoon ‘Yolanda’ stats Darchinyan in the ninth round of their November 9 featherweight showdown in Corpus Christi, Texas. DEATHS 3,621 PEOPLE AFFECTED 11.3 M Donaire said he drew strength and MISSING 1,140 PEOPLE NEEDING FOOD 2.5 M inspiration from his fellow Filipi- nos, thousands of whom are dealing INJURED 12,165 HOUSES DESTROYED 80,047 with the aftermath of super ty- DISPLACED 673,000 phoon Yolanda. FULL STORY ON PAGE 5 ANNIVERSARY ISSUE Nonito “The Filipino Flash” Donaire AP One year has passed since the inaugural issue of Photo, Eric Gay Waves. In our maiden November 2012 issue, there were two significant take-offs: PAL’s first Inside Pages non-stop to Toronto and the first issue of Waves Facts: Snapshot of Philippine Typhoon crisis Page 3 news. The publication has changed its name from Libreto (2009-2012) to Waves. Mass Burial in Tacloban Page 3 The name change has been most welcomed by EDITORIAL: Time to Act Now Page 4 the readers and advertisers. Referred by many as When Stealing is not a Sin: A Child steals the Pope’s show Page 14 the “feel good” newspaper, the past year has seen continuous growth in Waves readership and ad- Maya and ‘Sir Chief’ starts to embrace feelings Page 25 vertisements. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR READERS & ADVER- TISERS FOR YOUR CONTINUED SUPORT. And more…. November 2013 2 TO ADVERTISE please email at [email protected] With his proven TRACK RECORDS, this concert will be a hit! November 2013 3 Manila Feedback TO ADVERTISE please email at [email protected] Facts: Snapshot of Philippine Mass Burial in Tacloban typhoon crisis for over 400 victims Agence France-Presse MANILA - Here is a snapshot of the dire situation on the worst-hit islands of the Phil- ippines after Super Typhoon Haiyan -- one of the strong- est storms ever recorded -- left tens of thousands dead, missing or homeless: LEYTE ISLAND Around 1.7 million people live on the hard-hit island, A young man helps in unloading the body bags from a truck for the whose provincial capital mass burial. Tacloban was shattered by Friday's category-five In an interview, Tacloban do that. But I doubt it. I’m storm. Vicious winds and The devastation of the first landfall by typhoon Haiyan in Guiuan, mayor Alfred Romualdez not sure how much (bodies) waves up to five metres (16 Eastern Samar province Photograph: Bullit Marquez/AP said that they still lack coor- we can collect.” dination, manpower and feet) high flattened homes Dr. Reynaldo Romero of the mobilization towards col- and left countless bodies telling an AFP journalist industry. National Bureau of Identifi- lecting, transporting and strewn across the city. that armed men were cation (Disaster Victim BORACAY ISLAND burying as much dead bod- United Nations humanitari- threatening to kill fellow Identification Unit) explains survivors for food. The popular resort island of ies. an chief Valerie Amos said that “This is a temporary Boracay, near Panay, suf- there were fears that some CEBU ISLAND “More or less, we are target- mass burial site for future fered extensive damage 10,000 of the city's 220,000 ing 400 to 500 bodies that identification processing. At least 56 people died with debris from shattered people were killed. An earli- will be buried. But our tar- What is important is to give when the typhoon hit the beachfront stalls scattered er estimate by a regional get, hopefully by the end of the victims proper burial northern edge of the central all over its powdery-white police chief said 10,000 may the day, is we will be able to and dignity.” island of Cebu, which is pop- sands. have died in the whole prov- ular with foreign holiday- ince. PALAWAN ISLAND (Continued from page 1) trucks that were tossed makers. around like matchsticks. Tacloban has been the focal Much of Palawan, a largely PRES. AQUINO DECLARES The urbanised capital of Ce- point of relief efforts. On unspoilt wilderness, es- STATE OF CALAMITY…. As of press time, close to a bu City, considered the Monday about 90 US ma- caped the worst of Haiyan million persons were affect- country's second most im- rines arrived aboard two US but the island's northern ed by the tragedy. portant trading centre, was The death toll according to military C-130 transport edge was hit, including not badly affected, but there official figures announced The international communi- planes packed with relief Coron town, a high-end are fears for other parts of by President Aquino himself ty has responded quickly supplies. tourist spot. The town's the island, which has a pop- was hovering between responded with some 32 mayor Clara Reyes said nine SAMAR ISLAND ulation of around 866,000. 1,500 to 2,500, although countries pledging various people had been killed and earlier estimates placed the amount of financial and ma- Aerial photos of Samar, MALAPASCUA ISLAND that the town would run out number at 10,000. terial assistance. where Haiyan first made of food in two days. A small island of about landfall packing winds of In one Leyte coastal town Canada has contributed ini- 3,000 people popular The storm destroyed 90 315 kilometres (195 miles) alone, 1,000 dead bodies tially $5 million and is also among divers. The typhoon percent of Coron, knocking an hour, show whole littered the streets some of matching every dollar con- smashed houses, resorts out power, contaminating stretches of coast reduced them hanging atop trees tributed or donated by Ca- and restaurants. One wom- the water supply and dam- to matchwood. according to news reports nadians to registered chari- an recalled "the winds were aging the airport, leaving from Manila. ties. The governor of the island so strong. The roofs went about 400 tourists stranded. has said that 433 people flying, the boats were Tacloban city, the center A Disaster Response Team NEGROS ISLAND were known to have died, thrown into the trees". Au- and capital of Leyte prov- (DART) to help in the rescue The sugar-growing centre of although that number was thorities say they do not ince was completely de- and relief operations has the Philippines prepared almost certain to rise. know if there were any cas- stroyed as it bore the brunt already arrived in Tacloban extensively for the storm, ualties. of what is considered as the bringing with them medical Guiuan, the first place to evacuating over 89,000 peo- strongest and powerful supplies and other materi- experience the full brunt of PANAY ISLAND ple from their homes in case tropical cyclone ever to oc- als, including water purify- Haiyan, was last week a bus- of flooding. The island, Around 200 people are cur in the world in this year ing systems. tling community of 47,000 home to four million people, known to have died on Pa- 2013. people but late Monday a escaped relatively un- Earlier, the United States nay, home to more than 3.9 grim picture began to scathed and no deaths have Desperation and hunger had has deployed a contingent of million people, many of emerge, with one resident so far been reported.
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